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Everything You Need to Know about White Fragility Article Questions

1. Define White Fragility

The term "white fragility" refers to how white people feel about the ongoing discussion over
racial justice and equality. Since white people and people of color are of different races, it could
be difficult for them to discuss white privilege since they don't want to make white people feel
targeted. However, because they are both people of color, it is simpler for them to communicate
while they are discussing this issue.

2. What are the common reactions to those that have "white fragility"?

Some common reactions people have towards those who have white fragility are anger, fear,
guilt or simply staying silent. Some may even start an argument or leave during the discussion
over this topic.

3. Where did the term originate from? Source?

This term was originated by Dr. Robin DiAngelo who had a Ph.D. in multicultural education.

4. What is the difference between white fragility and racism?

White fragility refers to the way people react over a discussion about racism. Racism refers to
the inequalities between white people and people of color. Some people believe that racism
means believing a particular race is much more powerful than another race. Overall, racism
means that white people get more attention and are treated better than people of color.

5. What does the author say is the main problem with white fragility in society?

The author says that the main problem with white fragility in society is saying a white
individuals views are racist, a colored person sharing his/hers perspective or a colored person not
successfully being mindful of the feelings of a white person.

6. How does segregation contribute to this problem?

White individuals choose to live in segregated neighborhoods, which prevents them from
interacting and learning about the racism that people of color experience. White individuals
frequently assume that having a decent neighbor or a good school is due to their race however
that is not the case.
7. What is your first reaction or overall thoughts to this article? Explain

I enjoyed reading this article and learning about this topic as it’s not very openly discussed. It’s
necessary to address these issues and create a more inclusive society for everyone.

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