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Volunteer Management Practices of Department of Social Welfare and

Development: Basis for Intervention Program

Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional):

I. Direction: Please indicate your assessment by

putting a checkmark (√) on the scale that corresponds
to your answer.

The rating scales given below will serve as your guide

Numerical Rating Verbal Interpretation

5 - Always(A)
4 - Often(O)
3 - Sometimes(S)
2 - Rarely(R)
1 - Never(N)
Respondent Assessment as 5(A) 4(O) 3(S) 2(R) 1(N)
to NRLMB-VMU, Volunteer
Management Practices
A. Volunteer Recruitment,
Screening and Selection
1. Plan volunteer recruitment
a. Identify potential volunteers
before the season commences
b. Target individuals for volunteer
positions based on their skills
c. Provide role or job descriptions
for individual volunteers
2. Uses the DSWD Volunteer
Management System in
recruitment of volunteer(Shall
fill up registration form and
3. Allow Walk-in Volunteer
Registration (Shall fill up
registration form and waiver)
4. Actively recruit volunteers
from diverse backgrounds (e.g.,
minority ethnic groups, people
with disabilities)
5. Use advertising for volunteer
recruitment (e.g., newsletters,
online, local papers)
6. Use "word of mouth to recruit
7. Organized and conduct
meeting/forum with government
and non- organization and
encourage them to volunteer
8. Joined Volunteer Recruitment
Screening and Selection
9. Volunteer are screen and
selected based on the criteria
for recruitment, screening and
selection (DSWD AO 218, Series
of 2002)
a. Must be at least 15 years
of age, provided those who
are at least 15 to below 18
years old may be eligible
to volunteer only in non-
hazardous and simple
b. Must be willing to commit
his/her time, resources
and/or talent and be
assigned to a specific work
without material or
financial remuneration;
c. Must be willing to learn
and undergo training on
volunteerism and
specialized skills, if
d. Must be willing to abide by
the policies of the
e. Must present any valid ID
for identification such as
school, company or
government-issued ID
f. Must have at least two (2)
character reference and a
Barangay clearance where
he/she resides;
g. Must be physically and
mentally ca p a b le to
render volunteer work. If
warranted, this must be
certified by a licensed
physician or a psychologist;
h. For foreigners outside of the
Peace Corps program
interested to be volunteers,
a clearance from the PNVSCA
and a proof of legality of
stay in the Philippines are
i. The residence of each
volunteer is considered as
one of the criteria for
deployment to maximize the
effectiveness of active
volunteers’ participation
13.Conduct interview to validate
whether the volunteer meets the
14.Match the skills, experience and
interests of volunteers to
specific roles
15.Maintain a database of
volunteers' skills,
qualifications and experience
B. Volunteer Training
5(A) 4(O) 3(S) 2(R) 1(N)
1. Plan a volunteer Orientation
and Training
2. Uses the standardized volunteer
training module
3. Assign orientation leader
4. Conduct of Volunteer
Orientation about the DSWD
general policies including
policy on safe environment and
standard of confidentiality.
5. Discussed the following during
the orientation:
a. DSWD Mission, Vision, Goal
and NRLMB Mandate
b. Output required and
specific work/service
c. Duties involved typical
responsibilities of
d. Days and hours of work

e. Duration of Work

6. Conduct of Volunteer Training

on the basics of the DSWD
Logistics, Production,
Volunteer and Quality
7. Provide necessary resources
during volunteer training
8. Mentor volunteers,
particularly when starting in
a new role.
9. Encourage volunteer to be part
of DSWD-NRLMB pool of
specialized volunteer
10. Assist volunteers to
access training outside the
organization(e.g. accreditation
training course).
C. Volunteer Mobilization
1. Assign volunteer supervisor or
team leader
2. Assign volunteer to the mutually
agreed area of work that fit to
their skills
3. Introduce new volunteers to
people with whom they will
work within the organization.
4. Manage the work loads of
individual volunteers where they
are excessive.
5. Encourage volunteers to operate
within a code of acceptable
6. Provide resources needed in work

7. Provide at least food and water

8. Plan for the recognition of


9. Recognize outstanding work or

task performances of
individual/group volunteers.
10. Monitor the performance of
individual volunteers.
II. Direction: Please indicate your assessment by
putting a checkmark (√) on the scale that corresponds
to your answer.

Numerical Rating Verbal Interpretation

5 - Strongly Agree(STA)
4 - Agree(A)
3 - Moderately Agree(MA)
2 - Slightly Agree(SLA)
1 - Disagree(D)

Respondent Assessment as 5(STA) 4(A) 3(MA) 2(SLA) 1(D)

to NRLMB-VMU, Problem
A. Volunteer Recruitment

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