2. Naskah Soal Pts Ganjil 2021 x Sn Minat

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris


Hari/Tanggal : / September 2020

Jam : .00 – .00
Waktu : 60 menit
Kelas/Program : X/SSN
Peminatan : MIA-IIS
Kode Soal : 318

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang menurut Anda paling benar!

*kunci jawaban ditandai dengan font berwarna merah

1. What you should fill on the column date of arrival?

a. Date of coming

b. Date of checking out

c. Date of booking

d. Current date

e. During the date

2. What is the synonym of entrance fee?

a. Snacks

b. Public transport

c. Ticket price

d. Schedule

e. Fee regulation

3. These are elements of the registration form, except.

a. Full name

b. Place and date of birth

c. Address

d. Phone number

e. Account type

4. This is Saturday night. What will you suggest your friend?

a. I think we should go to the town square for sight seeing.

b. what about going to the doctor?

c. you should speak to your teacher.

d. what if we take this to be repaired?

e. What if you study harder

5. Doctor: _________ smoking if you don't want to get sick.

Patient: Yes sir, I will try.

a. what if you stop

b. you should stop

c. how about

d. maybe you can stop

e. you should

6. Mary failed again in the test. She ....................... harder.

a. Had better study

b. Need to study

c. Better study

d. Study

e. Studied

7. Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.

Bryan : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.

Alex : You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.

Bryan : Ok.

The underlined words show ....

a. Agreement

b. Disagreement

c. Advice

d. Necessity

e. Plan

8. My daddy will……..tomorrow morning

a. Calls

b. Call

c. Called

d. Calling

e. To call

9. Kiki . . . . . Nita at this time tomorrow.

a. Will helps

b. Am helping

c. Will be helping

d. Help

e. Helping

10. My mother will be . . . . . when I arrive.

a. Sleeping

b. Sleeps

c. Sleep

d. Slept

e. Being sleep

B. Soal Essay

Jawablah dengan uraian singkat dan jelas!

1. What is the definition of form?

2. Mention 5 kind of forms that you know!

3. Respond these situations with your advice:

a. I have so many tasks to do and the deadline is tomorrow, what

should I do?

b. I planned to dine out at the weekend in a restaurant but there

were no empty tables. What should I do?

4. Make 3 sentences using simple future tense!

5. Make 3 sentences using future continuous tense!

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