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2018 年 9-12 月雅思口语 Part1 高频考题参考资料(B 版)



1. 2018 年 9-12 月 Part1 高频考题整理如下,请大家按照 topic 序号对应查找相关话题和素材。

2. 表格中黄色高亮的 topic 是本季度出现的新主题。右侧的“是否已复习”帮助大家对自己复


3. 部分小题目有标注“9-12 月新高频题”
,意思是该 topic 在 5-8 月已经在考,但 9-12 月新增


4. 注意 Part1 和 Part3 考官可以即兴提问(尤其 Part3),并无法覆盖全部考题。


5. 我们的题目是根据大量雅思考生的回忆一一核实后确定的,并参考了“雅思哥”等多个机构


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6. 如对资料有语法词汇的疑问、或在练习中有题目思路及表达的疑问,欢迎随时联系 Penny。


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主题 是否 主题 是否

(题号=页码) 已复习 (题号=页码) 已复习

Topic 1: Study(含 School) Topic 16: Transportation

Topic 2: Work Topic 17: Music

Topic 3: Major Topic 18: City

Topic 4: Home Topic 19: Sports

Topic 5: Hometown Topic 20: Punctuality(含 watch)

Topic 6: Morning routine Topic 21: Letters & Cards


Topic 7: Drink water Topic 22: Family activity

& Leisure time

Topic 8: Movies Topic 23: Holiday plan

Topic 9: Shoes Topic 24: Foreign food

Topic 10: Paintings & Photos Topic 25: Teachers

Topic 11: Cook Topic 26: Rainy day

Topic 12: Color Topic 27: Map

Topic 13: Sunglasses Topic 28: Save money

Topic 14: Season & Weather Topic 29: Plant

Topic 15: Park & Garden Topic 30: Boring

目录中高亮的第 6-16 题为本季度出现的新 Topic

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Topic 1: Study1

1. Do you work or study?

I’m a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science now.

2. Which university did you go?

The university I went is called XXX University. It’s a very good university in China. I’m really proud to
be a student there. Honestly, I was so close to being rejected because I thought my grade couldn’t meet
the enrollment requirement2 of my university.

3. Why did you choose your school / university?

Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university was the best university for Computer
Science3, which is really what I love to study. Besides, my parents also supported me to go there because
they believe four years of study there would be a big help for my future career.

4. Do you like your school? (9-12 月新高频题)

Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often busy with all the assignments and exams4, I
really enjoy studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. And most importantly, I have some really
awesome friends at school. We hang out with each other all the time.
5. Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of your school needs an
improvement? (9-12 月新高频题)
Well, I think the gym in our campus needs to be improved. I mean, all the facilities at the gym should
be replaced because everything is literally worn out5. The basketball court doesn't even have a hoop6.

It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I really hope our school can do something about it. 见下页

1 Study: 注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注意结合个人实际调
整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
2 the enrollment requirement: 入学要求
Computer Science:注意科目根据自己的情况来调整,有疑问联系 Penny
busy with all the assignments and exams:忙于学业和考试
5 worn out: 破损,破旧
6 hoop: 篮筐
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6. Did you enjoy the first day when you went to your university?
Yes, I still remember I was so happy when I signed up at my college on the first day. I just couldn’t stop
smiling at everyone I met. My parents went there with me, and they were also happy when they saw that
the campus looked so beautiful and energetic.

7. What time do you like to study? / What’s the best time for you to study?/Do you prefer to study
in the mornings or in the afternoons?
I prefer to study in the mornings. Actually I’m a morning person. I find it easier for me to focus on
reading and thinking in the mornings than in the afternoons. I think it’s because of my daily routine. I
always feel pretty tired in the afternoons.
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Topic 2: Work7
1. Do you work or study?

Now I’m working fulltime as a programmer at Baidu; I’ve been working there for 5 years. (注意根据实

际情况调整,有改动疑问联系 Penny)

2. Do you like your job?

Yes, I love my job. I’m happy to help people every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for.
The pay8 is good and they even hand out bonuses9 twice a year!

3. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future development? (9-12 月新高频题)
Yes, it’s a wonderful job. Even though I’m often busy with the tasks at work sometimes and have to work
overtime10, overall, I believe it’s a good career for me. I’m very passionate about11 my job and I really
know what to do. Plus, doing this job right now will definitely help me build my resume12 later.

4. Do you want to change your job? (9-12 月新高频题)

No, I don't want to hop my job13 right now. It’s mainly because the pay is not bad. I mean, it’s not much
higher than others but I’m pretty comfortable with it. Plus, it’s not easy to find a good job in today’s job
market, is it?


7 work:注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注意结合个人实际调

整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
8 The pay: 工资,薪酬
9 hand out bonuses:发奖金
work overtime:加班
passionate about:热衷于…
12 build my resume:充实简历,给简历增加特色
13 hop my job:跳槽
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5. Are nine-to-five jobs good? (9-12 月新高频题)

I suppose nine-to-five jobs are pretty good! Even though you feel bored sometimes, I think it’s important
to have a stable job14 that pays you well. After all, it’s not easy to make money. Plus, you have the
weekends free, which gives you a chance to relax.

6. Did you enjoy the first day of your job?

Yes, I still remember I was so happy when I clocked in15 at the reception desk as a new employee. I just
couldn’t stop smiling at everyone I met. I was also glad that they had a very thoughtful welcome for me
and showed me around the whole office building. Everyone looked happy and energetic there. I was so

have a stable job:有一个稳定的工作
clocked in:
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Topic 3: Major16

1. What is your major?

I’m studying computer science at Hunan University. I feel happy being enrolled in this program, because
I’m interested in coding. Plus, I think I’m good at it since my math is good.

2. Do you like your major?

Yes, I like my major. But you know… there will always be parts you like and parts you don’t like. For
example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are boring because some of
them are difficult to understand.

3. Do you like the courses of your major?

Yes, I do like most of them, especially the ones related to programming. For example, I love Java
Programming. The knowledge I learned is not only theoretical but also very practical in real life.

4. Why did you choose to study that (major)?

Well, the main one is that I have lots of passion in that field. I never feel bored, and I always enjoy
studying about it. Actually I’ve noticed that when I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if I
went to a college, I would take computer science as my major.

5. Will you continue doing what you’re studying in the future?

Yes, I will. I don't think I will be bored if I make a living from it. Plus, the income level in this field is
also higher than average, so I believe I can have a comfortable life by working as a programmer.

16 Major: 注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注意结合个人实际调
整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.
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Topic 4: Home17

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I’m living in an apartment now. And I’m sharing it with my best friend at college. I really enjoy living there, because
the location is pretty convenient for me. But of course, owning a house is also a dream of mine. (I hope to have my
own backyard where I can relax.)括号里的内容根据考场实际来看是否继续扩展。

2. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? / Do you like your living place? (9-12 月新


I’m living in an apartment in downtown Shanghai. I have two roommates. They share the same apartment
with me. It’s a nice place to live because the rent is very cheap for a young guy like me. Plus, it’s close
to my workplace. That’s the main reason why I’ve been living there for a long time.


I’m living in a dorm at my university now. I have 3 roommates. We share the same room together. It’s a
nice place to live because the rent for students is very cheap.

3. How is the area surrounding your home like? / Are there any good facilities nearby you home?
(9-12 月新高频题)
Well, you know, I’m living in a university dorm, so the building I live in is part of the campus. There’s a
cafeteria18 building near our dorm, and it also has a supermarket inside. So it’s really convenient for me
to live there.


17 Home: 注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注意结合个人实际调
整,有改动疑问请联系 Penny.

18 Cafeteria: [kæfɪ'tɪərɪə] 食堂
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4. Do you have friends living nearby? /What do people living nearby do? Do you know some of
them? (9-12 月新高频题)
Yes, I do. Actually, I have a coworker, also a close friend of mine, living in the same apartment building
as me. It’s a high rise apartment19 so I guess there are tons of people living in it. Honestly, even though
I’ve been living there for a long time, I’ve only gotten to know the neighbor girl living across the hallway.
She is a teacher at a primary school nearby.

5. What are your roommates like?(住宿舍会问到,9-12 月新高频题)

Well, now I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty cool. And I’d say
I’m glad to live with them. All three of us love playing video games, so we have a lot to talk about and
do together. For example, we have a game night together every Saturday.

6. How long have you lived there?

I’ve been living there for over three years. Even though I have to share a room with three roommates,
luckily they’re all easy-going and nice, so we get along well with each other.

7. Will you move home in the near future?

Well, I don’t know if I will be moving anytime soon. But I hope not. I’ve been living in an apartment for
several years. It’s a comfortable place and the rent is also very low. But sometimes it’s not up to me20, I
might need to work at a far place later. Who knows, right?

8. What is your favorite room?

My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I spend most of my time in my bedroom. It has
all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I decorated it by myself. That really makes me feel at home
– literally21! It’s important to have somewhere you can just relax.


a high rise apartment: 高层公寓
it’s not up to me:并不取决于我

21 literally:不夸张的说,说真的
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9. How do you think your room could be improved?

I hope to have a large bookshelf. I love reading, but I have no bookcase now… if you go into my bedroom,
you can see tons of books are on the floor. So having a bookshelf may help me keep my room clean and

22 Keep my room clean and organized: 保持屋子整洁

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Topic 5: Hometown23
1. Where are you from? / Which city are you living in?
I live in my hometown Jinan. It’s a city in Shandong province. Actually I have been living there since I
was born. I really love it because there're lots of amazing attractions in the city, and people are very warm
and friendly.

2. Do you like your hometown? / Which part of your hometown attracts you the most? / Where is
the most impressive place in your hometown?
Yes, I do. I’m from Harbin. It’s famous for the Ice & Snow Festival there. Many visitors come to my city
to see it every year. I love being a tour guide and showing my friends from other cities this tourist

3. How long have you lived in your hometown?

I’ve been living in my hometown since I was born. Honestly, I’ve never thought about leaving my
hometown because all my friends and family members are there, and the cost of living is very low.

4. How long are you going to stay there?

I don’t know. It really depends on where I can work. I’ll stay here if I can find a good job after graduation.
But if I can’t find a suitable job, I’ll go back to my hometown because the cost of living in Beijing is

5. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?

Well, I think everything is good24 except the air pollution. There are many parks and museums in my
hometown, so children can do lots of interesting activities. But the air quality is poor…It’s really bad for
children’s health.

6. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?

Yes, Jinan’s commute is so bad. Lots of drivers don’t follow the traffic rules, and they often have road
rage25, so road accidents in my hometown are common.

Hometown 主题,每个人的实际情况不同,请根据个人实际作调整,有疑问随时联系 Penny
24 还可以说:all aspects of my hometown are good
25 road rage:路怒症
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Topic 6: Morning routine & Breakfast

1. What do you usually do in the mornings? /What’s your morning routine?
Well, I don't like getting up early in the morning, so usually I stay in bed for a while and check social
media until I feel more awake. After that, I take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and
make sure I look neat26 before I start the day.

2. Do you think breakfast is important?

Yeah, I definitely think breakfast is important! I’ve heard that it’s the most important meal of the day,
actually. If I don’t have anything to eat in the morning, I feel less energetic for the rest of the day. Plus,
it’s bad for your health if you don't eat breakfast. So I believe breakfast is a must.

3. What’s your morning routine in the morning when you were a child? / What’s the difference
between your morning routine in your childhood and your morning routine nowadays?
When I was a kid, I had a lot more energy in the mornings. I would get up very early and play with my
toys for a while. Then I’d get dressed and do all the other basic things. Now that I’m older, I always want
to get more hours of sleep27 so I don't get up that early.

4. What would you like to change in your morning routine?

Honestly, I’d like to wake up early enough to do some exercise. Actually I often sleep very late, so I don’t
really like getting up very early, but I’ve heard it’s really good to start the day with something active, like
having a jog.

5. Is your morning schedule on weekends different?

My weekend schedule is totally different from my weekday schedule. On the weekends, I always want
to get more hours of sleep, so I usually don’t get up that early – sometimes I stay in bed until noon! And
if I don’t have to go anywhere, I don’t even change out of my pajamas.

6. Do you like to do the same thing every day?

No, I think it’s very boring if you do the same thing every day. However, I have school every weekday,
so I definitely have a routine, but having different classes makes my days at school not so boring.

26 neat: 整洁
27 get more hours of sleep: 想睡多一点
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Topic 7. Drink water

1. Do you like drinking water?
Yes, I definitely like drinking water! When I was little, I didn’t really like it because I thought it tasted
bland28. But now I try to have a healthier lifestyle, so I usually drink a cup of hot water when I’m thirsty.
I feel it’s much healthier than drinking sodas or coffee.

2. Do you often drink water? / How often do you drink water?

I probably don’t drink it as often as I should, but I always try to have about four to six glasses of water
every day. It sounds easy, but I often forget to drink water. Sometimes I only drink one or two cups of
water one day.

3. Do you like drinking bottled water or tap water?

Well, I’m not very picky29 when it comes to what kind of water I drink. But if I had to pick, I guess I’d
say bottled water. It can taste really fresh compared to tap water, which is sometimes stale30.

4. Is bottled water expensive in your city?

No, I don't think so. In China, a bottle of water usually just cost one or two yuan. So it’s very affordable.
I often buy bottled water when I’m outside and feel thirsty.

5. Do you have experience of thirsty?

Yeah, I’ve definitely been thirsty without any water to drink before! One time, I was hiking with my
friend on a hill. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring some water with us… So we were both extremely
thirsty. The water tasted so good when we finally got it.

tasted bland:味道淡,没有什么味道
29 picky: 挑剔的
30 stale:不新鲜
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Topic 8. Movies
1. Do you like watching movies?
I love watching movies! They really take you to another world. Plus, it can be really fun to watch a movie
with your friends together. It’s a good way to relax.

2. How often do you watch movies?

I watch movies pretty often, at least two or three times a week. Whenever I have some down time31, I
like relaxing by watching a good comedy movie, or even an action movie32. It really helps me get away
from the pressures of work and study for a while.

3. What kind of movies do you like?

I love comedy movies, especially romantic comedies33. They’re funny and they always have a really cute
story. I don’t mind if34 the plots are not good; I just like seeing people have a happy ending. It’s a great
way for me to relax.

4. Do you love to go to a movie alone or with others?

I definitely prefer going to a movie with others. Specifically, my friends and I really love going to movies
together. It’s a great bonding experience35 for us, even if we don’t like the movie. It’s just nice to spend
time together.

5. Did you often go to movie theatre when you were a child?

I didn’t go too often, but sometimes when my parents wanted to watch a movie at night, they would take
me with them. We would go to the movie theatre and see the latest movie. It could be expensive
sometimes, so we didn't go see a movie very often.

6. Are your favorite types of movie the same as your favorite types now?
Actually, I have pretty different tastes now. When I was little, I actually loved horror movies36. Everyone
else my age was afraid of seeing a movie with a scary story, but I totally liked those movies when I was
young. But now that I’m older, I like movies with romance and humour.

31 down time:放松的时间,没事干的时候
32 action movie:动作片
Romantic comedies: 浪漫喜剧,爱情喜剧
I don’t mind if:我不介意这类电影是否…
35 a great bonding experience:让彼此关系更亲密
36 horror movies:恐怖片
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Topic 9. Shoes
1. How often do you buy shoes?
I don’t buy shoes very often, maybe just one pair a year. Shoes can be pretty expensive; you know, the
good brands can really cost you a lot of money. Besides, I don’t really pay much attention to shoes, so I
only get new shoes when mine are worn out37.

2. Have you ever bought shoes online? / Do you like to buy shoes online?
I’ve never bought shoes online, actually! I prefer going to physical stores38, because that way, I can see
what the shoe looks like, and I can know if it fits my foot right39. Although online shopping is so popular
nowadays, I don’t think I’d ever buy shoes online.

3. Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable shoes?

I definitely prefer comfortable shoes. It might make me sound like outdated compared to everyone else
in my generation, but you know, shoes were made for walking! It’s cool to be stylish as well, but fashion
isn’t very important to me.

4. What’s your favorite type of shoes?

Um… running shoes, absolutely. I love them because they’re usually comfy and they last for a long
time40 if you get a nice brand, like Nike or Adidas. I like going for walks a lot, so they’re perfect for
whenever I want to take a walk.

5. What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

My favourite pair of shoes is actually a pair of black Converse that I got for my birthday last year. They’re
still in pretty good shape41, and they’re so cute! Converse have been in style42 for a long time, and I don’t
think they’re going to be out of date anytime soon.

37 worn out:磨损、破损
38 physical stores: 实体店
it fits my foot right:是否合脚
last for a long time:能穿好久
41 in pretty good shape:状态很好,此处表示鞋还跟新的一一样
42 in style:流行
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Topic 10. Paintings & Photos(考生反馈此处俩题属于一个 topic)

1. What's the difference between painting and taking a photograph?
Well, I think painting is more about an interpretation of what you see43, but a photo shows exactly what
you see. You can paint an object in many different ways, but photos can’t change the way something
looks, at least not without Photoshop.

2. What’re the advantages of painting (comparing to photography)?

Off the top of my head, the first advantage I can think of is that you can be more creative. For one, you
can draw everything in different ways, whether it’s realistic or more abstract44. Another thing is that you
can experiment with45 painting – you can paint a blue sky green or change the shape of anything you

3. Would you like someone to draw a picture of you?(也有可能问到是否让别人照相)

Um… that would be weird46, honestly! But I think that if the person was a good artist, I would love to
see them draw me. Maybe it would be like looking in a mirror, or maybe the artist would draw me in a
funny way. Either way it’d be something interesting to see.

4. Do you like drawing?

Yes, I love drawing! It’s so relaxing. I love putting on music and then drawing, whether it’s a character
from a TV show, or a character from my imagination. I think it’s a good way to help me relax after work
or school.


an interpretation of what you see:
whether it’s realistic or more abstract: 不管是现实主义的,还是抽象的
45 experiment with: 做实验
46 weird:很奇怪,很怪异
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5. Have you ever learned drawing or painting?

Yes, I have! When I was about fifteen, I took a drawing class in the summer. Even though it feels like a
long time ago, I still remember the lessons I learned. I used to love drawing portraits47 for my parents.
My parents love my paintings, but I think they are just so-so48.

6. What kind of paintings do you like?

I love abstract paintings49. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the paintings because they don’t always
mean something, but I think it’s not always necessary to understand the purpose of the artist. My
favourite ones are the ones that use colours and shapes in really cool and interesting ways. They’re
definitely cool ways of showing imagination.

7. Why do you think people hang pictures at home? (What’s the usage of hanging pictures at home?)
I think people put up pictures at home because it makes the room look more personal to them. For
example, they can choose a family photo, or just some paintings they like. And then, when they put the
pictures up, it makes it feel more homey50. It’s always a good way to make your home more beautiful.

drawing portraits: 画肖像
just so-so:马马虎虎,一般般
49 abstract paintings:抽象画作品
50 homey:更舒适,更有家的感觉
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Topic 11. Cook

1. Do you like cooking? / How often do you cook?
No I don't. Actually, I rarely cook. For one, I really have no idea how to cook. The only dish I can cook
is scrambled eggs51, and every time I cook it, I’m so afraid of getting an oil burn52. So I really don't like

2. Have you ever cooked recently? / Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?
No. Honestly, I feel I haven’t cooked for a long time, ha-ha. I really don't know how to cook and don't
like it either. Besides, Chinese food seems so complicated to cook. The recipes53 all need so many kinds
of ingredients, and you have to be good at chopping54, which is what I’m scared of.

3. Did you have a memorable meal at home recently? /What’s the meal you really enjoyed recently?
Yes, I did. Actually, my mom’s birthday was last Saturday. All my relatives, about ten of them, came to
my home, and we had a family feast55; I really enjoyed that dinner. The dishes were really delicious; my
father even cooked a giant lobster56.

4. Why do some people enjoy cooking?

I think some people enjoy cooking because they are good at it. You know, when you’re a good chef at
home, it’s always fulfilling57 cooking for your family and seeing them eating the food you made happily.

5. Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home?

I prefer eating out. I mean, I love the chance to try new types of foods, especially the ones that are hard
to cook at home. Once, my friends took me out to try Thai food. I’d never had it before, but I’m so glad
they took me to the Thai restaurant, because the food was delicious!

scrambled eggs:炒鸡蛋
52 afraid of getting an oil burn:害怕被油烫到
53 recipes:菜谱
chopping: 切菜
had a family feast:吃了个家宴
56 a giant lobster:大龙虾
57 fulfilling: adj. 很满足的,很满意的
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Topic 12. Color

1. What’s your favorite color? Why?
Blue is definitely my favorite color. It’s one of the primary colors58, which means it’s pretty important!
And I like it the most because I think it’s the prettiest. It reminds me of summer skies and oceans, both
of which can relax my mind.

2. Do you like dark colors

Yes, I do like dark colors! Like59 black, grey or ocean blue. I think they are more discreet60 and classy
than bright colors. Honestly, nowadays I rarely wear clothes in bright colors, like red or yellow; they are
too childish for me. And most of my clothes, especially winter outfits, are in black or dark blue.

3. What colors did you like in your childhood?

Well, when I was younger, I liked really bright colors, like red and orange. Those made me feel all warm
and happy inside. I also had a toy firetruck that I loved playing with, and of course it was bright red61.

4. When you were a child, did you like to wear clothes in bright colors?
Yeah, I did! I thought it was really fun to wear some bright color clothes. It made me feel very cool. My
favorite colors were red and orange, so I would always pick out red shirts and orange hats and stuff like

5. Do you think the color of clothes shows one’s personality?

Yeah, I think so. For example, it seems that more outgoing people like bright colors, like red and yellow.
They don’t mind being the center of attention. But more introverted people are probably more likely to
wear discreet colors, like navy blue62 and black.


58 one of the primary colors: 三原色之一(红、黄、蓝)

61 bright red:亮红色
62 navy blue:深蓝色
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6. Is color important to you when you choose a car?

Yes, for sure. I don't have a car right now, but color would be important to me if I wanted to buy a car. I
prefer discreet colors, like black, grey or blue, and I will definitely avoid buying a red car. I heard it
before that the accident rate of red cars is higher than average63.

7. What color do you want to choose for the walls in your home?
Well, I think it would be cool to paint my walls fun colors, like pink or green, but I guess after awhile64,
I would get tired of having such bright walls. So it’d be more practical65 to have my walls be normal
colors, like white or light yellow.

higher than average:高于平均值
after awhile: 过一段时间后
65 practical: 更实用、更实际
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Topic 13. Sunglasses

1. Do you like to wear sunglasses?
Yeah, I love wearing sunglasses! When I go to the beach in the summer, I always love having a good pair
to shade my eyes and keep me from going blind. They can be really fashionable too; I actually have many
different kinds of pretty sunglasses.

2. How often do you wear sunglasses?

I don’t wear sunglasses quite often. It’s not that often66 that I get the chance to go somewhere hot and
sunny. I usually only wear them at the beach, and since I’m busy with my studies, I barely have the time
to go on beach trips.

3. What kind of sunglasses would you like to buy?

I’d like to buy some brand name sunglasses, like Prada or Gucci. I think those ones are really stylish and
they will not be outdated very quickly. But they can be very expensive, so I’d be happy with67 some great
looking sunglasses.

4. Would you like to buy sunglasses for other people as a gift?

No, I don’t think so. If you don't try them on first, it’s hard to tell which will look good on you. For
example, round sunglasses don’t fit everybody the same, so you would have to know what they look like
pretty well. I think there are better gift ideas.

5. Have you ever lost your sunglasses?

Yes, I have! Once I got a pair of designer sunglasses for my birthday. I took them to the beach with my
friends, but when we got home, I realized I’d forgotten them there! We drove back right away, but I
couldn’t find them anywhere. It was such a pity!


that often:这里的 that 是表示程度的,
67 I’d be happy with:…我也是很高兴的(这里表示:我是很想买高大上的品牌太阳镜,但是花钱多啊,所以能买到款型好看的
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6. Have you bought sunglasses before?

Yes, I have bought sunglasses before. The first pair I bought for myself was a pair of round sunglasses
from a shop in my hometown. They were cheap since they were on sale, and I thought they were pretty

7. Will you buy expensive sunglasses?

Well, to be honest, I would love to buy expensive sunglasses but I don’t think it’s the greatest idea,
especially since I’m a student, I don’t have a stable job. So buying expensive sunglasses is kind of a
waste of money. After all, it’s not easy to make money.
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Topic 14. Season & Weather

1. What’s your favorite season?
My favorite season is definitely fall. It’s absolutely beautiful when the leaves change their colors and fall
off the trees. It really impresses me every year. Plus, the weather is just right – it’s not too hot, and it’s
not too cold. It’s always such a special time for me.

2. What are the differences between sports that people do in different seasons? / What do people
do in different seasons?
Honestly, sports aren’t my cup of tea. But I’m pretty sure people play football in summer and table tennis
or other indoor sports in winter. It’s because of the weather – in the summertime, it’s nice enough to do
outdoor sports like basketball or football. But in winter, it’s too cold to be outside, so you have to play
sports in gyms.

3. What’s the weather of different seasons like in your hometown?

In my hometown, the weather is pretty different from season to season. It’s nice and hot in summer, cool
in fall, freezing in the winter, and then kind of warm again in spring. Spring is also known as the rainy
season in my hometown; there are tons of thunderstorms68 during that time.

4. Do you like the weather to be the same all year around or to be distinct in four seasons?
Well, I really love the weather in fall, but I would get bored if it was always the same. So I think I like it
better when the weather is distinct69 in all four seasons. After all, nobody wants the same weather every
day. It would be so boring if the weather never changed.

69 distinct: 明显的;这里指“四季分明”
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Topic 15. Park & Garden

1. Do you prefer a park or a garden?
I prefer gardens. They’re much more peaceful. Whenever I stand in a garden and look at all the beautiful
plants and flowers, it really makes me feel relaxed. Parks are nice, but they can get overcrowded very
easily. I think it’s nice to just spend some time surrounded by nature.

2. Do you often go to a park or a garden? What do you usually do there?

Well, I don’t go to a park or garden very often. If I go to a park, I usually meet up with friends and we
just walk around and have a chat. If I go to a garden, I’d love to listen to music and read a book to relax.

3. When’s the last time you went to a park?

The last time I went to a park was just before school started. It’s a small park, and it’s close to my home.
I met up with a couple of my good friends and we had a lot of fun playing badminton at a court there. It
was nice to hang out with my friends before life got crazy with school and work.

4. Describe a park you often visit. /What facilities does the park you often visit have?
Well, the park I often hang out at has a plenty of facilities, so it’s a very popular place in our community.
There’s a fountain pool70 at the center of the park, which sprays water all the time.

5. What do you think could be done to make the park that you often visit better? / What do you
think a park should have?
Well, the park that I often visit doesn’t have any entertainment facilities for kids. It just has park benches71
and places for older people to hang out. I think the park should install a playground72 for young kids to
play on.

6. Do you prefer a park to have more open space or more leisure facilities?
Personally, I prefer a park to have more open space. That way73, you can go there for picnics, or just lie
on the grass and enjoy a nice afternoon with family and friends. If you have too many leisure facilities,
the space can be too crowded to do such activities.

a fountain pool:喷泉水池
park benches:公园长椅
72 install a playground:安装一个游乐场
73 That way: 那样的话
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Topic 16. Transportation

1. When was latest time you took a taxi?
Well, the last time I took a taxi was about half year ago when I tried to catch a train. At the time, I was
running late for74 check-in75, so I had to take a taxi. And I remember I even gave the driver 10 yuan more,
and asked him to drive faster to the train station.

2. Is the traffic in your city bad?

Honestly, it depends on the time of day. During rush hour, the traffic can be very bad. Sometimes it can
take you hours just to drive a couple blocks. But if it’s in the afternoon or on the weekends, it’s not so

3. Can you drive?


Yes, I can drive! I’ve been driving since I was 21 years old. I got my license at the time. At first, I was
nervous, especially when it got busy on the roads. But now that I’ve been driving for a long time, it
doesn’t stress me out76 at all.


No, I can’t drive. I often take public transportation. Honestly, the thought of driving really stresses me
out. I think I’d make other drivers mad because I would be driving too slowly. I’d rather just take a bus
or a subway, or get a ride from my friends77.

4. Do you drive usually? /Do you often drive?

Well, to be honest, I try to avoid driving whenever I can. Sometimes the roads get too busy. If I can just
take public transportation, I would not like to drive. But if I want to go to school or work early, I like
driving because it’s faster.


I was running late for: 赶着去做某事
check-in: 检票登车
76 stressed me out:压力很大,很紧张
77 get a ride from my friends:让朋友载我
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5. Do you think people need to learn how to drive?

Honestly, I think it depends78. If people live somewhere that has a great public transportation system,
then I don’t think they need to learn how to drive. After all, if people take public transportation, it’s better
for the environment. But if they often need to go to someplace far away, they should learn how to drive.

6. Does your family often travel by car (go on a road trip)?

Yeah, we do. During the summer, we love going on road trips to small towns along the highway. I really
love having a road trip with my parents. A few months ago, we drove for three hours to a seaside town79.
We were so impressed by the scenery there.

7. What are the advantages of a road trip?

The advantages of a road trip are that you can choose where you go, how fast you go, and when you want
to take a break. If you take a train or a plane, the stops are already decided for you. But if you drive
yourself, you can make all the decisions yourself.

78 it depends: 视情况而定
79 a seaside town:海滨小镇
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Topic 17: Music

1. Do you like music?
Yes, I enjoy music very much. Music always helps me relax when I’m stressed or tired. I listen to all
kinds of music, but my favorite kinds are pop music and light music.

2. Which kind of music don’t you like? (9-12 月新高频题)

I really don’t like metal80. I think it’s too loud. And when I listen to it, it always gives me a headache.
Besides, I can never hear what the singers are saying, so I can’t enjoy the lyrics. I prefer softer music81,
like pop or folk music82.

3. What kind of instrument can you play?

Well, I actually can’t play any kind of instrument. But when I hear engaging rhythms83, I really wish I’d
learned to play an instrument before, like a guitar or a piano.

4. What musical instrument do you want to play in the future? (9-12 月新高频题)
I’d love to learn how to play piano. Although it seems like a basic instrument, it’s definitely one of the
most beautiful ones. I’m not good at music though, so it would probably take me a long time to learn.
But I think it’d definitely be worth it.

5. Do you think it is hard to learn how to play an instrument?

Yes, I do think it’s difficult to learn an instrument. It’s mainly because you have to stick to practicing it
for years. For example, if a person wants to learn to play the piano, they need to spend years and years
practicing it.


80 Metal: 这里指“重金属音乐”
softer music: 柔和的音乐
folk music:民谣
83 engaging rhythms: 迷人的旋律, rhythms ['rɪð(ə)mz]
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6. Have you ever been to a concert before?

Yes, I’ve seen several concerts before. Actually my friend and I just watched a rock concert. It’s the most
exciting event I’ve ever been at. Several bands and singers performed in the concert, and the stadium
was very loud. It was a feast for the eyes and ears84 and we were so happy.

7. Would you like to listen to music when you are working or studying?
Yes; when I am working or studying, I usually play some music in the background. I prefer listening to
light music or jazz that can help me concentrate on my work.

8. Do you think your music taste will change?

Um…yes, I do think my taste will change. Honestly, the types of music I like now are different from
what I used to listen to when I was a kid. So I believe my taste will change when I get older.

9. Do you like to buy CDs or download music?

Well, when I was young, I bought lots of CDs. But now, I prefer to download music. Whenever I want
to listen to some songs, I download the music on my smartphone, which is fast and free.

84 a feast for the eyes and ears:视听盛宴

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Topic 18. City

1. What kind of city do you like? (9-12 月新高频题)
I like cities that aren’t too big, but aren’t too small. I don’t like to live somewhere very crowded because
I think it would be stressful to live there.

2. Do you want to stay in the city? (9-12 月新高频题)(背景是你当下正在的任何一个城市, 比如


I’ve been living in a city(XX) for school, and I’ve known this city very well, so I would like to stay here.
There are lots of awesome restaurants in this city. Plus, I’ve made a lot of friends here, so it would be
great to stay close to them.

3. Which city do you want to visit?

Well the city I want to visit the most is definitely London in the UK. Many people told me the city is
unique. And honestly, if I have enough money, I will go have a sightseeing trip in London right away. A
friend told me that I must go to see Buckingham palace85 when I go there.

4. When was the last time you visit a city?

I went to Beijing with my friends last year. It was a really great sightseeing trip for us, and we enjoyed
the culture of Beijing in the old streets. Plus, it’s awesome that many Beijing landmarks are free to visit.
After all, making money is not easy.

5. Do more Chinese people stay in cities or stay in countryside?(9-12 月新高频题)

Well, now more and more Chinese people are becoming city residents. I think it’s mainly because the
economy is changing. So more people can find a job in cities rather than staying in their hometown in
rural areas.


Buckingham palace: 白金汉宫 Buckingham ['bʌkɪŋəm],请根据个人喜好替换想去的城市
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6. Do you like to live in a city or the countryside?

Personally, I love living in the countryside more than the city. Although life is very convenient in the city,
it’s really great to be close to nature. There’s something really beautiful about seeing trees around, not
just buildings. Plus, the fresh air is good for your health.
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Topic 19. Sports

1. What kind of sport do you like to do in the university?
Well, the sport I played the most at college was table tennis, and honestly, it’s a sport everyone can play.
My friends and I all enjoyed playing it at the gym when we were free. Honestly, I’m really good at
playing table tennis. My friends could barely beat me when we played a game. (如果本身不喜欢运动,

该题可以按照第 2 题素材整理内容,有疑问联系 Penny)

2. Do you like sports?

Personally, I don’t really like sports. I don’t even understand the rules of most sports. And it’s also
probably because I’m more of a couch potato. I prefer reading books or playing board games rather than
watching or playing sports.(如果本身喜欢运动,该题可以按照第 1 题素材整理内容,有疑问联系 Penny)

3. What kinds of sports are popular in China?

When it comes to a popular sport in China, table tennis is definitely number one. I think the main reason
is that table tennis is very easy to learn, so basically everyone can play it. Plus China has a culture of
table tennis, as our national table tennis team often won medals at the Olympics.

4. Who is your favorite sportsman? / Who’s the most popular sportsman in your country(9-12 月
Speaking of my favorite athlete, the first one that I can think of is Sun Yang. He’s the best swimmer in
China. I heard he just won four gold medals in the Asian games86 a month ago. All of his fans, including
me, were so happy for him.

5. Do you want to take a part in Olympics? / If you have a chance to take a part in Olympics, will
you want to join it? (9-12 月新高频题)
Well, I’m not good at sports, but I really love swimming. So I guess I would join the Olympics for the
swimming competition if I ever had the chance87. It would be awesome to represent my country88.

the Asian games: 亚运会
87 if I ever had the chance: 如果我有机会的话
88 represent my country:代表我的国家
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Topic 20: Punctuality

1. Do you like to wear a watch? Why?

No, I don’t really like wearing a watch. For one, I just check the time by looking at my smart phone.
Besides, sometimes wearing a watch is annoying because it’s always too tight or too loose89. Of course
you can get it tight or loose, but it will definitely slip down90.

2. Do you like waiting for people? / How do you feel if others are not on time? (9-12 月新高频题)
Honestly, it drives me crazy91 when I have to wait a long time for people. If I have plans with my friends
and they don’t show up on time, I would be mad at them sometimes. Because it’s like they’re not
respecting my time. I think it’s very important to be punctual.

3. Do you think punctuality is important?

Punctuality is very important. First of all, being punctual shows your respect for others. Besides,
punctuality shows people that you are reliable. If you aren’t punctual, people can’t depend on you because
they don’t know if they can trust you.

4.What will you do if you have to wait for somebody?

Well, I don’t usually have to wait for people because most of my friends are pretty punctual. But if I have
to wait for someone, I’ll do something to kill the time, like reading a book on my kindle or playing games
on my smartphone.

5. How do you organize your time?

When I’m given a new assignment, I check how important it is. If it’s very important, I will do it as soon
as possible. And I often use a schedule to organize the tasks and activities. I think I’m doing a good job
of managing my time.


too tight or too loose: 不是太紧就是太松
slip down: 滑下去,你可以把表腕调节紧一点或者松一点,但是(手表)它最终还是会滑下去。
91 drives me crazy: 让我疯掉了,崩溃
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6. Were you ever late for anything?

Um…Yes, I have been late to some appointments before. For example, I was late for a concert last
summer. Even though I left home early, I was half an hour late for the show because of the bad traffic.

7. Do you often check time?

Yes, quite often. I usually set a deadline for things I’m about to do. So I often check my watch to remind
myself how long I need to finish it.
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Topic 21: letters & Cards

1. Do you often write letters (or cards) (请注意内容替换)?

I don’t write letters quite often. I prefer to just text or email someone. But if I do write someone a letter,
it’s usually means they’re very close to me. I think letters are a perfect way to show someone that you
love them.

2. Do you like to receive letters or postcards?

Even though I don’t like writing letters, I love getting them. Postcards are also really fun to get. But it
doesn’t happen for me very often. After all, nowadays, everybody texts or emails. But I think handwritten
letters or postcards are so sweet and thoughtful. I’d love to get one soon.

3. Have you ever received letters or cards? (9-12 月新高频题)

Yes, I have. For my birthday last year, I received some handwritten letters and cards from my friends. It
was so touching to see them express their love for me. It seems pretty old-fashioned nowadays, but I love
getting snail mail92. I always feel so happy to open a letter and find out who it’s from.

4. Have you written letters or card to others? (9-12 月新高频题)

No, I haven’t written a letter by hand yet, but I wrote a birthday card to my friend. It was the only time I
did it. Honestly, I don’t really like writing things by hand because I have bad handwriting93. Plus, I like
using computers, so I always send emails rather than write letters.


snail mail:普通邮寄的信件,平信
93 I have bad handwriting: 字写的不好
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5. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?

I’m not sure. I think that some people like doing things the old-fashioned way94. But the way they write
letters might change. Instead of writing it by hand, they might write a letter on a computer because it
saves paper.

6. Do you think emails will replace letter writing?

Yeah, I believe emails will replace letter writing in the future. For one, writing letters on paper is a waste
of resources. We can save a lot of trees if we send emails. Plus, it’s a lot faster – you don’t have to wait
for someone to deliver your letter. Emails can be received immediately.

94 the old-fashioned way:传统的方式

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Topic 22: Family activity & Leisure time

1. What is your favorite way to relax? / What do you usually do when you are free? (9-12 月新高
Whenever I’m free, what I like to do the most is to play sports, especially with my friends. Even though
I’m usually tired out after a workout95, a good exercise is really helpful in letting me relax my mind.

2. Who do you spend more spare time with, your friends or your parents?
I definitely spend more free time with my friends. Whenever I hang out with them, we just have a chat
and it’s really casual. But with my parents, it’s usually a bit stricter. I do like spending time with them
though; after all, blood is thicker than water.96

3. Which do you prefer, hanging out with friends or being alone?

Well, honestly, it depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s nice to just have some down time97 to yourself.
But I love being with my friends. It really helps me wind down98. Going shopping or seeing a movie with
my friends is always a great way to kill time.

4. How do you spend time with your family?

My parents always make a big meal for me when I’m back home. I really enjoy having a great meal with
them. We also love being couch potatoes99 and watching movies or TV shows together, since my parents
have a pretty good home theatre.


95 after a workout:锻炼身体之后
blood is thicker than water: 血浓于水
down time: 放松的时间
98 wind down: 放松
couch potato:总躺在沙发上看电视的人
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5. How often do you meet with your family?

I usually go back to see my parents once a month. Although I’d like to visit my family frequently,
unfortunately I’m often busy with work.

6. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home?

I prefer going outside to have fun, especially when I’m with my family. One thing we love the most is
family trips. We usually travel at least once a year.

7. What is the difference in family activities when you were young and now?
When I was young, I usually loved cycling to interesting places with my parents on the weekends. But
now, I’ve been busy at school, and I don’t see my parents quite often. So when I visit them now, the most
common thing we do together is to have a family feast100.

100 have a family feast: 举行家宴

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Topic 23. Holiday plan

1. Where have you been before in holidays?
I’ve actually traveled to a lot of places before because my family loves having family trips during
holidays. I remember I’ve been to more than ten different cities in the past. Some are tourist attractions
in China, others are cities and fun places abroad. Like last year, we visited Phuket Island101 of Thailand
and enjoyed a one-week holiday there.

2. Where will you go on your next holiday?

I’d like to go to Sanya. It’s one of the most beautiful coastal cities in China, and I’ve planned to have a
vacation there for a long time. Plus, my friend told me that it’s the place to be if I want to go diving.

3. Do you like to be alone or enjoy your holiday with friends?/ What do you often do in the
I hang out with my friends a lot during holidays. Honestly, I don’t like staying at home all the time. It’s
just not my cup of tea. Plus, when I’m on holiday, what I like the most is102 watching concerts and sports
games live with my friends.

4. What’s your best or most impressive vacation?/Describe a vacation you like?

Well, last year, I visited Thailand. It was definitely the best vacation I had. In Thailand, there are tons of
exciting activities that you can do, like riding elephants and watching ladyboy shows103.

5. Do you like to make a plan before a holiday?

Yes, I definitely like to make plans before a holiday. If I know I’m going to have some time off, I want
to make the most of it104 by doing something incredible. Honestly I don’t have holidays very often. So
it’s best to take advantage of that time105 and prepare to do some fun activities.


Phuket Island: 普吉岛
what I like the most is: 我最喜欢的是…
ladyboy shows: 人妖秀
make the most of it: 最大化的利用,充分利用,注意该表达属于听力考点词
105 take advantage of that time: 利用好这段时间
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6. What is the most important thing when making a holiday plan?

Um…I think the most important thing is to make a budget106. After all, making money is not easy. You
have to be careful with how much you spend. Fun activities usually cost a lot of money, but it’s important
not to spend too much money. You just have to have some self-control107.

106 make a budget: 做好预算

107 have some self-control:需要有一些自我控制力
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Topic 24. Foreign food

1. Have you ever tried foreign food?
Yes, I have. Actually I love Thai food very much. I fell in love with Thai cuisine ever since I took a trip
to Thailand with my family about two years ago. The local food there just amazed me. And even after
the trip, I still often go to a Thai food restaurant near my neighborhood.

2. How often do you eat foreign food when you were a kid?
When I was a kid, I didn’t get to enjoy foreign food very often, because my mom thought all the western
food was unhealthy. I remember I had meals at McDonald’s only a few times in my childhood.

3. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

When talking about popular foreign food in China, top three things I can think of are McDonald’s Big
Mac, KFC’s fried chicken and Pizza at Pizza Hut. These kinds of restaurants exist everywhere in China,
and tons of people love western fast food.

4. Do you think foreign food become popular in China? / Do you think Chinese people will eat more
foreign food or less foreign food?
Yes, I do think foreign food, especially high-end108 foreign cuisine, is becoming increasingly popular in
China. Now more and more young people’s tastes are getting more diverse109, I believe there will be
more restaurants selling foreign delicious food in Chinese cities a couple years from now

5. What kind of new foreign food have you tried recently?

Well, I just had pizza with my friends several days ago. We had the meal at a small restaurant. The
owner said he had lived and worked in Italy for many years. And the pizza he made was so tasty. It
was to die for110..

high end: 高端的
diverse: 不同,多样
to die for:极端好的,极想要的
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Topic 25: Teachers

1. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
To be honest, when I was a kid, I always played school with my little sisters111, so being a teacher has
been a dream of mine since I was little. I think it would be great to help teach the next generation. After
all, they’re the future. That would make being a teacher so rewarding.

2. Do you still remember your teachers in primary school?

Well, honestly, I can’t remember all of them. But I remember my Chinese teacher. She was really sweet
and always gave us candy when we did well in class. She’s definitely left a good impression on me, even
after all these years.

3. Do you have a favorite teacher when you were in primary (or high) school?
It feels like it’s been ages112 since I was in primary school, but I remember that I had a favorite teacher.
Her name was Mrs. Li and she was always so patient and kind! Us little kids113 were pretty naughty, but
she never yelled at us.

4. What kinds of teachers do you like?

I like teachers that are really patient and kind. Students can be very naughty, so it’s important for teachers
to be able to keep their cool. When teachers show that kind of behavior, they show that they’re worthy
of respect. Those are the teachers that leave the best impressions.

5. What’s the difference between teachers in the past and now? / What’s the difference between
your teachers and your parents’ teachers?
I think that teachers nowadays are generally not very strict when it comes to dealing with students. Some
of them are so nice and friendly with their students. They even hang out with students on weekends. In
contrast, teachers in the past, like my parents’ teachers, were a lot stricter. They asked all students to
follow school rules strictly. I’m not really sure which type of teaching is better.

played school with my little sisters: 玩学生老师角色扮演的游戏
112 it’s been ages: 已经过去很多年
Us little kids: 口语表达,我们小孩子
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Topic 26: Rainy day

1. Do you like rainy days?
Yes, I love rainy days. I find the sound of falling rain can always keep me very focused when I’m studying
or working. It’s a very peaceful sound to me.


Um…No, I don’t like rain. The rainy weather can have a negative effect on my mood due to the lack of
sun. Plus, if it pours nonstop for over TWO weeks, it can drive me crazy!

2. Do you like to live in a dry or humid place?


I prefer a humid place over a dry one. Even though that weather can really be annoying sometimes, it’s
better than a totally dry area. I actually love rainy days very much, so I like living in a place where rains


I prefer a dry place over a humid one. Even though low humidity can really be annoying sometimes, it’s
better than a totally humid area. The humid weather always makes me feel like I’m sticky114. So I feel
dry days are more comfortable for me.

3. Does it rain much in your hometown?

My hometown is an inland city, so usually there’s not much rainfall in my hometown. But it rains a lot
during the summer. It would drive me up the wall115 if it poured nonstop for weeks.

4. What do you do when it’s rainy?

Rainy days often make me sleepy. So, whenever it’s showering outside, I don’t feel like doing anything
but sleeping and relaxing. Sometimes I’d like to pick a movie and watch it on the sofa.


114 sticky:粘粘的,黏黏的
drive me up the wall: 把我逼疯, 和第一题 drive me crazy 意思相同
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5. Have you ever changed your plan because of rain?

Yes, that’s happened to me before. Just about a month ago, my friend and I were about to meet at a
shopping mall, but we canceled it because of a rainstorm116. It was such a pity. Actually whenever there
is a rain, I tend to stay at home and won’t go out unless I have to.

116 rainstorm:暴雨
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Topic 27: Map

1. Do you prefer electronic or paper maps?
Honestly, I prefer electronic maps. They’re more likely up to date than paper maps, and if you’re using
something like Baidu Maps, it’ll tell you if you take a wrong turn. Apps like that really make life easier.

2. How often do you use maps?

I use maps a lot. Actually I have a bad sense of direction, so sometimes I need to check a map many times
while I’m going somewhere. This even happens in my hometown; sometimes I forget where certain
places are, so I use an app on my phone to tell me where to go.

3. Do you ever ask people for directions instead of using a map?

Well, honestly, I’m pretty shy around strangers, so I don’t like asking people for directions. But if I’m
new in a city, I have to ask one of the locals if they know how to get to where I’m going.

4. Did you learn to use a map when you were a child?

Yes, I did. When I was young, I was good at reading maps. I was really interested in exploring, so I
always asked my parents to show me how to use a map whenever we were on vacation to a new place.

5. Who taught you how to use a map?

My dad taught me how to use a map. When I was young, he took me on a road trip and let me lead the
way117. We got lost many times because I didn’t know how to use a map at first, but he parked the car
and explained to me. After that, I learned the basic map skills.

117 lead the way: 带路

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Topic 28: Save money

1. Did you save money when you were young?
Yes, I did! Although now I’m not really a cheap person118, when I was young, I thought money was such
a big deal that I hated spending it. My parents gave me an allowance119, but I always saved it up instead
of buying candy or anything like that.

2. Have you ever given money to other children as a gift?

No, I don’t think I have. Actually I didn’t have a lot of money growing up. My parents gave me a very
small allowance, and they encouraged me to save the money I got. After all, making money is not easy.
So I haven’t given children money as a gift, because I think they should earn it themselves.→_→

3. Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Yes, definitely. Parents should teach children to save money. It’s an important life skill that’ll really
benefit them in the long run. After all, a penny saved is a penny earned120. It’s better for children to learn
that early on121 in life instead of finding it out the hard way122.

4. How should parents teach their children to save money?

Um…in my opinion, parents should teach their children to put some money into a savings account, or
even just a piggybank123. If they save a little bit every week, they’ll find that it’s turned into a lot of
money by the end of the year.

5. Do your parents give you money for some extra work like house cleaning?
Yes, they do. It’s not a lot of money, but it’s enough for me to buy myself something sometimes. Actually
my parents encourage me to save it up instead of spending it. They always say that making money is not

118 a cheap person: 吝啬的人

allowance: 零用钱
120 a penny saved is a penny earned:省一分就是赚一分
early on:早一点(学会)
122 the hard way: 艰难的
Piggybank: 存钱罐
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Topic 29: Plant:

1. Did you look after any plants when you were young?
No. Honestly, I didn’t really have a lot of responsibilities when I was young, because I was pretty
forgetful. I often forgot to water the plants at home, so my mom usually took care of all the plants at
home herself.

2. Do you keep plants at home?

No, I don’t really do that. Sometimes in the summer I’ll buy some small plants124, but generally speaking
I’m not good at taking care of plants. Plus, when I am busy at work and study, it’s so easy for me to forget
to water or feed them.

3. Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?

I think it depends on their age. Young people like me don’t tend to send plants as gifts, but I know many
older adults love giving small plants or flowers to each other. I think it’s kind of a waste of money, but
to each their own125 I guess.

4. Do you think plants are a good gift for you or not?

Personally, I don’t think plants would be a good gift for me. They’re not my cup of tea126. For one, I’m
not good at taking care of them. For another, there are a ton of other things I love, like books or a gift
card for a coffee shop.

5. Do you know anything about growing a plant or taking care of a plant?

I don’t know a lot. To be honest, I’m not good at taking care of plants. But I do know that it’s important
to give the plant enough water and sunlight, or it might die.

small plants: 盆栽植物
to each their own: 萝卜青菜各有所爱,每个人都有自己不同的喜好
my cup of tea: 表示喜好的常用表达,not my cup of tea,我不喜欢
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Topic 30: Boring

1. What kinds of things are boring to you?
Well, when talking about boring things, I think that waiting in line is the worst. I always feel very bored
when I need to wait in a line. When you have to wait for a long time to check out your groceries, time
goes by so slowly.

2. When are you bored?

Sometimes I feel bored when I have a lot of free time. For example, during holidays, I don’t have any
school work and often have nothing to do. So I often end up just sitting around like a couch potato. It’s
a real shame127, honestly.

3. What will you do when you feel bored?

Well, Sometimes I try to do something fun with my friends. For example, I love hanging out or playing
sports with them. Even if we just go somewhere and have a chat, we have a great time, and I never feel
bored when I’m around them.

4. Compared with your childhood, are you more or less bored?

I think I’m definitely less bored. When I was a kid, I didn’t really have a lot of hobbies, and I didn’t have
much work to do. Now, I have a lot of things that keep me busy, which also keep me from being bored.
Plus, now I have more friends that I can go kill time128 with.

5. When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?
When I was young, I definitely had a better imagination. So I would spend hours making up games that
I could play with my friends. But if I had to kill time by myself, I would just draw or write stories. I
would also spend some time watching movies.

127 It’s a real shame: 有点丢人

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