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Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Information and
Communications Technology Training Package.

Section 1: Action Plan ................................................................................................................................. 5
Section 2: Research and review ................................................................................................................. 8
Section 3: Feedback and changes to make ............................................................................................... 11
Section 4: Policy update ............................................................................................................................ 15
Student name: Rupesh Chaulagain

Assessor: Anil Adhikari

Date: 12-03-2024

Case study

Business this assessment is

based on:

IT BIZ solution

Documentation reviewed as
Section 1: Action Plan
Include actions in order of priority.

What Comments When Completed

Time frames/ deadlines

Include any comments you need to Check each activity as

What activities will you be completing note you complete it.

Preparation Before Activity yes

Review background information

and policies.
Planning Develop an action plan. Before Activity yes

Research and Review Before Activity yes

Research industry standards and


Round Table Discussion Before Activity yes

Coordinate with group for


Update Policies and Procedures Incorporate research findings. After Activity 4 yes
Distribute Policies and Procedures After Activity 6 yes

Share updated documents with


Include more rows as required

Section 2: Research and review
Intellectual property and One standard for intellectual property is:
copyright standard/legislation
ISO/IEC 27001: It is like a rulebook for keeping information
Research and identify ICT safe in a business. It helps companies make sure they're
industry standards for doing everything they can to protect information like customer
intellectual property, as well as details or important data from being stolen or misused.
copyright legislation.
A copyright legislation is:
Describe at least one standard
for intellectual property and the Copyright Act 1968 (Australia): It is a law in Australia that
main legislation for copyright.
says who owns creative stuff like books, music, or videos
Describe how you know the once they're made. It means that if someone creates
source of this information is something, like a song or a story, they own the rights to it.
reliable thereby ensuring the
Other people can't copy or use it without permission.
integrity of information.
Information is obtained from reputable sources such as government
websites (e.g., IP Australia) and industry associations (e.g.,
International Organization for Standardization).

One legislation is Privacy Act 1988 (Australia): Its main purpose is to

Privacy legislation make sure that organizations, like companies or government
Research and identify existing agencies, handle your personal details in a responsible and secure
legislation relevant to privacy. way. This law sets out rules for how organizations can collect, use,
and share your information. It also gives you rights, like the right to
Identify the name of the Act and
know what information is being collected about you and the right to
describe the key purpose of
this legislation. access or correct that information if it's wrong.
Information sourced from official government websites (e.g., Office of
Describe how you know the
the Australian Information Commissioner).
source of this information is
reliable thereby ensuring the
integrity of information.

Ethics One code of ethics is a ACS Code of Professional Conduct, it guide

Research and identify ICT individuals in the technology field on how to behave ethically and
industry standards relevant to responsibly in their work. It aims to uphold standards of honesty,
code of ethics, including competence, and integrity among tech professionals. By outlining
typical procedures for review expectations for behaviour, the code ensures that professionals in the
and grievance procedures field maintain high standards of professionalism, respect privacy,
relevant to ethics breaches. follow the law, and continually improve their skills. Ultimately, it
List at least one code of ethics promotes trust and confidence in the technology industry.
and describe its key purpose. Review and grievance procedures are steps a company takes to
Describe typical review and handle complaints or conflicts that arise within the organization. This
grievance procedures for usually involves:
ethical breaches. 1. Internal Investigation: The company looks into the complaint to
Describe how you know the understand what happened and gather information from
source of this information is everyone involved.

ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments |

reliable thereby ensuring the 2. Disciplinary Action: If someone is found to have done
integrity of information. something wrong, they may face consequences, like
warnings or even losing their job, depending on the
seriousness of the issue.
3. Resolution Meetings: The company brings together the
people involved to discuss the problem and find a solution.
This could include mediation or other ways to resolve the
ACS (Australian Computer Society) is a reputable professional body
in the ICT industry, ensuring the reliability of the information.

Questions Here is the following questions that assess understanding Intellectual

and ethics and appropriate Property, Copyright, Privacy, and Ethics:
work practices.
• How does our organization handle copyright permissions for
Incorporate questions that external content?
include specific issues, for • What steps are taken to ensure data privacy compliance with
example, what would you do the Privacy Act?
if….? Develop at least 10 • Describe a scenario where ethical conduct was challenged in
questions that assess our workplace.
understanding of intellectual • How are conflicts of interest managed within our
property/copyright, privacy organization?
• What measures are in place to protect intellectual property
Make sure you prepare your
within our projects?
questions in a suitable format,
• When should personal information be anonymized according
for example, you might choose to privacy laws?
to use a PowerPoint • How are ethical breaches investigated and resolved at IT Biz
Presentation or a Handout. You Solutions?
must also make sure you use a • What are the consequences of copyright infringement in our
suitable tone and content for organization?
your audience. • How does our code of conduct promote diversity and
Attach this format below. inclusion?
• What steps are taken to ensure compliance with industry
ethics standards?

Questions ready for roundtable discussion ☐

ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments |

ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments |

Section 3: Feedback and changes to make

Roundtable discussion notes Following are the responses and summary:
Document the responses you
received relating to your 1. Handling Copyright Permissions:
questions. o Response: Employees generally understand the
Summarise what it tells you importance of obtaining proper permissions for
about current level of external content.
understanding of
o Insights: There is awareness, but some confusion
organisational policies and
procedures and current exists regarding the specific steps and
practices. documentation required.
2. Data Privacy Compliance (Privacy Act):
o Response: There is a good understanding of the
basic principles outlined in the Privacy Act.
o Insights: Staff recognize the importance of data
privacy but require more clarity on operational
procedures and specific compliance measures.
3. Ethical Conduct Challenges:
o Response: Several scenarios were discussed where
ethical conduct was challenged, highlighting varying
responses and outcomes.
o Insights: While the code of conduct is understood,
there's a need for clearer guidelines on handling
specific ethical dilemmas and consistent application
across different departments.
4. Conflict of Interest Management:
o Response: Mixed understanding on how conflicts of
interest should be managed, with some uncertainty
on reporting procedures.
o Insights: There's a need for more structured training
and guidelines to ensure consistent practices across
the organization.
5. Protection of Intellectual Property:
o Response: Good awareness of the importance of
intellectual property protection, with emphasis on
documenting ownership and usage rights.
o Insights: Clear policies are in place, but
reinforcement and regular updates are necessary to
address emerging challenges in digital content and
technology advancements.
6. Anonymization of Personal Information:
o Response: Varied understanding on when and how
personal information should be anonymized
according to privacy laws.
o Insights: Additional training is needed to ensure all
staff understand the legal requirements and
operational procedures for anonymization.
7. Ethical Breaches Investigation:

o Response: Discussions highlighted existing
procedures for investigating ethical breaches,
involving senior management and HR.
o Insights: There is a structured approach, but there's
room for improvement in transparency and
communication throughout the investigation
8. Consequences of Copyright Infringement:
o Response: Awareness of potential legal and financial
consequences of copyright infringement.
o Insights: Clearer communication on organizational
repercussions and preventive measures is needed to
reinforce compliance.
9. Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion:
o Response: Positive feedback on the organization's
efforts to promote diversity and inclusion through
its code of conduct.
o Insights: Continued emphasis on training and
awareness programs to ensure these principles are
integrated into daily operations effectively.
10. Compliance with Industry Ethics Standards:
o Response: Mixed understanding on how to
consistently apply and monitor compliance with
industry ethics standards.
o Insights: Regular training and updates on evolving
standards are essential to maintain high ethical
standards across all departments.
Summary Insights
• Strengths:
o Awareness: Generally, there's a good level of
awareness regarding copyright, privacy, and ethical
o Commitment to Ethics: Employees value ethical
conduct and recognize its importance in maintaining
organizational integrity.
• Areas for Improvement:
o Clarity in Procedures: More detailed guidelines and
training are needed to ensure consistent application
of policies.
o Operational Consistency: Ensuring all departments
and staff members adhere uniformly to policies and
o Enhanced Communication: Clearer communication
on the consequences of non-compliance and the
importance of adherence to policies.

Changes to policies and Following are the changes need to be made:
1.Copyright Policy and Procedures Update: In response to the
Summarise the changes you
evolving landscape of intellectual property management, IT Biz
consider need to be made
based on your research, Solutions has updated its Copyright Policy and Procedures to ensure
review and roundtable comprehensive coverage and compliance with current laws and
discussion. organizational needs. Key updates include:
• Enhanced Permission Processes: We have streamlined our
procedures for obtaining copyright permissions,
emphasizing clarity on when and how to seek approval for
using external content. This includes detailed guidelines on
documentation requirements and approval workflows to
facilitate quicker processing times and adherence to legal
• Training Initiatives: Recognizing the importance of
employee education, we have implemented a mandatory
training program on copyright laws and fair use practices.
This program aims to empower our staff with knowledge on
how to ethically use and attribute copyrighted materials,
thereby reducing the risk of inadvertent infringement.
• Monitoring and Compliance: To ensure ongoing adherence
to copyright regulations, we have instituted regular audits
and assessments. These audits are designed to evaluate our
compliance with copyright policies, identify areas for
improvement, and implement corrective actions as
2.Privacy Policy and Procedures Update: Our Privacy Policy and
Procedures have been updated to strengthen protections for
personal information and align with current regulatory
requirements. Key updates include:
• Enhanced Data Handling Procedures: We have refined our
procedures for collecting, storing, and sharing personal data
to enhance transparency and accountability. This includes
clear guidelines on data anonymization practices to
safeguard individual privacy rights.
• Compliance Audits: In line with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth),
we are conducting regular compliance audits to assess our
data protection measures. These audits ensure that our
practices meet legal standards and uphold the trust placed
in us by our stakeholders.
• Employee Awareness Programs: We have launched targeted
awareness campaigns and training sessions to educate
employees about their responsibilities under the updated
privacy policies. This initiative aims to foster a culture of
privacy awareness throughout the organization and
empower staff to handle personal data with diligence and
3.Ethics Policy and Procedures Update: Our Ethics Policy and
Procedures have been revised to reinforce ethical standards and

provide clear guidance on handling ethical issues. Key updates
• Scenario-Based Training: We have introduced scenario-
based training modules to equip employees with practical
skills for ethical decision-making. These modules include
case studies that simulate real-world ethical dilemmas,
promoting a proactive approach to ethical behavior.
• Enhanced Reporting Mechanisms: To facilitate ethical
reporting, we have improved our reporting mechanisms to
ensure confidentiality and non-retaliation for
whistleblowers. Employees now have accessible channels to
raise concerns, fostering a transparent and accountable
organizational culture.
• Standardized Investigation Procedures: We have
standardized our procedures for investigating ethical
breaches to ensure thoroughness and fairness in resolving
reported issues. This includes clear steps for conducting
investigations, determining accountability, and
implementing corrective actions.
4.Code of Conduct Update: The Code of Conduct at IT Biz Solutions
has been updated to reflect our commitment to integrity, diversity,
and inclusion. Key updates include:
• Inclusion of Diversity Principles: We have incorporated
explicit principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion into our
Code of Conduct. These principles guide our interactions
and behaviors, promoting a workplace culture that values
and respects differences.
• Regular Review Process: Our Code of Conduct undergoes
regular reviews to align with evolving industry standards and
organizational values. This ensures that our policies remain
relevant and responsive to changes in the workplace

ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments |

Section 4: Policy update
The title of policy and procedure is :

• Updated IT Biz Copyright Solution Policy and Procedure

Policy updates
• Updated Privacy Policy and Procedure
List the title of • Updated Staff Code of Conduct
the policy and
procedures you
have developed,
as well as the
review and
procedure for
Then attach
them to your
portfolio as

Take a
screenshot of
the folders you
have set up.
Describe how
information is
secure and
accessible to
Include logins
for this
The document is secured as it is uploaded on google drive which is one of the secure
and trusted cloud platforms. It is accessible only to the person to whom the folders
is saved. The only the employees whose email are added are permitted to used.
Summarise the The feedback received from the team on the review and grievance procedures
feedback that during the discussion was positive, with team members acknowledging the changes
you were in the policy and procedures. They recommended some changes and guidance’s to
provided with resolve some complaints. The policy and procedures were enhanced with detailed
on your review instructions, guidance, clarity on consequences of violating the policies and
and grievance procedures.

ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments |

and how you
used it.

Updated policies and procedures ☐

Review and grievance procedures ☐


ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments |


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