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第 1 大題 題組

第1題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Visiting Museums
Do you like museums? Before visiting a museum, what do you need to know
and to do? Here are some tips about visiting museums.
1. Doing research or not
You may check where the most popular exhibition is and what attracts you
to visit. Museums usually cover a wide area, so it is more efficient for you to
do some homework before you visit. But if you like the surprise or you hate
spoilers, then just skip this advice and buy the ticket right away before you
2. Check the tour guide time
There are guides or volunteers in museums so you can check when the tour
guide time is and register for it. However, if you want to visit museums
alone, you can buy its brochure or rent an audio guide.
3. Sleep well and be energetic
Having good energy can make you enjoy the visiting in museums, so
remember to sleep and eat well before you enter. And don’t forget to wear
comfortable but formal shoes and clothes.
So, are you ready for going to museums? Wish you have a good time~
research 調查;attract 吸引;efficient 有效率的;
spoiler 劇透;skip 忽略;register 報名;
brochure 手冊

1. ( ) What does energetic mean in the reading?

(A) Being powerful.
(B) Visiting in museums.
(C) Being popular.
(D) Wearing comfortable shoes.

2. ( ) Who might write this article(文章)?

(A) An engineer.
(B) A doctor.
(C) A P.E. teacher.
(D) A guide.

3. ( ) Which is true in the reading?

(A) We may eat food in museums.
(B) Sleep well before you go to museums.
(C) Doing research if you like the surprise.
(D) Museums are usually small places.

第2題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Do you know the poker game “Nine-nine?” It’s a simple but funny game
which could be played by two or more people. Here are the rules of the
1. Each player gets four or five hand cards.
2. The rest of the cards are placed face down as a deck on the board for
3. The game starts with a score of zero.
4. On the player’s turn, he/she must use one of his/her cards. Each
card’s function is:
i. A, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9: Adding point(s) to the game score according to the
card’s number, for A as one point.
ii. 4: Reverse turn.
iii. 5: Appoint another player to play his/her turn now.
iv. J: Pass this turn.
v. 10, Q: adding or subtracting 10(for card 10) / 20(for card Q) points
from the game score.
vi. K: Make the game score 99 right now.
5. If the player’s use of the card makes the score more than 99, he/she
is out of the game.
6. If not, the player can draw one card from the deck and pass the turn
to the next player.
7. Play until all but one player is left in the game. This player is the
Are the game rules clear to you? Here are some questions of the game for

poker 撲克牌 deck 牌組 function 功能

reverse 迴轉 appoint 指定 subtract 減去

1. ( ) The game score is 92 now, and Jack has cards 3,K,8 and 2, which card he
cannot use or he would lose the game?
(A) 3
(B) K
(C) 8
(D) 2

2. ( ) Lucy is next to Jack and has cards 2, 3, 6 and J. If Jack uses card K, which
card should Lucy use to survive(存活)?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 6
(D) J

3. ( ) Now John has used K and Lucy has passed her turn and the game is back
to John again. Can John survive this turn?
(A) Yes, he can.
(B) No, any card he uses will make the score more than 99.
(C) We cannnot know for sure since we don’t know what card John had
drawn from the deck.
(D) He can use card 2 to pass the turn.

第3題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
I Mother’s Day Gifts
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day which is on the second Sunday of May. Kay’s two
daughters, Sammy and Olivia, are discussing how to celebrate this special
day. They plan to turn off Kay’s alarm clock and prepare brunch before she
gets up. So, Kay can sleep late and have brunch right after getting up.
During the brunch time, Sammy and Olivia will give their mom a handmade
card to appreciate everything their mom has done for them and the family.
After the delicious meal, they will give mom two movie tickets they bought a
week ago. Their parents will go see a movie, go on a date and have dinner in
a romantic restaurant tomorrow night. Before their parents come home,
they are going to clean the house. Thus, theirmom will really take a one-day
off. Because their mom works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. She is such
a 24/7 mom. They believe Kay will have an unforgettable day tomorrow.

discuss 討論;alarm clock 鬧鐘;brunch 早午餐;

handmade 手工的;appreciate 感謝;romantic 浪漫的;
thus 因此;unforgettable 難忘的

1. ( ) What does the word “24/7” mean in the reading?

(A) July 24.
(B) 7:24.
(C) All the time.
(D) All over the world.

2. ( ) What day is today?

(A) Sunday.
(B) Saturday.
(C) Friday.
(D) We don’t know.

3. ( ) According to the reading, which statement is true?

(A) Sammy has two daughters, Olivia and Kay.
(B) Olivia’s mother is busy every day.
(C) Their father will cook dinner for his wife.
(D) The mother likes the surprise very much.
第4題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Published back in 1965, the science fiction book Dune has won both Hugo
and Nebula Award for best novel. It’s also one of the best-selling novels
around the world and has much influence on other novels and movies such
as the Star Wars.
What’s so attracting of Dune is that it set out to create one imagined world
and explore people’s nature in it. The writer drew ideas from history and
used them in the novel. The people in the story experienced their country’s
rise and fall. They also made choices which changed their lives, families and
even their whole country.
However, Dune’s story is far too complex and quite difficult to be made into
movies. There were a few tries but most didn’t go well. Until now, fans
around the world are still expecting a true Dune movie to come.
單字: publish 出版, fiction 小說, award 獎, attract 吸引, explore 探索,
complex 複雜的

1. ( ) According(根據) to this article, which is true about Dune?

(A) It’s a very new novel.
(B) The author(作者) wrote true stories from history.
(C) The ideas it used are very interesting.
(D) There is no movie of it.

2. ( ) Which of the following statement doesn’t fit the “people’s nature” in this
(A) Love for each other.
(B) Wish to change the world.
(C) Strange yet beautiful views of the dunes.
(D) Complains of one’s family.

3. ( ) Why aren’t the fans satisfied with Dune’s movie adaptions(改編電影)??

(A) The movies haven’t caught the spirit of it so far.
(B) The visual effects(視覺效果) are not good.
(C) The movies are too short to do the job.
(D) They are just too picky(挑剔).

第5題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Have you heard the “Thai Songkran Festival”? In Thailand, it is important
to the Thais like the Chinese New Year is to Chinese. It is a festival that
prays for a smooth coming year and is full of blessings. The word
“Songkran” means “pass”, which represents the beginning of the new year.
The Thais think that water is a symbol of purity, the source of life, and the
god of all things. The traditional custom of splashing water means that you
can wash away the unsuccessful past year and re-start a new year. People
will also clean up their houses before the coming year. During the festival,
men, women, and children will put on new clothes and bring the food to the
temples to worship the Gods.
Every year, a large number of people from all over the world come to
celebrate the festival. It is an internationally celebrated festival. Next time
if you have a plan to take a trip to Thailand in April, don’t forget to
participate in it and enjoy it!

Thai 泰國人;smooth 順利的;represent 代表;

purity 純淨;splash 潑灑;worship 拜神

1. ( ) According to the article, when is the Thai Songkran Festival?

(A) In January.
(B) In April.
(C) Same time as Chinese New Year.
(D) We don’t know.

2. ( ) What does the word “participate” mean?

(A) share
(B) join
(C) choose
(D) enter

3. ( ) Which following is NOT true?

(A) The Thais splash water to celebrate their new year.
(B) Thai Songkran Festival has become a world-famous festival.
(C) People in Thailand believe that water will wash away the blessings.
(D) Songkran means to pass the previous year and meet the new year.
第6題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Jolly Cat Summer Schedule
Summertime is coming! Do you want to do something different this time for
this summer? Have you ever thought about learning a new talent? Jolly Cat
Dance School is giving out our summertime schedule. We are open to
beginners, feel free to get your first dancing experience! Below is our
summertime schedule, call 846-992-4652 to learn more information if you
decide to give yourself the best summer ever!

Ti Le M Tu W Th Fri
me vel on es. ed ur. .
. .

So B V V


La B V


Hi B V


Sa B V


*B: Beginner I: Intermediate

*Sign up on to get you
FREE first dance class.
*Jolly Cat is closed on weekends.
schedule 課程表 category 類別 beginner 初新者 intermediate 中級

1. ( ) Jenny never dances before, if she wants to learn Hip Hop Dance, what day
can she go?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Thursday
(D) Friday

2. ( ) If Amy wants to learn Salsa, which day can she go to Jolly Cat?
(A) Monday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Thursday

3. ( ) What is true about this commercial(商業廣告)?

(A) If Andy wants to learn social dance, he can go to Jolly Cat on Tuesday
and Friday.
(B) You can call 846-992-4652 if you want to get a free dance class.
(C) There are more classes on weekends.
(D) There are two dance classes a day in Jolly Cat.

第7題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Do you have the problem that you cannot sleep well? Here are some
suggestions which doctors give. Maybe you can try them before you go to

1. Have a warm bath.

2. Listen to soft music.
3. Drink some hot milk.
4. Make the room dark.
5. Don’t drink too much water.
6. Have a cozy bed and choose a pillow which is suitable for you.

If the suggestions above still cannot help you get a good sleep, you may go
to a doctor and ask the doctor to give you some help.

suggestion 建議;soft 輕柔的;cozy 舒適的;

pillow 枕頭;suitable 合適的

1. ( ) What is the best topic for this reading?

(A) Methods (方法) which help you sleep well.
(B) Ask doctors to help you sleep well.
(C) Can’t you sleep well?
(D) Why can’t you sleep well?

2. ( ) What is good for sleep?

(A) An expensive bed.
(B) A bright room.
(C) A beautiful pillow.
(D) A comfortable bed.

3. ( ) Which method is good for sleep from the reading?

(A) Drinking cold milk.
(B) Taking a warm bath.
(C) Drinking warm water.
(D) Listening to pop music (流行樂).

第8題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Taiwan Lantern Festival is a big event in Taiwan, and it has been seen as
one of the ten major festivals in the world. This year, it was held at Dapeng
Bay in Pingtung, and it was very successful. Now let’s take a look at it!
There were some characteristic lantern areas at Dapeng Bay. For example,
at Happy Family Lantern Area, you could see some cute piggies in different
shapes. This area was full of happy and lovely atmosphere, so it was
suitable for families to visit together. At Art Lantern Area, you could see
cultural characteristics of every township in Pingtung. After visiting it, you
would have some understanding for Pingtung.
So, have you ever been to Taiwan Lantern Festival? If not, maybe you can
go to next Taiwan Lantern Festival which will be held in Taichung next year.
You will enjoy it and have much fun there.
lantern festival 燈會(festival 節日);event 大事;major 重要的;
held 舉辦(hold 的過去式) ;Dapeng Bay 大鵬灣; Pingtung 屏東;
characteristic 獨特的、特色;area 區域;piggy 小豬;
atmosphere 氣氛;suitable 合適的;cultural 文化的;
township 鄉鎮;understanding 認識;Taichung 台中

1. ( ) Which is not true about the reading?

(A) Taiwan Lantern Festival is famous in the world.
(B) The Art Lantern Area was full of lovely atmosphere.
(C) People enjoyed the lantern festival at Dapeng Bay.
(D) People in Taiwan think lantern festival is quite important.

2. ( ) What is the best title for this article (文章)?

(A) The characteristic lantern areas.
(B) The introduction of Pingtung.
(C) Have fun in Dapeng Bay.
(D) Taiwan Lantern Festival.

第9題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
If you ask young people: What’s your dream job? One of the answers must
be “YouTuber”. “YouTuber” means people upload their own videos to
popular platforms, such as YouTube, and Facebook. Some film their trips,
some teach cooking, some show unboxing, and so on.
YouTube can create internet celebrities. Everyone can be a YouTuber.
However, not everyone can succeed.
The following are what famous YouTubers have in common:
1. Find your own styles.
The feeling that is presented in your video should be special and different
from others.
2. Make people like your video.
What’s the type of the audience? What’s their purpose to watch the video?
Make sure what kind of content can hold an audience, and then hit your
3. Don’t stop making the videos.
In the beginning, don’t worry about the quality of the film and the number
of viewers, and just keep doing it. Only a large number of stable filming can
find your own style which can catch the eye of the audience.
Do you want to be a YouTuber, too? Remember the three points above, and
the most important is to show your enthusiasm for it, and you will make it

upload 上傳;platform 平台;unboxing 開箱;

internet celebrity 網紅;succeed 成功;audience 觀眾;
purpose 目的;content 內容;quality 質量;
viewer 觀眾;stable 穩定的;film 拍片;
style 風格;enthusiasm 熱情;

1. ( ) What do you think the best title for the article?

(A) How to Make Money on YouTube
(B) Video of Popular YouTuber
(C) The Internet Celebrities
(D) The way to become a popular YouTuber
2. ( ) To be a successful YouTuber, which way is not mentioned (提到) in the
(A) Only shoot high-quality videos.
(B) Try to make your videos show your characteristic.
(C) Think about why people want to watch videos.
(D) Never stop to film videos.

3. ( ) Which statement is true?

(A) Be a YouTuber is easily successful, so it is a dream job of young
(B) YouTuber had become a popular job for long time ago.
(C) You cannot film too many videos because that will cause you to lose
the audience.
(D) It is possible for anyone to be famous through the Internet.

第 10 題 一般題組
題目範圍: 自編模擬考
Who stole the money?
Karen is a teacher in an elementary school. Two of her students fought this
Karen: Both of you fought this morning. What happened to you?
Jeff: Sam stole my one hundred dollars from my jacket. And I would like to
get my money back.
Sam: No, I didn’t steal anything from you.
Karen: Why did you say that Sam stole your money? Do you have any
Jeff: Yes, Sam’s new pencil box is the evidence. He bought it with my money.
Sam: No, I bought fried chicken with it.
Karen: How much money do you still have?
Sam: Forty dollars only.

1. ( ) Who stole the money?

(A) The teacher
(B) Jeff
(C) Sam
(D) Nobody
2. ( ) What’s the meaning of the wordevidence according to this conversation?
(A) The new pencil box.
(B) The one hundred dollars.
(C) What happened in the morning.
(D) The thing that shows someone stole the money.

3. ( ) What’s true according to this conversation?

(A) Someone used the stolen money to buy a new pencil box.
(B) The fried chicken was seventy dollars.
(C) Karen knew who stole the money finally.
(D) Karen’s money was stolen.

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