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Exceeds Expectations Meets Approaching Below Expectations

Criteria (4) Expectations (3) Expectations (2) (1)

1. Response to Demonstrates Consistently Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited

Word, Rhythm, exceptional response to responds to word, response to word, response to word,

and/or Music word, rhythm, and/or rhythm, and/or rhythm, and/or music rhythm, and/or music

music through music through through movements. through movements.

movements. movements. Communicates and Communicates and

Communicates and Communicates and expresses some expresses feelings

expresses feelings expresses feelings feelings through body ineffectively through

effectively through body through body movements. body movements.

movements. movements.

2. Creation of Creates intricate Creates movement Creates basic Demonstrates limited

Movement movement sequences to sequences to movement ability to create

various tempos. Designs various tempos. sequences to various movement sequences

a dance phrase with a Designs a dance tempos. Designs a to various tempos.

clear beginning, middle, phrase with a dance phrase with a Designs a dance

and ending. Explores beginning, middle, beginning, middle, phrase with unclear

dimensions of direction, and ending. and ending. Explores beginning, middle, and

level, and shape in Explores dimensions some dimensions of ending. Explores few

movement thoroughly. of direction, level, direction, level, and dimensions of direction,

and shape in shape in movement. level, and shape in

movement. movement.

3. Exploration Explores various sources Explores various Explores some Demonstrates limited

of Rhythms of musical and natural sources of musical sources of musical exploration of sources

and Cultural/ rhythms extensively. and natural rhythms. and natural rhythms. of musical and natural

Historical Investigates and Investigates and Attempts to perform rhythms. Struggles to

Dance Forms performs cultural or performs cultural or cultural or historical perform cultural or

historical dance forms historical dance dance forms with historical dance forms

with deep understanding forms with limited understanding with understanding of

of their artistic, ritual, or understanding of of their artistic, ritual, their artistic, ritual, or

social function. their artistic, ritual, or social function. social function.

or social function.

4. Improvises creatively to Improvises to create Attempts to improvise Demonstrates limited

Improvisation create diverse movements for movements for ability to improvise

and movements for specific specific purposes. specific purposes. movements for specific

Choreography purposes. Choreographs Choreographs Choreographs purposes. Struggles to

movement effectively to movement to music, movement to music, choreograph movement

music, word, and sound. word, and sound. word, and sound to to music, word, and

some extent. sound.

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