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Unit 7: World War I

07 -WORLD WAR I (Prezi)
10 - WORLD WAR I (Resources)
11 - SHELL SHOCK (Video)

Take the pre-test over World War I to test your background knowledge! -------------------------->

BIG IDEA - Aggressive nationalism, economic and imperial rivalries , and militarism
pushed Europe toward war.
In the early 1900's the world seemd at peace. People joined anit-war groups. Leaders met to
talk (diplomacy). At the same time, however, other forces pushed Europe toward war. (See
diagram) One of these forces was NATIONALISM - a strong loyalty to a nation and
culture. Pride of country and fierce racial bonds divided much of Europe. Nations also
wanted economic power. Britain had been a leader of industry. Now it had to keep up with
modern German factories. Industrialized countries needed raw materials. France, Britain,
and Germany all competed for lands in Africa. Fearful of losing their colonies, nations built
up military power. This MILITARISM, or glorification of the military, led to an arms race.
No one wanted war, but everyone was getting ready to fight. Fear and distrust grew. Nations
formed ALLIANCES, promising to protect each other against attack. By 1914, there were
two big alliances. One was the Triple Alliance including Germany, Austria-Hungary, and
Italy. The Triple Entente was made up of France, Britain, and Russia. More nations soon
joined the alliances. Each country promised to help its friend if war broke out in Europe.
The stage was set so that a small conflict could easily become a huge war.
BIG IDEA - The murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary led to
World War I.


By June of 1914, Europe was tense. In an eastern region known as the Balkans, things were
about to explode. Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was going to visit the province
of Bosnia. Many Serbs lived there. Some thought Bosnia should belong to Serbia rather than
to Austria-Hungary. As Archduke planned his trip, Serb terrorists made plans too. Gavrilo
Princip was part of a group known as the Black Hand. Their goal was to join all South
Slavic people in one nation. This goal is known as Pan-slavism - know this term! Now the
Black Hand plotted to kill the archduke. On June 28, the archduke and his wife drove
through the Bosnian city of Sarajevo. Acting on a Black Hand plan, Gavrilo Princip shot
them. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the murders. On July 28 1914 it declared war
Alliances came into play. Germany stood by Austria-Hungary. Russia, a slavic nation
backed Serbia. France came to the aid of Russia. On August 3, 1914 Germany attacked
Belgium as a pat to France. An angry Britain declared war on Germany. World War I had
begun. The assassination, or murder, of Archduke Francis Ferdinand sparked trouble.
However, most historians agree that all the nations involved must share the blame for the
war on one wanted.

BIG IDEA - Modern weapons resulted in a huge number of casualties and stopped
either side from gaining an advantage.


Some have called World War I "The Great War" and it was also known as the "War to
end all Wars". More troops fought and died than ever before in history. Heavy fighting
took place on the Western Front, a 600 mile stretch from English Channel to Switzerland.
The Germans hoped for an early victory there. However, French and British troops stopped
them. For four years, neither side advanced. Troops dug trenches along the front. When they
came out to fight, many were killed. Neither side won much ground and it was pretty much
a stalemate. There was also an Eastern Front in Europe. One part ran from the Baltic Sea.
The other part ran between Italy (which joined the Allies in 1915) and Austria-Hungary.
This was the first war to make sure of modern technology and machinery. Warplanes flew
the skies. Submarines sailed under the sea. Machine guns, tanks, and poison gas made
battles deadly. World War I became a global conflict. Its effects were felt worldwide. The
powers of Europe looked to their colonies for soldiers, workers, and supplies. In the Middle
East, the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers. Japan, allied to Britain, took German
colonies in China and islands in the Pacific. The United States would soon join the battle as

BIG IDEA - In their efforts to win World War I, governments engaged in total war,
committing all of their nation's resources to the effort.


World War I was what we call a total war. In a total war, ALL of a nation's resources go
into the war effort. Governments drafted men (AKA - conscription) to fight the war. They
raised taxes to pay the cost of fighting. They rationed, or limited the supply of goods, so that
they could supply the military. An example of this would be "meatless Tuesdays" where the
government would ask people not to eat meat on that day of the week to allow the saved
meat to be sent to the soldiers who were fighting in the war. They used the press to publish
propaganda that made the enemy look bad. Propaganda is the spreading of ideas to promote
a cause or damage an opposing cause. You are exposed to propaganda on a daily basis one
way or another. Women played a major part in total war. Many took jobs that soldiers left
behind. Some joined the armed services. Others went to the front as nurses. Also, women
started to "fill in" for men in their jobs that society considered a "man's job" and that a
female could not do. Their involvement in the workforce helped women receive their right
to vote with universal women's suffrage. By 1917, Europe had seen too much death and
ruin. In Russia, low morale, or spirits, led to revolution. Early in 1918, the new leader
signed a treaty with Germany that took Russia out of the war. Russia's withdraw was good
news for the Central Powers. However, there was good news for the Allies too. The United
States was no longer neutral. In April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany.
With new soldiers and supplies from the United States, the Allies gained control. The other
Central Powers had given up, and the Germans stood alone. They asked for an end to the
fighting. On November 11, 1918 an armistice, or agreement to end fighting was declared.
The Great War was over.

05 - Assessment - #1 The first 4 sections that you have just

read is a short introduction to the
content that we will cover over
World War I. Make sure you have
investigated all the charts and graphs
because there is a lot of important
information in them. When ready,
click on the link to the right labeled
"Assessment #1" and take the quiz
via Google Forms. Afterwards click
on the link from the Google Form to
see all the results and to self-assess

How did you do on Assessment #1?

If you did not do well go back a re-read the information and then reassess yourself.

06 - Making the Peace

BIG IDEA - As Europe struggled to recover from the devastation of the war, world
leaders met in Paris to craft a peace treaty.

As World War I ended, Europe faced huge losses. More had been wounded. Hunger
threatened many lands. In addition, a deadly epidemic of influenza swept the world in 1918.
Much of the European continent was in ruins. Cities had to rebuilt. Governments had fallen
in Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. United States President
Woodrow Wilson and British Prime Minister David Lloyd George joined French leader
Georges Clemenceau in Paris. The were the "BIG THREE" of the Paris Peace Conference.
Each had his own goals. Wilson had his 14 points. Some of his goals were no secret
alliances, formation of a League of Nations, and stressed self-determination, by which
people choose their own government and not ruled by a foreign country (see the full list of
the his 14 points in the section labeled "Peace Conference"). Britain and France wanted to
punish Germany! By June 1919, the conference had drawn up the Treaty of Versailles. The
document blamed the Germans for the war. They had to pay over $300 billion in reparations
(payment for war damages), give up colonies and some European lands, and cut back their
military (100,000 soldiers and reduce the size of their Navy). There were others changes as
well. New nations formed on land that had belonged to Russia, Austria-Hungary, and
Germany. The treaty also set up the League of Nations. This group of 40 countries hoped to
settle problems without war. This was the predecessor to our modern United Nations.
Interesting enough, even though the league was President Wilson's plan, the United States
never joined! Go figure.....

07 - World War I Prezi

Russian Revolution
In 1917, Russia was in trouble. Millions of Russians had died in World War I. There was
not enough food, and citizens were starving. Many people blamed Czar Nicholas II for the
problems. A strike of workers began a revolution in March. A new government seized
power and promised to be democratic. However, this government decided to continue the
war against Germany. This decision drained more men, money, and food.

Vladimir Lenin, an enemy of the czar, with the help of the Germans Lenin returned to
Russia in April from exile in Switerland. He and his followers, the Bolsheviks, started a
second revolution. Lenin called for classless society based on socialist teachings of the
German Karl Marx. He and his Bolsheviks promised, "Peace, Land, and Bread" and won
control of the government in November 1917. They set up councils, called soviets, to
govern the nation. Lenin made peace with Germany, but for the next 3 years faced unrest in

Russians had expected democracy. But they found that the Bolsheviks, now
called Communists, ran the soviets. A civil war erupted when rebel forces fought against
Lenin's Red Army. By 1921, the Communists had defeated the rebels.

In 1922, Lenin and the Communists controlled much of the Russian empire. They called it
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The USSR, or Soviet Union was made up
of many republics or states. Russia was the largest republic and controlled the others.
09 - Peace Conference

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10 - World War I Resources

Outlined Notes for World War I

WWI Notes #1 - Beginnings

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WWI Notes #2 - The War

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WWI Notes #3 - Russian Revolution
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WWI Notes #4 - Conclusion of WWI

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11 - The Century: Shell Shock 1914-1919

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