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Question 1a)

F =Q( v⃑ × B)
= ⃑v

As magnetic force vector (⃑ F ¿ is always perpendicular to the velocity vector ( v⃑ ¿ , the

magnetic force cannot do any work on the freely moving charge particle.
Work of a force is given by the dot product formula of force (F) and displacement (s) and the
dot product of a perpendicular vector is zero from the following equation:

W =F ∙ s=|F||s|cosθ whereθ=90 ° if perpendicular

W =F ∙ s=|F||s|cos 0 °=0

Question 2a)
The Maglev train will levitate only when the magnetic force upwards is equal to the
gravitational force downwards.
F magnetic=∫ IB dl

F gravitational =mg(where mis mass∧g is gravitational acceleration)

F magnetic=F gravitational

∫ IB dl=mg

[ IBl ] a0=mg

As per the formula, F magnetic=∫ IB dl, when the current increases so does the magnetic force
as it is proportional to each other. In the case of Figure 2, using Fleming’s left-hand ruler, the
thrust motion of the mass can be determined. However, Fleming’s left-hand rule is only
applicable in the presence of a magnetic field.
The vertical movement on the current on both sides on the wire loop, when using Fleming’s
left-hand tule results in a thrust motion on the left and right. Since the current and the
magnetic field has the same magnitude, the left and right thrust motion cancels out each
The horizontal movement of the current is to the right of the top half of the loop, when using
Fleming’s left -hand rule, a upwards thrust motion is produces. Similarly, using the
magnitude of current derived from the formula above, the upwards motion due to magnetic
force will equal to the downwards motion due to the gravitational force cancelling each other

Question 4a)

( )
0.7 0.1 0
A= 0.2 0.9 0.2
0.1 0 0.8

( Av=λv )
( A−λI ) v=0
determinant of ( A−λI )=0

( )
0.7− λ 0.1 0
( A−λI )= 0.2 0.9−λ 0.2
0.1 0 0.8−λ

( )
0.7−λ 0.1 0
determinant of 0.2 0.9−λ 0.2 =0
0.1 0 0.8− λ

¿ [ 0.7−λ ] [ ( 0.9− λ ) ( 0.8−λ )−0 ] −[ 0.1 ] [ ( 0.2 )( 0.8−λ ) −( 0.1 ) ( 0.2 ) ] + [ 0 ]

¿ [ 0.7−λ ] [ λ2−1.7 λ+0.72 ] − [ 0.1 ][ −0.2 λ+0.14 ]

2 3 2
0.7 λ −1.19 λ+0.504− λ +1.7 λ −0.72 λ +0.02 λ−0.14=0
3 2
−λ + 2.4 λ −1.89 λ +0.49=0
3 2
λ −2.4 λ +1.89 λ−0.49=0

We can use factor theorem to factor out the cubic equation:

If λ=1
3 2
1 −2.4 ( 1 ) +1.89 (1)−0.49=0
Since the left-hand side equals the right-hand side, then ( λ−1 ¿ is a factor. We then need to
find the remainder by using the remainder theorem.
1 1 -2.4 1.89 -0.49
+ 1 -1.4 0.49
Row2= Row3*1 1 -1.4 0.49 0

So, the remainder is (λ ¿¿ 2−1.4 λ +0.49)(λ−1)¿=0

Factorize the remainder completely:
So, the eigenvalues are 1 and 0.7.

If λ=1, and Av= λ v

( )( ) ( )
0.7 0.1 0 1 1
0.2 0.9 0.2 y 1 = y 1
0.1 0 0.8 z 1 z1

0.7+ 0.1 y 1 +0=1

0.1 y 1=0.3

y 1=3

0.1+0+ 0.8 z 1=z 1

0.1=0.2 z 1

z 1=0.5

Insert the values into the eigenvector matrix:

( ) ()
1 2
v 1= 3 = 6
0.5 1

If λ=0.7 , and Av= λv

( )( ) ( )
0.7 0.1 0 1 1
0.2 0.9 0.2 2 =(0.7) y 2
0.1 0 0.8 z 2 z2

0.7+ 0.1 y 2 +0=0.7

0.1 y 2=0

y 2=0

0.1+0+ 0.8 z 2=0.7 z 2

0.1=−0.1 z 2

z 2=−1

Insert the values into the eigenvector matrix:

v 2= 0


Question 1
Males: mean = 76.8,

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