Sample Lesson Plan

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Chan Myae Aung LESSON TOPIC: Chapter 9 Motion and force

Speed and momentum
Force (Newton’s Law)
Work and Machine

SUBJECT: Science DATE(S): 27th June, 2024


➢ What is speed?
➢ Discuss distance- time graph.
➢ What is momentum?
➢ Explanation about the force.
➢ Analyse how simple machine works.


Write a summary of your lesson Summary:

here. What will students do? What
will the teacher be doing? Throughout the lesson,
The students will be able to give a detail explanation on speed
and momentum. Moreover, they can also give a detail account
on different types of forces based on Newton’s Law of Motion.
And, they will also give a detail synthesisation on how simple
machine works.
What is the objective? Three-Part Objective(s): (Conditions, Ex: Given/Usage,
(Conditions, behaviour, criteria) Behaviour: Ex: Analyse, Criteria)
Make sure to include higher-level Through direct instruction-
Bloom’s D.O. K By the end of the lesson
▪ Calculate the speed problem and analyse distance-
time graph.
▪ Explain about momentum
▪ Give a detail account on Newton’s Law of Motion.
▪ Evaluate how simple machine works.

How will you assess if the Assessment:

objective has been met? ✓ Exercises and analysis questions Frequently check
✓ Quizzes
✓ Brainstorming question
✓ Discussion
Aligned with the unit’s essential Focus Question:
questions and objective?
➢ What is speed?
➢ Discuss distance- time graph.
➢ What is momentum?
➢ Explanation about the force.
➢ Analyse how simple machine works.

How will you check for Check for Understanding (CFU)

understanding? ▪ CFU will happen throughout the learning. CFUs will be
orally through QAR, as well as indicated by their
performance on learning tasks.

▪ Informal observations

▪ Questions and responses

Opportunity for CC aligned Writing

writing PEEL Strategy
Students will answer short questions and long questions in
the assignment.
Opportunity to make connections: Cultural/Real-World Connections
Cultural/Real World Students will understand how to calculate the speed and they
will also understand how the air plane can fly. At the end of the
lesson, they will give a detail account on how simple machine

What strategies are you using for Strategy:

student Engagement? ▪ Class Discussion
▪ Open-ended questions
▪ Connect learning to the real world
▪ Exit tickets
▪ Parking lots

Which Schoolwide Learner SLOs:

Outcomes are addressed? ✓ Engagement
✓ Real-world connection
How are you differentiating Resource:
▪ Cambridge Science Checkpoints Coursebook and
▪ Academic Terminology
▪ Group Project

ELL students
▪ Clearer instructions
▪ Explain instructions in Myanmar when needed


· Raise the optional challenging questions

· Integrate student’s choice with Independent research
study to connect real life situations
· Communicate and involve the students with purpose of
each lesson
· Align the assessments with achievable advanced
learning goals

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