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2019 年 1-4 月雅思口语 Part1 高频考题参考资料

(A 版)



1. 2019 年 1-4 月 Part1 高频考题整理如下,请大家按照 topic 序号对应查找相关话题和素材。

2. 表格中黄色高亮的 topic 是本季度出现的新主题。右侧的“是否已复习”帮助大家对自己复


3. 部分小题目有标注“1-4 月新高频题”,意思是该 topic 在 18 年 9-12 月已经在考,但 1-4 月


4. Topic 32-36, 为低频疑似不考的题,表示这些主题出现的频率特别低。

5. 注意 Part1 和 Part3 考官可以即兴提问(尤其 Part3),并无法覆盖全部考题。


6. 我们的题目是根据大量雅思考生的回忆一一核实后确定的,并参考了“雅思哥”等多个机构


以微信联系 Penny 咨询。

7. 如对资料有语法词汇的疑问、或在练习中有题目思路及表达的疑问,欢迎随时联系 Penny。


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主题 是否 主题 是否

(题号=页码) 已复习 (题号=页码) 已复习

Topic 1: Study(含 School) Topic 19: Drink water

Topic 2: Work Topic 20: Movies

Topic 3: Major Topic 21: Shoes

Topic 4: Home(含 The area you

Topic 22: Paintings & Photos
live in)

Topic 5: Hometown Topic 23: Cook

Topic 6: Movie stars Topic 24: Color

Topic 7: Tea & Coffee Topic 25: Sunglasses

Topic 8: Pet Topic 26: Season & Weather

Topic 9: E-mail Topic 27: Park & Garden

Topic 10: Sleep Topic 28: Transportation

Topic 11: Crowded place Topic 29: Music/Instrument

Topic 12: Patience Topic 30: City

Topic 13: Public holiday Topic 31: Sports

Topic 14: Taking photos Topic 32: Gift

Topic 15: Share things Topic 33: Teachers

Topic 16: Handwriting Topic 34: Foreign food

Topic 35: Family activity

Topic 17: Watch sky
& Leisure time
Topic 18: Morning routine
Topic 36: Holiday plan

目录中高亮的第 6-17 题为本季度出现的新 Topic

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Topic 1: Study1(含 school)

1. Do you work or study?

I’m currently a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science at the moment.

2. Which university did you go?

The university I attended is called XXX University, which is a top-level university in China. I’m

really proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected2 because I thought

my grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar3 compared to the enrollment requirement of

the previous year.

3. Why did you choose your school / university?

Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university has a really good undergraduate

program for Computer Science4, which is really what I’m passionate about and love to study. Besides,

my parents also rooted for5 me to go there as they believe four years of study there would be a big

help for my future career.

4. Do you like your school?

Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often swamped with all the assignments and exams6,

I often have a blast7 studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them have ever given

me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school who I hang out

with all the time.

Study: 注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注意
结合个人实际调整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
so close to being rejected:差点就上不了
subpar: ['sʌb'pɑː] 低于…标准,次于… (美剧《生活大爆炸》11 季中的台词哦~)
Computer Science:注意科目根据自己的情况来调整,有疑问联系 Penny
rooted for somebody: 支持某人
often swamped with all the assignments and exams:忙于学业和考试
have a blast:很开心…
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5. How many hours do you spend on study every week?(1-4 月新出现的高频题)

I probably spend about ten or twelve hours studying every week. I have a lot of different classes and

they all have different assignments, so they keep me on my toes8. I should probably be studying more,

to be honest, but I get distracted pretty easily.

6. Which part of your school do you like? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

I really like meeting new people. The classes at school are fun because I’m learning new things, but

it’s great to be able to make friends with the other students. Some of my closest friends are people I

met in class; we just happened to hit it off9 and now we’re as close as peas in a pod10.

7. How do you improve your study efficiency? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make sure there aren’t any major distractions around

me. For example, I turn off my phone and I avoid listening to music. It helps me focus on my study

so that I stay on track11 and avoid wasting all my time.

8. Which part of your study do you like the most? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

I like writing the most. Even if it’s just writing essays, I think it’s really fun to express my thoughts

through the written word12. I’ve always enjoyed those kinds of classes the most. I think it’s good

practice for the real world, where you have to be able to express yourself clearly.


keep me on my toes:逼迫我要一直紧张,不能放松
hit it off:很合得来
as close as peas in a pod:形影不离
stay on track:一直保持(学习的)状态
express my thoughts through the written word:用文字表达我的思想
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9. Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of your school needs an


Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my school that needs to be improved is the gym

in our campus. I mean, the whole place should be flipped13 because everything in the gym is literally

worn out14. The basketball court doesn't even have a hoop. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I really hope our

school can do something about it.

the whole place should be flipped:整个应该翻修重建
worn out: 破损,破旧
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Topic 2: Work15
1. Do you work or study?

I’m currently working fulltime as a programmer at Baidu; I’ve been working there for 5 years.

2. Do you like your job?

Yes, I am really happy with what I do. Most of the time, it’s very rewarding to be able to help people

every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they even hand out

bonuses16 twice a year!

3. What do you do to improve your productivity? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

Whenever I feel like I’ve lost focus on work and started slacking17, I take a 5-minute break and make

a cup of instant coffee. It sounds simple but it works like a charm for me18. After I’ve had some coffee,

I feel pumped up19 and have more energy.

4. How long do your work every week? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

Well, I usually work 40 hours a week because I have a typical 9-to-5 job. But during a busy business

season, I’ll typically20 be asked to work overtime like 10 more hours a week. But the rate of pay for

overtime work21 in my company is one and a half times higher than the regular wage. I don't mind

working overtime so long as I get paid more.


结合个人实际调整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
hand out bonuses:发奖金
it works like a charm for me: 对我来说很奏效
pumped up:兴奋起来
rate of pay for overtime work: 加班费
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5. Do you think your company needs to make some changes? Which part of your working

environment needs an improvement? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

Well…As far as I’m concerned, I really wish my company wasn’t so strict about the dress code22. It

really bugs me23 to have to wear a uniform day in and day out24. Plus, I have to be really careful

keeping the uniform clean otherwise I might get fined25 at my workplace. It would be great if we

could have a casual Friday26.

6. What do you learn from work? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

Well…The most valuable lesson I learned from work is how to collaborate with27 my coworkers. It’s

not something that I really understood back in school. But in a real job, a ton of tasks need good

teamwork and can’t be done on your own. For instance, when I coordinated a marketing event with

my colleagues, it was of the essence to28 make sure everyone was on the same page29, or else we

might’ve messed up30 the whole thing.

7. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future development?

Yes, it’s a wonderful job. Even though I’m swamped with31 the tasks at work sometimes and have to

work overtime32, overall, I believe it’s a good career for me. I’m very passionate about33 my job and

I really know what to do. Plus, doing this job right now will definitely help me build my resume34

later, since it requires excellent workmanship.


dress code:着装要求
It really bugs me:让我很烦
day in and day out:每一天
get fined:被罚款
have a casual Friday:星期五便装日(能有一天随便穿便装)
collaborate with:与…合作
it was of the essence to:…是非常重要的
everyone was on the same page:每个人步调一致,齐心协力
messed up:搞砸
I’m swamped with:被…包围,很忙碌
work overtime:加班
passionate about:热衷于…
build my resume:充实简历,给简历增加特色
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8. Do you want to change your job?

No, I don't want to hop my job35 right now. It’s mainly because the pay is not bad. I mean, it’s not

way higher than others but I’m pretty comfortable with it. Plus, it’s not easy to find a proper job in

today’s job market, is it? Sometimes, it’s better to appreciate what you have now36.

9. Are nine-to-five jobs good?

I suppose nine-to-five jobs are pretty good! Even though they can feel pretty repetitive after awhile,

I think it’s important to have a stable job37 that pays you well. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees.

Plus, you have the weekends free, which gives you a chance to kick back and relax.

hop my job:跳槽
it’s better to appreciate what you have now: 感激当下你所拥有的东西
have a stable job:有一个稳定的工作
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Topic 3: Major38
1. What is your major?

I’m studying computer science at Hunan University. It’s an undergraduate major, and it usually takes

four years to gain the degree. I feel happy being enrolled in this program, because coding is one thing

I’m passionate about. Plus, I think I have a knack for39 it since my math is good.

2. Do you like your major?

Yes, I do like my major. But you know… there will always be parts you like and parts you don’t like.

For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as fun as

watching paint dry because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand.

3. Do you like the courses of your major?

Yes, I do like most courses in my curriculum, especially the ones related to programming. Taking one

of my favorites, the Java Programming, as an example, the knowledge I learned in the lectures is not

only theoretical but also very practical in real life.

4. Why did you choose to study that (major)?

Well, as for the reasons why I decided to study computer science, I think the main one is that I have

lots of passion in that field. I never feel bored and I always enjoy studying and researching things

about it, and I’ve noticed that since I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if I went to a

college, I would take computer science as my major.

5. Will you continue doing what you’re studying in the future?

Yes, I will. It’s mainly because I have a lot of passion for computer science and Web developing. I

don't think I will be bored if I make a living off of it. Plus, the income level of specialists in this field

is also higher than average, so I can have a comfortable life by working as a programmer.

Major: 注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注
意结合个人实际调整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
have a knack for:擅长…
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Topic 4: Home40(The area you live in)

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I’m currently living in an apartment near my university campus and sharing it with my best friend at college. I

really enjoy living there since the location is pretty convenient for me. But of course, owning a house is also a

dream of mine. (I hope to have my own backyard where I can relax.)括号里的内容根据考场实际来看是否继续扩展。

2. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? / Do you like your living place?

I’m living in an apartment in downtown Shanghai. I have two roommates sharing the same apartment

with me. It’s a nice place to live since the rent is dirt cheap41 for a young guy like me. Plus, my

workplace is literally a stone’s throw away from42 there, which is the main reason why I’ve been

living there for a long time. I really hit the jackpot43 finding this place.

3. How is the area surrounding your home like? / Are there any good facilities nearby you home?

My living place is in the city’s downtown area. Well, there are several tasty restaurants around my

apartment, which is great for a foodie44 like me. And we also have a giant grocery store across the

street and a small park nearby. So I have to say it’s a pretty liveable45 place.


Home: 注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注
意结合个人实际调整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
dirt cheap: 非常便宜
a stone’s throw away from:距离某地很近
hit the jackpot:赚到了,很幸运
liveable: 适于居住的
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4. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

Well…When it comes to the changes to my neighborhood over the past few years, I think there’ve

been more high-rise buildings built nearby so the area is denser46 than before. Besides, my favorite

improvement of this area is the building of an outdoor gym where I work out47 on a regular basis.

5. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area need? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

Um…my neighborhood is pretty close to perfect, but it would be better if there was a subway station

within walking distance of my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers away,

which isn’t exactly a hop, skip, and a jump away. I heard the city has a plan of extending a subway

line to the street next to my home in the next few years. I hope it’s true.

6. Do you have friends living nearby? /What do people living nearby do? Do you know some of


Yes, I do. Actually, I have a coworker, also a close friend of mine, living in the same apartment

building as me. It’s a high rise apartment48 so I guess there are a couple hundred people living in it.

Honestly, even though I’ve been living there a while, I’ve only gotten to know the neighbor girl living

across the hallway. She is a teacher at a primary school nearby.

7. What are your roommates like?

Well, currently, I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty cool. And

I’d say I’m glad to live with them since all three of us love playing video games, so we have a lot to

talk about and do together. It’s really a blast for us having a game night together every Saturday.


work out: 锻炼身体
a high rise apartment: 高层公寓
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8. How long have you lived there?

I’ve been living there for over three years and I love it. Even though I have to share a room with three

roommates, luckily they’re all easy-going49 and nice, so we get along really well with each other.

9. Will you move home in the near future?

Well, I really have no idea if I will be moving anytime soon. But I hope not. I’ve been living in an

apartment for several years. It’s a comfortable place to live and the rent is also very affordable. But

sometimes it’s not up to me50, I might need to work at a distant place51 later. Who knows, right?

10. What is your favorite room?

My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I think it’s where I spend most of my time.

It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I got to decorate it myself. That really makes me

feel at home – literally52! It’s important to have somewhere you can blow off steam53 and just relax.

11. How do you think your room could be improved?

It might be great to have a large bookshelf. You know, I’m a bookworm54, but I have no bookcase

now…so if you go into my bedroom, you can see it’s pretty messy and tons of books are on the floor.

So having a new bookshelf may help me keep the room from being a total disaster zone55.

easy-going: 很好相处,很随和
it’s not up to me:并不取决于我
at a distant place:在远一些的地方(工作)
blow off steam: 释放自己的情绪
keep the room from being a total disaster zone: 让卧室不那么乱糟糟的成灾难现场
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Topic 5: Hometown56
1. Where are you from? / Which city are you living in?

I live in my hometown Jinan, which is a city in Shandong province. I really love it because there're

tons of amazing attractions in the inner-city57, and people living in Jinan are very warm and friendly.

2. Do you like your hometown? / Which part of your hometown attracts you the most? / Where

is the most impressive place in your hometown?

Yes, I do. I’m from Harbin, which is a city in the northeast of China. It’s famous for the Ice & Snow

Festival there, which is a really cool annual event in my hometown. Tons of visitors come to my city

to see it every year. I love being a tour guide and showing my friends from other cities this tourist


3. How long have you lived in your hometown?

I’ve been living in my hometown since I was born. I’ve never thought about leaving my hometown

because my entire social circle58 is there and the cost of living is pretty low. However, I also want to

work in a different city for a few years to broaden my horizons59.

4. How long are you going to stay there?

I have no idea. It really depends on60 where I can work. I’ll stick around61 if I can find a decent job

after graduation. Otherwise, I won't be able to stay there and I’ll have to go back to my hometown,

since living in Jinan practically costs an arm and a leg62.


Hometown 主题,每个人的实际情况不同,请根据个人实际作调整,有疑问随时联系 Penny
my entire social circle: 社交圈
broaden my horizons:拓宽眼界,增长见识
It really depends on:取决于…
stick around:就待在这里
costs an arm and a leg:花销相当的大
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5. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?

Well, I think everything is good63except the air pollution. There are tons of parks and museums in my

hometown, so children can do tons of interesting and educational activities. But the air quality…you

know, I often see the buildings outside my window looming in the smog 64 …It really threatens

children’s health.

6. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?

Yes, I suppose so. One thing I’m not satisfied about with my hometown is the traffic there. Lots of

drivers don’t follow the traffic rules and often have road rage65, so road accidents in my hometown

are common and often fatal.

还可以说:all aspects of my hometown are good
looming in the smog:在烟雾中朦朦胧胧看不清
road rage:路怒症
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Topic 6 Movie stars

1. Who is your favorite movie star?(有可能问国内喜欢谁、国外喜欢谁)

(国内喜欢的明星)Well... I have to say among all the Chinese actors, the one I like the most is

definitely Jackie Chan. I love Jackie for his fabulous66 movies, especially his action comedy movies.

I’ve watched every single one of his movies, even the old ones he shot in 1980s. His movies can

always make me bust a gut67 when I watch them.

(国外喜欢的明星)Well….when it comes to68 a foreign movie star I really like, I have to say

Johnny Depp is one of my favorite movie actors in the world. His acting is definitely great and he’s

known world-wide for his role as69 Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie

franchise70. I’ve watched them over and over but I never get bored.

2. Have you ever met a movie star in real life?

Sadly71, I’ve never been able to meet a movie star in real life. But it would be awesome if I could. I

would die for the chance to72 meet Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s a household name all over the world.

I loved him in the movie Titanic. It would be super cool to see him face-to-face.


bust a gut:爆笑
when it comes to:说到…谈到…
he’s known world-wide for his role as…: 他因…(角色)而闻名于世
movie franchise:系列电影
die for the chance to:特别期待有…的机会
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3. Do you want to be a superstar?

Um…No, actually I don’t think being a superstar would be my cup of tea. I’m pretty introverted, so

I don’t really like being the center of attention. Plus, I guess that being famous would go to my

head73 pretty quickly. I don’t think it would be a good lifestyle for me. I’ve heard that lots of

celebrities burn out74 pretty fast.

4. Are international film stars popular in your country?

Yeah, I’d say that international film stars are pretty popular in my country. A lot of American

celebrities are household names. For instance, I’m a huge fan of Tom Hanks. He’s an American film

star who’s been in tons of classic movies like Forrest Gump and Toy Story. I’d be over the moon if

I ever met him.

5. Are there Chinese actors who are also famous in foreign countries?

Yes of course. I believe Jackie Chan is the most famous Chinese actor in Hollywood. I heard his

movies like the “Rush Hour” franchise were big hits at the box office75 when they were released

back then. Besides him, Jet Lee and Ziyi Zhang also have tons of fans in foreign countries. I hope

to see more Chinese actors flocking to76 Hollywood in the future.

go to my head:冲昏头脑,沾沾自喜
burn out:身体/心理的精疲力竭
big hits at the box office:票房很高,注意这里的 hits 是名词
flocking to:涌到,聚集到
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Topic 7 Tea & Coffee


1. Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?

Well… considering China has a thousand-year history of tea culture, it’s pretty obvious that tea is

the most common beverage in China. Almost every Chinese person drinks tea. As for coffee, it’s

really new to the Chinese. Actually most coffee drinkers are young guys, and many of them just buy

a cup of coffee once in a blue moon.

2. Do you often drink coffee or tea?

Yes, I do. I love both coffee and tea. I like coffee mainly because of its strong aroma77. Smelling the

aromatic coffee while having a sip of it78 is a really nice thing. But honestly, I drink tea more often.

I basically drink it day in and day out. Tea, especially green tea, is really helpful for me to keep a

fresh mind79.

3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?

Well, I just drank a cup of tea last night. You know drinking tea is really helpful to stay awake. I

always drink tea while studying at night. It also helps me stay hydrated 80. I do like coffee and

consider myself a coffee lover, but I never drink it at night, or else the caffeine81 will keep me

awake for the whole night.


strong aroma:浓郁的香气
having a sip of it:喝一小口
keep a fresh mind:保持头脑清醒
stay hydrated:保持身体水分
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4. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?

Whenever there are guests at my home, I always cater to them with82 my best collection of teas. I

often make some fancy green tea for friends visiting my home. It’s never cheesy83 to treat your

guests with tea, and in China, your collection of tea shows your tastes in life to some degree84. In

contrast, coffee is more likely a niche taste85 in China.

5. Do Chinese people give others coffee or tea as a gift?

Yes, we do. Giving tea to others is really a common way to show your hospitality or gratitude in

China, given most Chinese people like drinking tea. And good tea can really cost you an arm and a

leg86, so it’s not a cheesy gift at all. However, not many Chinese people are used to giving others

coffee as a gift, except some young guys.

6. Have you gone out for a tea or coffee recently?

No, I haven’t drunk a cup of tea or coffee outside for a while. Honestly, I usually just make myself

tea87 at home, like a cup of green tea or black tea. I know a lot of girls in China like going out for

milk tea, but it’s really not my cup of tea88. Plus, I rarely drink coffee because every time I drink it,

it makes my heart beat very fast89 and it feels uncomfortable.

cater to them with: 用…招待他们
to some degree:在某种程度上
a niche taste:很小众
cost you an arm and a leg: 很贵
make myself tea:自己(在家)沏茶喝
not my cup of tea:我不喜欢(这里同一答案内容中两个 tea 意思不同哦~但表达方式会很有趣)
makes my heart beat very fast:心跳加快
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Topic 8 Pet

1. Are there many people keeping pets in China? What kinds of pets do people keep?

Yes, there are definitely lots of people who have pets in China. I think that in general, people have

pets like cats and dogs because they’re easy to keep in apartments or small houses. For instance, my

grandpa has two cats that love staying indoors. Pets like those are pretty low-maintenance 90

depending on the breed91.

2. Do you have any pets? / Have you had a pet when you were young?

No, I don’t have any now. I had several goldfish when I was very young. That was the only time I

had animals. But unfortunately, they all died because of my carelessness. So even though I love

animals, I tend to avoid keeping a pet in case92 I kill it again…

3. Which animals can be good pets? Which ones cannot be?

Personally, I think animals that are easy to take care of make good pets93. A great example is a cat.

They don’t need a lot of attention, so you don’t need to pet them so often94, and they can stay indoors

all day. But animals that need a lot of care, like big dogs, might not be great pets. You have to walk

the dog95 every day; some dogs even need to be walked twice a day. And dogs bark really loudly.

So I don't think dogs are good pets for people like me who like being quiet. (注意这个题有两问,



in case:以防万一
make good pets:适合做宠物
pet them so often:不需要经常照顾和宠爱
walk the dog:遛狗
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4. What pet would you want to keep?

Um…I would love to have a small dog. I think that I’ll end up living in an apartment someday, so I

would need an animal that doesn’t need to have a ton of space. Plus, small dogs are adorable. They’re

so cute that just looking at them helps me take a load off96.

5. Which kinds of pets do you dislike?

I don’t like reptiles97 for pets. They make my skin crawl98. Snakes, frogs, and lizards99 are all super

creepy100. I would never want to hold them or spend time with them. Feeding them would gross me

out101 as well. You know, snakes eat mice for food—I would freak out if I had to feed my pet a


6. Do you think children should have pets? Why?

Yes, it’s really important to let children keep pets. First of all, it teaches them how to be responsible.

By taking care of a pet, they can eventually learn how to take care of themselves and stand on their

own two feet102. Also, keeping a pet can help children form important bonds103.

take a load off:减压,放松
make my skin crawl:让我全身起鸡皮疙瘩
gross me out:让我反感、讨厌
stand on their own two feet:独立自主,学会自立
form important bonds:建立亲密的关系,让孩子重情重义
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Topic 9 E-mail

1. How often do you write an email?

I don’t really write emails that often, to be honest. My friends and I mostly chat freely through

WeChat, or we’ll even call each other once in a blue moon104. I get tons of emails as a student, but

other than105 asking teachers about assignments, I don’t tend to write them.

2. Who do you always write to?

Whenever I send emails, it’s usually to my teachers. I just email them so I can ask about assignments

and make sure I’m doing them right. Luckily my teachers are pretty quick with replies106 so I can

get my homework done on time. I don’t think I really write emails to anyone else.

3. Do you think it’s important to reply to emails quickly?

Yes, I definitely think it’s important to reply to emails quickly. For one, it’s just common courtesy107.

You don’t want to waste other people’s time. Some emails need to be replied to as soon as possible,
so it’s best not to put it off . For another, it helps clear out your inbox.


once in a blue moon:频率低,很罕见
other than:除了…
pretty quick with replies:回复很快
common courtesy:基本的礼貌
put it off:拖延
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4. Do you prefer contacting others by text messages or emails?

I definitely prefer text messages. Most of my friends don’t even check their emails that often, so it’s
a lot easier to get a hold of them over text. Plus, emails are really formal. I feel like texts can

get to the point110 a lot quicker and they don’t have to be as serious111.

5. Is there an email that made you happy recently?

Well, talking about an email that I was really happy to receive, the only one I can think of right now

is an offer of admission email112 (or “job offer email”) that I received. I’ve been expecting it from

the university (or “company”) for months and I still remember the moment my phone popped out113

a notification of receiving this email. I was over the moon114.

get a hold of:联系、联络
get to the point:直奔主题
as serious:注意这里 as 是修饰程度的(发短信不需要很严肃正式)
the offer of admission email: 收到学校 offer 的邮件通知
popped out:蹦出,弹出
over the moon:超级开心
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Topic 10 Sleep

1. How many hours do you sleep usually?

I usually sleep for about eight hours. Sometimes I can get tied up with my studies115 so I hit the

hay116 pretty late, but I try to go to bed at a decent time117 so I won’t be tired the next day. It’s good

to have a routine, and even better to have a good sleep schedule118.

2. How much sleep do you wish to have every day?

In a perfect world119, I’d love to have nine or even ten hours of sleep every day. I think having a

good rest can do wonders for120 your mental and physical health. But since I’m usually pretty busy

with school, I don’t always have enough time to sleep in121 and get that many hours in.

3. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young? / Do you sleep more than

you did when you were younger?

Well, when I was a kid, I didn’t have that many responsibilities, especially during summer vacation,

so I could sleep in for as long as I wanted to. Of course, my parents didn’t want me to sleep the

whole day away122, but I definitely got more rest than I do now.


get tied up with my studies:忙于学习
hit the hay:上床睡觉
go to bed at a decent time:到点儿就睡,合适的时间睡觉
sleep schedule:作息时间表
In a perfect world:如我所愿最完美的设想
do wonders for:对…有益
sleep in:赖床
sleep the whole day away:睡一整天,把一天睡过去
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4. Is enough/sufficient sleep important?

Yes, I think it’s really important to get enough sleep. As I mentioned, it does wonders for your

mental and physical health and makes sure you can do your best during the day. Personally, if I don’t

get enough sleep, I’m a total buzzkill123 to the people around me because I’m so tired. So you

definitely need to get lots of rest.

5. Do you take naps at noon?

No, I actually don’t take naps at noon. Whenever I take a nap, I wake up really confused 124 .

Sometimes I wind up even more tired than I was before125. I like being productive during that time

of day, so I don’t think sleeping is a good way for me to spend the afternoon.

6. Do you like to read before bed?

Yeah, I definitely like reading before bed. If it’s a book that I’m really enjoying, it can set my mind

at ease126 and help me get a better rest. Plus, I read that127 it’s best to not look at screens for at least

half an hour before you go to bed. So I often read a few pages of a book in bed. That way128, I can

fall asleep a lot quicker.

a total buzzkill:(我身边的人会觉得)我很丧,很毁心情
wake up really confused:醒来后都是晕乎乎的,糊里糊涂不清醒的状态
wind up even more tired than I was before:最终比之前不睡还要累
set my mind at ease:头脑放松
I read that:我以前从其他地方读到过…; 当需要提到你从其他地方了解到的某个信息时,可以用这个表
That way: 那样的话,那样做的话
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Topic 11 Crowded place

1. What places are often crowded in your city?

As a person commuting by bus and subway on a regular basis, I have to say that public transportation

stations are literally129 the most crowded places. Every morning on weekdays, I have to get on a bus

or a subway train. Sometimes, it’s so crowded that I can barely breathe130.

2. How do you feel when you are in crowded places? Do you like being in crowded places or

quiet places?

I feel kind of stressed out131 when I’m in a crowded place. I’m more of132 a shy person, so I don’t

like having tons of strangers around me. Plus, crowds can get pretty noisy, so they tend to give me a

bit of a headache133. I definitely prefer being in quiet places instead.

3. In which circumstances do you feel happy being in a crowded place?

I generally feel happy in a crowded place when I’m at a fun event like a concert. Last year, I went to

see one of my favorite bands live. They’re pretty popular so the venue134 was really full; we were

practically packed in like sardines135. But I was happy because the concert experience was amazing.


so crowded that I can barely breathe:挤得喘不过气来
stressed out:紧张
I’m more of a…:我是一个比较…的人
give me a bit of a headache:让人很头疼
practically packed in like sardines: 像沙丁鱼罐头一样挤得水泄不通
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4. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

The last time I was in a crowded place was when I went to the mall during the holidays. I was getting

a last-minute gift for my mother. In hindsight136 it wasn’t the greatest idea to go during the busy

season, but I wanted to get her something special. Luckily I got the gift in time.

5. Why are metropolitan cities more crowded?

I think those kinds of cities are more crowded because generally, they’re the center of business and

art. For example, in China, Beijing has tons of people living there because there are so many different

jobs you can have there. Plus, there are lots of museums and tourist attractions.

In hindsight:事后想起来,事后意识到
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Topic 12 Patience

1. Are you a patient person?

Honestly, I don’t think I’m that patient. Whenever a website takes a long time to load, I find myself

getting antsy137 or just closing the website altogether. I especially hate waiting for people to meet up

with me. It drives me crazy138 when they’re late. I think it’s pretty disrespectful.

2. Were you patient when you were young?

No, I definitely wasn’t patient when I was young. I always wanted everything to happen as fast as

possible. I hated waiting for my friends to come over. I used to fidget139 a lot if I had to wait around

for a while. I think I’ve outgrown that habit, but at the time I was super impatient.

3. Have you become more patient or less patient compared to when you were younger?

Um… I’ve become more patient compared to when I was younger. For example, now I understand

why people are running late140 so I’m not as annoyed when I have to wait for them. I also had a job

in customer service last summer, which taught me to be very patient with other people, even if they

were rude.


getting antsy:焦急,坐立不安
drives me crazy:能让我疯掉
running late: 做某事、去某地方比原计划要推迟
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4. Do you think patience is important for study and work?

Yeah, patience is important for study and work. Those things take time to do well141, so you have to

keep your cool142 in order to do your best. Personally, I can get really in my head143 and get frustrated

if things aren’t going well144. But being patient helps me keep calm so I can do my best work.

5. How do you feel when other people are not patient?

Even though I’m not that patient myself, it still ticks me off145 when other people are impatient. I

especially hate it when I’m lined up for a bus and people start pushing to get on. It’s such a pain146. I

get that147 people are in a rush sometimes, but we still have to behave like proper adults148.

6. Are you less or more patient when you are angry?

I’m definitely less patient when I’m angry. You know, when I’m in that state of mind, it’s really hard

to keep my cool. So if someone’s being a pain in my neck149, it’s very hard for me to be patient. All I

really want to do is just scream at the top of my lungs150.

take time to do well:要花时间才能做好
keep your cool:保持沉着冷静
get really in my head:(遇到问题的时候)满脑子都在想这件事,脑子快堵住了 (get stuck)
if things aren’t going well: 如果事情进展的不顺利
ticks me off:让我很生气、恼火
such a pain:让人很头疼
I get that: 我能理解…
behave like proper adults:不要当巨婴,表现的要像个成年人的样子
being a pain in my neck:让我讨厌
scream at the top of my lungs:大叫,发泄
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Topic 13 Public holiday

1. How many public holidays do you have in your country?

Well… there are a ton of public holidays in China. Of course, the longest one is the spring festival

holiday, which lasts two weeks for a lot of people151. Besides that, we also have holidays for Labor

Day, mid-autumn day, National Day and so on. Actually, I think we have at least one holiday each


2. Which is the most popular holiday in China?

When it comes to the most popular holiday in China, it’s definitely the Spring Festival! We all love it

because it’s the grandest152 festival of the year. Our families have complete reunions153 and have a

blast 154 doing a ton of interesting things, like playing mahjong and playing with firecrackers 155 .

Anyway, it’s a great bonding time for families in China.

3. Which holiday is your favorite?

Honestly I love all the holidays. But if I have to pick one, I will choose Spring Festival. It’s not only

because it’s the longest holiday when I can have a two-week break, but also because I enjoy

celebrating it with my beloved family. Plus, as a younger person in my family, I could get some red

envelopes from my elders156 during Spring Festival.


lasts two weeks for a lot of people:对大部分人来说,都有两周的假期
have complete reunions: 一家人整整齐齐团聚在一起
have a blast: 很开心
playing with firecrackers:放烟花
my elders: 我家中的长辈们
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4. How do you usually spend your holidays?

I usually spend my holidays with my family. It’s not that exciting, but I really like the chance to catch

up with them157 and see how they’re all doing. It helps strengthen the relationships between us and

keeps us close. It’s also nice having some of my mother’s home-cooked food.

5. Do you think people need more public holidays?

Well, if you ask me, I think it would be great if we had more public holidays. You know, people could
benefit from having more time off . It would give them the chance to kick back and relax, which

could really help their mental health. But I don’t know if it’s more of a want than a need159.

catch up with them:与多日不见的人聊来往近况
having more time off: 有更多的休息时间
I don’t know if it’s more of a want than a need:我不知道这到底是因为想要,还是因为真的需要~
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Topic 14 Taking photos

1. Do you like taking photos?

Yeah, I really enjoy taking photos. I’m not really an expert at160 it, but there’s something very relaxing

about photography. It’s so awesome to capture the world around you161 with a camera. And then,

when I look back at the photos162, I can remember all the cool things I saw.

2. Do you take photos with a cellphone or with a camera? / Which device do you usually use to

take photos?

I usually take photos with a cellphone. It’s a pity but163 I don’t have a high-quality camera. If I had

the money for it I would buy one, but I have a tight budget164 for as long as I’m in school. But

cellphones these days have pretty good cameras, so it’s not that bad taking photos with mine.

3. What are the differences between cellphones and cameras when it comes to taking photos?

Nowadays, cellphones have great cameras. So in terms of quality, some cellphones are about as good

as cameras. But if you ask me, they’re way more convenient. They’re smaller and easy to carry around

with you, whereas cameras usually have lenses165 and other pieces of equipment to drag around166.

So I prefer cellphones.


I’m not really an expert at…: 我不擅长…
capture the world around you:捕捉你周围的所有东西
look back at the photos:回顾过去的照片
It’s a pity but:很遗憾,但事实就是这样
have a tight budget:手头紧张,预算很紧
drag around: 拖着走(形容不方便)
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4. Do you want to learn some photography skills? / Which photography skill do you want to

learn the most?

Yes, I would love to learn some photography skills. To be specific, I would like to learn how to do

sports photography167 . You know, it’s pretty hard for an amateur to capture people moving very

quickly. I don’t think it would be a piece of cake168 to learn something like that, but I believe it would

be worth the effort.

5. What do you like to take photos of?

I love taking photos of nature. It’s so rewarding to get a great shot of169 a sunset or a sunrise. I also

like taking pictures of my friends. Whenever we go out, I usually snap170 a few photos so that I can

look back and remember the good times we had together.

6. What would you use photos for? What would you do after you took photos?

I like using photos as keepsakes171. For example, I love having photos of my friends and family.

Whenever I’m far away from them, looking at those photos makes me feel right at home172. It’s a big

comfort173, especially if I’m feeling lonely. Framing photos174 and putting them in my room is also


sports photography:体育运动摄影(抓拍动态)
a piece of cake:小事一桩,很简单
get a great shot of:拍一张很棒的照片
keepsakes: 纪念品
makes me feel right at home: 让我有在家的感觉
a big comfort:莫大的安慰
Framing photos:把照片框起来
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Topic 15 Share things

1. Do you like sharing? Did you have anything to share with others recently?

I like sharing, at least when it comes to books that I’ve enjoyed. For example, I recently read a

historical novel that I really loved. I couldn’t put it down175; I basically went through it one sitting176.

So I shared it with my friend and it turned out that177 she really liked it as well.

2. What do you like to share with your friends?

I love sharing books and movies with my friends, especially the novels and movie franchises178 that

I like. For example, I have all seven of the Harry Potter books. I’ve lent them many times to my

friends. I like sharing those things with friends not only because it’s a bonding process, but also

because that way we have more to talk about together.

3. Is there anything you don’t want to share with others? Why? /What kind of things are not

suitable for sharing?

I don’t really like sharing any hygiene products 179 with other people. You know, stuff like

toothbrushes and razors180 aren’t really great to share with others. You can end up sharing all kinds

of germs181 and get other people sick in the process. So I think you should keep those things to



I couldn’t put it down:爱不释手
went through it one sitting:一口气读完
it turned out that:结果
movie franchises:系列电影
hygiene products:卫生用品
germs: 细菌
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4. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

Yes, my parents taught me to share when I was little. They always told me that sharing was a way of

being polite to other people. So they taught me to share toys with the other kids and to make sure I

was always being generous. I think sharing is one of the most important lessons you can learn.

5. Who do you think about bike sharing?

Well, it’s actually a pretty new system for our society, which just took off182 in the past couple of

years. Of course, it provides a ton of benefits to urban people. Most importantly, it has solved the ‘last

mile’ problem for transportation 183 . Now I can ride a sharing bike somewhere within a couple

kilometers and it’s really dirt-cheap184.

took off:became popular, 流行起来
the ‘last mile’ problem for transportation:解决“最后一公里”的出行难题
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Topic 16 Handwriting

1. Do you like handwriting?

I really like writing with a pen. I guess it’s a little old-school185, since most of my friends just like

texting or calling on the phone. But from my perspective, I think there’s something very nice and

fulfilling186 about writing with a pen and paper. It’s more personal that way.

2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?

Yeah, I guess my handwriting is pretty easy for other people to read. In school, I had to practice

writing very neatly187, and that’s a skill that I’ve taken with me all the way until now. Actually it’s

important to take your time and be careful when you write, or else no one will understand you.

3. Do you like to receive a handwritten letter / card?

I honestly love getting letters or cards with hand-written words. You know, it’s really sweet and it

adds a personal touch188. Since handwriting takes longer than texting or even emailing, it shows that

the person wanted to take the extra time to show you they care about you. It definitely makes my

day189 to get something like that.


neatly: 熟练地
adds a personal touch:增加一份亲切感
makes my day:让我很开心
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4. Can you tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?

Yes, I think you can tell a little bit about someone’s personality from their handwriting. For instance,

you could guess that people with messy handwriting190 are kind of unorganized, but people with neat

handwriting care about appearances and take their time. Of course, you can’t judge a book by its


5. Do you like writing by hand or typing?

I prefer writing by hand over typing. Even though typing is fast and convenient on a computer or a

cellphone, a pen and paper help me concentrate more on what I want to write. I feel like I’m always

being distracted by192 the temptations193 of online videos and other fun stuff when I’m writing on a


messy handwriting:潦草的字迹
you can’t judge a book by its cover:不能以貌取人,不能以表面现象判断一个人
being distracted by:被…分心
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Topic 17 Watch Sky

1. Do you like to watch the sky? How often? Why?

Yes, I love watching the sky. It really sets my mind at ease194 to just sit on my apartment balcony and

watch the colors change. I don’t have a ton of free time since I’m usually tied up with work and study,

but every so often195 I sit outside and enjoy the beautiful view.

2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or at night?

Um…I definitely prefer the sky at night. I think sunrises are gorgeous, but at night the stars come out

and you can even pick out constellations196. It really takes my breath away197 to see the night sky.

It’s just so beautiful to look at.

3. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

Well, I live in the city, so things are pretty crowded198. But you know, I live in an apartment with a

balcony, so luckily for me I can go out and look whenever I have the chance. Sometimes the view

isn’t great if it’s cloudy, but I can at least see past the buildings199.


sets my mind at ease: 让我很放松
every so often:偶尔
pick out constellations:辨认星座/,kɑnstə'leʃən/
takes my breath away:惊讶于看到的事物
things are pretty crowded:城市里很拥挤。注意这里用 things 表达泛指
see past the buildings:目光越过建筑物看
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4. Do you know anything about stars or planets?

Well, I can’t say I know a lot about astronomy200, but I still remember some things about the solar

system201 that my physics teacher taught me. Like the sun is the nearest star to u s and there are nine

planets in the solar system202, including the earth. Back then Pluto203 hadn’t been washed out of204

the solar system.

5. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Well, since I live in the city, there’s a ton of light pollution205 in the sky. So sometimes that makes it

hard to see the stars. But you can usually see the moon, which is really nice. I love looking at the

night sky and admiring the view206; it really helps me wind down207.

the solar system:太阳系
nine planets in the solar system:太阳系中有九大行星
washed out of:从…中剔除掉
light pollution:光污染
admiring the view:欣赏风景
wind down: 放松
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Topic 18 Morning routine & Breakfast

1. What do you usually do in the mornings? /What’s your morning routine?

Well, mornings really aren’t my cup of tea, so usually I stay in bed for a while and scroll through

social media208 until I feel more awake. After that, I take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush

my teeth, and make sure I look put together209 before I start the day.

2. Do you think breakfast is important?

Yeah, I definitely think breakfast is important! I’ve heard that it’s the most important meal of the day,

actually. If I don’t have anything to eat in the morning, I’m a total downer210 for the rest of the day

because my appetite is all messed up211. So I believe breakfast is a must.

3. What’s your morning routine in the morning when you were a child? / What’s the difference

between your morning routine in your childhood and your morning routine nowadays?

When I was a kid, I had a lot more energy in the mornings. I would play with my toys until it was

time to get ready for school. Then I’d get dressed and do all the other basic things. Now that I’m older,

I do all that without causing a racket212 and playing around.


scroll through social media: (直白翻译就是醒了在床上翻手机看)浏览社交媒体
look put together:看起来打扮的整齐漂亮
a total downer:(这一整天会)很没有精力,很丧~
my appetite is all messed up:食欲不振(我很饿但没有想吃的欲望)
racket: 噪音,喧闹
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4. What would you like to change in your morning routine?

Honestly, I’d like to wake up early enough to work out213 or read a book before I head out for the

day214. I’m definitely more of a night owl215, so I don’t really like getting up at the crack of dawn216,

but I’ve heard it’s really good to start the day with something active and stimulating.

5. Is your morning schedule on weekends different?

Compared to my weekday schedule, it’s as different as night and day217. On the weekends, I make

the most of218 sleeping in, so I usually don’t get up that early – sometimes I stay in bed until noon! I

take my time getting ready219. Sometimes I don’t even change out of my pajamas if I don’t have to

go anywhere.

6. Do you like to do the same thing every day?

No, I think it gets pretty dull220 if you do the same thing every day. That being said221, I have school

every weekday, so I definitely have a routine, but having different classes shakes things up222 a little.

If I had to go to the same class every day, I think it’d be about as fun as watching paint dry223.

work out: 健身
head out for the day:出门,开始一天的工作
a night owl:夜猫子
at the crack of dawn:大清早
as different as night and day:就像白天和晚上的差别一样,表示差异很大。
make the most of sleeping in:充分利用这个时间睡懒觉,make the most of 是雅思听力考点词
I take my time getting ready:我要是出门的话,得拖拖拉拉好久,一点都不用着急。
it gets pretty dull:会变得非常无聊
That being said:话虽这么说…
shakes things up:让每天做的事情会有所不同
as fun as watching paint dry:无聊(咱们的 Part2 素材中同样常见)
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Topic 19 Drink water

1. Do you like drinking water?

Yes, I definitely like drinking water! When I was little, I didn’t really like it because I thought it tasted

bland224. But now that I’m working on225 having a healthier lifestyle, there’s nothing more refreshing

than226 a cup of hot water. It really gets you going227, especially in the morning.

2. Do you often drink water? / How often do you drink water?

I probably don’t drink it as often as I should, but I aim for228 having about four to six glasses of water

every day. It’s hard to set a goal and keep it229, but it gets easier the more you do it. Now that I’ve

started drinking water more, I crave it all the time.

3. Do you like drinking bottled water or tap water?

I’m not that picky230 when it comes to what kind of water I drink, but if I had to pick, I guess I’d say

bottled water. Depending on the brand, it can taste really fresh compared to tap water, which is

sometimes stale231. But at the end of the day232, water’s just water.


tasted bland:味道淡,没有什么味道
working on:努力想要…
there’s nothing more refreshing than…: 没有什么比…更提神的
gets you going:打起精神,恢复状态
aim for:目标是…
set a goal and keep it:定个目标并坚持下去
picky: 挑剔的, that 表示程度
at the end of the day: 说白了,不管怎么说,说到底
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4. Is bottled water expensive in your city?

No, I don't think so. A bottle of water usually just cost one or two yuan. So it’s very affordable. I often

buy bottled water when I’m outside and feel thirsty. After all, it’s just a bottle of water. How expensive

it can be233, am I right?

5. Have you ever been thirsty but had no water to drink?

Yeah, I’ve definitely been thirsty without any water to drink before! One time, I was hiking with my

friend on a hill and we were practically dying of the heat234– it was in summer, after all. We forgot to

bring some water with us… So we were both panting like dogs235 and desperate for a drink of water.

It tasted like heaven236 when we finally got it.

How expensive it can be: 它能有多贵呢
were practically dying of the heat:快热死了
panting like dogs:气喘吁吁的跟狗一样
tasted like heaven:形容极度好喝
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Topic 20 Movies
1. Do you like watching movies?

I love watching movies! They really take you to another world. Plus, it can be really fun to just kick

back and relax237 with your friends and put a movie on to watch together. I especially like romances;

even though they’re cheesy238, they’re pretty sweet. After all, everyone wants to live happily ever


2. How often do you watch movies?

I watch movies pretty often. Whenever I have some down time240, I like kicking back and relaxing

by putting on a good rom-com241, or even an action movie242 if I’m in the mood243. It really sets my

mind at ease244 and helps me get away from the pressures of work and study for a while.

3. What kind of movies do you like?

I love rom-coms. They’re funny and they always have a really cute love story. I don’t mind if245

they’re cheesy; I just like seeing people have a happy ending. It’s a great way for me to wind down246

and think about someone else’s life for a while, even if they’re not even real.


kick back and relax: 放松
ever after:永远,一直
down time:放松的时间,没事干的时候
action movie:动作片
in the mood:有兴致的时候
sets my mind at ease:让我放松心情
I don’t mind if:我不介意这类电影是否…
246 wind down:放松 /waɪnd/
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4. Do you love to go to a movie alone or with others?

I definitely prefer going to a movie with others. Specifically, my friends and I really love going to

movies together. It’s a great bonding experience247 for us, even if we end up hating the movie. It’s

just nice to spend time together, even if we’re busy watching something.

5. Did you often go to movie theatre when you were a child?

I didn’t go too often, but sometimes if my parents wanted to treat me to a night out248, we would go

to the movie theatre and see the latest feature. It could end up costing an arm and a leg249 sometimes,

so it was really only once in a blue moon250 that the whole family could go see a movie.

6. Are your favorite types of movie the same as your favorite types now?

Actually, I have pretty different tastes now. When I was little, I actually loved horror movies251.

Everyone else my age was scared out of their wits252 to see a movie with a scary story, but I totally

liked those movies when I was young. But now that I’m older, I like movies with romance and humour.

a great bonding experience:让彼此关系更亲密
treat me to a night out:带我晚上出去玩
costing an arm and a leg:花费不少
once in a blue moon:罕见的,不常发生
horror movies:恐怖片
scared out of their wits:吓得要命
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Topic 21 Shoes
1. How often do you buy shoes?

I only buy shoes once in a blue moon. They can be pretty expensive; the good brands cost an arm and

a leg for a single pair of shoes. And I don’t really pay that much attention to what I wear on my feet,

so I only get new shoes when mine are worn out253.

2. Have you ever bought shoes online? /Do you like to buy shoes online?

I’ve never bought shoes online, actually! I prefer going to brick-and-mortar stores254 because that

way, I can see exactly what the shoe looks like and I can know if it fits my foot right. Maybe I’m a

little set in my ways255, but I don’t think I’d ever buy shoes online.

3. Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable shoes?

I definitely prefer comfortable shoes. It might make me sound like an odd duck 256 compared to

everyone else in my generation, but I want shoes that I can wear without getting blisters257 or having

pinched toes258. It’s cool to be stylish as well, but fashion isn’t as important to me when it’s on my



worn out:磨损、破损
brick-and-mortar stores: 实体店
I’m a little set in my ways:只喜欢按照自己的习惯做事情
an odd duck:怪人,(an unusual person)
getting blisters:起水泡
having pinched toes:夹脚
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4. What’s your favorite type of shoes?

Um… running shoes, absolutely. I love them because they’re usually comfy and they last for a long

time259 if you get a nice brand. I like going for walks a lot, so they’re perfect for whenever I want to

take a stroll260 and just blow off some steam261 after work or school.

5. What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

My favourite pair of shoes is actually a pair of black Converse that I got for my birthday last year.

They’re still in pretty good shape262, and they’re so cute! Converse have been in style263 for a long

time, and I don’t think they’re going to go out of it264 anytime soon.

last for a long time:能穿好久
take a stroll:散步
blow off some steam:缓解压力
in pretty good shape:状态很好,此处表示鞋还跟新的一一样
in style:流行
go out of it:过时
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Topic 22 Paintings & Photos

1. What's the difference between painting and taking a photograph?

Well, I think painting is more about an interpretation of what you see265, whereas266 a photograph

represents exactly what you see. You can paint an object however you want267, but photographs can’t

change the way something looks, at least not without Photoshop. I think they’re both really creative

mediums268 though.

2. What’re the advantages of painting (comparing to photography)?

I guess the advantages of painting are that you can be more creative and try more experimental269

things. For one, you can paint in whatever style you want, whether it’s realistic or more abstract270.

Another thing is that you can experiment with painting – you can paint a blue sky green or change

the shape of anything you want.

3. Would you like someone to draw a picture of you?(也有可能问到是否让别人照相)

Um… that would be weird, honestly! But I think that if the person was a good artist, I would love to

see them draw me. Maybe it would be like looking in a mirror, or maybe the artist would make a cool

interpretation of what I look like. Either way it’d be something neat271 to see.


an interpretation of what you see:(画画)是你对看到事物的(你的)理解
You can paint an object however you want: 你想怎么画一个东西都可以
creative mediums: 有创意的艺术形式
whether it’s realistic or more abstract: 不管是现实主义的,还是抽象的
neat: 类似于说 very good,表示很棒
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4. Do you like drawing?

Yes, I love drawing! It’s so relaxing. I love putting on music and then drawing, whether it’s a character

from a TV show or movie that I love, or a character from my imagination. It’s a great creative outlet272

that helps me blow off steam after work or school.

5. Have you ever learned drawing or painting?

Yes, I have! I took a drawing class the summer I was about fifteen. Even though it feels like a long

time ago, I still remember the lessons I learned and put them into practice to this day. I used to love

sketching portraits273 for my parents. My parents love my paintings, but I think they are just so-so.

6. What kind of paintings do you like?

Abstract paintings274 are definitely my cup of tea. Sometimes they can be frustrating because they

don’t always mean something, but I think art can just be art without having to be significant. My

favourite ones are the ones that use colours and shapes in really cool and interesting ways. They’re

definitely cool ways of showing imagination.

7. Why do you think people hang pictures at home? (What’s the usage of hanging pictures at


It seems to me that275 people put up pictures at home because it makes the space look more personal

to them. For example, they can choose pictures that mean something to them, or just reflect their

tastes276, and then when they put the pictures up, it makes it feel more homey277. You know, it’s an

important part of feeling comfortable where you live.

sketching portraits: 素描画
Abstract paintings:抽象画作品
It seems to me that: 相当于 I think
reflect their tastes:体现他们的品味
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Topic 23 Cook
1. Do you like cooking? / How often do you cook?

No I don't. I actually cook once in a blue moon. For one, I really have no idea how to cook. The only

dish I can cook is scrambled eggs278, and every time I cook it, I’m so scared of getting an oil burn279.

So cooking is really not my cup of tea.

2. Have you ever cooked recently? / Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?

No. Honestly, I feel I haven’t cooked for ages, ha-ha. I don’t have a clue280 how to cook and don't

like it either. Besides, Chinese food seems so complicated to cook. The recipes281 all need so many

kinds of ingredients, and you have to be really good at chopping282, which is what I’m scared of.

3. Did you have a memorable meal at home recently? /What’s the meal you really enjoyed


Yes, I did. Actually, my mom’s birthday was last Saturday. All my relatives, about ten of them, came

to my home, and we had a family feast283; we totally pigged out284 together. I had a blast285 enjoying

that dinner. And most importantly, the dishes were really delicious; my father even cooked a giant



scrambled eggs:炒鸡蛋
scared of getting an oil burn:害怕被油烫到
I don’t have a clue:我不知道(该怎么做饭)
chopping: 切菜
had a family feast:吃了个家宴
pigged out:吃了个痛快
had a blast:很开心
a giant lobster:大龙虾
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4. Why do some people enjoy cooking?

I think some people enjoy cooking because they naturally have a knack for287 it. You know when

you’re a good chef at home, it’s always fulfilling288 cooking for your family and seeing them eating

the food you made happily. Plus, cooking is a hobby for many foodies. It feels awesome when you

can cook some new dishes.

5. Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home?

I prefer eating out, to be honest. I mean, I love the chance to try new types of foods, especially the

ones that are hard to cook at home. Once, my friends took me out to try Thai food. I’d never had it

before, but I’m so glad they talked me into289 going because the food was delicious! It was to die


naturally have a knack for: 天生擅长…
fulfilling: adj. 很满足的,很满意的
talked me into:说服我…
It was to die for:超级享受
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Topic 24 Color
1. What’s your favorite color? Why?

Blue is definitely my favorite color. It’s one of the primary colors291, which means it’s pretty important!

And I like it the most because I think it’s the prettiest. It reminds me of summer skies and oceans,

both of which really set my mind at ease.

2. Do you like dark colors

Yes, I actually do like dark colors! Like292 black, grey or ocean blue. In my perception, they are more

discreet293 and classy than bright colors. Honestly, nowadays I rarely wear clothes in bright colors,

like red or yellow; they are too funky294 for me. And most of my clothes, especially winter outfits,

are in black or dark blue.

3. What colors did you like in your childhood?

Well, when I was younger, I liked really bright colors, like red and orange. Those made me feel all

warm and happy inside. I also had a toy firetruck that I loved playing with, and of course it was bright


4. When you were a child, did you like to wear clothes in bright colors?

Yeah, I did! I thought it was really fun to wear some eye-catching296 clothes. It made me feel very

cool. My favorite colors were red and orange, so I would always pick out red shirts and orange hats

and stuff like that. It was always a blast297 being the center of attention.


one of the primary colors: 三原色之一(红、黄、蓝)
bright red:亮红色
was always a blast:…很开心
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5. Do you think the color of clothes shows one’s personality?

Yeah, I definitely think the color of your clothes shows off what you’re like. For example, it seems

that more outgoing people like bright colors, like red and yellow. They don’t mind being the center

of attention. But more introverted people are probably more likely to wear discreet colors298, like

navy blue299 and black.

6. Is color important to you when you choose a car?

Yes, for sure. I don't have a car right now, but color would really matter to me300 if I wanted to buy a

car. I prefer colors that are more discreet, like black, grey or blue, and I will definitely avoid buying

a red car. I heard it before that the accident rate of red cars is higher than average301.

7. What color do you want to choose for the walls in your home?

Well, I think it would be a blast to paint my walls fun colors, like pink or green, but I guess I’d get

tired of having such bright walls after awhile302. So it’d be more practical to have my walls be neutral

colors303, like beige304 or eggshell white305.

discreet colors: 低调的颜色
navy blue:深蓝色
would really matter to me:我很在意…,对我来说…是很重要的
higher than average:高于平均值
after awhile: 过一段时间后
neutral colors:中性色
304 beige:米黄色 /beɪdʒ/
eggshell white:蛋壳白色
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Topic 25 Sunglasses
1. Do you like to wear sunglasses?

Yeah, I love wearing sunglasses! When I go to the beach in the summer, I always love having a good

pair to shade my eyes and keep me from going blind. They can be really fashionable too; my dad has

the type that go over his glasses306, which looks dorky307 sometimes, but my mom and I have pretty


2. How often do you wear sunglasses?

I only wear sunglasses once in a blue moon, to be honest. It’s not that often308 that I get the chance

to go somewhere hot and sunny. I usually only wear them at the beach, and since I’ve started working

in the summers between school, I barely have the time to go on beach trips.

3. What kind of sunglasses would you like to buy?

I’d like to buy some brand name sunglasses, like Ray Bans or Gucci. I think those ones are really

sharp and they don’t go out of style very quickly. They can cost an arm and a leg though, so I’d be

happy with309 some sunglasses that have a nice rectangular310 shape.

4. Would you like to buy sunglasses for other people as a gift?

No, I don’t think so. It’s kind of hard to tell what kind of sunglasses will look good on someone

without having them try them on first. For example, some people don’t have the right facial structure

to pull off311 aviators312, so you would have to know what they look like pretty well. I think there are

better gift ideas.


the type that go over his glasses: 套在近视镜上面的(太阳镜)
dorky: 很笨拙
that often:这里的 that 是表示程度的,(不是)那么经常的做某事
I’d be happy with:…我也是很高兴的(这里表示:我是很想买高大上的品牌太阳镜,但是花钱多啊,所以
rectangular:矩形, 长方形
pull off:成功驾驭
312 aviators:/'eɪvɪeɪtə/太阳镜中的一种类型,飞行员墨镜,类似于我们平时说“蛤蟆镜”
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5. Have you ever lost your sunglasses?

Yes, I have! Once I got a pair of designer sunglasses for my birthday. I took them to the beach with

my friends, but when we got home, I realized I’d forgotten them there! We drove back right away,

but I couldn’t find them anywhere. It was a crying shame313.

6. Have you bought sunglasses before?

Yes, I have bought sunglasses before. The first pair I bought for myself was a pair of aviator

sunglasses from a shop in a seaside town. They were dirt cheap since they were knockoffs, but I didn’t

mind. I thought they were cute, and they did their job just fine.

7. Will you buy expensive sunglasses?

Well, to be honest, I would love to buy expensive sunglasses but I don’t think it’s the greatest idea,

especially since I’m a student. I have to keep a tight budget314 so that I don’t go too far into debt315.

So buying expensive sunglasses is kind of a waste of money. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees316.

It was a crying shame:太不像话了、懊悔不已
keep a tight budget: 节省开支,省着花
go too far into debt:欠下的钱太多~负债累累~
money doesn’t grow on trees:钱不是大风刮来的
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Topic 26 Season & Weather

1. What’s your favorite season?

My favorite season is definitely fall. It’s absolutely breathtaking when the leaves change their colors

and fall off the trees. It really blows me away317 every year. Plus, the weather is just right – it’s not

too hot, and it’s not too cold. It’s always such a special time for me.

2. What are the differences between sports that people do in different seasons? / What do people

do in different seasons?

Honestly, sports aren’t my cup of tea. But I’m pretty sure people play football in summer and table

tennis or other indoor sports in winter. It’s because of the weather – in the summertime, it’s nice

enough to do outdoor sports like basketball or football, whereas in winter, it’s too cold to be outside

so you have to play sports in indoor arenas318.

3. What’s the weather of different seasons like in your hometown?

In my hometown, the weather is pretty different from season to season. It’s nice and hot in summer,

mild319 in fall, freezing in the winter, and then kind of warm again in spring. Spring is also known as

the rainy season; there are tons of thunderstorms320 during that time. You know what they say – April

showers bring May flowers321.

4. Do you like the weather to be the same all year around or to be distinct in four seasons?

Well, I really love the weather in fall, but I’d get bored if it was always the same. So I think I like it

better when the weather is distinct in all four seasons. After all, nobody wants the same weather day

in and day out322. It would be so boring if the weather never changed.

blows me away:让我印象深刻
318 indoor arenas: /ə'riːnə/ 室内场馆
April showers bring May flowers:四月雨带来五月花
day in and day out: 整天
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Topic 27 Park & Garden

1. Do you prefer a park or a garden?

I think I prefer gardens. They’re much more peaceful. Whenever I stand in a garden and look at all

the beautiful plants and flowers, it really sets my mind at ease323. Parks are nice, but they can get

overcrowded very easily, which stresses me out. It’s nice to just spend some time surrounded by


2. Do you often go to a park or a garden? What do you usually do there?

Well, I only get the chance to go to a park or garden once in a blue moon. If I go to a park, I usually

meet up with friends and we just walk around and blow off steam324. If I go to a garden, I’d love to

listen to music and read a book to kick back and relax.

3. When’s the last time you went to a park?

The last time I went to a park was just before school started. It’s a small park within walking distance

of my home. I met up with a couple of my good friends and we had a blast playing badminton at a

court there. It was nice to catch up with them325 before life got crazy with school and work.

4. Describe a park you often visit. /What facilities does the park you often visit have?

Well, the park I often hang out at has plenty of facilities. I think that’s the reason why it’s a popular

place in our community. There’s a fountain pool at the center of the park, which sprays water all the



sets my mind at ease: 让心情轻松自在
blow off steam:释放压力
catch up with: 联络老友,老朋友见面互相聊聊彼此近况
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5. What do you think could be done to make the park that you often visit better? / What do you

think a park should have?

Well, the park that I often visit doesn’t have any entertainment facilities for kids. It just has park

benches and places for older people to hang out. I think it would be great if the park could install a

playground for young kids to play on. Actually it seems that a park should have facilities for all age


6. Do you prefer a park to have more open space or more leisure facilities?

Personally, I prefer a park to have more open space. That way326, you can go there for picnics, play a

game of catch327, or just lie on the grass and enjoy a nice afternoon with family and friends. If you

have too many leisure facilities, the space can get too crowded.

That way: 那样的话
play a game of catch:追人游戏,追赶游戏
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Topic 28 Transportation

1. How do you travel to work or school? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

I usually commute for school/work by bus. It takes me half an hour in the morning but almost an hour

in the evening because of the busy traffic. It was a little exhausting travelling by bus so long everyday

but I’ve gotten used to it328 now, so it’s OK.

2. Will you change the way you travel to school? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

No I don't think so. I haven’t thought about changing my commute method by now329, because taking

a bus seems like the only practical option330 that I have in recent years. My school is a little far from

where I live and it’s too pricy taking a taxi on a daily basis. Plus, I haven’t got a driver’s license yet.

3. How did you go to school when you were a child? (1-4 月新出现的高频题)

When I was young, my dad used to drive me to school by his motorcycle. I still remember it like it

was yesterday331; I always sat on the back of his bike. I really liked going to school on a motorcycle

back then because I thought it was pretty cool.

4. When was latest time you took a taxi?

Well, if memory serves correctly332, the last time I took a taxi was about half year ago when I tried to

catch a train. At the time, I was running late for333 check-in, so I had to take a cab. And I remember

I even tipped the driver 10 bucks334 for asking him to drive faster to the train station.


I’ve gotten used to it:我现在习惯了
by now:到目前为止
practical option:现实的选择
I still remember it like it was yesterday:我仍然能够很清楚的记得那时候,就像是昨天发生的事情一样
if memory serves correctly:如果没记错的话
I was running late for: 赶着去做某事
tipped the driver 10 bucks:多给了司机 10 块钱
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5. Is the traffic in your city bad?

Honestly, it depends on the time of day. During rush hour, the roads can get pretty backed up with

traffic335. Sometimes it can take you hours just to drive a couple blocks. But if it’s in the afternoon or

on the weekends, it’s not as bad. You just have to be strategic about when you drive.

6. Can you drive?


Yes, I can drive! I’ve been driving ever since I was old enough to get my license. At first, driving

really stressed me out336, especially when it got busy on the roads. But now that I’ve been driving for

a while, it doesn’t stress me out at all. Bad drivers get on my nerves337 though.


No, I can’t drive. Most people my age just take public transportation to get around338. Honestly, the

thought of driving really stresses me out. I think I’d get on other drivers’ nerves because I would be

driving too slowly. I’d rather just take a bus or a subway, or get a ride from my friends339.


get pretty backed up with traffic:交通很拥堵
stressed me out:压力很大,很紧张
get on my nerves:让我烦躁
get around:出行,走动
get a ride from my friends:让朋友载我
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7. Do you drive usually? /Do you often drive?

Well, to be honest, I try to avoid driving whenever I can. Sometimes the roads get way too busy and

it’s not worth it to drive when I can just take public transportation. But if I want to go to school or

work early, I like driving because I can control how fast I go.

8. Do you think people need to learn how to drive?

Honestly, I think it depends340. If people live somewhere that’s very heavily populated and has a great

public transportation system, then I don’t think they need to learn how to drive. It’s better for the

environment anyways if people take public transportation instead of driving their own cars. But if

they often need to go to someplace far away, they should learn how to drive.

9. Does your family often travel by car (go on a road trip)?

Yeah, we do. During the summer, we love going on road trips to small towns along the highway. It’s

always a blast having a road trip with my parents. A few months ago, we drove for three hours to a

seaside town341. It was so picturesque342; the scenery really blew us away.

10. What are the advantages of a road trip?

The advantages of a road trip are that you have total control over343 where you go, how fast you go,

and when you want to take a break. If you take a train or a plane, the stops are already decided for

you. But if you drive yourself, you can make all the decisions yourself.

it depends: 视情况而定
a seaside town:海滨小镇
you have total control over:你可以完全控制…
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Topic 29 Music/ Instrument

1. Do you like music?

Yes, I enjoy music very much. Music always helps me chill out344 when I’m stressed or tired. I

basically listen to all kinds of music, but my favorite kinds are the songs that have engaging

rhythms345 and are easy to sing-along to346.

2. Which kind of music don’t you like?

I really don’t like metal. I think it’s way too loud and it always gives me a headache when I listen to

it. I can never hear what the singers are saying, so I can’t enjoy the lyrics, and the music is way too

intense347. It actually stresses me out. I prefer softer music348, like pop or folk music349.

3. What kind of instrument can you play?

Well, I actually can’t play any kind of instrument. But when I hear engaging rhythms, I really wish

I’d learned to play an instrument before, like a guitar or a piano.

4. What musical instrument do you want to play in the future?

I’d love to learn how to play piano. Even though it seems like a basic instrument, it’s definitely one

of the most beautiful ones. I don’t exactly have a knack for music though, so it would probably take

me a long time to learn. But I think it’d definitely be worth it.


chill out: 放松,缓和情绪
engaging rhythms: 迷人的节奏
sing-along to: 跟着节奏唱
way too intense:太过于激烈了
softer music: 柔和的音乐
folk music:民谣
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5. Do you think it is hard to learn how to play an instrument?

Yes, I do think it’s difficult to learn an instrument. It’s mainly because you have to stick to practicing

the instrument for years. For example, if a person wants to learn to play the piano, they need to spend

years and years practicing it.

6. Have you ever been to a concert before?

Yes, I’ve seen several concerts before. Actually my friend and I just watched a rock concert. It’s

literally the most exciting event I’ve ever been at. Several bands and singers I like performed in the

concert and the venue was practically loud enough to wake the dead 350. We really had a blast351

watching that concert.

7. Would you like to listen to music when you are working or studying?

Yes; it’s become a habit of mine to work or study while playing some music in the background. I

prefer listening to light music or jazz that can help me concentrate on my work.

8. Do you think your music taste will change?

Um…yes, I do think my taste will change. Honestly, the types of music I like now are a world away

from what I used to listen to when I was a kid. So I believe my taste will evolve as I get older.

9. Do you like to buy CDs or download music?

Back when MP3 players weren’t that popular, I bought tons of CDs. But now, whenever I want to

listen to some songs, I download or stream the music352 on my smartphone, which is fast and free.

loud enough to wake the dead:形容声音非常大
had a blast:很开心
stream the music:在线听,不下载
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Topic 30 City
1. What kind of city do you like?

I like cities that aren’t too big, but aren’t too small. I wouldn’t want to live somewhere super crowded

because I think the hustle and bustle of a big city353 would be very draining354. But I’d want to live

in a metro city355 that has diverse stores and places to hang out at, which you can’t find in small cities.

2. Do you want to stay in the city? (背景是你当下正在的任何一个城市, 比如你要继续留在


I’ve been living in a city(XX) for school, and I’m getting the hang of it356, so I think I could see

myself staying here in the future. There are lots of awesome restaurants within walking distance of357

my apartment. Plus, I’ve made a lot of friends here, so it would be great to stay close to them.

3. Which city do you want to visit?

Well the city I want to visit the most is definitely London in the UK. I’ve been told how unique

London is for ages. And honestly, if I have enough money, I will go have a sightseeing trip in London

right away. A friend who’s been there told me that the Buckingham palace is a must-see358 when I go



the hustle and bustle of a big city:熙熙攘攘的大城市
a metro city: 大都市
I’m getting the hang of it: 我很熟悉这座城市
within walking distance of:距离…很近,咱们 Part2 常见表达,注意素材灵活运用
a must-see: 比如要看的
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4. When was the last time you visit a city?

Off the top of my head, the latest trip I took in a different city was when I went to Beijing with my

friends. It was a really great sightseeing trip for us and we literally soaked up the culture of Beijing

in the old streets. Plus, it’s awesome that many Beijing landmarks are free to visit. After all, money

doesn’t grow on trees.

5. Do more Chinese people stay in cities or stay in countryside?

Well, I used to hear that most of the population in China was in the countryside, but now I’d say more

Chinese people are becoming city residents. I think it’s mainly because the economy is changing,

which drives more people to find a job in cities rather than staying in their hometown in rural areas.

At least, most rural youth won’t get stuck in the farms willingly.

6. Do you like to live in a city or the countryside?

Personally, I love living in the countryside more than the city. Even though things are more accessible

in the city, it’s really great to be close to nature. I don’t think people appreciate that enough. There’s

something really beautiful about seeing trees around, not just buildings. Plus, the fresh air does

wonders for359 your health.

does wonders for: do wonders for…有好处、有效果、有改进
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Topic 31 Sports
1. What kind of sport do you like to do in the university?

Well the sport I played the most at college was table tennis, and honestly, it’s a sport everyone can

play. My friends and I all enjoyed playing it at the gym when we were free. Not to blow my own

horn360, but I really have a knack for playing table tennis. My friends could barely defeat me when

we played a game. (如果本身不喜欢运动,该题可以按照第 2 题素材整理内容,有疑问联系 Penny)

2. Do you like sports?

Personally, I don’t really like sports. It’s probably because I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed361

when it comes to understanding all the rules. And… I’m also not an athletic person; honestly, I’m

more of a couch potato. I prefer reading books or playing board games rather than watching or playing

sports.(如果本身喜欢运动,该题可以按照第 1 题素材整理内容,有疑问联系 Penny)

3. What kinds of sports are popular in China?

When it comes to a popular sport in China, table tennis is without a doubt362 number one. I think the

main reason is that table tennis is very easy to learn and has no age or gender barriers363, so basically

everyone can play it. Plus, China has a culture of table tennis, as our national table tennis team was

rarely defeated at the Olympics.


blow my own horn:吹牛
the sharpest tool in the shed:在某方面不擅长,全句结构在素材中已多次出现,大家注意灵活使用~
without a doubt:毫无疑问
has no age or gender barriers: 没有年龄和性别的限制
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4. Who is your favorite sportsman? / Who’s the most popular sportsman in your country?

Speaking of my favorite athlete, the first one that comes to mind is Sun Yang. He’s the best swimmer

in China and also a multiple Olympic gold medallist364. I heard he just swept up365 four gold medals

in the Asian games a month ago, which made fans like me over the moon as well.

5. Do you want to take a part in Olympics? / If you have a chance to take a part in Olympics,

will you want to join it?

Well, sports really aren’t my cup of tea, so I’m not a very athletic person 366 . But I really love

swimming. So I guess I would join the Olympics for the swimming competition if I ever had the

chance. It would be awesome to represent my country.

a multiple Olympic gold medallist: 数次获得奥运金牌的人
swept up:包揽
I’m not a very athletic person:我的运动能力一般
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Topic 32 Gift(低频疑似不考)

1. How often do you buy others gifts?

Well, I guess I only buy people gifts once in a while. Actually I just buy gifts for others on special

occasions, like for their birthday or if they’re graduating from school. For example, I bought my mom

a cute mug for her most recent birthday. It really made her day367, even though it was a pretty simple


2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?

I love sending expensive gifts. It’s not easy on the wallet, but I think it makes a nice impression and

lets people know how much I care about them. For instance, I bought my friend a really nice coat that

she had been eyeing for months369. Even though it cost me an arm and a leg, it was worth it.

3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

Well, I guess small gifts are more popular than bigger ones. For example, it’s common to buy someone

a cute novelty item370 like a mug or a funny T-shirt. People don’t usually get big-ticket items371 for

each other anymore, unless it’s a really special occasion. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees372.

4. Why do people send gifts?

In my experience373, people usually send gifts to show others that they care about them. It’s a way of

expressing your love for someone outside of words374. It sounds a little shallow375, but it’s actually

very sweet to give someone a gift. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Sometimes the best gifts are

the simplest ones.

It really made her day:她非常开心
a pretty simple gesture:一个简单的举动(姿态)
had been eyeing for months:关注了很久
a cute novelty item:可爱的、新奇的玩意儿
money doesn’t grow on trees:钱来之不易
In my experience:依我之见
outside of words:言语之外的方式(表达爱意)
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Topic 33 Teachers(低频疑似不考)

1. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

To be honest, when I was a kid, I always played school with my little sisters376, so being a teacher has

been a dream of mine since I was little. I think it would be great to help teach the next generation.

After all, they’re the future. That would make being a teacher so rewarding in the long run377.

2. Do you still remember your teachers in primary school?

Well, to tell you the truth, my memory of primary school teachers is a little foggy378. But I remember

my Chinese teacher. She was really sweet and always gave us candy when we did well in class. She’s

definitely left a good impression on me, even after all these years.

3. Do you have a favorite teacher when you were in primary (or high) school?

It feels like it’s been ages since I was in primary school, but I do remember that I had a favorite

teacher. Her name was Mrs. Robinson and she was always so patient and kind! Us little kids379 were

pretty naughty, but she never blew up at380 us.


played school with my little sisters: 玩学生老师角色扮演的游戏
in the long run: 从长远来看
foggy: 模糊的
Us little kids: 口语表达,我们小孩子
blew up at: 发火、发脾气
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4. What kinds of teachers do you like?

I like teachers that are really patient and kind. Students can be a handful381 to deal with, so it’s

important for teachers to be able to keep their cool and not have a hot temper382. When teachers show

that kind of behavior, they show that they’re worthy of respect. Those are the teachers that leave the

best impressions.

5. What’s the difference between teachers in the past and now? / What’s the difference between

your teachers and your parents’ teachers?

I think that teachers nowadays are generally laxer383 when it comes to dealing with students. Some

of them are so personal with their students that they let the students call them by their first name. In

contrast, teachers in the past, like my parents’ teachers, were a lot stricter. They taught with an iron

fist384. I’m not really sure which type of teaching is better.

handful: 某人/物很难对付
a hot temper: 暴脾气
iron fist: 铁拳
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Topic 34 Foreign food(低频疑似不考)

1. Have you ever tried foreign food?

Yes, I have. Actually I’m crazy for Thai food. I fell in love with Thai cuisine ever since I took a trip

to Thailand with my family about two years ago. The local food there, especially the street treats385,

just amazed me. And even after the trip, I still often go to a Thai food restaurant near my neighborhood,

but their dishes are not as authentic386 as the ones I tried in Bangkok.

2. How often do you eat foreign food when you were a kid?

It’s a pity that I didn’t get to enjoy foreign food, especially western fast food, very often when I was

a kid, because my mom thought all the western food was just as unhealthy as big macs and KFC’s

fried chicken. I remember I had meals at McDonald’s once in a blue moon387 in my childhood.

3. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

When it comes to popular foreign food in China, top three things I can think of are definitely

McDonald’s Big Mac, KFC’s fried chicken and Pizza at pizza hut. Restaurants from those foreign

fast food franchises388 exist everywhere in China and tons of people, especially young people like

me, have a craving for389 western fast food.


street treats: 街头美食
authentic: 地道的
once in a blue moon: 很罕见
fast food franchises:快餐连锁专卖店
have a craving for:对…很渴望,很喜欢
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4. Do you think foreign food become popular in China? / Do you think Chinese people will eat

more foreign food or less foreign food?

Yes, I do think foreign food, especially high-end foreign cuisine, is becoming increasingly popular in

China. For one, eating at foreign restaurants has become very affordable to Chinese people now. And

since young people’s tastes are getting more diverse, I bet there will be way more restaurants selling

exotic gourmet food in Chinese cities a couple years from now.

5. What kind of new foreign food have you tried recently?

Well, I just had pizza with my friends a couple days ago. We had the meal at a small restaurant that

focuses on creating gourmet Italian food390. The owner said he had lived and worked in Napoli391 for

a decade before he came back to China. And the pizza he made was so aromatic392 and tasty. It was

to die for393.

390 gourmet Italian food: 意大利美食/'gʊəmeɪ; 'gɔː-/

It was to die for:是很享受的一餐
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Topic 35 Family activity & Leisure time(低频疑似不考)

1. What is your favorite way to relax? / What do you usually do when you are free?

Whenever I’m free, what I like to do the most is to play sports, either on my own or with my friends.

Even though I’m usually tired out after a workout, a good exercise is really helpful in letting me wind

down from the hustle and bustle of394 school (work).

2. Who do you spend more spare time with, your friends or your parents?

I definitely spend more free time with my friends. Whenever I hang out with them, we just have a

chat and it’s really casual. But with my parents, it’s usually a bit stricter. I do like spending time with

them though; after all, blood is thicker than water.395

3. Which do you prefer, hanging out with friends or being alone?

Well, it depends on my mood to be honest. Sometimes it’s nice to just have some relaxing time to

yourself. But I love being with my friends. It really helps me to relieve pressure. Going shopping or

seeing a movie with my friends is always a great way to kill time.

4. How do you spend time with your family?

My parents always make a big meal for me when I’m back home. I really enjoy having a great meal

with them while chatting about the day’s events. We also love being couch potatoes396 and watching

movies or TV shows together, since my parents have a pretty good home theatre.


the hustle and bustle of:忙碌、喧嚣
blood is thicker than water: 血浓于水
couch potato:总躺在沙发上看电视的人
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5. How often do you meet with your family?

I usually go back to see my family, especially my parents, once a month. Although I’d like to visit

my family frequently, unfortunately I’m often caught up with work. Whenever I go back home, I

always enjoy happy family time. No matter how busy I get, I always try to set aside397 some family

time because they mean the world to me.

6. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home?

Compared to staying at home, I prefer going outside to have fun, especially when I’m with my family.

One thing we love the most is family trips. Whenever we hear about a new place near our hometown

with beautiful natural scenery, it’s a must for us to go there for a hike and a picnic during the next


7. What is the difference in family activities when you were young and now?

When I was growing up in the nineties, people preferred doing outdoor activities with their family,

like hiking, sports or shopping. When I was young, I especially loved cycling to interesting places

with my parents on the weekends. But in recent years, I’ve been busy at work and school all the time

and don’t get to see my parents as often. So when I visit them nowadays, the most common thing we

do together is to have a family feast.

set aside: 留出…的时间
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Topic 36 Holiday plan(低频疑似不考)

1. Where have you been before in holidays?

I’ve actually traveled to a number of places before since my family loves having family trips during

holidays. So I’ve actually been to over ten different cities and areas in the past. Some are domestic

tourist attractions, others are cities and fun places abroad. Like last year, we visited Phuket Island398

of Thailand and enjoyed a one-week holiday there.

2. Where will you go on your next holiday?

Sanya will definitely be my next vacation spot. It’s one of the most beautiful sea resorts399 in China

and I’ve planned to have a vacation there for ages. Plus, my friend who’s been there before reminded

me that it’s the place to be if I want to go snorkeling400 and scuba diving401.

3. Do you like to be alone or enjoy your holiday with friends?/ What do you often do in the


I hang out with my friends a lot during holidays. Honestly, I’m not the kind of person who likes

staying at home all the time. It’s just not my cup of tea. Plus, when I’m on holiday, what I like the

most is watching concerts and sports games live with my friends.


Phuket Island: 普吉岛
sea resorts: 度假胜地
Snorkeling: 浮潜(请按照自己想去的旅行目的地来调整相应表达,有疑问联系 Penny)
scuba diving: 深潜(请按照自己想去的旅行目的地来调整相应表达,有疑问联系 Penny)
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4. What’s your best or most impressive vacation?/Describe a vacation you like?

Well off the top of my head402, the time I visited Thailand was definitely the best vacation I had.

Unlike other attractions where you can only enjoy the nature, in Thailand, there are tons of exciting

activities for tourists that you wouldn’t get to try in other countries, like riding elephants and watching

ladyboy shows403.

5. Do you like to make a plan before a holiday?

Yes, I definitely like to make plans before a holiday. If I know I’m going to have some time off, I

want to make the most of it404 by doing something incredible. It feels like holidays only come around

once in a blue moon nowadays. So it’s best to take advantage of that time and prepare to do some fun


6. What is the most important thing when making a holiday plan?

Um…I think the most important thing to do when you make a holiday plan is to make a budget405.

After all, money doesn’t grow on trees406. You have to be careful with how much you spend. Fun

activities usually cost a pretty penny407, but it’s important not to completely break the bank408. You

just have to have some self-control.

off the top of my head: 我首先想到的是…
ladyboy shows: 人妖秀
make the most of it: 最大化的利用,充分利用
make a budget:做预算
money doesn’t grow on trees:钱不是大风刮来的
cost a pretty penny: 花费很多
break the bank: 把钱花光

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