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Department of Economics

Bharathidasan University
M.A. Economics - Semester Examination – November 2010
Subject: Econometrics (09EM11)
Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 60
Section A
(10 x 1 = 10 Marks )
Answer all the Questions

A. Chose the correct answer:

1. What is a random variable?

2. In a regression model of the form Yi = α + β Xi + ui, when can you come to a conclusion
that X does not influence Y.

3. If two independent variables are highly correlated, would you have any problem in
estimating the regression model? If yes, state the problem.

4. When can you say that a particular regression model is best fit?

5. How can you detect the existence of Autocorrelation?

6. Mention any two consequences of hetroscedasticity.

7. Write down the order condition of identifiability in simultaneous equation models.

8. What do you mean by the term ‘BLUE’ in econometrics

9. What is the need of the disturbance term ‘u’ in econometrics model specification?

10. Define the term elasticity.

Section B

(6 x 5 = 30 Marks )
Answer any 6 Questions

11. Explain the least squares principle in regression estimation.

12. Discuss with examples the major reasons for occurrence of lags in economics.

13. Explain with an example , the problem of identification in simultaneous equation models.
14. A dummy variable regression model is developed as
Yi = β1 + β2D2i + β3D3i + β4Xi + ui
Yi = Average annual salary of worker , Xi = Bonous income , D2 = 1 if semi urban area
else 0, D3 = 1 if Rural else 0. Reference category is Urban region 1 if urban else 0.
The Results of above mentioned dummy variable regression is given below
Yi = 13,269 - 1673 - 1144 + 3.288 Xi R2 = .76245
SE = 1395 801.2 861.3 0.317
t = ( 9.51)* (-2.08)* (-1.32)** (10.35)*
What is the implication of the intercept term here? Interpret the co-efficients and
goodness of fit of the model

15. Elucidate the functional form of cobb-douglas production function and explain its

16. Explain the causes of multicollinearity. Discuss the solutions that can be adopted for the
incidence of multicollinearity

17. Discuss the properties of a least squares estimate.

18. Explain the difference between R2 and Adjusted R2. How do you test the significance of a
regression co-efficient?

Section C

(2 x 10 = 20 Marks )
Answer any Two Questions

19. Explain with examples, the step by step procedure, how the econometricians proceed in
their analysis of an economic problem.

20. Write short notes on any two concepts given below:

a) Hetroscedasticity
b) Structural and Reduced form Models
c) Two stage least squares model

21. The values of advertising expenditure (Rs. in ‘000’) and sales volume (no. of Units) of a
soap making firm for the past 7 years are given. Set up a simple linear regression model
of the form Y = α + βx + u and estimate the regression co-efficients. Predict the sales
when advertising expenditure is 13000.

Advertising expenditure: 7 10 9 4 11 5 3
Sales : 12 14 13 5 15 7 4

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