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A cell phone is a modern communication device which connects one another by voice, written message
or other data. However, this device cannot work until the SIM card is inserted. When inserting the SIM
card to cell phone, make sure that the cell phone has been switched off and follow the directions below.
First of all, press the locking latch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone. After that, push two
latches in the opposites directions and remove the battery. Next, slide the sIM card carefully into the
slot and make sure that its metal connectors are facing the connectors of the phone. Then, take the
battery and allign it until it snaps in place. Finnaly, insert the two latches of the back cover
corresponding the slots in the phone and slide the cover forward over the button of the phone until it
locks into place. Don’t forget to switch on the cell phone. Wait until it is ready to use.

1. What is being explained in the instruction above?

A. How to operate a mobile phone
B. How to insert a SIM card
C. How to connect people using cell phone
D. How to reload a SIM card

2. What should we notice when inserting the SIM card in the phone?
A. Follow the instruction properly.
B. Check the signal of the phone
C. That the cell phone has been switched off
D. Make sure that the connectors of the SIM are facing the connectors of the phone.

3. When can we remove the battery?

A. After we push two latches in the opposite directions
B. Before we switch off the cell phone
C. After we insert the SIM card
D. When the cell phone is ready to use.

If you have a flat tyre :

1. Make sure you are completely off the road, away from traffic.
2. Stop the engine and turn on the emegency lights.
3. Put on the parking brake firmly.
4. Get everyone out of the car on the side away from the traffic.
5. Begin to repair

4. What should you do if you have a flat tyre when the road is very crowded?
A. We must be away from traffic
B. Call the police
C. Push the car
D. Repair it

5. What do you do offer you stop the engine?

A. Put on the parking brake
B. Repair it immediately
C. Turn on the emergency lights
D. Get everyone out of the car
E-mail is by far the most popular service on the internet. Sending a message is a snap. Just follow the
1. Open your e-mail program and launch a new message window by clicking on the appropriate icon.
2. In the TO box, type the name of the recipients. Make sure you enter the address correctly or the message
will return to you. You can also send copies (Cc) and blind copies (Bcc) to multiply addresses.
3. Type the subject of the e-mail.
4. Write your message in the message window. You can also copy text from a word processing program and
paste it into the window.
5. Click on the Send icon or select Send from the file menu.

What is the text about?

A. How to make e-mail.

B. How to send e-mail via internet.
C. How to read e-mail.
D. How to open e-mail.

What do you write on TO box?

A. The message
B. The name of our own e-mail.
C. Type of the name of recipient.
D. Type the subject of the e-mail.

Where do we can get the copy of text?

A. word processing
B. other e-mail
C. Send it from the instruction
D. The address of the teacher.

Adults ........2 tablespoonfuls

Children : according to the age Repeat the above dosage every ½ hour to 1
hour if needed until 8 doses are taken. If
10-14 years .....4 teaspoonfuls relief does not occur within 2 days, consult a
6-10 years ........2 teaspoonfuls

2-6 years ..........1 teaspoonful


6. How is children’s dosage determined?

a. By age c. By consultation
b. By weight d. By the amount of food consumed

7. In a four hour period, how much is the maximum is the maximum amount of medication that adults should
a. Two doses c. Six doses
b. Four doses d. Eight doses

8. ‘ Repeat the above dosage ........” the antonym of the underlined is .......
a. Over b. Below c. Down d. Bottom

1. Print the document from the application

2. Ensure your printer is selected, then click tab
3. Specify the required settings and click OK
4. To start printing, click OK
9. What do you do to start printing?
a. Click OK
b. Click the main tab
c. Print the document
d. Select your printer
10. What could be the title of the text?
a. How to select your printer
b. How to write an application
c. How to buy a good printer
d. How to print your document

11. To start printing ...... ( line 4 ). What is the antonym of the underlined word?
a. Postpone
b. Delay
c. Stop
d. work

When to defrost the frezeer

When the surface of the frezeer is frosted about 3 mm thick. Start the defrosting operation.

How to defrost the frezeer

When you want to defrost thefrezeer, press the defrost button. The frost will break and the water will flow down into
evaporating pan to automatically evaporate. Upon the completion of the defrosting operation, the button will release
itself, and the cooling operation will be resumed

12. What should we do when DEFROSTING is competed?

a. Press the defrost button
b. Nothing
c. Release the button
d. Operate the cooling system

13. What is the subject of the text?

a. A refrigerator
b. A vaporizer
c. A condenser
d. A compressor

14. “When you want to defrost the frezeer, press the defrost button” The antonym of the underlined word is ......
a. increase
b. dcrease
c. defrezee
d. melt

 Always take offyour jewellry before doing housework. Detergents and cleaning powders can make it dull.
 Put jewellery on last when dressing. Perfumes and hairspray can tarnish it
 Don’t swim when wearing any gold. You might lose it. Also, chlorine and salt water can have a bad effect.
 Clean it regularly. Soak it in warm soapy water and gently brush it with a toothbrush. Rinse in clean water and dry
with soft clean cloth.
 To prevent scratching, keep gold separately in a jewel box.

15. What is the topic of the text?

a. How to use detergent
b. How to care for gold
c. How to buy gold
d. How to wear gold

16. Which of the following can make jewellery tarnish?

a. Hairspray and chlorine
b. hairspray and perfumes
c. cleaning powder and perfumes
d. salt water and warm soapy water


Here’s a mouth-watering cookie recipe for you to try at home. You will need two cups each of margarine, white
sugar and brown sugar; four eggs, four cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt and a cup of milk
chocolate chips. First of all, pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Take a large bowl and cream together the
margarine and sugar until they are smooth. Then add the eggs, one by one. Sift the flour and baking powder into the
mixture and add the salt. Finally add the chocolate chips. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto ungreased cookie
sheets and bake for eight to ten minutes until the edges are golden brown. Cool for one hour before eating.

1. Which of the following is NOT an ingredient in the recipe?

B. cream B. flour C. eggs D. margarine

2. What must the cook do first?

A. Put the margarine and sugar in a bowl C. Break the eggs
B. Turn on the oven D. Sift the flour

3. Which of the following items is needed to make this recipe?

A. a microwave B. a sieve C. a saucepan D. a knife

4. Which of the following ingredients is added last?

A. salt B. baking powder C. chocolate chips D. eggs


 Always take off your jewellry before doing housework. Detergents and cleaning powders can make it dull.
 Put jewellery on last when dressing. Perfumes and hairspray can tarnish it
 Don’t swim when wearing any gold. You might lose it. Also, chlorine and salt water can have a bad effect.
 Clean it regularly. Soak it in warm soapy water and gently brush it with a toothbrush. Rinse in clean water and dry
with soft clean cloth.
 To prevent scratching, keep gold separately in a jewel box.

5. What is the topic of the text?

A. How to buy gold C. How to care for gold
B. How to use detergent D. How to wear gold

6. Which of the following can make jewellery tarnish?

A. hairspray and chlorine C. hairspray and perfumes
B. cleaning powder and perfumes D. salt water and warm soapy water
7. Detergents and cleaning powders can make it dull. The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. boring B. foolish C. damaged D. pure


When to defrost the frezeer

When the surface of the frezeer is frosted about 3 mm thick. Start the defrosting operation.
How to defrost the frezeer
When you want to defrost thefrezeer, press the defrost button. The frost will break and the water will flow down into
evaporating pan to automatically evaporate. Upon the completion of the defrosting operation, the button will release
itself, and the cooling operation will be resumed

8. What should we do when DEFROSTING is completed?

A. Press the defrost button C. Release the button
B. Nothing D. Operate the cooling system

9. What is the subject of the text?

A. A refrigerator C. A vaporizer
B. A condenser D. A compressor

10. “When you want to defrost the frezeer, press the defrost button” The antonym of the underlined word is ......
A. Increase B. decrease C. defreeze D. melt
Hammers are basic tools which can cause thumb and finger injuries. Some people need treatment every year as a
result of a hammer injury. Here are some tips for using a hammer properly so that both you and the project you’re
working on are kept safe from harm.
Check the hammer before use
Check the firm attachment of the head to the handle. Also check any defects in the handle. If the
hammer has any defects, do not use it. Not only it will require more energy to use but it is an
accident waiting to happen.

Get a firm grip on the handle

Grip firmly on the handle and ensure that you don’t lose your hold on the hammer and have it
flying out of your hand.

Hold the hammer at the end of the handle

Grip the handle firmly at the end because it is more energy efficient. And hold it a bit higher up
while you are learning if that feels most comfortable and secure for you.

Hit your surface squarely with the hammer

Avoid banging a hammer sideways. Hit only with the head of the hammer and do not use the handle
or the side of the hammer.

Use your whole arm and elbow

Rely on the strength of your whole arm and elbow and not just rely on your wrist and hand to pound
the hammer with.

Place your work against a hard surface

Do not try to do hammering work on carpet or other soft surfaces, since it requires more energy.

Work in a natural position

Hammer at waist height for the greatest ease. If you cannot move your work, keep your position
as neutral and as natural as you can.

Check before swinging

Keep your workspace clear of other objects and check that nobody is standing behind you or too
near you when you use the hammer.

Develop your own technique over time that feels the most comfortable and works best for your
projects. Good hammering technique comes from trial and error.
1. What is the text about?
2. Which part of our body is easily injured when hammering?
3. What is the first thing we must do before using a hammer?
4. Why do we have to grip the handle firmly?
5. What is the best position of your hands to be energy efficient?
6. Why must we avoid hammering on soft surfaces?
7. How high is the hand position to give the greatest ease?
8. How will we position ourselves if we can’t move our work?
9. Why do we have to check that nobody is standing behind or near us before hammering?
10. How can we get a good hammering technique?
How to Make Friends
There are times when you want to know how to make friends, but you are shyor not confident. Here are some
steps and tips to help you overcome these obstacles to make friends.
1. Spend more time around people
Try to be positive if you want to make friends. Meet people and remember friends seldom come knocking on
your door while you sit at home playing computer games.
2. Talk to people
You can talk to anybody; the clerk at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus. Don’t be too
3. Make eye contact and smile
Try not squinting, looking bored, frowning or appearing blank. Don’t fold your arms (This practically says:
“Don’t talk to me”). Don’t hang out in the corner; such habit makes you look troubled or disinterested.
4. Start conversation
Try to comment about weather;“Today’s nice, isn’t it?”, a request for help ; Can you help me carry a few
boxes if you have a minute?” or a compliment : “ I love your shoes”.
5. Make a small talk
Keep the conversation light, even if you’re complaining about something; make sure it’s something you’re
dissatisfied with.
6. Ask them out for tea or coffee
It’s a good opportunity to talk and get to know each other.
7. Be a loyal friend
If a friend need help or just need a shoulder to cry on, be there. If your friends make a joke, laugh with them.
Never complain about a friend.
8. Be a good friend
Initiate some of the activities, remember birthdays, and ask their feelings.
9. Be reliable
If you have appointment with them, don’t be late. Don’t make them wait because it’s rude. If you can’t come
on time, call them as soon as possibleand apologize.
10. Be trustworthy
One of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to talk to about anything, even secrets
that you hide from the rest of the world. The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets.
11. Choose your friends wisely.
Cherish those friends who give positive influence in your life and do your best to be a positive influence in theirs.
12. Put emphasis on the good, unique qualities about yourself
Are you funny? If yes, then it’s great. A little humor always keeps conversation light and happy.People love
to be
around someone who makes them laugh.
13. Encourage your friends
Always remain with them in good or bad times. Never ever make fun or laugh at your friends in front of
others. Be their big supporter
14. Be confident
Make the efforts to start talking no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
15. Keep in contact
Don’t lose contact with them although you’re busy. When you lose connection with a friend, the friendship
may fail.

1. What is the text about?
2. What are the obstacles of making friends?
3. Why do we have to meet people if we want to make friends?
4. How can we start conversations with new people?
5. What do we have to do to be a good friend?
6. How can we be a trustworthy friend?
7. What is the great thing about being funny?
8. Why do we have to choose a friend wisely?
9. In what way can we encourage our friends?
10. How can we keep a long lasting friendship?

Fish Fun Frame

You’ll need:
- A Styrofoam tray - Any photograph
- Colored tissue paper - Glue stick and varnish
1. Draw the fish a little smaller than the photograph you want to frame.
2. Cut different-colored tissue paper into little pieces.
3. Use a glue stick. Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray so that they overlap a little.
4. Cover the fish cut out, which will serve as the frame’s stand.
5. After you have covered the frame and the fish, varnish both.
6. Let the piece dry, then glue the fish, cut out the back and use it to hold up the frame.
7. Attach the photo in the back of the frame with scotch tape. Pretty fish, isn’t it?

The step that we don’t do when making a fish fun frame is ...
A. Cutting different colored tissue
B. Overlapping the colored tissue and the photograph
C. Gluing the piece of tissue paper to the tray
D. Varnishing the frame and the fish

What do you do after cutting colored tissues into little pieces?

A. Gluing and overlapping the tissue paper and the tray
B. Gluing the fish cut out the back to hold up the frame
C. Attaching the photo in the back of the frame
D. Drawing the fish smaller than the photograph

“Attach the photo ...” The underlined word can be replaced by:
A. split B. fissured C. stick D. spaced

Enclosed you will find out new “First bank” Automatic Bank Card.

Follow these simple instructions to activate it.

- Call the telephone number on the bank of the card and press #1. State your full name as it appears
on the card. You will then be asked for your city of birth for identification purposes. Upon
answering, you will be prompted to enter a four-digit secret identification password. You will then
be asked to repair it. A representative will confirm your account number. Now, you’re ready to use
bank card.
- Please keep the card in a secure place and do not give your password to anyone. At any time, you
can call the telephone number if you lose your card or want to change your password.

For whom are these instructions written?

A. Bank representative C. A security company
B. New bank customer D. Credit card holder

What information will not be asked?

A. Your birth date C. Your birth place
B. Your account number D. A personal ID number

If your birthday is 09 / 14, what would be the best password for you?
A. 0914 C. Your telephone number
B. 013948 D. 6952

Follow these simple instructions to purchase value of a multi-transit pass

1. To buy a new pass, insert coins or bills into the upper left slot. As you insert money, the total will appear in
the window. Indicate the amount that you would like to purchase by pushing the up or down arrow. Push the
“Ticket” button, take the ticket and your change.
2. If you have a pass and would like to add money to it, insert the pass into the machine. The window will
How do the passengers
indicate knowofthe
the value thevalue
pass. of theirmoney
Insert currentuntil
pass?you have added the desired amount. Then push the
A. It “Ticket”
is on the back of the instructions.
button and remove the ticket. C. It is written on it.
B. It appears on the screen. D. The busare
Passes are good on all city trains and buses. Prices between destinations driver
listedtells them.
on the back of these instructions.

What is true about the passes?

A. Passengers need exact change. C. Passes are only sold in $5 amounts.
B. Passengers can put additional money on a pass. D. They are only valid on the train.

How do the passengers know the prices of their destinations?

A. It is on the back of the instructions. C. It is written on it.
B. It appears on the screen. D. The bus driver tells them.


Thank you for purchasing a quality product from the Simmons Company. To activate the warranty, please
complete and return this registration card. This product is guaranteed to be free of defects for a period of one
year. If you experience any problems, call or fax our toll-free number for the address of the nearest service

Name: James Smith Company name: Peabody and Smith

Mailing address: 41 Crescent Road Grandview, Ohio
Home phone: 740-555-5678 Business phone: 740-555-1234
E-mail address: Serial number: 73-45-9296F

Where did you buy this product?

Discount store Office supply store Mail ordering catalog
Department store Internet supplier

This product will primarily be used for ….( check ONE box only)
Personal, non-business use Business, outside the home
Home business Educational purposes
What were TWO main reasons for your purchase of this product?
Reliability Newspaper review
Friend’s recommendation Price

Why should a customer call the Simmons Company?

A. To locate a nearby service center C. To request a new catalog
B. To receive a free sample D. To activate a warranty

What information is the customer NOT asked to provide?

A. A work phone number C. A fax number
B. An e-mail address D. A mailing address

Where did Mr. Smith purchase this product?

A. From an office supplier C. From an factory outlet
B. Over the internet D. Through a mail-order catalog


In this case as a customer, we can choose which way that we use to invest at Smith. Pay attention
to the steps below:

By Mail: To add to your account, send a check or money order payable to Smith Funds along with
the additional investment from that is attached to his statement. Please see minimum investment
requirements for each fund in the appropriate prospectus.

By Electronic: Transfer after an account has been established, you may purchase additional
shares by electronic transfer. Please call Smith Funds for instructions.

By Exchange: You can open a new account by exchanging from one Smith Funds account to an
identically registered account. Please verify the investment guidelines for each fund in the appropriate
prospectus. The fund may modify, suspend, or terminate the exchange privilege at its discretion.

What should clients do to invest by electronic transfer?

a. Mail a written request C. Telephone for the information
b. Send in another form D. Terminate their exchange

What can the fund change at any time?

A. The investment guidelines C. The account registration number
B. The minimum investment D. The exchange privilege

… “from that is attached to his statement”….

What does the word “his” refer to at the second paragraph…
A. A customer C. The Smith
B. The investor D. The accountant


 Plug in the unit a 220 V, 50 Hz convenience outlet

 Lay down the drain hose
 Push to connect the water hose t the water supply as shown
 Set the water knob at the desired level and fill water to the marker level
 Add detergent
 Turn timer knob to 10-20 minutes setting to dissolve the detergent
 Put in wash load
 Turn the timer knob to desired was time
 Drain water after washing

29. What is the text talking about?

A. Detergent is needed if washing machine is applied C. How to adjust the timer knob
B. Washing is easier when washing machine is used D. How to operate washing machine

30. What should we do after the machine is filled with water?

A. Set the water knob C. Select wash action setting
B. Add detergent D. Put in wash load

31. How long do we need to dissolve detergent?

A. Less than one minute C. Not more than one,
B. Not more than two minute D. The longest time twenty

This Electric bell consists of parts, a striker, a spring, a battery, a bottom, and some wires. A wire
core is a piece of soft iron with a wire coil round it. But you know how this electric bell works? When you
puss the button at the front door, electric current will flow along the wires. When the electric current flows
through the electromagnet, the iron becomes magnetic. In other words, the soft iron to act like a magnet
and the magnet attract the strike. At the same time, the striker hits the metal, so the bell sounds.

When the striker hits the bell, this makes switch open. When the switch contact is open, the electric
current stops flowing and the soft iron also stops becoming a magnet. At the same time, release the striker
and lets it go back to its original position. In other words, this spring makes the switch close and
consequently the electric current flow through the soft iron again and the magnet attract the striker. At the
same time, this makes the striker hit the bell again. Of course, this all happens in a very short time and very quickly.
The bell will continue to ring until you release the button.

The text above is included to …

A. a recount C. an announcement
B. procedure D. an instruction

How can the bell ring?

A. After someone pusses the bell button on a house door.
B. When the electric current flows through the electromagnet.
C. The striker hits the metal after the wire core becomes magnet.
D. The electric bell rings in a very short time and very quickly.

What will happen after the bell rings?

A. The switch opens and the electric current stops flowing.
B. The bell will continue to ring until we release the button.
C. The striker hits the bell again.
D. The striker can’t go back to its first position.

Follow these simple instructions to purchase value of a multi-transit pass

3. To buy a new pass, insert coins or bills into the upper left slot. As you insert money, the total will
appear in the window. Indicate the amount that you would like to purchase by pushing the up or
down arrow. Push the “Ticket” button, take the ticket and your change.
4. If you have a pass and would like to add money to it, insert the pass into the machine. The window
will indicate the value of the pass. Insert money until you have added the desired amount. Then
push the “Ticket” button and remove the ticket.

Passes are good on all city trains and buses. Prices between destinations are listed on the back of these
How do the passengers know the value of their current pass?
A. It is on the back of the instructions. C. It is written on it.
B. It appears on the screen. D. The bus driver tells them.

What is true about the passes?

A. Passengers need exact change.
B. Passes are only sold in $5 amounts.
C. Passengers can put additional money on a pass.
D. They are only valid on the train.
Now that you've installed your webcam, your computer knows how to use it to record images and video.
Getting it setup to broadcast those recordings to the internet will involve a few slightly more complicated
steps. There are a few general steps involved, no matter if you're broadcasting snapshot images or
streaming video:
1. Set up a web-server that will host your your broadcast material.
2. Configure your webcam and associated software to send broadcast material to a single data stream.
3. Prepare a webpage that will display your broadcast material.
4. Load your data stream and webpage onto your web-server.
5. Start broadcasting!
Depending on whether you want to broadcast in snapshot (still images) or streaming (video) modes, the
specific steps to follow the general outline above will be slightly different. The following pages are the best
free resources available online that will guide you through the process:
Those manual is useful for:
A. Setting up the webcam to the computer C. Configuring your webcam to the computers
B. Broadcasting images and video with webcam D. Setting up the web-server

The steps for broadcasting the snapshot or streaming are…

A. Totally different C. Almost the same
B. Very different D. The same

The third step we must do is..

A. Starting broadcasting C. Configuring the webcam
B. Installing the webcam D. Preparing a web page


Please read these instructions for use and have a good look before using the appliance

Check if the voltage rating on the type plate corresponds to the main voltage in your home. Should not this
be the case, then apply to your dealer.

Never use the appliance if it is damaged in any way.

Always switch the iron off when leaving even when only for a short while. Remove the plug from the socket
and stand the iron on its rear side.

Never let children touch the iron when hot or pull the main cords.

Never immerse the iron in water

What should we do when leaving an iron?

A. check the voltage rating C. have it checked immediately.
B. always switch it off D. read the instructions first

What is the instruction about?

A. how to check voltage rating C. how to use an iron safely
B. how to install an iron spare parts D. how to apply to a dealer

What accident may happen when we leave an iron on?

A. the iron will be damaged C. children will touch it and get burnt
B. electrical short connection D. it will not function well

If you need a visitor visa to come to Canada, follow these steps:

1. Get the application package
The package includes the application guide and all the forms you need to fill out.
Download and print the application package.
2. Pay your application fees
The fee per person is $150 for a multiple entry visa, $75 for a single entry visa or $400 for a family (
multiple or single entry). If you plan to visit Canada more than once, a multiple entry visa is recommended.
Check the website of the visa office responsible for the country or region where
you live for more information on fees, including how to pay them.
3. Submit your application
When you have completed the application forms, make sure you sign and date them, and that all
required documents and fees are included in the envelope. In most countries, application fees must
be paid in Canadian dollars. You must send your application to the Canadian visa office in the
country or region where you live. Check the guide in your application package for instructions.

How can we obtain the application documents?

A. By coming to the visa office C. By paying the application fee.
B. By downloading through internet D. By sending the a visa

What should you do after you fill out the application forms?
A. Pay the application fees. C. Send the application to the Canadian visa office.
B. Check the website of the visa office. D. Check the guide in the application package.
What kind of visa has the same fee both multiple or single entry?
A. Visa for one person C. Visa for a family
B. Visa for some persons D. Visa for two persons

What is the closest meaning of the word “fee” in step 2?

A. charge B. earning C. profit D. Tax

What information can you get from the text above?

A. How to fill out the Canadian visa application forms. C. How to pay the visa application fees.
B. How to apply for a visitor visa to Canada. D. How to get the application guide from the
What should we do if we need further information on payment?
A. By coming to the visa office C. By paying the application fee.
B. By going through internet D. By sending the a visa
What is recomended to have if we often visit Canada?
A. multiple entry visa C. single entry visa
B. application fee D. application package

What is the antonym of the word “submit” in step 3?

A. Withhold. B. Take out. C. Hand in. D. Fill out.

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