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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX
Hari / Tanggal : Kamis, 25 April 2024
Waktu : 08.00 - 09.30 Wita ( 90 Menit )

Petunjuk :

1. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan Asesmen Sumatif.

2. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Asesmen Sumatif.
3. Waktu yang tersedia 90 menit dengan jumlah soal sebanyak 50 Pilihan Ganda.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak
6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas Asesmen Sumatif bila diperlukan.
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas


1. Mrs. Dewi : That's the bell. Time is up.
Students : All right, Ma'am.
Mrs. Dewi : We will discuss the next chapter next Friday. Please study the material at home.
Students : Sure, Ma'am.
Mrs. Dewi : See you. Bye.
Students : See you, Ma'am. Bye.
Where does the dialog take place?
A. at the schoolfield C. In the library
B. in the office D. In the classroom

2. I have a little sister. Her name is Salsa. She is only a year old. She is cute. Salsa looks like a boy because her
hair is very short. She can walk, but she can’t speak. She likes walking around the house.
Salsa likes playing a ball. Mother gave her the ball yesterday. The ball is soft. Salsa likes kicking the ball. I
love my sister very much She has the best smile in the world

What does Salsa’s hair look like?

A. Short C. Thick
B. Long D. Black

3. Rahmi : Are you free this evening?

Dimas : Yes, I am free.
Rahmi : That's good. Let's have dinner in RJ Restaurant.
Dimas : What time?
Rahmi : I'll pick you up at .........
A. 3.45 pm
B. 7.30 am
C. 8.15 am
D. 6.30 pm

4. Vita : What does your father usually do in the morning before going to work?
Sita : He usually ….... the internet to read recent online news.
A. Creates C. Uploads
B. Downloads D. Browses

5. My name is Sinta. I am a student of Junior High School. I have two brothers; Sandi and Sahid. Sandi is a
police and Sahid is a lawyer. They always work together to help people get the justice. I am really proud of

What is the writer’s name?

A. Sinta C. Sandi
B. Sahid D. Sendi

6. Rian : Pleas call me if you need.

Dito : No, I ….... need your help, thank you.
A. Does C. Does not
B. Do not D. Is not

7. I have a little sister. Her name is Salsa. She is only a year old. She is cute. Salsa looks like a boy because her
hair is very short. She can walk, but she can’t speak. She likes walking around the house.
Salsa likes playing a ball. Mother gave her the ball yesterday. The ball is soft. Salsa likes kicking the ball. I
love my sister very much She has the best smile in the world

Who is salsa …......?

A. The writer’s baby C. The writer’s little sister
B. The writer’s little brother D. The writer’s little boy

8. Mrs. Dewi : That's the bell. Time is up.

Students : All right, Ma'am.
Mrs. Dewi : We will discuss the next chapter next Friday. Please study the material at home.
Students : Sure, Ma'am.
Mrs. Dewi : See you. Bye.
Students : See you, Ma'am. Bye.
Who is Mrs. Dewi?
A. She is a student C. She is a librarian
B. She is a principle D. She is a teacher

9. My name is Sinta. I am a student of Junior High School. I have two brothers; Sandi and Sahid. Sandi is a
police and Sahid is a lawyer. They always work together to help people get the justice. I am really proud of

I really proud of them. The underlined word refers to .......

A. Sinta and Sandi C. Sandi and Sahid
B. Sinta and Sahid D. Sinta, Sandi and Sahida.

10. She is Rani. She is a pretty girl. She always comes at school on time. She is ………
A. Lazy C. Beautiful
B. Diligent D. hard work

11. Mrs. Nuris always ….... to her school.

A. driving her car C. drive her car
B. is driving her car D. drives her car

12. Aga : Could you answer the question number 5?

Dita : I ……. answer that question because it has unclear instruction.
A. can C. cannot
B. could D. could not

13. “Nadia’s hobbies ……. dancing, reading books, playing volleyball and cooking in her spare time.”
A. is C. do
B. are D. does

14. Miko : What is Doni doing?

Sandy : He is sleeping in the ........
A. Kitchen C. bedroom
B. dining room D. bathroom

15. Dina : Can you lend me a pen?

Sita : Yes, I ….... borrow you a pen because I bring two pens.
A. Cannot C. will not
B. Can D. will

16. Waiter : What ….… you like to drink?

Mr. Jack : I would like iced tea, please.
A. Will C. Would
B. Can D. Should

17. I sang a lot last night. I lost my voice. I . …... now

A. can speak C. can't speak
B. can hear D. can't hear

18. Son : May I give some money to the beggar?

Mother : .........Go ahead.
A. Sure C. No, please
B. Sorry D. You may not

19. Ratna : Mom, will you allow me to watch Dewa Band at the Center Hall, please?
Mom : ............ but after you've finished your work.
A. No, you may not C. Yes, I'll see it
B. Yes, you may D. No, you will not

20. Vera : May I swim in the beach, Mom?

Mother : No, you may not. It is .........
A. Dangerous C. Deep
B. Fear D. Wave

21. we are ............... English in the class.

A. are studying C. study
B. studied D. studying
22. Look !, the man ............... now.
A. is swimming C. is swim
B. swims D. are swimming

23. Dion and me ……. to the cinema on the last weekend.

A. Go C. Went
B. Goes D. Gone

24. My full name is Rosihan. You can …... me Rosi.

A. Call C. Give
B. Take D. Tell

25. She will arrive ………. 10 o'clock.

A. At C. In
B. On D. during

26. My dog ……... sick a week ago.

A. Were C. Is
B. Was D. Are

27. The store closes ……. 9 PM.

A. At C. In
B. On D. During

28. Cici …… meatball yesterday.

A. Eat C. Ate
B. Was eat D. Eated

29. Please be quit. the baby .............. now.

A. is sleep C. sleeps
B. are sleeping D. is sleeping

30. …….… any interesting people in the conference yesterday?

A. Do you meet C. Did you meet
B. Do you met D. Did you met

31. Look at the picture! What time is it?

A. It is seven o’clock C. It is eight o’clock
B. It is nine o’clock D. It is ten o’clock

32. Anton : Today is Thursday. What day was it yesterday?

Budi : Yesterday was …. ….
A. Tuesday C. Friday
B. Saturday D. Wednesday

33. We have class ............. Friday.

A. At C. In
B. On D. During

34. You always come late. Don’t ........ again next time.
A. be late C. late
B. lately D. ariving late

35. The month after August is ……

A. October C. November
B. September D. July
36. …....... this book if you want to know the answer of the question.
A. Buy C. Using
B. Reading D. Read

37. Student : …………….

Teacher : Yes, you may.
A. Pardon me, sir. May he come in? C. Forgive me, sir. Could you say it again?
B. Excuse me, sir. May I wash my hands?. D. Sorry sir. May you join us?

38. School starts at 8 a.m. ……. be late for school!

A. can't C. do
B. don't D. can

39. Jeni : Cpold you close the window, please? It’s too cold here.
Kian : …………. …..
The proper response to fill the blank is ………...
A. Really? C. Yes, of course
B. Idon't think so D. I agree

40. Twenty to nine is .........

A. 8.40 C. 8.20
B. 9.20 D. 20.9

Arrange the following sentences into a good dialog!

41. (1) Very well, Ma'am. What about you?

(2) Morning, Sekar. How are you doing?
(3) Good morning, Ma'am.
(4) I'm fine. Thank you.
A. 3 - 2 - 4 – 1 C. 3 - 2 - 1 – 4
B. 3 - 4 - 1 – 2 D. 3 - 4 - 2 – 1

Read the text bellow to answer question number 42.

Preparing Birthday
On my daughter’s 1st birthday, I made a cake for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters, Mickey
Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to make this
special birthday cake. She is very good at making cakes.
On that day, I went and got all items for the cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a little bit
nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose the
flavour. I made a cake with chocolate flavour. I followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally, I
could make it. It was not bad at all.
All the people and the children who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was very proud.
My wife told the guests that I made the birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were surprised that I could
make a cake. Since then, making cakes has become one of my hobbies.

42. The writer felt a bit nervous because it was ……...

A. his daughter’s birthday C. the first time he made a cake
B. a wonderful experience D. difficult to make a cake

Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

43. 1. It has three bedrooms, one kitchen, and one bathroom.

2. That's the most comfortable house I ever own.
3. I live in a small house.
4. I bought it last year.
A. 3 - 4 - 1 – 2 C. 2 - 4 - 1 – 3
B. 3 - 4 - 2 – 1 D. 2 - 4 - 3 – 1
Read the text bellow to answer question number 44.

Preparing Birthday
On my daughter’s 1st birthday, I made a cake for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters, Mickey
Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to make this
special birthday cake. She is very good at making cakes.
On that day, I went and got all items for the cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a little bit
nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose the
flavour. I made a cake with chocolate flavour. I followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally, I
could make it. It was not bad at all.
All the people and the children who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was very proud.
My wife told the guests that I made the birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were surprised that I could
make a cake. Since then, making cakes has become one of my hobbies.

44. What does the text talk about?

A. My daughter’s 1st birthday C. The first time of making a birthday cake
B. Wonderful experience D. Decorating a birthday cake

Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

45. (1) Thank - (2) ruler - (3) me - (4) for - (5) you - (6) borrowing - (7) the
A. 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 2 C. 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 7 - 3
B. 1 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 2 - 6 - 3 D. 1 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 3 - 6 – 2

Read the text bellow to answer question number 46.

Preparing Birthday
On my daughter’s 1st birthday, I made a cake for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters, Mickey
Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to make this
special birthday cake. She is very good at making cakes.
On that day, I went and got all items for the cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a little bit
nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose the
flavour. I made a cake with chocolate flavour. I followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally, I
could make it. It was not bad at all.
All the people and the children who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was very proud.
My wife told the guests that I made the birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were surprised that I could
make a cake. Since then, making cakes has become one of my hobbies.

46. What’s the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The writer was inspired to make a birthday cake.
B. The writer decorated the cake with Disney characters.
C. The writer got the idea to make a birthday cake.
D. The writer was making the birthday cake

47. How do you say 02.03 a.m ?

A. It is three minutes past two in the morning
B. It is two minutes past three in the evening
C. It is thirty minutes past two in the morning
D. It is two minutes past three in the afternoon

Read the text bellow to answer question number 48.

Preparing Birthday
On my daughter’s 1st birthday, I made a cake for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters, Mickey
Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to make this
special birthday cake. She is very good at making cakes.
On that day, I went and got all items for the cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a little bit
nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose the flavour.
I made a cake with chocolate flavour. I followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally, I could make
it. It was not bad at all.
All the people and the children who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was very proud.
My wife told the guests that I made the birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were surprised that I could
make a cake. Since then, making cakes has become one of my hobbies.
48. It was not bad at all. (Paragraph 2). The word “it” means …...…
A. A birthday cake C. The flavour of birthday cake
B. Birthday cake decoration D. The writer’s daughter’s 1st birthday party

Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

49. (1) are- (2) my parents – (3) reading – (4) at the moment – (5) newspapers
A. 1 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 C. 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 3
B. 2 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 5 D. 2 - 1 - 3 - 5– 4

Read the text bellow to answer question number 50.

Preparing Birthday
On my daughter’s 1st birthday, I made a cake for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters, Mickey
Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to make this
special birthday cake. She is very good at making cakes.
On that day, I went and got all items for the cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a little bit
nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose the flavour.
I made a cake with chocolate flavour. I followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally, I could make
it. It was not bad at all.
All the people and the children who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was very proud.
My wife told the guests that I made the birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were surprised that I could
make a cake. Since then, making cakes has become one of my hobbies.

50. The writer was inspired to make a birthday cake for his daughter by …...….
A. his guest C. his wife
B. his daughter D. his children

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