tiempos gramticales de ingles

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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria

Universidad Politécnica Territorial José Antonio Anzoátegui

Cátedra: ingles




Junio del 2024

Ejemplos de los tiempos gramaticales del inglés:

Present continuous

1. The dog is playing with a ball.

2. It is getting late.
3. You are driving too fast.
4. Paula is studying physics at university.
5. I’m missing you like crazy!
6. The elevator is not working.
7. He isn’t pay attention.
8. I’m not being selfish.
9. Who is calling?
10. Who are we waiting for?

Present perfect

1. The couple has broken up.

2. I’ve had this headache since yesterday.
3. Noah has always helped us.
4. I’ve always wanted to see the northern lights.
5. I have forgotten about the meeting.
6. The guest hasn’t arrived yet.
7. You haven’t drunk any water today.
8. Craig has never played golf.
9. Have you two met?
10. How long have you lived here?

Past continuous

1. It was getting dark when we left.

2. The boys were reading comics.
3. I was wondering if you could come with us.
4. He was doing 80 miles per hour when the police stopped him.
5. My friends were studying in Chicago for a month last year.
6. I was not joking.
7. They weren’t kissing when I entered the room.
8. It wasn’t raining the whole vacation.
9. Was Josh working when you called him?
10. Were you watching a horror movie?

Past perfect

1. They had lived abroad before.

2. The train had already left by the time we got to the station.
3. They had disappeared after school.
4. I wasn’t hungry because I had had a grab to eat.
5. If you had asked me, I would have answered you.
6. If we hurried up, we wouldn’t have missed the flight.
7. If he hadn’t been sick, he would have come to the party with us.
8. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.
9. Had you made a promise before?
10. How long had they been traveling across the US?

Future simple

1. I will always love you.

2. We will get to the airport on time.
3. You will marry her.
4. I’ll get it done as soon as possible.
5. She will become a great artist when she grows up.
6. I don’t think I’ll go out tonight.
7. He won’t sleep during the flight.
8. The plane will not take off.
9. Who will they ask for help?
10. What time will you get there.

Future perfect.

1. It will have stopped raining by noon.

2. We will have made all the necessary arrangements by next weekend.
3. By the end of the month, Andy will have been playing for the city orchestra for five
4. The party will have already started.
5. In two years’ time, I will have changed jobs.
6. It will not have gotten dark by then.
7. She will not have forgotten the argument before we see her again.
8. They will not have come up with a solution to the problem.
9. How much will the company have spent on the new software?
10. Will they have finished their course?

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