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Caloocan City, NCR


GRADE: 11/12


St. Clare College is a student-centered school which focuses on the student and his need to grow and fully develop his intellectual, physical, social, spiritual and emotional


To become the leading institution for professional development and the first and foremost provider of quality, affordable and sustainable development education.


To provide quality and excellent global education for the total development of a responsible, innovative, skillful and professional global workforce whose values and dignity
are beyond par.



To become the leading school in the academic and technical development of students for global competitiveness and the first and foremost provider of quality, affordable
and sustainable development education.

To provide quality and excellent education for the total development of a responsible, innovative, skillful global competitiveness whose values and dignity are beyond par.


ST. CLARE COLLEGE OF CALOOCAN (Hereinafter referred to as the “School” or “College”) aims to foster distinction and excellence in all the endeavors of the school
community members. All stakeholders are envisioned to be imbued with enduring core values which define and shape the central beliefs and character of every genuine
Clarean student, employee and administrator within and beyond the premises of the academic institution.

Hereafter are the core values of St. Clare College:

1. Star that Shines

All members of the school community are encouraged to exemplify remarkable standards in attaining excellence in every aspect of life, making them role
models who possess the values and character that are worth emulating.

2. Truthfulness
Truthfulness is characterized by embracing honesty in thoughts, words and deeds of all concerned students/individuals who are part of the school

3. Compassion
Selflessness and genuine concern for others are instilled in Clareans through constant exposure to various academic, extracurricular and co-curricular
activities that will bring out their compassionate attribute.

4. Love
Love for oneself, for others and for noble causes are pivotal in cultivating a well-rounded students/individual who embodies unwavering desire and sustained
commitment in undertaking

5. Amiable
Displaying a friendly disposition and pleasant attitude towards other people inspires positive rapport and desirable outcomes.

6. Righteousness
All concerned members are expected to uphold the ideals and moral principles of the institution as a reflection of their integrity and dignity.

7. Ever Loyal
Remaining steadfast to the ideals and good name of the school is a desirable impression ingrained in the minds and hearts of all the members of the school community.

1. Intellectual Creativity, Critical Thinking and Innovativeness

Students can use their imagination as well as their rational thinking abilities and innovation, in order to adopt and adjust to the changing needs of the
times both nationally and globally.

2. Effective Communication
Students are proficient and skillful in the four areas of communication: reading, writing, listening and speaking. They can use their skills in solving
problems and articulating their thoughts when engaging with people in various situations.

3. Leadership Effectiveness and Managerial Skills

Students are developed to become the best in their respective specializations and industry by imploring leadership competencies, managerial skills and
technical know-how.

4. Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness

Students are nationalists and respect the values of global citizenship.

5. Personal and Professional Ethical Standard of Excellence

Students demonstrate desirable strength of character and attitudes in their personal and industry endeavors.

6. Quality Service and Collaboration

Students exemplify the potentialities of an efficient, responsible and well-rounded students/individual committed to quality service/academic excellence, honest toil
and collaboration.

7. Adeptness in the Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Modern Facilities

Students are skillful and knowledgeable in the use of digital learning devices/facilities, including technical and numerical skills.

8. Community Engagement
Students assume an active role in organizing projects, programs and activities to help and advance the interest and welfare of the people in their
respective communities.

9. Passionate to Perpetual Learning

Students are committed to continually advance their knowledge and technical skills in order to keep themselves abreast to the needs and challenges of
their academic track or strand, both nationally and globally.
10. Strong Sense of Spiritual and Moral Values

Students are morally and spiritually upright in their day-to-day undertakings.

I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and
political dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural diversity; provide them with an understanding of how culture, human agency, society and politics work; and engage
them in the examination of the country’s current human development goals. At the end of the course, students should acquire ideas about human cultures, human
agency, society and politics; recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to guide their
interactions with groups, communities, networks, and institutions.


After finishing this course, the student can be able to:

a. Discuss the relevance of the course.

b. Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and political science
c. Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society
d. Explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding
e. Explain the context, content, processes, and consequences of socialization
f. Suggest ways to address social inequalities
g. Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary societies
h. Explore the Trends shaping the future of civil society


Time Desired Learning 21st Century College Readiness Course Content Teaching and Assessment Materials
Outcomes Skill(s) Standard (s) Learning Activities
Integrated Integrated

Week Explain St. Clare College Perseverance, Recognize her/his Orientation

1 Mission-Vision Self-direction and rights and
social responsibilities as a  St. Clare College Discussion/Lecture Recitation of SCC Student Manual
Familiarize with responsibility learner and citizen to Mission-Vision Mission-Vision
Institutional and enable meaningful  Institutional Game: Pick an object Laptop/
Classroom Policies participation in the Orientation at home and describe PowerPoint
community, country,  Classroom Policies yourself using the Slides
Provide an overview of and world  Overview of the course chosen object
the coverage of the  Grading System E-board/
course  Get-to-know Activity Projector

Explain the grading

system and requirements

Values Integrated:
Star that shines, ever
loyal, and righteousness

Week 1. articulate Literacy skills and 1. Acknowledge 1. Starting Points for Formative E-board
2 observations on human Thinking skills human cultural the Understanding Class Sharing Assessments: Projector
cultural variation, social variation, social of Culture, Society, and Laptop
differences, social differences, social Politics. Reflection Paper  Individual
Online Software
change and Political change, and assignments
Identities. political identities. a. Sharing Cultural  Interactive Or Cell
backgrounds of Students lecture phone/Personal
2. Demonstrate 2. adopt an open as acting subjects.  Group computer
Curiosity and and critical assignments
Openness to explore attitude toward  Class Printed Self-Kit
the origins and social, political b. Observations about Advocacy Planning discussion Module
dynamics of culture and cultural social, Political and
and society and phenomena Cultural phenomena. Summative
political Identities. through Understanding
Assessment Culture, Society
observation and c. Observation on Social,
and Politics by
3. Analyze Social, reflection Political and Cultural  Short and Mariano M. Ariola
Political and Cultural Change. Long Quiz
Change. 3. appreciates the Assessment:
4. Recognize the value of d. Anthropology, Political  Sharpen
common concerns or disciplines of Science, and Sociology. Your Mind
intersections of anthropology,
anthropology, Sociology and
Sociology, and Political Science
political Science with as Social
Respect to the Sciences
phenomenon of
5. Identify the subjects
of inquiry and goals of
Political Science, and

Values integrated:
Stewardship in
advocating for the
bitterness of the society.

Week 1. Explain Information 1. appreciate the B. Defining Culture and Pre-learning Activity Formative E-board
3 Anthropological literacy, literacy nature of Society from Assessments: Projector
and sociological skills, and culture and perspective of Compare and Contrast Laptop
perspectives on collaboration society from anthropology and Movie Marathon  Individual Book
culture and the sociology assignments Online Software
society. perspectives (Criticizing Movie  Interactive Printed Self-Kit
of a. Society as a entitled Mumbaki) lecture Module
2. describe society anthropology group of people  Group Or Cell
and culture as a and sociology. sharing a Pre-learning Activity, assignments phone/Personal
complex whole common culture. Poem making  Class computer
2. Demonstrate a discussion
3. Identify aspects holistic 2. Culture as a complex
of culture and understanding whole (Belief, Values, Reflection and Essay Summative
Society of culture and Laws, Norms, Artifacts, making base on the Assessment
society. symbols, knowledge). documentary film
COLOR OF  Short and
4. Raise questions 3. Aspects of Culture. FEARS Long Quiz
toward a holistic Take home activity Assessment:
appreciation of 4. Ethnocentrism and (threats of cultural  Sharpen
culture and Xenocentrism and relativism) Your Mind
societies. Cultural Relativism.

5. Become aware of
why and how
cultural relativism

6. Identify forms
of tangible
heritage and
threats to these.
Values Integrated:
Shows integrity and
service in upholding
Filino Culture.

Week Thinking skills Analyze key features C. Looking Back at Pre-Learning Activity Formative Learning
5-6 1. Trace the of interrelationships of Human Biocultural Assessments: Commons’ Slides
biological and cultural biological, cultural and and sociological Group Recitation E-board
evolution of early to sociopolitical Evolution  Individual Projector
modern humans. processes in human Photo Journal of the assignments Laptop
evolution that can still 1. Biological and  Human  Interactive
2. Explore the be used and Cultural evolution: Evolution and lecture Cellphone/
significance of human developed. From Homo Habilis their definitions  Group Personal
material remains and Homo Sapiens in the  Big Museums in assignments computer
artefactual evidence in Fossil record. the Philippines  Class
interpreting cultural and discussion
social, including political 2. Cultural and
and economic sociopolitical evolution: Summative
processes. From hunting and Assessment
gathering to the
3. Recognize agricultural; industrial,  Short and
national, local, and and post-industrial Long Quiz
specialized museums, revolutions. Assessment:
and archaeological and a. The Neolithic  Sharpen
historical sites as venues Revolution. Your Mind
to appreciate and reflect b. Early civilization
on the complexities of and the rise of state.
biocultural and social c. Democratization.
evolution as part of being
and becoming human.

Values Integrated:
Shows Stewardship in
upholding the Filipino
Race and history.
7 1. Explain the Critical thinking, 1. Identify norms Becoming a member of Pre-learning Activity Formative E-board
development of one’s creativity and and values to be society Debate Assessments: Projector
self and others as a information observed in the (Gender Role Male vs. Laptop
product of socialization literacy interacting with others 1.Enculturation/ Female)  Individual PowerPoint
of enculturation society and the Socialization. assignments
consequences of a. Identify formation  Interactive Or Cell
ignoring these rules. (Identities, lecture phone/Personal
Disciplines, and  Group computer
2. Identify the aspirations) Reaction Paper assignments
content, context and 2. Assess the b. Norms and  Extra Judicial  Class Learning
consequences of rules of social Values Killing discussion Commons’ slides
enculturation and interaction to maintain c. statuses and  Justice in the
socialization stability of everyday roles (e.g., age, Philippine Summative
life and the role of gender) society Assessment
3. Identifies the innovation in
Social Goals and the response to problems 2.Conformity and  Short and
socially acceptable and challenges. Deviance Long Quiz
means of achieving a. Social Control Assessment:
goals. 3. Recognize the (Gossip, Social  Sharpen
value of human rights Ostracism, Laws Your Mind
4. advocate and promote the and Punishment)
inclusive citizenship common goal. b. Forms of
5. Promote retreatism,
protection of human rebellion, and
dignity, rights and innovation)
common good
3. Human Dignity, rights,
Values Integrated: and the common good.
Be a disciple in
maintaining or following
the laws of Philippine
government in achieving
peace in the society.
8 5. Analyze Thinking skills, 1. Analyze E. How Society is Leadership Activity Formative Learning
economic organization collaboration, and aspects of social organized Assessments: Commons’ Slides
and its impacts on the creativity organization.
lives of people in the 1. Groups within  Individual E-board
society 2. Identify one’s Society: Primary assignments Projector
role in social groups and Secondary.  Interactive Laptop
6. differentiate and institution. 2. In-groups and lecture
functions of nonstate Out Groups  Group Or Cell
institution in society. 3. Reference group assignments phone/Personal
4. Networks computer
7. Evaluate how  Class
functions of discussion
education affect the
lives of people Summative
8. Promote Primary
Education as human  Short and
rights Long Quiz
 Sharpen
9. Conduct participant Your Mind
observation (e.g
attend describe and
reflect on a religious
ritual of a different
group: observe
election practices)

10. Recognize the

practice of medical
pluralism in light of
cultural diversity and
11. examine
stratification from the
functionalist and conflict

12. Identify
characteristics of the
systems of stratification

13. suggest ways to

address global

Values Integrated:
The students show
1. Traces Kinship
Week ties and social Thinking skills, Recognize other F. Cultural, Social and Pre-learning Activity Formative Learning
10 networks. collaboration, and forms of economic Political Institution Create a Pedigree in a Assessments: Commons’ Slides
information transaction such as creative manner.
2. describe the literacy sharing, gift 1. Kinship,  Individual E-board
organized nature exchange, Marriage, and assignments Projector
of social life and redistribution in the  Interactive Laptop
rules governing his/her own society household. Impromptu speech lecture
behavior  Group Live Streaming
2. Political and assignments Invitation using
3. Complete Leadership  Class Zoom
different social structures. discussion
forms as social Cell
organization 3. Economic Summative phone/Personal
according to their Institution Assessment computer
manifest and
latency function. 4. Nonstate  Short and
Institution Long Quiz
4. Analyze Social Assessment:
and Political 5. Education  Sharpen
Structure. Your Mind
6. Religion and
Values Integrated: Belief system
Compassion, amiable
and truthfulness 7. Health
11-12 Information 1. Evaluates G. Social and Political Group Presentation Formative Learning
1. Identify new literacy, and factors causing social, Stratification. Assessments: Commons’ Slides
challenges faced Critical thinking political, and Cultural
by human Change a. Social Desirables  Individual E-board
populations in (Wealth, power assignments Projector
Contemporary 2. Advocate how and Prestige)  Interactive Laptop
societies. human Societies b. Social Mobility lecture
should adapt to such System  Group Cell
Values Integrated: changes Slogan Making assignments phone/Personal
Amiable and truthfulness i. Open (class) Reaction Paper  Class computer
ii. Closed (Caste) discussion
c. Social Inequality Summative
i. Access to social,
political, and symbolic
capital.  Short and
ii. Gender Long Quiz
inequalities Assessment:
iii. Ethnic Minorities Journalizing Top 10  Sharpen
iv. other minorities Biggest Problems of Your Mind
(person with disabilities) Societies in 2000- to
v. Global present
inequalities (relationships
between states and
nonstate actors in the
global community)


Week Describe How human Describe How human H. Cultural, Social, and Group Presentation Formative E-board
14 societies adapt to new Information societies adapt to new Political Change Assessments: Projector
challenges in the literacy challenges in the Sources of social, Laptop
physical, social, and physical, social, and Cultural, and Political  Individual Video clips
cultural environment. cultural environment Change. assignments
 Interactive Cell
1. Innovation lecture phone/Personal
Values Integrated: 2. Diffusion  Group computer
Uphold justice and 3. Acculturation and assignments
understanding in to ones Assimilation  Class Learning
belief to avoid prejudice 4. Social discussion Commons’ slides
and injustice contradictions and
tensions (e.g., Inter- Summative
ethnic conflicts, Class Assessment
(struggles, armed
conflict, terrorism,  Short and
protest, gender issues) Long Quiz
 Sharpen
Your Mind

15 Develop a plan of action Thinking skills Develop a plan of I. New Challenges Formative
for community-based and collaboration action for community- to human Advocacy planning Assessments: Laptop
response change. based response adaptation and
change social change.  Individual Cell
assignments phone/Personal
Values Integrated: 1. Global Warming  Interactive computer
Shows care and be a and Climate Change lecture
soldier in advocating in 2. Transnational  Group
our nature and respect to migration and Overseas assignments
migrant Filipino workers. Filipino Workers (OFW’s)  Class Self-Kit-
discussion answering kit for
flexible Learning
Summative Modality

 Short and Understanding

Culture, Society
Long Quiz
and Politics by
Assessment: Mariano M. Ariola
 Sharpen
Your Mind

Week J. Responding to
16 Conduct participant Creativity, social, Political, and Collaborative Learning Formative E-board
observation on how they Literacy skills, Cultural change Assessments: Projector
respond to social, and collaboration Laptop
Political, and Cultural 1. Inclusive Citizenship  Individual
change. and participatory assignments Or Cell
governance  Interactive phone/Personal
2. New forms of media lecture computer
Values Integrated: and social and  Group
Star that shines, networking assignments
truthfulness, amiable, 3.Social movements  Class
and compassion (e.g., environmentalism, discussion

 Short and
Long Quiz
 Sharpen
Your Mind




60% Performance Task

40% Written Assessment


Prepared by: Submitted to: Recommending Approval:

_______________________ ______________________ ________________________

Ms. Marilou Flores Poliran Dr. Janet I. Adalem Mr. Ray Jonathan I. Adalem
Instructor Principal Asst. to the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Approved By:

Dr. Clarita G. Adalem

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