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Smart: Transforming

standards for a digital world

What is the Smart programme?

The Smart programme (Smart), an ambitious initiative adjustments in business processes to facilitate the creation
jointly led by the the IEC (International Electrotechnical of a Smart ecosystem while re-imagining the standardization
Commission) and the International Organization for value chain using the latest technologies. A component
Standardization (ISO), is a collaborative endeavour with a within the Smart programme is standard information
clear and singular objective: to propel the digital evolution management (SIM). SIM involves the transformation of
of international standards. Smart encompasses the standards content and data into well-structured provisions
essential components (formats, processes, and tools) that can be comprehended by digital systems. This
required to make standards more accessible and effective. transformation is fundamental to making standards content
This transformation starts at the standardization process more accessible, discoverable and usable across a wide
to ensure that human and technology-based users can array of digital applications and services.
seamlessly engage with standards.

Unlocking the value of international standards

The comprehensive approach of Smart By proficiently managing standard information, the Smart
The idea of a Smart Standards goes beyond a mere programme endeavours to elevate the value and usability
concept; it has a tangible scope and impact. It involves of international standards. This initiative aims to benefit
the development of prototypes and pilots, allowing the individuals, companies, societies, and economies by
exploration of potential applications of Smart Standards. simplifying access to and the application of these standards
Furthermore, it encompasses the evaluation of necessary in the digital era.

2 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

Why we should embrace
Smart Standards
1. Immediate accessibility: Smart Standards will simplify
things right from the start. When they are created,
the approvals process ends and they become easily
accessible, making the entire workflow smoother.
2. Enhanced readability: Complex technical jargon is
translated into a format that is both human-readable
and machine-friendly, promoting faster comprehension
and implementation.
3. Effortless transferability: Smart Standards can be
shared and transferred effortlessly across various
platforms, systems and devices.
4. Futureproofing: Designed to adapt to evolving
technology, Smart Standards will remain relevant for
5. Improved efficiency: Incorporating Smart Standards
from the start will streamline the standardization
process, leading to greater efficiency, reduced costs
and faster time-to-market for products and services.

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 3

The Smart programme in action

1. Understanding user needs: Identifying and

understanding the needs of standards users and how
Smart can effectively address them, incorporating
feedback to refine our solutions.
2. Innovative business models: Exploring new business
models that support the distribution and consumption
of Smart Standards while identifying related legal
implications, taking feedback into account to ensure
they align with user expectations.
3. Technical architecture: Piloting the technical
architecture concepts supporting Smart Standards and
integrating it into the existing standards lifecycle, with
ongoing adjustments based on the insights we gather.
4. Impact on conformity assessment: Assessing
the impact of Smart Standards on how conformity
assessment will be undertaken.
5. Engaging the community: Developing communication
materials to engage with the IEC and ISO communities,
with a commitment to incorporating community
feedback to enhance our outreach efforts.

Smart Standards in action: Real-world use

Advancements in medical devices: Smart Standards in
healthcare will be instrumental in establishing a standardized
exchange of medical data, to ensure secure and efficient
communication among healthcare providers, patients and
medical devices. This fosters the development of innovative
telemedicine solutions, remote patient monitoring and
personalized health services. Moreover, it will create new
business models in the healthcare industry, aligning with
IEC's commitment to advancing healthcare technology.

Utilities: Smart Standards will be pivotal in the utility sector,

particularly in the realm of electricity. These standards will
enable utilities to enhance grid management, optimize
energy distribution, and integrate renewable energy sources
seamlessly. Smart Standards will support the development
of smart grids, demand response systems and grid
resilience strategies. By implementing these standards,
utilities will be able to improve operational efficiency and
deliver more reliable and sustainable electricity services.

4 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

Manufacturing automation: Smart Standards will
empower manufacturers to achieve heightened levels of
automation and connectivity. Businesses operating within
these frameworks will be able to explore new production
models, such as on-demand manufacturing. This approach
will enable the customization and real-time production of
products based on customer preferences, aligning with
IEC’s focus on advancing industrial automation.

Energy grid optimization: In the energy sector, Smart

Standards will facilitate the integration of renewable energy
sources and optimize energy grids. Energy providers will
be able to leverage these standards to create innovative
pricing models, implement demand-response systems and
establish peer-to-peer energy trading platforms. This will
contribute to efficient energy management and align with
the commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

Smart for IoT ecosystems: Smart Standards will enable

seamless integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Manufacturers will be able to design IoT products that
adhere to these standards, guaranteeing compatibility
and interoperability across various brands and platforms.
Smart Standards will play a crucial role in harmonizing IoT
ecosystems, fostering innovation and promoting efficient
resource utilization.

Smart cities infrastructure: Smart Standards will play

a pivotal role in shaping the future of smart cities. These
standards will facilitate the integration of diverse systems,
encompassing traffic management, energy efficiency
and public services. Businesses operating within the IEC
framework will be able to seize opportunities to provide
smart city solutions, including data analytics, urban planning
and smart grid management. This aligns with IEC's mission
to drive sustainable urban development.

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 5

Unlocking the future: A-Z of
Smart Standards

From API to zero friction, delve into the world of Smart C for Contextual
Standards and witness their transformative impact on Contextual refers to providing additional details within a
industries and applications. Explore how these standards standard to fully describe its provisions. Smart Standards
will bridge communication gaps, enable innovative business willl aim to enhance machine manipulation by being
models and provide seamless user experiences. enriched with contextual metadata. This ensures that users
can better understand when, where and how to apply the
contained rules and guidelines.
A for Application programming interface (API)
As a bridge that facilitates communication between different
software applications, APIs define the rules for data D for Data-driven
exchange between systems for delivering Smart Standards Data-driven organizations collect, analyse and utilize data
and enabling interactions between software applications, to inform decision-making. Smart Standards will rely on
making standards more accessible and adaptable. user-generated data to continuously improve and adapt to
ensure that they remain relevant and effective over time.

B for Business model

A business model defines how an organization structures E for Engagement with end-user
its operations and value creation to seize commercial End-users are the individuals and organizations who rely
opportunities. Smart Standards will provide new business on standards to achieve their goals. IEC aims to transform
model opportunities to support the distribution and content creation and delivery to meet the evolving needs
utilization of standards. This includes exploring flexible of end-users. Smart Standards will enhance the end-user
commercial terms, subscription models, and licensing experience by providing information tailored to specific
frameworks. tasks and contexts.

6 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

F for Flexibility standards ensure that similar concepts or requirements are
The Smart framework will underscore the importance treated consistently across different standards, reducing
of providing standards in multiple formats to ensure redundancy and facilitating compatibility between various
widespread accessibility, and usability allowing end-users systems, products and services. This harmonization
to access content in formats that align with their specific simplifies the integration of standards into digital applications
requirements. This flexibility will ensure that standards can and enhances their machine readability.
be seamlessly integrated into various systems, applications,
and workflows, enhancing their relevance and applicability
across diverse industries and use cases. I for Interoperable
Interoperability ensures that Smart content will be easily
integrated with existing systems and other forms of content.
G for Granular Specific formats and metadata will be designed to help
Granular refers to breaking standards down into smaller, users use content outside the context of the document,
reusable building blocks, such as provisions. While enhancing its utility.
granularity provides flexibility, it is crucial to preserve
the context and intent of these building blocks to ensure
standards remain coherent. J for Just-in-time value delivery
Providing value to end-users precisely when they need it,
reduces unnecessary delays or complexities. It involves
H for Harmonization delivering specific, relevant information or resources from
The Smart programme emphasizes the importance of Smart Standards at the exact moment a user requires them
aligning international standards to promote consistency and in their workflow or decision-making process.
interoperability across industries and regions. Harmonized

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 7

K for Knowledge enhancement with AI N for Networked ecosystems
Within Smart Standards, artificial intelligence (AI) will play a Smart refers to the interconnectedness of platforms,
pivotal role in enhancing content and usability. AI algorithms devices and applications that utilize Smart Standards for
and tools will meticulously analyze, contextualize and data exchange and collaboration. It will enable the creation
augment standards content, providing users with deeper of networked ecosystems where different stakeholders,
insights and understanding. Leveraging AI, Smart Standards including individuals, businesses, and governments, will
will become dynamic and adaptive, offering personalized be able to seamlessly share and utilize standards-based
insights, recommendations and real-time updates based on information.
user-specific needs and contexts.

O for Online standards development (OSD)

L for Large language model (LLM) The OSD platform allows collaborative drafting of standards
LLMs, like ChatGPT, will be an essential part of Smart in XML format. OSD’s structure and tagging will align with
Standards. These AI models will be trained to make it easier Smart content, and findings from Smart will inform OSD’s
to create standards by writing clear and understandable development.
language. They will also help people understand standards
by explaining things in plain words. In Smart, LLMs will use
AI to make standards easier to read, understand, and use P for Prototype or Pilot
in different fields. Smart prototypes or pilots have been created to test and
demonstrate the potential functionalities and capabilities
that can be enabled by Smart. These pilots serve to
M for Modularity visualize and evaluate how Smart Standards and content
Smart Standards will allow for greater flexibility and can be effectively utilized in practical scenarios. They
adaptability in their use. Modularity will enable specific identify the feasibility and usability of different features and
sections or requirements from different standards to be functionalities and assess necessary improvements, paving
combined as needed, streamlining the implementation the way for the development of more robust and refined
process and ensuring that standards remain relevant as applications.
technologies and industries evolve.

8 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

Pilot 5 (Smart authoring) : Driven by IEC SMB SG 12/TF 1,
pilot 5 imagines the evolution of OSD and enables Smart
Standards from the creation process. It aims to:
 Simplify the authoring process by using diverse options
and capabilities aimed at reusing information provisions
across different standards.
 Improve content quality using AI-powered features for
structured content creation.
 Promote tagging, referencing and interlinking of the
standards provisions as part of the content creation for
effective Smart Standards database management.
 Establish a feedback loop to enhance provisions'
classification and relationships during authoring,
leveraging existing knowledge base for better
referencing, tagging and content improvement.

Pilot 5 (Smart transformation and API access) and

Pilot 8 (Medical devices): Driven by IEC SMB SG 12/TF 2
and TF 3, and BSI, these pilots involve several key steps to
enhancing the usability and accessibility of provisions within
 Focus on transforming, classifying, annotating, and
tagging of provisions to facilitate efficient content
management and retrieval.
 Prioritize seamless integration with third-party systems
by distributing the provisions through adaptable APIs.
 A visual representation that illustrates the intricate
connections between various provisions, aiding users in
comprehending their interrelationships effectively.

These pilots aim to answer the following questions:

 How can we structure the information provisions to
achieve modularity and granularity?
 In what format should standards’ provisions be
accessible to end-users?
 What key processes and technologies should be
 How can we increase standard usability beyond subject
matter experts (SMEs) to include regular users?
 What considerations are needed for building and
accessing APIs based on user needs?
 How can AI (machine learning) enhance standards
transformation and accessibility

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 9

Pilot 6 (Electric utilities): Driven by the Norwegian
Electrotechnical Committee (NEK), a clickable prototype
centred around the empowerment of Smart content through
API accessibility, granting digital applications the ability to
seamlessly tap into and utilize this valuable resource.

The pilot aims to:

 Demonstrate the prospective layout of a customized
application and its utilization of the Smart API for
accessing standards content.
 How Smart content should look like in digital
application which will meet user expectations and

Q for Quality assurance

Smart adheres to a systematic approach, implementing
precise processes and measures to ensure the highest
quality standards.

R for Requirements extraction

Smart prototypes/pilots test tools for automatic
requirements extraction and content tagging which involves
identifying and extracting criteria from standards aimed at
reducing the time spent on this process.

S for Semantic enrichment

Semantic enrichment adds context and meaning to
content using structured data and semantic relationships.
It enhances machine understanding, crucial for natural
language processing and knowledge graph creation.
Semantic enrichment involves the use of ontologies,
controlled vocabularies and linked data to establish
meaningful relationships between different concepts within
the standards. This provides deeper insights, improved
searchability and enhanced usability for a wide range of

T for Tagging
Tagging attaches descriptive labels or keywords to content
to improve searchability and organization of the standard’s
provision. Smart content will balance automated and expert

10 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

U for User experience (UX)
UX encompasses users’ perceptions and responses when
using a system, product, or service. Smart prototypes/
pilots aim to enhance UX by providing quick access to
specific content.

V for Value chain

The value chain comprises connected activities that
create or deliver products or services. Smart focuses on
streamlining and improving value chains by reducing time
and improving feedback loops.

W for Wizard
A Smart developer portal and demo app will offer step-
by-step guidance and personalization for users. It will
help users navigate and understand Smart content more
effectively and access all the information needed to use
Smart APIs.

X for eXtraction of value

Smart signifies the process of extracting inherent value
from standards and their content through Smart technology
and practices. This includes harnessing the potential of
standards for innovation, efficiency and improved user
experiences, thereby maximizing the value derived from
standards in various industries and applications.

Y for Yield of value

Smart underscores the importance of achieving tangible
value, whether in terms of enhanced efficiency, cost
savings, innovation or improved user experiences.

Z for Zero friction

Smart will eliminate unnecessary barriers, complexities,
or obstacles in the utilization of standards and related
content. It will create seamless and frictionless experiences
for users, ensuring that they can access, interpret and
apply standards effortlessly across various industries and

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 11

Eliminating myths about Smart
Standards and digital transformation
In the ever-evolving landscape of standards development Myth: AI will author standards in the future. Technical
and digital transformation, misconceptions can sometimes committees (TCs) and experts will not need to change
cloud our understanding of the path forward. It is crucial to how they work to create Smart Standards.
address these myths head-on, providing clarity and insight Facts:
into the reality of Smart Standards and digitalization.  While AI can assist in standards development, it will not
replace the expertise and judgment of TCs and experts
Myth: Smart Standards will only be for large, advanced who play the leading role in standards creation.
countries. It is a one-size-fits-all approach which will be  Running AI R&D will evaluate the use of AI in enhancing
too expensive for everyone. the standards development process, but it will not
Facts: diminish the importance of the role of experts.
 Smart Standards will be designed to be adaptable  The digital transformation encompasses a wide range
and configurable, ensuring that they can meet the of digital technologies and strategies, extending beyond
specific needs of different National Committees (NCs), AI. It also involves interactions with CA Systems, with
regardless of their size or level of advancement. the aim of optimizing processes rather than replacing
 Digital transformation aims to enhance accessibility and them.
efficiency, making Smart Standards cost-effective and
valuable for all NCs.

Myth: Digital and Smart Standards will mean less

revenue for NCs.
 The adoption of Smart Standards is expected to
improve the value proposition for users, potentially
leading to increased demand and revenue
 Smart Standards are part of an overall digital
transformation strategy that can have a positive impact
on whole standardization value chain.

Myth: Smart will replace PDF standards, and everyone

will have to change.
 Smart Standards will complement with existing
standards formats like PDF and XML formats. Users
will have the choice to continue using PDF and/or XML
standards or transition to Smart Standards based on
their specific requirements.
 The transition to Smart Standards will be gradual,
allowing users to adapt at their own pace.

12 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

Myth: OSD does not create Smart Standards. Myth: Digitalization is only about futuristic long-term
Facts: solutions. Immediate improvements and impacts will
 OSD will play an essential role in facilitating the creation not be identified or realized.
and management of Smart Standards content at the Facts:
provision level.  Digitalization includes both long-term and short-term
 Developing Smart Standards may require process solutions, with a focus on enhancing current processes.
adjustments, but the primary goal is to enhance and  Operational improvements and quick hit changes are
streamline the standards development process rather being identified and prioritized as part of the overall
than exclude key components. digital transformation journey.
 A comprehensive, long-term roadmap is being
developed to foster the convergence of OSD and Myth: Smart Standards will eliminate or reduce the
Smart Standards, ensuring a seamless integration that need for CA in the digital future.
optimizes standards development. Facts:
 Smart Standards will be able to be integrated with CA
Myth: Digitalization is about Smart Standards, not CA. Systems, ensuring compatibility and adaptability.
Facts:  Smart Standards will enhance the efficiency and
 Digitalization encompasses both Smart Standards harmonization of the whole standardization processes
and advancements in CA. These two areas are and improve the overall quality and effectiveness of CA
closely related and can mutually benefit from digital activities. They are not intended to eliminate CA but to
transformation. optimize it.
 Digitalization of CA processes can lead to improved
efficiency, transparency, and traceability.

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 13

About the IEC

Key figures The IEC, headquartered in

Switzerland, is the world’s leading publisher

of international standards for electrical

~170 and electronic technologies. It is a global,

independent, not-for-profit, membership
members and affiliates
organization (funded by membership fees A global network of around 170 countries
and sales). The IEC includes around 170 that covers 99% of world population and

>200 countries that represent 99% of world

population and energy generation.
electricity generation

technical committees

The IEC provides a worldwide, neutral

>30 000 and independent platform where 30 000

experts from the private and public
experts from industry, test and research
sectors cooperate to develop state-of- Offers an affiliate country programme to
labs, government, academia and
the-art, globally relevant IEC International encourage developing countries to get
consumer groups
Standards. These form the basis for testing involved in the IEC free of charge
and certification, and support economic

>10 000 development, protecting people and the

international standards published

IEC work impacts around 20% of global

4 trade (in value) and looks at aspects such

as safety, interoperability, performance
Develops international standards and runs
four conformity assessment systems to
global conformity assessment systems
and other essential requirements for a verify that electronic and electrical products
vast range of technology areas, including work safely and as they are intended to

>1 million energy, manufacturing, transportation,

healthcare, homes, buildings or cities.
conformity assessment certificates issued

The IEC administers four conformity

>100 assessment systems and provides

standardized approach to the testing and

years of expertise
certification of components, products, IEC International Standards represent a
systems, as well as the competence of global consensus of state-of-the-art
persons. know-how and expertise

IEC work is essential for safety, quality

and risk management. It helps make
cities smarter, supports universal energy
access and improves energy efficiency of
devices and systems. It allows industry to
consistently build better products, helps A not-for-profit organization enabling global
governments ensure long-term viability of trade and universal electricity access
infrastructure investments and reassures
investors and insurers.

14 IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world

Further information

For further information, please visit the IEC IEC-LARC − Latin America Regional IEC Conformity Assessment
website at In the “Who we are” Centre Systems
section, you can contact your local IEC Rua Maranhão, 554 – Sala 71 Higienópolis
IECEE / IECRE Secretariat
National Committee directly. Alternatively, São Paulo – SP – CEP 01240-904
c/o IEC − International Electrotechnical
please contact the IEC Secretariat in Brazil
Geneva, Switzerland or the nearest IEC
3 rue de Varembé
Regional Centre. T +55 11 3666 0131
PO Box 131
CH-1211 Geneva 20
IEC Secretariat
IEC-ReCNA − Regional Centre for
IEC − International Electrotechnical T +41 22 919 0211
North America
Commission /
446 Main Street, 16th Floor
3 rue de Varembé /
Worcester, MA 01608
PO Box 131
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Switzerland IECEx / IECQ Secretariat
T +1 508 755 5663
Angel Place, Office 1721, Level 17
T +41 22 919 0211 123 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

T +61 2 4628 4690

IEC-AFRC − Africa Regional Centre /
7th Floor, Block One, Eden Square /
Chiromo Road, Westlands
PO Box 856
00606 Nairobi

T +254 20 367 3000

M +254 791 010 491 / +254 704 937 706
Fax +254 20 374 0913

IEC-APRC − Asia-Pacific Regional

2 Bukit Merah Central #15-02
Singapore 159835

T +65 6377 5173

IEC | Smart: Transforming standards for a digital world 15

IEC Smart Standards:2023-10(en)

® Registered trademark of the

International Electrotechnical Commission
Copyright © IEC, Geneva, Switzerland

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