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Supervisor - Dr.Prabhav Nadipi Reddy

Student - Muhammad Nashman Husain Bin Mohamed Najid
Student Number : 21122054


Biofeedback refers to a process where a electronic monitoring provides visual

or auditory information to the patients as to their physiological or
biomechanical process like the brain pattern (EEG) or muscle motor function
and activation (EMG). Biofeedback is important for rehabilitation and therapy
for patients that experienced trauma to their physical body as it is tasks to
help the patient regain control of their bodily function slowly and steadily.
One of the major uses of biofeedback is EMG biofeedback for amputees that
want to regain control of their phantom limb through prosthetics. Clinical
testing and lab trial tests of any kinds of machine application is often different
when brought into the real world and used by real people.The purpose of this
research is to bring clinical testing simulation results of sEMG closer to the
real life application of a real human limbs via machine learning and higher
computing recognition of EMG biofeedback in order to train patients usually
ongoing rehabilitation therapy to focus and move specific muscle group with
visual aid. This can be done by having patients use the sEMG together with a
visual game/simulation observed by the patients to provide feedback for the
patients to whether the muscle group is activated or not.


Due Date Key Tasks Learning Skiils/Knowledge

Outcome Developed
Before end of Test the circuit Determine the Able to target and
Term 1 viability with correct allocate muscle
Myoware connection of the groups that
MyoWare and the produce good
circuit/Arduino signals
Term 2 Test and Able to bite down Able to program a
calculate/program and isolate a python code to
data processing single set of data isolate a specific
of Arduino data from the whole myoelectric
using Python set of data characteristic
provided from other EMG
Before end of Develop a Design and Able to program
Term 2 biofeedback develop a simple and run a simple
system to visually game mechanism game simulation
train patients that teaches and with filtered,
train patient to isolated and
properly use their classified data of
muscles post- EMG

Initial Approach

EMG Signal Acquisition:

Surface EMG electrodes are the best way to obtain myoelectric signals from
activated target muscle. The EMG electrodes that will be used will be the
same EMG electrodes used in Year 2 Scenario 2, the 3M Red Dot 2228 Ag/Cl
model. The Myoware muscle sensor hardware kit can be used to analyse the
electrical activity of the target muscle and provide an analog output.

Image 1 : Connection between a Myoware 1.0 to Arduino Uno [How to

Electronics, 2020]

Signal Filtering/Amplification:

If the analog input seen on the Arduino serial monitor is not visible for
observation of changes and analysis, then operational amplifiers and filters
will be needed to enhance the analog signal.

Processing Serial Input of Arduino via Python:

The next step would be to process data from the Arduino by using Python via
serial port. One such way is by using the ‘PySerial’ library to communicate
with the serial port the Arduino and the laptop/computer is connected to [e.g
COM3]. The PySerial allows the user to control codes/programs in the
Arduino using a Python IDE. With the aid of Python machine learning, the
features and characteristics of EMG can be isolated into their each category
by statistical analysis stored in a separate database like SQL Server or
SQLlite. JupyterLab may also serve the same purpose.
Figure 1: Block Diagram of the Connection

Figure 2: Block Circuit of the Connection


How to Electronics, 26 November 2020, “DIY Electromyography using

Myoware EMG Muscle Sensor & Arduin”, [online], Available at : [Accessed on 1 November

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