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Zabarte Road Barangay 172

Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

Submitted by: Ma. Nerissa M. Morales

Submitted to: Dr Clare Adalem

Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

Zabarte Road Barangay 172

Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

Detailed Lesson Plan

For Grade 11
Prepared by: Ma. Nerissa M. Morales

Learning Objectives :
By the end of this topic the students are able to:

● Trace the biological and cultural evolution of early to modern humans.

● Appreciate the wonders of human species and its social development.
● Explore the significance of human material remains and artifacts as an evidence in
interpretation of cultural, social, political and economic processes.

Subject matter :
Human biocultural and social evolution.
*Transition from early to modern human.

Reference :

Google, powerpoint presentation,

Lesson Procedure:

Teacher's activities Student's activities

A. Greetings :
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma'am!
Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

Let us pray first, President of the class

please lead the prayer. (The class president will lead the prayer)

B. Motivation:

Class what comes into your mind

whenever you see a monkey?
It is a wild animal Ma'am.

They say that humans come from a monkey!

C. Lesson proper:
Ok since you already mentioned
evolution, what did you know about it? The evolution.

Yes, correct!

Evolution is a process of developing physical

and biological change in a species over a
period of time. Natural changes and events
forced species to adapt to the
environment,while some faced extinction for
being unable to do so.
Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

It is a theory about the evolution of monkey to

human Ma'am.

The Proponents of Evolution are Charles

Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

Charles Robert Darwin - 12 February 1809 –

19 April 1882) was an English naturalist,
geologist, and biologist,widely known for his
contributions to evolutionary biology. His
proposition that all species of life have
descended from a common ancestor is now
generally accepted and considered a
fundamental concept in science.In a joint
publication with Alfred Russel Wallace, he
introduced his scientific theory that this
branching pattern of evolution resulted from a
process he called natural selection, in which the
struggle for existence has a similar effect to the
artificial selection involved in selective
breeding. Darwin has been described as one of
the most influential figures in human history and
was honoured by burial in Westminster Abbey.

Alfred Russel Wallace (8 January 1823 – 7

November 1913) was an English naturalist,
explorer, geographer, anthropologist, biologist
and illustrator He is best known for
independently conceiving the theory of
evolution through natural selection. His 1858
paper on the subject was published that year
alongside extracts from Charles Darwin's earlier
Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

writings on the topic. It spurred Darwin to set

aside the "big species book" he was drafting,
and quickly write an abstract of it, published in
1859 as On the Origin of Species.

Homo Habilis
This species, one of the earliest members of
the genus Homo, has a slightly larger
braincase and smaller face and teeth than in
Australopithecus or older hominin species.
But it still retains some ape-like features,
including long arms and a moderately-
prognathic face.

This species is known as 'handyman'

because stone tools were found near its fossil
remains and it is assumed this species had
developed the ability to modify stone into
Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

Homo sapiens is used to refer to modern

human beings as a species, in contrast to
other species of ape or animal, or earlier
forms of human. What distinguishes homo
sapiens from every other living creature is the
Prehistoric Homo sapiens not only made and
used stone tools, they also specialized them
and made a variety of smaller, more complex,
refined and specialized tools including
composite stone tools, fish hooks and
harpoons, bows and arrows, spear throwers
and sewing needles.
Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

Homo erectus (/ˌhoʊmoʊ əˈrɛktəs/; meaning

"upright man") is an extinct species of archaic
human from the Pleistocene, with its earliest
occurrence about 2 million years ago. Several
human species, such as H. heidelbergensis and
H. antecessor — with the former generally
considered to have been the ancestor to
Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern
humans — appear to have evolved from H.
erectus. Its specimens are among the first
recognizable members of the genus Homo. H.
erectus was the first human ancestor to spread
throughout Eurasia, with a continental range
extending from the Iberian Peninsula to Java.
Asian populations of H. erectus may be
ancestral to H. floresiensis and possibly to H.
luzonensis. The last known population of H.
erectus is H. e. soloensis from Java, around
117,000–108,000 years ago.

D. Generalization :
Zabarte Road Barangay 172
Northern Caloocan,1400 Metro Manila

For our activity group yourselves into

5 and then answer the question.
Do you believe in the Charles Darwin
Theory of Evolution?Why?
E. Application :
Presentation of group work. For a
follow up question is it possible that
evolution continues in our era?

Agreement :
For our assignment do an advance reading at Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace life.

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