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Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(3), 2020, 1227–1233

doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa031
Advance Access Publication Date: 29 February 2020
Ecotoxicology Research

Do Ready-Mix Insecticides Cause Lethal and Sublethal

Effects on Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera:
Trichogrammatidae) Pupa?

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Ana Clara R. de Paiva,1 Fernando H. Iost Filho , Eduardo A. Parro, Daniel P. L. Barbosa,
and Pedro T. Yamamoto
Department of Entomology and Acarology, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil and 1Corresponding author,

Subject Editor: Murray Isman

Received 27 September 2019; Editorial decision 5 February 2020

The use of selective insecticides aids farmers in maintaining pest populations below the economic threshold
level. The integrated use of biological and chemical control is only possible if the effects of insecticides on nat-
ural enemies are studied. Although the IOBC/WPRS standards allow us to compare these studies worldwide, the
methods used are sometimes inconsistent. This study determined the effects of ready-mix insecticides applied on
pupae of Trichogramma pretiosum (Riley, 1879) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and compared the effects on
emergence of two different methods of exposing T. pretiosum pupae to insecticides: immersed or sprayed using
a Potter tower. Both methods gave the same results, indicating that they can be compared. Moreover, it is im-
portant to go beyond IOBC/WPRS classification and study the effects of pesticides on different biological param-
eters of natural enemies. This additional step may increase the likelihood of successful integration of biological
and chemical control. Based on the emergence reduction, Chlorantraniliprole + lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin +
chlorantraniliprole, and alpha-cypermethrin + teflubenzuron were classified as innocuous (class 1). Cypermethrin
+ profenofos and cyproconazole + thiamethoxam were classified as slightly harmful (class 2). Methanol +
methomyl and lufenuron + profenofos were classified as harmful (class 4). Abamectin + chlorantraniliprole, al-
though classified as innocuous, reduced the parasitism, longevity, and flight capability of the adult parasitoids.
None of these insecticides altered the emergence and sex ratio of the second generation.

Key words: biological control, integrated pest management, selectivity, parasitoid

One of the major problems in agriculture is arthropod pests outbreaks. Regional Section (IOBC/WPRS) suggests a sequence of tests that
The best way to reduce their population to a noneconomic-injury starts with laboratory conditions, proceeds to semifield conditions,
level is through a combination of control methods, as in Integrated and finishes with field assays (Hassan 1989, Rowland et al. 1991).
Pest Management (IPM). It is important to guarantee that the con- For the laboratory tests, it is also important to expose the least sus-
trol methods, when used together, do not compromise the effectiveness ceptible stage, i.e., the pupae inside the host egg, in the case of a
of each other (Oliveira et al. 2013, Torres and Bueno 2018, Feltrin- parasitoid (Hassan 1998, Grützmacher et al. 2004).
Campos et al. 2019). Therefore, an important step for integrating bio- Trichogramma pretiosum (Riley, 1879) (Hymenoptera:
logical and chemical control is the evaluation of the pesticide selectivity. Trichogrammatidae) is a generalist egg parasitoid of
In order to mitigate resistance problems and also to control Lepidopteran, parasitizing over 240 species (Pinto 1998,
chewing and sucking pests simultaneously, manufacturers pur- Chailleux et al. 2013). Thus, being an important and efficient
posely add certain chemicals to pesticide formulations as mixtures agent for soybean biological-control programs. This para-
(Lanteigne et al. 2015, Reddy et al. 2018). Regarding their effects on sitoid can control the eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith,
nontarget organisms, these mixtures may contain compounds previ- 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Bueno et al. 2010), Heliothis
ously classified as harmless or harmful, making it important to study spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (King et al. 1986), Chrysodeixis
their effects when applied as a mixture (Blümel and Gross 2001). inclusdens (Walker, 1858) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Querino
For determining the selectivity of a chemical product, the et al. 2016), Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner, 1808) (Lepidoptera:
International Organization for Biological Control/ West Palearctic Noctuidae) (Ballal and Singh 2003).

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. 1227
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1228 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 3

Several studies have tested the effects of insecticides on pupae of Entomology and Acarology, ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ College of Agriculture,
Trichogramma species, some by dipping the host eggs containing the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/ USP), as described by Paiva et al.
pupae (Consoli et al. 1998, Carvalho et al. 2003, Moura et al. 2005, (2018). The eggs of E. kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) (Lepidoptera:
Chen et al. 2013, Paiva et al. 2018), and some by spraying the host Pyralidae) used in the rearing and bioassays were provided by
eggs (Momanyi et al. 2012, Costa et al. 2014, Grande et al. 2018). Koppert Brasil, and sterilized as proposed by Stein and Parra (1987).
However, none of these studies compared these different methods, The colony was maintained, and the bioassays were carried out
dipping versus spraying. Moreover, only a few studies have assessed at a temperature of 25 ± 2°C, relative humidity of 70 ± 10%, and a
the transgenerational effects (Carvalho et al. 2003, Costa et al. 2014, photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h.
Grande et al. 2018, Paiva et al. 2018).
A bioassay method must be easily replicable, considering aspects Insecticides Tested

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such as better use of lab facility and feasibility of use with different The insecticides used in the bioassays were ready-mix products re-
types of insecticides and species of parasitoids. The method must be commended for the control of lepidopteran pests in soybean crops in
easy to set up, with minimal cost, and above all, provide consistent Brazil. They were used at the highest concentration recommended by
results (Williams and Price 2004). the company, diluted in distilled water to a spray volume of 200 li-
There are different methods used in studies by various researchers ters/ha (Table 1). Distilled water was used for the control treatment.
worldwide, to classify the selectivity of pesticides according to the The products were mixtures of two insecticides’ active ingredients,
IOBC/WPRS standards. Hence, the purpose of this study was to com- except one that had a fungicide active ingredient (cyproconazole) in
pare the reduction in the parasitoid emergence using two different the mixture. This product was chosen because it is among the prod-
methods of treatment of T. pretiosum pupae to insecticides, immersed ucts most often used by soybean growers in the Cerrado region, cen-
versus sprayed. Likewise, we determined whether the treatment method tral Brazil.
influenced the result of laboratory selectivity tests. We also assessed le-
thal and sublethal effects of ready-mix formulations, until the second
Effect of the Insecticides on T. pretiosum
generation, when Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) (Lepidoptera:
Pyralidae) containing T. pretiosum pupae were immersed in insecticide
Cards with E. kuehniella eggs were offered to T. pretiosum females
solution. Previous studies have shown that the individual pesticides
to be parasitized for 24 h. Each card represented a replicate. Next,
have deleterious effects on this parasitoid (Suh et al. 2000, Moura et al.
the females (F0) were discarded and the cards were maintained in
2005, Grande et al. 2018, Paiva et al. 2018), but the effects of most
glass tubes (85 × 10 mm) under controlled conditions as described
ready-mix formulations have not been determined.
earlier. The first assay, considering the emergence reduction was
carried out in a completely randomized design, with 30 replicates
of eight treatments (n = 240). While the second assay, evaluating
Materials and Methods
the effect on F1 parasitism capacity (number of eggs parasitized by
Rearing and Maintenance of T. pretiosum each female during its life spam), sex ratio and the emergence of F2
The colony of the parasitoid T. pretiosum was maintained in the was also carried out in a completely randomized design, but with
Integrated Pest Management Laboratory at the Department of 15 replicates of seven treatments (n = 105), each card represented

Table 1. Ready-mix insecticides formulated with two active ingredients used in the bioassays to evaluate their effect on Trichogramma
pretiosum pupae


Trade name Company Active ingredient Chemical group Mode of actiona AIb CPc

Ampligo Syngenta chlorantraniliprole + diamide + pyrethroids Ryanodine receptor modulators + 100 + 50 75d
lambda-cyhalothrin sodium channel modulators
Bazuka Rotam methanol + methomyl aliphatic alcohol + oxime Surfactant + acetylcholinesterase 383.5 + 216 1990d
methylcarbamate inhibitors
Voliam Targo Syngenta abamectin + avermectin + Glutamate-gated chloride channel 18 + 45 200d
chlorantraniliprole anthranilamide allosteric modulator + Ryanodine
receptor modulators
Curyom Syngenta lufenuron + profenofos benzoylurea + Inhibitor of chitin biosynthesis 50 + 500 400d
550 EC organophosphate (type 0) + acetylcholinesterase
Imunit Basf alpha-cypermethrin + pyrethroids + benzoylurea Sodium channel modulators + Inhibitor 75 + 75 200d
teflubenzuron of chitin biosynthesis (type 0)
Polytrin Syngenta cypermethrin + pyrethroids + organophos- Sodium channel modulators + 40 + 400 120d
400/40 CE profenofos phate acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Verdadero 600 Syngenta cyproconazole + triazole+ neonicotinoid Fungicide + nicotinic acetylcholine 300 + 300 200e
WG thiamethoxam receptor competitive modulator

Mode of action according to Insecticide Resistance Action Committee classification (IRAC 2019).
Active ingredient concentration g/liter.
Commercial dose.
ml ha–1.
Kg ha–1.
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 3 1229

one replicate again. The number of treatments was reduced because to determine their effect on the flight capability of T. pretiosum. The
methanol + methomyl caused high mortality in the first assay, which cards were treated as described in the bioassay ‘Effect of the insecti-
did not allow evaluation of sublethal effects. cides on Trichogramma pretiosum pupae—immersed’, and kept in
The number of black eggs (parasitized) was assessed 168 h after glass tubes in the test unit (Prezotti et al. 2002) (Fig. 1).
the parasitism, when all the parasitoids had reached the pupal stage The test unit, based on the ESALQ model (Prezotti et al. 2002),
(Moura et al. 2005). After 24 h, the cards were immersed for 5 s consisted of a PVC cylinder, 18 cm tall and 11 cm in diameter, lined
in the insecticide solution and kept at room temperature until the with black paper. A Petri dish covered with entomological glue was
residues dried. placed on the top of the cylinder. The same glue was used on the
For each treatment, 30 cards, with at least 10 parasitized eggs, paper inside the tube, in a 1-cm ring 3.5 cm from the bottom, to
were used. The cards were kept in glass tubes and checked daily catch the parasitoids that attempted to walk on the paper. The cy-

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to assess parasitoid emergence. The sex was also recorded for all linder was placed over a Petri dish lined with black paper. The
the emerged adults, based on the adults’ antennae characteristics tube with the parasitized eggs was placed inside the cylinder, to
(Bowen and Stern 1966), and the sex ratio (SR) was calculated using allow the parasitoids to extend their wings before flying. After
the formula: SR = [number of females / (number of males + number 72 h, the numbers of parasitoids on the top Petri dish (flying) and
of females)]. the bottom Petri dish, and on the glue ring on the walls (walking)
The number of black eggs with an emergence orifice was evalu- were recorded.
ated 4 d after emergence. The percentage of emergence from the This assay was carried out in a completely randomized de-
first generation (F1) was calculated based on the proportion of the sign, with four repetitions of five treatments (n = 20). The treat-
number of eggs with an emergence orifice to the number of parasit- ments were chlorantraniliprole + lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin
ized eggs (black eggs) (Degrande and Gomez 1990). + chlorantraniliprole, alpha-cypermethrin + teflubenzuron,
The percentage of reduction in emergence was calculated using cyproconazole + thiamethoxam, and distilled water, used as
the formula: R = ((P/p)) × 100), in which R is the percentage of control.
reduction in emergence, P is the mean value of emergence for the Each replicate consisted of one test unit and approximately 100
insecticide, and p is the mean emergence of the control treatment T. pretiosum-parasitized eggs. The percentage of adults on each site
(Rocha and Carvalho 2004). was calculated based on the total number of insects found.
Considering the worldwide collaboration and importance of
IOBC/WPRS, it is desirable to classify the insecticides based on this Statistical Analysis
organization’s standards. Therefore, the insecticides were classified The data for parasitism capacity, longevity (days), emergence per-
according to the following classes: class 1 = innocuous (<30% reduc- centage (ratio of eggs with an emergence orifice to the total para-
tion), class 2 = slightly harmful (30–80% reduction), class 3 = mod- sitized eggs), and sex ratio (ratio of females to the total population)
erately harmful (>80–99% reduction), and class 4 = harmful (>99% were tested for normality, using the Shapiro–Wilki test. Since the re-
reduction in emergence percentage) (Hassan 1997). siduals did not follow a normal distribution, they were submitted to
To evaluate the sublethal effects of the insecticides on the para- the nonparametric test of Kruskal–Wallis and compared by a Tukey
sitoid, 15 females from the F1 generation in each treatment were iso- test. The comparison of the two treatment methods, using emergence
lated and offered cards with E. kuehniella eggs for parasitism. The and sex-ratio data, was conducted using a generalized linear model,
cards with eggs were renewed every 24 h until the female died. All family quasibinomial. These analyses were done in the extension
the cards were kept under the same conditions, as described above XLSTAT 2019 from Microsoft Excel (Addinsoft 2019).
in item ‘Rearing and maintenance of Trichogramma pretiosum.’ Flight test data (number of insects found in each position) were
Parasitism capacity and longevity were assessed. The emergence per- also tested for normality. Then, a two-way analysis of variance was
centage of the second generation (F2) was also recorded. performed, with treatment and place the two factors, using the soft-
ware SAS v.9.4 (SAS 2019).
Effect of Insecticides on T. pretiosum
IOBC/WPRS recommends spraying the cards using a Potter Tower
(Burkard Scientific, Uxbridge, United Kingdom) with pressure ad-
justed to 0.7 kg cm–2, corresponding to a deposit of 1.8 ± 0.1 mg
cm–2 (Beloti et al. 2015). The bioassay was conducted exactly as the
one aforementioned, when the host eggs were immersed. However,
instead of immersing the cards in the pesticide solution, the cards
were sprayed in the Potter Tower as described. These cards were
monitored according to the immersing procedure and recorded until
the emergence of the F1. This allowed a direct comparison between
the methods, to determine their influence on the parameters assessed
(mortality, parasitism, emergence).
This assay was carried out in a completely randomized design,
with 30 replicates of eight treatments (n = 240).

Sublethal Effect of Insecticides, Evaluated Using the

Flight Test
Considering the importance of dispersal for parasitoids, the least Fig. 1. Test-unit based on ESALQ model, used to record the flight capability
deleterious insecticides from the previous bioassays were evaluated of Trichogramma pretiosum, adapted from Prezotti (2002).
1230 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 3

Results and Discussion liter) and cypermethrin (1.20 g A.I./liter) were classified as harmful
based on the IOBC/WPRS, causing a reduction in emergence of
Effect of Insecticides on Pupae of T. pretiosum
100 and 98%, respectively. These differences in results could be
Considering our objective of comparing two different ways to treat explained by the different species assessed and the likelihood of
the host eggs containing the pupae, sprayed and immersed, no dif- the ready-mix formulation changing the effect of the insecticide on
ference in the emergence was found (all two-tailed tests resulted in P the parasitoid.
> 0.05). The same held true for the sex ratio. Thus, we suggest that Only one of the ready-mix insecticides tested here, cyproconazole
both methods, sprayed and immersed cards, are comparable and + thiamethoxam, has a fungicide, cyproconazole, as an active in-
might be used as a standard. gredient, and was classified as slightly harmful. When Bueno et al.
The IOBC/WPRS standardizes classes but not the insecticide ex- (2008) tested the effects of this fungicide mixed with azoxystrobin

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posure route for natural enemies, neither the method of application on T. pretiosum, the emergence was higher than 90%. Khan and
of the insecticide. Based on our results, it will be easier to compare Ruberson (2017) also tested a fungicide from the same group, tri-
studies when both of these different methods are used. azoles, and found little to no adverse effect on T. pretiosum pupae.
Among the seven insecticides tested, only three were classified In this study, the insecticide combined with the fungicide is a
as innocuous: chlorantraniliprole + lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin neonicotinoid, thiamethoxam. Costa et al. (2014) tested the effects
+ chlorantraniliprole and alpha-cypermethrin + teflubenzuron. of this active-ingredient on the same development stage of T. galloi,
Cypermethrin + profenofos and cyproconazole + thiamethoxam and classified it as harmless. The variation in results could be ex-
were classified as slightly harmful. Methanol + methomyl and plained by the combination of the active-ingredients, as well as the
lufenuron + profenofos were classified as harmful, causing more species used in the bioassays. Therefore, further studies are necessary
than 99% reduction in parasitoid emergence (Table 2). to confirm whether the fungicide and the mixes actually affects the
Two of the insecticides tested contain the active ingredient parasitoid.
profenofos. Nevertheless, based on the reduction in emergence, The classification methanol + methomyl as harmful obtained
cypermethrin + profenofos was classified as slightly harmful, and (Table 2) in our study corroborates Bueno et al. (2008), where in-
lufenuron + profenofos as harmful (Table 2). This difference in the secticides with methomyl as the only active ingredient were classified
results is easily explained by the difference in doses and the presence as slightly harmful to T. pretiosum.
of the other insecticide in each mixture. In our study, the former Although the combination of abamectin + chlorantraniliprole
ready-mix insecticide had a profenofos concentration more than was classified as innocuous, parasitism capacity (K = 53.64, df = 6,
four times higher than in the treatment with the latter insecticide. P < 0.0001) and the longevity (K = 43.75, df = 6, P < 0.0001) were
These results indicate the high toxicity of this organophosphate in significantly reduced in insects exposed to this insecticide (Fig. 2).
high concentrations. Hence, although this combination did not influence the emergence, it
The combination of a pyrethroid and an organophosphate is ex- did alter the parasitoids’ longevity, which is a parameter commonly
pected to be toxic. In contrast, the present results with cypermethrin used as an index of wasp quality (Marston and Ertle 1973, Waage
+ profenofos were classified as slightly harmful (class 2) (Table 2). and Ming 1984). Similar results were observed by Cônsoli et al.
Momanyi et al. (2012) tested the same formulation, cypermethrin (1998) and Carvalho et al. (2003) for abamectin alone.
+ profenofos (500 g A.I./liter ), on Trichogrammatoidea sp. nr. Regarding sex ratio, no differences were found among the treat-
lutea girault (Girauld), describing it as harmful to preimaginal ments in any of the methodologies tested. Carvalho et al. (2003)
development and causing almost total reduction of emergence. and Parra (1994) tested lambda-cyhalothrin, teflubenzuron and
When Suh et al. (2000) evaluated the effects of these two ac- abamectin individually, and none affected the sex ratio, similar to
tive ingredients separately on T. exiguum Pinto & Platner, 1978 this study, showing that, even when these active ingredients are com-
(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), both profenofos (11 g A.I./ bined with other active ingredients they do not affect the sex ratio.

Table 2. Effect of ready-mix insecticides on the emergence of Trichogramma pretiosum, by the immersion or spraying of the host Ephestia
kuehniella eggs containing the pupal stage of the parasitoid (7 d after parasitism) (n = 30) (mean ± standard error)

Sprayed Immersed

Reduction in IOBC/WPRS Reduction in IOBC/

Treatment Emergence (%)a Emergence (%)b Classc Emergence (%) Emergence (%) WPRS Class

Control 88.89 ± 0.65 a — — 90.38 ± 0.49 a — —

chlorantraniliprole + lambda- 81.56 ± 1.18 ab 8.24 1 92.06 ± 0.65 a 0.00 1
methanol + methomyl 0.00 ± 0.00 e 100.00 4 0.00 ± 0.00 e 100.00 4
lufenuron + profenofos 0.35 ± 0.12 d 99.61 4 4.82 ± 0.49 d 94.66 4
abamectin + chlorantaniliprole 65.27 ± 2.97 b 26.57 1 74.88 ± 1.12 b 17.15 1
alpha-cypermethrin + teflubenzuron 75.17 ± 1.09 b 15.44 1 90.76 ± 0.66 a 0.00 1
cypermethrin + profenofos 28.59 ± 2.22 c 67.83 2 28.64 ± 2.05 c 68.31 2
cyproconazole +thiamethoxam 42.21 ± 2.16 c 52.52 2 62.97 ± 3.09 b 30.32 2

Means followed by the same letter do not differ according to Tukey test (P < 0.05).
Reduction in emergence calculated through the formula R = (1(P/p)) × 100), in which R is the percentage of reduction in emergence, P is the mean value of
emergence for the insecticide, and p is the mean emergence in the control treatment.
IOBC/WPRS classes: class 1 = innocuous (<30% reduction), class 2 = slightly harmful (30–80% reduction), class 3 = moderately harmful (>80–99% reduction),
and class 4 = harmful (>99% reduction in emergence percentage) (Hassan 1997).
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 3 1231

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Fig. 2. Parasitism capacity (number of eggs parasitized per female during its life spam) (a) and longevity (mean ± standard error) (b) of Trichogramma pretiosum
females (n = 15) emerged from pupae exposed to pesticides (F1). chlor = chlorantraniliprole; lambda-cya = lambda-cyhalothrin; luf = lufenuron; prof = profenofos;
aba = abamectin; alpha-cyp = alpha-cypermethrin; teflu = teflubenzuron; cyper = cypermethrin; cypro = cyproconazole; thia = thiamethoxam.

Table 3. Position where Trichogramma pretiosum adults (n = 100) they walked. Comparing the effect of the insecticides based on the
were found in the flight test position of the parasitoid adults in the unit-test, the only differ-
ence was a higher percentage of insects found at the bottom in the
Treatment/position Bottom (%) Side (%) Top (%) treatment with abamectin + chlorantraniliprole (19.50%) (Table 3).
Control 0.68 aa 12.80 ns 86.50 ns Regarding the number of adults on the side and top of each unit, no
chlorantraniliprole + 1.46 a 12.70 85.80 difference among the treatments were found.
lambda-cyhalothrin None of the insecticides tested caused sublethal effects able to
abamectin + chlorantraniliprole 19.50 b 13.90 66.50 impair the parasitoid’s ability to fly, since most (67–87%) of the
alpha-cypermethrin + teflubenzuron 6.82 a 7.00 86.20 adults were found at the top of the test-unit. The percentage of in-
cyproconazole + thiamethoxam 7.38 a 8.48 84.10 sects found at the top of the test-unit did not differ significantly in
any of the treatments (Table 3).
Means followed by the same letter do not differ according to Tukey test Based on our results, researchers will be able to apply the most
(P < 0.05), comparing the treatments in each location (bottom, side and top). practicable methodology for each condition and compare the results
whether the cards containing the parasitized eggs are immersed or
sprayed. With respect to the lethal and sublethal effects, among the
Considering the preselection of offspring sex by females, and
insecticides tested, only chlorantraniliprole + lambda-cyhalothrin,
the fact that, in this assay, all the females were primarily exposed
alpha-cypermethrin + teflubenzuron can be considered selective for
to the same conditions, no difference was expected in the sex ratio
the pupal stage of T. pretiosum, being liable to be used for IPM.
of the generation emerged after the treatments and control. A dif-
However, we emphasize that more studies should be done with other
ference in the sex ratio would be expected if the insecticides were
development stages of the parasitoid, and under semifield and field
more harmful to females than to males, or vice versa, which did not
occur in this case.

Sublethal Effect of Insecticides, Evaluated Using the Acknowledgments

Flight Test
We would like to thank Dr. Elvira S. de Lange for the earlier review
The flight capability of parasitoids is not commonly observed in tests
and suggestions. We would also like to thank the Coordenação de
of the effects of insecticides on these natural enemies. Nevertheless,
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) –
it is essential to analyze this parameter because females that cannot
Finance Code 001 for supporting this study.
fly will not find a host and provide effective pest control. This is the
first study to report on wasp flight capability as a sublethal effect of
pesticide exposure in laboratory tests. References Cited
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