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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

College of Teacher Education
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Prepared by:
Gavina, Gloria Angela
Loyola, Angelo
Navarrete, Kayecelyn
Oris, Mark Kenneth
Remillosa, Renz
Soriano, Fatima
Ursua, Angeline
Ventura, Brittany


STIMULATE: Plant Your Wisdom Tree
This will measure students' understanding and awareness in the nature of the curriculum
by using a decision tree diagram to differentiate between Prescriptive and Descriptive
Definitions of the Curriculum.



Using a retrieval map, the class will divide into groups to assess the types of
curriculum and their importance in the field of education. This type of activity uses the
Cooperative Learning Strategy to enhance students' comprehension of a topic. Fill-up the
matrix below:


RECOMMENDED The Recommended Curriculum is the For example, the Department of
CURRICULUM term given to the national curriculum Education (DepEd) or the
created by educational stakeholders. Commission on Higher Education
It is more generic and typically (CHED) in the Philippines, is an
comprises policy recommendations. example of implementing a
recommended curriculum
WRITTEN A written curriculum is what is Courses of study, syllabi, modules,
CURRICULUM formally documented and put down books, and instructional guides are
in writing for teaching, or it refers to some examples. The teacher's
a lesson plan or syllabus written by lesson plan is a packet of this
teachers. These resources are written curriculum.
provided by the larger school district
or the school itself.

TAUGHT Taught Curriculum refers to the For example, when teachers give a
CURRICULUM curriculum that is delivered to lecture, initiate group work, or ask
students by teachers and is concerned students to conduct a laboratory
with the implementation of the experiment under their supervision,
written curriculum. the taught curriculum is
SUPPORTED It is the curriculum supported by Whatever is being taught or activity
CURRICULUM available resources. Such resources being done in the classroom is a
include both human (teachers) as taught curriculum. So, when
well as physical (such as textbooks, teachers give a lecture, initiate
workbooks, etc., The supported group work, or ask students to do a
curriculum is about the laboratory experiment with their
implementation of the written guidance, the taught curriculum is
curriculum demonstrated. This curriculum
contains different teaching styles
and learning styles to address the
students’ needs and interests
ASSESSED The assessed curriculum is reflected By giving quizzes, activities, and
CURRICULUM by the assessment or evaluation of exams to the learners to measure
the learners. It includes both their knowledge regarding the
formative and summative evaluations topic. By giving performance tasks
of learners conducted by teachers, and executing graded recitations.
schools, or external organizations.
LEARNED The curriculum refers to the walks For example, teacher Marie
CURRICULUM away, experiences, and the discussed the concept of respect in
realizations of the learners after the her class. Students learned how to


teaching and learning process. In give respect to the elders by saying
addition, a learned curriculum is “po” and “opo”.
what the students learn in the class.
HIDDEN It refers to the unwritten, unofficial, For example, how students should
CURRICULUM and often unintended lessons, values, interact with peers, teachers, and
and perspectives that students learn other adults; how they should
in school perceive different races, groups, or
classes of people as well as how
they behave in the school such as
respecting authority, respect for
other pupils' opinions, punctuality,
aspiring to achieve, having a 'work



In this activity we will be using a Reflection Paper to see how the students have
learned about the discussion.

Guide Questions:
How do these four capacities in the purpose of the curriculum take place in the teaching-
learning process?

Gavina, Gloria Angela

From time to time there are changes in our curriculum wherein the curriculum specialist
has in-depth research on what curriculum is needed and suited in every level of education
depending on the situation.
The purpose of the curriculum has been encapsulated in the four capacities, to enable
each learner to be a successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen, and effective
contributor. They must develop the different skills, knowledge, attributes, and talents that they
will need to be successful in life, learning, and work, at present and in the future. Not only for


their own good that will have benefited, but everybody as well as our society and the whole
The attributes and capabilities of the four capacities must be attained to make our goal
come true. As a successful learner, the attributes to be developed are enthusiasm and motivation
for learning, determination to reach a high standard of achievement, exponents to new ideas
while on the capabilities, the use of literary and communication skills, use of technology for
learning, think creatively and independently, made a reasoned evaluation, and apply the different
learning in a new education. The second is to become a confident individual, the attributes to be
developed are a sense of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, secure values, beliefs, and
ambitions while the capabilities were to relate to others and manage themselves, pursue a healthy
lifestyle, be self-aware, develop and communicate their own beliefs and views in the world and
live independently as they can and assess risk and make informed decisions. Third, to become
responsible citizens respect for others should be developed, communicate, and participate
responsibly in political, social, economic, and cultural life. The capabilities should develop the
knowledge and understanding of the world, understand different beliefs and cultures, make
informed choices and decisions, evaluate environmental, scientific, and technological issues, and
develop ethical views. Lastly, is to become effective learners should have developed by being
resilience, self-reliance, and have an enterprising attitude while the capabilities they have to learn
to communicate in different ways and in different settings, a contributor to partnerships and
teams, take the initiative, lead, apply critical thinking in the new context, create, develop and
solve problems.
Those attributes and capabilities of the four capacities in the purpose of the curriculum
should be included in the curriculum depending on the needs and situations which is in spiral and
laddered wherein learners develop certain skills, and knowledge needed at every level.

Loyola, Angelo

The goal of the four capacities in the curriculum is to help each student become a
successful learner, self-assured individual, and a good and responsible member of society.
The purpose of the curriculum is encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each child or
young person to be a successful learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen and an
effective contributor.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn


The purpose of the curriculum is encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each
child or young person to be a successful learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen and
an effective contributor.
Curriculum can be used to ensure that all students have the knowledge, skills, and
experiences they will need in the future, as well as to prepare them to be a successful learner, a
confident individual, a responsible citizen, and an effective contributor. Now, if we place those
four capacities within the context of the teaching-learning process, we can make some
observations. In terms of literacy, communication, and numeracy abilities are important in order
for the learners become a competition in all aspects. The learner is considered successful if they
can use technology to enhance their learning, think creatively and independently, and make
reasoned judgments, among other things.

Oris, Mark Kenneth

The curriculum ensures that each school teaches pupils relevant information and keeps
track of the progress of students from all walks of life. The purpose of the curriculum is
encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each child or young person to be a successful
learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen, and an effective contributor. The curriculum
seeks to guarantee that all children and young people have the knowledge, skills, and traits they
will need to succeed in life, study, and work, both now and in the future, and to understand their
place in the world.

Remillosa, Renz

Within a week of listening to each discussion, I see how important the various purposes
of the curriculum are, considering the curriculum provides a quantifiable target, how would you
know whether your curriculum is successful if you don't establish precise goals for how your
students are learning? That's why I can say that by doing every objective we can apply the four
capacities in the purpose of curriculum, an effective curriculum establishes quantifiable goals
and keeps track of students’ development throughout the year.
According to the Scotland education, the purpose of the curriculum is encapsulated in the
four capacities - to enable each child or young person to be a successful learner, a confident
individual, a responsible citizen and an effective contributor. The curriculum aims to ensure that
all children and young people in Scotland develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they will
need if they are to flourish in life, learning and work, now and in the future, and to appreciate
their place in the world. The attributes and capabilities of the four capacities are outlined below:


Soriano, Fatima

Learning objectives should be used to guide students as they work through the course and
to assess their learning progress. This will also keep both the teacher and the students on track.
Excellent learning objectives serve as a roadmap for students as they review materials and
prepare for assessments. This will provide teachers with a plan of action and direction. Learning
objectives are most effective when they are both actionable and measurable.
Teachers must understand subject matter deeply and flexibly in order to help students
create useful cognitive maps, relate one idea to another, and address misconceptions in order to
teach all students according to today's standards. Teachers must be able to see how ideas relate to
one another and to everyday life (Shulman, 1987).
Learning experiences direct students' attention to content and assist them in developing
new skills. Teachers should design learning experiences that gradually guide students toward the
goals and objectives.
The evaluation is important in the teaching-learning process because it assists teachers
and students in improving their teaching and learning. Aside from that, evaluations are meant to
provide evidence-based arguments about whether educational outcomes can be improved
through the use of intervention strategies.

Ursua, Angeline

Children and young people are at the centre of learning provision. Our aspiration is that
they should all develop the four capacities to become:
•successful learners
•confident individuals
•responsible citizens
•effective contributors

These four capacities are helpful in teaching -learning process in a way that a learners are being
successful in terms of openness to new thinking ideas and they become more confident because
they are learning. It is also helpful to teachers because they can measure if the students are
learning and they can say that they are effective contributors to them. With that, they can be
more responsible citizens and also a successful learner because of effective contributors and that
is the teacher itself.
It is a continuing process to encourage more learning through experiences to best ensure that
children and young people are prepared for the complex world they will be living in when they
leave school.

Ventura, Brittany


According to East Lothian Council, the Curriculum for Excellence is a way of looking at
the curriculum that builds on the best existing educational practices. It is a continuous process of
encouraging more learning through experiences to best prepare children and young people for
the complex world they will live in when they leave school, in which students must develop the
four capabilities of successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective
The utilization of authentic resources, authentic assessment, relevant issues in the lesson,
and student experiences as a tool to mold all learners successfully and attain the quality
education they deserve occurs in the teaching-learning process. Teachers will analyze their
students' ability to express themselves via various platforms in order to master their literacy and
communication abilities. Teachers should also encourage kids to become involved in social
issues and come up with creative solutions.
Aside from that, teachers must provide opportunities for students to reflect and build self-
awareness and self-control. Furthermore, educators can use assessments such as role-playing to
teach students to respect and comprehend the customs of various people and races, which is
something that responsible citizen should do.
Source: :

How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained or not?

Gavina, Gloria Angela

According to Tyler’s rationale, he said that to make sure whether the purposes are being
attained or not, of course we have to do evaluation of the experiences. We have to evaluate all
the experiences without exception. And this evaluation should be conducted continuously by the
evaluator, in order to develop curriculum from time to time. Also, by using a different test like
formative, normative, and summative tests. But most importantly, the application if they can
apply all the learnings they have learned in their daily life for them to become a successful,
confident, responsible, and effective contributor in their family, community, as well as the whole

Loyola, Angelo

If the students do not pass the assessment, such as the reflection paper. On the lesson, the
learner bit gained something. If the students pass the fourth component, evaluation approaches,
they will move on to the fifth component.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn


To determine if the purposes are being attained, of course we need to practice or make to
do evaluation. We have to evaluate all the experiences without exception. The evaluator should
have conducted evaluation continuously in order to develop curriculum from time to time. The
process of evaluation is necessary so that the teacher will be guided to attained or give the
outcome they want. In addition, evaluation will determine the strength and witnesses of the plan,
is the curriculum effective or not and what part needs improvement.

Oris, Mark Kenneth

It is critical to ensure that the learning experience plans are in place to assist the teacher
in achieving the desired outcomes, which is the goal of evaluation. Following the development of
the plans, the review process is required. The review procedure will entail determining the plans’
strengths and flaws. It is critical to highlight what aspects of the curriculum are beneficial and
what areas require improvement because of the review.

Remillosa, Renz

Educational objectives/purposes are the starting point to selecting things such as material
selection, content outline, development of instructional procedures and test and examination
Teachers have a greater understanding of what is going on in the classrooms, learners
know where they stand. In addition, we can say if these purposes are being attained if the
students make collaboration possible. Regular curriculum discussions provide an opportunity for
all stakeholders to participate, including teachers, administrators, students, and organizations.
Getting feedback from everyone will assist you to figure out where you're good and where you
need to improve. It also provides a forum for educators to share best practices, information, and
resources with one another. It also aids teacher alignment; instructors may collaborate to develop
a succession of subjects that build on previous ones and link across disciplines.

Soriano, Fatima

According to Race et al (2005) evaluation is the most important thing teachers do to or

for their students, since they believe that “the results of assessment influence students for the rest
of their lives…” It's important to ensure and determine that these purposes are being attained or
guiding teacher in achieving the desired outcomes, which is the goal of evaluation and that's why
the evaluation as the last part of the purpose is very important as it determines the plan's
strengths and weaknesses. As a result of the evaluation, it is important to note which aspects of
the curriculum are effective and which areas require improvement. We can determine it in the


evaluation processed if it was effective or not.

Ursua, Angeline

As a future educator I can say that on a way of giving test like summative test we can
determine whether if these purposes are being attained or not. In this, we can measure if the
students are learning in our lesson or not.
(no reference, this is own answer)

Ventura, Brittany

Assessment, evaluation, and observation are all useful tools for determining whether or
not the goals are being met. Teachers could assess pupils to determine what they know and be
able to accomplish, regardless of whether they meet the specified standard or not, and to
determine what they know and be able to do. Students are also observed to see if they apply the
knowledge they have gained through their actions. Assessments and observation, on the other
hand, not only measure a learner's capability, but also help them develop their talents and grow
in real-world situations by allowing them to learn their strengths and weaknesses while teachers
guide them in improving their weaknesses and enhancing their strengths. Furthermore, teachers
can learn about their students' behavior through observation, allowing them to develop teaching
approaches that are appropriate for the level of intelligence or attitude of learners in order to
enhance effective teaching and learning.

As a student-teacher, do you think adding two years to the curriculum will be more

Gavina, Gloria Angela

The implementation of Senior High School or the K-12 Program in the Philippines by
adding two more years’ after you finished grade 10 is a great opportunity. The aim is to equip the
students with essential knowledge and skills that will help them prepare better for their chosen
path in the higher education, employment or entrepreneurship. The addition of two more years or
two more grade level, Grades 11 and 12, will better equip the students with the necessary skills,
knowledge and values needed for a successful future in their chosen field or course. They can
learn a lot during that 2 years and also become more globally competitive that we could compete
in the other countries.


Loyola, Angelo

Adding two more years to the curriculum is preferable to doing so before because it will
prepare students for the next stage. Also an effective curriculum provides teachers, students,
administrators and community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a
quality education. The curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core
competencies that students must demonstrate before advancing to the next level.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn

Senior high school implementation in the Philippines prepares students for college or
their chosen career paths in the future. It provides learners with the opportunity to become
equipped with the global skills, competences, and knowledge that they need in order to achieve a
successful career in the future. The addition of two years to the curriculum will greatly assist
students in becoming globally competitive individuals and ready for the world. However, there
are parts of this curriculum that need improvement in order to implement it effectively. Unlike
the previous education system, K to 12 offers more opportunities for employment and
entrepreneurship. Many schools in the Philippines are slowly implementing this. Graduates of
the new system can instantly get a job after they receive their certificates and passing
competency-based assessments.

Oris, Mark Kenneth

As a student teacher and already experienced K to 12 curricula, I see the effectiveness of

adding two years to the curriculum. Having this gives ample time for both schools and teachers
to extend lessons for better and for greater knowledge. Though it will also give longer time for
students to finish their studies, it is the knowledge that matters since K to 12 is really designed
for them.

Remillosa, Renz

As a student and future teacher adding two years of course in the curriculum will be more
effective because it gives advanced learning and it becomes a guide and preparation to the
students to become ready and prepared in stepping into college life, it is important because it can
give a big impact and can enhance and widen the knowledge of the student. In addition, it is for
the student to know what really the best course that they can take.

Soriano, Fatima

As a student-teacher and also a senior high school graduate, I do really agree that adding
two years in the curriculum is more effective as it because it helps me to prepare before entering


college, it helps me know what is my strength and what is my weaknesses, it helps me where
should I fit and the most important, it equips me with the global skills, competencies, and
knowledge that I have needed to achieve successful career paths in the future.

Ursua, Angeline

Yes, adding two years in the curriculum will be more effective because I think this can
help to improve the learning of the students inside the class and become active in participation.
A carefully designed and well-executed curriculum plays a significant role in the success
of a school and its students and teachers. Strong curricular design, when delivered by well-
prepared and qualified educators, ensures that students can achieve the appropriate learning

Ventura, Brittany

The Philippine K-12 program was established in 2013, according to the Constitution. RA
10533 was signed into law in 2013. The "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013" is the name of
the statute. Because the act (RA 10533) strengthened the Philippine Basic Education System's
curriculum and increased the number of years for basic education, it was known as K to 12.
Others may have believed that adding two years to the program would stifle students' desire to
graduate early and obtain a degree to pursue job prospects. Some folks, who I understand,
believe that K-12 curricula are more beneficial than destructive. Preparation for tertiary
education, particularly in their courses, as a result of different strands in Senior High School,
readiness to enter the workforce or opportunities in entrepreneurship and employment skills,
such as having NC1 AND NC2 of TVL strand, competency in the global job market to improve
mathematical, logical, and scientifical competence, and have a market basic skill or to be wise in
the real world situation, are some of the advantages that K-12 has.
Sources :

Unit 1: Nature of the Curriculum and you will be asked to write an Essay about the Topic.
A. Write an essay about the concepts of curriculum and their effect on teaching and
The following is a list of the guide questions:
Explain what is meant by effective teaching and learning.

Gavina, Gloria Angela


Curriculum may encompass to the knowledge and skills expected to learn, which
includes the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet. It includes all
the activities that should be done in the teaching-learning process like the lessons to be taught,
the lesson planning, the strategies and techniques, materials to be used, and the different kinds of
test and assessments. These could be the courses to be offered in a certain level from primary,
secondary, tertiary up to graduate school wherein the curriculum specialist considered what is to
be offered depending on the needs and situations to have a productive learner in the future. The
curriculum is important for a teacher to have a guide with a specific learning purpose to make
sure that the students can improve and achieve quality learning experiences. An effective
curriculum provides teachers, students, administration, and community stakeholders with a
measurable plan and structure for delivering quality education. The curriculum identifies the
learning outcomes. Therefore, the effectiveness the of teaching-learning process depends on the
curriculum designs they have offered, wherein the standards and core competencies of learners
must demonstrate before advancing to the next level or what we call a Ladderized curriculum.
Therefore, the teacher should have enough knowledge, skills, experiences, and competencies
because the teacher is the one who applies those curriculum designs therefore it depends on how
the teachers demonstrate and apply it to have a quality education. It means that the best teachers
produce the best quality, learners.
Curriculum design and how the teacher introduces and applied the curriculum to have an
effective teaching-learning, the teacher has the best practices, he/she must know and analyze the
behavior and the level of his/her students. Best teachers have an impact on the lives of every
learner which may change their situations in life and achieve success as productive citizens.

Loyola, Angelo

A teacher’s ability to teach and guide his or her students to be future-ready. Teachers play
an important role in learning because they are the ones who disseminate the correct information
that other students require. Teachers are also crucial to a good education. To help learners
understand and follow the flow of the lesson, the teacher must have a detailed lesson plan.
Teachers must also be able to communicate effectively. To summarize everything that has been
said, teachers must possess these characteristics in order to facilitate effective learning.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn

The key to good education is a good teacher. Teachers should have best practices, know
how to maximize feedback, invest time and effort in their students, how to develop strategies that
are aligned to curriculum objectives, believe in their students, plan purposefully, and set
ambitious and measurable goals to make you the best and most effective teacher. The teacher’s


abilities and expertise in the curriculum affect the students’ outcomes. If the teacher is effective,
the majority or all of his class will pass.

Oris, Mark Kenneth

An interactive system of instruction and learning with goals, contents, tactics,

measurement, and resources is referred to as a curriculum. The curriculum’s desired outcome is
the successful transfer and/or development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The extent to
which the curriculum fosters students’ autonomous motivation and creates opportunities for
students to experience competence, autonomy, relationships, and belonging will determine
whether the curriculum supports or undermines student wellbeing. If the curriculum isn’t
intended to support these fundamentals, it may unwittingly deplete students’ psychological
resources, contributing to or exacerbating mental health problems. Every teacher’s intended
purpose is to provide effective instruction. In effective teaching, the instructor employs a variety
of methods and tools to aid the student’s learning and development. Those of us who have had
personal experience with effective teachers can learn from them if we want to continue working
as educators. You’ll learn numerous ideas and methods that your favorite teachers used to make
your class time memorable in this lesson.

Remillosa, Renz

I can say that there are many different of effective teaching, as it says to what have I
watched is quite often dependent upon the learner's personal experiences but the most common
or the majority of the research done by the people, according to John Hattie Pierre Thought and
also the Australian society suggests that there are represented in all over the world that effective
teaching strategies have seven various qualities of good teachers and these are the best practice,
maximizing feedback, investing in your students, informed teaching, believe in your students,
plan purposely and set ambitious and measurable goals.
An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, school leaders, and community
stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering quality education. The
curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards, and core competencies that students must
demonstrate before advancing to the next level.

Soriano, Fatima

A teacher's effectiveness can be enhanced by a variety of techniques, skills, and practices.

Being an effective teacher, in my opinion, entails creating an environment that allows students to
learn to their full potential in the classroom. According to Cooper 149, effective teaching is
much more than an intuitive process. A teacher must continually make decisions and act on those
decisions. Being a teacher means making several decisions concerning planning for instruction,
developing teaching strategies, and evaluating outcomes of lesson plans. After a lesson is taught,


it is crucial to make note if any changes are necessary for next time. If the lesson was successful,
the teacher will know to keep using that strategy in the future. One of the main steps to
becoming an effective teacher is to gain intimate knowledge toward the subject matter that will
be taught in the classroom. When effective teaching is practiced, there will become an effective
learning as it because students develop a love for learning and gain new knowledge about what
they are studying.

Ursua, Angeline

Curriculum is a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice

and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills. Curriculum is the central guide for
all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning, so that every student has access to
rigorous academic experiences.
The concept of curriculum as any teacher whether preschool or secondary is having the
knowledge to teach in a way for your students to hear and learn and not misinterpret anything in
the classroom but allowing it to be fun and exciting for learning environment to take place
whether creative, science or physical education.
As a sequence of learning opportunities, curriculum has several aspects. It exists as plans
and intentions- the sequence of learning opportunities that one wishes students to experience. It
exists as patterns of classroom activities that are meant to implement those plans and provide the
desired learning opportunities.
Effective teaching can be defined in many ways including teacher behavior (warmth,
civility, clarity), teacher knowledge (of subject matter, of students), teacher beliefs, and so forth.
Effective teaching can be determine if the learners are learning from teachers and from the
lesson. As a teacher you must be good at discussing so that students can understand well the

Ventura, Brittany

Effective teaching and learning are necessary procedures for the acquisition of
knowledge, beliefs, traditions, skills, and behaviors, among other things. These two processes are
at the opposite extremities of the learning curve. Effective teaching entails teachers providing
high-quality instruction and effectively carrying out their lessons with their students. Teachers
devise plans and tactics to help their pupils acquire and perfect their skills so that they may
compete in an ever-changing world. Teachers frequently adopted the learner-centered approach,
in which students are active participants in the teaching-learning process and participate in a
variety of activities. Effective teaching also includes how teachers motivate and encourage pupils
to study and succeed. Furthermore, successful learning allows students to achieve the intended
learning outcomes or objectives in each class, allowing them to apply their knowledge in real-life
circumstances and contribute to the society in which they live. More specifically, it refers to the


learners' learning styles and tactics for acquiring the necessary information in each class.

Explain the premise of “valid knowledge” in society and the many influences on
curriculum development.

Gavina, Gloria Angela

Valid knowledge including the core curriculum, classroom curriculum, influence on

curriculum, and 21st-century skills should be the basis that is needed for today’s generation that is
shaped by the needs of both individuals and the society. The six influences of the curriculum
include political, economic, epistemological, historical, pedagogical, and ideological. It should
be based on reality and conformity on what is needed for this generation for human development
for a productive society. The curriculum should consider and have a thorough research of what is
needed to be included in a curriculum to have an effective teaching-learning process and to have
the best teacher to apply those knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Loyola, Angelo

In general, valid knowledge emphasizes objectivity. Valid knowledge must be consistent

in terms of time and space. The goal of valid knowledge is to clearly define, specifically
illuminate, and illuminate its object. It does not, however, create a new fact; rather, it allows you
to experience a fact as it is. Valid knowledge, on the other hand, has its own set of limitations; its
applicability is limited to what it can reveal. That may explain the variety of methods used to
verify one’s own experiences.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn

To understand the influences on the curriculum, we need to understand the concept of

valid knowledge, which is the premise of the curriculum. Valid knowledge is defined as that
which society regards as essential or required in life, and this becomes the curriculum that is
prescribed to be taught in schools. There are two things to understand the relationship between
valid knowledge and the curriculum. First, valid knowledge in society is what constitutes the
curriculum and is political in nature, and second, valid knowledge is shaped by the needs of both


the individual and society. Valid knowledge is essential in order for the teacher to produce
students who can show and perform 21st century skills. If the learners become globally
competitive students, this can help our society develop.
There are also six influences on curriculum development. The curriculum covers topics
such as politics, economics, epistemology, history, pedagogy, and ideology. The curriculum is
political because the question of what should and should not be taught is hotly debated, a
political topic of discussion. Second, the development of a curriculum calls into question a
country’s economic prosperity; it is critical that a young person’s education lead to a more
prosperous country. Third, the epistemological influence on curriculum flaws is consistent with
current scientific research and has an impact on how our brain functions and how we learn.
Historical influences are important because it is difficult to determine which personal images are
still relevant today and which are not. In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in
pedagogical influences because the possibilities within the class state of technology are almost
limitless. Finally, ideological influence comes into play as everyone in society has their own
ideas, opinions, and beliefs about what should be taught in order to have a globally competitive

Oris, Mark Kenneth

Valid knowledge is curriculum itself. Valid knowledge within the society is what
constitutes to the curriculum for it is political in nature. It is shaped by the needs of both
individual and societal factors. Valid knowledge is commonly known as 21st century skills
where we uses inquiry learning, collaboration, and even customized learning.

Remillosa, Renz

To recognize effective teaching, it has expected to teach the curriculum and how it is
constructed to the idea of valid knowledge and its influences. The valid knowledge and its
influences on the curriculum can define and known as core curriculum, classroom curriculum,
influences curriculum, KLA, what does the teacher actually teach, it focuses on the teacher's
target discussion to a certain course study, and it also says that the valid is knowledge shaped by
the needs of the individual. More so, it focuses on the 6 influences of the curriculum political,
economic, epistemological, historical, pedagogical, and ideological these are the valid
knowledge in the 21st-century classroom and it leads to the influences of a curriculum.

Soriano, Fatima

Based on my understanding on the video that I have watched is that the valid knowledge
is the knowledge that is essential and required, and it is the curriculum that is prescribed to be
taught in school. Aside from that, the speaker in the video described valid knowledge based on
both individual and societal factors, such as what one needs to know to benefit oneself and what
one needs to know to function in society's interest. However, many people argue about what


constitutes valid knowledge, whether it is basic reading, writing, and arithmetic or 21st century
skills such as autonomy, inquiry learning, divergent thinking, and customized learning.
In the video, six influences on curriculum are discussed. The first is political in nature, as
it is the idea of what should or should not be taught, which is hotly debated. The second is
economic, and it has been stated that the economic prosperity of a country is important in the
development of curriculum. The third influence on curriculum is epistemological, which is in
line with current scientific research and theories on how our brain works and how we learn.
Fourth, there is the historical influence, which has also been mentioned as being essential
because it is difficult for anyone to describe which personal linages are still relevant today and
which are not. Fifth, there are pedagogical influences, which have sparked a lot of interest in
recent years because the possibilities within the class states of technology are almost limitless.
Finally, ideological influences argue that it is relevant because everyone in society has their own
ideals, opinions, and beliefs about what should be taught in the curriculum.

Ursua, Angeline

Farrant (1980:24) defines curriculum as "all that is taught in a school including the time
tabled subjects and all those aspects of its life". If a curriculum is going to be relevant it must
respond to the charges in society. The relevance and effectiveness of a curriculum which will be
good for school instruction must thus take into consideration the changes in society; society
should be given an opportunity for inclusion of its aspirations. It becomes important that the
curriculum is constructed in light of the factors that are present in society and how these factors
change over time such as the culture and the availability of resources and the ideology of a
One of the factors that an effective curriculum must consider is the ideology of a society
or nation. An ideology is a way of thinking which forms a basis for an economic or political
system. The ideology of the nation will determine the curriculum a country will offer and this
will change the way people perceive things. Ideology can be described as the strong beliefs and
ideas that a society possesses. Changes in ideological perspectives in society also influence the
effectiveness of a curriculum and thus must be considered in any well-meaning curriculum
planning, development and implementation process.
Societal changes also influence the curriculum and must be considered as such. A society
is an organization of people with particular interest or purpose. The particular interest people
have determines a curriculum to follow. For example, the people of North-western province
value pineapple production thus the emphasis on the production of pineapples in the agriculture
would be more appropriate there.

Ventura, Brittany
Valid knowledge is knowledge that is considered vital or required in society, hence it is
included in the curriculum that is taught in schools. It necessitates the abilities and knowledge
essential for pupils to build lifelong learning skills so that they can survive whenever or
wherever they go as long as they have those talents. Basic reading, writing, and arithmetic are


the focal points of the traditional curriculum. However, in the twenty-first century, when
technology almost governs the world, being technologically literate as well as developing
autonomy, inquiry learning, divergent thinking, and personalized learning are abilities that
learners must possess to stay up with the changing needs of education.
Furthermore, the film discussed political, economic, epistemological, historical,
pedagogical, and ideological impacts on curriculum creation. These factors are required for
learning and constructing a flexible curriculum in various perspectives and areas of life.

B. In your perspective interpret Cunnigham's definition of curriculum.

According to Cunningham, “curriculum” is the tool in the hands of an artist to mold his
material, according to his ideals in his studio”

Gavina, Gloria Angela

The effectiveness of the teaching-learning depends on the curriculum designs used in the
process of what kind of materials, presentations, videos, reading assessments, tests, teaching-
learning techniques, and strategies are used to organize and to have an effective outcome. The
application of the different curriculum designs depends on what kind of teacher. A good
curriculum will help the teacher to achieve quality learners wherein it helps the students to learn,
practice, and evaluate specific skills and competencies. It elicits students’ experiences, and
knowledge, and affirms and builds on them. Quality education depends on a quality curriculum
and quality teachers.

Loyola, Angelo

In my opinion, Curriculum is the most important tool available to both teachers and
students. If the wrong curriculum is used, no learning will take place. Curriculum can assist
teachers in providing their students with a good and quality education. Also because A good
curriculum also connects teachers from across grade levels and subject areas to look at the big
picture of student learning. Teachers can work together to plan a progression of topics that build
off of ones that came before and connect across disciplines.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn

According to Cunningham, curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to

mould his material (pupils) according to his ideals (aims and objectives) in his studio (school).
An artist is a teacher, a substance is student, a studio is educational institute, and idea is a desired
outcome. It’s in the hand of the teacher on how he/she implement the curriculum’s objectives in
order for it to become effective. The teacher will make or create an effective instructional
material that suites to the curriculum objectives. The creativity and skills of the teacher will put
in this kind of situation. Accordingly, the tool is in the hand of the teacher who uses his or her


physical and instructional facilities, and his/her skills, professionalism and creativity in order for
them and students achieve the curriculum objectives.

Oris, Mark Kenneth

Cunningham defined the curriculum as "a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mold
his material (pupils) according to his ideals (aims and objectives) in his studio (school)." In his
definition, an artist refers to a teacher, a studio refers to a school, a substance refers to a student,
and a goal/idea refers to expected learning achievement.
In my own perspectives, Cunningham imaginatively defined curriculum as a tool in the hands of
artists whom he referred to as teachers. For him, this tool or the curriculum will mould his
materials or the pupils in reality in accordance to his objectives to be done in school.

Remillosa, Renz

"Curriculum," according to Cunningham, is "the instrument in an artist's hands to mold

his material according to his ideas in his studio." The artist is the instructor, the material is the
student, the ideals are the goals, and the studio is the educational institution, according to this
description. The influences that shape curriculum creators' thinking is known as foundations. As
a result, they have an impact on the curriculum's content and organization. The curriculum
represents a country's society and culture, and it is a society's wish that its children learn the
habits, ideas, attitudes, and skills of adult society and culture, and educational institutions are the
best means to transmit these abilities. It is the responsibility of the teacher and the school to
discipline society's youth and give them with a set of experiences in the form of a curriculum.
The needs, knowledge, and information of society serve as the foundation for curriculum

Soriano, Fatima

According to Cunningham, “curriculum” is the tool in the hands of an artist to mold his
material, according to his ideals in his studio.
Cunningham symbolizes a curriculum as a tool in the hands of the artist that mold his
material in his studio and by that, he wants to imply that teachers mold his/her students in the
school according to the curriculum wherein the teacher is the artist, the material is the students,
and the school is the studio. All curriculums share one goal and that is to help students learn. By
that, the curriculum serves as the tool for all teachers to achieve that goal and that goal if for the
students. The curriculum connects with teachers to the students. A carefully designed and well-


executed curriculum plays a significant role in the success of a school and its students and

Ursua, Angeline

Artist is the teacher where in it is said to be the noblest profession because it shapes the
other profession, a teacher presents the past, reveals the present, and creates the future.
Material is the student that a teacher uses and guide to brighten up their future. Teacher
are the one who guide the students to motivate them to study well.
An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, school leaders and community
stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality education. The
curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies that students must
demonstrate before advancing to the next level. Teachers play a key role in developing,
implementing, assessing and modifying the curriculum. An evidenced-based curriculum acts as a
road map for teachers and students to follow on the path to academic success.

Ventura, Brittany

Artists make extraordinary masterpieces based on their creativity and so as the teachers.
According to the quote of Cunningham, the artist symbolizes teachers, material symbolizes
students, ideals symbolizes objectives, and the studio symbolizes school wherein, the curriculum
is the tool in the hands of teachers to mold their student, according to the objectives in his school.
The curriculum serves as the building block of knowledge that students should acquire for them
to become great masterpieces and become well-educated individuals. More so, teachers play a
crucial role in the learning progress of learners. They plan and formulate a variety of teaching
strategies and use their creativity for students to learn effectivity and be able to attain all the
knowledge they must possess.


Gavina, Gloria Angela

In the educational system, the curriculum is very important for the attaining of
educational goals of what the society and the world as a whole at the present situation and
especially for the future of the learners that they really learned and be a part of success and
progress for their family, society and the world. Curriculum planning should be thoroughly done
for the attainment of educational goals; curriculum analysts should be very keen. Better
curriculum planning and development would result if the person participated in the process and
reached a consensus about the final product. It includes the three phases of curriculum planning –


platform, deliberation, and design and finally the implementation of the curriculum in different
schools at different specific levels. They must consider the mastery of knowledge and skills after
each level and be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance
the same based on their respective educational and social contexts. Wherein they can produce a
learner who is successful with their own choice of courses or fields.

Loyola, Angelo
When we say curriculum, we’re talking about the knowledge and skills that students
should learn, as well as the learning standards or learning objectives that they should meet. The
curriculum assists teachers and students in clarifying learning outcomes, as well as allowing
students to demonstrate prior to progressing to the next level. This curriculum can assist us in
planning as pre-service teachers. Teachers play a vital role in developing, implementing,
assessing, and modifying the curriculum. This evidence-based curriculum also serves as a road
map for teachers and students on their way to academic success. The subject and materials to be
taught by an educational institution are typically listed as a set of subjects, but they may also
include learning experiences, skills, and abilities that students are expected to learn.

Navarrete, Kayecelyn
The curriculum is a plan of schoolwork and includes what students should learn, how to
assess learning, characteristics of how students will be accepted into the program, and
instructional materials. The curriculum is very important because it helps teachers to teach better
and they can teach what students should learn that they can apply in their daily lives. An
effective curriculum provides a measurable plan and structure for delivering quality education to
teachers, students, school leaders, and community stakeholders. The curriculum specifies the
learning outcomes, standards, and core competencies that students must meet before progressing
to the next level.

Oris, Mark Kenneth

In this module, I am informed more about the essence of the curriculum. I was able to
understand major concepts such as types, components, and curriculum purposes. As a pre-service
teacher, this module helped me to take in mind that the curriculum would be the specific learning
standards and materials that I can use to teach and organize a particular course. With all the
learning activities of this module, I was able to give a prescriptive and descriptive definition of
the curriculum and its purposes. Through reflection questions as well, I’ve been able to construct
an essay regarding different questions, especially about the teaching-learning process.

Remillosa, Renz
I learned a lot about the major types of curricula as well as their purposes during the
discussion of module 1. It is contained various capabilities to assist each child or young person to
be a successful student, self-assured individual, responsible citizen, and effective contributor.


The curriculum can also include a school's graduation criteria, such as the courses students must
take and pass, the number of courses they must earn, and other requirements, such as completing
a capstone project or completing a particular number of community service hours. In general, the
curriculum takes many distinct forms in schools, much too numerous to list here.

Soriano, Fatima
Module 1 is all about curriculum and as I have read the study guide, I regarded the
curriculum as the institution's beating heart as it serves as a road map for teachers and students to
follow on the path to academic success and it serves as a tool for societal development. I've
learned that it is very important for teachers as it tells them what skills must be taught at each
grade level in order to prepare students. Aside from that it is not just the teacher, but it also helps
students or reassures students that they are on the right track to reaching their goals and honing
desired skills.
In conclusion, it assists teachers in providing quality education and it helps to develop all the
aspects of a learner. Without a curriculum, we have no direction.

Ursua, Angeline
I've learned a lot in reading the contents of Study Guide 1. There are many terms/ideas,
and information that I get in reading the module. One thing that I've learned from it is the
importance of curriculum. An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, school leaders,
and community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering quality
education. The curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards, and core competencies
that students must demonstrate before advancing to the next level. As a future educator, I will
apply what I've learned during this time. In the future, I will make sure that my future students
can learn many things from me

Ventura, Brittany
Upon answering the activities in module 1, I learned the different definitions of
curriculum from different perspectives such as curriculum refers to all courses offered at schools
or universities and it was also the contents of a subject, concepts, and tasks to be acquired,
planned activities, the desired learning outcomes and experiences, the product of culture and an
agenda to reform society. I have also gained a deeper understanding of the different types of the
curriculum such as recommended, written, taught, supported, assessed, learned, and hidden
curricula, and how they affect the teaching and learning process. In addition, the major
components of the curriculum are also discussed as well as its purpose from the claims of
different prominent minds such as Ralph Tyler, William Schubert, and Decker Walker which are
relevant until the present in the education sector. All in all, I have realized that curriculum plays
a big role in the educational system of the country and how vital it is from forming the national
educational system down to the teaching and learning process.


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