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Definition of Immunization

Immunization is a process by which a person becomes protected against

a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with

vaccination or inoculation. (CDC, 2021)

Immunization is the process whereby a person is made resistant to a

disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the

body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection

or disease. (PAHO, 2021)

Immunization is a key component of primary h ealth care and an

indisputable human right. It’s also one of the best health investments money

can buy. Vaccines are also critical to the prevention and control of infectious

disease outbreaks. They underpin global health security and will be a vital

tool in the battle against antimicrobial resistance. (WHO, 2024)

B. Definittion of Family Planning

Family Planning (Family Planning) according to UU No. 10 of 1992

(tentang perkembangan kependudukan dan pembangunan keluarga sejahtera)

is an effort to improve Concern and Community Participation through

Marriage Age Maturity (MAM), birth regulation, family resilience

development, the welfare of a small, happy and prosperous family. The family

planning program is a part of the integrated (integral) in the national

development program and aims to creating economic, spiritual and socio-

cultural of the inhabitants Indonesia in order to achieve a good balance with

the ability to national production. Because Family Planning is a government

program which is designed to balance the needs and the number of people,

Therefore, this family planning program is expected to accept the Norm of

Happy Small Families and Prosperous (NKKBS) which are oriented towards

balanced growth. Necessary It is known that the Indonesian National Family

Planning Movement has been considered world community as a program that

has succeeded in reducing the birth rate Meaningful. Planning the number of

families with restrictions that can be done namely by using contraceptives or

birth control such as condoms, spirals, IUDs, and so on. (Kemenkes RI, 2024)

C. Immunization Schedule

N Vacci Preventing Vaccine Age of Dosage Injection

o ne Disease Content Giving and recommendat

Method ion

1 HB-0 Hepatitis B Purified < 24 hours 0,5 ml tigh

HBsAg Intramuscu

(recombin lar

ant DNA

2 BCG Tuberkulos Bacteria 1 month 0.05 ml upper arm

is are Intracutan


3 DPT- Diphtheria, Bacterial 2, 3, 4 and 0,5 ml 2,3,4 months

HB- Pertussis, toxoid 18 months Intramuscu old: thighs 18

HIB Tetanus, lar months old:

Hepatitis B upper arm




type B

4 OPV Polio Attenuated 1, 2, 3 and 2 Oral -

live virus 4 months drops

5 PCV pneumococ Death 2, 3 and 0,5 ml Thigh

cal virus 12 months Intramuscu

infections lar

such as




6 RV Diarrhea Bacterial 2, 3 and 4 5 oral -

section months drops

7 IPV Polio Attenuated 4 and 9 0,5 ml Thigh

live virus months Intramuscu


8 MR Measles Death 9, 18 0,5 ml Upper arm

and rubella virus months Subcutan

and 1st

grade (7

years old)

9 JE* Japanese Attenuated 10 months 0,5 ml Thigh

Encepalitis live virus Intramuscu


10 DT Diphtheria Death Grade 1 0,5 ml Upper arm

and bacterial, Elementar Intramuscu

Tetanus toxoid y School lar

(age 7


11 Td Tetanus Death Grade 2 0,5 ml Upper arm

and bacterial, (age 8 Intramuscu

Diphtheria toxoid years) and lar


y school 5

(age 11


Women of


ng Age


12 HPV cervical Part of Grade 5 0,5 ml Upper arm

cancer virus and 6 Intramuscu

elementar lar

y school


(age 12

years old)

Kemenkes, 2023

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