Challenges in personnel development

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Side 1: Hello, I am Trang Dang, a student from International Business Degree, Valkeakoski

campus. I would like to present to you today the results of my research for the question
It is a pleasant to have the opportunity to study and have guidance to conduct this topic.
Thank you all for coming to be the audience to my findings.
Slide 2: First of all, I will start off by giving an outline of the eight biggest and most
perpetual tensions faced by Human Resources Development teams worldwide. (look at
the screen and say out loud) // Let’s get going into the details for the next 20 minutes.
Side 3: Employee engagement
- Because enterprises become more people-centric and place their workforce towards
the centre of nearly all strategies and decisions. Every existing company wants
engaged workers who are involved and enthusiastic about their work and workplace.
- Talking about employee engagement, actual barriers can possibly be from both
employees themselves and organizations. For examples: Terrible work-life balance; a
toxic work environment; company’s complicated system, policies, procedures;
employees aren’t aligned to organizational objectives.
Employee Engagement
- At the early stage, give employees a thorough, personalized onboarding experience.
- Management must be persistent, astute (an ability to assess situations and people
and turn this to advantage) in the policies and procedures they adopt to help
authentic, enduring engagement bloom, make calculated effort for employee
engagement to take root and thrive.
- Organization should revisit their engagement strategies to ensure they’re covering
all necessary bases to make certain their employees are engaged with their work, co-
workers and enterprise at maximum level.

Slide 4: Next, I will focus on Talent acquisition

- With the number of study courses and skill requirements advertisements occurring
around us, we could probably guess and admit that labour markets are incredibly
competitive, the tasks to seduce the right and talented into companies have never
been this tough.
Therefore, the cure for the situation is pretty much demanding by all sorts of tools, for
- Social media utility
- Creating trustworthy and valuable employer brand
- Structuring competitive salary, benefit packages and compensation schemes that
motivate employees
- Sharing plan and strategy, mission, vision and purpose to all members of the
Slide 5: Then, I will move on one area which is on top of the above talent-related: The
- According to surveys, millennials, who make up 75% of the global workforce, are
likely to switch jobs every three years.
- Human Resources departments are in charge of overseas workforce because
companies are expanding internationally and going much more remote.
The considerations for resolutions that I found out are:
- To create a supportive learning culture and overcome language barriers
- To initiate transformative conversations
- To acquire a framework that empowers employees to conceptualize and manage
their careers effectively while working with HR department.
- To activate hope
- To provide incentives to stay and timely assistance.

Slide 6: After that, I will be making a few observations about Communication and rapport
- These problems often result in important information being lost, deleted, forgotten
or ignored.
- Overloaded inboxes, too many employees’ platforms
- Managers provide too little or too much information
- Constant changes and different priorities within businesses


- It is recognized as a pillar of emotional intelligence and a key to effective

management, because within Human Resources responsibilities, balancing the needs
of the organization against the needs of its employees depends on managing
relationships and is critical.

- To foster healthy, productive relationships, employers need to have effective

feedback protocol. Also, proactively manage relationships between employees, co-
workers, teams and develop ability to resolve conflicts and negotiate.
Slide 7: Second to last, let’s discuss in more depth Training & development resources
allocation and its effectiveness
- This is to devote adequate emphasis and resources towards essential growth and
productivity of employees, due to:
1. Hectic employee schedules
2. A dispersed workforce
3. Different learning habits
4. Lack of engagement
5. And lastly, facilitation and costs
We can break the answering components down into the following:
- Construct microlearning and training with mobile features
- Use social tools and clarify training goals clear from the start
- Needs analysis and many training designs offered
- Establish active learning culture and communicate straightforward learning outcome
- Move training online (for example, use a cost-effective, high-performing LMS –
Learning Management System).

Slide 8: Another thing to deal with is the issue of Employee health & well-being
- Undoubtedly, keeping workers as healthy, satisfied, and productive as possible
directly coincides with innovation and growth. Working conditions and the demands
of the work environment are significant source of stress.
Studies have shown that, when employee health and well-being are ensured, employers
benefited from lower risks of employees’ illnesses, burnout, depression. As consequences,
all need to be done are:
- Leave little discretion and job control for employees
- Permit more flexibility about timing and location that jobs should be done
- Embrace stability in schedules
- Keep workloads evenly divided and tasks well organized
- Support employees’ personal needs.

Slide 9: What’s else,

- Because changes in businesses are inevitable for increased quality, productivity and
business expansion. I will go on to highlight the change implementation
Leaders should take into account these top-down approaches
- Spend time explaining the changes and why they are important
- Present a clear and compelling vision to inspire people
- Include employees in the change and empower leaders and managers to lead
through the processes
- Measure how employees react during and after changes.

Side 10: Finally, I will briefly raise the issue of diversity in the workplace
- Because diverse teams mean more innovative ideas, ability to understand the
demographics of the various consumer markets, organization must be
technologically and culturally adaptable in the modern economy. Some of the most
common challenges are biases, cultural norms, communication.
- Promote a safe workplace that includes everyone with equal employment
opportunity and affirmative actions can put the painful conditions under governing.
My presentation has come to the end. I hope you have been enjoying with the information
dynamics. If you are keen on reading further into statistics, amazing facts, please head on to
the next slide of reference. Thank you for joining. Bye
• Employeebenefits. (2020). What are global HR challenges when it comes to
employee engagement? Retrieved 9 January 2022 from
• Hartman, P. (2019). Practice Makes Proficient: Managing Relationships Is Critical
to HR. Retrieved 9 January 2022 from
• Andriotis, N. (2018). Training and development challenges and solutions in the
workplace. Retrieved 9 January 2022 from
• Velocityglobal. (2021). Boost global workforce retention by overcoming these five
challenges. Retrieved 9 January 2022 from
• Rock, D., Grant, H., Grey, J. (2016). Diverse teams feel less comfortable – and that’s
why they perform better. Retrieved 9 January 2022 from
• Galbraith, M. (2018). Don’t just tell employees organizational changes are coming
– Explain Why. Retrieved 9 January 2022 from

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