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Are you a jealous person?

my favorite is chinese food is fried rice fried shrimp sweeet and sour chicken or

My favorite food is spicy cajun food, chinese, seafood.

1.whats your Favorite Color?
my is Black or White?
why did you prefer those colors?
I prefer those colors because I love nature and both of the things of nature
consist of these 2 colors
a true partner are like siblings God forgot to give us

what about your favorite food?

2. Describe your spirituality? What is your religion

I�m Roman Catholic.
I�m a fifth-generation massgoing Roman Catholic.
I attend Catholic mass and help/hang out in my parish but I practise
EHarmonyBlogism, which is a mixture of Liberal Protestantism, Humanism and
and my spirituality is deeply rooted in the Bible.
3. Describe your ideal man/woman.
I'm looking for a long and lasting relationship with someone who is very
caring, honest, and most of all understanding. A woman who has a smile for me if I
am feeling a little down, A woman who has a sense of self, and does not let small
imperfections rule their lives, A woman who has a love of kids, A woman who has the
same respect for me that I have for her, A woman who is passionate and most of all
Someone who makes you comfortable and at ease with yourself in all aspects of who
you are and accepts it..... and still allows you to be you....
Someone that loves to Laugh, Someone that doesn't have a bad temper, Someone
that can sit and hold hands if there comes a disagreement, A woman that can cuddle
all night. Someone who will let me know their feelings.. Someone who loves God more
than life, Then loves me right after that, Someone who puts others above
themselves, Someone who can communicate to the very depths of their core, Someone
who can be sill and fun and serious and strong, Someone who can lead me in our
spiritual walk and whom I can also spur on

4. What is the most important thing you�ve learned from a past relationship?
I have learnt that you have to accept people for who they are and you can't
change them. If you find out some behavior is bothering you..You need be honest and
let them know that their behavior is bothering you. Otherwise, the problem usually
doesn't get better it normally gets worst. However, if they choose not to make any
adjustments in their behavior you can either accept it or you leave them alone. I
live by the golden rule. I treat people the way I would like them to treat me. If
they don't treat me well I say to myself that is their issue not mine.I am not
going change who I am because someone didn't treat me fairly. I will never blame
other people for something that someone else did to me
One of the most important thing I have understand about life is to Learn from
your mistakes and move on
i've learned to take time to think and not just react.
never take for granted the next each one that
comes to your life..and hope that tomorrow you will have the opportunity to be
happy.. and healthy

5. What is the one thing you DO NOT tolerate in a relationship?

For me Secretiveness.. I live my life fairly openly. Lying and cheating, for
these two things destroy a relationship juts like a fire burn a wood faster
How about taking a blanket and lying outside looking at the stars, sharing
dreams and snugglign closely

6. What's the nature of your Job?

so tell me about your kid(s) Do you like kids?
For me i have a daughter, her name is Sandra and she means the world to me,
but she don't live with me due to the nature of my job
She live with her maternal grandmother in Africa. Her late mother is an
African-American woman

7. What is the most romantic place that you've been on a date?

A great date for me is a day of nature, walking outdoors, sitting by a lake,
talking and learning about each other, a picnic for lunch, a meal cooked together
for dinner, eaten over candlelight, and just relaxing away from the world so that
no one can invade the experience.
about freedom, about the look in a child's eye as he tells his parents the
funfair is in town, about rights, of everyone, young or old, black or white, about
right and wrong, about politics, about religion, about gods, and goddesses, about
the future, the past and the present unfolding. About the lady I was holding and
the lady I will hold tomorrow. About memories, about love and about pain.
I am passionate about life and plan to use it, to the fullest.
Favorite Hobbies
Some things I like to do.... I love to be near the water, and the outdoors,
whether it be the ocean, a lake, or even the river, the peacefulness of watching
the ripples, the crashing waves, or even the complete stillness entrances me. Fall
is my favorite season with all of the beautiful colors of leaves and the crisp
fresh air. I also enjoy spring when God brings all of the dead back to life. I
love to go to new places and do new things too, although I haven't got to do that
as much as I would like

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?

9. What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?
Complete honesty and loyalty, caring and attentive, and conflict resolution.
Life is to short to spend being angry at the one you love.

10. How do you act when you're angry?

When i am angry, I get frustrated a LOT but not angry. I tend to hold it in for
awhile until I can process it and am not explosive. I do not yell and scream.
When I get angry I become quiet. Somewhat withdrawn. I go inside myself and ask
did I cause this? If so how can I remedy this? I ask for a little space to find the
answers. Then I go back to the person and ask if we can talk and find a common

11. Where did you get that fantastic smile?

What do you like to do in your free time?
Dining Out Entertaining
Beach Parks
Karaoke/Sing-along Symphony
Intimate Conversations Investing
Listening to/Playing Music
Traveling/Weekend Trips/Adventure Travel

What types of food do you enjoy?

Fast Food/Pizza

What are your favorite types of music?
I like Classical, Country, Easy Listening, R&B, Blues Latin World Music, Gospel
What do you like to read?
I like reading all kinda book especially poetry
What are your favorite physical activities?
I like Basketball, Running, soccer, Tennis, and most of all I like Jogging and
physical exercises
Basketball Jogging/Running
Football - American Soccer

Q: What do you value the most?

Material things

12. If I were gonna take you out for a romantic evening, where would you prefer?
Oh, I would prefer to go to a nice restaurant, have a nice dinner, and talk for
a long, long time and look at each other's eyes and see what we can find in there.
Tell each otherwhat we think and what we feel in our hearts

13. What is your favorite thing to do with a partner for fun?

14. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

15. How long have you played guitar?(Ask about something in their profile.)
(Compliment something in their photograph.)

16. When are we going to meet to find out whether we would ever want to kiss each
Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you.
I love books and movies, I am a writer and I have been to film school. Even if
we don't share the same taste in books and movies, I would hope that we are both
passionate about them.
If you could do something totally out of character and remain anonymous what
would you do?

17. What would you do on the first day you gonna see me?
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost
is unimportant. What are you going to do?

18. How would you spend a romantic evening with someone you have been dating for
more than one year?
If I were dating someone for more than one year, a romantic evening will be
whitewater rafting while singing karaoke.

19. What do you most like to do on a day off?

20. What do you find physically attractive?

21. If you were taken by your date to a party where you knew no one,
how would you respond?

22. What is your greaatest fear about Someone you love and is not close to you?
I don't have that fear... I know if someone loves you will be right next to
you, not necessarily in person, you can still feel their support, company with
details, communication etc. If that person is not responding and shows more absence
and silence, no communcation... that person is not for you. You better let go and
move on... I flip the page and start a new chapter.

23. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

24. Does being in love inspire you to want to be a better person?

25. Can you love and be in love with someone you don't find physically attractive?

26. Do you have someone that you just can't stop thinking about throughout your
days? Always on your mind no matter what you do?and who is that person

27. When was the last time someone held you tight and told you, "Everything is
going to be all right"? Who was it and why?

28. How far are you willing to go to prove your love?

29. If you felt like you were falling in love with someone, would you tell them, or
would you hold back your feelings for fear of rejection?

30. If you could do something totally out of character and remain anonymous what
would you do?
Leave work for a month to go travel.

31. What is your opinion of committed long distance relationships?

Long distance relationship are difficult, but though they can work if two
people involve really care and love each other.

32. Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you?
I love books and movies, I am a writer and I have been to film school. Even if
we don't share the same taste in books and movies, I would hope that we are both
passionate about them.

33. What have you learned from past relationships?

I have come to know myself better as a man of God living in an unGodly world. I
believe the word of God to be true. We must be equally yoked. Oil and water will
never mix. She must know who I am to her. If this is clear...both parties will be
much more comfortable. The idea is to communicate it to other person. Each heart
must be honest about if we are called together to be best friends, good buddies,
cheerleaders. From my past relationships...I have learned to "listen well, respect
each other and open communication

34. What made you smile today?

Today I listen to my favorite CD with me and listened to upbeat music all the
way to work. It was a great way to start the day. It was a little difficult to
dance in the Cabin, but I managed!

35. Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you.:
It would have to be travel. I really enjoy immersing myself in different
cultures/environments. I am interested in how other people live, think, relax and
work. I find it fascinating to spend time with people who are different from me.
That covers foreign travel, but I also like getting away on the weekends to
different cities/states, really for the same reasons. A trip to San Francisco is
very different from a trip to Montana.

36. If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would
it be?

37. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

the basics: my child growing up in good health and happiness, my loved ones
being healthy and happy.... and sunshine in peoples hearts every day
Wow, three wishes... 1. Retire with ample financial resources 2. Travel the
world! -with someone special :) 3. Take up vocal or music lessions
1) To have someone with whom to share my life. 2) To be able to live close to
my family (they live far away). 3) To be as young as I feel.

39. What is your all time favorite TV show? Mork and Mindy, Wonderyears, CSI, My so
Called Life, Sex and The City?
This one is kind of hard because I don't watch a lot of tv, but I did love a
show when I was growing up called "Here Come the Brides". Do you remember that one?
It took place in Seattle long ago. There was a town with a majority men population
who were all lumber jacks. So since they needed women in their lives, a bunch of
ladies from the East Coast were brought there to the wild west to live. The
majority of the shows were about how these lumberjacks and these ladies got along.
With today's standards, it would probably be viewed as very sexist and that's
probably why we don't see them as reruns anywhere. But I liked it because the 3
main lumberjack characters were cute, and one of them was Bobby Sherman!!!!! (the
heart throb of that time)

40. How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to
do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else all together? Do you normally go out
large groups or with just a few friends?
I rarely go out during the week. Normally, I will go out on the weekends but it
really depends on my school tests..homework..etc We sometimes have
study groups on the weekends if we have midterms or finals. If I go out with
friends it would be just a few close friends. I am picky about eating out and only
really enjoy one place in Tampa. I cook organic or natural foods. I don't like
canned or frozen foods.

Do you believe that dreams can be messages from a �higher level�?

Would you rather have a great friend you could share everything with or a great
lover you can�t really talk to?

Would you ever start a relationship with someone who was still living with an ex
for financial reasons?
Would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you?
Generally, in life, what makes you happy?

1. Which is your favourite colour: Red, Black, Blue, Green or Yellow?

2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
4. Which colour do you like more, Black or White?
5. The name of a person - non-family member - that is the same sex as you?
6. Your favourite number?
7. Do you like California or Florida more?
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
9. Write down a wish (a realistic one)
When you are done, scroll down. Don't cheat!

Do you like kissing in public?

When is your birthday?

my is march 10

Do you have any pet?

whats the name of your pet and how old is your pet?

What would you like me to call you as, other than your name?
Did you grow up here?

We are all human, do you judge someone for a past indiscretion?

What looks sexy on a woman or a man?
Would you rather have your dream job or your soul mate for the rest of your
Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?
Should your mate also become your best friend?
Have you ever had a true one-night stand?

What would you cook if you were having friends or family over for dinner?

What music do you listen to the most?

Ever been in true love?
Do you like to read?
If so...favorite book(s)?
How often do you really "go out"?
Have you ever lost anyone you loved?
What is your zodiac sign?
Have any nick names?
If so, what?
Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot?
Name a movie or movies you can watch over and over?
Do you have tattoos?
What turns you off?
What is your favorite curse word?

Do you like to travel and where have you been?

What place would you like to visit that you haven't been to yet?

What sound or noise do you love?

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the
Pearly Gates?

Tell me three words your friends would use to describe you.

Who do you live with?

What do you do for school

Which do you prefer giving or receiving?

Do you play any instruments? If so, what?

Have you been told you can sing well more than once?
Name your least favorite feature?
Name the clothing store you shop at the most?

Have you ever been cheated on anybody ones in your life?

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