Bow thruster instructions

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Safety and Environmental Protection Regulations ”SV 1”

Table of Contents

Preliminary remark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1 Safety regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Transport and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Installation, Starting--up and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installation of SCHOTTEL Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Starting--up and operation (general) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Starting--up and operation of control systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Maintenance and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Removing the underwater gears of SRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7 Noise protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8 Use of appliances causing noise fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
9 Environmental protection regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

GB TDO--Ge Safety and enviromental protection regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 1/8
Operating--, Mounting-- and Maintenance Instructions

Preliminary remark

These ”Safety and Environmental Protection Regu- Where deviations between the German text and the
lations” shall provide the operator or technician re- foreign language text occur for idiomatic reasons, the
sponsible for operating, servicing, installing or re- German text is authoritative.
placing SCHOTTEL products, with information and
assistance. For this purpose, these regulations and The regulations and instructions quoted in this vol-
the accompanying operating and installation instruc- ume apply within the area of the Federal Republic of
tions must be read, understood and observed. Germany.

It must be ensured that the relevant regulations and In other countries, the statutory provisions applicable
instructions are readily available to everyone en- there shall be observed.
gaged in operation, maintenance and installation.
Observe protection mark in accordance to DIN 34!
We assume no liability for damages and breakdowns
”The passing on or copying of these documents, their
in operation which result from the failure to com-
utilization and the disclosure of their contents is pro-
ply with these regulations and the accompanying hibited, unless explicitly granted. All acts contrary to
operating and installation instructions.
this entitle us to claim for compensation. All rights re-
served in the case of a patent being granted or a de-
It is assumed that the user and/or technician is famil-
sign being registered.
iar with the product in question and has been
instructed on any possible risks involved.
References to pictorial illustrations in the text appear
in brackets.
As SCHOTTEL products are subject to further devel-
opment, we reserve the right to make any technical

2 /8 TDO--Ge Safety and Enviromental Protection Regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 GB

1 Safety regulations

The safety regulations must always be used in com- does not comply with the regulations.
bination with the relevant operating and installation In the event of a fault, the cause must be established
instructions. immediately. If the fault cannot be defined or rectified
SCHOTTEL products are to be employed only for the in a correct and competent manner, it must be elimi-
use stipulated in the delivery cope. nated by qualified personnel.
To prevent accidents caused by slipping, negotiable
Any use other than this is considered contrary to reg- parts must be kept free of oil and grease.
ulations. The SCHOTTEL--Werft is not liable for dam-
ages resulting from this. The risk, in this instance, is In addition to the safety and environmental regula-
borne solely by the user. tions listed in these provisions, the safety regulations
of the trade association as well as the relevant regu-
The operator or technician is obliged to refuse to lations for the prevention of accidents must be obser-
carry out any work on SCHOTTEL products which ved.

2 Transport and storage


SCHOTTEL products which, due to their weight, can-

not be lifted without the use of auxiliary equipment,
must be fixed to a raising harness only at the lifting
points provided. If necessary, ask about possible lift-
ing points at the SCHOTTEL--Werft.

Both raising harness and hoist must be selected in

accordance to the load to be lifted.

Do not walk or stand below raised loads.

To prevent damage to bearings and gearwheels,

gears must be braced. 1

The SRP should be braced against the direction of
rotation of operation with a pretension of 5000 to
6000 N (1/1). Figure 1
Use wooden edge protection for the propeller.

GB TDO--Ge Safety and enviromental protection regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 3/8
Operating--, Mounting-- and Maintenance Instructions

Storage empty units (e.g new units).

The interior areas of the SCHOTTEL products in

question are preserved, following the trial run on the This means:
test stand. Corrosion protection is sufficient for
approx. 6 months, when stored in dry environments In the case of units equipped with a vent valve,
(no sea climate). the same be opened.
In case of units equipped with a mushroom--type
Prior to launching y prior to every intial start--up it is vent, pressure compensation is already main-
necessary to top up oil tained.
To this effect it is necessary to observe the different
operating instructions. In the case of units which are only preas-
sembled, a provisional pressure compensation
If a SCHOTTEL unit is put out of operation or re- device with dust protection must be installed at
moved due to damage, then the unit must be filled a pipe connection.
with fresh oil during the storage period, in order to
prevent damage through corrosion.
When storing in the open and/or with considerable
The storage of electric components, for instance in-
changes in ambient temperature, pressure relief strument panels, switch cabinets etc. in the open is
must be maintained for oil--filled units, as well as for prohibited.

3 Installation, Starting--up and Operation

Installation of SCHOTTEL Products Starting--up and operation (general)

Before commencing installation, check that the The operating instructions of the relevant provisions
delivery is complete. All parts must be installed must be observed.
and/or removed in a competent manner.
Before putting SCHOTTEL products into operation,
The installation of SCHOTTEL products requires a check must be made for obvious defects and to en-
that: sure that all protection devices (e.g. cover plates) are
installed soundly. Defective units may not be put into
Only those personnel who possess sufficient operation.
technical expertise and the required equipment
shall be employed. Units with defective instruments, pilot lamps and/or
control elements may not be put into operation.
The installation proposals of SCHOTTEL--Werft
shall be observed, and/or requested as necess- The operator must make absolutely sure that no one
ary. is located within the danger zone of the unit before
putting this into operation.
The relevant technical regulations shall be ob-
served. The indicating instruments must be checked for cor-
rect functioning directly after starting--up, if neces-
Regulations of acceptance authorities under pri- sary the unit must be switched off again.
vate law and/or public law shall be complied

4 /8 TDO--Ge Safety and Enviromental Protection Regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 GB

Moving parts must be protected. If necessary, these Starting--up and operation of control
protection devices must be fitted subsequently. systems
Do not refuel in non--ventilated rooms and only when
the engine is switched off. An emergency stop of the ship is possible at all times;
Smoking is prohibited when refuelling. in the case of twin--propulsion units, both SRP pro-
Never check fuel level with an open flame. pulsion units should be swivelled to the outside by
Combustion engines may only run in rooms where
adequate ventilation is ensured. The speed of the drive engines must be reduced be-
fore starting the control procedures for extreme ma-
noeuvres (if necessary down to idling speed).
Exhaust fumes are highly dangerous!

Never smoke or handle open fire in the vicinity of in-

flammable materials.

4 Maintenance and installation

Only tight--fitting, non--defective tools may be used. Smoking is prohibited when checking the acid level
”Worn out” spanners slip. of the batteries. Do not check the acid level of the bat-
Maintenance and installation work may only be car- teries using an open flame. Charge batteries in well--
ried out on units not in operation. ventilated rooms only.

Maintenance and installation work on electrical com- The fixing screw must be tightened with the appropri-
ponents may only be carried out when the unit is dis- ate torque in accordance to design, and secured
connected. Pipes and hoses under pressure must against accidental loosening in a suitable manner.
neither be tightened nor slackened. Please observe the relevant operating and installa-
Screw locking compound, sealing compound, oils, tion instructions.
acids, detergents and preservatives must not come
into contact with skin and eyes. During maintenance and repair work in the area
of rotary shaft seals and bearing races, these
Should an accident occur however, despite taking all must not be damaged.
precautions, then a doctor must be seen immediate- Rotary shaft seals and bearing races must not be
ly. painted over.
Protect them against heat, welding splashes and
Always wear protective glasses when cleaning parts abrasion dust, covering them if necessary.
with compressed air.

Benzine or any other easily inflammable substances

may not be used for cleaning the unit or its compo-
nents. Fuels and other materials required for opera-
tion must be stored only in containers which cannot
be mistaken for drink containers.

The handling of hot oil runs the risk of burning.

Do not heat oil, the oil or the vapors may ignite.

GB TDO--Ge Safety and enviromental protection regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 5/8
Operating--, Mounting-- and Maintenance Instructions

SCHOTTEL products which, due to their weight, can- When removing propellers and flanges which have to
not be lifted without the use of auxiliary equipment, be pressed on and off hydraulically, these must be
must be fixed to a raising harness only at the lifting secured against falling down with the pressure plate
points provided. If necessary, ask about possible lift- (2/2) specified.
ing points at SCHOTTEL--Werft.
Do not walk or stand in front of the pressure
Components to be removed which, due to their plate!
weight, cannot be lifted without the use of auxiliary
equipment, must be supported accordingly and fixed
to the raising harness at the lifting points provided for
this purpose. If necessary, ask about possible lifting
points at SCHOTTEL--Werft. The raising harness
and hoist must be selected in accordance to the load
to be lifted.

Do not walk or stand under raised loads.

Unauthorized conversions and alterations to

SCHOTTEL products are prohibited.

Spare parts and assessories not supplied by the

SCHOTTEL--Werft are also not checked or accepted
by us. The installation and/or use of such parts may,
therefore,have a possible negative influence on the
design features of our products, so that the active 2
and/or passive safety of these is reduced.

SCHOTTEL--Werft is excluded from any liability

whatsoever for damages resulting from the use of Figure 2
such parts.

6 /8 TDO--Ge Safety and Enviromental Protection Regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 GB

5 Removing the underwater gears of SRP

When removing the underwater gear--box, the power surface gear--box to and fro at the power inlet (3/3)
transmission shaft (3/4) may remain in the surface until the shaft sinks down to the underwater gear--
gear--box and drop down later uncontrolled ! There- box. Remove underwater gear--box together with the
fore, lower underwater gearbox a little and turn the power transmission shaft.

Figure 3

GB TDO--Ge Safety and enviromental protection regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 7/8
Operating--, Mounting-- and Maintenance Instructions

6 Welding

When carrying out welding work to or in the vicinity that no current can flow uncontrolled via bearings,
of SCHOTTEL products, the earthing terminal must bevel gears or similar.
be connected directly at the position of welding, so

7 Noise protection

Units may only be put into operation when all noise In the case of units where operators or mechanics
protection facilities have been properly installed and are exposed to a noise level of ≥85 dB (A), noise
closed. protection must be worn and used.

8 Use of appliances causing noise fields

Use of walkie--talkies, mobile phones as well as other Installation of external components into the
noise field generating appliances within the immedi- SCHOTTEL made steering electronics may cause
ate proximity of SCHOTTEL--steering systems may system breakdowns. Therefore it is absolutely
cause breakdowns, and possibly to the failure of the necessary to settle details with SCHOTTEL prior to
electronical steering unit. taking any action.

9 Environmental protection regulations

The relevant environmental protection regulations When carrying out maintenance or assembly work
must be observed. on products which have to be filled with oil or fuel, the
seals and washers removed should be replaced by
Substances causing damage to the environment (i.e. new ones. Following maintenance and assembly
oils, acids, preservatives and detergents) must be work, the unit and its connections must be checked
collected and disposed of in a non--polluting manner; for tightness.
the relevant laws governing water pollution control
must be complied with. Old batteries must be disposed of in a non--polluting
Used filter cartridges must be collected in a separate
container marked for this purpose and disposed of in Before transporting any SCHOTTEL products con-
a non--polluting manner. taining oil, the latter must be drained off first.

8 /8 TDO--Ge Safety and Enviromental Protection Regulations “SV 1” 3 348/98 1099236 GB

Preservation Instructions

The preservation takes place at the manufacturing SCHOTTEL Hydraulic Systems

plant after the test run or after the assembly of the
component groups resp. and protects the equipment
for a period of 6 months. Internal parts:
Flush the system with the ESSO rust preservation
Should the equipment not be used before the expira- MZ45 and make sure that all internal parts are cove-
tion of this period, the preservation must be repeated red. Perform all control functions without load. Drain
as described below: the preservation oil after. Hydraulic cylinders must
generally be stored with the piston completely retrac-
SCHOTTEL Rudder propeller / Jet /
Transverse Thrusters
Internal parts:
Fill the gear--box with anti--corrosion oil SHELL oil Fitting surfaces and plain parts:
S.7294, SAE 30 and crank the power transmitting In case of damage to conserved fitting surfaces,
parts, to ensure that all internal parts are splashed these surfaces must be cleaned with one of the fol-
with oil. Drain the anti--corrosion oil afterwards. lowing solvents: paraffin, solvent naphtha, diesel,
wax remover or similar.
Steering gear: The surfaces must subsequently be sprayed or
Fill the steering gear--box with anti--corrosion oil coated with VALVOLINE TECTYL 846 K--19.
SHELL oil S.7294, SAE 30 and crank the steering,
to ensure that all internal parts are splashed with oil. For storage in seaworthy packaging, the complete
Drain the anti--corrosion oil afterwards. system and all loose items must be welded in plastic
foil at the manufacturing plant. If the packaging mate-
rial is damaged, silica gel units must be attached to
SCHOTTEL -- Clutches the equipment and the packaging material must be
sealed again air tight.
BMK 80, K 155, K 305 and K 350:
The clutches must be filled with preservation oil
SHELL oil S.7294, SAE 30 and cranked without load,
to ensure that all internal parts are splashed with oil.

The anti--corrosion oil may be drained off afterwards. Before the assembly of fitting surfaces or plain parts
it must be assured that all conserved surfaces are
Mechanical clutch: cleaned with one of the following solvents:
Cover all open plain parts inside the clutch housing
with preservation oil SHELL oil S.7294, SAE 30. This e.g.:
must be carried out while the clutch is disengaged. It -- Paraffin
must, however, be assured that the friction surfaces -- White spirit
stay free of oil. The clutch must be stored in disen- -- Diesel
gaged condition. -- Wax remover

GB TDO--rg Preservation instructions 3 641/02 1104097 1/1

Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP

Table of Contents

Preliminary Remark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1 Technical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Power transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Start--up, Operation and Monitoring of the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Measures prior to initial start--up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Measures prior to start--up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Measures during operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Measures after operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lubricant Recommendation and Oil Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Lubricant recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Oil quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Filling / refilling of oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
New filling of systems with directional control valve or shut--off valve
installed in the oil circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
New filling of systems without directional control valve or shut--off valve
installed in the oil circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Refilling oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Pumping out the oil / Draining the oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Pumping out the oil from systems with oil suction port (STT in the water) . . . . . . 17
Draining the oil (STT outside the water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Checks at the lower gear--box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4 Trouble Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5 Storage, Shut--down and Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Storage and shut--down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 1 / 23

2 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB
Preliminary Remark
These instructions shall be information and help for Important instructions relevant to technical and
every person engaged in initial start--up, operation operational safety are pointed out by the following
and maintenance of SCHOTTEL systems. This symbols:
requires to read, understand and observe these
documents. ! CAUTION
These instructions must be available to everybody Indicates working and operating methods that are to
carrying out works on the system. be strictly observed to exclude endangering of
We do not accept any liability for damages and
troubles in operation resulting from disregard of
these instructions. ! ATTENTION
Refers to working and operating methods that are to
It is taken for granted that every user is familiar with
be strictly observed to avoid damages to or
the systems and informed on all possible dangers.
destruction of the material.
Only trained personnel is allowed to carry out any
work on the system.
References to illustrations are written in brackets in
Indicates exceptional features in the working
the text, e.g. (1/3). The first number indicates the
process that are to be observed.
illustration number in the manual, the second
number is the position number in the illustration.
All illustrations are diagrammatic projections without i INFORMATION
any claim of completeness. Application references and information.
Any technical modification to SCHOTTEL systems
not carried out by personnel pointed out by During any work carried out on SCHOTTEL systems
SCHOTTEL does require written consent. it is required to observe the ”Safety and
This excludes modifications or control settings Environmental Protection Regulations SV 1” as
detailed in our instructions. well as the relevant laws in force in the respective
country of utilization.
Given that SCHOTTEL systems are subject to
further development we reserve the right of technical

These instructions were elaborated with utmost care.

In case of further information required, please contact:

Mainzer Straße 99
D--56322 Spay
Phone +49 (0) 2628 / 61--0
Fax +49 (0) 2628 / 61--300

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 3 / 23

4 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB
1 Technical Description

All technical data and the version of your system you

will find in the Technical Specifications and the Spare 1
Parts Catalogue.

following called STT, consists of the main sub--

D Driving motor (1/1)

D Flexible coupling (1/2)

D Lower gear--box (1/3)

D Propeller (1/5)

D Tunnel (1/4)
Besides a multlayer coat of antifouling paint, also
anodes are mounted for corrosion protection.
Figure 1

Power transmission
The power transmission is carried out from the 1
driving motor (2/1) via the flexible coupling (2/2) onto
the bevel gear pair (2/3) and the propeller shaft (2/4)
onto the propeller (2/5). 2
Thrust direction results from the turning direction of
the propeller. 3

Figure 2

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 5 / 23

1 2 3 4 1 2 5 3



9 10





Figure 3 Diagrammatic section (side view)

6 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB


17 16

Figure 4 Diagrammatic section (top view without driving motor)

1 Oil compensating reservoir 10 Set of bevel gears

2 Sight--glass 11 Propeller shaft
3 Breather valve 12 Lower gear--box
4 Oil level monitoring probe 13 Oil outlet
5 Float switch 14 Tunnel
6 Directional control valve or shut--off valve 15 Propeller
(not included in SCHOTTEL scope of supply) 16 Vent line
7 Driving motor 17 Oil supply conduit
8 Flexible coupling 18 Oil suction port (optional)
9 Anode

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 7 / 23

Thrust direction and thrust power is predefined with
the default unit on the steering stand. Thrust power
and thrust direction can be adjusted.
The thrust direction results from the turning direction
of the driving motor.

The lower gear--box (5/6) of the STT (5/9) is
completely filled with oil (splash lubrication). For
compensating the heat expansion of the lubrication
oil is used the oil compensating reservoir (5/3).
The oil level in the oil compensating reservoir is
monitored by a level monitoring probe (5/4) or a float
switch (5/5).
With insufficient oil level a visual and audible warning
message is transmitted to the steering stand.
Oil level and oil condition can be checked at the
sight--glass (5/2).

Systems with directional control valve or

shut--off valve
In case of system with directional control valve or
shut--off valve (5/12) installed in the lubrication
system, this can be used for filling the system with
lubrication oil.

Systems with oil suction port

In case of systems with oil suction port it is possible
to completely pumped out by connecting a pump to
the oil suction port (5/8).
The oil of all system can also be drained via the
oiloutlet of the lower gear--box.

Legend of Figure 5
1 Breather valve 8 Oil suction port (optional)
2 Sight--glass 9 STT (top view)
3 Oil compensating reservoir 10 Vent line
4 Oil level monitoring probe 11 Feed line
5 Float switch 12 Directional control valve or shut--off valve
6 Lower gear--box (optional)
7 Oil outlet

8 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

1 1
3 2






Figure 5

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2 Start--up, Operation and Monitoring of the System

Measures prior to initial start--up

D Clean the bright outside surfaces of the STT
treated with anticorrosive using a solvent. Use
naphtha, solvent naphtha, diesel oil, wax
remover or similar agents (do not use thinner).

D Put the directional control valve or shut--off valve
(6/2) in “operating” position.

D Check oil level:

The oil level must come up to the centre of the
sight--glass (6/1).

D Check all warning and control systems.


D Have the system run at reduced speed for approx.

2 minutes, then switch it off and check the oil level.


During the first operating hours of a new or repaired

STT or subsequent to an oil change, it is required to
check the oil level several times, since refilling might
be required because of possibly existing inclusions
of air.

D Check the system for tightness.

Figure 6

10 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

Measures prior to start--up
D Check oil level.
The oil level must come up to the centre of the
sight--glass (7/1).
The oil must not be of milky colour.

The marking at the sight--glass marks the oil level if
ambient temperature and oil temperature are the

Measures during operation

D Check oil condition.

The oil level must be visible in the sight--glass
The oil must not be of milky colour.

D Observe the oil level warning system.

D Attention is to be paid to abnormal noises of the



With warning messages, abnormal noises and milky

colour of the oil it is required to execute checks
according to trouble shooting, page 20.

Measures after operation

D Visual check of the entire system for leaks,

damages and loose screwed connections.
Figure 7

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 11 / 23

3 Maintenance

It is unconditionally required to observe the When renewing the paint coat of the system pay
SCHOTTEL operating, mounting and maintenance attention not to cover the rotary shaft seals and
instructions, the SCHOTTEL Safety and anodes with paint.
Environmental Protection Regulations ”SV 1” as well
as the regulations regarding safety and Do not damage the rotary shaft seals during cleaning
environmental protection in force in the country of works but cover them beforehand, if required.
During maintenance and repair works it is to be
ensured that the system cannot be switched on
Caution while working on hot parts of the system and
when handling hot oil.

Danger of burns

Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance Interval Works to be carried out

-- Visual check of the entire system
every day -- Check the oil level
-- Functional check of all control and warning systems

every 1000 operating hours, -- Take an oil sample at operating temperature and have it examined
at least every six months by the oil manufacturer; change the oil, if required

every 5000 operating hours, -- Perform oil change

at least every 5 years

For further mainenance information regarding individual subassemblies please, see the separate
operating, mounting and maintenance instructions in this manual.

12 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

Lubricant recommendations and oil quantities

Lubricant recommendation

The lubricants to be used for this system are listed in
the SCHOTTEL instructions 1145140.

Oil quantities
(Lower gear box and oil compensating reservoir)

STT system Oil quantities [litres]

STT 051 approx. 15 l

STT 060 approx. 20 l

STT 110 approx. 25 l

STT 170 approx. 55 l

STT 330 approx. 200 l

STT 550 approx. 330 l

STT 1010 approx. 600 l

Reference value + 10 % for reserves

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 13 / 23

Filling / refilling oil

New filling of systems with directional control valve or shut--off valve

Observe the lubricant recommendation
Use clean oil only.

1. Secure the system against unintended start.

2. Unscrew the breather valve (8/1) from the oil

compensating reservoir.

3. Connect the oil pump with the oil filling conduit

(8/2) and put the directional control valve or
shut--off valve (8/3) to “filling” position.

Figure 8

4. Fill with oil until the level comes up to the centre

of the sight--glass (9/3). 1

5. Put the directional control valve or shut--off valve

(9/2) back to “operating” position

6. Screw the breather valve (9/1) back down.

7. Check the system for tightness.

During the first operating hours of a new or repaired
STT or subsequent to an oil change, it is required to
check the oil level several times, since refilling might
be required because of possibly existing inclusions
of air. 2

Figure 9

14 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

New filling of systems without directional control valve or shut--off valve

Observe the lubricant recommendation
Use clean oil only.

1. Secure the system against unintended start.

2. Unscrew the breather valve (10/1) from the oil

compensating reservoir.

Figure 10

3. Fill in the oil via the bore hole until the level
comes up to the centre of the sight--glass (11/2).

4. Screw the breather valve (11/1) back down.

5. Check the system for tightness.

During the first operating hours of a new or repaired
STT or subsequent to an oil change, it is required to
check the oil level several times, since refilling might
be required because of possibly existing inclusions
of air.

Figure 11

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 15 / 23

Refilling oil


Do use the same type of oil only as used before.

1. Switch the system off and secure against

unintended start.

2. Unscrew the breather valve (12/1) from the oil

compensating reservoir. 2

3. Fill in the oil via the bore hole until the level
comes up to the centre of the sight--glass (12/2).


The marking at the sight--glass marks the oil level if

ambient temperature and oil temperature are the

4. Screw the breather valve back down.

Figure 12

16 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

Pumping out the oil / draining the oil
Pumping out the oil from systems
with oil suction port (STT in the water) 1
Pump with hose
An appropriate collecting bowl of sufficient capacity
must be available for the used oil.
The STT must have operating temperature.

1. Switch the system off and secure against

unintended start.

2. Have the collecting bowl ready.

3. Unscrew the breather valve (13/1).

4. The directional control valve or shut--off valve

(13/2) must be in “operating” position.

Figure 13

5. Unscrew the locking screw (14/1) from the oil

suction port.
6. Connect the pump with hose to the oil suction

7. Open the shut--off valve (14/2).

8. Pump the used oil completely out into the

collecting bowl.

9. Remove the pump with hose.

10. Screw the locking screw of the oil suction port

back down.

11. Screw the breather valve back down.

12. Check the system for tightness.

The STT is to be filled with oil again to avoid
corrosion. Figure 14

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 17 / 23

Draining the oil (STT outside the water)

An appropriate collecting bowl of sufficient capacity 1

must be available for the used oil.

1. Secure the system against unintended


2. Have the collecting bowl ready.

3. Unscrew the breather valve (15/1) from the oil

compensating reservoir.

4. The directional control valve or shut--off valve

(15/2) must be in “operating” position.

Figure 15

5. Unscrew the locking screw (16/2).

6. Let the used oil drain completely into the

collecting bowl.

7. Check the locking screw if abrasion is sticking to

the magnet.
Fine abrasion is normal during the run--in period 1
of new or repaired systems.
Rough abrasion indicates major wear or
damage. In this case it is required to check the
system and have it repaired, if necessary.

8. Clean the locking screw, replace the sealing and

screw down the locking screw oiltight.


The STT is to be filled with oil again to avoid Figure 16


18 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

Checking the underwater subassemblies

With the STT dismounted, or the ship is slipped, the

following works are to be carried out:

1. Check the propeller (17/1) for damage. 2


2. Check wear of the anodes (17/2) on the lower

gear--box and on the tunnel, and replace if


In case of major propeller damages there is the

danger of tooth breakage inside the gear--boxes.
With used--up anodes there is the danger of

3. Check all sealings (18/1) of the lower gear--box 2 2

for emerging oil.

4. Check the gap (18/2) between propeller hub and

lower gear--box for emerging oil and foreign
Figure 17
The gap must be free from foreign substances;
if required the propeller is to be dismounted, the
foreign substances to be removed and the
sealings to be checked.
1 1
5. Check the tight seat of all fastening screws of the
lower gear--box and of the protective grating.

6. Check the condition of the antifouling paint coat

and retouch, if required.
Information to this respect can be found in the
SCHOTTEL instructions 1098053 and


Strong damages of the antifouling paint coat indicate

external influences that might result in major
2 1
When renewing the antifouling paint coat of the
system do not paint over the rotary shaft seals.
Do not damage the rotary shaft seals during cleaning
works but cover them beforehand, if required. Figure 18

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 19 / 23

4 Trouble Shooting

Malfunction/Error Possible cause Check/Removal

Warning ”Oil deficiency” Unsufficient oil level in the oil Check oil level, if required correct
compensating tank. the oil level. If the message
appears again hand the unit over
for repair

Monitoring probe defective Check function of the monitoring

replace the oil level monitoring
probe, if required

Float switch with wrong setting or Check function of the float switch;
defective if required correct setting or
replace the float switch

STT with abnormal noises during Propeller damaged Hand the system over for repair

Foreign bodies in the propeller Hand the system over for repair

Bearing or toothed wheels Hand the system over for repair


Oil is of milky colour Water in the oil Take oil sample and check for
content of water; hand system
over for repair, if required

Rising or falling oil level in the oil STT leaks (water enters or oil Hand the system over for repair
compensating reservoir (with emerges)
standstill of the system)

20 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

5 Storage, Shut--down and Transport

Storage and shut--down

During storage or shut--down, the lower gear--box
(19/2) is to be filled with new oil to avoid corrosion
damages. 2
The propeller (19/1) has to be turned several times
by hand at least once per month.
The lower--gear box is to be continuously checked for
It is required to provide for pressure compensation in
the lower gear--box; see SCHOTTEL instructions
If the lower gear--box is submitted to vibrations
during standstill, e.g. during storage on a ship etc.,
then it is to be fastened to avoid bearing damages.

For storage and shut--down for more than 6 months
it is required to consult SCHOTTEL.

Figure 19

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 21 / 23


The oil has to be drained off the STT prior to

For the weight of your system or the weights of the
individual subassemblies please, see the dispatch
1 1
The STT is to be fastended only at the previewed
lifting eyes (20/1). If required, a crosshead is to be
used to avoid damage to the subassemblies.

It is prohibited to remain under suspended loads. Do
only use lifting gears of sufficient carrying capacity.

Mortal Danger

Figure 20

The propeller is to be fastened by wedges (21/1) to

avoid transport damages to the lower gear--box.
Use propeller edge protection.

Figure 21

22 / 23 STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 GB

6 Warranty

The warranty period is fixed in the contract with

SCHOTTEL will only accept warranty claims within
the fixed period if the following requirements are met:

Observance of all mounting instructions, safety

regulations and operating instructions.
Performance of all maintenance works
according to schedule and properly carried out

Use of the STT exclusively for the determined

purpose in accordance with the scope of supply.

Observance of any and all special terms and

regulations that are part of the contract.

GB STD--Ka Operating Instructions STT 51 FP to STT 1010 FP 08/0082 1099238 23 / 23

Mounting of Propeller SRP 170, SRP 200 and STT 170

While mounting the propeller onto the conical shaft Procedure

the following is of special importance:

D Take out the fitting key (1/1) and check if it is pos- Propeller and propeller shaft must be roughly of the
sible to slide it through the groove of the hub. If same temperature.
necessary the groove has to be reworked.
D Place the fitting key back paying attention to safe
seat by the clamping sleeve (1/2). 1. Slide the propeller (2/4) manually onto the pro-
peller shaft.
D For mounting a new propeller (spare propeller)
touch the cone of the propeller shaft with bearing
colour. Place propeller slightly and check contact 2. Place the flange (2/5) and manually screw down
pattern. The bearing surface must have a mini- the screws (2/6) until all screw heads have sur-
mum of 70%. If necessary the propeller hub has face contact.
to be reworked.
D The labyrinth gap (1/3) between propeller hub
and gear must be free of foreign matters. 3. Tighten each screw slightly.
--Do not mount the propeller in the course of
D The surfaces of the propeller shaft seat and hub this--
seat must be clean. The hub seat must be
achieved in manually dry condition.
4. Remove screws and flange.
1 2
min. 3 mm
5 4

Figure 1
Figure 2

GB TDO--ge Mounting of propeller SRP 170, SRP 200 and STT 170 5 1556/97 1100938 1/3
Operating--, Mounting-- and Maintenance Instructions

5. Take measure of distance “X” from propeller

hub to propeller shaft, and determine measure 7
10 (SRP 200)
Z = X -- Y

For measure “Y” of the slip--on distance, please, see
the compulsory drawing in the SCHOTTEL manual.

If in the drawing there is no measure “Y”, the slip--on

distance should be between 0,7 and 0,9 mm. 6 8

Figure 4

9. Heat the propeller hub up to 100 . . . 120  C, and

Z slide the propeller manually onto the propeller
shaft (Caution: risk for burns).

10. Put the O--ring (4/7) into the flange and place the
flange and mount it with the screws until the
flange has taken is bearing on the shaft.

For final torque of the screws, see compulsory draw-
ing in the SCHOTTEL manual.
Secure screws with liquid glue.
Screw head bearing has to be sealed with liquid seal-
Figure 3 ing (see instructions 1099235).

11. Insert screws (4/8) and tighten with a tightening

6. The journal of the flange has to be reworked
down to measure “Z”.
7. Degrease all threaded holes and screws. For final torque of the screws, see compulsory draw-
ing in the SCHOTTEL manual.
Secure screws with liquid glue.
8. Insert the O--ring (4/9) into the propeller hub and Screw head bearing has to be sealed with liquid seal-
coat it with silubrin grease. ing (see instructions 1099235).

2 /3 TDO--ge Mounting of propeller SRP 170, SRP 200 and STT 170 5 1556/97 1100938 GB
Dismounting the propeller

1. Unscrew the screws (5/8), and remove cap

(5/10). ! CAUTION
Only SRP 200 is equipped with the cap.
Secure the propeller against falling down uncon-
2. Unscrew the screws (5/6), and remove flange
(5/5). To this effect:
Screw down the screws (6/6) and adjust them to a
measure of approx. 10 mm (Fig. 6).
10 5
4. Screw down the screws (6/8) into the propeller
hub and tighten with MA=40 Nm..

5. Heat the propeller hub up to 100 . . . 120 C.

6. Continue to tighten all screws (6/8) evenly (max.

1/4 turn) until the propeller comes off.

6 8

Figure 5

3. Place the flange (6/5) with the journal to the out-


ca. 10 mm

Figure 6

GB TDO--ge Mounting of propeller SRP 170, SRP 200 and STT 170 5 1556/97 1100938 3/3
Lubricant Recommendation
STT 10 FP to STT 4040 FP

STT 170 CP to STT 4040 CP

STT 001 FP to STT 004 FP

STT 001 CP to STT 004 CP

It is only allowed to use those lubricants included in
Admissible for SCHOTTEL systems are only mineral the lubricant recommendation.
oils containing additives for increasing the corrosion
prevention and ageing stability as well as to reduce Prior to using biological or synthetical oil it is required
wear within the mixed friction area. to consult SCHOTTEL.
The scuffing load capacity in the test FZG A 8,3/90 Oils of different manufacturers are never to be mixed.
is to be to DIN 51354/2 > 12.
Additives independent of what type being subse-
The lubricants additionally have to present the qual- quently added to the oil are alterating the oil in an un-
ity requirements prescribed by SCHOTTEL: predictable manner.

D High gray stippiness load capacity with a load The use of such additives might negatively affect the
carrying capacity ² 10 to gray stippiness test power, the maintenance efforts and the duration of
FVA 54 the system.

D Minor foaming with less than 15% of foam gen- With disregard SCHOTTEL will not accept any war-
eration ranty claims.

D Compatibility with residues of the preservation

oil used by SCHOTTEL

D Compatibility with inside transmission coating

used by SCHOTTEL

D Compatibility with elastomer sealings of the ro-

tary shaft seals

D Compatibility with the liquid sealing compounds

SCHOTTEL is using between the contact sur-

GB STD SCHOTTEL Lubricant Recommendation 06/0724 1145140 1/ 2


STT 010 FP -- STT 4040 FP STT 001 FP -- STT 004 FP

STT 170 CP -- STT 4040 CP STT 001 CP -- STT 004 CP

ADDINOL --/-- --/--

ARAL Degol BG 68 Plus Degol BG 100 Plus

BP Energol GR--XP 68 Energol GR--XP 100

CASTROL Alpha SP 68 Alpha SP 100

Alpha MAX 100

CALTEX Meropa 68 Meropa 100

DEA Falcon CLP 68 Falcon CLP 100





OMV OMV gear HST 68 OMV gear HST 100

OPTIMOL Optigear BM 68 Optigear BM 100

Q8 OILS Q8 Goya NT 68 Q8 Goya NT 100

SHELL Omala Oil 68 Omala Oil 100

SRS Erolsan 68 GF Erolsan 100 GF

TEXACO Meropa WM 68 Meropa WM 100

Auriga EP 68 Auriga EP 100


TRIBOL Tribol 1100 / 68 Tribol 1100 / 100

2/ 2 STD SCHOTTEL Lubricant Recommendation 06/0724 1145140 GB

Mounting Instruction for SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters

The SCHOTTEL Transverse Thruster System, in the

following denominated STT, are accurately tested
prior to leaving the works. With this test the operative-
ness is ensured.

Immediately on receipt you have to check all parts for
completeness and possible shipping damages!

Figure 1
D For lifting, the general regulations for lifting goods
are to be met.
D Do only use lifting devices of the corresponding
D The lifting device is only allowed to be fastened to
the previewed lifting eyes.
D Inadmissible inclined tension during hoisting of
structural components must be avoided by using
the corresponding cross--heads. Otherwise the
structural components might get damaged.
D For lifting packaging units pay attention to the in-
dications and marks on the shipping crates.

Figure 2

GB STD--ge IMounting Instructions for SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters 08/0090 1092227 1/4

It is absolutely necessary to observe the mounting D Prior to launching, check if the propeller turns
documents as well as the valid operating, mounting without entering in contact with the tunnel.
and maintenance instructions.
D Connect all lubrication oil and hydraulic lines as
D The STT has to be mounted stressrelieved. well as electric wires to the system.

D The STT has to be mounted rigidly in the frames. The STT is preserved prior to delivery. The protection
To counteract any welding distortion there are against corrosion is effective for approx. 6 months in
reinforcing rings at the tunnel. If required, additio- case of storage in dry ambient air (no sea--water at-
nal diagonal braces are used that are to be remo- mosphere). The STT and the steering planetary gear
ved subsequent to welding the system in place. has no oil filling when delivered.

D The tunnel is to be integrated into the ships’ hull

with professional welding -- see following pages. ! ATTENTION
D The lower gearbox is allowed to be arranged in Prior to launching the ship all lubricant systems must
horizontal, vertical or any other intermediate posi- be filled with oil, see ”Operating instructions for
tion. In case of oblique or horizontal position of the SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters”.
lower gearbox, with view onto the propeller the When renewing the paint coating of the system do
power entry has to be arranged at the left side. not paint over the rotary shaft seals and anodes.
The vent connection (3/1) thus is arranged at the Do not damage the rotary shaft seals and anodes
highest point. when cleaning; cover them beforehand if necessary.

D The vent line (3/1) is to be installed ascending.

D The oil compensating reservoir must be installed

at least 1 m above the loadline of the ship.
D To avoid air cushions, the supply lines have to be
installed ascending between the STT and the oil
compensating reservoir. These activities have to
be performed extremely careful with respect to
cleanliness (see Operating Instructions

D The mounting yard has to connect the oil level

switch in the oil compensating reservoir with the
alarm system.

D For the power transmission only screws of the

10.9 quality have to be applied.

D In case of the electric motor version, the dockyard

has to support the motor in the ship’s structure,
see page 3.

D For protection against corrosion it is required to

install sufficient anodes at the ship’s hull.
Figure 3

2 /4 STD--ge Mounting instructions for SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters 08/0090 1092227 GB

Support of the electric motor

β max. ± 25°
l F = Fstat  Fdyn
l = support length
f = factor
S = required transverse section for the brace [cm2]

S S=f⋅l

Figure 4

admissible force F Calculation example

f [cm]
Type Fstat [N] Fdyn [N]
STT 170, support length l = 100 cm
STT 51 0,08 2100 1300
STT 60/110 0,10 2400 1500 S=f⋅l
STT 170 0,15 4200 2600
STT 330 0,23 6500 4000
S = 0, 15 ⋅ 100
STT 550 0,40 10700 6600
S = 15 cm2
STT 1010 0,64 14800 9100

U--Profile extract of DIN 1026

Dimensions, marking off dimension, biggest Transversal sec- Symbol
admissible hole--∅ en mm tion surface
h b s t c r1 r2 w1 d1 S [cm]2] U

50 38 5 7 19 7 3,5 20 11 7,12 50
60 30 6 6 15 6 3 18 8,4 6,46 60
65 42 5,5 7,5 21 7,5 4 25 11 9,03 65
80 45 6 8 22,5 8 4 25 13 11,0 80
100 50 6 8,5 25 8,5 4,5 30 15 13,5 100
120 55 7 9 27,5 9 4,5 30 17 17,0 120 Selection: U 120
160 65 7,5 10,5 32,5 10,5 5,5 35 21 24,0 160
200 75 8,5 11,5 37,5 11,5 6 40 23 32,2 200
240 85 9,5 13 42,5 13 6,5 45 25 42,3 240
280 95 10 15 47,5 15 7,5 50 25 53,3 280
300 100 10 16 50 16 8 55 25 58,8 300
350 100 14 16 43 16 8 55 25 77,3 350
400 110 14 18 48 18 9 60 25 91,5 400

The information is to be understood as proposal only; concept and execution is the sole responsibility of the yard.

GB STD--ge IMounting Instructions for SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters 08/0090 1092227 3/4
Welding instructions

During mounting the system in the ship, the welding

sequence has to be carefully performed in step--back ! ATTENTION
welding to avoid welding torsion. During welding, the ground connection must not be
guided over the gear.

Weld preparation
t = material thickness β
β = angle 35° ≤ β ≤ 60°
b = gap 1≤b≤ 4

c = web tickness ≤2 b

h = flank height h=

Figure 5
Welding sequence
Inside welding of weld.
Mark opposite position, then penetration welding.

5 7

3 9


2 12

4 10

6 8

Figure 6

4 /4 STD--ge Mounting instructions for SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters 08/0090 1092227 GB

Couplings MMS and MMG

General alignment regulation


In order to ensure trouble--free functioning of the
installed coupling we recommend that the following
installation instruction is observed.

Since exact alignment of the half couplings deci- 4 2

sively influences the service life of the flexible ele-
ments, we recommend that the coupling should be
aligned as accurately as possible. Special care
should be taken when aligning couplings for high Rx
speeds. The more accurately the coupled machines
are aligned, the greater the reserve capacity for tak- 1
ing up the displacement during operation of the unit.

After fitting the coupling, the alignment of the cou- 4 2
pling should be carried out in the sequence de-
scribed as follows with the retaining cap unscrewed
and pushed back:

Figure 1

Radial alignment Axial alignment

By using the appropriate instruments the radial align- The coupling must be aligned axially in order to main-
ment R of the coupling flanges to one another, should tain the correct distance between the two half cou-
be determined on at least four (three are sufficient in plings. It is recommended to check the axial distance
cases of poor accessibility) measuring points, each by means of four (three) measuring points which are
point should be separated by 90°. If the shafts can be off--set at 90°. The correct axial distance for each
rotated, we recommend that the shaft should be coupling distance must lie within the permitted toler-
turned through 90° after every measurement in order ances.
to ensure that measurements are taken at the same
points of the two parts of the coupling in the varying
positions. This measuring method ensures that work
tolerances have no effect (concentricity and surface S1

The radial displacement Rmax. can be evaluated from

the measuring points positioned at 90° to each other
as follows:

Rmax. = Rx2 + Ry2

Figure 2

GB TDO--ge Couplings MMS and MMG 1 454/98 1092534 1/3

Operating--, Mounting -- and Maintenance Instructions

Angular alignment Alignment tolerances

The same measuring procedure as for radial align- for:

ment should be carried out for the angular alignment. Shaft couplings MMS . . . W
The deviation at the circumference U caused by an Separable flange couplings MMS . . . T
angular position is determined by means of four or Flange couplings MMS . . . F1
three measuring points each off-- set at 90° to each Brake drum couplings MMS . . . WBT and
other. The deviation U must not exceed the permissi- TBT
ble maximum value. Brake disc couplings MMS . . . WBT and
(Special assembly information available for flange
couplings F2 on internal combustion engines)

Radial alignment Angular alignment Axial alignment

Umax S1 S


Figure 3

Serial MMS and MMS -- A

Coupling size 4 6,3 10 16 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600
R max1) [mm] 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8
U max [mm] 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2
S1 ± 1 [mm] 18 ±1 20± 1 17± 1 19± 1 22± 1 26± 1 30± 1 35± 1 41±1,2
1 47±1,2
1 56±1,5
1 64±1,5
1 75± 2
1 85± 2

1) See “General alignment regulation”

Serial MMG
Coupling size 2500 4000 6300 10000 16000 25000 40000 63000 100000
R max [mm] 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,0
U max [mm] 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,4 2,7 3,0
S1 ± [mm] 7 ±1,5 8 ±1,5 9 ±1,5 10 ± 2 15 ± 2 20 ± 2,5 22 ± 3 25 ±3 30 ± 4

2 /3 TDO--ge Couplings MMS and MMG 1 454/98 1092534 GB

Assembly of the flexible elements and
the retaining cap

The flexible saddle elements can be fitted after the

coupling has been aligned. The flexible saddle ele-
ments must be inserted in such a way that the rubber
packets are covered by the coupling claws over the
entire length. The rubber membrane which serves to
fix the saddle elements axially, and which is on the
front side of the saddle elements, should lie between
the coupling claw and the hub flange. MMS and MMS -- A
In order to assist the assembly of the retaining cap
the saddle element should first be covered with tal-
cum powder or potash (no grease or oil). In order to
prevent the saddle elements from being displaced or
folding, we recommend that they are held together by
means of a wire or steel band when sliding on the re-
taining cap.
Special care must be taken to ensure that the thick
washer DIN 7349 is used for the securing screw
when fitting plastic retaining caps (size MMS 10 --
MMS 400).
The retaining cap should only be screwed in the
marked position for balanced couplings.

Screwed connections on the coupling Should the screw require an additional securing
adhesive, we recommend the use of anaerobic
Before commissioning, the torque of all screwed con- adhesives (e.g. Loctite, Casco, Omnifit etc.).
nections should be checked by means of a torque
wrench. Screws which have not been tightened with
the correct torque may come loose during operation.

Torques for hexagon screws with metric thread DIN 13, strength 8.8
Screw thread M6 M8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30
Torque [Nm] 10 25 49 86 135 210 410 710 1050 1450

Safety precautions References

According to the law concerning machine protection, For the elaboration of these maintenance instruc-
all moving machine parts must be supplied with tions, part of the wording and illustrations was bor-
guards by the customer in order to avoid uninten- rowed from the catalogue of the company ”Reich”.
tional contact.

GB TDO--ge Couplings MMS and MMG 1 454/98 1092534 3/3

Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and
Product Recommendations

Table of Contents

1 Screw Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tightening torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tightening order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Securing screw connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Filling of Bore Holes and Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Sealing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Flange sealants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Preparing the sealing faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Pipe connector sealant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Preparing the threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4 Product Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

en STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 1/7
Preliminary Remark
These instructions shall be of information and help for Given that SCHOTTEL systems are subject to further
every person engaged in initial start−up, operation and development we reserve the right of technical
maintenance of SCHOTTEL systems. This requires to modifications.
read, understand and observe these documents.
Important instructions relevant to technical and
These instructions are to be made available to operational safety are pointed out by the following
everybody carrying out works on the system. symbols:
We do not accept any liability for damages and troubles
in operation resulting from disregard of these ! CAUTION
It is taken for granted that every user is familiar with the Indicates working and operating methods that are to be
systems and informed on all possible dangers. strictly observed to exclude any risk for persons.

Only trained personnel is allowed to carry out any work

on the system. ! ATTENTION
References to illustrations in the text are written in Refers to working and operating methods that are to be
brackets, e.g. (1/3). The first number indicates the strictly observed to avoid damages to or destruction of
illustration number in the manual, the second number the material.
is the position number in the illustration.
All illustrations are diagrammatic projections without NOTE
any claim for completeness.
Any technical modification to SCHOTTEL systems not Indicates exceptional features in the working process
carried out by personnel appointed by SCHOTTEL that are to be observed.
does require written consent.
This excludes modifications or control settings detailed i INFORMATION
in our instructions.
Application references and information.
During any work carried out on SCHOTTEL systems it
is required to observe the Safety and Environmental
Protection Regulations SV 1 as well as the relevant
laws in force in the respective country of utilization.

These instructions were elaborated with utmost care.

In case of further information required, please contact:
Mainzer Straße 99
D−56322 Spay
Phone +49 (0) 2628 / 61−0
Fax +49 (0) 2628 / 61−300

2/7 STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 en
1 Screw Connections

Tightening torques
It is unconditionally required to apply the tightening
torques stated in the construction drawings and in the The coefficients of friction for rust−proof screws usually
manual. are a little bit higher. Given that these are always slightly
oiled or screwed down with bonding material
If no tightening torques are stated then the values (corresponds to slightly oiled), a total coefficient of
indicated in the following table are valid, depending on friction of mges=0.13 was chosen.
thread size and property class.

Tightening torque MA (Nm)

Size Property class Property class

8.8 10.9 12.9 A4−70 A4−80 C3−80

M4 2.8 4.1 4.8 2.2 2.9 3.1

M5 5.5 8.1 9.5 4.3 5.7 6.1
M6 9,5 14 16.5 7.3 9.8 10.4
M7 15.5 23 27 12 16 17
M8 23 34 40 17 23 25
M 10 46 68 79 35 48 51
M 12 79 117 135 60 82 87
M 14 125 185 215 98 130 140
M 16 195 280 330 150 200 215
M 18 280 390 460 210 280 300
M 20 390 560 650 300 405 430
M 22 530 750 880 225 545 580
M 24 670 960 1120 260 695 740
M 27 1000 1400 1650 430 1030 1100
M 30 1350 1900 2250 585 1400 1500
M 33 1850 2600 3000 1875 2000
M 36 2350 3300 3900 2450 2600
M 39 3000 4300 5100 3190 3400

en STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 3/7
Tightening order
If screw connections are arranged over the
circumference of a part, then the tightening is to be
carried out in several steps, according to the order 1
shown in the Figure 1.
8 5

4 3


Figure 1

Securing screw connections

Screw connections, which are not secured with
mechanical safety elements are to be secured with
liquid bonding agent.
Secured connections must be detachable with normal
tools without heat treatment.

In case of screw / nut connections up toM16, the liquid

bonding agent is to be applied to the first engaging turns
of the screw thread (2/1); in case of thread sizes > M16
onto both joining pieces. 1

With pocket hole threads, a sufficient quantity is to be

applied always into the bore hole (2/2), this way the air
in the pocket hole is removed. The bonding agent will
distribute over the thread turns during screwing down.
In any case it is required to observe the instructions of
the respective manufacturer.

The bonding agents can be ordered from SCHOTTEL Figure 2

by stating the order no., see chapter ”Product

4/7 STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 en
2 Filling of Bore Holes and Gaps

If it is required to fill gaps or bore holes with water−proof
rapid cement, then this is marked in the construction

D Parts have to be painted.

D Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from grease.

The rapid cement can be ordered from SCHOTTEL by
stating the order no., see chapter ”Product

Wear protective clothing during the operation!


The cement dust must not enter in contact with the eyes

or respiratory tract.

1. Insert plugs into the heads of hexagon socket
screws (3/1).
2. Prepare the required quantity of rapid cement to
instructions of the manufacturer.
3. Fill bore holes / gaps with rapid cement (3/2).
4. Leave the rapid cement cure to instructions of the
5. Level the outline by grinding and renew the paint
coat according to the corresponding specification.

Figure 3

en STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 5/7
3 Sealing Material

Flange sealant Pipe connector sealant

If flanges or covers have to be mounted by adding Individual cases might require to additionally secure
surface sealing material, then this is marked in the threaded joints with liquid bonding agent.
construction drawing with indication of the sealing The according points are marked in the construction
material. drawing with indication of the sealing material.
Sealant and possibly required cleaning material can be
ordered from SCHOTTEL by stating the order no., see Sealant and possibly required cleaning material can be
chapter ”Product recommendation”. ordered from SCHOTTEL by stating the order no., see
chapter ”Product recommendation”.

Preparing the sealing faces Preparing the threads

1. Clean and degrease the contact faces. 1. Clean and degrease the threads.
2. Check the flatness of the surfaces and rework, if 2. Check the condition of the threads and rework, if
required. required.
3. Insert O−rings or other prescribed sealings in dry
condition. Processing
1. Apply sealant onto the first threads (the very first
Processing thread remains free!).

1. Apply the sealant thin and even on one side. NOTE

2. Let the sealant flash off to instructions of the In case of thread sizes up to 1/2” do only apply on outer
manufacturer. threads, larger than 1/2” onto both joining pieces.
3. Join the parts such that they preferably are not
shifted any more. 2. Mount the joints and tighten according to
4. Mount screws and nuts and tighten to prescription,
see mandatory drawing or chapter ”Tightening
torques” in this manual.

! ATTENTION Prior to any strain, let the sealant cure to instructions of

the manufacturer.
Prior to any strain, let the sealing agent cure to
instructions of the manufacturer.

6/7 STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 en
4 Product Recommendations

Product Container Order No.

Loctite 245 Can 250 ml 1048197

Filling of bore holes and gaps:

Rapid cement Bag 12.5 kg 1127896

Flange sealants:
DELO ML 5198 Can 200 ml 1058474
Loctite 586 Can 250 ml 1163544
Hylomar M Can with brush 250 ml 1132139
Hylomar M Cartridge 300 ml 1132029
Hylomar Cleaner Spray can 400 ml 1132030

Pipe connector sealant:

Loctite 577 Can 250 ml 1126538
Loctite Cleaner 7063 Spray can 150 and 400 ml 1034072

en STD−Wa Screw Connections, Filling of Gaps, Sealing Material and Product Recommendations 08/0075 1099235 7/7
Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines

Table of Contents

1 Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cold bending of pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cutting pipes to length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Hot bending of pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Reducing adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Reducing joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Reducing adapters directly inside the pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fastening of conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Hose Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Placing of hose lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Threaded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cutting ring joint to DIN 3861 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Preassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Threaded joint with cutting ring and DSW−sealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Threaded joint with sealing cone and O−ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tightening related to turning angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tightening with torque wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Flange Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5 Sealing and Securing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

General instructions for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6 Final Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 1 / 17
Preliminary Remark
These instructions shall be of information and help for Given that SCHOTTEL systems are subject to further
every person engaged in initial start−up, operation and development we reserve the right of technical
maintenance of SCHOTTEL systems. This requires to modifications.
read, understand and observe these documents.
Important instructions relevant to technical and
These instructions are to be made available to operational safety are pointed out by the following
everybody carrying out works on the system. symbols:
We do not accept any liability for damages and troubles
in operation resulting from disregard of these ! CAUTION
It is taken for granted that every user is familiar with the Indicates working and operating methods that are to be
systems and informed on all possible dangers. strictly observed to exclude any risk for persons.

Only trained personnel is allowed to carry out any work

on the system. ! ATTENTION
References to illustrations in the text are written in Refers to working and operating methods that are to be
brackets, e.g. (1/3). The first number indicates the strictly observed to avoid damages to or destruction of
illustration number in the manual, the second number the material.
is the position number in the illustration.
All illustrations are diagrammatic projections without NOTE
any claim for completeness.
Any technical modification to SCHOTTEL systems not Indicates exceptional features in the working process
carried out by personnel appointed by SCHOTTEL that are to be observed.
does require written consent.
This excludes modifications or control settings detailed i INFORMATION
in our instructions.
Application references and information.
During any work carried out on SCHOTTEL systems it
is required to observe the Safety and Environmental
Protection Regulations SV 1 as well as the relevant
laws in force in the respective country of utilization.

These instructions were elaborated with utmost care.

In case of further information required, please contact:
Mainzer Straße 99
D−56322 Spay
Phone +49 (0) 2628 / 61−0
Fax +49 (0) 2628 / 61−300

2 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
1 Conduits

For the conduits only the material listed in the according
hydraulic circuit diagram is allowed to be used.
Threaded joints unconditionally have to consist of the
same material as the conduits. While handling the pipes, the separating cut of the
manufacturer is to be cut by approx. 10 mm.
The pipe cross sections stated in the diagrams of
company SCHOTTEL are to be met as minimum (Source of error attributable to supply).
For placing the shortest possible connections are to be
chosen and bends are to be avoided. After bending, cutting and mounting the final layout, we
For bending a bending radius of at least 3 times the pipe recommend a pressure test for all conduits applying a
diameter is to be observed. test pressure of 1.5 x operating pressure.
As supports for the conduits slightly damping or flexibly
bedded fastening elements have to be used because
of the noise generation.
During this procedure attention is to be paid to a solid
fastenings of not too much distance to prevent
vibrations of the conduits and thus unnecessary noise.
For avoiding tensions it is required to preview
expansion bends. The connecting pipes are to be
placed such that no air cushions can generate.
Vent lines are to be placed continuously ascending.

Cold bending of pipes

Cold bending is only allowed with the according pipe
bending device such that there is no contraction of the
cross section.

Prior to bending it is required to pay attention that the
tail end of the pipe protruding into the joint shall have a
minimum length of 2 time the nut height, see Figure 1.

For pipes with a Ø of 6 to approx. 25 mm (depending on


the wall thickness) manual bending devices are

For larger diameters and wall thickness machine
equipment is to be used.
Figure 1

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 3 / 17
Cutting pipes to length
After bending the pipes are cut rectangular to length
(Fig. 2, max. 1/2_ deviation of angle).
This is facilitated by a sawing−off device.

Pay attention again that the tail end of the pipe remains
with sufficient length (= 2x h)!
For cutting the pipes do not use pipe cutters, otherwise
the pipe wall is cut biased and with it a strong
generation of burrs.

Figure 2

After sawing the pipes off, deburr the tail ends (Figure
3), about 0.2 mm x 45_ at the inner and outer edge, and
are rinsed with degreaser. 0.2 x 45_

If possible, mount completed pipes immediately; in
case the pipes (short time) have to be stored it is
required to close both tail ends with plastic caps (do not
use cleaning wool or other fuzzy material). ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 0.2 x 45_

Figure 3

Hot bending of pipes

Prior to bending it is required to fill the pipes with steel In case of intermediate storage close both tail ends of
balls with a diameter of approx. 2 mm, then closing both the pipes.
tail ends. Heat the bending point of the pipe up to
approx. 850 °C (dark red); higher temperatures bear After installation the entire system is to be rinsed, see
the risk of the filling material getting stuck to the pipe. SCHOTTEL Instructions 1100933.

Empty the pipe after bending and leave it deposited for

about 5 hours filled with sulphuric acid of 20%, for this
it is required to observe the protection regulations of the
trade supervisory board given that harmful vapours are
set free.
Thereafter, empty the pipes, rinse them well with water
and leave them deposited filled with a soda solution of
5% (Na2CO3).
Thereafter, rinse them again thoroughly with hot water,
dry and preserve them with oil.

4 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
Reducing adapters
In practice it showed that on site metric or identical
dimensions of pipes are not always existing.
In order to obtain a good connection is spite of that,
”reducing joints” can be used,
or it is possible to make ”reducing joints directly inside
the pipe”.

Reducing joints
There are several versions of reducing joints.
At one side there is a metric pipe Ø OD (4/1), at the
other side another pipe Ø OD (4/3), whether metric
(mm) nor inch (”), depending on requirement. 1 2 3
This way, the joint (4/2) can be connected at one side
with the pipe supplied by SCHOTTEL, and at the other
side with the pipe available on site.
In comparison with welded connections, these
connections have the following advantages:
* Same way of mounting as in case of standard
* Removable
* No rework after mounting contrary to welded
Figure 4
Reducing joints can be re−ordered from SCHOTTEL.

Reducing adapters directly inside the pipe

In case matching reducing joints are not available, it is
also possible to join pipe tail ends with different outside
pipe diameters by welding. 1 2
For this process it is important the inside pipe diameter
does not form an obstruction for the oil flow.
The following points are to be observed:

D The pipe tail end with the smaller outside diameter

has to be bevelled on the inside (5/1).
D The pipe ends should fit into each other as tight as Ø
possible. OD
D For preparing the welding, the pipe tail end with the 1 x Ø OD 3
larger outside diameter has to be bevelled on the
outside (5/2).
D The joint is to be uniformly welded all around (5/3).
Figure 5

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 5 / 17
After welding:

D Check free passage of the pipe. D Thereafter, rinse the pipes again thoroughly with
D Fill with sulphuric acid (20%) and leave it for 5 hot water, dry and preserve them with oil.
hours. D Perform a pressure test applying double operating
! CAUTION D After installation and termination of all works, the
Harmful vapours are set free during this process. entire system is to be rinsed, see SCHOTTEL
Observe the protection regulations of the trade Instructions 1100933.
supervisory board!

D Thereafter, empty the pipes, rinse them well with

water and leave them deposited filled with a soda
solution of 5% (Na2CO3).

Fastening of conduits
For fastening the conduits it is required to use slightly
dampening or flexibly bedded pipe clamps.
Meticulous installation of the conduits reduces noises
and vibrations and increases the reliability.
For recommended distance between the pipe clamps OD
in dependence on the outside pipe diameter, see
Figure 6 and the following table.

Outside pipe diameter Distance ”L”

”AD” [mm] [m]
6 − 12 1.0 L
12 − 22 1.2
22 − 32 1.5
32 − 38 2.0
38 − 57 2.7 Figure 6
57 − 75 3.0
75 − 90 3.7
90 − 102 4.0
102 − 114 4.5
114 − 168 5.0

Pipe bends are to be supported immediately behind the

bend (Figure 7).

Figure 7

6 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
2 Hose Lines

Usually, all required hose lines are included in the
scope of supply of SCHOTTEL propulsions.
If additional hoses are required the following
recommendations are to be observed:

D The appropriate hose material is to be selected

according to pressure, pressure medium,
temperature, dynamic load resistance and to the
low inflammability regulations.

D For calculating the length of new hoses it is

required to take bending radius and possibly rigid
fittings into consideration.

D After incorporation, the hose lines are to be rinsed

with hot water, to be blown through, and after
drying both tail ends are to be closed.

Placing of hose lines

The system drawing indicates the minimum radius for
the hoses supplied by SCHOTTEL.

During installation it is required to pay attention that the

hose line is not submitted to torsion (8/1). 1
Under load there might be a change in length of a hose
line. Decrease in length signifies an additional tensile
stress of hose and connections.
Therefore, the hose line must be slightly sagging (8/2)
in unpressurised condition.
Do only tighten the swivel nuts until the connection is
tight. Further tightening does not improve tightness but 2
damages the connection.

Figure 8

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 7 / 17
When bended during installation, the admissible
bending radius is to be observed.
Sharp bends are to be avoided (Figure 9).
For calculating the length of a hose line which is to be
installed curved, it is to be observed that the connecting
fittings are not flexible. Therefore, the correct
dimensioning of the free hose length between the
fittings is essential.

Figure 9

For an appropriate installation of hose lines, fittings are

available with connecting angles of 30_, 45_ and 90_.
This ensures that the installation is carried out
according to specification also in case of confined
installation conditions.

Figure 10

8 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
Elbows are to be used also where the arrangement of
the connections do not allow a ”sagging” bend, and with
a ”standing” bend there is the danger of kinking behind
the hose mounting (Figure 11).
Use the required holding devices of the correct size.
The hose must not rub inside the holding device but
also must not be squeezed in.
Use holding devices encompassing the hose.

Figure 11

When connecting a hose end directly with a conduit, it

is required to mount a hose clamp (Figure 12)
immediately after the joint.

Figure 12

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 9 / 17
3 Threaded Joints

Mostly are used cutting ring joints according to DIN Joints from Ø 12 mm up and all couplings in free
3861 with 24_ inside cone, made of steel or stainless conduits are to be pre−mounted after fastening the
steel. union socket in the vice jaw.
Alternately it is possible to use joints with sealing cone
and O−ring. NOTE
Cutting ring joints with additional DSW sealing ring are
applied in places where an even better tightness and During further mounting attention is to be paid that
higher reliability are demanded. pre−mounted parts are each used as a unit.
E.g. if joints are no longer accessible at a later point of
These joints can also be mounted on site.
Up to an outside diameter of 10 mm, the pipes in joints,
which are screwed into devices, can be directly

Cutting ring joint to DIN 386110

1. Lubricate cutting ring and the thread of coupling
and swivel nut well with oil (do not grease).

Oiling can be left out in case of galvanised threaded
joints with clear antifriction coating.
2. Slide the swivel nut on and then the cutting ring
with the cutting side towards the pipe tail end
(Figure 13).

If the ring cannot be slid over the tail end or only with
difficulty, then reduce the pipe tail end with a file, and
clean the pipe again carefully!

Figure 13

10 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
3. Insert the pipe tail end into the joint (14/3) until
feeling it making contact and slide the cutting ring
(14/2) up to the threaded joint.
4. Screw the swivel nut (14/1) down by hand until
feeling it making contact with the cutting ring, 1
holding the pipe end rectangular in the process.
5. Press the pipe end tightly against the limit stop in
the inside cone, and tighten the swivel nut with
approx. 3/4 of a turn. 2

The pipe must not turn. 3

The spanner should have about 15 times the length of
the span of the jaw (if required, extend it using a pipe)
A line marked on the swivel nut facilitates to observe the
prescribed tightening angle.

Figure 14

When tightened, the cutting ring takes hold of the pipe

after which further pressing is no longer needed.
The final tightening is carried out by tightening the 1
swivel nut again by approx. 3/4 of a turn. In this process,
the ring cuts into the pipe and generates in front of its
cutting edge a visible collar (15/1).
After the final tightening, loosen the swivel nut and
check if the generated collar completely fills the space
in front of the cutting edge. Otherwise retighten briefly
It does not matter if the cutting ring can be turned on the
pipe end.

Figure 15

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 11 / 17
Threaded joint with cutting ring and DSW−sealing
The threaded joint is of the same design as the single
cutting ring joint. 1
The difference is in the elastomer sealing ring (16/1)
before the cutting ring, which is used for primary
On supply, the sealing ring is bonded with the cutting
Mounting is carried out the same way, only checking the
collar in front of the cutting edge is a bit more difficult
because of the additional sealing.
In case of need, the elastomer sealing ring can be
replaced without problems.

Figure 16
Threaded joint with sealing cone and O−ring
This joint is compatible with the cutting ring joints.
It consists of a welded neck (17/3) with swivel nut (17/2)
and the connecting piece (17/4). 1 2
The welded neck has a conical end of 24_.
The sealing towards the connecting piece is provided
with an O−ring (17/1) at the conical end.
The joint can be mounted without further preparation.
Attention has to be paid that the conical end is not
crushed by positioning it crooked inside the coupling.

4 3

Figure 17

Elbows and T−pieces are provided with non−remov−

able swivel nuts.
For this, the swivel nut (18/2) is fixed at the conical end
with a retaining ring (18/1).

Observe the correct tightening moment! 2
If such a swivel nut is tightened too much, the retaining
ring can break and the connection becomes leaky.

Figure 18

12 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
Prior to mounting it is required to lubricate the cone end,
the outside thread of the connecting neck and the
inside thread of the swivel nut.
For steel version use hydraulic oil, for stainless steel
antifriction paste.
The correct tightening torque can be obtained with a
torque wrench, or with the according turning angle

Tightening related to turning angle

D Screw the swivel nut down by hand until feeling it
making contact,
D then tighten it by approx. 90_.

Tightening with torque wrench

D Tightening torque according to the table below

In the version of the swivel nuts there are different
”S” signifies heavy − ”L” signifies light.
These classes are marked on the swivel nut with ”S” or

Tightening torque Tightening torque

Pipe ∅ Tm in Nm Tm in Nm
mm for steel couplings for stainless steel couplings
L−class S−class L−class S−class
6 15 25 20 25
8 15 40 25 45
10 25 50 30 65
12 35 60 35 80
14 75 100
15 45 50
16 80 130
18 85 130
20 120 180
22 110 160
25 170 280
28 130 180
30 250 375
35 215 275
38 350 475
42 330 400

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 13 /17
4 Flange Joints

For systems submitted to high loads are used flange
joints to SAE − J518c.
The joints are available in the sizes of 1/2” up to 5”, this
corresponds to a pipe diameter of approx. 25 − 140
Hose lines are supplied with the matching flange.
The devices are fitted with the according connecting

Pipes have to be fitted with SAE flanges.

There are different versions available.

D SAE welding flange (Figure 19)

In case of the welding flange the chamfered pipe is

Figure 19

D SAE welding flange (Figure 20)

In this case the welding flange is pushed into the pipe

up to contact and is then welded at the collar.

After welding, the inside of the pipe is to be cleaned
from welding beads and scale.
After installation of the piping and termination of all
works, the entire system is to be rinsed, see
SCHOTTEL Instructions 1100933.

Figure 20

14 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
D SAE threaded flange (Figure 21)
In case of the threaded flange, the pipe end is screwed
with Loctite 577 into the flange (21/1), or screwed onto
the outside thread (21/2) of the flange.
Sealing between SAE flange and connecting area is
provided with an O−ring.



Figure 21
Mounting of the connections is carried out with the
supplied screws.
For tightening moment, see mandatory drawing, or
SCHOTTEL Instructions 1099235.

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 15 /17
5 Sealing and Securing Material

Base for all threaded joints and connections is that the

pre−load force or tightening moment sufficiently
protects the connection against loosening.
The use of tightening and securing material such as
Loctite, DELO, etc. is to be considered as an addition,
specifically there where increased security is
The bonding materials prevent loosening of the
connection to a large extend, simultaneously providing
an additional sealing.
The use is specifically appropriate for those systems
where couplings are no longer accessible after
Do only use bonding material classified as medium
strong securing materials.
Connections, which are secured with such material,
can be detached again with normal tools.

General instructions for use

D Threads must be clean and free from oil and
D Shake the container well and apply the securing
material to the first engaging turns (the very first
turn remains free!).
D In case of thread sizes up to 1/2 ” do only apply to
outside threads;
> 1/2 ” onto both joining pieces
D Mount the joints and tighten according to
D After about 24h the hardening process is
completed and the joint is fully resistant.

16 / 17 STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 en
6 Final Mounting

After all pipes are pre−mounted with cutting−ring joints,

hoses, etc., the system can be completed.
During final mounting of the joints and later in the
repeated mounting (each time after a connection was
detached), the tightening of the nut has to be carried out
without spanner extension and without increased
application of force.
While tightening the swivel nut during final mounting of
joints in free lines, the coupling is to be retained with a
second spanner (Figure 22).

Figure 22

When filling in oil, pay attention to utmost cleanliness.
Also for new oil an according filling filter is to be used.

After mounting it is required to carry out a pressure test

for tightness.
In joints show leaks, tighten the swivel nut only until the
connection is tight.
Further tightening might damage the connection.
Finally, the entire system is to be rinsed, see
SCHOTTEL Instructions 1100933.

en STD−Wa Fluidsystems for Hydraulic, Lubrication and Similar Lines 07/3110 1099237 17 /17
Information on how to order spare parts

Only the use of Orders for spare parts should be in writing.

ORIGINAL SCHOTTEL SPARE PARTS Acceptance and handling of orders by phone are ex-
guarantees the trouble--free operation of the installa- clusively at the customer’s risk and on his account.
In order to avoid incorrect supplies we ask you to in-
clude the following details in your order:

order number

building number

project number

type of unit

manual number

assembly number

part number



mode of shipment (by mail, truck, railway, . . .)

shipping address

GB TDO--Ge Information on how to order spare parts 1 347/98 1099241 1/2

Important Indications and Instructions

Preliminary remark

These operating, maintenance and mounting in-

structions are meant to offer information and help to
operate SCHOTTEL installations and perform main- This symbol refers to operating processes and meth-
tenance works. Therefore it is required that these ods to avoid damage to or destruction of the material.
documents are read, understood and observed.

It has to be ensured that these instructions are made

available to anyone involved in operation and main- NOTE
We cannot be liable for damage and breakdowns re- This symbol indicates particularities in the process
sulting from disregard of these instructions. requiring attention. caution

It is a prerequisite that users are familiar with the

installations and have been instructed with respect to
possible dangers. ! CAUTION
Information referring to numbers in illustrations and This symbol is used for operating processes and
diagrams are indicated in the text in brackets. methods requiring strict adherence to prevent the
staff from being exposed to hazards.
Important information referring to technical and op-
erational safety is identified by the following symbols: The ”Safety and Environment al Protection Regula-
tion SV1” as well as all relevant laws being in force
in situ shall be applicable to all works on SCHOTTEL

We reserve the right of technical alterations due to

the continued development SCHOTTEL installations
are subjected to.

2 /2 TDO--Ge Information on how to order spare parts 1 347/98 1099241 GB

Indications and Electric Symbols for
SCHOTTEL Electronic Systems

Preliminary remark

The present operating, maintenance and mounting Refers to working and operating processes which
instructions offer information and help to every per- have to be strictly kept in order to avoid damages or
son engaged in operation and maintenance of destruction of the material.
SCHOTTEL installations. To this effect it is essential
to read, understand and to observe these docu-
ments. NOTE
It has to be ensured that these instructions are made
available to any person involved in operation and Indicates exceptional features in the working pro-
maintenance. cess which have to be observed.
We do not accept any liability for damages and
breakdowns resulting from disregard of these
It is taken for granted that every user is familiar with ! CAUTION
the installations and has been informed about pos-
sible dangers. Indicates working and operating methods which
All work on the installations has to be carried out by have to be strictly observed in order to exclude pos-
well trained personnel only. sible dangers for persons.
Notes pointing out reference numbers in illustrations
are depicted in brackets in the text. During all works carried out on SCHOTTEL installa-
tions the “Safety and Environmental Protection
All illustrations are schematic projections without any Regulations SV 1” as well as the relevant laws in
claim of completenes. force in the respective country have to be observed.

Important instructions relevant to technical and

operational safety are indicated by the following sym- We reserve the right for technical modifications due
bols. to further development of SCHOTTEL installations.

For ordering of spare parts or queries, order number
If there is a ventilator in your switchbox, every 3 and part characteristics are to be indicated (see wi-
months the filterelements have to be cleaned or re- ring scheme, page 7).
newed if necessary.

GB TDO--ge Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems 2 428/98 1099245 1/7
SCHOTTEL -- Electronic Systems

Electric symbols

10 15 20 24
28 18 20 31 1 27


1B1 pressure pick---up for display unit


1B2 temperature pick---up for display unit


1B3 level pick up for display unit

1B4 speed pick---up for display unit


1F1 fuse with indication of trigger value


1F2 automatic fuse with indication of trigger caracteristics and trigger value

1G1 battery

G three---phase generator with integreted bridge rectifer
µ 1G2

1H1 signal lamp, lamp general

2 /7 TDO--ge Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems 2 428/98 1099245 GB
1H2 horn


1K1 relay coil / general

1K2 relay coil / general with quenching diode

A1 B1
throw over relay, mechanical locking relay
A2 B2

b1K4 pull---in time delay relay

b1K5 drop---out time delay relay

U b1K6 low voltage relay

b1K7 flashing relay

2K1 relay contact, closing at actuation

2K2 relay contact, opening at actuation

12 14
2K3 relay contact,changing over at actuation

GB TDO--ge Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems 2 428/98 1099245 3/7
SCHOTTEL -- Electronic Systems

22 14
2K4 relay contact, pull in time delayed changing over

12 14
2K5 relay contact, drop out time delayed changing over


2K6 relay contact, drop out time delayed changing over


2F / K7 thermically triggered contact (overcurrent relay)

30 50

1M1 DC---Motor (starter)

L1 L2 L3

1M2 three---phase motor


1M3 one---phase motor (switch box ventilator)

380 / 220V
1M4 transformator with indication of characteristic date

1P1 service hour meter

1P2 display unit (rpm)

+ 1P3 display unit (oil pressure resp. temperature)


1Q1 circuit breaker (battery main switch)

4 /7 TDO--ge Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems 2 428/98 1099245 GB
1Q2 engine protection switch

1R1 resistance fixed

1R2 resistance variable

1R3 potentiometer (instrument lights)

3R1 potentiometer (speed control)

6 5

4R3 potentiometer (thrust direction control)

1 2 5 3

1 2 3 4 5
e4A4 potentiometer (feedback signal for small thrust direction display)


1S1 key switch



1S2 push button


0 1 13
1S3 ON---OFF switch


1S4 swiviel switch, spring---operated zero---position after actuation

1 0 2 13
1/0 stop key, locking in position 1 and 0 automatic draw---back
1S5 to position 0 from position 2

GB TDO--ge Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems 2 428/98 1099245 5/7
SCHOTTEL -- Electronic Systems

1S6 emergency off---switch, locking after actuation

1S7 limit switch, mechanically actuated

+ ---
1S8 limit switch, inductive switch

1S10 level switch

γ 1S11 temperature switch

P 1S12 pressure switch

1V1 diode

1X1 terminal

1X2 plug connection

1Y1 coil (cut---off magnet)

1Y2 solenoid valve

1Y3 magnet clutch

6 /7 TDO--ge Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems 2 428/98 1099245 GB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24V DC +--20% not specially signed areas 0,75qm current path number
L+/5.8 L+/5.1

b3F1 b3F1

6A a3R1 L6A 3x2 3 W1 MGCG 1,5qmm
6 5
3x1 3
1 2 W2 MGCG 1,5qmm

1 2
+0-- 13 24 33 44
a3S1 0
14 23 34 43
10 16 20 24

b3A1 U= LOGIK cable data

3x1 4 5 6
28 18 20 27 cable name (W . . )
3x2 4 5 6 type of cable (MGCG)
part indication criss--section of wire (1,5 qmm)
22 24 32 34
21 31
10 11 12 13
W3 MGCG 1,5qmm

7 5 6 2 3

h3A2 A1
4qmm A2

L--/5.8 L--/5.1

function text nominal value actual value control unit failure time dependent
speed control follow up speed control
speed contr.

Indications and electric symbols for SCHOTTEL elctronic systems

indication of side and current path, 14 indication of
12 11

where contact of the relay is used existing relay contacts
22 21
SCHOTTEL--order number SCHOTTEL-- drawing number page number

32 31
42 41

Datum electric symbols


Gepr. Bl.
Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. Ers.f. Er.d. Bl.


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