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BSBWOR501 Short Answer eQuiz

The Short Answer eQuiz will require you to use your knowledge that you have learnt from
the learning content and apply it to the questions.

You will be required to:

 Complete ALL questions of the Short Answer eQuiz.

 Ensure you read the question carefully.
 If you have difficulty answering the question, you must at least make an attempt to
answer it.

Once your trainer/teacher has assessed your responses, you will receive a ‘Competent’ grade
for the Short Answer eQuiz if you have answered all the questions correctly.

Role models: Question 1

Give four ways that you can act as a role model to others in your business.

1. Treat all people with respect

2. Never ask some to do some you are not prepared to do yourself
3. Have excellent appearance / grooming
4. Accept responsibility for your actions. When you make a mistake, admit fault and
show you mean it by taking corrective action

Role models: Question 2

Give four ways your company can act as a community citizen:

1. By becoming more socially and environmentally active

2. Develop accountable polices on specific agendas such as greenhouse gasses
3. Adjudicate fairly on matters of Equal Employment and sexual Harassment
4. Assist employees with health issues

Role models: Question 3

Give four ways you can treat people with dignity and respect in the workplace.

1. Use appropriate language, do not bad language, or swearing

2. When talking to them use their Name and or title
3. Ask if they require any assistance.
4. Let staff know that they can come to you with any issues, be approachable
Time management: Question 4
Briefly describe two good practices to manage your time in the workplace.

1. Do not procrastinate:
Procrastinating: delaying something that needs to be completed as apposed to
ineffective time management skills. As a manger combating procrastination
will, have a do to list, a diary, be organised with tasks and break the large
ones down to more achievable ones. Celebrate the tasks achieved.

2. Utilise a diary or organiser:

This assists with scheduling your working day/week/month. Similar to a
“daily To-do List” this diary organises your specific times and there fore not
allowing for double bookings as well as assists other in their work flow.
Including any supplementary information, agenda, location, people, items

Time management: Question 5

Briefly describe the 360º method of performance management.

It is a performance method tool were by feedback is provided by other persons such as peers,
supervisors and customers.

Health: Question 6
According to Australian health guidelines a healthy diet should be:

True or False? Choose the correct answer

High in salt FALSE

Eat lots of vegetables TRUE

Low in alcohol TRUE

High in saturated fats FALSE

Moderate amounts of sugar TRUE

Plenty of water TRUE

Health: Question 7
How can a healthy diet help your workplace performance?
A well balanced diet helps the body to stay in good physical order and combatant’s illness
with less need. Diabetes, heart disease and liver disease are very often diet related and are
often linked to obesity. A good diet and making healthy chooses give the body more ability
to cope with work and life pressures.

Health: Question 8
How can you relieve stress in the workplace?

One can relieve stress in the workplace through:

1. Prioritise and organise workload

2. Eat healthy and nutritious food and exercise
3. Take breaks
4. Establish boundaries
5. Delegate tasks
6. Seek and or give support

Mixed: Question 9
Briefly describe the aims of Management by Objective (MBO)

Helps employees appreciate their on the job roles and responsibilities and associates
employees goals with comply goals with both goals being met. Result areas are planned to
each employee. Usually results in better teamwork and communication. It gives a clear
understanding of what is expected of them. Staff emerge, with a sense of attainment leading
to a greater work performance leading to a better organisation

Management by objectives (MBO) is the development of a management information system

to equate actual performance and achievements to the defined objectives. It is a strategic
management model that aims to improve the performance of an organisation by clearly
defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees. According to the
theory, having a say in goal setting and action plans encourages participation and
commitment among employees, as well as aligning objectives across the organisation. One
said model is S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

Mixed: Question 10
What qualities are good qualities for a business mentor?

1. Relevant expertise or knowledge.

2. Enthusiasm for sharing that expertise.
3. A respectful attitude.
4. Eagerness to invest in others.
5. The Ability to Give Honest and Direct Feedback.
6. Reflective Listening and Empathy.
7. Willingness to Be a Sponsor.

Mixed: Question 11
Briefly explain these three learning styles:

Visual: This person prefers to use images, pictures and has spatial understanding

Aural: This person uses sound and speech

Physical: This person uses their body, hands and sense of touch they are animated

Mixed: Question 12
Choose a social media site and explain how that site can be used for business networking.

Facebook is one of the most renowned and utilised social media sites. Facebook is one of the
most visited websites and has an extensive operational population. Facebook provides online
marketing tools which make it easier to contact the target audience and to design a marketing
campaigns. For this to occur a company needs to develop a Facebook page that lets the
customer to ‘Like’ the page, post their views & reviews about products and services and
provides a platform to promote and inform customers about the companies latest offers.

Mixed: Question 13
How can attending a business golf day help your career?

This is networking, building relationships with current team members or involving other
likeminded companies / persons. One would be building customer loyalty and or solidifying
a relationship with the business. This Golf Day could be to entertain new or existing client,
reward /thank staff or fundraise for the community.
Mixed: Question 14
What is a training package?

Training packages define the skills and knowledge needed by learners to perform a job. They
do not specify how to train learners.

Each training package contains three components:

Units of competency define the skills and knowledge needed, and how to apply them in a
workplace context.

Mixed: Question 15
What is an RTO?

A registered training organisation (RTO), is a training provider registered by the Australian

Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) (or a state regulator) to deliver a Vocational Education and
Training (VET) services. RTOs provide quality training and qualifications that are nationally

Mixed: Question 16
If measuring success in business or your career you can use a Qualitative system or a
Quantitative system.

What is a Qualitative system?

Qualitative is subjective and inductive. Qualitative uses subjective judgment to analyse a
company's value or prospects based on non-quantifiable information, such as management
expertise, industry cycles, strength of research and development, and labour relations.

What is a Quantitative system?

Quantitative analytics is objective and deductive in assessing a situation, focusing on
numbers found in reports such as balance sheets, using such traits to create datasets that
managers can consider when making strategic decisions. It comes up with hard data that leads
to better decisions and because quantitative system strips all issues down to facts and figures,
all ambiguity of language, interpretation, and emotion is removed.
Mixed: Question 17
What does it mean to take the initiative?
In taking the initiative or showing initiative one would do or accomplish tasks without being asked or
told. One would find out what needs to be done and how and get it accomplished. Taking
advantage of opportunities that other let pass by, acting instead of reacting to situations.

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