Chapter 2 - Digital Banking

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Chapter 2: Digital

Tổng quan về Ngân hàng số

Ngân hàng số là mô hình hoạt động của ngân hàng,

mà trong đó các hoạt động chủ yếu dựa vào các nền

tảng và dữ liệu điện tử, công nghệ số là giá trị cốt lõi

của hoạt động ngân hàng

Tổng quan về Ngân hàng số

4 types of Challenger banks: Ngân hàng mới hoàn toàn với đầy đủ giấy
‘new banks’ phép ngân hàng.

Challenger Neo banks: không có giấy phép ngân hàng. Thay vào đó, họ
banks, Neo liên kết với các ngân hàng khác để cung cấp các dịch vụ ngân
banks, Beta hàng, sử dụng cơ sở hạ tầng hoặc sản phẩm của họ.
Banks and Beta banks: là các thương hiệu mới do các ngân hàng hoặc
Non Banks các đối tác của họ tung ra nhằm cung cấp sản phẩm và dịch vụ
ngân hàng miễn phí.

Non banks tổ chức không có giấy phép ngân hàng, sử dụng

các kênh và sản phẩm thay thế giúp khách hàng đạt được các
mục tiêu tài chính của họ

Digital Banking Systems Architecture

Hệ thống kiến trúc công nghệ gồm 3 lớp chính và

10 lớp phụ:
• Trình bày/Ứng dụng (Presentation/Application)
• Lớp giữa (Middleware) (Security, Integration and
• Lớp Back end (hàm/phương thức/Giao diện lập
trình ứng dụng APIs – bên trong lẫn bên ngoài ,
Ngân hàng kỹ thuật số platform, Hệ thống Dữ liệu
& Phân tích and Hệ thống Ngân hàng lõi)

Read more:
tác tốt

Lợi ích của Tiện lợi kiệm
ngân hàng số chi phí

An toàn năng đa
Phạm vi
tiếp cận

Chăm sóc Minh

khách bạch và
hàng an toàn
Lợi ích của
ngân hàng số Ngân
Hợp tác
tranh và
và liên kết
sáng tạo

Hiệu quả
The Importance of Digital Banking

• Over 4.54 billion or 54% of the World’s population are active internet users – and
it’s expected that 66% of them will be digital banking users. So it’s a massive

• Digital banking isn’t a new concept – it all started back in the 1960’s with ATMs,
and then 30 years later followed by web banking, Mobile apps is a relatively new

• But we’re seeing a massive switch of people from using conventional channels
like branches and call centres, to using digital.
The Importance of Digital Banking

• This is driven by 2 key drivers: internet penetration and technology affordability.

• Technology is definitely more affordable that say 10 years ago. So people are happy
to buy digital devices. What can you do with digital devices and internet access?
Digital banking of course!

• The other reason why digital banking has become so prevalent is banks are
investing so much into it, because:
• cost effective

• it provides opportunities to grow relationships, and therefore revenue with customers

• and competitors are doing the same

The Importance of Digital Banking
Nền tảng giao tiếp
Wearables opportunity-in-banking/?sh=1618892a3f55


Trình duyệt

Trình duyệt di động

Ứng dụng

Kỹ năng
thiết kế ứng dung


Ứng dụng

Thách thức???

Chức năng của ngân hàng số

• Onboarding
• Account Management
• Payments
• Cards Management
• Account Opening
• Support
• Marketplace

"quá trình xây dựng mối quan hệ khách hàng" hoặc "quá trình
tạo tài khoản khách hàng.
• Banks need new customers to maintain or grow their revenue.
Inevitably banks lose customers, so they need to replace and
hopefully extend their customer base regularly.
• There are 4 ways that banks normally onboard customers:
• Branches
• Call centres
• Web banking
• Mobile app

Quá trình giới thiệu sản phẩm chia thành 5 bước chính
Sản phẩm,
Nhận diện và xác thực,
KYC và Thuế,
Điều khoản cung cấp dịch vụ,
Cài đặt mã PIN và Chi tiết bảo mật

Product – key step in

helping a customer
identify which
banking product
would best suit the
customer’s need

Identification & Verification

– is the requirement for a
customer to provide
verifiable identification of
who they are

KYC & Tax – so

confirming a
customer’s AML/CTF –
‘Know Your Customer’
information and
capturing the tax
residencies applicable
for a customer

Terms & Conditions – displaying all legal documentation to a customer

to give them the opportunity of reading, before confirming their
• Security – requiring a customer to set up appropriate security controls
for their digital
banking, including passwords, PINs and biometric settings like ‘Face-Id’

Security – requiring a customer to set up appropriate security controls

for their digital banking, including passwords, PINs and biometric
settings like ‘Face-Id’ (suggest)
Account Management

Account management is functionality that includes:

• View accounts – so viewing all accounts including account or product names
and balances (either Available or Current balance or both).
• Transaction history – so viewing all transactions associated with an account –
including date, time, amount, type of transaction and merchant/vendor where
• Transaction details – so viewing the details associated with transaction –
including the same information as transaction history but extending this out to
provide a description, more information on the merchant/vendor etc…
• Within account management, the most utilized functionality is transaction
• Transaction details is heavily used to help customers feel like they are keeping
on top of their spending.

• Global payments totalled $1.9 trillion in 2018 –so this is a hot area of competition between banks and non banks
• China is biggest market, currently, for payments at a whopping $605 billion – which exceeds the USA by $100
billion. In 2018 alone – 300 billion payments transactions occurred in China.
• Competition is intense in the payments industry, and digital banking is a competitive advantage for some banks in
• There are 4 categories of payments:
 Transfers – so shifting money between your own accounts.
 Payments (Real time) – payments to others, including bills, that are processed immediately (or close to
immediately). Examples of this include: Faster Payments (UK), Osko (Australia) and Fast (Singapore).
 Payments (Batch) – payments to others, including bills, that are processed within a day.
 International payments – payments to others where the recipient is overseas.
• Underpinning this is the ability for customers to choose when their payments are made (recurring/future dated
• Given the fraud risks involved with payments, there is a big focus on creating additional layers of security when
making payments (particularly larger payments) – by using what’s know as ‘step up’ security – in the form of ‘One
Time Passcodes/Passwords’ and biometrics (for example voice identification).
Cards Management

• Cards management is functionality that includes:

 Activate cards – so if a customer is issued with a new debit or credit card, this allows the
customer to remove the block they may have been placed on the card when it was sent
 New card requests – if a customer loses their debit or credit card, they can request a new
card is issued and sent to them.
 Lost/stolen toggle – this allows customers to put a temporary or permanent block on a
card being used, in scenarios where a customer might have lost or had their card stolen.
 Transaction toggle – this allows customers to turn on/off certain permissions associated
with their cards – for example ATM withdrawals.
 Digital wallet – if a customer wants to use contactless payments, they can provision their
debit and credit cards to the Apple or Google or Samsung digital wallets.

• Contactless payments is a massive industry – Apple Pay currently handles 5% of

global card transactions now and is on track to reach 10% in the next 5 years.
Read more:
Account Opening /07/why-cant-banks-get-digital-account-

• Banking customers have unique needs. Some share the same

needs – for example we generally all need deposit accounts to
receive our salaries, right? But outside of that sometimes our needs
are unique – for example I may need a savings account for my
forthcoming holiday to the Himalayas.
• Banks emphasize the concept of ‘whole of wallet’ which means
capturing not just one product need but all of a customer’s
banking needs.
• Good digital experiences are moving account opening
experiences to being super fast – often within 1 minute.
Read more:
Account Opening 07/why-cant-banks-get-digital-account-

• This is done through providing account opening functionality, which is very

similar to onboarding, and includes:
 Product – which is the product a customer has selected for their needs.
 Tax - with accounts, it’s important that a bank knows a customer’s tax residency for
compliance purposes. KYC is not required, as
 the customer would have been KYC’d when they onboarded originally.
 Terms & Conditions – like onboarding, this involves making all legal disclosures
available and seeking confirmation that a customer understands and agrees to
 Your details – customer contact information is important for banking. Whether it’s
cards being sent in the mail, or the bank needing to reach customers via email or
phone. Therefore embedded within account opening is the ability for a bank to
confirm/or get a customer to update their details.

Product managers, like your instructor, have to be careful in digital

banking. It’s easy to assume we know what customers want – and
can therefore have a blind spot when it comes to missing features
and customers.
• Digital experiences focus on the mainstream, but invariably there
are edge cases that need to be thought through. Even if they can’t
be immediately addressed through a digital experience, they
should still be addressed through support functionality.
• Support functionality provides guiderails for customers to explain
how to use functionalities or how to do activities outside of digital

Support functionality is normally broken down into 5 functionalities:

• Landing – so providing customers with a launchpad to help them work through
what they need to do.
• Topics – this takes the customer into specific themes of information that should
help address their question or issue.
• Connect – where a customer wants to speak to someone, then it’s important to
connect them to someone skilled to help them.
• Authenticated – to customers time, where the customer is logged into an
authenticated channel, like a mobile app, we can then pass them through to a
call centre witout having to answer the usual identification verification questions
like – please tell me your date of birth.
• Find Us – where a customer would prefer to sit down face to face with a bank
representative, this helps them locate where to go.

• Banking has historically focused on typical banking products – like deposits,

savings and lending.
• But banks have valuable relationships with their customers through which they
could be providing a lot more – by helping to solve entire customer journeys, not
just the banking products required for these journeys.
• Digital ecosystems – where complimentary products and services, combined
with banking products, are changing the way that we think about banking and
digital banking. This concept is called the ‘Marketplace’.
• There is a definite and captive audience for this – digital natives use digital
exclusively to manage their lives and spending. Why not harness this? •
Examples include: Tencent’s WeBank, Standard Chartered, Alibaba and DBS.

Marketplace functionality can be broken down into:

• Discover – so providing a portal for customers to search and connect with products, not just
banking, but a more wider set of products that could be lifestyle related for example.
• Your needs – by capturing details from customers point in time, or based on profiling using a
bank’s analytics capabilities, banks are able to identify organically what the likely needs a
customer may have.
• Personalized – by connecting ‘Your needs’ with customer journeys and relevant products,
suggestions for tailored products or experiences can then be presented to customers.
• Begin – taking the customer to the point that they move forward in their customer journey,
this helps customers acquire or take up the products a customer has selected.
• Engage – this is a vital step. By keeping a customer engaged, this helps create a relationship,
but equally helps with fine tuning the Personalized functionality to see how accurate it was.
Thực hành

Mỗi nhóm thực hành tạo từ 2-3 tài khoản ngân hàng số, tìm hiểu tính
năng của ngân hàng số, trong đó có:
+ Mở tài khoản online
Mô tả quá trình KYC
+ Chuyển tiền giữa các tài khoản
+ Mở thẻ, quản lý thẻ
+ Trình bày các tính năng khác của ngân hàng số các nhóm nghiên cứu
được và xem đó là tính năng thú vị

Mỗi nhóm làm trên 1 file google docs và comment bài làm vào post trên
group FB.
(10h45 – lớp sáng, 16h45 – lớp chiều thu bài)

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