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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)

Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner

Leadership Management Commitment and Review 60 2022 Management Review Procedure ISO-Secretariat
Creation of the DPWH-ISO Quality Management
Leadership Responsibility and Authority 36 2018 System (QMS) Teams under the ISO 9001:2015 QMS Core Team
Authorities and Areas of Responsibilities of DPWH Key Human Resource and
Leadership Responsibility and Authority 174 2022
Officials Administrative Service
Non-Acquisition of Right-of-Way for Local Office of the Secretary,
Leadership Policy and Program Development 229 2022
Infrastructure Projects Committee on Devolution
Guidelines for the Preparation of Proposed DPWH
Leadership Policy and Program Development 7 2022 Office of the Secretary
Budget for FY 2023 and subsequent years
Leadership Communication and Awareness On-going creation of DO Stakeholders Relations Service
Human Resource and
Leadership Communication and Awareness 143 2016 Guidelines and Standards for Agency Identity
Administrative Service
Update, Maintenance and Quality Assurance of the Information Management
Leadership Communication and Awareness 110 2021
DPWH Website Service
Leadership Improvement On-going creation of DO QMS Core Team
Strategic and Operational Planning Policies and Corporate Planning and
Planning Strategic Planning 147 2018
Procedures Management Division
Planning Strategic Planning 100 2022 Risk and Opportunity Management QMS Core Team
Policies and Procedures for the Operationalization of Corporate Planning and
Planning Strategic Planning 121 2019
the DPWH Multi-Sector Governance Council (MSGC) Management Division
Implementation of the Bridge Management System
Operations Data Gathering 47 2004 Planning Service
Operations Data Gathering 43 2008 Implementation of the Bridge Management System. Planning Service
Information Management
Operations Data Gathering 158 2022 Implementation of a Data Governance Program
Guidelines on the Creation and Classification/
Operations Data Gathering 110 2016 Planning Service
Reclassification of District Engineering Offices (DEOs)

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Full Institutionalization of the Road and Bridge
Operations Data Gathering 124 2016 Information Application (RBIA) and Related Road and Planning Service
Bridge Data Collection Procedures.
Criteria and Guidelines for Road Conversion from Local
Operations Data Gathering 133 2018 Planning Service
to National Roads and Vice Versa
Information Management
Operations Data Gathering 102 2019 DPWH Enterprise Data Glossary
Implementation of the Pavement Management System
Operations Project Identification 234 2004 Planning Service
Revised Guidelines in the Design and Location of
Operations Project Identification 58 2010 Turnouts (Loading and Unloading Bays) Along National Planning Service
Minimum Pavement of Thickness and Width of National
Operations Project Identification 22 2011 Planning Service
Operations Project Identification 40 2012 Guidelines on Shoulder Paving along National Roads Planning Service
Guidelines on Reblocking of Portland Cement Concrete
Operations Project Identification 54 2012 Planning Service
Pavement (PCCP)
Clarification on the Definition and Difference Between
Operations Project Identification 22 2013 Planning Service
Widening and Paving of Shoulders
Flood Control and Drainage / Slope Protection Projects
Operations Project Identification 23 2015 Planning Service
Supplemental Guidelines on Shoulder Paving along
Operations Project Identification 116 2015 Planning Service
National Roads

Operations Project Identification 39 2016 Guidelines on Load Posting of Bridges Planning Service

Conduct of Feasibility Studies and Project Proposals of

Potential High Impact Projects by the Unified Project Unified Project Management
Operations Project Identification 4 2017
Management Office (UPMO), in coordination with the Office
Planning Services

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Guidelines for Streamlining River Basin Master Plan and Unified Project Management
Operations Project Identification 33 2017
Feasibility Study of Flood Control and Drainage Office
Technical Manuals and Guidelines on Road and Bridge
Operations Project Identification 24 2019 Planning Service
Maintenance and Inspection
Prescribing Guidelines on the Design of Bicycle
Operations Project Identification 88 2020 Planning Service
Facilities along National Roads
Guidelines on the Conduct of Feasibility Studies for
Operations Project Identification 47 2022 Roads, Bridge, Flood Control, Drainage and Other Planning Service
Water-Related Projects
Formulation of Plans and Investment
Operations 89 2016 Full Institutionalization of Multi Year Planning Planning Service
Formulation of Plans and Investment Road and Bridge Projects Policies, Responsibilities and
Operations 164 2016 Planning Service
Programs Accountabilities
Creation of the Civil Society Organizations Partnership
Operations Public Consultation 25 2012 Stakeholders Relations Service
Implementation of the Social and Environmental
Operations Public Consultation 159 2022 Planning Service
Management System Operations Manual
Operations Engineering Surveys and Investigations 206 2022 Bi-Directional Static Load Test for Bored Piles Bureau of Design
Policies and Guidelines on the Testing of Bored Piles for
Operations Engineering Surveys and Investigations 37 2016 Bureau of Design
Infrastructure Projects
Compulsory Inclusion of Road Safety and Traffic
Operations Plan Preparation 224 2022 Management Plan on Detailed Engineering Design Bureau of Design
(DED) Plans
Update Guidelines and Criteria for the Design Audit of
Operations Plan Preparation 82 2022 DPWH Regional and District Engineering Offices, 2022 Bureau of Design
Guidelines and Checklists of Requirements in the
Preparation of Engineering Plan for Feasibility Study
Operations Plan Preparation 30 2020 Bureau of Design
(FS) and Conceptual Design Plan for Highways, Bridges
and Water Engineering Projects

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Revised Guidelines in the Preparation of Conceptual
Design, Detailed Engineering Design, "As-Staked",
Operations Plan Preparation 55 2020 Bureau of Design
Revised, and "As-Built" Plans for Highway, Bridge and
Water Projects
Design Guidelines, Criteria, and Standards, 2015
Operations Plan Preparation 179 2015 Bureau of Design
Application of Daywork annd Provisional Sum Items in
Operations Cost Estimation 46 2007 Bureau of Construction
Contract Management
Guidelines on the Acquisition of Motor Vehicles for Use
Operations Cost Estimation 3 2010 Bureau of Construction
in Infrastructure Project Supervision
Guidelines in the Submission of Plans,Program of
Operations Cost Estimation 32 2011 Works (POW) and Approved Budget for the Contract Bureau of Construction
(ABC) for Approval in the Central Office
Amendment to the Shortened Standardized
Operations Cost Estimation 71 2013 Construction Construction Duration of DPWH Flood Bureau of Construction
Control Projects
Operations Cost Estimation 68 2016 Road Construction Cost Estimation Manual (RCCEM) Bureau of Construction
Revised Guidelines in the Preparation of Approved
Operations Cost Estimation 197 2016 Bureau of Construction
Budget for the Contract (ABC)
Adoption of the Bridge Construction Cost Estimation
Operations Cost Estimation 207 2016 Bureau of Construction
Manual (BCCEM)
Operations Cost Estimation 137 2017 Cost Estimation Manual for Low Rise Buildings Bureau of Construction
Guidelines for the Preparation of Cost Estimates for
Traffice Management and Safety & Health
Operations Cost Estimation 13 2018 Requirements for the Construction and Maintenance of Bureau of Construction
Roads, Bridges and Safety & Health Requirements for
School Buildings
Guidelines and Procedures for the Establishment of the
Operations Cost Estimation 249 2022 Bureau of Construction
Region Construction Materials Price Data (RCMPD)
Operations Cost Estimation 28 2019 Cost Estimation Manual for High Rise Buildings Bureau of Construction

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Breakdown of the Allocation of the Authorized 3.5%
Deductions from Project Civil Works Cost for
Operations Cost Estimation 52 2019 Bureau of Construction
Engineering and Administrative Overhead (EAO) under
FY 2019, DPWH Budget
Guidelines in Addressing the Effect of the Increasing
Operations Cost Estimation 63 2022 Prices of Construction Materials and Equipment Rental Bureau of Construction
Rates Utilized for Infrastructure Projects
Operations Project Implementation 12 1987 Partial Payment of Materials-on-Site Bureau of Construction
Revised Guidelines for the Processing of Contractor
Operations Project Implementation 55 1988 Claims for Payments Relative to Infrastructure Projects Bureau of Construction
Negotiated Contracts Including Supplemental
Operations Project Implementation 107 1988 Bureau of Construction
Adopting a Uniform Guidelines in Estimating Time
Operations Project Implementation 178 1991 Duration Under Normal and Fast-Tract Project Bureau of Construction
Correcting Projects with Noted Defects / Deficiencies
Operations Project Implementation 139 1994 Bureau of Construction
Prior to Partial / Full Payment
Submission of Detailed Traffic Management / Rerouting
Operations Project Implementation 81 1996 Plans Prior to Implementation of DPWH Projects within Bureau of Construction
Metro Manila
Pescribing Guidelines for the Preparation, Processing
Operations Project Implementation 62 1998 Bureau of Construction
and Approval of Variation Orders and As-Staked Plans
Operations Project Implementation 216 2000 Project Records Bureau of Construction
Operations Project Implementation 2 2003 Payment of Contractor’s Claims for Civil Works Projects Bureau of Construction
Guidelines for the Implementation of DOLE D.O. No. 13
Operations Project Implementation 56 2005 series of 1998, On Occupational Safety and Health in Bureau of Construction
the Construction Industry
Revised Procedures in Seeking Prior Clearance from the
Operations Project Implementation 12 2009 Secretary for Variation Orders on Civil works and Bureau of Construction
Consultancy Service Contracts

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Authority to Approve Variation Order Covering
Operations Project Implementation 47 2012 Additional Scope of Works Utilizing Savings for Locally- Bureau of Construction
Funded Projects
Bureau of Research and
Operations Project Implementation 12 2013 Accreditation of DPWH Materials Engineer
Conduct of Pre-Procurement, Procurement, and
Unified Project Management
Operations Project Implementation 95 2013 Implementation Activities for DPWH Foreign-Assisted
Civil Works Projects
Five (5) Specialized Clusters to comprise the New
Organization Structure of the Unified Project Unified Project Management
Operations Project Implementation 30 2014
Management Office (UPMO) pursuant to E.O No. 366, Office
s. 2004
Approval of Plans, Program of Works (POW), and
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for DPWH
Operations Project Implementation 109 2014 Bureau of Construction
Locally-Funded Projects Costing PhP50 Million and
Below Implemented by Project Management Offices

Guidelines in the Implementation of Memorandum

dated July 17, 2014 of the Secretary of DOLE on the
Operations Project Implementation 129 2014 Procedure in the Evaluation of Construction Safety and Bureau of Construction
Health Programs (CSHP) of Contractors Engaged by
DPWH Pursuant to DPWH D.O. No. 56, Series of 2005

Guidelines on the Assignment of Project Managers to

Unified Project Management
Operations Project Implementation 134 2014 Supervise Projects being Implemented by the Unified
Project Management Office (UPMO)

Specific Guidelines to Manage and Control Variation

Operations Project Implementation 28 2015 Bureau of Construction
Orders for DPWH Infrastructrure Contracts
Requirements for Issuance of Certificate of Completion
Operations Project Implementation 99 2015 and Certificate of Acceptance for Infrastructure Bureau of Construction

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Limiting the Total Payment for Progress Billing of All
Operations Project Implementation 125 2015 Locally Funded Projects to 95% and 90% of their Bureau of Construction
respective Total Contract Cost
Adoption of Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) as
Operations Project Implementation 133 2015 Bureau of Construction
Project Scheduling Technique in DPWH Projects
Strict Compliance to Road Works Safety & Traffic
Management and Construction Safety & Health
Operations Project Implementation 135 2015 Bureau of Construction
Requirements during Construction and Maintenance of
Roads and Bridges
Implementation of Project and Contract Management
Operations Project Implementation 6 2016 Bureau of Construction
Procedures and Application
Guidelines on the Processing and Approval of "As-
Operations Project Implementation 15 2016 Bureau of Construction
Staked" Plan
Guidelines on the Preparation, Approval and Storage of
Operations Project Implementation 38 2016 Bureau of Construction
"As-Built" Plans of Infrastructure Projects

Defining the Responsibilities and Authorities of the

Unified Project Management Office (UPMO) of its
Specialized Clusters and the Oversight Functions of the Unified Project Management
Operations Project Implementation 87 2016
Undersecretary for UPMO Operations and Office
Undersecretary for Regional Operations of the Flood
Control Management Cluster (FCMC)
Revised Guidelines on the Accreditation of the Bureau of Research and
Operations Project Implementation 98 2016
Contractors' and Consultants' Materials Engineer Standards
Role of the Regional Project Managers (RPMs) as
Supplementary Provisions of Department Order No. Unified Project Management
Operations Project Implementation 12 2017
123, Series of 2016, Creating the Regional Project Office
Management Office (RPMO) in All Regional Offices
Conditions as to When "As-Built" Plan can be Used as
Operations Project Implementation 66 2017 Bureau of Construction
Reason for Final Variation Order

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Templates of Program of Works (POW) and Approved
Operations Project Implementation 32 2018 Budget for the Contract (ABC) for DPWH Standard Bureau of Construction
School Buildings
Revised Guidelines for the Implementation of DPWH
Operations Project Implementation 62 2018 Projects (by Administration or Contracts) by Local Bureau of Construction
Government Units (LGUs)
Revised Guidelines on the Accreditation and
Operations Project Implementation 115 2018 Bureau of Construction
Assignment of DPWH Project Engineers and Inspectors
Approval of Work Suspension Order, Work Resumption
Operations Project Implementation 42 2020 Order, and Contract Time Extension for Civil Works Bureau of Construction
Operations Project Implementation 50 2020 Standard Project Logbook Format Bureau of Construction
Implementation of Document Tracking System (DoTS)
Operations Project Implementation 62 2020 for Civil Works Projects, Consulting Services and Bureau of Construction
Procurement of Goods (DoTS assigned to HRAS)
Operations Project Implementation 85 2020 Geotagging DPWH Civil Works Projects Bureau of Construction
Procedural Flow and Timeline in the Processing of
Blacklisting of Contractors for Locally-Funded and
Operations Project Implementation 171 2022 Bureau of Construction
Foreign-Assisted Infrastructure Projects during
Implementation Stage
Revised Guidelines on the Accreditation of the
Operations Project Implementation 94 2020 Bureau of Quality and Safety
Contractors' and Consultants' Project Engineer
Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the
Operations Project Implementation 136 2022 Implementation of Infrastructure Projects during the Bureau of Construction
COVID-19 Public Health Crisis
Interim Procedures on Designating Accredited DPWH
Operations Project Implementation 34 2021 Field Engineer for DPWH Infrastructure Projects during Bureau of Construction
the COVID-19 Pandemic
Amendment on the Submission of Construction Safety
Operations Project Implementation 35 2021 and Health Program (CSHP), Approved by DPWH and Bureau of Construction
Duly Concured to by DOLE

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Interim Procedures on Designating an Accreditation
Operations Project Implementation 95 2021 DPWH Field Engineer for DPWH Projects during the Bureau of Quality and Safety
COVID-19 Pandemic.
Addendum to Department Order No.
114, S. 2018, Revised Guidelines on
Operations Project Implementation 116 2021 Bureau of Quality and Safety
the Provisional Accreditation of DPWH
Project Engineers and Inspectors
Amendment to Department Order No. 21 series of
Operations Project Implementation 11 2022 2017 "Revised Guidelines on the Installation of Project Bureau of Design
Operations Project Implementation 46 2022 Standard Forms in Project Implementation Bureau of Construction
Guidelines in the Payment of Variation Orders for the
Operations Project Implementation 57 2022 Bureau of Construction
Facilities for the Engineers Due to Changes in Contract
Guidelines and Procedures on the Audit of Approved
Operations Project Implementation 102 2022 Bureau of Construction
Variation Order and Time Variance
Impositions of Sanctions on Contractors and DPWH
Implementing Officials for Failure to Undertake Repair
Operations Post Project Evaluation 88 2012 Works for Any Damage to the Project within the Bureau of Construction
Defects Liability Period prior to the Issuance of
Certificate of Acceptance
Further Enhancing the Specific Policy Guidelines under
Operations Post Project Evaluation 115 2021 Bureau of Construction
the Provisions of D.O 88, s.2012.
Responsibilities of the Bureau of Construction and the
Operations Infrastructure Asset Maintenance 95 2003 Bureau of Maintenance
Bureau of Maintenance
Guidelines to ensure disaster preparedness of DPWH
field offices in promptly responding to typhoons and
Operations Infrastructure Asset Maintenance 15 2015 Bureau of Maintenance
other calamities including criteria in the release of
calamity funds
Comprehensive Policy Guidelines on the Maintenance
Operations Inspectorate and Monitoring 189 2022 Bureau of Maintenance
of National Roads and Bridges
Control of Nonconforming Outputs
Operations Evaluation and Control of NCs 61 2022 ISO-Secretariat
and Corrective Action Procedures

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Performance Evaluation Quality and Safety Assurance On-going creation of DO Bureau of Quality and Safety
Bureau of Research and
Performance Evaluation Quality and Safety Assurance 97 2022 Certification of DPWH Laboratory Technicians
Amending Department Order No. 183, Series 1996 on
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 91 2000 Project Reporting Procedures for Infrastructure Bureau of Construction
Revised Submission Deadlines of Project Monitoring
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 134 2004 Bureau of Construction
Adoption and Implementation of the DPWH Logical
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 30 2007 Framework for the Government's Organization Bureau of Construction
Performance Indicator Framework
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 36 2012 Use of PMS Project ID in Engas and Ebudget Systems Bureau of Construction

Update, Maintenance, and Quality Assurance of the

Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 45 2012 DPWH Website (Amendment to D.O. 11 Series of 2012 Bureau of Construction
Re Posting of Programs of Work-Annex A)
Implementation of ePLC, Merged Monitoring Reports,
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 82 2013 Bureau of Construction
and Eplc Exception Reports
Primary Responsibility and Accountability in Project
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 84 2013 Bureau of Construction
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 65 2014 Enhanced Project Monitoring Bureau of Construction
Revised Guidelines Re: Project Reporting to
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 110 2015 Bureau of Construction
Congressmen and Local Officials
Assignment of a Repository Server for the Preservation
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 31 2016 Bureau of Construction
of Historical Data of eNgas and eBudget Systems
Administrative Action on Contracts with Negative
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 193 2016 Slippage In Accordance with the Revised IRR Of R.A. Bureau of Construction
Project and Contract Management Procedures and
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 15 2018 Bureau of Construction
Application Policy Update

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Procedures for Assignment and Use of Project IDs And
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 61 2018 Bureau of Construction
Project Component IDs
Implementation of the Document Tracking System
Performance Evaluation Monitoring and Measurement 11 2021 Bureau of Construction
(DoTS) for Civil Works Projects
Performance Evaluation Internal Quality Audit 73 2022 Internal Quality Audit ISO-Secretariat
Performance Evaluation Feedback Management 169 2016 Revised DPWH Customers' Feedback Form Stakeholders Relations Service

Performance Evaluation External Stakeholders Relations 68 2015 DPWH Social Media Networking Policy Stakeholders Relations Service
Transfer of the Three (3) Department Legislative
Liaison Specialist (DLLS) Positions and Two (2) CTI
Performance Evaluation Legislative Liaison 74 2019 Positions in the Legislative Affairs and Research Legal Service
Division (LARD), Legal Service to the Office of the
Secretary (OSEC)
New Product/ Technology Evaluation and Revised Procedure for New Product Bureau of Research and
Research and Development 189 2002
Accreditation Evaluation/Accreditation Standards
Revised Guidelines on the Annual Submission of
Updated Naturally Occuring Materials Sources Maps Bureau of Research and
Research and Development Naturally Occurring Materials Evaluation 183 2022
and Related Reports to the Bureau of Research and Standards
Standards (BRS)
Schedule of Minimum Testing Requirements Governing
Items of Work of the DPWH Standard Specifications for
Bureau of Research and
Research and Development Standard Specifications Formulation 218 2022 Public Works Structures (Buildings, Ports and Harbors,
Flood Control and Drainage Structures and Water
Supply Systems), Volume III, 2019 Edition
Revision on the Adoption of the DPWH Standard
Specifications for Highways, Bridges and Airports,
Volume II; for Public Works Structures, Volume III; Bureau of Research and
Research and Development Standard Specifications Formulation 35 2018
Special Items of Work (SPLs) in DPWH Projects; and Standards
Revised Standard Pay Item List for Infrastructure

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Adopt New Guidelines, Criteria and Rating System for
Procurement Management Bid Documents Preparation 143 2022 Shortlisting and Technical Evaluation of Bids for Locally- Procurement Service
Funded Consulting Services Projects of the Department
Verification/Validation and Evaluation of All Bonds
Procurement Management Pre-qualification and Bid Evaluation 163 2022 Submitted by Bidders for Civil Works, Goods and Procurement Service
Services, and Consulting Servcies
Guidelines on the Selection and Invitation of
Procuremnet Observers of the Central, Regional, and
Procurement Management Pre-qualification and Bid Evaluation 186 2022 Procurement Service
District Engineering Offices Bids and Awards
Prescribing a Supplier's Performance Evaluation System
Procurement Management Performance Evaluation 31 2015 Procurement Service
Prescribing the Use of the DPWH Procurement Manual
Procurement Management Award of Contract 30 2018 in the Procurement of Contracts for Infrastructure, Procurement Service
Consulting Services and Goods and Services
Human Resources Guidelines on Hiring and Rehiring of Job-Order Human Resource and
Recruitment, Selection and Placement 168 2022
Management Personnel in the DPWH Administrative Service
Revised Selection Criteria on the Evaluation of
Human Resources Human Resource and
Recruitment, Selection and Placement 33 2016 Appicants/Candidates for Appointment to Entry Level
Management Administrative Service
Human Resources Revised Selection Criteria in the Appointment of Human Resource and
Recruitment, Selection and Placement 42 2016
Management Personnel to First and Second Level Positions Administrative Service
Supplemental Guidelines in the Evaluation and
Human Resources Human Resource and
Recruitment, Selection and Placement 143 2015 Selection of Candidates for Appointment to
Management Administrative Service
Executive/Managerial Positions
Human Resources Human Resource and
Performance Management 32 2014 Strategic Performance Management System
Management Administrative Service
Human Resources Guidelines on the Rendition and Payment of Overtime Human Resource and
Performance Management 38 2022
Management Services by the Hour for CY 2022 Administrative Service
Human Resources Criteria and Conditions on the Grant of Performance- Corporate Planning and
Rewards and Recognition 85 2022
Management Based Bonus (PBB) for FY 2022 Management Division

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Human Resources DPWH Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Human Resource and
Rewards and Recognition 335 2002
Management Excellence (DPWH-PRAISE) Administrative Service
Human Resources Human Resource and
Rewards and Recognition 74 1980 Recognition Awards for Model Employees
Management Administrative Service
Human Resources Human Resource and
Rewards and Recognition 60 1980 Exemplary District Engineers
Management Administrative Service
Human Resources Guidelines on the Payment of Honoraria for Outsourced Human Resource and
Training and Development 154 2022
Management Resource Speakers Administrative Service
Human Resources General Guidelines on the Resumption of Face-to-Face Human Resource and
Training and Development 138 2022
Management Training Programs Administrative Service
Human Resources Guidelines in the Conduct of Training Impact Human Resource and
Training and Development 124 2019
Management Evaluation (TIE) Administrative Service
Human Resources Implementation of the New Human Resource Training Human Resource and
Training and Development 13 2002
Management Program Manual Administrative Service
Amendments to the Policies and Guidelines on DPWH
Human Resources Human Resource and
Training and Development 203 1993 Scholarships and Other Training Grants and
Management Administrative Service
Composition of the Personnel Development Committee
Human Resources Policies and Guidelines on DPWH Scholarship and Human Resource and
Training and Development 10 1989
Management Other Training Grants Administrative Service
Guidelines for the Preparation of Proposed DPWH
Financial Management Budget Preparation 7 2022 Office of the Secretary
Budget for FY 2023 and subsequent years
DMC- Commision of Audit COA Circular No. 2015-007
dated October 22, 2015 "Prescribing the Government
Financial Management Fund Control Accounting 4 2016 Finance Service
Accounting Manual for use of all National Government
DMC-Prescribing Volume III-Revised Chart of Accounts
(updated 2019) to Replace Volume III-The Revised
Financial Management Fund Control Accounting 20 2020 Finance Service
Chart of Accounts (updated 2015) of the Government
Accounting Manual for National Government Agencies.

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Guidelines Authorizing the Payment of Communication
Allowance and Subscription to a Virtual
Financial Management Fund Control Accounting 172 2022 Finance Service
Communications Application and Internet (WiFI)
DMC-COA- DBM Joint Circular No. 2019-1 dated
January 1, 2019- "Updated Guidelines relative to
Financial Management Fiscal/ Financial Accountability 19 2019 Finance Service
Budget and Financial Accountability Reports(BFARs)
starting FR 2019.
DMC-Commision of Audit COA Circular No. 2015-007
dated October 22, 2015 "Prescribing the Government
Financial Management Reporting 4 2016 Finance Service
Accounting Manual for use of all National Government
DMC-Prescribing Volume III-Revised Chart of Accounts
(updated 2019) to Replace Volume III-The Revised
Financial Management Reporting 20 2020 Finance Service
Chart of Accounts (updated 2015) of the Government
Accounting Manual for National Government Agencies.
Physical Resources Facilities and Work Environment Implementation of Republic Act No. 11285 re: Energy
234 2022 Bureau of Equipment
Management Management Efficiency and Conservation Act
Physical Resources Facilities and Work Environment Guidelines and procedures for the Implementation of Human Resource and
58 2015
Management Management 'DPWH Solid Waste Management Policy' Administrative Service
Physical Resources Facilities and Work Environment Human Resource and
187 2015 Policy Guidelines on Water Conservation Measures
Management Management Administrative Service
Revised Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Request
Physical Resources Facilities and Work Environment Human Resource and
181 2016 for the Release of Funds for the Relocation/Transfer
Management Management Administrative Service
and FacilitiesImprovement of DPWH Offices
Physical Resources Facilities and Work Environment Implementation of the Quality Workplace Standards Human Resource and
52 2017
Management Management Checklist Administrative Service
Physical Resources Facilities and Work Environment Guidelines for the Review and Consolidation of the Human Resource and
100 2018
Management Management Procurement of Specific Goods and Services Administrative Service
Physical Resources Guidelines on the Acquisition of Motor Vehicles for Use
Equipment Fleet Management 3 2010 Bureau of Equipment
Management in Infrastructure Project Supervision

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Physical Resources Routine Maintenance For Service Vehicles and Most
Equipment Fleet Management 11 2015 Bureau of Equipment
Management Commonly Used Equipment Manual
Physical Resources Safety on Board all DPWH Dredges and Support
Equipment Fleet Management 74 2015 Bureau of Equipment
Management Vessels
Guidelines and Procedures in the receipt, Inspection,
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 102 2015 and Acceptance, Issuance, and Custody and Physical Bureau of Equipment
Physical Resources Guidelines on Positioning and Movement of Dredges
Equipment Fleet Management 136 2015 Bureau of Equipment
Management and Floating Equipment During Heavy Weather
Guidelines on Hot Work Operations (HWO) and Lockout-
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 162 2015 Tagout (LOTO) Procedure for Land and Water Based Bureau of Equipment
Physical Resources Guidelines on the Planning and Implementation of
Equipment Fleet Management 7 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management DPWH River Dredging Projects by Administration
Physical Resources Standardization of Land-based Equipment management
Equipment Fleet Management 63 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management Procedures
Physical Resources Assignment, Utilization, Funding, Operation, and
Equipment Fleet Management 64 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management Maintenance, and Monitoring of HME
Physical Resources Revised Guidelines on Leasing Operation with
Equipment Fleet Management 118 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management Schedules of Rental
Guidelines on the Issuance of Certificate of Fitness for
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 120 2016 Purpose (CFP) to all DPWH Dredges and Support Bureau of Equipment
Physical Resources Land-based Equipment Information Management
Equipment Fleet Management 134 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management Guidelines
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 165 2016 Turn-over of Equipment Bureau of Equipment
Physical Resources Policy for Idle and Non-operations Water-based
Equipment Fleet Management 179 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management Equipment
Physical Resources Guidelines for the Evaluation and Ranking of Dredges
Equipment Fleet Management 196 2016 Bureau of Equipment
Management and Dredge Masters
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 5 2018 Preventive Maintenance Manual Bureau of Equipment

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Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 87 2018 The Big One Bureau of Equipment
Physical Resources Revised Guidelines for the Dry-docking and Repair of
Equipment Fleet Management 8 2019 Bureau of Equipment
Management DPWH Dredges and Other Floating Equipment
Physical Resources
Equipment Fleet Management 126 2019 Amendment Guidelines on Reimbursement Bureau of Equipment
Physical Resources Guidelines for the Preventive Maintenance
Equipment Fleet Management 27 2022 Bureau of Equipment
Management Implementation of All DPWH Water-Based Equipment
Physical Resources Survey, Laboratory and Field Testing Revised Guidelines for the Calibration of Testing Bureau of Research and
184 2019
Management Equipment Management Equipment of the DPWH Implementing Offices Standards
Guidelines for the Calibration and Registration of
Physical Resources Survey, Laboratory and Field Testing
12 2020 Engineering Survey Equipment of the DPWH Bureau of Design
Management Equipment Management
Implementing Offices
Physical Resources Survey, Laboratory and Field Testing Guidelines and Procedures for the Calibration,
155 2022 Bureau of Quality and Safety
Management Equipment Management Operation and Maintenance of the Inertial Profiler
Information Management
Information Management Needs Identification 158 2022 Implementation of Data Governance Program
Information Management
Information Management Application Development On-going creation of DO
Policies and Guidelines on the use of DPWH
Information Management
Information Management Application Deployment 13 2015 Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Guidelines on the Procurement, Turn-Over, Inspection, Information Management
Information Management IT Infrastructure Maintenance 167 2022
Disposal, and Inventory of the ICT Resources Service
Redefining the Duties and Responsibilities of Central,
Regional and District Engineering Offices in the Information Management
Information Management IT Infrastructure Maintenance 46 2020
Implementation of the Communication Network and Service
Application Systems
Legislative Affairs and Research/ Legal
Legal Services Admin Code of 1987 Legal Service
Opinion Preparation

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Important Note: This document was generated by the Overall QMS Secretariat as a controlled document. December 07, 2022
Masterlist of Department Policies that Standardize the 51 Major Processes (DPWH Process Model)
Outcome Major Process DO# Year Process Component Owner
Legal Services Site/ Location Acquisition 152 2017 DPWH Right-of-Way Acquisition Manual Legal Service
Streamlining DPWH Process Involving Requests for
Legal Services Site/ Location Acquisition 187 2022 Legal Service
Funding and Release of Funds of Right-of-Way Claims
Preparation, Review, and Interpretation of Contracts
Legal Services Contract Letting/ Review and Litigation 161 2022 and Other Legal Documents by various Offices of the Legal Service
Legal Services Investigation/ Hearing Admin Code of 1987 Legal Service
Documentation Assignment of Permanent Employee Identification Human Resource and
Records Management 96 2022
Management Number Administrative Service

Documentation Policy on the Central Repository of Records in the Human Resource and
Records Management 86 2018
Management Central, Regional and District Engineering Offices Administrative Service

Documentation Human Resource and

Records Management 201 2022 Standard Office Code Numbering
Management Administrative Service
Documentation Human Resource and
Records Management 94 2021 DPWH Policy Issuance and Correspondence Manual
Management Administrative Service
Documentation Human Resource and
Records Management 126 2015 Control of Documents
Management Administrative Service

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Important Note: This document was generated by the Overall QMS Secretariat as a controlled document. December 07, 2022

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