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Naskah Drama Snow


Diunggah oleh Kleysia Wuon pada May 21, 2015

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drama snow white

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May 21, 2015

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1. Noviana Ini
Tandra (14011103011) As a Queen (ratu)
2. Veren Ken! Turan" (14011103013) As a #no$ %&ite ('utri #alu)

 
3. laud!a *undun" (14011103014) As a Kin" (raa)
4. +$i #u,i -amad&an! (1401110301) As a 'rin,e (#an" 'an"eran dari keraaan
Facebook Twitter
. Tanind! *. #ipa!un" (1401110301/) As a +$ar 1 (kur,a,i)
/. oisavin! . +. %ondal (1401110301) As a *a"i, *irror (ermin Aai) 5 +$ar 2

. Vena 6ernanda (14011103017) As a Narrator (Narator5 'en,erita) 5 +$ar 3 (kur,a,i)
7. Amanda N. '. *antiri (14011103018) As a 'rin,ess 'ine (-atu 9 u Tiri #no$ %&ite)
8. Nik&e Nuatonis As a unter ('emuru5 ;tusan -atu)

Apakah menurut Anda dokumen ini bermanfaat?

Narrator : (Narator5 'en,erita)
Kin" : (raa)
Queen : (ratu)
#no$ %&ite : ('utri #alu)
'rin,ess 'ine : (-atu 9 u Tiri #no$ %&ite)

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*a"i, *irror : (ermin Aai)
unter : ('emuru5 ;tusan -atu)
'rin,e : (#an" 'an"eran dari keraaan tetan""a)
+$ar : (kur,a,i)


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NARRATOR : A lon t!"e ao# !n a ala$% &ar# &ar a'a%( There 'as the
)!n*o" 'here so"e +eo+le l!,e*. Ma%-e %o )no' the"(
/0!n an* 1een are s!tt!n2
0!n : empress5 see t&e ,loud5 t&at<s so eautiul5 reres&in" mornin" air5 t&e irds sin". #ee
t&at t&ere isa utterl!5 t&e! al$a!s "et atta,ked alon"sidelo$ers5 $as a sunn! mornin".
1een : =es5 *aest!.  also eel likeit5 it looks likea eautiul mornin". #o $e t&ou"&t
o"oin" out irst time5 $e are al$a!s at t&e park5 in t&e "arden. %e arelookin" or lo$ers5 $e
see a utterl!5 &ear t&e irds5 o$&it>s ver! romanti, isn<t it?
0!n : @& !es5 m! empress. %&at did !ou didn<t eel t&at our dau"&ters are "ro$n it>s
timeto live t&eir o$n.
1een : o&5 !es. T&e! are "ro$n.
0!n :  &ave prepared t&e prin,es o t&e nei"&orin" kin"domsor our dau"&ters.
1een : i so5 $&o and rom $&i,& t&e kin"dom5 t&e kin"?
0!n : =es  &ave. t<s an important issue later5 no$ $e,all our dau"&ters.
1een : #no$ %&ite5 'rin,ess 'ine5 &eredarlin"......
3r!ncess 3!ne. : *ot&er5 >m "ood pun,&ed. %&!on t&e ,all5 m! nails$ould e dama"ed.
Sno' Wh!te : %&at>s t&e *ot&er? %&! !ou are ,allin" me in t&e mornin"?
0!n : @& !es? #no$ %&ite5 'rin,ess 'ine.  &ave plans to marr! !ou prin,es5 $&o
$e ,&oose. 'rin,ess 'ine5 !ou &ere. %&at t&e prin,e t&at !ou $ant?
3r!ncess 3!ne :  $ant a &andsome prin,e5 a ri,&5 $&ite5 and tall5 &ave a luBur! ,ar. And
man! more
0!n : All ri"&t5 >ll look or t&e prin,e>s like t&at. #no$ %&ite5 &ere. %&at t&e prin,e t&at
!ou $ant?
Sno' Wh!te : Cmm ..5 i  am. Not need &eroi,s at&er5 $&i,& is important &e $as kind5
dutiul to parents5 loves me and understandin". And also don<t &ave to rom t&e ro!al amil!5
$&i,& is important &e is ait&ul.
0!n : =ou>re t&e dau"&ter o a $ort&! at&er proud
1een : all ri"&t. No$5 at&er and *ot&er $ant to ,allin" some Kin"dom $&o &as t&e
prin,e $&at !ou $ant.
The% retrne* on the!r act!,!t!es.

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3r!ncess 3!ne :  &ave to "et t&e est prin,e. >m t&e mosteautiul prin,ess in t&e $orld. 
deinitel!"et t&e estprin,e too. a&aD No$  &ave to seem! ma"i, mirror.
3r!ncess +!ne oes to see a "a!c "!rror.
3r!ncess 3!ne : @& mirror5 mirror on t&e $all
Ma!c M!rror: (turns around) =es5 m! Queen.
3r!ncess 3!ne : %&o is t&e airest o t&em all?
Ma!c M!rror: %&!5 !ou are5 m! Queen. @ Eueen5 art lessed $it& t&e most allurin" visa"e
in t&e land. And t&ou dost possess t&e most ,aptivatin" dispotion o all
3r!ncess 3!ne : !es5 &a&a&a. CBelent. Fut mirror5 mirror on t&e $all5 $&o is t&e airest o
t&em all?
M!rror : t&ou5 o Eueen5 art lessed $it& t&e seBiest ,urves in t&e land. And t&ou dost
possess t&e i""est pair o G
3r!ncess 3!ne : !es5 !es5 !es5 t&at<s etter. No$5 tell me5 mirror5 is t&is t&e trut&?
Ma!c M!rror: no5 not at all. <m ust sa!in" $&at !ou $ould like to &ear. ast time  told t&e
trut& !ou roke m! "lass.
3r!ncess 3!ne : <ll do more t&an reak !our "lass5 <ll ra,ture !our rame5 <ll ruise !our
urnis&in" and <ll dislo,ate !our tenons and morti,es. Fut irst5 tell me $&o is t&e airest o
t&em all?
/1een trns an* -e!ns to 'al) a'a%2
3r!ncess 3!ne : *irrorD
Ma!c M!rror: (turns around more Eui,kl!) A&5 !es5 m! Queen.
3r!ncess 3!ne : %&o is t&e airest o t&em all?
Ma!c M!rror: T&e airest isG
3r!ncess 3!ne : T&e airest isG???
Ma!c M!rror: (slumps do$n) #no$ %&ite. #no$ %&ite is more eautiul t&an t&ee5 more
an"eli,5 e$it,&in" and ele"ant5 &er radiant eaut! t&ro$s li"&t into t&e ,orners o ever!
room5 &er $it and ,&arm e"uile t&e &ardest o &earts5 &er &er G
/3r!ncess 3!ne screa"s !n sr+r!se2
3r!ncess 3!ne : %&at did !ou sa!? #no$ %&ite?
Ma!c M!rror: !es5
3r!ncess 3!ne : #ilen,e5 !ou oolis& mirror. ave !ou no pit!?
Ma!c M!rror: no less t&an !ou $&en !ou eat me up.

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3r!ncess 3!ne : <ll deal $it& !ou later. (Aside) t&ere is onl! one $a! to deal it. #no$ $&ite
must die. Fut5 &o$ to a,,omplis& t&is?  ,ould poison &erD No t&at ma! ail.  s&all &ave a
servant take &er to t&e orest. unterD unterD
Hnter : Queen?
3r!ncess 3!ne : Take #no$ %&ite into t&e $oods. -i"&t a$a!. (%&ispers) And t&en kill &erD
Hnter : @&D -i"&t a$a!?
/He ta)es a ste+ -ac). The 1een ta)es a ste+ &or'ar*. 3r!ncess 3!ne trns an* e$!ts2
/Hnter !s th!n)!n. Sno' Wh!te s)!+s2
Sno' Wh!te : $&at do ri"&t a$a!5 unter?
Hnter : @& #no$ %&iteD =ou must run a$a! m! 'rin,ess. No$. -unD
Sno' Wh!te : -eall!? (#no$ %&ite runs around t&e sta"e on,e)
/H&&!n an* 3&&!n2
Sno' Wh!te :  ,an<t run an!more. ook 9 a little ,otta"e. ello? s an!od! in t&ere?
/She o+ens the *oor an* loo)s aron*. She starts clean!n an* "a)!n *!nner. She
*ances an* s!ns 4We5re o&& to see the W!6ar*# the 'on*er&l '!6ar* o& O672
NARRATOR : An* so Sno' Wh!te starte* clean!n an* coo)!n. Coo)!n an*
clean!n. In &act. She col*n5t sto+ clean!n an* coo)!n.
/Narrator : loo)s s!*e'a%s# !rr!tate* at Sno' Wh!te2
D'ar& 8 : ome a"ain5 &ome a"ain.
D'ar& 9 : %o$D #omeod! ,leaned t&e &ouseD
D'ar&  : %o$. #omeod! ,ooked dinner.
D'ar& 8 : %o$D #omeod! is sleepin" in our ed.
All D'ar,es : %&o is s&e?
/Sno' Wh!te 'a)es +# stan*s +2
Sno' Wh!te : <m sorr! to ,ome in $it&out askin". *! name is #no$ %&ite and <m on t&e
D'ar& 8 : T&at<s terrile.
All D'ar,es : =ou ,an sta! $it& us.
Sno' Wh!te : T&ank !ou. T&ank !ou so mu,&.
All D'ar,es : ets $e pla! a "ame... &a &a &a
/Ct to the 1een5s Castle2
3r!ncess 3!ne : o &o &oD A& *irror5 mirror5 $&o<s t&e airest o t&em all?
Ma!c M!rror: T&e airest o t&em all is still #no$ %&ite.
3r!ncess 3!ne : %&atG %&atG %&at did !ou sa!? sn<t s&e dead??

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Ma!c M!rror: !ea&5 t&e airest o t&em all is still #no$ %&ite. #&e<s livin" in a small
,otta"e in t&e $oods.
3r!ncess 3!ne : T&en  &ave a "ood idea.  $ill poison an apple.
Ma!c M!rror : And t&en?
3r!ncess 3!ne : (dresses up like an apple mer,&ant)  $ill pretend to e an apple mer,&ant.
Ma!c M!rror : And t&en?
3r!ncess 3!ne : T&en  $ill "o to t&e ,otta"e and eed it to &er.
/0NOC0 0NOC0 0NOC02
Sno' Wh!te : %&o<s t&ere?
3r!ncess 3!ne : Apple seller.
3r!ncess 3!ne : A& m! prett!5 do !ou $ant to u! an apple?
Sno' Wh!te : No t&anks.
3r!ncess 3!ne : %ellG ere5 t&is is m! "it to !ou. Tr! it. t<s deli,ious.
Sno' Wh!te : =um. t<s ver! tast!.
3r!ncess 3!ne : !es sure. t&at is an apple $&o ,an make !ou more eautiul and ver! ,ute.
(t&e Eueen smiled $r!l!)
Sno' Wh!te : $&oa&555 ut5 no$ <m di!.
(6A# @VC-)
(TC Q;CCN -C*@VC# C- @#T;*C.)
3r!ncess 3!ne : 6rom no$ on5 <m t&e most eautiul in t&e $orld. o &o &oD
/Thn*er an* l!htn!n &lashes. The 1een *!sa++ears.2
All D'ar,es : (appear neBt to #no$ %&ite)
@& dear5 $&at &appened?
D'ar& 8 : ook at t&is. #no$ %&ite ate a poison apple.
D'ar& 9 : T&e Cvil Queen must &ave done t&is.
All D'ar,es : @& 'rin,ess5 'rin,essD %oe.
/The son* o& horse5s hoo&s2
3r!nce : %&at<s t&e matter?
D'ar& 8 : @ur "ood 'rin,ess ate a poison apple.
3r!nce : #o5 $&at s&ould $e do no$??

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D'ar&  : $ait5  &ad &eard o t&e evil Eueen5 t&at t&e #no$ %&ite $ill all asleep
orever. and &e $ould $ake up i t&ere is a prin,e $&o sin,erel! loved &er5 $&o $ill sin"
son"s #mall #tars $it& vo,als ; and t&en prin,ess around $&ile umpin" around t&ree times5
and t&en kissed &er &and.
D'ar& 9 : prin,e s&ould do itD 'rin,e s&ould e ale to %oke up our prin,ess
3r!nce : $ell5 >ll do an!t&in" or t&is eautiul prin,ess. ('rin,e into a,tion to $ake
sno$ $&ite).... 'rin,ess turns out !ou>re more eautiul t&an  ima"ined ($&ile kissed t&e
&ands o sno$ $&ite and Kneels over #no$ %&ite)
Sno' Wh!te : (ou"&s up t&e pie,e o poison apple) ;&H&u"&Huuu"&D
D'ar& 9 : @& man5 t&e 'rin,ess ,ou"&ed up t&e poison apple.
E,er%-o*% : urra&D T&e 'rin,ess $oke up.
Sno' Wh!te 'o)e + an* all the +eo+le there ,er% ha++%.
Sno' Wh!te : @&5 $&o are !ou?
3r!nce : 'rin,ess5 <m a 'rin,e rom a nei"&ourin" ,ountr!. %ill !ou marr! me?
All D'ar,es : @ ,ourse s&e $illD
/Sno' Wh!te e"-arrasse* s"!le2
E,er%-o*% : a& &a& &a&GD (Lah!n2
NARRATOR : An* so Sno' Wh!te an* the 3r!nce l!,e* ha++!l% e,er a&ter. The
D'ar,es 'ent -ac) to 'or) at the!r *!a"on* "!ne an* the W!c)e* 1een e,entall%
ot 'hat she *eser,e*.

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