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Global Strategy & the Competitive Environment

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SGCE 2024 MBA UOB A total presentation run down and made for the benefit of students and subject to change, modify and alter based on
UOB / OCB guidelines as deemed to be fit and proper. Shouldn’t take as an definite and no students follow this as a direct
verbatim into your presentation. User discretion is sought © 2024
Table of Content
Assignment Questions Content
Executive Summary

Q1: •

Background to the Industry
Overview & Global Perspective
Analyze and present data and supporting • Eg: Renewable Energy Industry
evidence to critically evaluate • Introduction to the Company (SLT, British Telecom, Deutsche Tel)
the industry trends affecting the company
Q2: •

Global | Industry Trends
Key Drivers & Market Forces by 2030
Based on your analysis of industry trends, you • PESTEL Analysis
should critically evaluate their potential impact on Analysis of (5) Industry Forces (Michael S Porter) of Competitiveness by 2030
the company
Q3: •

Selecting Drivers of change (Impact & Uncertainty Classification) by 2023
Scenarios Acid Test ? Litmus Test (PESTEL connecting to Porter 5 Forces)
Consider both positive and negative impacts, • Development of Future Scenario Cross for 2030
including opportunities and challenges

Q4: •

Roger Martin’s Cascaded Choices (Where To Play & How To Win?)
Opportunities / Threats (Challenges)
Assess how the company's current strategies, • VRIO / RBV of the firm
capabilities, and resources align with the • Value Chain Analysis
• TOWS (SWOT Analysis of the Firm)
identified trends
Specimen Only References
• Annexures (detailed PESTEL, Porter 5 forces, OT, Scenarios of Future Market,
• Roger Marin’s Model, RBV, VRIO and TOWS
Bibliography 2
Executive Summary

To be discussed in week 4

Explain “key finer points” of the whole assignment A1
Global industry / market overview …

Explain “key finer points” on the slides as an “artifact” and elaborate in detail under the Click to add notes” the dimensions of the Key Industry
overview and critical analysis of global / industry market competitiveness and attractiveness to the case study organization of your choosing.
Company Overview

Explain “key finer points” on the slides as an “artifact” and elaborate in detail under the Click to add notes” the dimensions the Business Model of
the Selected Company / of the case study organization of your choosing.
Company Overview
Business Model of the Company

Explain “key finer points” on the slides as an “artifact” and elaborate in detail under the Click to add notes” the dimensions the Business Model of
the Selected Company / of the case study organization of your choosing.
Specimen Only

Analyze and present data and supporting
evidence to critically evaluate the industry
trends affecting the company
PESTEL Industry analysis ...- For your action

Analyze the PESTEL and show ypur artifact
Porters 5 forces of industry competitiveness = Fior your action
1. Number of competitors / Diversity of competitors
2. Industry concentration / Industry growth
3. Quality differences / Band loyalty
4. Switching Costs

1. Number of Customers
2. Size of each customer order
1. Barriers to Entry 3. Differences between competitors
2. Economies of Scale 4. Price sensitiveness
3. Brand Loyalty 5. Buyer’s ability to substitute
4. Capital Requirement 6. Buyer’s information availability
5. Cumulative Experiences 7. Switching Csosts
6. Government Policies
7. Access to distribution channels
8. Switching costs

1. Number of substitute products available

1. Number of Suppliers / Size of Suppliers 2. Buyer propensity to substitute
2. Uniqueness of each supplier’s products / 3. Relative prices performance of substitute
services / experiences 4. Perceived level of products differentiation
3. Focal company’s ability to substitute 5. Switching Costs

Analyze the Porter 5 or 6 Forces and develop the ypur artifact
Specimen Only

Based on your analysis of industry trends, you
should critically evaluate their potential impact
on the company
Key PESTEL Trends, and How it is impacting Porter 5 Forces - For your Action

Drivers & Trends Impact on (OT / Opportunities &

Key PESTEL Factors
impact zone PORTERS 5 FORCES Threats) - Segmentation
P 1
1. OT
E 2 1
2. 2 2
S 3
2. 3
T 4
1. 5
E 5
1. 5
1. 6
Acid / Litmus Test – For your action
Trend, Shift, Driver,
PESTEEL / PESTEED Threat of The Power of Stiff Rivalry of The Threats The Power of Key Impactful
(Uncertainties) The Impact
Substitutes Buyers Competition of New Entry Suppliers Scenarios
Political High
1. - Trend High ++ Trend High + Trend High Medium - Low
2. - Shift Low - - Shift Low - Shift Low
Environmental / Ecological Very High
1. - Mega Trend Trend High Trend High High
2. - Major Driver Shift Low Shift Low
Socio Economic Moderate
1. - Driver Trend High Low
2. - Shift Shift Low
Technological Disruption Low Low Low Low High
Mega Trend High High High High High
1. -
2. -
Ethical / Emission / Energy Wild Card Trend High Low
Black Swan Shift Low Medium
1. -
2. -
Legal & Law (Compliance) Trend / Shift Trend High Very High
High Impact Zone Shift Low Vert High
1. -
2. - (Link PESTEL drivers to Porter Industry Forces for impact (for define Scenarios)
Specimen Only

Consider both positive and negative
impacts, including opportunities and

Opportunity & Challenges - For your Action

Strengths = S (RBV) -Weaknesses = W (RBV)

- Brand perception
1. Existing Brands
- Intermediary use
2. Existing Customer Base
- Technology / Digital Skills
3. Existing Channel / Distribution
- Cross Channel Support

Opportunities = O
(future market opportunities) WO = Strengths (Torsion)
SO – Strategies (Growth)
- Counter weaknesses thru
- Cross selling / Upselling - Leverage Strength to maximize exploiting opportunities and
- New Markets opportunities and Attacking Strategy Building strengths for attacking
- New Technology Services strategy
- New Technologies (OTT, ATT)
- Alliance / Co-branding

Threats = T
(future market challenges) ST = Strategies (Diversification) WT = Strategies (Defense)

- Customers Choice - Leverage strength to maximize - Counter weaknesses and threats

- New Entrants threats and Defensive Strategy and Build strengths for defensive
- Technology / Metaverse
- New Competitive Products
- Channel Conflicts
Scenario Grid Development - For your Action

Specimen Only

Assess how the company's current
strategies, capabilities, and resources
align with the identified trends

Roger Martin’s Cascaded Choice (current strategies – For your action
Integrated Choices, Strategies & Action
Roger L Martin
5 Questions When
How? Who / What
Strategy Choices? Where ? (The playing field) Action Plan1 1-
(Strategy) Action(s)
3 Years
What’s our The right playing field
Winning 1. Where we will compete
Aspiration 2. Our geographies + Products / FAB / ?? Financial
3. Consumer Segment (Geo/Demo/Psy Lifestyle/Status/Income)
4. Channel & Stages of production
Where we will
The Purpose of the Study Active
play? In the market
1. Our guiding principles ?? Customer
2. Our guided values / philosophy

How We Will Win ? Set of Capabilities required?

The market place 1. ABC (accelerate, brush-up, create or co-create areas? ?? Customer
2. Our specific business model
Unique right to win?
What capabilities Systems,
1. Our value proposition (external / internal)
must be in place? ?? Processes &
2. Our competitive advantage (Product, People, Process, Place, Price,
Perceived Value, Proposition, Promotion)
The support systems
What management People,
1. Structures (Lean / Flat / Matrix)
systems are ?? Growth,
2. BHI
required? Learning
3. KPI

Analyze the winning aspiration of the company with current “strategic positioning” in the market where they are playing and how they winning
VRIO Analysis (Internal Resources Based View) For Student Work James Barney Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage

VRIO Analysis (James Barney 1991)

Your Organization Resources Based View (RBV)
“Valuable”? “Rare”? “In-Imitable” Organized Competitive Advantage?”
Human Capital
• Education
• Employee Development, Leadership pipeline & Training
• Managerial Judgement, Leadership Effectiveness
• Industry Knowledge & Experience
• Health of Management & Staff
Organizational Capital
• Patents
• Bands, Brand Equity
• Management Structure, Career Progression
• Coordination, Agility, Flexibility & Decision Making
• Internal & External Relationship & Professionalism
• Culture, Innovation
Physical Capital
• Machinery, Operating Plant, Technology
• Factories, Systems, Process, Quality

Analyze the resources capabilities (current vs future) to win the current and future market potentials and market aspirations in the future trending's
“Analysis of Strategic Capabilities” - For Your Action

Analyze the resources capabilities (current vs future) to determine the “type pf competitive advantage” of your company 19
Specimen Only

Assess how the company's current
strategies, capabilities, and resources
align with the identified trends

For Student Work Book Presentation slides - For your Action

-Weaknesses = W
Strengths = S
- Brand perception
1. Existing Brands
- Intermediary use
2. Existing Customer Base
- Technology / Digital Skills
3. Existing Channel / Distribution
- Cross Channel Support

Opportunities = O SO – Strategies (Growth) WO = Strengths (Torsion)

- Cross selling - Leverage Strength to maximize opportunities, - Counter weaknesses thru exploiting
- New Markets Attacking Strategy, Strengthening R&D opportunities, Building strengths for attacking
- New Services capabilities, Explore efficient realization of strategy, Strictly control of products,
new models and grow steadily, Mechanism to protect originality.
- Alliance / Co-branding

Threats = T ST = Strategies (Diversification) WT = Strategies (Defense)

- Customers Choice - Leverage strength to maximize threats, - Counter weaknesses and threats
- New Entrants Optimize the product and move to a new - Build strengths for defensive strategy, Strictly
- Technology / Metaverse market new Product0line with heavy cas control the quality of goods, Optimize the
- New Competitive Products backing, strength the ability inoovate, diverse current products, value and perhaps thru
- Channel Conflicts and new product / new market venturing disruptive innovation

Analyze the Strengths and Weaknesses and link with Opportunities and Strengths to derive the future strategic capabilities of “future strategy” 21
For Student Work Book Presentation slides - For your Action
Strengths = S -Weaknesses = W
1. Existing Brands - Brand perception
2. Existing Customer Base - Intermediary use
3. Existing Channel / Distribution - Technology / Digital Skills
- Cross Channel Support
Opportunities = O SO – Strategies (Growth) WO = Strengths (Torsion)

- Leverage Strength to maximize opportunities and - Counter weaknesses thru exploiting

- Cross selling opportunities and Building strengths for
Attacking Strategy
- New Markets attacking strategy
- New Services - Eg: migrate customers to avatar / metaverse / virtual reality /
- Alliance / Co-branding web, Refine customer contact content management, refine - Eg: counter mediation strategy (create, co create or
customer contact strategy across customer life cycle, acquire), Search engine marketing / attacking
customer journey mapping, re-segmentation, Partnership marketing to be on top, Affiliate based acquisition
strategy Eco-branding / endorsements), Launch new strategy, Refine customer journey mapping and
metaverse and launch AR / VR products of vale edition : Eg: contacts strategy (Phygital)
Video streaming

Threats = T ST = Strategies (Diversification) WT = Strategies (Defense)

- Customers Choice - Leverage strength to maximize threats and - Counter weaknesses and threats and Build
Defensive Strategy strengths for defensive strategy
- New Entrants
- Technology / Metaverse - Eg: introduce new OTT internet vased products link to - Eg: Differentiation online pricing strategy
- New Competitive Products metaverse - Acquire / create / co create new business models to
- Channel Conflicts - Add value to web / youtube services refine EVP deliver creative solutions with low costs
- Partner with complementary brands - Customer engagement and strategy to customer
- Create own social network sites / Customer Reviews conversion, average customer strike rate and life
time value, Online consultancy strategy
Analyze the Strengths and Weaknesses and link with Opportunities and Strengths to derive the future strategic capabilities of “future strategy” 22

To be discussed in week 4


To be discussed in week 4


PESTEL (Francis J. Aguilar, 1964 Harvard Business School: Scanning the Business Environment)

Porter 5 Forces (Michale S Porter 1979, The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard.)

SWOT Albert Humphrey 1960

STP Philip Kotler 1969

Ansoff Matrix (Growth / Direction)) H. Igor Ansoff in 1957

BCG Portfolio Analysis by Boston Consulting Group / Dr Bruce Henderson 1970

GE McKinsey Matrix (Current Product Portfolio) McKinsey and Company 1970

Roger Martin Cascaded Choices - A.G. Lafley Procter & Gamble & Roger Martin 2013

Porter Generic Strategies - Michael Porter 1979

Bowman – Faulkner Strategy Clock - Cliff Bowman and David Faulkner 1997 “Competitive and Corporate Strategy.”

Resources Based View of Strategy (irger Wernerfelt (1984) & Jay B. Barney (1991)

VRIO (VRIN, Jay Barney in 1991)

Specimen Only

SGCE 2024 MBA UOB A total presentation run down and made for the benefit of students and subject to change, modify and alter based on
UOB / OCB guidelines as deemed to be fit and proper. Shouldn’t take as an definite and no students follow this as a direct
verbatim into your presentation. User discretion is sought © 2024

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