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2019 年 1-4 月雅思口语 Part 3 高频在考旧题(A 版)参考资料



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2019 年 1-4 月雅思口语 Part 3 高频考题题目列表

Part3 Topic(与 part2 题号相同)
Topic 1: 收到钱作为礼物 Topic 28: 喜欢的网站
Topic 2: 借东西 Topic 29: 感兴趣的工作
Topic 3: 开心经历 Topic 30: 最近读的一本书
Topic 4: 看过并想尝试的运动 Topic 31: 独处喜欢做的事
Topic 5: 花费长时间学会的技能 Topic 32: 安静的地方
Topic 6: 想参加的比赛 Topic 33: 帮助集中注意力的方式
Topic 7: 童年玩伴 Topic 34: 一个喜欢去学习的地方
Topic 8: 喜欢的建筑 Topic 35: 吃药
Topic 9: 参加过的聚会 Topic 36: 一次受惊吓的经历
Topic 10: 有意义的歌 Topic 37: 家族企业
Topic 11: 朋友做过的你想尝试的事情 Topic 38: 有趣的演讲
Topic 12: 亲手做礼物送他人 Topic 39: 想见的有趣的人
Topic 13: 网上查找信息的经历 Topic 40: 健谈的人
Topic 14: 收到自己恰好需要的礼物 Topic 41: 一个青少年
Topic 15: 一次设备坏掉的经历 Topic 42: 保护环境的人
Topic 16: 抱怨但有好结果 Topic 43: 喜剧演员
Topic 17: 想替换的东西 Topic 44: 让你笑的电影或电视
Topic 18: 帮助他人(工作/学习) Topic 45: 第一部手机
Topic 19: 改变计划/想法 Topic 46: 丢失东西
Topic 20: 别人帮助下做的重要决定 Topic 47: 有趣的动物
Topic 21: 美丽的城市 Topic 48: 数学课学到的有用技能
Topic 22: 国家有趣的地方 Topic 49: 特殊场合的衣服(女版)
Topic 23: 去远方旅行 Topic 50: 特殊场合的衣服(男版)
Topic 24: 街市购物经历 Topic 51: 童年游戏
Topic 25: 公共交通旅行 Topic 52: 重要的植物
Topic 26: 一条好的法律 Topic 53: 想学的二外
Topic 27: 喜欢的杂志 Topic 54: 有趣的广告(疑似题,暂无 P3)
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Topic 1. 收到钱作为礼物
1. When do you think children start to have a concept of money? / When do they think money
is important?

I suppose children start to have a concept of money as soon as they want to get something themselves.
For example, if they want a toy but their parents won’t buy it for them, it makes them think about
how they can get it on their own, which means understanding the idea of money and how much things
cost. That’s when money starts to become important to them. In my experience, that usually happens
around age six or seven.

2. Is it a bad thing to reward children by giving them money?

I don’t think it’s bad at all! If you’re smart about it, you can teach kids how to manage the money
that they get as a reward and even save it up for the future. In that way, you can help them become
responsible spenders so as they grow up1, they can take care of themselves and all their material needs.
I believe it can be very positive to give kids money, especially for doing important things like chores.

3. In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?

No, I don't think so. Maybe a few parents do that, but most Chinese parents don't reward their kids
with money just because they help do the chores. As far as I know, none of my childhood friends ever
mentioned that their parents gave them extra allowance2 for doing chores at home. Believe me, if they
had, I would know. Anyway, I think it’s mainly because in Chinese families, giving your parents a
hand with household chores is part of children’s responsibility in the house. At least that’s how our
generation was raised3.


so as they grow up:随着他们的成长,随着他们不断长大
extra allowance: 额外的零花钱
that’s how our generation was raised:我们这一代是这样长大的
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4. What are the pros and cons of credit cards?

One pro is that they’re convenient and easy to use. You just have to slide it on POS machine and enter
your PIN number4. Another advantage is that credit cards are actually safer than cash. When it’s
stolen, it can’t be used unless they know your PIN number. But that’s actually also a con; it can slip
your mind5 that you have to pay your bill and you can end up being charged6.

5. Which payment method do people use more nowadays, credit cards or cash?

I believe people use credit cards way more than cash. For one, credit cards are pretty convenient. You
don’t have to carry wads of cash7 around; you just have to worry about a thin piece of plastic. Plus,
you don’t have to pay off your credit card right away, which is very appealing for some people.
Personally, I only use cash once in a blue moon. Credit cards are just way faster in my opinion.

PIN number:也就是我们常说的密码,但是在英语里和 password 是不同的
slip your mind:忘记…
end up being charged:(逾期不交)会被收费
wads of cash:很多现金
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Topic 2. 借东西
1. Why do some people like to borrow things, such as books and CDs, instead of buying them?

Well, for one, borrowing things is a lot cheaper than buying them. People nowadays can be very tight
with their budgets8. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees9. Secondly, if you’re not sure if you’ll like
something, like a book or a CD, it’s nice to just borrow it so that you aren’t stuck with it after if it’s
not your cup of tea. That’s why libraries are so popular for borrowing books.

2. What would you do if people didn’t return the money they borrowed from you? What if the
borrower was your best friend?

Well, if someone didn’t return the money they borrowed from me, my first response would probably
be to talk to them about it. If it’s been a while and they still haven’t repaid their debt, I would try to
sit down and chat about it so that we can figure the problem out10. I would try not to blow my top11;
that doesn’t help anyone out. If they were my best friend, I honestly wouldn’t mind. I’d give them
anything, ha-ha.

3. Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?

Well, I guess many people are too proud to ask for money because they think asking for it means
they’re too dependent on others. And I believe some people think borrowing money from others
makes them look desperate or foolish. For example, my sister wanted to borrow money from my
parents so she could buy a nice outfit, but she was pretty embarrassed that she hadn’t saved enough
money on her own.


be very tight with their budgets:预算很紧张,都省着花
money doesn’t grow on trees:钱不是大风刮来的
figure the problem out:解决掉问题
blow my top:生气,大发雷霆
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4. What do you think of the sharing economy?

Well, when it comes to the sharing economy, the first instance of it I can think of is definitely bike-
sharing12. In Chinese cities, no matter where you go, you see tons of shared bikes parked on the
sidewalk. It’s convenient and the cost is dirt-cheap. But I suppose the sharing economy still has
imperfections13. For example, a typical problem of bike-sharing is the oversupply of bikes. It not only
occupies a lot of public spaces, but also actually wastes so many resources.

5. What problems would happen when people borrow things?

Well, the first problem that comes to mind is that sometimes people can forget to return what they
borrow. For example, I lent my friend Lisa my favorite book so she could read it, and it took three
years for her to return it! Every time I asked for it back, she said she would bring it the next time we
hung out, but she always forgot. I swear she’d lose her head if it wasn’t attached to her shoulders14!

6. What things would neighbors borrow from each other? (Things they can return)/ Is it good
to borrow things from neighbors?

Well, in my experience, neighbors usually borrow small things, like a tool for repairs or some
kitchenware when they’re in a pinch15. One time, my neighbor was baking a chicken but her baking
bowl was suddenly broken. So my parents lent her our baking pans that she needed at the time. I think
it’s nothing bad to borrow something from your neighbors as long as you can return it in time. And I
believe it helps neighbors to understand and build trust between each other. If you can help them out
when you can, they will give you a hand when you need help.

bike-sharing: 共享单车
she’d lose her head if it wasn’t attached to her shoulders: 俚语,比喻的说法,形容要不是脑袋长身上,怕是头也能忘家里。
in a pinch:在紧急的时候,在正需要的时候
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Topic 5. 花费长时间学会的技能
1. What kinds of job need patience?

I guess jobs where you have to deal with people all the time definitely require patience. For example,
if you’re a teacher – especially with young kids- you need a ton of patience to keep your cool and
avoid blowing up at16 them. The same thing goes for people17 in customer service. You often deal
with very frustrated customers so you have to learn how to handle situations calmly and patiently.

2. What skills may take a long time to learn?

It seems to me that learning instruments or learning a trade18 takes a long time to learn. Some people
have a natural knack for music, but it still might take them a while to learn how to play an instrument
well. After all, practice makes perfect. When it comes to learning a trade, like plumbing 19 or
engineering20, it can take years to get really good at it. I really respect people who can commit to
learning skills like that. It definitely takes patience.

3. Do young people like to spend their time on learning new skills?

Yes, I think lots of young people are interested in learning new skills, and they’re more than willing
to21 spend their free time to do so. For example, my friend Lisa just spent a few months learning how
to play the ukulele. It’s fun to try new things, even if it takes time. Plus, some practical skills, like
computer skills and math skills, also help you build up your resume22. It’s worth it in the end23.


16 blowing up at sb. 冲某人发火

17 The same thing goes for people… 对于某类人来说也是这样的
18 learning a trade:学一项技术
19 plumbing:水暖技术
20 engineering: 工程技术
21 more than willing to:非常乐意
22 build up your resume:丰富简历
23 It’s worth it in the end:最终你会发现是值得的
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4. Why do people like to spend a lot of time learning new skills?

It seems to me that people like spending tons of time learning new skills because it’s a way of
broadening their horizons and stepping outside their comfort zones. You know, you can get bored out
of your skull24 if you never try anything new. So even if it takes a while, it’s worth spending time
learning new skills because it can teach you a lot and make you a better, more interesting person.

5. Why are some people unwilling to spend a long time to learn new skills?

Well, as much as25 learning new skills helps you to be better at work or life, it can also take a lot of
time, and some people are just too lazy to commit. But sometimes they just don’t have a lot of free
time to begin with, so they want to spend it in other ways. For example, some people think it’s more
important to spend time with family or friends rather than learning something new.

6. Do people feel satisfied after they have learned a new skill?

I believe for the most part, people feel really satisfied after they’ve learned a new skill. Not only does
it help them feel more accomplished, but it’s also cool to show off a new skill to their friends and
family. For example, my younger cousin just learned how to play the guitar. It’s adorable when she
plays it. She put on a concert for us and she was over the moon when we gave her applause.

24 get bored out of your skull: 会极度无聊

25 as much as:或许/也许…会…, 但是…(有转折义)
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Topic 12. 亲手做礼物送他人

1. Have you received anything that was made by the giver?

Yes, I have! For my birthday last year, my aunt gave me a gorgeous scarf that she had knitted26 herself.
It was a soft blue that looked so nice on me. I was over the moon because blue is my favorite color,
which my aunt knew. It was such a sweet way for her to show her love for me. I really appreciated it.
In fact, I wear it all the time.

2. Do people prefer to receive handmade gifts or something bought in stores?

I suppose that generally, people prefer receiving handmade gifts. It really shows that you care when
you make something with your own two hands for someone. But I guess it depends; some people love
designer clothes or other gifts that can only be found in stores. Personally, I think it’s very sweet
when someone gives me a present they made themselves. It’s just a way of going that extra mile27.

3. What kinds of handmade gifts can be made at home? /What kinds of handcraft do people
like to make at home?

Um…you can make lots of simple gifts at home. For example, you can make cards or drawings for
loved ones. But if you have a knack for crafting, you can also make more elaborate gifts like picture
frames or little ornaments28. I know a lot of people who like knitting scarves or hats for their friends
and family. Personally, knitting isn’t my cup of tea, so I like making paintings for people as gifts.


26 knitted: 编织的。(对于礼物,不同性别、不同喜好的同学会收到的礼物不同,请根据个人情况做调整,有疑问随时联系
27 going that extra mile: 额外的付出,为…多付出几分
28 ornaments:装饰品 /'ɔrnəmənt/
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4. Who are better at making handcrafts, boys or girls?

Well, it’s kind of a stereotype29, but I’d guess that girls are better at making handcrafts. You know,
generally girls have more patience, so they can sit for a long time and stay focused on the task. I
suppose that a lot of boys prefer being more active by running around or playing sports, so I don’t
think they’d want to make handcrafts that much. That being said30, there are always exceptions to the

5. Is it important to learn art or music?

Yes, it’s crucial to learn art or music! Ideally, I suppose everyone should learn both. They’re both
great subjects that can help people find a creative outlet to blow off some steam32 or just focus their
energy on something nice and positive. Art and music are both really vital parts of society; they’re
involved with things like movies and TV shows, which entertain us and help relieve the stress of work
and study.

6. Do you have any handmade creativity education programs in China?

Honestly, there are none that I know of, or at least none that come to mind33. I definitely think there
should be, though. That would help people to have a creative outlet that they can use to express
themselves and let off steam. Nowadays, we’re too concerned with business and science and we don’t
pay enough attention to art. I really hope there are some programs like that out there.

29 stereotype: 刻板印象,这样说太有成见了
30 That being said: 话虽这么说
31 there are always exceptions to the rule:凡事总有例外
32 a creative outlet to blow off some steam: 释放压力和感情的更有创意的方式
33 there are none that I know of, or at least none that come to mind:(对这个问题)我不太了解,至少现在我想不到任何与之有
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Topic 13. 网上查找信息的经历

1. What ways can people get information these days except the internet?

There are tons of ways for people to get information nowadays, even aside from the internet. For
example, there are plenty of tried-and-true34 methods like getting info from books, magazines, or
newspapers. With the popularity of television and movies, lots of people learn a ton of information
from those mediums too.

2. What are the differences between getting information from a library and getting information
from a newspaper? / Given the fact that many books in libraries are often out of date, are
libraries still necessary?

Well, (even though some of the materials in libraries can be out-of-date, I still believe they’re one of
the best sources for reliable and valid information.35) When you get information from a library, you
can look at books or articles that have definitely been fact-checked and published by reputable people
and publishers. But I think in general, newspapers can be more biased and less objective about the

3. Is information found on the internet reliable? / What are the disadvantages of getting
information from the internet?

I suppose that it depends. There are tons of educational sites that are constantly fact-checked so
they’re accurate. But a lot of the internet is created by people who don’t care about being true to life,
so you can often find a lot of fake news or information when surfing the web. That’s definitely a
disadvantage of getting information from the internet; sometimes it can be a challenge to tell what’s
real and what’s fake36.


tried-and-true: 靠得住的
it can be a challenge to tell what’s real and what’s fake:难辨真假
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4. How do you distinguish if the information you searched online is real or not?

Well, I generally look at what kind of sources have been used, and I also judge the appearance of the
website. For example, if a website has poor graphics and lots of grammatical errors, it’s probably not
displaying information collected by professionals. But if there are reliable sources listed on the
website, then you’re probably safe to go ahead and take it at face value 37 . Of course there are
exceptions to every rule. You just have to be very careful.

5. How about getting information from TV?

Well, when you get information from TV, it can be pretty easy to just take it at face value. This is
especially true if you’re watching a news program. Most of the time, the information that’s shown on
those types of shows has been fact-checked, so you can generally trust it. But it’s always better to be
safe than sorry38, so I think it’s good to double-check something when you hear it on TV.

take it at face value:take someone/something at face value,表示相信某人或某物,不需要再调查验证
it’s always better to be safe than sorry:以防万一,小心驶得万年船
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Topic 14. 收到自己恰好需要的礼物

1. Do you often receive gifts that you want?

Yes, I do! I’m very lucky to have people in my life who know me well and can pick out great gifts. For
example, my friends got me a pair of expensive headphones for my birthday. It was the exact pair that I
had been eyeing for39 a long time. I felt over the moon that my friends knew me so well. Most of the
time, they’re really on the ball40 when it comes to giving me gifts.

2. What things do young people like to buy?

I suppose young people like buying things according to the latest trends. For example, a lot of my friends
try to keep up with the newest styles by buying fashionable clothes and accessories, or even technological
gadgets41. These things make young people feel better about themselves because they’re putting their
best foot forward42 and leaving a good impression on people. Plus, it’s just nice to treat yourself every
once in a while43.

3. Why do people buy things that are not necessary?

Well, sometimes it’s not about getting what you need – it’s just about getting what you want. Every now
and then, it’s nice to treat yourself. Sometimes these things make people feel better about themselves.
After all, if you can afford to buy things that aren’t absolutely necessary, then it shows you’re pretty
well-off44. Plus, some luxury items can just make life more enjoyable or convenient. It’s not so bad to
spend money on stuff like that.


had been eyeing for:一直关注的
on the ball:(在为我选礼物这件事上)朋友们都很厉害,很聪明,知道我想要什么。
technological gadgets:科技产品
putting their best foot forward:尽力体现出自己完美的状态
treat yourself every once in a while: 偶尔犒劳一下自己
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4. Can shopping promote a country’s economy?

Yeah, I definitely think shopping can help promote a country’s economy. If there are tons of important
businesses in a country, they can attract lots of people to work or shop with them. In the long run45, this
helps boost the economy on a local and then a national scale. Even though it might seem like a carefree
activity, shopping is very vital in that way. I believe that every country should have a healthy shopping

5. Do your friends influence your shopping choices?

Yeah, my friends definitely influence what I buy, at least to a certain extent. I’m an introvert but my
friends are more extroverted, so when it comes to clothes, they get me to try on brighter colors and
flashier outfits than I would normally be drawn to46. In that way, they help me get out of my comfort
zone and try new things. Then when something looks good on me, they kind of talk me into47 buying it.

6. Is advertising important? Why do many famous brands still need to advertise heavily?

Yes, advertising is super important. It makes people aware of a company’s products, not only by
displaying their appearances but also explaining what each product does and why the customer should
buy it. Without advertising, there’s basically no way of getting customers on a daily basis. Lots of famous
brands still have to advertise because they need to stay relevant and attract new customers, especially
younger generations that might not be as familiar with them.

In the long run:从长远来看
be drawn to:被…吸引
talk me into:说服我…
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Topic 15. 一次设备坏掉的经历

1. What are the common useful home appliances that people often use these days?

There are tons, but the first one that comes to mind is a microwave. As a student, I use a microwave day
in and day out to warm up leftovers48, whether it’s food that I made or food that I bought from a takeout
place. Plus, you can actually cook using a microwave. My favorite dish to make in a microwave is instant
noodles. And…some other helpful home appliances are toasters49 and coffee-makers.

2. Are you good at handling problems on your own?

Well, that honestly depends on what the problem is. If it’s something to do with my personal life, I can
usually sort it out50 on my own. I’m pretty good at settling conflicts51 that come up between me and my
family or friends. But if it’s something that requires a lot of experience, especially if it’s a mechanical
issue, then I have to call my parents, or even an expert if the problem’s pretty bad.

3. What do people feel when they buy new equipment?

I think a lot of people feel really pleased when they buy new equipment. It’s a way of treating
themselves52, even if it’s a necessary replacement. For example, I felt really happy when I bought a new
rice cooker53. The old one made the rice too dry, so getting a new one made my day54 because it meant
better-made meals. Plus, it was nice to be able to afford a replacement. It made me feel very


toasters: 烤面包片机
sort it out:解决掉
settling conflicts:解决冲突
treating themselves:犒劳自己(他们)
rice cooker: 注意此处用到了 P2 的素材(三个 Part 尽可能充分灵活运用)但是大家可以根据自己喜好来替换此处例子。
made my day:让我很高兴
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4. Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

Well, yes…I suppose that back in the olden days, when people had to do a lot of basic tasks themselves,
it made them more hard-working and dedicated. But now that everything is designed to be as convenient
as possible, people tend to be a lot lazier when it comes to handling business in their everyday lives56.
They don’t want to do something themselves if a machine can do it for them. It’s a real pity when you
think about it.

5. When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?

Well, I generally try to repair an electronic item if it doesn’t work. For example, I recently broke the
display on my laptop. Fixing it wasn’t exactly cheap, but buying a new one would’ve cost me an arm
and a leg57. So I decided that it was worth it to invest in my current laptop since it was still working fine,
other than the screen. I think in the end, that’s usually the best option.

handling business in their everyday lives:处理日常琐事
cost me an arm and a leg: 花费大笔钱
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Topic 16. 抱怨但有好结果

1. Do people often complain? What do they often complain about?

Yeah, I suppose people complain pretty often. Nowadays, people are used to convenience and
efficiency. So when something is slow or broken, people can blow their temper at the inconvenience58.
For example, my sister went on a giant rant59 because her phone wasn’t working properly. Plus, I
know a lot of people who just complain when things don’t go their way, like when they don’t get a
promotion they were hoping for.

2. Do complaints really work? Can complaints help solve problems?

Well, in some cases I believe complaints can solve problems. For example, when it comes to an issue
with a company or a manufacturer, if enough people complain about the same issue they’ll probably
work on addressing it faster60. So in those kinds of situations, complaints can actually work. But I
think for the most part, complaints are kind of unnecessary. It’s better to try and address things in a
positive manner.

3. Do young people complain more than old people?

Personally, I guess old people are more likely to complain. I think that today’s young people are more
willing to try to work through problems instead of just complaining about them. But I know tons of
old people are very quick to complain if something doesn’t go their way. They’re used to a certain
way of life and they complain when things change.


blow their temper at the inconvenience:因其不便利性而生气
a giant rant:大吼起来
addressing it faster:解决的更快
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4. Which is better, a face-to-face complaint or a complaint letter?

It seems to me that a face-to-face complaint is usually better than a complaint letter. If you present
your complaint in person61, you can better explain yourself to the person you’re complaining to.
Sometimes you can get your issue resolved on the spot62, and you can have a more positive experience
in person than getting an impersonal63 reply to a letter. But on the flip side64, you might lose your
temper65 more easily depending on how the interaction goes.

5. Why do companies need to solve customers’ complaints actively and quickly?

Well, I suppose companies need to solve customers’ complaints actively and quickly in order to
protect their reputation. After all, no one will want to do business with a company that can’t handle
issues and solve customers’ problems. You want a company that’s reliable and trustworthy to handle
your business needs. If companies can’t solve complaints, then they’ll probably experience a dip in
sales and might even go bankrupt. So companies definitely need to prioritize66 this.

in person: 面对面,当面
on the spot:立刻,当下
on the flip side:反过来说
lose your temper:发脾气
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Topic 20. 在别人帮助下做的重要决定

1. Why do some people like to ask for others’ help when they need to make a decision?

Well, some people aren’t as confident about making decisions on their own. They want input from people
they trust so they can feel better about any choices they might make. But sometimes it’s not about
confidence or anything like that. They might genuinely67 not know what to do in a certain situation. They
feel like they don’t have all the important experience or information to make a call68, so they turn to
others who know more about the issue.

2. Is it better to make a decision quickly or slowly?

Um…I suppose it’s better to take your time with69 a decision and go slowly. Otherwise, you might rush
into70 something that’s not right for you. For example, my friend didn’t know what college she wanted
to go to, but actually she got accepted into two of her top choices. You know, instead of taking enough
time to think about it, she made a snap judgment71 and ended up at a school that really didn’t suit her. It
was a real pity.

3. Personal decisions or career decisions, which one do you like to ask others for advice?

Well, as for me, I think when it relates to personal issues, I won’t ask others for advice because I don't
think they can really help. For example, no one could give me objective advice about things like whether
I should marry my boyfriend or not; after all, no one knows my boyfriend better than me. But when it
comes to decisions about my career, I really like getting advice from people who are more experienced
or have been through the same situation. I think seeing a situation from different perspectives can really
open your eyes about the right choice to make.


genuinely: 真的
make a call:make a decision 的意思
take your time with: 花点时间做…
rush into:仓促
a snap judgment: 很仓促的决定、判断
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4. What kinds of important decisions do teenagers have to make?

I think there are lots of important decisions teenagers are faced with on a day-to-day basis. The first one
that comes to mind is what career path 72 they want to take. Even though they might not enter the
workforce until they’re older, they have to choose as teenagers what classes to take and interests to focus
on so that they can go to the college or university program that they want.

5. What are the differences between men and women when they make decisions? Who are more

likely to make impulsive decisions, boys or girls?

It seems to me that men are quick to make decisions while women prefer to take their time. For example,
my dad and my uncle make decisions very quickly while my mom and my aunt wait and weigh the pros
and cons73 before deciding anything. So in that respect, I think boys are more likely to make impulsive
decisions74. It’s literally been proven that girls mature faster than boys, so I guess women generally have
better decision-making abilities, which means they aren’t as impulsive.

career path:职业方向(的选择)
weigh the pros and cons:权衡利弊
impulsive decisions:冲动的决定
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Topic 21. 美丽的城市

1. Why do some people like to visit historical places?

I suppose some people like visiting historical places because it makes them feel like they’re more in
touch with the past. For example, if you visit historical buildings, you get a sense for75 what things used
to be like in the past. Some other historical places can have personal significance – for example, if your
ancestors had something to do with a historical place, it can make you feel closer to them if you visit.

2. Do you think the government should protect historical buildings?

Yes, to a certain extent, the government should protect historical buildings. Lots of historical buildings
have rich cultural significance. They can help educate today’s generation about the way things used to
be in the past. In this way, they can function as real-life history lessons. But I think that governments
should allow some historical buildings to be repurposed76 or even replaced to suit today’s needs; we
can’t always be focused on what was important in the past.

3. What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places?

I think we can set up certain rules and work on educating people in order to protect historical places from
damage. For example, if you’re visiting a certain building that’s already in poor shape, you can make
rules about what people are allowed to bring or how many people are allowed to visit at a time77. Plus,
you can increase people’s awareness of why certain historical places are important so that they’ll respect
them more.


get a sense for: 得到一种…的感觉
at a time: 每一次
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4. Why are there more and more tall buildings in cities?

Well, I believe one part of it is definitely to give cities a unique look. But the more important reason why
there are more high-rise buildings in cities is simply because so many people live there. You need to
make sure there’s enough space, which is why tall buildings are so important. They’re more vertical78
than horizontal79, so you can have more of them built and thus fit more people into80 the cities.

5. Are there big differences between life in cities and life in the countryside in China?

Well, lifestyle does vary in different places. The first difference I can think of is that the pace of life in
cities is way faster than it is in the countryside. It’s mainly because most city residents work nine-to-five
jobs, which is more intense than what most rural people do. Um… of course, living in the city also means
you can take advantage of81 some public services that are weak or don't even exist in villages, like
developed public transportation or entertainment facilities.

vertical: 垂直的
horizontal: 水平的
fit more people into:(城市)可以容纳更多的人
take advantage of: 利用
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Topic 22. 国家有趣的地方

1. What’s the difference between people living in cities and people living in countryside?

/What’s the difference between lifestyle in cities and lifestyle in countryside? (请参考“Topic21.

美丽的城市”,第 5 题)

2. What makes a place interesting? What attracts people to live in a place?

I suppose having beautiful scenery and diverse places to eat at and visit are what make a place
interesting. For example, I went to a seaside town this summer and really enjoyed seeing the ocean.
I also tried some amazing seafood restaurants. So I guess factors like that82 attract people to live in a
place. Besides, a place also needs to have a safe and welcoming environment to be suitable to live in.

3. What are the differences between southern and northern China?

Well, one obvious difference is the weather. Southern China tends to have a more tropical climate
while northern China has more regular seasons. Another difference is the people. There are lots of
stereotypes83 that say people in southern China are more superstitious84 and shrewd85 than people in
northern China. For example, fengshui86 is way more popular in southern provinces like Canton than
in northern areas. Northerners are often stereotyped as burlier87 than southerners, and are supposedly
more likely to eat wheat-based foods, like noodles and steamed buns.


factors like that: 这类型因素
superstitious: 迷信的
shrewd: 精明
fengshui: 风水
burlier: 说话直接、粗鲁
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4. Do you think cities worth visiting are also suitable to live in? Why are some places suitable
for tourism but not suitable to live in?

Well, I guess this answer will change a lot depending on who you ask, but personally88 I don’t think
that cities worth visiting are always suitable to live in. For example, I visited a city by the ocean last
summer. The scenery blew me away, but I don’t think it’s suitable to live there because there are
often huge hurricanes89 in that area. That’s one reason why some places are suitable for tourism but
not suitable to live in.

5. Do you like living in big cities or small cities? What are the differences between big cities and
small cities?

Personally, I like living in small cities better than big cities. I suppose big cities are way too noisy
and crowded. If you live downtown, it can be hard to get a wink of sleep90. But in smaller cities, there
are less people so it’s not as hectic. It’s easier to get around, whether you’re taking public
transportation or driving, and it’s also easier to meet new people and develop friendships.

6. What makes countries different? Why?

Well, there are plenty of things that make countries different from each other. Off the top of my head,
I can think of three main factors: the climate, the culture, and the people. Some countries are tropical
year-round while others have regular seasons. Countries can also have very different cultures – some
really value91 art and literature while others focus more on sports and science. And of course the
different ethnicities92 in each country separate them from one another.

this answer will change a lot depending on who you ask, but personally: “你要是问不同的人,这个问题的答案可能都不一
样”。同样是可以在 Part3 出现的模板句,同时也是加分句。
89 huge hurricanes:飓风/'hʌrɪkənz/
get a wink of sleep:睡个好觉,(很难)睡好
ethnicities: 种族,民族/eθ'nɪsɪtɪ/
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Topic 23. 去远方旅行

1. Where do Chinese people like to travel to?

As far as I know, tons of people in my country, including me and my family, really love having a
vacation at seaside resorts during their holidays. I mean, the beautiful natural sceneries at the beach
and variety of fun activities there can allow you to blow off steam easily. Plus, many Chinese people,
especially the elderly, also prefer to travel to historical attractions. Places like the Forbidden City and
the Temple of Heaven93 can truly blow you away.

2. What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?

Well, I suppose it depends on what type of people you’re talking about. Some introverted people
might like just kicking back and relaxing at home, but more extroverted people probably like
travelling far from their normal environment and doing activities outside their comfort zone. I think
in general, people like doing something that gives them a break from their normal routines94, whether
that’s something calm like reading books at home or exciting like going skiing.

3. Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?

It seems to me that some people prefer staying at home during holidays because they’re more
introverted. Homebodies like being where they’re most comfortable, which is in a familiar
environment. So it makes sense that they wouldn’t want to go outside their comfort zone by travelling
somewhere new during the holidays. Sometimes it’s about practicality95 though. My parents like
staying at home because they think travelling is too hectic96 during the holiday season.


the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven:故宫和天坛
gives them a break from their normal routines:从他们日常生活中解脱和放松一下
too hectic:太燥了,太乱了
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4. What do you think about young people having a gap year before they enter university?

I think having a gap year can be very helpful for some young people before they start working or
enter university. Some of them don’t have an inkling of97 what they want to do with their lives, so
instead of throwing their money down the drain on98 a degree they might not be interested in, it’s
better to take a gap year and explore their options. Sometimes they need a break before they begin
the next chapter of their lives.

5. Do people in China have enough holidays? Do people want more holidays?

Um…definitely no. I mean, who doesn’t want more holidays? Even though there are technically
enough holidays for people in my country, I believe they would appreciate some more. Everyone
needs time to just blow off steam or kick back and relax, which can be hard to do even when on
holiday. I suppose that it could really help people be more productive at work and school if they had
more time off.

don’t have an inkling of…: 对…一无所知
throwing their money down the drain on: 把钱白白浪费在…
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Topic 26. 一条好法律

1. What kind of people can become police officers? /What qualities do they need?

I guess people who can keep their cool99 during stressful situations and have good teamwork skills
can become police officers. They need to be the type of person who can be quick on their feet and
know how to deal with very difficult obstacles. Um…they should also be fairly physically fit, in case
they need to pursue criminals. And I believe they also need to be very courageous so they can face
dangerous situations without too much fear.

2. What do you think about being a police officer? / Do young people want to be police officers?

I suppose being a police officer would be amazing, to be honest. You would get to help serve your
community and keep it safe. It’s a noble line of work100. Actually I’m kind of a chicken101 when it
comes to scary situations, so I don’t think it’s the right job for me. But I guess lots of young people
are interested in being police officers; they want to do right by their community and do something

3. Why do many people think being a lawyer is better than being a police officer? /Why is a
lawyer’s income usually higher than a police officer’s income?

Well, a lot of people think being a lawyer is a more “clean-cut” job103. You have more regular hours104,
you can have very rich clients, and you don’t have to get your hands dirty105 with hard physical work,
like police officers sometimes have to do when chasing criminals. Maybe that’s why a lawyer usually
makes more compared to police officers. Police officers are also paid by the government, but lawyers
get to have clients who probably pay better on average.


99 keep their cool: 冷静,保持淡定

100 a noble line of work:一项高贵的工作
101 a chicken: 胆小的人
102 do something heroic: 做有勇有谋的事情
103 a more “clean-cut” job: 一个很体面的工作
104 have more regular hours:工作时间更加固定
105 get your hands dirty:do hard and difficult work, 辛苦工作
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4. Do people in your country always obey the law?

No, they don’t. It would be a perfect world if everyone always obeyed the law, but sadly that’s not
always the case106. There are lots of reports in the news about people stealing from others or even
killing them. But I suppose that for the most part107, I live in a pretty peaceful part of the country;
there aren’t a lot of people stirring up trouble108 on a daily basis. So most people I know are law-
abiding citizens.

5. Is there any unreasonable law in your country?

This is a tricky question to answer109. Um…the first one that comes to mind is definitely the law that
forbids residents in mainland China from using foreign websites like YouTube, Google and Facebook.
It’s a breach if you do so. The government even builds a firewall that literally blocks people from
accessing tons of foreign websites that they consider unsafe. As consenting adults110, we’re supposed
to have the rights to log onto whatever websites we want to see, aren’t we? That’s why I think it’s

6. What law do people often break? /Are there many people in your country breaking the law?
/ What law do people dislike to obey?

Well, actually, even though the crime rate in China is actually way lower than average in the world,
it doesn't mean that everyone abides by the law perfectly. One breach that basically every young
person has done is downloading pirated111 music and movies. It’s clearly a violation of the Intellectual
Property Law112, but almost everyone does it. After all, when a law is difficult to implement, I believe
people are more likely to break it because it has no cost to them.


106 that’s not always the case:情况并非总是如此,事情并非总是如我们所愿

107 for the most part:大多数情况下,大部分时候
108 stirring up trouble:兴风作浪
109 This is a tricky question to answer: 这是个很难回答的问题
110 As consenting adults:作为有独立思考能力的成年人
111 pirated: 盗版的
112 a violation of the Intellectual Property Law: 违反了知识产权保护法
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7. Do you think both men and women can be police officers?

Absolutely! I don’t think that being a police officer is specific to only one gender. Even though there
is a stereotype that women are less suited to be police officers because they sometimes aren’t as
physically strong as men, they are definitely just as qualified because it’s not always about brawn
over brain113. As long as someone has the proper training, it doesn’t matter if they’re a man or a

113 brawn over brain:体力工作多过脑力工作

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Topic 30. 最近读的一本书

1. What kind of books do children read?

I think children like reading fantastical books about made-up lands114 because it lets their imagination
run free115. They also love books that have lots of adventure in them, or at least a lot of pictures. Since
kids aren’t fully developed yet, they’re more attracted to things that are very visual, so a lot of them
love reading picture books, at least until they’re old enough to like words as well.

2. What kind of books do adults read?

Well, it really depends on the person. I’ve found that idealistic people116 love reading romances or
action-packed117 books, while more down-to-earth people118 like reading biographies or nonfiction.
Generally, I guess adults like books that are about real-life topics and issues. I don’t think they’re as
interested119 in things that are completely made up, like fantasy. That being said, an adult friend of
mine loves reading about dragons. Sometimes I think he believes they’re real! He’s a little off his

3. When it comes to cultivating children’s reading habits, who are more important - teachers
or parents?
Well, it’s tough to say, because I believe both parents and teachers are very influential in a child’s
life. However, I suppose that parents are more important when it comes to cultivating children’s
reading habits. Teachers can show their students ways to develop habits, but the responsibility for
enforcing those habits is in the parents’ hands. The parents have more of an influence in their
children’s lives, so it’s up to them to make sure their children are reading regularly.


made-up lands:童话世界,不存在的世界
lets their imagination run free: 放飞想象力
idealistic people: 理想主义的人
down-to-earth people:脚踏实地的、更现实的人
as interested:对…那么的感兴趣
off his rocker:(我觉得)他疯了~~~
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4. Which is more beneficial - reading books or watching TV and films?

Well, I’m a little biased because I love reading books more than watching TV and films. In my opinion,
reading books is more beneficial because it helps teach people critical thinking skills121. With TV and
films, the information is very obviously presented to you and they don’t make you think as hard. But
with books, you usually have more room 122 for interpretation, and you can also exercise your
imagination more.

5. How should parents encourage their children to read books?

I suppose parents can encourage their children to read books in lots of ways. One of the easiest and
most important ways is to expose them to books at an early age. This can be done by reading them
bedtime stories before they go to sleep. That way, the child will have a positive association with
reading because it reminds them of the time spent bonding with their parents. It definitely did the
trick123 for me!

6. What do you think about bedtime stories?

It seems to me that bedtime stories can be a very important part of someone’s childhood. For example,
I really bonded with my mom because she read me lots of stories right before I went to sleep. It was
a nice time for us to hang out and feel close to one another. So in that respect124, I think bedtime
stories are great for children’s development. They also help them develop a sense of imagination.

7. What are the influences of modern technology on reading habits?

Well, modern technology has definitely changed the way that people read things, whether it’s books
or magazines or newspapers. With the development of technology, more and more people are reading
information online. Many newspapers have adjusted by publishing their issues on their websites,
while books are increasingly being published as e-books rather than paper books.

critical thinking skills:批判性思维
more room:更多的空间
did the trick (for me): 对我来说是奏效的
in that respect:在这方面
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Topic 31. 独处喜欢做的事

1. What do people usually do in their spare time?

I think people usually do relaxing activities in their spare time. Nowadays, we get so caught up with the
hustle and bustle of work and study that any free time we have is really valuable. So in general people
don’t want to do anything that stresses them out even further. Some relaxing activities include playing
card games, watching TV or movies, or just kicking back and relaxing with friends and family.

2. Nowadays, many young people like sitting for a long time; what do you think of this?

I think that it just shows the downsides125 of modern life. It’s great that technology has come so far, but
that also means people have more ways to entertain themselves at home, and most of them require you
to sit in front of a screen, like playing video games or watching TV shows. As far as I know, most of my
friends often sit in front of computers for hours on end126 on a daily basis, which I think is a really
unhealthy lifestyle. It’s much better to be active and productive, in my opinion.

3. Do you think children’s spare time should be scheduled by themselves or by their parents?

It seems to me that parents should schedule their children’s free time, but only to a certain extent. If they
manage their children’s activities, they can make sure that they’re doing beneficial things and not just
wasting all their time. But on the other hand, children should have some amount of127 control over what
they do, or else128 they might grow to resent129 their parents. It’s important to find a healthy balance.


on end: 连续的
some amount of: 一定程度上的(掌控)
or else:否则的话,要不然
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4. Do young people work longer hours now than in the past?

Well, I think that it depends on the type of job. Compared to people who worked in the fields or did
other kinds of manual labor130 in the past, young people definitely work less hours. But some young
people who work in an office are actually very busy and end up working long, exhausting days because
tons of companies nowadays require employees to work overtime. Plus, if young guys like me want to
get ahead and have a successful career, we have to work harder, don't we?

5. Does overtime work improve a company’s profits?

I believe that to a certain extent, working overtime definitely improves a company’s profits. If people
work longer hours, they can accomplish more and finish important tasks that help the company do better.
But at the same time, working overtime can stress employees out, which leads to less productivity and
an overall drop131 in a company’s profits. So in order to keep making profits, a company has to strike an
important balance132 when it comes to overtime work.

manual labor:体力工
an overall drop:整体全面下降
strike an important balance:求得一个很重要的平衡点
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Topic 34. 一个喜欢去学习的地方

1. Do you like to learn on your own or with others?

I think I love learning with others more than learning on my own. When you learn with others, you
have the chance to bounce ideas off of them133 or talk about what you’re learning together. If you’re
on your own, you can get pretty caught up in your own head134 and forget the importance of relating
to other people. Plus a class is way more fun if you have other people to take it with.

2. Do you have a study routine? Will you make a study plan every day? /Will you work or study
by your plan?

I do have a study routine. Every morning, I open my planner and I write down all the assignments I
have to do that day. I assign an amount of time for every assignment so that I can be sure I’ll get them
all done. Sometimes I slack off or get off track135, but for the most part, I stick to my study plan. It’s
worked like a charm136 for me ever since I started university a few years ago.

3. Which is better, studying in a classroom or through the internet?

It seems to me that studying in a classroom is way better than studying through the internet. For one,
there are a lot less distractions in a classroom. Even though you’re surrounded by other students who
can be loud, it’s nothing compared to137 the distractions available when you’re studying through the
internet. You can easily open a new tab and get distracted by something irrelevant. If there’s no
teacher guiding you, you can get off track very fast.


133 bounce ideas off of them: 从他们身上得到启发和灵感

134 get pretty caught up in your own head: 容易钻牛角尖
135 slack off or get off track:有点懈怠工作,分心
136 worked like a charm:…很有效
137 it’s nothing compared to: 和…没法比
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4. Do you need rest during study? How often do you take a break?

Yeah, I generally need rest during study. It’s really easy for me to blow a fuse138 while looking
through notes because it can be very frustrating and draining139. So to avoid that, I take a break every
hour. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, it helps me recharge my batteries so I can focus on studying
and do well on assignments and tests. If I didn’t have breaks, I guess I’d lose my head140.

5. Which is more important, education background or working experience?

Well, it’s hard to say. Sometimes you can’t have one without the other. But I think that in general,
working experience is more valuable. On the one hand, your education background can help you get
great jobs. But on the other hand, having actual experience in a chosen field or specific job can be
really important in daily life. That way, you can build up your resume141 and advance in your career.
It’s a tricky call to make142 though.

6. What makes you lose your concentration on study?

Honestly, I’m easily distracted. So if I have my phone with me and I see or hear it go off with a
message or notification, I immediately drop whatever I’m doing and I go look at it. When I’m
studying, I have to put my phone on silent or else143 I won’t get anything done. All it takes is a glance
at social media to get hooked into it and spend hours scrolling144.

138 blow a fuse:容易生气,无法控制住自己的脾气

139 draining:精疲力竭,心力交瘁
140 lose my head: 晕头转向,失去理智
141 build up your resume: 丰富你的简历
142 It’s a tricky call to make:这是个棘手的问题,很难说清楚
143 or else:否则的话
144 All it takes is a glance at social media to get hooked into it and spend hours scrolling:只是瞅一眼的功夫,就会让你完全陷进
去,好几个小时翻看手机停不下来。(练习中多按照自己的理解去表述,关于练习方法有疑问请随时联系 Penny)
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Topic 37. 家族企业

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a family business?

I believe one main advantage is that you have way more control over how business is carried out.
When it’s a small, family-owned business, the day-to-day stuff is all under the family’s control.
Another advantage is that you can build the business from the ground up145 and have that satisfaction
to yourself. But the disadvantage is that you can run into personal conflicts easier. When you are
working with the people closest to you, the disputes 146 in business may damage your family

2. What qualities does a successful businessman need?

I think a successful businessman needs to have ambition and confidence. They need to have clear
goals and pursue them, which requires both of those qualities. Additionally, they have to have good
people skills. A lot of business comes from successful relationships with clients and other companies.
Plus, I believe a successful businessman also needs to have a good head for numbers147. They should
know about as many aspects of business as they can.

3. Do people like to work for a big company or a small company?

I guess people like working for small companies better. Even though the job might not come with as
many perks as a big company could offer, I think there are more opportunities to become close with
coworkers and have a more welcoming work environment. Big companies can be too concerned with
making a profit and neglect their employees in the process, but in general small companies usually
value their employees more.


from the ground up:彻底的,从头到尾的
have a good head for numbers: 对数字敏感
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4. What conditions are needed to start up a business?

I suppose you148 need to have lots of financial resources and a great team of employees. It’s very hard
to start up a business by yourself and without a lot of money. You need people you can trust to work
hard and do well. You also need a great business plan to set yourself apart from149 other companies.
I don’t think I’d be able to start up a business myself, but those are the things I think you need.

5. Do you think globalization is a positive development?

Well, I believe there are definitely pros and cons, but overall globalization seems to be a positive
development. For one, it helps expose people to new and different cultures. In this way, they can
broaden their horizons and become more sympathetic to people from other countries. Globalization
can also help boost national economies and increase a country’s international trades. But every rose
has its thorn150, one downside I know is that it may decrease the number of jobs and wages because
of a cheaper foreign workforce.

you:注意这里的 you 不是指此刻问你问题的人,而是泛指人们
set yourself apart from…:让你自己能和别人与众不同
every rose has its thorn: 没有不带刺的玫瑰,事物都有优缺点
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Topic 38. 有趣的演讲

1. Is it important to be a good listener?

Yeah, I think it’s definitely important to be a good listener. For one, it can teach you sympathy and
empathy151. If you’re hearing someone else’s point of view, it can help you become a better, well-
rounded person152. Another reason why it’s important is that it helps you build stronger friendships.
People appreciate it when you make them feel heard. It’s a way for you to gain their trust and
understand them better.

2. How to be a good listener?

You can be a good listener by letting the person express themselves fully without interrupting. Even
though it can be tempting to butt in153 and give your own opinion on what they’re saying, it’s much
better to just sit back and listen to them. Another way to be a good listener is to avoid being distracted
and give the person your full attention. The speaker will be more focused when they see you are
listening carefully.

3. What techniques do you use to remember content when you are listening a speech?

Honestly my memory isn’t the most reliable, but there are a couple techniques I use to remember
things when I’m listening to a speech. The first one is relating things the speaker says back to my
own personal life. If something they say reminds me of a person in my life, I use a mental association
to remember the info. Another technique is making quick notes. As people always say, the palest ink
is better than the best memory154.


sympathy and empathy: 感同身受,有同情心和同理心
well-rounded person:更全面发展的人
butt in:插嘴
the palest ink is better than the best memory:好记性不如烂笔头
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4. What kind of jobs require the skill of speaking in public?

There are definitely lots of jobs that require you to be able to speak well in public. The first one that
comes to mind is a teacher or professor. You have to be able to give a lesson to tons of people, whether
they’re high school or university students. Another job that I can think of off the top of my head is an
activist155. Sometimes you have to give speeches about your cause to giant crowds156.

5. What is required to be a good public speaker? Is confidence important?

I think that in order to be a good public speaker, you definitely have to be confident. If you aren’t
sure of yourself, it’ll show and people won’t be as engaged with your speech. Another important
quality is having a clear, loud voice that can reach crowds. It’s good not to stutter157 or trip over your
words158. I believe a lot of it comes with practice. After all, practice makes perfect159.

giant crowds: 一大群人
trip over your words: 说错话
practice makes perfect:熟能生巧
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Topic 39. 想见的有趣的人

1. How do people make friends nowadays?

Well, at least for my generation, I think people make friends online or through other people. It’s not as
common for young people nowadays to go out to new places and just strike up a conversation with a
stranger160. But when it comes to older people, I guess they make friends through their workplaces. After
all, you spend so much time together that it’s hard not to161 get to know each other.

2. Why do some people feel lonely even though they have many friends?

Well, that’s hard to say. But I suppose some people feel lonely even though they have lots of friends
because having a real connection is still pretty hard, even when you know lots of people. It’s about
quality, not quantity. You can have lots of friends, but it’s possible for none of them to really connect
with you. So when you find that no one around really understands you, you may feel very lonely.

3. How can you judge people’s personality or characteristics by the way they dress?

Well, it’s not always good to make assumptions, but I suppose that in general, people with more
introverted personalities avoid wearing flashy clothes162. They don’t like colors that draw attention to
themselves, so they stick to discreet163 ones like blue or grey. Meanwhile, more outgoing people like
wearing bright colors like red and orange, or even green and yellow. They also like outfits that make
them the centre of attention.


strike up a conversation with a stranger:和陌生人聊天,搭讪
it’s hard not to:…是很难避免的一件事
flashy clothes:特别花哨的衣服
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4. If you have a new co-worker or a new classmate, how can you help them adapt to the new

Well, I think whether it’s a new co-worker or a new classmate, the most important thing is making the
person feel welcome. So you can do that by being friendly and helping them with any questions they
might have. Another thing you can do to help someone adapt to a new environment is learn more about
their preferences so you can help them feel at home. For example, if they are foodies, share some snacks
with them.

5. Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?

Personally, I’m a bit of an introvert, so I’m much more at home with a small group of people instead of
trying to expand my social circle. I really think that it’s about quality, not quantity, so I try to focus on
having a tight circle of friends164 instead of making tons of acquaintances165. When you’re friends with166
a small group of people, it’s easier to get to know each other better.

6. What should you be careful about when you make friends on the internet?

Well, the first thing is to make sure that people are who they say they are167. The internet makes it easy
for people to lie about their identities; you hear in the news all the time about grown men pretending to
be young so they can befriend teen girls. It’s very concerning. For those kinds of reasons, you should
also not give them all your personal information in case they turn out to be dangerous.

having a tight circle of friends:身边有几个老铁
you’re friends with: 和…是朋友
people are who they say they are:(要确保)本人是真如其所说的那样
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Topic 41. 一个青少年

1. What’s the difference between teenagers and children? What are the differences between their

Well, children tend to be a lot more enthusiastic about things. They’re also very easy to please168 when
it comes to entertainment. But when they become teenagers, they’re generally more reserved169 and they
don’t tend to put themselves out there170 as often as kids do. Plus, they’re never that satisfied unless they
have the latest new-fangled171 thing. In contrast, all you have to do to keep a kid satisfied is play a simple
game with them.

2. What are teenagers’ attitude towards old people usually? Do young people respect old people

It seems to me that usually, teenagers are pretty respectful of old people. Most of them have elderly
people in their lives, and those relationships are generally pretty good. As far as I know, lots of young
people are on good terms with 172 their older relatives, such as their grandparents. I think teenagers
understand that old people have lots of experience and wisdom. So I believe that for the most part, young
people respect old people nowadays.


easy to please: 很容易被逗乐
put themselves out there:(不像小孩一样)表现自己。毕竟青少年可不会随便愿意被拉出来唱歌背唐诗哦~~
on good terms with…与某人的关系很好
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3. What are the difference between young people’s lifestyle and old people’s lifestyle?

I guess that young people are a lot more carefree173. They’re not as burdened with the stresses of work
– at least not yet – and they don’t have to worry about providing for their families. So they like living in
the moment and taking risks174. In contrast, old people prefer routines and having everything planned
out175. They are more careful with their time and money, so I think they’re a little more stressed out than
young people are.

4. What age do teenagers turn to be adults? / What age do you think people should be considered
as adults?

I suppose teenagers can be considered adults when they turn twenty (20-22). Honestly, most people are
legally adults when they turn eighteen, but from personal experience, you don’t really feel like an adult
until you’re officially176 out of your teens. Plus, when you’re twenty you usually have a job (or a part-
time job) and lots of other responsibilities, which is part of being an adult. So for those reasons, it seems
to me that twenty is a good age to be considered an adult.

5. Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago?

Well, it’s tough to say since I wasn’t even around 30 years ago. But from what I’ve heard, I think that
teenagers nowadays are better than those 30 years ago. Even though teenagers in the past might’ve been
harder workers because of more difficult circumstances, I think teens nowadays are more knowledgeable
and capable because they’ve had longer and better education. Plus, youth today are more socially
aware177 and globally-minded than the previous generations because of influences from social media.

carefree: 无忧无虑
living in the moment and taking risks: 活在当下 ,敢于冒险
having everything planned out: 计划好一切
officially: 正式地
socially aware:更有社会意识,社会责任感
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Topic 42: 保护环境的人

1. Do you think it is important to protect the environment?

Yes, I think it’s very important to protect the environment! We depend on the environment to maintain
our way of living, and if we keep damaging it, we won’t be able to live very well. So it’s important
for everyone, no matter their age or occupation, to do their part to help keep the Earth healthy. If we
don’t look out for178 the environment, we’re basically not looking out for ourselves either.

2. Should schools teach students to protect the environment? /Is it necessary to make
environmental protection a subject?

Yes, I believe it’s literally a matter of life and death when it comes to protecting the environment, so
it’s definitely important for students to learn about it. After all, they are the future generation who are
going to inherit the earth. So I think that schools should take up that cause179 and educate students
about how to protect the environment.

3. What should individuals do to protect environment?

I suppose individuals should try to change their daily habits so that they can lend a hand to the wider
environmental protection movement. For example, instead of driving everywhere in a private vehicle,
they could take public transportation to cut down on carbon emissions180. Additionally, they could
try to reduce the amount of plastic and other wasteful materials they go through on a daily basis. It
all adds up in the end181.


look out for:照顾,负责;对环境的不负责就是对我们自己的不负责。
179 take up that cause:承担起这个事业
180 cut down on carbon emissions:减少碳排放
181 It all adds up in the end:最终能够积少成多,聚沙成塔
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4. Which industry causes the most environmental pollution? Why?

Well, I don’t know a ton about that kind of stuff182, but I believe the manufacturing industry causes
the most environmental pollution. A lot of factories create greenhouse gases and carbon emissions,
which is very harmful to the atmosphere. Furthermore, manufacturing creates products that are often
wasted or thrown by the wayside183 in our daily lives, such as plastic bags. Those products end up in
landfills184 and result in a lot of pollution.

5. Do you think companies should take responsibility for environmental protection? Why?

Yeah, I definitely think that companies should take responsibility for environmental protection. We
all have to do our part to help protect the environment, and companies are hardly an exception to the
rule185. In fact, I believe they carry more responsibility because they also produce a lot of waste that
can be harmful to the environment. They should try to go paperless186 as much as possible and work
on using environmentally-friendly products in the workplace.

6. What should the government do to reduce pollution?

I suppose the government should take practical measures that help people maintain a high standard
of living while also reducing pollution. For example, they should try to cut down carbon emissions
by implementing a carbon tax 187 . They should also try to encourage people to use public
transportation, which helps reduce air pollution, and it’ll be better if they can introduce other laws
that keep companies from creating too much environmental waste. It’s important that we all do our

182 I don’t know a ton about that kind of stuff:对于这方面,我了解的不多。注意这类表达的灵活运用。

183 thrown by the wayside:扔在路边
184 landfills:垃圾填埋场
185 hardly an exception to the rule: …几乎也不例外
186 go paperless:无纸化办公
187 implementing a carbon tax:收碳排放税
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Topic 44. 让你笑的电影或电视

1. Why do children like laughing? What makes children laugh?

It seems to me that children like laughing because they are easily amused188. For example, if you tell a
kid a simple joke, they’ll probably end up busting a gut. They also love laughing when they see funny
things, like people making faces or a person falling. Even though it might seem pretty immature to us
adults, it really gets kids going and makes them laugh out loud.

2. Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?

Actually, I don’t think adults are likely to be happier than children. I suppose that children are much
more carefree so they tend to be very happy and relaxed. Besides, adults have a lot of responsibilities.
They’re often tied down with work or study189 and sometimes have to worry about providing for their
families190. That can give adults a lot of stress, which means they can often be in a sour mood191.

3. Is laughing good for people’s health?

Yes, laughing is definitely good for people’s health! It’s not good for you to always be downcast192 and
serious. I’ve heard it said that193 laughter is the best medicine, which I believe has some real truth to it.
Even though it can’t heal all illnesses194, it can lower your amount of stress195. Stress is tied to lots of
different health issues, so it’s always good to try and bring your stress level down by laughing.


be easily amused:很容易被逗乐
tied down with work or study: 忙于工作和学习
providing for their families: 养家
in a sour mood:心情不好,情绪不好
downcast: 沮丧
I’ve heard it said that:我听过这么一种说法…
heal all illnesses:治愈所有的疾病
lower your amount of stress:减轻压力
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4. Why are some people good at telling jokes, while others are not?

Well, I guess that when it comes to telling jokes, you have to have a good memory and great comedic
timing196, plus you have to be a good storyteller. This basically means that you have to remember all the
important parts of the joke and tell it in an entertaining way. Having the right inflection197 can also be
important to tell the joke right. Some people just don’t have those qualities so they aren’t good at telling

5. Should school classes be funny? / Should teachers be funny?

Honestly, I don’t think that’s necessary. The main goal of classes is to be educational, not to be
entertaining. So even though humor can help information go down a little more smoothly198, I don’t
think it’s as important. It definitely shouldn’t be a requirement. As for teachers, it’s pretty much the same
idea. Humor can make a teacher more relatable199 to their students but in my opinion, it’s definitely not
a must for them to be funny.

comedic timing:(把握好)让人笑的时机
go down a little more smoothly: (知识)更容易被接受
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Topic 51. 童年游戏

1. What’s the most popular game now?

Um…off the top of my head, cellphone games are crazy popular nowadays. I’m not so obsessed with
cellphone games, but basically all my friends play games on their cellphones. Particularly, I’ve often
seen my friends and other young guys playing a shooting game called “Chi ji200” on their cellphone
recently. It seems that you can team up with people online and have a blast shooting others in this
game. It’s not my cup of tea, but as far as I know, it’s the most popular game at present.

2. Why do people play different kinds of games after they grow up?

Well, I suppose it’s mostly about their maturity and intelligence levels changing. For example, when
you’re a kid, you’re satisfied with playing simple games like tag201 or hide-and-seek202. But when
you get older and more mature, you’re generally smarter as well, so you want to play games that are
more intellectually stimulating203. For example, you might move onto something like card games or
mah-jong204. Those are probably more up older people’s alleys205 rather than childhood games.

3. Do you think winning is the most important goal of playing games?

No, I don’t think that at all. Winning isn’t always the most important goal when it comes to playing
games. Sometimes it’s more about bonding with someone or just enjoying spending time with them.
For example, when I play games with my friends, my only goal is kicking back and relaxing with
them. I’m never upset if I lose. Honestly we should not encourage people to focus only on winning;
it results in a lot of sore losers206.


Chi ji: 吃鸡,也可以说中文全称“绝地求生”
intellectually stimulating:启发思维,提高智力
up older people’s alleys:up sb’s alley 表示正好是某人喜欢的东西
sore losers: 输不起的人
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4. Do children prefer indoor games or outdoor games?

I believe children prefer outdoor games. Most of the kids I know are pretty active; they hate being
cooped up207 indoors. When they’re allowed to run free outside, they usually have a blast compared
to having to be inside. Plus, outdoor games can usually be more active than indoor ones. For example,
it’s pretty hard to play a fun game of soccer inside. That being said208, the shy kids like being inside,
so I guess it depends on their personality.

being cooped up: 被关起来
That being said:话虽这么说
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Topic 52. 重要的植物

1. Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

Yes, there are definitely people who like growing plants at home. Even though it can be hard to find
the space, it’s really lovely to have plants around because they can brighten up any living space209.
For example, my aunt has a row of cute plants on her balcony. She doesn’t use them for food or
anything; they’re really just window-dressing. But it sets my mind at ease210 to sit with her on her
balcony and admire the greenery.

2. Who likes growing plants more, old people or young people?

I guess old people like growing plants more. Honestly, I don’t think young people have the patience
to watch a seed grow into a plant; they like everything to be done with a snap of their fingers211. Plus,
a lot of young people I know don’t really see the point of212 growing plants at all. But on the contrary,
old people enjoy taking care of things. They have more nurturing213 personalities.

3. Are trees or plants important to cities?

Yes, I think so. For one, they provide more oxygen for citizens to breathe, so they’re essential to life
in that manner214. For another, they make cities look beautiful. You’d get pretty bored of a place with
only grey concrete and cement215; it makes a world of difference to have greenery in the area. I believe
it really brightens people’s day to see a little bit of nature around them.


brighten up any living space:点亮生活,给生活空间加点颜色
sets my mind at ease:让我很放松、心静平和
with a snap of their fingers:easily, 不费吹灰之力
the point of: …的意义
in that manner: 在这方面
grey concrete and cement:(只有)混凝土和水泥(的城市)
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4. Do children need to learn how to grow plants? (Should school set up courses about growing

Yes, I think children need to learn how to grow plants. It helps them develop a sense of responsibility
and focus on things outside of their own needs. When kids are given a plant to take care of, they have
to pay attention to it and look after it on a daily basis, like watering it or observing its growth. Through
this process, they can also learn how to take care of others. Besides, for some children, they can
discover an interest in biology. Perhaps it would be helpful for their career choice in the future.

5. Why do some people like to move to the countryside?

I believe some people like to move to the countryside because it provides a more peaceful
environment for them to live in. For example, my grandparents moved from the city to the countryside
because the hustle and bustle of the city was really wearing them down 216. Aside from that, the
countryside offers beautiful scenery for people to enjoy. It can really set your mind at ease to see
nature all around them.

wearing them down:(让他们)很心累
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Topic 53. 想学的二外

1. Should everyone learn a foreign language?

Yeah, I believe it’d be a great idea for everyone to learn a foreign language. For one, having a second
language can help brain development. For another, if you travel somewhere and everyone is speaking a
different language, it could be very helpful if you happen to know it. So not only can language sharpen
your intellect, but it can also help you to immerse yourself in217 new places and cultures.

2. What can people do to learn a second language?

I suppose there are tons of ways for people to learn a second language. The first one that comes to mind
is taking a class. Plenty of schools have elective courses218 where you can learn a foreign language. But
if you’re not in school anymore, you can always take an online class or even download an app to learn
another language. Another way is to actually travel somewhere foreign and try to pick up219 the language
from the locals.

3. Why do some people learn a language well, while others don’t?

I think a lot of it comes down to memory220. And good memory definitely helps when you learn a new
language. For example, my best friend Lisa learned English faster than the rest of us because she’s a
whiz 221 when it comes to memorizing things. In contrast, sometimes it’s hard for the rest of us to
remember the words, pronunciation, and grammar rules – information comes in one ear and goes out the
other222. So while Lisa was a natural in the English class, many of us struggled through most of it.


immerse yourself in:融入
elective courses:选修课
pick up:(无意识的)学会
comes down to…:归结为…,是…的原因
whiz: 天才
comes in one ear and goes out the other: 左耳朵进,右耳朵出
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4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a universal language in the world? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of only having one language in the world?

I think there are lots of pros and cons for having a universal language. For one, it would make
communication super easy since everyone would be able to understand each other. For another, it would
probably result in less prejudices because no one would say their language is superior to another’s. But
if we only had one language, we would lose all the different cultures that different languages represent.
It would be a crying shame223 for that to happen.

5. What’s the best way to learn a new language?

It seems to me that the best way to learn a new language is a combination of taking classes and working
with someone who speaks it as a first language. For example, one of my friend wanted to learn Japanese,
so she took an online class and then spent some time in Japan, where she hired a tutor to help her work
on her pronunciation. So I suppose that’s the most effective way to learn a new language.

6. How should teachers improve English classes?

Well, given the fact that I’ve been learning English in China for over a decade, I believe the biggest
problem with our English classes is that they’re way too exam-oriented224. I really hope English teachers
in China can change their classes from teaching to the test to practical USE of English. I mean, many
students are learning mute English225, which means they can read and write in English, but can’t speak
it well. So it would be awesome if English teachers can teach their students how to actually use this


a crying shame:让人觉得很遗憾的一件事
way too exam-oriented: 太过于应试了
mute English:哑巴英语
雅思过过过淘宝店铺原创 (2019.1.1)
版权所有 盗版必究

7. What other kind of language is important besides English?

Well besides English, as far as I know, Spanish is also an important language in the world. You know,
it’s widely used all over the world; countries like Spain, Mexico and tons of South American countries
all speak Spanish. There are also many Spanish speakers living in the States and Canada. Given226 China
has international trades with so many Spanish-speaking countries, I think being able to speak Spanish
greatly enhances your resume.


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