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I hope this gets to you with a blessed heart!

I had to say hello since your smile

caught my eyes.I know this letter might come as a surprise to you but i was
inspired to do so because your profile was really captivating and so helpful to
what am looking for in a partner.I will like to introduce myself.I was glancing
through profiles when your beautiful smile i see in your picture got me attracted
while your lovely profile had me send you an email..My personalities are..I'm
loyal, honest and forth right, which sometimes gets me into trouble.Life's too
short not to be happy and it's what you decide to make it. I'm creative and
outgoing, strong and independent, I take care of those I love but don't mind being
cared for in not sure how often i can get on here but i do check my e-
mail very often,if you would like to give me a chance to be your friend,you can add
me on chat messenger and my id on yahoo alvin.bowles will like to hear from you
and get to know you better, My email is Hope to hear
from you soon
Even if it just to say Hi ... I will write you back to let you know that i got your
email.Am not often on this site and will be glad if you respond to my regular email


Hi pretty @};-@};-, how are you doing.. I'm Jeff,from singlesprantmeet here's my
profile name {dateu4real_007}I hope you get this email finds you well, I was
glancing through profiles when your gorgeous picture got me attracted while your
lovely words had me write you, I really was marveled reading your profile and i
enjoyed doing so... The first thing that came to my mind when i saw your picture
was..''re drop dead GORGEOUS.. Lol... So i thought i would take out time to
introduce myself i work for building cont Home...the first thing that came out of
me was how Pretty u are and i really wish to gets to know u much better i am a Kind
of Man that is very Attentive, calm, caring, communicative, compassionate,
considerate, courteous, flexible, friendly, gentle, honest, kind, loving, loyal,
modest, responsible, romantic, sensitive, sympathetic, sincere, sociable,
thoughtful, writing you for the sake of being a friend i believe in
true love,and i hope you also have the same believe..please write me soon! lets
walk down life's path together! well i would be counting sec to hear back from
u...Till I hear from you. Regards
Jeff..... @};-%%-:x
Here is my yahoo messenger ID singlesheart4love009 you can add me Up so we could
get to chat better, You can always send an email to my personal E-mail Address via
[] or you would also email me thought

I enjoy my career and believe it is important that we enjoy what we do� yet, who
you are is far more important to me than what you do� only how you do it is of
value to me.

I love new adventures and believe everyone should have the opportunity to
see/experience once in a life time scenes and places, this is my first time down
here in Africa and it has been a great chance to see the beauty of the part of the
world... Africa has gotten lots of beautiful culture but it is nothing like home, i
miss home so much and cant wait to come back home as soon as my work is
accomplished in few wks.I enjoy every aspects of life , get busy , exploring
possible location for my next dream
I know you're a very beautiful and charming woman dear and you must have so many
men trying to knock at the door of your heart.. You met anyone down here in West
Africa online before? I plan to settle down with my special woman if she cross my start a new long life journey with that special one, i enjoy been around
my someone special coz am a family orientated man and like lots of fun around the
house.. I like compliments, i believe compliments can make someone day..

Closer to home, I am looking for someone to share life with, to play with, to
encourage and who will encourage me, and who I understand is I am.
I'm looking for a woman that is down to earth, has a general positive outlook, is
focused outward towards others, likes to hug and wants her partner to be her best
friend. In a woman I value character, kindness, honesty, communication, trust,
shared values, faith, companionship, intellectual compatibility... and that quality
that can't be articulated that draws two people together in a substantial way:
mental chemistry.

Always follow the possibilities that come into your path as you never know which
will lead you to what it is you seek, and if you are lucky, so much more!You never
know what life will bring for sure but I am open and exicted to the possibilities
that life has to offer,every day is a new learn and experience
something new

I feel that no matter the distance if you can find one great person where you have
the chemistry and a good connection then there is no distance too far away.Distance
shouldn't stop two people from being together if they have that "special
something". That's why we need to get to know each other, if you want to take the
time.i look forward to learning more about you. u r so rare and such a pleasure,
meeting youwill be ecstacy

Tell me more about you and your family dear.. do you live alone? kids,ages and
name... what about your parents, do you live close to them? are you the only child,
tell me more about you and your background, ethincity

Well am the only child of my parents.. i was born and raised with a short stay in
Italy but my parents relocated to UK where i grew up... am of half Italian and
English descent.My father's parents were from Italy[Naples and Genoa] and my
father's dad was from Lancashire, England.My father's mother was Swedish..I lost my
both parents few year ago due my mom broke her hips and died in the nursing and my
dad due to cancer.. I feel so bad since they have been gone, I feel part of my
world is gone.. I miss them so much

My Father is a strong, silent type. Always respectful of others, a strong work

ethic, a thirst for knowledge and resilience in life. This I learned from him. My
mother is a kind and compassionate person, who puts others first, always comes from
a place of caring and kindness. She has an understated strength, resilience and
determination. These are the characteristics I have inherited from her. Somewhere
along the way I life became "all about the pretty" for me. Thus I work to present
myself at my best, in appearance and actions. I love beautiful things, whether its
the site of the dew on fresh pink roses, an evening sunset, the way my home looks
or the way I long as its beautiful, I'm happy.

I�m grateful for the values my parents instilled in me and more grateful for God
haven given me the strength and fortitude to carry it through; not just for that
one moment in time, but for the life I now lead. I am a strong, independent,
forgiving, passionate, loving, generous man full of life and hope. I place more
emphasis on the details of a relationship, more than on the results. If the details
are present, then the results are eminent.
My Mother was retired and is well read. She has been my mentor with my education
and career. My Father has been my role model for how and what makes a man
respectful in this time. He is graceful and well dressed and has been this way all
my life. I learn much from him on how to be presentable, respectful and Masculine,
My father is my Hero

Tell me more abt you... age/ do you drink/smoke what is your heights? what is the
colour of your eyes, sorry i think you never ask a woman her age:X

Physical appearance is not the most important thing for me in looking for a
partner. Our compatibility and my partner�s character are much more important to

I'm 46yrs and so many people tell me i dont look my age and i guess it is because
of the best shape i keep myself and healthy food, i stand 5'9 and about
190lbs.Little salt and pepper hair /brown eyes,curly hairs.I was born as a child in
Italy..i attended a college had my asociates' degree in Management Info. Systems &
Business Data.I'm very laid-white and down-to-earth. I'm also very old-fashioned
when it comes to my respect and treatment for women.I'm a social wine drinker but a
non-smoker,have a great sence of humor and like to spend time with someone i Love,
and loved ones.

I will like to know more about your marital life.. how many times have you been
married? how long have you been alone and what happen to your marriage.. tell me
more about your past relationship

I, too, have been hurt quite badly in the past, but I choose to try and move
forward and find the type of life that God wants me to lead. I believe in love
everlasting, I believe in spending the rest of my life with someone and i know that
there is someone out there who won't hurt me, won't make me be someone I'm not,
will accept my good and bad sides and will let me be a strong man at times and a
little boy at times. Will want to take care of me when I need it, but know enough
about me to know that I don't always need it. Will do special things for me just
because they want to, not because they feel they have to and let me do the same for

I want to be happy with a woman who will love me inside and out. beauty is great,
but i want the beauty inside of me to be seen.>:D<:-*I would love to be my woman's
best friend, share everything, have total honesty and trust. I am not a jealous
person and I would not give my woman anything to be jealous for. I am a concerned
person. I love to hear about your day, what's bothering you and what your dreams
are. I am looking to be a team with someone..I do not hold anything against another
woman, I know there are many good women out there. I am stronger because of that
bad relationship... God had a purpose for me and it gave me strength. What I am
looking for now is to build a friendship and yes lead to a very, very serious
relationship and yes I will take another chance and marry again!a person should not
hinder themselves on the past, the past is just that... we can only learn from it
and move on. New experiences and new memories; happy ones

While I was reading your statement I had my hand raised like a school kid wanting
to answer the teachers question.... that's me!... I want to be all your desires..
everything you need and want..

I will never forget the relationships before because I�m just that kind of person,
but I do know that I have enough love and forgiveness in my heart for someone else.
well my ex did stupid things, i was thinking she was nice i didn't know she was the
devil herself, that mend away with my heart and made me go through so much
emotional trauma, I give her whatever she needs,she just changed all of a sudden
due to the kind of friend she mingle with bad company smokes,come home late being
drunk, flex around with men,then one day i caught her sleeping with a man in my
house she pleaded and i forgived her the second time i caught her sleeping with my
best friend, i fainted and was rushed to the hospital, i was unconscious for 3
days,that is what the doctor said to me, I went through alot....

What matters most to me in a relationship? I would say respect, not just for or of
me, for yourself and everyone in your life. Life is far too short and too precious
to load it down with people that you cannot respect. With respect everything else
seems to fall into place� and honesty� they should go hand in hand.

When i was in the hospital she came visiting a couple of times, but the doctor
wouldn't let anyone see me.. after i got out of the hospital she tried to plead for
the second time, but i didn't take her back, we got divorced... after the divorce
was final she made away with some of my money, neither have i seen my best friend
who she was cheating on me with.. i have not seen nore my ex friend till this day.
We were married for 15years and have been divorced now for 4years, the most
annoying part is she haven't been calling to check up on her own child.. I dont see
that happening ever.. I need that special someone in my life, i am tired of being
lonely i need somone to love me for whom i am, i promise to make my woman happy

I love Vera so much and I'm trying to raise her to be one of the rare breed out
there: a gentle-lady who owns her words, who is independent, self-confident, knows
her worth, loves God, treats people, and especially men & older people with
respect, focused, disciplined, be playful, be fun, sense of humor ~ always and be a
warrior with a tender heart .....

THANKS TO GOOD PARENTING, my Faith & my Martial Arts background, I have been raised
with Morals and good Gentleman qualities. I'm a single father and I'm blessed &
proud to raise my daughter for a successful future.

best/true friend -- that would be the person who knows everything. The person who
if you get arrested, would be handcuffed to you; the person who has the box of
tissues, when you are going thru issues; the person who will always tell you what
you need to hear -- the absolute truth! Like a perfect pair of gloves -- one left
hand, one right hand-- different, but the same!

I thought my ex loved me, but she had to break my heart for me to know what true
love really is. I believe the best thing about loving and being hurt is that you
get to know what true love really is. For as gold is tested in fire, and so will
love be perfected in pain, - Love, an emotion so strong that you would give up
everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special.
To know that you can feel what love really is; to know, to feel, to love - To love
someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart
and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go if you can't
do this... i hope you understand all that, I'm searching for TRUE LOVE...

i have been married once but it never went out for good, the only good thing was my
daugther who mean the world to me and i do truelly love her.. we're so close and i
do want her to always be happy because she is part of me..i do want a woman who
will help me brought her up for a very respective lady, someone that will teach her
great morals...;;)I have a big heart, litterally and figuratively. I would love to
find someone who would love, respect, be considerate, and be my best friend I love
to hear genuine laughter. I demand honesty in a relationship. I believe that bad
times aren't as bad with someone special and good times are even better

Well my ex was not honest with me and she was caught on bed with my best friend and
ever since i have vowed never to get married again because i have been hurts badly
and that gives me bad Impression abt all women but my daughter make me to
Understand that All woman are not the same and i do believe in soul mate... Moreso
this life is very short and i do want to get married again because i am afriad of
growing old alone and i know that God has the right woman for me when the time

For my hobbies,I like camping,fishing,cycling,biking,movies,golf,all kinds of

sports{like the indoors too but i'm mostly an ourdorsey}i also like the city life.I
take a walk out when the weather's mild,but go to the pool or mostly the beach when
it's sunny...

I learned a lot from being married. I know I believe in marriage and think with
the right person and open communication, a little hard work, and a lot of faith,
marriage can be a wonderful experience. But, both people need to be honest with
themselves and each other. I have not given up hope in finding my soul mate, best
friend, confidant, and lover.

The one I can tell my inner most fears to and know she will be there for me through
the good and the not so good sometimes i would like to be a little Boy again so i
could believe that someday my knight in shiney armor would rided in an recuse me
from the world and we would ride off on his white horse into the sunset

I also believe that when you have that one true love....the one that you have been
waiting your whole life for and you finally find them and the love is undeniable
anything that you do can be romantic, just there will be times that the romance
will be elevated and the passion higher, but romance will always be felt whether
together or apart.

well, it is said that when a relationship ends and youve tried your best, God
knows, it is best to move on, there is someone waiting, someone special, until then
we have our life to rebuild, to do unto others, to bring joy, even to those we have
left behind. The universe has a funny way of circling. Rotating, we can not go back
unless it is forseen. There are no ryhmn or reason to love. You either love or you

I'm Divorced and completely unattahced and would be glad if i encounter a woman of
high calibar,good attitude,self respect and ambition....A woman who knows what she
wants and know how to get it.She has to be understanding and sincere that way a
relationship would be smoother........

I'm into friendship,relationship or marriage depends on who i meet...I am looking

for someone is secure and who knows what they want in a man. I want someone who is
not afraid of commitment, someone who can communicate well, both with words and
feelings, and someone who will treat me as an equal and not an object. A good
sense of humor, outgoing, likes horses, and all other animals too. A romantic
person and someone who is not afraid to cook dinner once in a while. Someone who
will walk beside me and not in front of or behind me. Someone who loves kids,
travel, and is able to get dirty one minute and put on a suit and tie, to go out
the next minute. Diversity, maturity, stability in their job, and just an all-
around good women.

A magic relationship, a special place in the world... you know when you are sad,
when you feel alone, when the world look out so terrible, when pleople punch or
even kill each other..... then you need some place to run away, some play there you
can feel save, there you can feel that nothing, none can touch you, hurt you....
exactly that is a family for me.... I want a family, my home.....full with
tenderness, sincerity, faithfullness... and love of course a lot of love

I considers myself a good-looking, i do believe in soulmates and i know that God

has the right woman for me when the time comes, a nice person as well. With my
friends i communicate and sociable. In the couple partnership i am affectionate
and romantic, friend and confident. i'm open-minded and cheerful. i work hard and i
wants to grow both in my job both personally. i am romantic, caring, faithful,
jalous of what i love. i hope to find and meet a lady to fall in love with..
clever, communicative, honest and ready for commitments But also i would like her
to be sweet, sportive, faithful, caring, comprehensive, family lover, elegant,
cheerful. With whom plan his future, a nice family with strong feelings.

I'm kind and sincere, loving and careful. I'm Divorce and living with my little
angel. My wife was not honest with me and she was caugth on bed with my best friend
So I taked care of my princess alone almost all the time but it was marvellous
anyway. Of course after 4 years, I feel that My body, my blood and my soul need to
love again: Is the reason because I'm looking for a special woman... someone who
need to be loved, someone who need kisses and caress, someone who need a big hug
like I need all that. We are a family with my sweet Vera but we miss a wife and a
mother and we know that you are out there

I believe God has a set path for us from the moment we're born and as we grow and
travel thru life all our experiences are stepping stones to what is yet to come, we
may not always understand but in time understanding comes. And you are right fate
can be a powerful thing beyond anyones control.

Am trully tired of been alone, life is very short and i want to live the rest of my
life happily and a life full of live,everyone needs someone...even if it is that
little brush against when they are cooking, or washing the dishes.....the kiss on
the back of the neck as you walk past, the hand crossing your back as you walk is the small things that I miss so dearly...

I like being with someone who is not afraid to hold my hand or touch me or kiss me
gently out in public. I don't mean groping, just a gentle kiss or touch. I don't
think it is much to ask for, but seems like anyone I have been with doesn't want
people to know I am with them! Don't walk in front of me and don't treat me like
the plague. It gets sad being alone especially around the holidays and during the
evenings. I LOVE to do everything with my woman... ride bikes, work out, go to the
beach, shoot pool, everything!

I've wanted someone who cared about me and understood my feelings; someone who
would listen to my worries and try to help ease my way through them. Someone who
would be patient with me when I needed a little more time and tolerance; someone
who did not expect or demand that I try to be someone I am not, or who wouldn't try
to manipulate me into their idea of a perfect mate.

I've wanted someone who knows how to give and not just on special occasions or when
its easy or convenient, but everyday whenever there was a moment we could share.
Someone who would make time for me regardless of busy or hectic schedules.

I want to know I matter and that I was more important than a business deal. Someone
who knows what love and being loved means and who will allow themselves every
opportunity to enjoy those wonderful feelings. Someone who has hopes and dreams
about happiness and the future, just as I do.

would like someone that will love and respect me for who I am, that likes to hold
my hand and surprize me with a little kiss when I least expect it,or give me a wink
from across the room to let me know her thinking about me just to let me know her
thinking about me... Because I will be doing the same

I would love someone who is fun to be around, likes to laugh, joke around, enjoy
being outdoors going for long romantic walks, enjoys looking at the stars at night,
and watching the sun set and rise over the ocean.

I am looking for someone that enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do. I
would like to meet someone special that I can grow old with, and that we can always
look into each other's eyes and know that the love between us is just as wonderful
and exciting as the day we met

want to love a woman for who her is, to spoil her, and love her, and let her know
just how much her means to me, by the little things I do or say to make her feel
special. While at the same time she treats me in the same way....with love and

I am looking for that special someone that I can spend the rest of my life with and
grow old together. Even on our worst day we will still be happy in love and can
work through anything that comes our way. We will spend countless romantic days and
evenings together just enjoying every minute of our time together.

I definitely want to find someone that is stable and secure and really knows how to
treat someone special. I want to find that person that I can't wait to talk to and
I can't wait to come home to, and that feels the same way

I am looking for someone that is down to earth, but can also be spontaneous,
someone that likes to travel, likes sports, and loves kids. If you like to dance
that is a plus but not someone that is into the club scene

I am a true romantic and believe that there is such a thing as a soul mate, but
they are not easily found... out of millions of people those 2 souls must meet by
chance and circumstance. I believe that you should consider your soul mate, your
best friend and be able to talk about any and everything, not feel strange if there
is silence between you. I feel true love and connection doesn't require constant
talking, as a glance or longing stare says every thing and more than words could
ever convey. I believe in holding hands, and public displays of affection, as I
would want everyone to know that the person who I am with is truly special to me. I
believe that being able to be your true self with someone with out judgment is one
of the best things in life.

I am honest always as there is nothing that I can think of that would make it
wrong. I have a very off beat sense of humor and I am quick with wit, one of the
happiest things to feel is laughter until the tears stream down your cheeks, I find
humor in almost everything, but never take anyone feelings lightly. I am an astute
listener as I also believe that if it is important enough for you to say,

it is important enough for me to listen, and take heed in what is being said. I too
am not a night life person, I prefer to stay home or be someplace special with my
someone special. I am ready to find that someone who can appreciate all of things I
have to offer and accept me as I am. I approach this renewed journey with caution
as my feelings and heart are quick to get the best of my head. However, once I give
them they are true and deep in every sense.

i'd like to meet someone really caring. i love to take care of the person i'm with.
i love to cuddle. i want someone who isn't afraid to show me how they feel. i want
someone honest and trustworthy. someone who would let me know what they want and
don't want. i'm tired of playing games.

I'm at the age where i would like to find something serious. i would like to find
mrs. right where ever she may be.

i would be lying if i said looks don't count because i need to be attracted to the
person i am with. They have to be gorgeous in my eyes. i want someone who i feel
comfortable with and who can make me laugh.

i am a romantic and i want a woman who isn't afraid to be the same. i am the type
of person that will leave a note in your Car so when you get in to go to work you
have something sweet from me to start your day and know that i'm thinking of you.

i absolutly love the water and anywhere that i can be by it especially with someone
i care about is a plus. basically i just want someone i can't live without.
distance isn't an issue for me because i want to find my soul mate and she could
be anywhere.

I'm just a regular, everyday Man in his early 46th's, who knows what he wants and
who he is. Although I can be the professional, confident and mature person that I
am, I am always myself and will always be a kid at heart.

I believe that it just wasn't my time in past relationships, but maybe it'll come
someday soon.

I have many blessings and always remember to give thanks daily. I learn more about
myself everyday and appreciate the simple things in life. I feel that it is so
important to be real and true; to be kind and giving. I was very skeptical about
internet dating, but what do I have to lose!?

It would be nice to meet my ideal match and see where that potentially leads us; a
good woman with a humble character; someone just right for me.

Someone who can find humor in everyday life, makes me laugh and can share laughter
with me, has a great sense of humor and makes me smile often.

Someone who is stable, confident, has ambition and knows what she wants. An honest
woman who also appreciates the simple things in life and is thankful for his
blessings. Hard-working and strong; affectionate and generous; has an honest and
kind heart.

A gentle lady who can also hold his own in the street. Someone who also believes in
taking time out for herself to be alone or with friends and family, both separate
from me and together with me; and of course knowing how to balance quality time
with each other. Clever and artistic. Has strong morals, values and believes in

Someone I can be both silly and serious with.. Carries herself well; hip; a well-
bride woman; an attractive demeanor and attitude; sense of style. Sensual and
Sexual. Chemistry must be strong. There's much more I'd like to say rather than
generally speaking, but I'll wait to share that with you if/when we get that

I am young,man inside and out.A real man and who believes in Love,fidelity and real
friendship, Sometimes spontaneous but always open minded ,always constant,easygoing
and lucky,fun and love to laugh. I am friendly and can be shy . I have a great
smile and nice eyes. I am looking for friends and possibly more that may lead to
long term relationship .Taking chances, is't that what life is all about. I am so
excited to see where my life is going. I have plans and goals and looking for
someone to share them with. Ready and looking for a change in the romance &

i love to move around, enjoy being outdoors going for long romantic walks, enjoys
looking at the stars at night, and watching the sun set and rise over the ocean. I
am looking for someone that enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do. I would
like to meet someone special that I can grow old with, and that we can always look
into each other's eyes and know that the love between us is just as wonderful and
exciting as the day we met I am a person who looks beyond what may be the obvious.
Character is worth more than flashiness. I honesty and a great sense of humor. I
love to laugh and to enjoy am a person who appreciates the simple things in life.I
would appreciate a person who has a good sense of who he is and a sense of
direction about where he wants to be. I can appreciate a woman who sees a man as a
friend and a partner. I love old movies and old songs. I love jazz and the arts.I
know that men and women all have an inner child within and that is why I would
appreciate days filled with fun and laughter. I respect and adhere to taking care
of business in life--family,work, community, etc

Yet, I know life involves balance. I look for the good in most situations and
choose to look for the good in others. I know that life involves give and take and
that what you seek--is that you must be willing to give and demonstrate yourself. I
am a romantic at heart. I like to be appreciated and complimented to which I would
do the same for that special someone.

Let say I am out with my friends and dancing. You are also out that night and come
into the same club I am out. You see me dancing with a woman. Once I see you I make
sure to introduce you to her. How would you feel about that? Would you believe that
it was just a dance or would you think there was something more going on?If I am
deeply attracted to someone immediately, I will trust my emotions and I am willing
to start a serious relationship right away.

looking at each others eyes, for they are the windows of the soul It is holing
hands, talking to each other with open hearts, going for walks hand in hand,
kissing, caressing each other with compassion and then if both consent maybe to the
bed. But it is getting to know each other with open hearts.

It's smelling the roses, the open fresh air setting next to each other, had holing
each other while seeing the sun set in the distance.If I am seriously drawn to
someone, I don't care about traditional matching characteristics (like a certain
age or financial status). I go for it! Health and fitness is very important to me.
I care about my health and physical well-being and I want a partner who cares as
much about theirs as I do mine

When I am in love I need to know my partner�s deepest feelings, fears and

thoughts.When it comes to romance, I believe that it is better to go for it and
risk getting burned than to hesitate and never know what might have happened.

When I want to be successful at something, I am totally committed to that effort. I

can be like that whether it is a job, a sport I play, personal life issues.If I am
in a relationship, unless there is obvious information to the contrary, I feel
secure and loved.

I expect the person I love to be honest and true to me. I don't feel the need to be
checking up on them, as suspicious thoughts almost never cross my mind.
When I start something new, I expect it to work out. I tend to get going right away
and trust that I can correct problems along the way rather than having to do long
periods of research before I begin. Just because something has failed before,
doesn't mean it will fail again. I don't let past disappointments weigh too heavily
in my expectations of future likelihood of success.

When I meet someone and there are big complications (a long commuting distance,
entanglements from a previous relationship, etc.) it doesn't deter me. I figure if
this relationship is worth having we can work just about anything out.I'm a person
who attaches emotionally to one person at a time. If I'm content in my
relationship, I couldn't be drawn out of it, or into a new relationship or into an
intimate adventure, even if the person was extremely attractive or beautiful or
even wealthy than who I am with at that time.

When I am committed to someone, I am rock solid. I never wonder about what I am

missing or whether or not I should be with someone else in a different kind of

I like to plan out everything in advance. I don't like plans being changed at the
last minute.I get upset when people change their mind at the last minute and don't
show up at a party or appointment they said they would attend - no matter how
casual the event might be. I think it's rude. It would bother me if my partner
simply decided not to do something at the last minute that we had agreed to do.


Hello Hun,

Thanks for the lovely pics you are beautiful,Just thought I'd write you a short
note to tell you how much I enjoyed meeting you. I can't recall when I had a more
pleasant time. Everything felt so natural, and you were very easy to talk to. It's
hard for me to identify what it is about you that attracts me so. I suppose it
might be the combination of your great sense of humor, your charming personality
and your good-looks. Whatever it is, I can sense its presence. You could call it
chemistry, or better yet, the possibility that we are on the same wavelength.

I really hope that our first conversation was not our last because I felt very
special when I was with you. I truly want to give our friendship a chance to grow.

Well, I guess I've said enough for the time being.Have a wonderful day and,
hopefully, I'll see you again real soon. If you get a chance, write me and tell me
your thoughts.

Until I hear from you, take care of yourself.



Hello Dearest
Dear thank you so much for the note this
morning, i feel so warm reading your short beautiful note and you make me feel so
special each time i talk to you You make my heart melts and it seems that this is
my prayer been answered.. you are very compatible to my heart desire and i do want
to take the chance and see where it leads Us baby.. You seems a very special woman
that every Man will desire have for his dream.. but i think i am the Luckiest among
the men in the world to found you first..Life is so unpredictable. Changes always
come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened that this sudden
change has turned my world upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just
hit me, but there is something really special about you It might be all the things
I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you,
qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and
loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the
big things ... the person you really are that I hope to know more someday. And it
might also be the little things ... the way you walk and all your actions. I
receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your eyes very soon when i am
back in the states If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd
probably find out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare
combination of so many special things. You are really amazing.Inside of me there is
a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive,
where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite memories are safe and
warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I
bring you there purposely just to make my day brighter. But more often, you
surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even times when I
awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when
my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger
there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting
the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wonder, they always take me to
you.Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay.
And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you.

Stay Sweet

Daily mortivation

Hello Huni,how are you doing hope your day is going smooth...Well I'm sending a
prayer To the Father up above, That he will send a Angel With comfort and love. May
you feel his presence Every night and day, While you stay close to him And follow
his way. When you get on your knee's To say your prayer's Let the Lord up above
Know how much you care If you have sinned You must tell him so Even though in your
heart You know he already knows It's up to you To come clean To live your life You
must redeem You kown he'll forgive you Because he forgives all So be sure to hit
your knee's And make that all important call..

The day you and I were born I believe God wanted us to be together. God is
motivating us to pursue a kind, a sweet, a loving, an understanding, and a caring
existence in each other�s life. I believe God loves us so much he put us together
perfectly. You are my joy, my love, and most of all my best friend. I always thank
God for giving me a person like you .

Until you reach that place to be,The place where you shall be set free.No captive
of the world, nor to be held back. But to be the one rejoicing within. While some
may be left in the darkness Of the day and night, you shall be a servant To the
most high, who died for you.The love who took the pain and remorse, So that you
could be everything you aspired to be.A saint of the word lived by faith,
Not just believing.No longer apart of the so called term where Everyone is an
individual and can do whatever.But a soul who's inner beauty is laid With the
gentle touch of sweet smelling savior.To reside in a place of such divine
direction.To live in a shelter of great perfection. The great will rise with thine
Jesus Christ.Until you reach that place to be,The place where you shall be set

Huni Do you know God is by your side?fear not you are a success already,among your
mate you will make it jesus name. Have a faith in God then he will show you the way
to live in serenity Do not fear to knock at his door because your faith will
answer through him Show your availability to him then he will give you his ability
Give your heart and soul to him then he will keep you away from all the sins Make
your life filled with faith then he will fill your life with love and affections
Make God to give you strength when you are weak then you will be free from all your
Have a long journey with God then you will be learning the truth of heaven Make God
to belief your truth that held in your mind then he will be rewarding you for your
integrity Remember, when you have a dark day then he will be there for you with a
candle to bright your soul..You are in my toughts and in my prayers...Jeff


I had a dream last night I saw you from a distance, dressed in cool white, the
sweet curves of your body outlined against the shimmering sands. As we got closer
to each other the stars shone into a myriad of twinkling lights celebrating in
harmony with joy as they felt love wafting between us.

I am now very close to you and see a smile from those ruby lips, inviting a kiss. I
take you in my arms and gaze deeply in your eyes. The look of love, the desire to
hold and cherish all mount as I hold you close. I feel the warmth of your body and
the beat of your heart. We kiss, gently at first, our lips brushing each other's
and then I feel your lips part and our tongues dance together, kissing deeper and
with passion. I can feel your heart beating faster. I bring my lips to the nape of
your neck and my hands slide down and caress the
length of your body. We part briefly and look at each other and know that we must
act on the force of our desire as our senses demand.As we lie on the white sands,
the waves lapping at our feet, I ask, "Shall we swim my darling?"

You slip off your dress and underneath you are wearing a dazzling white bikini. I
can see the swell of your breasts flowing alabaster in the moonlight. I can't tear
my eyes from you, and we kiss again more passionately than before.

I lay you down gently while your fingers unhook your bikini; my eyes gazing with
wonder upon those peaks of delight. Your nipples are getting hard and inviting. I
take one nipple in my mouth very gently, my tongue is flicking and lapping and
sucking slowly. My lips travel down your body kissing each inch, dwelling and
worshiping. Our eyes meet again, and with your smile I know that I can remove the
wispy bottom of your bikini. My body is alive with desire.

I bring my mouth to the triangle of love and nuzzle it gently with my lips. Your
legs part and I part those tender lips and dab gently with my tongue into the
honey. Your legs encircle my neck bringing my mouth even closer to you, and I drink
and probe with my tongue
filling my mouth with the juices of your love.

You seductively move and I can feel your hands now, they encircle my manhood,
stroking gently but firmly as the stiffness increases. You slide me from you and
lay me on my back, bringing your lips and encircling my manhood with the deft
strokes of your tongue, I want
you now my darling. I want to be one with you.. You straddle me and slowly bring
yourself down onto my hardness, my hands take your breasts and caress and squeeze
them. Slowly, you slide down even further, your eyes ablaze with desire. I can feel
your muscles contracting on my hardness as you rise and fall, thrusting your body
with increasing passion. As it fills you deeply, your back arches. I bring my
finger and place it just inside of you, arousing you further. Our lips meet in a
frenzy of desire, probing and dipping. I can feel a pressure building inside me. I
want to erupt inside you, electric shocks are passing through you now as floods of
orgasmic delight swamp every nerve-ending as you ride me. I cup your cheeks with my
hands squeezing you as you squeeze every drop of my love juice from me. I shudder
inside you and bring our bodies together in one last thrust of passion.

We lie together exhausted, I am still inside you as your breasts bear into my
chest, and our lips meet gently. I hold you, our bodies entwined with our love for
each other.
For timeless eons it seems we lie locked together and looking at each other with
fondness and pleasure after our wonderful union. We rise as one and run to the
waves that wash and envelope us in their invigorating freshness. I swim behind you
watching with awe as those beautiful cheeks bob up and down. You stand up, the
water cascading from your breasts and we kiss again. I can taste the magic of your
lips. My hands caress the inside of your smooth

thighs and linger as we walk slowly back to the sands of our lovemaking. I dab you
gently with the towel, my finger tracing the valley between your legs, and my mouth
in the valley of your breasts. We feel the need to love again and again, am so
sorry if this dream sound so strange to you. forgive me but the feeling re so

Hugs and kisses


You changed my world with a blink of an eye That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites
You just don't know what you have done for me You even pushed me to the best that I
can be You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love When I'm with you I will not cry even a
single a tear And your touch have chased away all of my fear You have given me a
life that I could live worthwhile
t is even better everytime you smile It so magical those things you've made To
bring back my faith that almost fade Now my life is a dream come true It all began
when I was loved by you
Now I have found what I am looking for It's you and your love and nothing more Co'z
you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt I wish I could talk 'til the end of day But
now I'm running out of things to saySo I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show

My dearest
I have missed you today. I kept thinking of the security of your arms when you hold
me, the wonderful flutter in the pit of my stomach when you look at me with loving
eyes, the tender kisses that you leave on my skin as you leave in the morning.

There is just something about the autumn air that makes me feel at ease and open to
love. It's hard to describe the emotion churning inside my body. It is like a
delicate thunderstorm. With every kiss the storm gets stronger. The lightning
strikes and my body yearns for you. The thunder roars and memories of your kiss,
your touch, your taste... they all overwhelm me. All I can do is close my eyes for
the few seconds that the memory lasts and savor it as it fades away.

Oh, I have missed you dearly today.i will try to be on later after dinner with my

With the simplest kiss, you have made my heart soar and my body tingle with
anticipation of your warmth.

Baby, you are amazing.

I love you.

Love always,

1st Format
Hey sexy
Thanks for the lovely reply u sent me i have never got many chance to write you
but i giess to night i kgot the batter cance baby will love to tell you abt me To
start off my name is Frank I am Mixed Both African and i am currently in Africa
now with my mom who is kinda sick and i hope you are not discouraged.Tell me more
about yourself, anything at all will do. I like the fact that you are straight
forward about the fact that you are looking for a serious relationship. So many
women feel like they have to be in the "I'm not looking for anything serious" mode,
because they think that's what men want to hear. Thanks for taking a chance and
just showing who you are. So I should probably tell you a little more about me.
I consider myself to be very simple. I believe that women needs to be treated with
respect and as a equal partner in a relationship, but all I seem to find is the
ones that does not know how to respond to that or is untrusting to it. I feel like
u should treat somebody with respect and like they are a person not a peice of meat
or whatever. I am the type of person who wants somebody to feel wanted not just as
a trophy. I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show
somebody how I feel not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether
it is in the bed on the couch or wherever. I guess my dreams would be is to be
happy and have a family my goals in life I am a self employed computer engineering.
I guess I want to work on my love life and be happy first. I have always wanted to
have a family, but I guess when the time is right it will happen.
I like to play sports just as much as I do watching them. Most of all i like to
spend time with who I am with, and cuddle up and watch a movie. It is my opinion
that we all want the same thing in regards to a partner, and that most of us either
do not know how or is scared to and sabotage themselves from getting it. Ok, I like
the outdoors, but I don't care about hunting or fishing, well I will fish with an
un-baited hook if it means I will get to spend some time with someone I care about.
There are a lot of things I like doing as in dancing, cooking, camping, etc. My
ultimate goal and what I think would make me happy is to get back on my feet and
have a woman by my side that I love and loves me, and children that I can raise and
have fun with.
I am very relationship oriented and I believe life is too short to waste. When I
am in a relationship I am committed, honest, and loyal. I think that falling in
love is always a good thing, even if it doesn't work out. There is always something
to learn from being with someone, and happy times and memories should be cherished.
Friendship comes first for me. That is not to say I never get hurt because I do. I
have been burnt so bad. My last relationship ended on a very sad note for me but I
do not believe in regrets. I tell you this because I cannot predict the future. For
some people a relationship has to be all or nothing...I don't feel that way.

It is obvious that I don't know how to keep a good woman since I am 34 and never
married, but I never in the past nor do I intend to intentionally hurt someone by
cheating, mistreating, or abusing them. Ok, for my questions to you. What are some
of your goals, hopes and dreams? How long have you been single? Do you have any
brothers or sisters? Do you have any kids? If yes, How many? If there is something
you want to say but you think you might be rambling or it is not important, it is
ok, to me it is important. Well...I see I wrote a novel here, I am looking forward
to getting to know you better. I guess I will go for now hope to hear from you
soon.So stay cool and be blessed
Love Frank
2nd Format
Hey sexy.
How are you! That email you sent me was quite a response. You seem like you are
very down to earth and laid back, I believe that partners are 100% equal in a
relationship and both should be able to feel they can trust each other 100% at all
times. I feel that any woman who ever disrespects a man is not a woman at all. I am
affectionate also and I have no trouble showing it for the right man in public or
private. I love to cuddle while watching a good movie, when were in bed, I love to
hug and kiss my man at anytime and anywhere it could be a store,mall or just on a
sidewalk. You are looking for long term, I am looking for something permanent :-)
and I know it takes time and a lot of good effort to form a good relationship. I
want a man to be my best friend at all times, my sweetheart, love of my life, my
partner and my soul mate all wrapped up into one lovely man. I would be all of that
for him and more,I would love him with all of my heart and have nothing but good
feelings for him.he should be a very caring person, with a lot of good feelings, be
honest, reliable,pleasant personality and have a sense of humor. I am trying not to
ramble here for you but I am looking for the "One". What does that mean to me? he
is the person that you can't wait until he comes home from work so you can kiss
each other and sit down and relax in front of the TV or go out and spend an evening
together. The person that just calls to see how your day is going but knows that it
just got much better because you are talking to each other. He gives you a lift
when you are down and can always make you laugh because you know each other so
well. The person that can simply lay in bed with my head on his chest and our legs
interlocked for hours and talk about what's on your mind. he is your best friend,
your lover, your equal and if lucky your husband and father of your children. If I
didn't scare you by being so serious and this sounds like something that would
interest you then we could probably hit it off if you are up for it. I'm not afraid
to go for it and this is what I want from life because I deserve the best. I am
opening up to you because I read what you had to say and I think you could be the
best. You have high standards and that's usually because you expect to get what you
give from a relationship.This is almost a page long already. I feel that we have
broken the ice and have found some very common grounds between us.So stay cool and
be blessed
Love Lisa
3rd format
Thanks for the mail,Immediately i got your email my feelings turn over on you and
it seems you are the right man which i have been searching for to bring back the
smile which i use to smile when my parent was still alive,For a good relationship
to grow we need to trust each other and be honest with each other to acheive what
we want to acheive well i am seeking for man which will be the flesh to my flesh
and also the bone to my bone,It's true I have never seen you and we have never
met,Never shaken Hands or even truly hugged and yet! I know for sure you care for
me by the kindness that you give.And our keyboards keep us together doesn't matter
where we live.So I am emailing you to put a smile on your face and to let you know
in my heart you have a special place.The sun is always shining just above the
cloudy haze,as we share friendship across an online maze.We express love and
kindness without a face.It comes from deep inside our hearts from a special place.
Within our lives we share special dreams, unusual and unique,and it is with our
keyboards that we speak.You are a friend of mine from the emails we exchange,I
wouldn't know you on the street and it doesn't even seem strange.You have
brightened my life with the thoughtfulness you show.Your words encourage me more
than you could know.As people change and times keep changing too,one thing stays
the same ~the way I feel for you.For this friendship we possesswe owe a world of
gratitude and debt,because we would not know each other if it wasn't for the net,I
will want you to tell me your feelings about me and what you think we can do to
acheive our goal.Hope to hear from you soon.I have to get some sleep before i leave
for work and will be looking forward to read from you soonest.

Take care and be save.

4th Format
Hey Sexy
There are things in life that are inevitable; I am powerless to control them. The
Sun will rise and set, the tide will come in and go out, the seasons will change,
the birds will fly South for the winter and return in the spring, and the
caterpiller will transform itself into a handsome butterfly. Somehow, I feel
reassured by this because many other things in life are so transient - so
momentary. From the moment we met on the dating site till now , I knew that our
friendship would develop into something lasting and precious, just as I am sure
that the caterpiller will one day become a handsome butterfly. Dearest, I believe
that our love and friendship is ordained by God. It is a union of two spirits
destined for everlasting happiness. Thus, you have truly become the star of my life
which brings me light in this dark world, and warmth when I need it. You offer me
the promise of renewal, the joy of living, the peace of mind that comes from
sharing and caring, and that shoulder to lean on in times of stress. You are my
Swallow from Capistrano - my precious butterfly, and I will cherish you and love
you forever if you promise that you will take goodcare of me,unfortunately i lost
my dad i think life has been very harsh on me but notwistanding i must countinue to
search for someone that can fill the gap i am not looking at an outward appearance
i look at ur heart .Stay cool and be blessed
Love Frank
5th Format
Wow oooo am so happy to hear from u today babe. tell me it hard now for me to
believe that u still single? well if you really are still single them why an't you
getting a man in your life? any way tell me again now what you really looking for
in life? date, relationship, friend, business partner, or you came to play games
here cause i really need to know your mind before going futher with you.
I am still on my knees begging for love, not to a stranger but to one I wanna
know ... since you did reply me back. I've been in love with and know it's not a
fun. Each night and day I hope and pray that i found the riteful woman that will be
mine forever . I know it's hard to find woman and trust a woman - giving your
heart, body and soul, but know it's me that's on my knees swallowing my pride,
begging you, please ... once again I say please, If you really serious about me
cause am badly in pain in the pass and i want it to go away ........i really need
to be loved and not to be dissapointed ,
I hope you understand were am coming from and were am going. hope to hear from u
again.Stay cool and be blessed
Love Frank
6th Format
Hello Darling, Need you in my life
Thank you very much for your reply i am so greatful that you are so serious
and i am here to let you know i am also serious hope you gonna take good proper
care of me these is making me really wanna be with you so badly couse life is so
unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what
happened that this sudden change has turned my world upside down. I don't know
exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about you
and the email u just sent to me . That no other men on earth have done or say to
So my love, Our love started over the net and everything seemed almost perfect
then. We had never met but the love we felt was so big and true already, and could
only become complete by meeting each other,hunny am very happy for all the love you
have been given to me and i wil always be there for you in all things in life you
need my king. The very first day I'm going to met you in person, we are going to
hold one other so tightly. we wont want to let any one go, and time will stood
still. We had a perfect day and we knew it could only get better and better if we
only stood by each other, held, kissed and hugged. After that moment we never went
through a day without saying how much we love and need each other for the rest of
our life,Being far away from you is killing me rite now, not sharing every day with
you and not being able to hold you whenever I want, hurts so much but I know that
at the end of all this pain I will find you.
So babe i need to stop hear now and try to finish what am doing and then email
you back when u reply this mail.
with love,so stay cool and be blessed
Love Frank
7th Format
How wuz ur day ??
You are a blessing that my entire being is very thankful for. I feel that we were
made to love, listen, understand, and work through all times in our lives together
and individually. ;)
I feel that we have shared more time together than we ever will and I know there
are many more special occassions and moments in our lives that will surprise and
bring us closer.
You are my soul mate and nothing, and no one else feels more right than you!! I
love you eternally and unconditionally. God's love has answered this prayer I've
wanted and been almost too anxious for so long. I miss you more than words can say
and my love will reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and heart each
evening that we can not be together. I physically long for you each night and will
see you in my dreams until we find ourselves wrapped in the love that grows
stronger and deeper each day, into our future together. I believe and have faith in
you.Stay cool and be blessed
Love Frank
8th Format
Hey sexy
I know that neither one of us had in mind that we would meet someone on the
Internet and fall in love but it has happened. And for that, I have no regrets. In
fact, it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me in years. For this,
and what has happened to us and between us I have you to thank.
For almost the past days, you have brought so much joy to me that words can never
explain. You have brought so much life back into a lifeless body and we have not
even met face to face. I know and realize what it is to LOVE again and to feel
I never thought it would last this long, but it has. This is a clear indication
that we have so much in common and we are building on something that is real. I
hope we get the chance to see this thing through.
There have been hard times, bad times and good times, but with that comes lonely
times. We have reached new and higher grounds with what we have shared in the past
days, and I would do it all over again with you if I had to. I have no regrets.
I am sending you this to let you know that I have been sent an angel to be with me,
and you are that angel.
Please understand that we have so much to give to each other and I look forward to
that day. I believe it is closer now than ever before. It is just that there may be
a few more obstacles that we need to clear up, and I think you know what I am
talking about. Besides that, we can and I know we will survive.stay cool and be
Love Frank
Hi Darling,
How are you doing today and how is work with you babe? i hope you did dream
about us babe and you ve a nice day too. well my love i want to stand by your side,
I'm proud to be with someone like you, the sweetest and most caring guy I've ever
known. Don't ever change, Honey, as you're perfect to me ... we're perfect for each
other and it will be like that for eternity.
I know we'll have a great life together and can't wait for us to be with each
other every day, sharing everyday problems and joy, without having to leave one
another's side. Fate put us through this, but we'll come out of it all shining as
the love we feel is hard to find,I'm proud of the person you are. I love the way
you are with me .i really need to be loved and not to be dissapointed and you have
show me that love and that you promise me that your never dissapoint me, i can make
it to the StateTomorrow or next tomorrow if you make things work out fine btw you
and me. hope to hear from you my love,
I will go to the Ticket Agent today to confirm the Cost of the Flight...So in the
mean time..I want you to get back to me with your details as giving below.When i
come back from the Ticket Agent office, i will let you know the outcome.
Full Name:
Full Address:
Phone Number:
Closest Airport to you:
with love and God Bless,
Love Frank


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