Feedback Children hope

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Central Fellowship Apostolic Church

Sunday School Ministry

Feedback 30 November 2023
One Hope Literature

This Institution has profoundly tapped into one key Ministry of teaching among the Five Fold Ministries.
It has come up with an elementary stage for every Christian life, who are children. Yes among the
definitions made by different dictionaries, Sunday School teachings are meant for only children at their
early stage of life. But in our own opinion definition of children according to Sunday School, children
would mean early stage of Christian life where both children and adults are involved.

1. What worked well

When we came across One Hope Literature institution

* Our dreams of imparting Christians on their early Christian life where they needed more instructions
on critical issues of the Bible to help them with knowledge and understanding of the God whom they
have chosen and dived into, knowledge of how all things started, how it started, who started and why,
knowledge and understanding of the biblical historical background, One Hope Literature satisfied my

One Hope Literature provided the materials to use which we found so appealing and relevant to the

This made us able to organise Sunday School programs at our Church and this we launched it this August
2023 at our Church's Annual Convention

We managed to identify in some of our Districts Sunday School teachers whom some we retooled them
with One Hope Literature books as resources to use during Sunday School instructions.

* During launch, we campaigned for it and demistified the belief that Sunday School meant for only
children only but allowed them to grasp the new concept of involving every Christian though grouped
according to age levels.

So far we distributed materials to the following Districts

* Botswana 119 books

* Gweru 119 books

* Kadoma 119 books

* Kwekwe 119 books

* Chinhoyi 176 books

* Mhangura 176 books

* Mutare 124 books

* Karoi 176 books

We took advantage of the leadership seminars which our church conducts through its Theological
College programs in every District on every subsequent year, where am also involved in as a facilitator.
This helped in moving the materials to these Districts.

What problems

Of course due to the scholarly definitions of Sunday School, adults took time to understand and accept
that Sunday School is not only for children as per say, till on our launch and is when they understood
and realised how critical the program is and the need to do Sunday School teachings across the whole
Church divide.

Transporting the materials from one place to another was one of the problems am yet to solve.

The identified Sunday School teachers are not yet trained to be able to teach and use the materials.

The work demands some financial support in order to reach out wider.

What we would like to see different going forward

* More distribution centres

* Involvement of Bible colleges and encouraged to include Sunday School Ministry in their curriculum in
partnership with One Hope Literature

* More training of Sunday School teachers

* Work with Churches Mother bodies like ZCC, EFZ, Bishop's Catholic commission, CACZ, etc in order to
reach out widely and support base

What support/help

* More training on the subject matter

* Sustainability measure so that we are empowered both books materials, and in mobility
Yours sincerely

Chaplain Masamba Zuwaki


contact: +263771485045 / WhatsApp/Telegram

Facebook: Counseling Online ( group and page)


Sunday school ministry Council

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