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How to make Dua

Dua can be made at anytime not just with prayer. Raise your hands with your
palms up and start making dua. The best way to make dua is the “sandwhich”:

1. Praise Allah
2. Praise the Prophet (pbuh)
3. Ask for whatever is in your heart
4. Praise the Prophet (pbuh)
5. Ameen.

It is said that when you place your duas between praising Him and and sending
salutation to His beloved Prophet, Allah is too “shy” to turn you away with nothing.
(Tirmidhi, 3477)

It is also very effective to make dua for others. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh)
said, “No Muslim servant supplicates for his brother behind his back but that the
angel says: And for you the same.” (Sahih Muslim 2732)

Although it is not compulsory, it is Sunnah to make wudu and face the Kibla when
making dua (outside of prayer).

During Prayer (In Sujood)

“The nearest a slave can be to his Lord (Allāh) is while they are prostrating, so
increase in supplication” (Ṣ aḥ īḥ Muslim)

1. Subhana Rabbiyal A'la (x3)

2.Ask for what you want

You can make dua during any sujood of the prayer (not just the last sujood, they
are all equivalent).

Before Ending Prayer (Before Tasleem)

After reciting the last Tashahud in the prayer (before saying Salaam), it is sunnah
to recite the following dua, followed by making dua for anything you want:

‫الّلُهـَّم ِإِّنـي َأعـوُذ ِبَك ِم ـْن َع ذاِب الَقـْبر َو ِم ـْن َع ذاِب َجَهـَّنم َو ِم ـْن ِفْتـَنِة الَم ْح ـيا‬
‫َو الَم مـات َو ِم ـْن َش ـِّر ِفْتـَنِة الَم سيِح الَّد ّجال‬
Allāhumma ‘innī ‘a`ūdhu bika min `adhābi ‘l-qabri. wa min `adhābi jahannam. wa min fitnati
‘l-maḥyā wa ‘l-mamāti. wa min sharri fitnati ‘l-masīḥid-dajjāl
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, and from the
punishment of Hell-fire, and from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of
the trial of the False Messiah
(Al-Bukhari 2:102, Muslim 1:412)
After Prayer (After Tasleem)
“So when you have finished (Salah) devote yourself to Allah’s worship and to your
Lord (alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes.” (Surah Ash-Sharh 94:7-8)

1. Raise your hands with your palms up

2. Praise Allah
3. Praise the prophet (pbuh)
4. Ask for forgiveness (x3)
5. Ask for what you want
6. Praise the prophet (pbuh)
7. Ameen. Wipe your hands over your face (not compulsory)

End of Prayers (Witr; After Isha)

Allah's Messenger (‫( )ﷺ‬p.b.u.h) said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes
every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night
remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to
invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is
there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Sahih al-Bukhari

Witr consists of three rakaats of prayer. It can be prayed one of two ways:
a) Pray two raakats and conclude with Tashahud and Tasleem (Salaam), and
then pray one rakaat but after ruku you put your hands up for dua
(starting with Dua E Qunoot) and then conclude your dua and go into
sujood and finish the prayer as usual with Tashahud and Tasleem.
b) Pray three rakaats back to back and only recite tashahud after the third
rakaat, followed by Tasleem to end the prayer. Make Dua after ruku on the
third rakaat (before sujood) by putting your hands up and starting with
Dua E Qunoot.

Although you can recite any three surahs for Witr, it is Sunnah to recite Surah Al-
A’laa (87) on the first rakaat, Surah Al-Kafiroon (109) in the second, and Surah Al-
Ikhlas (112) on the third. (Al-Nasai: 1729)

When making dua (in last rakaat of Witr), raise your hands with palm facing up:
a) Due E Qunoot
b) Praise Allah
c) Praise the the prophet (pbuh)
d) Ask for forgiveness
e) Ask for what you want
f) Pray for the Needy and the Ummah
g) Praise the prophet (pbuh)
h) Say Ameen and wipe your face with your hands (not compulsory)
End with Sujood, Tashahud and Salaam
Dua E Qunoot
‫الَّلُهَّم اْهِدِني ِفيَم ْن َهَد ْيَت َو َع اِفِني ِفيَم ْن َع اَفْيَت و َتَو َّلِني ِفيَم ْن َتَو َّلْيَت َو َباِرْك‬
‫ِلي ِفيَم ا َأْع َطْيَت َو ِقِني َش َّر َم ا َقَض ْيَت إَّنَك َتْقِض ي َو ال ُيْقَض ى َع لْيَك إَّنُه ال َيِّذ ُّل‬
‫َم ْن َو اَلْيَت َتَباَر ْك َت َو َتَع اَلْيَت‬
Allahumma ihdini fi-man hadayta wa-ʿafini fi-man ʿafayta wa-tawallani fi-man tawwalayta
wa-barik li fi-ma aʿtayta wa-qini sharra ma qadayta innaka taqdi wa-la yuqda ʿalayka innahu
la yadhillu man walayta tabarakta wa-taʿalayta
O Allah, guide me among those whom You have guided, grant me well-being
among those whom You have granted well-being, befriend me among those to
whom You have befriended, bless me in what You have bestowed, and save me
from the evil of what You have decreed. Truly, You decree and none can decree
against You; one whom You have befriended is not humiliated. Blessed are You (O
Allah) and Exalted. (At-Tirmidhi: 464))

Dua After Witr Salah

It is Sunnah to recite the following dua three times after Witr Prayer:
‫سبحان الملك القدوس‬
Subḥāna ‘l-Maliki ‘l-Quddūs.
Glory is to the King, the Holy
[On the third time, raise and extend the voice and then say...]

‫رِّب المالئكِة والّروح‬

Rabbi ‘l-Malā'ikati war-rūh.
Lord of the angels and the Spirit
(An-Nasa'i 3:244)

Witr should only be prayed once at night, anytime between Isha and Fajr. The
Prophet (pbuh) said, “There should not be two Witrs in one night.” (Tirmidhi, 470).
Therefore, if you prayed Witr already after Isha (ie. Witr after Taraweeh prayer),
you cannot pray Witr again (ie. Witr after Tahajjud prayer). The first Witr will count
for both sets of prayers.

However, if you already prayed Witr but want to stay for the second Witr (ie. Witr
after Tahajjud prayer), once the Imaam makes Sujood and Tasleem on the third
rakaat (end of Witr), you should not say Tasleem (Salaam) and instead get up to
pray one more rakaat (four rakaats) so that it is not Witr prayer again. Same
applies if you don’t pray Witr at the begining (ie. after Taraweeh) but want to pray
Witr after Tahajjud, pray a fourth rakaat at the end of the first Witr.

Although it is recommended to pray Witr as the last prayer of the night, it is still
permissible to pray Nafl prayers after Witr, so long as Witr prayer is not repeated.
The Prophet (pbuh) prayed Nafl after Witr to show that it is allowed (Sahih
Names of Allah
“To Allah belongs the Most Beautiful Names, so call on Him by them.” (7:180)
The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬remarked: “By the One in Whose Hand is my life, He
has certainly asked Allah with His Greatest Name; when He is supplicated by it,
He responds, and when asked, He gives.” (Tirmidhī)

When making Dua, call Allah by His names such as:

Al-Mujeeb - The One Who Responds Ar-Razzaq - The Provider
Al-Wakeel - The Disposer of Affairs Al-Hadi - The Guide
Al-Jabbar - The Restorer Al-Wahhab - The Bestower
Al-Rahman - The Most Merciful Al-Qawi - The All Strong
Al-Wali - The Protecting Friend Al-Hakim - The All-Wise
As-Salam - The Source of Peace Al-Wuduud - The Most Loving
Al-Shafi - The Healer Al-Ghafoor - The Most Forgiving
Al-Haseeb - The Sufficient Al-Kareem - The Most Generous

*Full List of names below

Best times to make Dua

1. Laylat al-Qadar
2. When in Sujood
3. Before Tasleem in the Fard prayers
4. In the last third of the night (before Fajr)
5. Between the Adhan and the Iqamah
6. When it rains
7. During travel
8. A certain time on Friday (one hour after Asr. before Maghrib)
9. When drinking Zamzam water
10. When hearing the crowing of a rooster
11. Du`a of one who is sick
The foundation to making your Dua accepted is by praising Allah, praising His
beloved Prophet (pbuh), and asking for forgiveness. Start and end your Dua with
the following:

Praise Allah
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told us that “the best words a slave can utter after the Qur’an are
the words of praise and glory (to Allah).” (Ahmad) ”It is the only worship that will be
performed by the inhabitants of Paradise; and will be the manner in which they
ask from Allah” (Tirmidhi).

‫َر َّبنـا َو َلَك الَحْم ـُد َح ْم ـدًا َك ثـيرًا َطِّيـبًا ُم ـباَر كًا فيه‬
Rabbanaa wa la kal hamd, hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubaarakan feeh
Our Lord, all praise is due only to You, praise which is abundant, excellent and
blessed (Bukhari 12:764)

Praise the Prophet (PBUH)

Du’aa’ is detained between the heavens and the earth and no part of it is taken
up until you send blessings upon your Prophet (pbuh).” (Tirmidhi, 486)

‫الَّلُهَّم َص ِّل َع َلٰى َس ِّيِد َنا ُمَح َّم ٍد َو َع َلٰى آِلِه َو َص ْح ِبِه َو َس ِّلْم‬
Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim
O Allah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad and upon his Family and

Ask for Forgiveness

The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: “If anyone constantly seeks forgiveness from Allah,
Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every
anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.” (Abu
Dawood 20: 1873)

‫لَّلُهَّم ِإَّنَك َع ُفٌّو ُتِح ُّب اْلَع ْفَو َفاْعُف َع ِّني‬

Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu annee
O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me
(Sunan Ibn Majah 3850)
Dua After Every Fard Salah
It is reported by various Hadiths that the Prophet (pbuh) would make the
following duas after every Fard prayers:

‫َأْسَتْغ ِفُر َهللا‬

I seek forgiveness from Allah
[Say this three times]

‫ َتَباَر ْك َت َيا َذ ا اْلَج َالِل َو اِإل ْك َر اِم‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم َأْنَت الَّس َالُم َو ِم ْنَك الَّس َالُم‬
Allāhumma Antas-Salām wa minkas-salām. Tabārakta yā Zal-jalāli wal- ikrām.
O Allah, You are As-Salam (Peace), From You is all peace, blessed are You O
Possessor of majesty and honour. (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)

‫الَّلُهـَّم َأِع ـِّني َع لَـى ِذ ْك ـِرَك َو ُشْك ـِرَك َو ُحْسـِن ِع َبـاَد ِتـَك‬
Allāhumma a’innī ’alā zikrika wa syukrika wa ḥusni ‘ibādatik
O Allah, help me to remember You, expressing gratitude towards You, and to
worship You in the best manner. (Sunan Abi Daud)

. ‫ َو ُهَو َع َلى ُك ِّل َش يٍء ًقِد يٌر‬، ‫ َلُه اْلُم ْلُك َو َلُه اْلَحْم ُد‬،‫ُهللا َو ْح َد ُه اَل َش ِريَك َلُه‬ ‫اَل ِإَلَه ِإاَّل‬
‫ َو اَل َيْنَفُع َذ ا اْلَج ِّد ِم ْنَك اْلَج ُّد‬، ‫ َو اَل ُم ْع ِط َي ِلَم ا َم َنْعَت‬، ‫َم اِنَع ِلَم ا َأْع َطيَت‬ ‫َالَّلُهَّم اَل‬
Lā ilāha illallāhu wahdahu lā syarika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa 'alā kulli
shay-in Qadir. Allāhumma lā māni'a limā a'tayta, wa lā mu'tiya limā mana'ta, wa lā yanfa'u
zal-jaddi minkal-jaddu.
There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him, His
is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent. O Allah! None can
deny that which You bestow and none can bestow that which You hold back, and
the greatness of the great will be of no avail to them against You.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever glorifies Allah (Subhan Allah ) 33 times
immediately after each prayer, and praises Allah (Al-hamdu Lillah) 33 times, and
magnifies Allah (Allahu akbar) 33 times, this makes 99, then to complete 100
declares the oneness of Allah (La ilaha ill-Allah wahdahu la sharika laha…) his sins
will be forgiven even if they are like the foam of the sea.” (Muslim: 597)

‫ُسـبَح اَن ِهللا‬

Subḥān Allāh
Glorified is Allāh above any imperfection
[Say this thirty-three times]
‫الـَح مـُد هلل‬
Alḥamdu lillāh
All praise is for Allāh
[Say this thirty-three times]

‫ُهللا َأكـَبر‬
Allāhu akbar
Allāh is the greatest
[Say this thirty-three times]

‫ َو ُهَو َع َلى ُك ِّل َش يٍء ًقِد يٌر‬، ‫ َلُه اْلُم ْلُك َو َلُه اْلَحْم ُد‬،‫اَل ِإَلَه ِإاَّل ُهللا َو ْح َد ُه اَل َش ِريَك َلُه‬
Lā ilāha illallāhu wahdahu lā syarika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa 'alā kulli
shay-in Qadir
There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him, His
is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent.
[Say this one time]

Ayatul Kursi (Verse of the Throne)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi at the end of every
obligatory prayer, nothing but death will prevent him from entering Paradise."
(An-Nasa'i: 220)

‫ٱُهَّلل ٓاَل ِإَلٰـَه ِإاَّل ُهَو ٱْلَح ُّى ٱْلَقُّيوُم ۚ اَل َتْأُخ ُذ ۥُه ِس َنٌۭة َو اَل َنْو ٌۭم ۚ َّل ۥُه َم ا ِفى ٱلَّس َم ٰـ َٰو ِت َو َم ا‬
ۖ ‫ِفى ٱَأْلْر ِضۗ َم ن َذ ا ٱَّلِذ ى َيْش َفُع ِع نَد ٓۥُه ِإاَّل ِبِإْذ ِنِهۦۚ َيْع َلُم َم ا َبْيَن َأْيِد يِهْم َو َم ا َخ ْلَفُهْم‬
ۖ ‫َو اَل ُيِح يُطوَن ِبَش ْى ٍۢء ِّم ْن ِع ْلِمِهٓۦ ِإاَّل ِبَم ا َش ٓاَء ۚ َو ِس َع ُك ْر ِس ُّيُه ٱلَّس َم ٰـ َٰو ِت َو ٱَأْلْر َض‬
‫َو اَل َئُـوُد ۥُه ِح ْفُظُهَم اۚ َو ُهَو ٱْلَعِلُّى ٱْلَعِظ يُم‬
Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom; laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm;
lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; man zallazee yashfa'u indahooo illaa be iznih;
ya'lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum; wa laa yuheetoona beshai 'immin 'ilmihee
illa be maa shaaaa; wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya'ooduho hifzuhumaa;
wa huwal aliyyul 'azeem
Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-
Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly
intercede with Him without His permission? He ˹fully˺ knows what is ahead of
them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge—
except what He wills ˹to reveal˺. His Seat1 encompasses the heavens and the
earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High,
the Greatest
(Surah Al-Baqarah 3:255)
Laylatul Qadr
The Holy Night of Laylat-ul-Qadr, otherwise called the Night of Power, Night of
Decree, or Night of Destiny incites a thousand months’ worth of rewards in a
singular eve. If one executes any acts of goodwill on this night, they reap the rewards
of having performed the good deed for a thousand months (83 years). (Surah Al-

Recite Quran
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Fasting and the Quran will intercede for a person on
the Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say: O Lord, I kept him from his food and
desires during the day; let me intercede for him. And the Quran will say: I kept him
from sleeping during the night; let me intercede for him. And they will be allowed
to intercede.” (Musnad Ahmad: 6626)

Surah Al-Fatiha
The Mother of the Quran. The Prophet (pbuh) said it is the most superior
Surah of the Quran. It was sent from Heaven as a Light and it serves to cure
all diseases and to cure the heart of spiritual ailment (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Surah Al-Baqarah
Angels come down when this Surah is recited. It serves as a protection from
Shaytaan and evils of this world. It will be as a protector and intercede for you
on the day of Judgement. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Surah Al-Mulk
Known as “The Rescuer”. Whoever recites Surah Al-Mulk every night will be
protected from the punishment of the grave and it will intercede for you on
the Day of Judgement until you are forgiven, easing the trials of the grave and
brightening its darkness. (Al-Nasai 6:179)

Make Dhikr
Do lots of Dhikr on Laylatul Qadr. Dhikr is not only a means of drawing closer to
Allah but also a way to attain peace, contentment, and blessings in this life and
the hereafter. The reward of making Dhikr in Ramadan is multiplied by many

Whoever recites the following dua three times in the evening, they will have the
the reward equivalent to making Dhikr until sunrise. (Sahih Muslim)

‫ َو ِم َد اَد َك ِلَم اِتِه‬،‫ َو ِزَنَة َع ْر ِشِه‬،‫ َو ِر َض ا َنْفِسِه‬،‫ُسْبَح اَن ِهّٰللا َو ِبَحْمِدِه َعَدَد َخ ْلِقِه‬
Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi, 'Adada khalqihi, wa ridhaa nafsihi, wa zinata 'arshihi wa
midaada kalimaatihi
How perfect Allaah is and I praise Him by the number of His creation and His
pleasure, and by the weight of His throne, and the ink of His words.

Seek Allah’s Forgiveness

Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will
have all of his previous sins forgiven. “Tell them (O Prophet): ‘oh my servant, the
one who has wronged himself, do not despair from the mercy of ALLAH, indeed
Allah forgives all sins, indeed He is the Oft-Forgiving, The Most Merciful’”
(Surah Al-Zumar: 53)

Perform two rakaats of Salaah and make dua to Allah. The best due to make is:
‫لَّلُهَّم ِإَّنَك َع ُفٌّو ُتِح ُّب اْلَع ْفَو َفاْعُف َع ِّني‬
Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu annee
O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me
(Tirmidhi 3513)

Make Lots of Dua

Allah has said that prayers can even move mountains from their place. This time,
ask for everything you dont even hope for. Allah will grant you from where you
cant even imagine. (Surah Al-Imran)

On the blessed night of Laylatul Qadr, destinies are decreed for the upcoming
year. Laylatul Qadr is for those who are fortunate. Whatever is in your heart, say
it all to your Lord that night, ask for every wish. Ask for the fulfillment of your
incomplete love, ask for sustenance for yourself, ask for health for yourself,
making every impossible desire possible is the most beloved way of Laylatul

Here are some duas to make:

،‫ اللهم تقبل صيامنا وسجودنا وركوعنا‬،‫ اللهم تقبل صيامنا‬،‫اللهم تقبل صيامنا‬
‫ اللهم إنك عفو‬،‫ اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنا‬،‫برحمتک یا رب العالمین‬
‫ فاعف عنا یا اکرم‬،‫ فاعف عنا یا رحیم‬،‫ فاعف عنا یا کریم‬،‫تحب العفو فاعف عنا‬
‫ وما أنت أعلم‬،‫ وما أسررنا وما أعلنا‬،‫ اللهم اغفر لنا ما قدمنا وما أخرنا‬،‫االکرمین‬
‫ انک انت السمیع القریب برحمتک یا رب العالمین‬،‫به منا‬
Allahuma takabal siyamana, Allahuma takabal siyamana, Allahuma takabal sudjudana wa ruku'ana,
Birahmatik ya rabbi aalamin, Allahuma innaka Afuwun touhibul Afwa fa fu'anna, Allahuma innaka
Afuwun touhibul Afwa fa fu'anna, Fa fu anna ya karim, Fa fu anna ya Rahim, Fa fu anna ya Akramal
Akramin, Allahuma magfir lana ma qaddama wa maa akharna wa maa asrarna wa maa Aalana, wa ma
anta a'lamu bihi mina, innaka anta Sami 'ul kareeb Birahmatik ya rabbi aalamin
May Allah accept our fasts, May Allah accept our fasts, May Allah accept our prostration
and bowing with your mercy, Oh Lord of the worlds. O Allah, You are forgiving and love
forgiveness, so forgive me. O Allah, You are forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me.
So forgive us, ya Kareem So forgive us, ya Raheem(The Most Merciful) So forgive us, ya
Akram Alakrameen(The Most Generous). O Allah, forgive us for what we have done and
what we are delayed, And what we secretly did, and what we did publically, And what you
know from us, You are the All-Hearer, nearby is your mercy, Oh Lord of the world.

‫ َو اْر َفْع ِني‬،‫ َو اْر ُز ْقِني‬،‫ َو َع اِفِني‬،‫ َو اْج ُبْر ِني‬،‫ َو اْهِدِني‬،‫ َو اْر َحْمِني‬،‫الَّلُهَّم اْغ ِفْر ِلي‬
Allaahum-maghfir lee, warhamnee, wahdinee, wajburnee, wa 'aafinee, warzuqnee, warfa'nee
O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, support me, protect me, provide for me
and elevate me (At-Tirmidhi 1517:284)
For Parents
‫َّرِّب اْر َح ْم ُهَم ا َك َم ا َر َّبَياِني َص ِغ يًرا‬
Rabbi irhamhuma kama rabbayanee sagheera
My Lord! Be merciful to them as they raised me when I was young
(Surah Al-Isra’ 17:24)

‫ َو ِس َع ًة‬،‫اللهم ارزق أمى بركة في عمرها ونورًا في قلبها وضياء في وجهها‬

‫ َو اْص ِرْف َع ْنَها ُك َّل ُسْو ٍء َو َم َر ِض‬،‫ َو ِرًضا ِفي َنْفِس َها‬،‫ِفي ِرْز ِقَها‬
Allahumma ar zuq ummi barakatan fi umuriha wa nooran fi qalbiha wa dhiya an fi wajhiha,
Wasī'atan fī rizqihā, Wa ridan fī nafsihā, Waşrif 'an-hā kulla su'in wa-marad.
"O Allah make my mother's life filled with blessings and fill her heart with light, and
Illuminate her face with light, and grant abundance in her sustenance, and make
her content with herself, and avert from her every evil and illness

● Protect my parents and grant them love and happiness and abundance. If They have made any
mistakes then forgive them and bless them with all the good they deserve. Grant them the best of
this life and the Hereafter.
● Keep our relationship and strong. Make be a means of support to them and guide me to take care
of them with love and respect.
● Oh Allah take away their burdens and remove their sins. Make their path easy and filled with
your divine light. Make their intentions good. Give them good health and keep them steadfast on
the right path in life.

For Family
● Oh Allah keep the shaitaan far away from my relationship with my family.
● O Allah, reunite my family and my loved ones, and do not separate us, and unite our decisions,
and unite our ranks, and do not make me see any harm in them that makes me sad. You are the
Guardian and You are the One who is capable of it.
● Protect and guide my brother(s)/sister(s). Show them the potential of what they can achieve and
the things they can overcome with your guidance and the impact they will have in this world.
Help them with anything and everything good they are trying to do. Make their path easy and
filled with your divine light. Make their intentions good Give them good health and keep them
steadfast on the right path in life.
● Protect them from danger and grant them love and happiness and abundance. If They have made
any mistakes then forgive them and bless them with all the good they deserve. Grant them the
best of this life and the Hereafter

For Deceased
، ‫ َو اْخ ُلْفُه ِفي َع ِقِبِه ِفي اْلَغ اِبِر يَن‬، ‫ َو اْر َفْع َد َر َج َتُه ِفي اْلَم ْهِد ِّييَن‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم اْغ ِفْر َلُه‬
‫ َو َنِّو ْر َلُه ِفيِه‬، ‫ َو اْفَس ْح َلُه ِفي َقْبِرِه‬، ‫َو اْغ ِفْر َلَنا َو َلُه َيا َر َّب اْلَع اَلِم يَن‬
Allāhumma-ghfir lah, wa-rfaʿ darajatahū fi-l-mahdiyyīn, wa-khlufhu fi ʿaqibihi fi-l-ghābirīn,
wa-ghfir lanā wa lahū yā Rabba-l-ʿālamīn, wa-fsaḥ lahū fi qabrih, wa nawwir lahū fīh.
O Allah, forgive him, raise his rank among those who are guided, and take care of
those he leaves behind him. Forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds; expand his
grave for him and illuminate it for him. (Muslim 2:634)

For Friends
‫الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأْس َأُلَك ُحَّبَك َو ُحَّب َم ْن ُيِح ُّبَك َو ُحَّب َع َم ٍل ُيَقِّرُبِني ِإَلى ُحِّبَك‬
Allahumma inni as’aluka Hubbaka wa Hubba man yuhibbuka wa Hubba ‘amalin yuqarribuni
ila Hubbika
O Allah, I ask You for Your Love, and the love of whoever loves You, and the love
of deeds that will bring me closer to Your Love (Tirmidhi 3235)

● Oh Allah keep my friends and I together in this world and the next. Ya Allah allow us to grow
closer through your love. Make us good for each other.
● Oh Allah grant my friends (*by name) comfort and bring blessings into their lives and fullfill all
their dreams and aspirations. Oh Allah give them ease and grant them peace and contentment in
their lives. Grant them good health and grant them happiness

For Community/Ummah
‫الَّلُهَّم َأْص ِلْح ُأَّم َة ُمَحَّم ٍد الَّلُهَّم َفِّر ْج َع ْن ُأَّمِة ُمَح َّم ٍد الَّلُهَّم اْر َح ْم ُأَّم َة ُمَح َّم ٍد‬
Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad. Allahumma farrij ‘an Ummati Muhammad.
AllahummaRham Ummata Muhammad [sallAllahu alayhi wasalam].
O Allah, improve the state of the Umma of Muhammad. O Allah, grant ease to the
Umma of Muhammad. O Allah, have mercy on the Umma of Muhammad (SAW)

For Needy/Suffering
‫ َو ِم ْن َش ِّر اْلَقَّهاِر‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأُع وُذ ِبَك ِم ْن ُظْلِم اْلُم ْلِك‬
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min dhulmil-mulk, wa min sharri al-qahhar.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the injustice of rulers and from the evil of the
One who exercises power

● Oh Allah, You are Al-Wakeel (The Disposer of Affairs) so help those who are in need. Feed those
who are hungry. Free those who are oppressed. Shelter those who are in need of shelter. Cloth
those who are in need of clothes. Oh Allah You are Al-Waliy (The Protecting Freind) so be a
friend to those who are alone and console those who have lost. Grant them security and
assurance and give them strength and keep them steadfast.
● Oh Allah You are Al-Hakaam (The Giver of Justice) and Al-Adl (The Most Just), save humanity
from being its own enemy. Protect Your creation from oppression. Save the people of Palestine,
Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan from internal and external oppressors and give them justice.
● Oh Allah, all of my brothers and sisters who are suffering for Your sake through torture,
violence, etc., around the world please forgive their sins and grant them Paradise
For Sickness
، ‫ َأْنَت الَّش افي ال ِش َفاَء ِإَّال ِش َفاُؤ َك‬، ‫ واْش ِف‬، ‫ َأْذ ِهب اْلَبأَس‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم رَّب الَّناِس‬
‫ِش فاًء ال ُيَغ اِد ُر سَقمًا‬
Allahumma Rabban-naas, azhibil-ba’s, washfi antash-Shaafi laa shifaa’a illaa shifaa’uka,
shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqamaa
O Allah, Lord of mankind, do away with my suffering. Heal (me) as You are the
only Healer and there is no cure except that of Yours, it is that which leaves no
ailment behind (Al Bukhari 10:206 and Muslim 4:1721)

● Oh Allah You are Ash-Shafi (the Healer) so heal me and restore me to my health
● Ya Allah heal those who are sick (*by name) and restore their health and give them strength and
forgive their sins

For Hidaya (Guidance)

‫َر َّبَنا اَل ُتِزْغ ُقُلوَبَنا َبْع َد ِإْذ َهَد ْيَتَنا َو َهْب َلَنا ِم ن َّلُد نَك َر ْح َم ًةۚ ِإَّنَك َأنَت اْلَو َّهاُب‬
Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana baAAda ith hadaytana wahab lana min ladunka rahmatan
innaka anta alwahhab
Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from
Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. (Surah Al-Imran 3:8)

‫الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأْس َأُلَك الُهَد ى َو الُّتَقى َو الَع َفاَف َو الِغ َنى‬
Allāhumma Innī As’aluka al-Hudā Wat-Tuqā Wal-Afāfa Wal-Ghinā’
O Allah, I ask You for guidance and piety, and abstinence (from the unlawful) and
modesty, and contentment and sufficiency (Muslim, no. 2721)

● Ya Allah You are Al-Haadi (The Guide), so guide me, keep me on the straight path and do not let
me go asray.
● Oh Allah increase me in Imaan and Taqwa. Ya Allah, instill in me love for You as You deserved
to be loved, and instill fear in me for You as You deserve to be feared, and let me leave this world
serving Your creation for Your sake.
● Oh Allah, don't let me ever turn away from You, no matter how many trials and difficulties You
test me with. Let these difficulties serve to make me a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You
● Oh Allah give Hidaya to my friends and family (*by name) and make it easy for them and guide
them to You

For Protection
‫ِبْس ِم ِهَّللا اَّلِذ ي اَل َيُضُّر َم َع اْس ِمِه َش ْي ٌء ِفي اَأْلْر ِض َو اَل ِفي الَّس َم اِء َو ُهَو الَّس ِم يُع اْلَعِليُم‬
Bismillahil-lazi la yadhurru ma’asmiHi syai’un fil ardhi wa la fis-sama’i wa Huwas-Sami’ul 'Aleem
In the Name of Allah with Whose Name there is protection against every kind of
harm in the earth or in heaven, and He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing
(Sunan Abi Daud)
‫ َو ِم ْن َص اِحِب‬، ‫ َو ِم ْن َس اَع ِة الُّسوِء‬، ‫ َو ِم ْن َلْيَلِة الُّسوِء‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم إّني أُع وُذ ِبَك ِم ْن َيْو ِم الُّسوِء‬
‫ َو ِم ْن َج اِر الُّسوِء في َد اِر اْلُم قاَم ِة‬، ‫الُّسوِء‬
Allahumma inni a‛udhu bika min yawmis-su’, wa min laylatis-su’, wa min sa‛atis-su’, wa min sahibis-su’,
wa min jaaris-su’(e) fee daaril-muqaamah
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from bad days, bad nights, bad hours, bad
companions, and bad neighbours in my place of residence (Sahih al-Jami 1:278)

● Ya Allah You are Al-Muhaymin (The Protector), so protect me, my parents, my sibling, my kids,
my spouse and my loved ones from harm in every form
● Protect all the innocent children and people from the evils of this world
● Protect us all from violence, fear and danger, You are our Protector.

For Health
‫ ال إلَه إّال‬، ‫ الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َبَص ـري‬، ‫ الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َسْم ـعي‬، ‫الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َبَد نـي‬
‫ ال إلَه إّال َأْنـَت‬، ‫ َو َأعـوُذ ِبَك ِم ْن َع ذاِب الَقـْبر‬، ‫ َو الَفـْقر‬، ‫ الّلُهـَّم ِإّنـي َأعـوُذ ِبَك ِم َن اْلُك ـفر‬. ‫َأْنـَت‬
Allaahumma ‘aafinee fee badanee, Allaahumma ‘aafinee fee sam’ee, Allaahumma ‘aafinee fee
basaree, laa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa ‘Anta. Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-kufri, walfaqri, wa
‘a’oothu bika min ‘adhaabil-qabri, laa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa ‘Anta’.
O Allah, make me healthy in my body. O Allah, preserve for me my hearing. O
Allah, preserve for me my sight. There is none worthy of worship but You . O Allah ,
I seek refuge in You from disbelief and poverty and I seek refuge in You from the
punishment of the grave . There is none worthy of worship but You
(Abu Dawud: 5090)

● Oh Allah You are Al-Hafidh (The Preserver), so grant me good health and restore my health.
● Ya Allah grant my parents good health and give them strength and a long life
● Make dua for grandparents, family, friends

For Rizq (Wealth)

‫الّلُهَّم اْك ِفني ِبَح الِلَك َع ْن َح راِم ك َو َأْغ ِنني ِبَفْض ِلَك َع َّم ْن ِس واك‬
Allahumma akfini bi halallika ‘an haraamika, wa aghnini bi fadlika ‘amman siwaka
O Allah! Provide me with lawful (Halal) livelihood, adequate to my needs instead of
the unlawful (Haram), and make me suffice with Your graces needing nothing from
anyone else (Tirmidhi 3563)

‫ َو َع َم ًال ُم َتَقَّبل‬,‫ َو ِرْز ًقا َطَّيًبا‬,‫َالَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأْس َأُلَك ِع ْلًم ا َناِفًعا‬
Allahumma inni as'aluka 'Ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan.
O Lord, give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is
good, and save us from the punishment of the Fire.

، ‫ َو َباِرْك ِلي ِفيَم ا أْع َطْيَتِني َو أِط ْل َح َياِتي َع َلى َطاَع ِتَك‬،‫ َو َو َلِد ي‬،‫الَّلُهَّم أْك ِثْر َم اِلي‬
‫َو أْح ِس ْن َع َم ِلي َو اْغ ِفْر ِلي‬
Allahumma akthir mali wa waladi, wa barik-li fima a’taitani wa atil hayati ’ala ta’atik, wa
ahsin ’amali wagfirli
O Allah increase my wealth and offspring and bless me in what You have provided
for me and give me a long life in obedience to You and help me to do all that is
good and forgive me (Sahih Bukhari, 6334)

‫ َو َباِرْك ِلي ِفي ِر ْز ِقي‬،‫ َوَو ِّس ْع ِلي ِفي َد اِر ي‬،‫الَّلُهَّم اْغ ِفْر ِلي َذْنِبي‬
Allahummaghfirli dhanbi, wa wassi` li fi dari, wa barik li fi rizqi
O Allah! Forgive me my sins, make spacious for me my home and Bless the provisions
which You have provided me with and increase the good in it (Tirmidhi 3500)

● Oh Allah You are Ar-Razzaq (The Provider), so provide for me with wealth in abundance and do
not deprive me of my livelihood
● Ya Allah take away my debts and make me content with my livelihood and protect me from
indulging in wealth in this world that I forget my Akhira and forget my gratitude to You

For Knowledge
‫َر ِّب ِزْد ِني ِع ْلًم ا‬
Rabbi zidnee ‘ilmaa
My Lord, increase me in knowledge (Surah Taha 20:114)

‫يارب امسح على صدري برحمتك‬

Allahumma inni as'aluka 'Ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan.
O Allah, I ask you for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision and deeds
that will be accepted.

For Marriage
‫َر َّبَنا َهْب َلَنا ِم ْن َأْز َو اِج َنا َو ُذ ِّر َّياِتَنا ُقَّر َة َأْع ُيٍن َو اْج َع ْلَنا ِلْلُم َّتِقيَن ِإَم اًم ا‬
Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata 'ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena
O my Lord! Grant unto us spouse and offspring who will be the comfort of our
eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous (Surah Al-Furqaan 25:74)

‫الَّلُهَّم َيِّس ْر ِلي َجِليًسا َص اِلًحا‬

Allahumma yassir li jalisan saliha
O Allah! Facilitate a pious companion for me (Sahih Bukhari: 3742-3743)

● Ya Allah grant me a good Naseeb, a good spouse that will be good to me and do not make them a
test for me
● Grant my friends and family (*by name) a good Naseeb and grant them a partner that is
everything they want and more
For Spouse/For Newlywed
ِ ‫َفْض ِلَك َو َج ِّم ْع َبْيَنُهَم ا ِفي‬ ‫ْس ِم ِهللا الَّرْح َمِن الَّر ِح يِم الَّلُهَّم َباِر ْك َع َلْيِهَم ا َو ِزْدُهَم ا ِم ْن‬
‫ٍح‬ ‫َخْيٍر َو َأِدْم ُقَر اَنُهَم ا ِفي ِبٍّر َو َص اَل‬
Bi-smi Allāhi ar-Raḥmāni ar-Raḥīmi. Allāhumma bārik ‘alayhimā wa-zidhumā min faḍlika wa-
jama‘ bi-naynihimā fī khayrin wa-’adim qurānahumā fī birrin wa-ṣalāḥin.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. O Allah, bless them
both and increase them from Your favor and unite them in goodness and make
their togetherness firm in righteousness and good deeds.

● Allow my husband/wife to remain humble, loving and caring towards me and others. No one is
perfect, so I ask you, ya Allah, to forgive the sins that my husband/wife has done. Please have
mercy on him/her. Please accept all his/her prayers, all his/her good deeds
For Kids
‫َر ِّب َهْب ِلي ِم ْن َلُد ْنَك ُذ ِّرَّيًة َطِّيَبًةۖ ِإَّنَك َسِم يُع الُّد َع اِء‬
Rabbi hab lii min ladunka zurriyyatan toyyibatan innaka samii’ud-du’aa.
My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of
supplication. (Surah Al-Imran 3:38)

● Oh Allah grant me children, grant me healthy children and guide me to raise them to be among
the best of our Ummah
● Oh Allah, guide my children and all children. Guide our youth. They are surrounded by so much
temptation and Haram (forbidden things). Protect them my Lord from all of the evil influences
that are around them. Give them friends who will strengthen their faith and help them stay on the
Straight Path

For Mental Health

‫الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأُع وُذ ِبَك ِم ْن اْلَهِّم َو اْلُح ْز ِن َو اْلَع ْج ِز َو اْلَك َس ِل َو اْلُبْخ ِل َو اْلُجْبِن َو َض َلِع الَّد ْيِن َو َغ َلَبِة‬
‫الِّر َج اِل‬
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal-hammi wal-Ḥuzni wal-’ajazi wal-kasli wal-bukhli wal-
jubni wa ḍala’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijal
O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness,
miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by
men (Al-Bukhari)

● Ya Allah you are As-Salam (The source of Peace), so give me peace in my life, in my mind, in my
body, in my soul
● Ya Allah you are Al-Mumin (The Giver of Security), give me reassurance and security in my life

For Beauty
‫ َو ِم ْن‬،‫ َو ِفي َبَص ِرِي ُنوًرا‬،‫ َو ِفي َسْمِع ي ُنورًا‬،‫ َو ِفي ِلَس ـاِني ُنورًا‬،‫الَّلُهـَّم اْج َع ـْل ِفي َقْلِبـي ُنورًا‬
‫ َو ِم ْن َٔامَاِم ي‬،‫ وَع ْن ِش َم اِلي ُنورًا‬،‫ َو َع ْن َيِم يِني ُنورَا‬،‫ َو ِم ْن َتْح ِتي ُنورًا‬،‫ََفْو ِقي ُنورًا‬
‫ َو اْج َع ْل‬،‫ َو َع ِِّظْم ِلي ُنورًا‬،‫ ؤََاْع ِظْم ِلي ُنورًا‬،‫ َو اْج َع ْل ِفي َنْفِس ي ُنورًا‬،‫َو ِم ْن َخ ْلِفي ُنورًا‬,،‫ُنورًا‬
،‫ َو ِفي َلْح ِم ي ُنورًا‬،‫ َو اْج َع ْل ِفي َع َص ِبي ُنورًا‬،‫ ٔاَلَّلُهَّم َٔاْع ِط ِني ُنورًا‬،‫ واْج َع ْلِني ُنورًا‬،‫ِلي ُنورًا‬
‫ َٔالَّلُهَّم اِج َع ْل ِلي ُنورًا ِفي َّقْبِري… َو‬،‫ وِفي َبَش ِري ُنورًا‬،‫ َو ِفي َش ْع ِري ُنورًا‬،‫َو ِفي َد ِم ي ُنورًا‬
‫ َو َهْب ِلي ُنورًا َع َلى ُنورًا‬،‫ َو ِزْد ِني ُنورًا‬،‫ َو ِزْد ِني ُنورَا‬،‫ َو ِزْد ِني ُنورًا‬،‫ُنورَا ِفي ِع ظَاِم ي‬
Allaahummaj’al fee qalbee nooran, wa fee lisaaanee nooran, wa fee sam’ee nooran, wa fee
basaree nooran, wa min fawqee nooran, wa min tahtee nooran, wa ‘an yameenee nooran, wa
‘an shimaalee nooran, wa min ‘amaamee nooran, wa min khalfee nooran, waj’alfee nafsee
nooran, wa ‘a’dhim lee nooran, wa ‘adhdhim lee nooran, wafal lee nooran, waj’alnee nooran,
Allaahumma ‘a’tinee nooran, waj’al fee ‘asabee nooran, wafee lahmee nooran, wafee damee
nooran, wa fee sha’ree nooran, wa fee basharee nooran. Allaahummaj’al lee nooran fee
qabree… wa nooran fee ‘idhaamee. Wa zidnee nooran, wa zidnee nooran, wa zidnee nooran.
Wa hab lee nooran ‘alaa noor.
O Allah, place light in my heart, and on my tongue light, and in my ears light and
in my sight light, and above me light, and below me light, and to my right light,
and to my left light, and before me light and behind me light. Place in my soul
light. Magnify for me light, and amplify for me light. Make for me light and make
me a light. O Allah, grant me light, and place light in my nerves, and in my body
light and in my blood light and in my hair light and in my skin light. O Allah, make
for me a light in my grave… And a light in my bones. Increase me in light, increase
me in light, increase me in light. Grant me light upon light. (Al-Bukhari 11/116: 6316)

● Ya Allah you are Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner), so make me beautiful. Give me good skin, good
hair, and good body. Allow me to see beauty in myself and make me beautiful from within

General Duas
For Palestine
.‫ َو َذ َك ـِرنا َو ُأْنثـانا‬،‫ َو َص غيـِر ن َو َك بيـِرنا‬،‫ َو غاِئِبـنا‬،‫اللُهـِّم اْغ ِفـْر ِلَح ِّيـنا َو َم ِّيِتـنا َو شـاِهِد نا‬
‫ اللُهـِّم‬،‫ َو َم ن َتَو َّفـْيََتُه ِم ّنا َفَتَو َّفـُه َع لى اِإل يـمان‬،‫اللُهـِّم َم ْن َأْح َيْيـَتُه ِم ّنا َفَأْح ِيـِه َع لى اِإل ْسالم‬
‫ َو ال ُتِض ـَّلنا َبْعـَد ه‬،‫ال َتْح ـِرْم نـا َأْج ـَر ه‬
Allahum-maghfir lihayyinaa, wa mayyitinaa, wa shaahidinaa, wa ghaa’ibinaa, wa
sagheerinaa wa kabeerinaa, wa thakarinaa wa ‘unthaanaa. Allahumma man ‘ahyaytahu
minnaa fa’ahyihi ‘alal-‘Islaami, wa man tawaffaytahu minnaa fatawaffahu ‘alal-‘eemaani,
Allahumma laa tahrimnaa ‘ajrahu wa laa tudhillanaa ba’dahu.
Oh Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those present and those absent, our
young and our old, our males and our females. O Allah, whom among us You
keep alive, then let such a life be upon Islam, and whom among us You take unto
Yourself, then let such a death be upon faith. O Allah, do not deprive us of his
reward and do not let us stray after him.(Tirmidhi: 1024)

To extinguish anger
‫الَّلُهَّم َأْذ ِهْب َغْيَظ َقْلِبي‬
Allahumma azhib Gaydha Qalbee
Oh Allah, remove anger from my heart.
Oh Allah, give me patience and help me control my anger for Your sake.

To dispel hatred
‫اللهم ال تجعل في قلبي كراهية ألحد‬
Allahumma laa taj3al fee qalbee karaahiyyah li aHad.
Oh Allah, don't let the hate of anyone reside in my heart.
Oh Allah, give me the ability to forgive all those who have hurt me in word and deed and allow me to
make peace

For purifying the heart

‫ اللهم طهر قلبي من‬،‫ اللهم طهر قلبي من كل ما يبغضك‬، ‫اللهم طهر قلبي من كل سوء‬
‫كل غٍل وحقٍد وحسد وكبر‬
Allahumma Tahhir Qalbee min kulli suu, Allahumma Tahhir Qalbee min kulli maa
yubaGGiDuk. Allahumma Tahhir Qalbee min kulli Gillin wa HiQdin wa Hasadin wa kibr.
Oh Allah, clean away all forms of evil from my heart. Oh Allah, clean my heart and
remove everything that displeases you. Oh Allah, clean my heart of every form of
bitterness, hard feelings, and jealousy.
Oh Allah, cleanse my heart of the sicknesses of arrogance and pride and let me die as one of the sincere,
humble Muslims

For relief from sadness

‫ وأذهب‬،‫ اكشف اللهّم عّني هّم ي وغّم ي‬،‫ مذهب الحزن‬،‫ كاشف الغم‬،‫اللهّم فارج الهم‬
‫عّني حزني‬
Allahumma Faarij alhamm, kaashif alGamm, muzhib alhuzn, ikshif Allahumma 3annee
hammee wa Gammee, wa azhib 3annee huznee.
Oh Allah, Reliever of anxiety, Remover of distress, Dispeller of grief! Remove my
anxiety, distress, and dispel from me my sadness.

To dispel the gloom of depression

‫اللهم اخرجني من الظلمات إلى النور‬
Allahumma Akhrijnee min aldulumaat ilaa alnur.
Oh Allah take me out of darkness and into the light.
For protection from one's nafs
،‫ ومن شر قلبي‬،‫ ومن شر لساني‬،‫ ومن شر بصري‬،‫اللهم إني أعوذ بك من شر سمعي‬
‫ومن شر منيي‬
Allahumma innee a3uzubika min sharri sam3ee, wa min sharri baSaree, wa min sharri
lisaanee, wa min sharri qalbee, wa min sharri minnee.
Oh Allah, I seek protection in you from the evil of my hearing, from the evil of my
sight, from the evil of my tongue, from the evil of my heart, and from the evil of

To ease your destiny

‫اللهم إن كان هذا األمر خيرا لي َفاْقُدْر ُه ِلي َو َيِّس ْر ُه ِلي ُثَّم َباِرْك ِلي ِفيِه‬
Allahumma in kaana haatha alAmr khayran lee fa iQ-dirhu lee wa yassirhu lee summa
baarik lee feehi
Oh Allah, if my intended action is best for me, make it destined and easy for me,
and grant me Your Blessings in it.

To remove confusion from one's heart

‫ واجعل في‬،‫ واجعل في سمعي نورًا‬،‫ وفي لساني نورًا‬،‫اللهّم اجعل في قلبي نورًا‬
‫ ومن‬،‫ واجعل من فوقي نورًا‬،‫ ومن أمامي نورًا‬،‫ واجعل من خلفي نورًا‬،‫بصري نورًا‬
‫ اللهّم أعطني نورًا‬،‫تحتي نورًا‬
Allahumma Ij3al fee qalbee noora, wa fee lisaanee noora, wa ij3al fee sam3ee noora, wa ij3al
fee baSaree noora, wa ij3al min khalfee noora, wa min amaamee noora, wa ij3al min fawqee
nooraa, wa mmin tahtee noora, Allahumma a3Tinee noora.
Oh Allah! Place in my heart, light. Place in my tongue, light. Place in my hearing,
light. Place in my sight, light. Place behind me, light. Place before me, light. Place
above me, light. Place under me, light. Oh Allah grant me light!

For optimism in times of adversity

‫اللهم إليك أشكو ضعف قوتي وقلة حيلتي وهواني على الناس يا أرحم الراحمين أنت‬
‫رُّب المستضعفين وانت رّبي‬
Allahuma ilayka ashku da'fa quwwati wa qillata heelatee wa hawanee 3ala an-naas ya
arhamur rahimeen annta Rabbul mustad'afeen wa anta rabbi.
To You, my Lord, I complain of my weakness, lack of support and the humiliation I
am made to receive. Most Compassionate and Merciful! You are the Lord of the
weak, and you are my Lord.

For courage
،‫ واليقين ألتقبل قدري‬،‫ والشجاعة ألواجه ضعفي‬،‫اللهم امنحني القوة ألقاوم نفسي‬
‫ والفهم ليطمئن قلبي‬،‫والرضا ليرتاح عقلي‬
Allahumma imnaHnee alQuwwah li aQwaami nafseee, wa ash-Shujaa3ah li uwaajih da3fee,
wa alYaqeeni li ataQabbal qadree, wa ar-riDaa li yartaah 3aQalee, wa alfahm li yaTmainna
Oh Allah! Grant me the strength to oppose myself, the courage to face my
weakness, the conviction to accept my faith, the satisfaction of to relax my mind,
and the understanding to reassure my heart.

For when one's Imaan feels low

‫اللهم امأل قلبي بحبك‬
Allahumma imla' qalbee bihubbik.
Oh Allah fill my heart with your love.

For when one feels doubtful

‫اللهم إن كان هذا األمر خيرا لي َفاْقُدْر ُه ِلي َو َيِّس ْر ُه ِلي ُثَّم َباِرْك ِلي ِفيِه‬
Allahumma in kaana haaza alAmr khayran lee fa iQdirhu lee wa yassirhu lee summa baarik
lee feehi.
Oh Allah, if my intended action is best for me, make it destined and easy for me,
and grant me Your Blessings in it.

To remove guilt from the heart

‫يارب امسح على صدري برحمتك‬
Ya Rabb, Imsah Sadree biraHmatik.
Oh Lord, wipe my chest clean with your mercy.

For repentance
‫ال ِإَلَه ِإاَّل َأْنَت ُسْبَح اَنَك ِإِّني ُكْنُت ِم َن الَّظاِلِم يَن‬
La illaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zaalimeen.
There is no deity but You. Glory be to You! Verily, I have been among the

When one feels lonely

‫ ال إله إال‬،‫ وأْص ِلْح لي َش أني ُك َّلُه‬، ‫ َفال َتِكْلِني إلى َنْفسي َطْر َفَة َع ْيٍن‬،‫اللُهَّم َر ْح َم َتَك أرُجو‬
Allahumma Rahmataka Arjuu. Falaa takilnee ilaa nafsee Tarfata 'Ayn. Wa AsliH lee Sha'nee
kullahu, laa ilaah illa ant.
O Allah, it is Your mercy that I hope for, so do not leave me in charge of my
affairs even for a blink of an eye, and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the
right to be worshiped except You.

For gratitude
‫ الحمد هلل كما ينبغى‬، ‫ فعّلمني كيف أشكرك‬،‫ تستحق الشكر‬،‫اللهم إن شكرك نعمة‬
‫لجالل وجهك وعظيم سلطانك‬
Allahumma, inna shukruka ni3mah. TastaHiq ash-Shukr, fa 3allimanee kayfa ashkuruk.
AlHamdulillah kamaa yambaGee li jalaal wajhik wa aZHeemi sulTaanik.
Oh Allah thanking you is a blessing, you deserve all thankfulness. All praise is due
to Allah the way He should his magnificence deserves to be praised.

For happiness
‫ َو َج ِم يِع َس َخ ِط َك‬، ‫ َو ُفَج اَء ِة ِنْقَم ِتَك‬، ‫ َو َتَح ُّو ِل َع اِفَيِتَك‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأُع وُذ ِبَك ِم ْن َز َو اِل ِنْع َم ِتَك‬
Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min zawali ni'matika, wa tahawwuli 'afiyatika, wa fuja'ati
niqmatika, wa jami'i sakhatika.
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the decline of Your blessings, the passing of
safety, the sudden onset of Your punishment and from all that displeases you.

To ask for paradise

‫ نسأُلك الجنَة ونعوُذ بك من النار‬، ‫ نستغِفُر هللا‬، ‫أشهد أن ال إله إال هللا‬
Ashadu alla ilaha illallah, nastaghfirullah, nas’aluk’l-jannata wa na`audhu bika min an-nar.
I testify that there is nothing worthy of worship other than Allah and we seek the
forgiveness of Allah. We ask You for Paradise and take refuge in You from the

For confidence
‫َر ِّب اْش َر ْح ِلي َص ْد ِري َو َيِّس ْر ِلي َأْم ِري َو اْح ُلْل ُع ْقَد ًة ِّم ن ِّلَس اِني َيْفَقُهوا َقْو ِلي‬
Rabbi IshraHlee Sadree, wa yassirlee amree, waHlul Uqdatan min lisaanee, yafqahuu qawlee.
Oh lord, expand my chest, ease my affair, and untie the knot in my tongue and
perfect my expression.

For Allah's love

،‫حبك‬ ‫ والعمل الذي يبلغني‬،‫ وحب من يحبك‬،‫اللهم إني أسألك حبك‬
‫ ومن الماء البارد‬،‫ وأهلي‬،‫اللهم اجعل حبك أحب إلّي من نفسي‬
Allahumma inni as'aluka Hubbaka, wa Hubba man yuHibbuka, wal-'amalalladhi
yuballighuni Hubbaka. Allahumm-aj'al Hubbaka ahabba ilayya min nafsi, wa ahli, wa minal-
O Allah! I ask You [to grant me] Your Love, the love of those who love You, and
deeds which will cause me to earn Your Love. O Allah! Make Your Love dearer to
me than [the love of] myself, my family and the cold water [winter].- At-Tirmidhi.

For the Hereafter

‫َر َّبَنا آِتَنا ِفي الُّد ْنَيا َح َس َنًة َو ِفي اآْل ِخ َر ِة َح َس َنًة َو ِقَنا َع َذ اَب الَّناِر‬
Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan, wa fil-akhirati hasanatan, wa qina ‘adhab-annar.
O Lord, give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is
good, and save us from the punishment of the Fire.
To unlock your potential
‫اللهم اجعلني أرى المواهب و نقاط قوت الذين وضعته في نفسي‬
Allahumma ij3alnee araa almawaahib wa nuQaaT quwwat allazeena wada3tahu fee nafsee.
Oh Allah, make me see the talents and strengths you have put inside of me.

For ease
‫الَّلُهَّم اَل َس ْهَل ِإاَّل َم ا َج َع ْلَتُه َس ْهاًل َو َأْنَت َتْج َع ُل اْلَح َز َن ِإَذ ا ِش ْئَت َس ْهاًل‬
Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahla, wa 'anta taj'alul hazna idha shi'ta sahla
O Allah, there is no ease except in that which You have made easy, and You make
difficulty, if You wish, easy.

For easing burden

‫َر َّبَنا اَل ُتَؤ اِخ ْذ َنا ِإْن َنِس يَنا َأْو َأْخ َطْأَناۚ َر َّبَنا َو اَل َتْح ِم ْل َع َلْيَنا ِإْص ًرا َك َم ا َح َم ْلَتُه َع َلى اَّلِذ يَن‬
‫ِم ْن َقْبِلَناۚ َر َّبَنا َو اَل ُتَح ِّم ْلَنا َم ا اَل َطاَقَة َلَنا ِبِهۖ َو اْعُف َع َّنا َو اْغ ِفْر َلَنا َو اْر َح ْم َناۚ َأْنَت َم ْو اَل َنا‬
‫َفاْنُصْر َنا َع َلى اْلَقْو ِم اْلَك اِفِريَن‬
Rabbana la tu'akhidhna in nasina aw akhta'na. Rabbana wa la tahmil alayna isran kama
hamaltahu 'ala alladhina min qablina. Rabbana wa la tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bihi.
Wa'fu anna, waghfir lana warhamna, anta mawlana fansurna 'ala alqawmi alkafireen
Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord, do not
burden us as You have burdened those before us. Our Lord, do not impose upon
us that which we do not have the strength to bear. Pardon us, forgive us, have
mercy on us. You are our Lord and Master, so help us against the disbelieving

To stay steadfast
‫َح ْس ِبَي ُهَّللا َو ِنْع َم الَو ِكْيُل‬
Hasbiya Allah wa ni’mal-Wakil
Allah is sufficient for me, and how fine a trustee (He is).’

Dua’s from the Quran

‫َر َّبَنا َتَقَّبۡل ِم َّنۖٓا ِإَّنَك َأنَت ٱلَّس ِم يُع ٱۡل َعِليُم‬
Rabbana taqabbal minnaa innaka Antas Samee’ul Aleem
Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing. (2:127)
Dua for Allah (swt) to accept whatever good you’ve just done. Du’a Prophet Ibrahim (as) recited after building the Kaaba with
his son.

‫َر َّبَنا َو ٱۡج َع ۡل َنا ُم ۡس ِلَم ۡي ِن َلَك َو ِم ن ُذ ِّر َّيِتَنٓا ُأَّم ٗة ُّم ۡس ِلَم ٗة َّلَك َو َأِرَنا َم َناِس َكَنا َو ُتۡب َع َلۡي َنۖٓا ِإَّنَك‬
‫َأنَت ٱلَّتَّو اُب ٱلَّر ِح يُم‬
Rabbana waj’alnaa muslimaini laka wa min zurriyyatinaaa ummatam muslimatal laka wa
arinaa manaasikanaa wa tub ‘alainaa innaka antat Tawwaabur Raheem
Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants
a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites [of worship] and
accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of Repentance, the
Merciful. (2:128)
Du’a to affirm your faith in Islam. It also a good prayer that asks for the success of the entire Muslim Ummah. Du’a Prophet
Ibrahim (as) recited after building the Kaaba with his son

‫َر َّبَنٓا َأۡف ِرۡغ َع َلۡي َنا َص ۡب ٗر ا َو َثِّبۡت َأۡق َد اَم َنا َو ٱنُص ۡر َنا َع َلى ٱۡل َقۡو ِم ٱۡل َٰك ِفِريَن‬
Rabbana afrigh ‘alainaa sabranw wa sabbit aqdaamanaa wansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen
Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory
over the disbelieving people. (2:250)
Dua for protection, patience in whatever endeavor, and to be victorious. Recited by Prophet Dawud (as): Dawud (as) did not
seem like he was favored to win a battle against Jalut (Goliath). But “and Allah granted him dominion and wisdom, and
imparted to him the knowledge of whatever He willed.”

‫َّرَّبَنٓا ِإَّنَنا َسِم ۡع َنا ُم َناِد ٗي ا ُيَناِد ي ِلِإۡل يَٰم ِن َأۡن َء اِم ُنوْا ِبَر ِّبُك ۡم َفَٔـاَم َّنۚا‬
Rabbana inanaa sami’na munaadiyai yunaadee lil eemaani an aaminoo bi Rabbikum fa
Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller, calling to faith, [saying], ‘Believe in your
Lord,’ and we have believed. (3:193)
Du’a of humility, submission and faith. We have heard a caller (referring to Prophet Muhammad saws) and we have listened to
his message and we believe.

‫َر َّبَنا َفٱۡغ ِفۡر َلَنا ُذ ُنوَبَنا َو َك ِّفۡر َع َّنا َس ِّئَـاِتَنا َو َتَو َّفَنا َم َع ٱَأۡلۡب َر اِر‬
Rabbanaa faghfir lanaa zunoobanaa wa kaffir ‘annaa saiyi aatina wa tawaffanaa ma’al abraar
Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us
to die among the righteous. (3:193 )
A du’a for repentance, washing away our misdeeds, and asking Alla to allow us to die as a Muslim

‫َر َّبَنا َوَء اِتَنا َم ا َو َع دَّتَنا َع َلٰى ُرُس ِلَك َو اَل ُتْخ ِزَنا َيْو َم ٱْلِقَٰي َم ِةۗ ِإَّنَك اَل ُتْخ ِلُف ٱْلِم يَع اَد‬
Rabbanaa wa aatinaa maa wa’attanaa ‘alaa Rusulika wa laa tukhzinaa Yawmal Qiyaamah;
innaka laa tukhliful mee’aad
Our Lord, and grant us what You promised us through Your messengers and do not
disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in [Your] promise. (3:194)
Du’a of humility, to be saved from being disgraced on the day of judgment

‫َر َّبَنٓا َأنِزْل َع َلْيَنا َم ٓاِئَد ًة ِّم َن ٱلَّس َم ٓاِء َتُك وُن َلَنا ِع يًدا َأِّلَّو ِلَنا َوَء اِخ ِرَنا َوَء اَيًة ِّم نَك ۖ َو ٱْر ُز ْقَنا‬
‫َو َأنَت َخ ْيُر ٱلَّٰر ِزِقيَن‬
Rabbanaaa anzil ‘alainaa maaa’idatam minas samaaa’i takoonu lanaa ‘eedal li awwalinaa wa
aakhirinaa wa Aayatam minka warzuqnaa wa Anta khairur raaziqeen
O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a table [spread with food] from the heaven to
be for us a festival for the first of us and the last of us and a sign from You. And
provide for us, and You are the best of providers. (5:114)
A du’a for provision; supply with food, money, or way to make a living. All good provisions come from Allah (swt), we turn to
him and ask him to provide for us. This is a du’a Isa (Jesus) recited asking for sufficient food for him and his followers. Allah
(swt) replies in the following verse, “I am going to send it down to you; but whoever from you disbelieves after that, I shall give
him a punishment I shall not give to anyone in the worlds.”
‫َر َّبَنا اَل َتۡج َع ۡل َنا َم َع ٱۡل َقۡو ِم ٱلَّظٰـ ِلِم يَن‬
Rabbanaa laa taj’alnaa ma’al qawmiz zaalimeen
Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people. (7:47)
We may know that the fate of the wrongdoing people will not be pleasant one but, in our dayto- day life, we may be blind to this
reality because it takes place inch by inch. Only when the end is shown do we realize the mistake in our judgment. Unfortunately,
it’s too late by then. This du’a asks Allah to protect us from being a victim to that fate.

‫َر َّبَنٓا َأْفِرْغ َع َلْيَنا َص ْبًرا َو َتَو َّفَنا ُم ْس ِلِم يَن‬

Rabbanaaa afrigh ‘alainaa sabranw wa tawaffanaa muslimeen
Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You]. (7:126)
Du’a of Prophet Musa (as). Du’a for sabr (patience), perseverance, and a prayer requesting Allah to let us die righteously. This
was recited after Firawn resorted to persecution and threatened Musa (as) after he threw his staff and established the truth
among all those who disbelieved.

‫َر َّبَنٓا ِإَّنَك َتْع َلُم َم ا ُنْخ ِفى َو َم ا ُنْع ِلُن ۗ َو َم ا َيْخ َفٰى َع َلى ٱِهَّلل ِم ن َش ْى ٍۢء ِفى ٱَأْلْر ِض َو اَل ِفى‬
‫ٱلَّس َم ٓاِء‬
Rabbanaaa innaka ta’lamu maa nukhfee wa maa nu’lin; wa maa yakhfaa ‘alal laahi min
shai’in fil ardi wa laa fis samaaa
Our Lord, indeed You know what we conceal and what we declare, and nothing is
hidden from Allah on the earth or in the heaven. (14:38)
Du’a showing complete trust and reliance on Allah (swt). This du’a is a reminder that Allah is all knowing and all powerful.
That nothing can be hidden from Allah (swt). He knows the intent behind our actions, whether they be sincere or disingenuous.

‫َر ِّب اْج َع ْلِني ُمِقيَم الَّص اَل ِة َو ِم ْن ُذ ِّر َّيِتيۚ َر َّبَنا َو َتَقَّبْل ُد َع ٓاِء‬
Rabbij ‘alnee muqeemas Salaati wa min zurriyyatee Rabbanaa wa taqabbal du’aaa
My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants.
Our Lord, and accept my supplication. (14:40)
Du’a of Prophet Ibrahim (as) asking Allah to make ourselves and the future generations good Muslims and remain steadfast in

‫َر َّبَنا ٱۡغ ِفۡر ِلي َو ِلَٰو ِلَد َّي َو ِلۡل ُم ۡؤ ِمِنيَن َيۡو َم َيُقوُم ٱۡل ِح َس اُب‬
Rabbanagh fir lee wa liwaalidaiya wa lilmu’mineena Yawma yaqoomul hisaab
Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is
established. (14:41)
Du’a of Prophet Ibrahim (as) asking Allah to forgive us and to forgive our parents.

‫َر َّبَنآ َء ِتَنا ِم ْن َلُد ْنَك َر ْح َم ًة َو َهِّيْئ َلَنا ِم ْن َأْم ِرَنا َر َش ًدا‬
Rabbanaaa aatinaa mil ladunka rahmatanw wa haiyi’ lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa
Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right
guidance. (18:10)
Du’a seeking Allah’s (swt) approval, mercy, provision, and patience. This du’a is found in Surah Kahf (‘the cave’) and was
recited by the young men who fled their city fearing persecution for practicing their religion and found refuge in the cave. They
turned to their creator asking for guidance in those tough times and their prayers were answered.
‫َر َّبَنا َو ِس ۡع َت ُك َّل َش ۡي ٖء َّر ۡح َم ٗة َو ِع ۡل ٗم ا َفٱۡغ ِفۡر ِلَّلِذ يَن َتاُبوْا َو ٱَّتَبُعوْا َس ِبيَلَك َو ِقِهۡم َع َذ اَب‬
‫ٱۡل َج ِح يِم‬
Rabbanaa wasi’ta kulla shai’ir rahmatanw wa ‘ilman faghfir lillazeena taaboo wattaba’oo
sabeelaka wa qihim ‘azaabal Jaheem
Our Lord, You have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive
those who have repented and followed Your way and protect them from the
punishment of Hellfire. (40:7)
This du’a asks Allah (swt) to be merciful towards all those who believe and have sought istighfar (repentance) from their creator.

‫ر‬ٞ‫َر َّبَنٓا َأۡت ِم ۡم َلَنا ُنوَر َنا َو ٱۡغ ِفۡر َلَنۖٓا ِإَّنَك َع َلٰى ُك ِّل َش ۡي ٖء َقِد ي‬
Rabbanaaa atmim lanaa nooranaa waghfir lana innaka ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer
Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things
competent. (66:8)
On the day of judgment the believing men and women will have a light illuminating from their right hands. The hypocrites will
find themselves stumbling in darkness. This du’a asks Allah (swt) to perfect our light on that day and to forgive us our sins.

‫َر ِّب ِإِّني ِلَم ا َأْنَز ْلَت ِإَلَّي ِم ْن َخ ْيٍر َفِقيٌر‬

Rabbi inni lima anzalta illayya min khayrin faqir
My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need (28:24)
Dua asking Allah for good provision in life. It can refer to getting a job, wealth, marriage, food, drink, or just asking for good
before a journey. This dua was made by Prophet Musa (as) after escaping the Pharoh from persecution, he said this dua to seek
refuge from Allah and Allah provided him with not just shelter, but a job and family and security.

99 Names of Allah
1 ‫الَّرْح َم ُن‬ Ar-Rahmaan The Entirely Merciful

2 ‫الَّر ِح يُم‬ Ar-Raheem The Bestower of Mercy

3 ‫اْلَم ِلُك‬ Al-Malik The King, Owner of Dominion

4 ‫اْلُقُّد وُس‬ Al-Quddus The Absolutely Pure

5 ‫الَّس َالُم‬ As-Salam The Giver of Peace

6 ‫اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُن‬ Al-Mu’min The Giver of Security

7 ‫اْلُمَهْيِم ُن‬ Al-Muhaymin The Preserver of Safety, The Guardian

8 ‫اْلَع ِزيُز‬ Al-Aziz The All Mighty

9 ‫اْلَج َّباُر‬ Al-Jabbar The Compeller, The Restorer

10 ‫اْلُم َتَك ِّبر‬ Al-Mutakabbir The Supreme, The Majestic

11 ‫اْلَخ اِلُق‬ Al-Khaaliq The Creator, The Maker

12 ‫اْلَباِر ُئ‬ Al-Baari The Originator

13 ‫اْلُم َصِّو ُر‬ Al-Musawwir The Fashioner

14 ‫اْلَغ َّفاُر‬ Al-Ghaffar The All- and Oft-Forgiving

15 ‫اْلَقَّهاُر‬ Al-Qahhar The All-Prevailing One, The Dominant

16 ‫اْلَو َّهاُب‬ Al-Wahhaab The Supreme Bestower, The Giver of Gifts

17 ‫الَّر َّز اُق‬ Ar-Razzaaq The Provider

18 ‫اْلَفَّتاُح‬ Al-Fattaah The Opener, The Supreme Solver

19 ‫َاْلَعِلْيُم‬ Al-‘Aleem The All-Knowing

20 ‫اْلَقاِبُض‬ Al-Qaabid The Withholder, The Restrainer

21 ‫اْلَباِس ُط‬ Al-Baasit The Extender

22 ‫اْلَخ اِفُض‬ Al-Khaafidh The Reducer

23 ‫الَّراِفُع‬ Ar-Raafi’ The Exalter, The Elevator

24 ‫اْلُمِع ُّز‬ Al-Mu’izz The Honourer, The Bestower

25 ‫ٱْلُمِذ ُّل‬ Al-Muzil The Dishonourer, The Humiliator

26 ‫الَّس ِم يُع‬ As-Samee’ The All-Hearing

27 ‫اْلَبِص يُر‬ Al-Baseer The All-Seeing

28 ‫اْلَح َك ُم‬ Al-Hakam The Impartial Judge, The Giver of Justice

29 ‫اْلَع ْد ُل‬ Al-‘Adl The Utterly Just

30 ‫الَّلِط يُف‬ Al-Lateef The Subtle One, The Most Gentle

31 ‫اْلَخ ِبيُر‬ Al-Khabeer The All-Aware

32 ‫اْلَح ِليُم‬ Al-Haleem The Most Forbearing

33 ‫اْلَعِظ يُم‬ Al-‘Azeem The Magnificent, The Supreme

34 ‫اْلَغ ُفور‬ Al-Ghafoor The Exceedingly Forgiving

35 ‫الَّشُك وُر‬ Ash-Shakoor The Most Appreciative

36 ‫اْلَعِلُّي‬ Al-‘Alee The Most High, The Exalted

37 ‫اْلَك ِبيُر‬ Al-Kabeer The Greatest, The Most Grand

38 ‫اْلَح ِفيُظ‬ Al-Hafeedh The Preserver, The All-Protecting

39 ‫الُم قِيت‬ Al-Muqeet The Sustainer

40 ‫اْلحِس يُب‬ Al-Haseeb The Reckoner, The Sufficient

41 ‫اْلَج ِليُل‬ Al-Jaleel The Majestic

42 ‫اْلَك ِريُم‬ Al-Kareem The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed

43 ‫الَّر ِقيُب‬ Ar-Raqeeb The Watchful

44 ‫ٱْلُم ِج يُب‬ Al-Mujeeb The Responsive One

45 ‫اْلَو اِس ُع‬ Al-Waasi’ The All-Encompassing, the Boundless

46 ‫اْلَح ِكيُم‬ Al-Hakeem The All-Wise

47 ‫اْلَو ُد وُد‬ Al-Wadud The Most Loving

48 ‫اْلَمِج يُد‬ Al-Majeed The Glorious, The Most Honorable

49 ‫اْلَباِع ُث‬ Al-Ba’ith The Resurrector

50 ‫الَّش ِهيُد‬ Ash-Shaheed The All Observing Witness

51 ‫اْلَح ُق‬ Al-Haqq The Absolute Truth

52 ‫اْلَو ِكيُل‬ Al-Wakeel The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs

53 ‫اْلَقِوُي‬ Al-Qawiyy The All-Strong

54 ‫اْلَم ِتيُن‬ Al-Mateen The Firm, The Steadfast

55 ‫اْلَو ِلُّي‬ Al-Waliyy The Protecting Friend

56 ‫اْلَح ِم يُد‬ Al-Hameed The Praiseworthy

57 ‫اْلُم ْح ِص ي‬ Al-Muhsee The All-Enumerating, The Counter

58 ‫اْلُم ْبِد ُئ‬ Al-Mubdi The Originator, The Initiator

59 ‫ٱْلُمِع يُد‬ Al-Mueed The Restorer, The Reinstater

60 ‫اْلُم ْح ِيي‬ Al-Muhyi The Giver of Life

61 ‫َاْلُمِم يُت‬ Al-Mumeet The Giver of Death

62 ‫اْلَح ُّي‬ Al-Hayy The Ever-Living

63 ‫اْلَقُّيوُم‬ Al-Qayyoom The Self-Existing, The Independant

64 ‫اْلَو اِج ُد‬ Al-Waajid The Perceiver

65 ‫اْلَم اِج ُد‬ Al-Maajid The Illustrious, the Magnificent

66 ‫اْلواِح ُد‬ Al-Waahid The One

67 ‫َاَالَح ُد‬ Al-Ahad The Unique, The Only One

68 ‫الَّص َم ُد‬ As-Samad The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs

69 ‫اْلَقاِد ُر‬ Al-Qadeer The Omnipotent, The All-Capable

70 ‫اْلُم ْقَتِد ُر‬ Al-Muqtadir The Powerful

71 ‫اْلُم َقِّد ُم‬ Al-Muqaddim The Expediter, The Promoter

72 ‫اْلُم َؤ ِّخ ُر‬ Al-Mu’akhkhir The Delayer

73 ‫األَّو ُل‬ Al-Awwal The First

74 ‫اآلِخ ُر‬ Al-Aakhir The Last

75 ‫الَّظاِهُر‬ Az-Zaahir The Manifest

76 ‫اْلَباِط ُن‬ Al-Baatin The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden

77 ‫اْلَو اِلي‬ Al-Waali The Governor, The Patron

78 ‫اْلُم َتَع اِلي‬ Al-Muta’ali The Self Exalted

79 ‫اْلَبُّر‬ Al-Barr The Source of All Goodness

80 ‫الَّتَو اُب‬ At-Tawwab The Ever-Pardoning, The Relenting

81 ‫اْلُم ْنَتِقُم‬ Al-Muntaqim The Avenger

82 ‫الَع ُفُو‬ Al-‘Afuww The Pardoner

83 ‫الَّرُؤ وُف‬ Ar-Ra’oof The Most Kind

84 َ ‫َم اِلُك ٱْلُم ْلُك‬ Maalik-Ul-Mulk Lord of the Kingdoms

Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of
‫ُذ واْلَج َالِل َو اإلْك َر اِم‬ Dhul-Jalaali Wal-Ikraam
Majesty and Generosity
86 ‫اْلُم ْقِس ُط‬ Al-Muqsit The Equitable, The Most Fair

87 ‫اْلَج اِم ُع‬ Al-Jaami’ The Gatherer, the Uniter

88 ‫ٱْلَغنُّي‬ Al-Ghaniyy The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy

89 ‫ٱْلُم ْغ ِنُّي‬ Al-Mughni The Enricher

90 ‫َاْلَم اِنُع‬ Al-Mani’ The Preventer

91 ‫الَّضاَر‬ Ad-Dharr The Distresser

92 ‫الَّناِفُع‬ An-Nafi’ The Propitious, the Benefactor

93 ‫الُّنوُر‬ An-Nur The Light, The Illuminator

94 ‫اْلَهاِد ي‬ Al-Haadi The Guide

95 ‫اْلَبِد يُع‬ Al-Badee’ The Incomparable Originator

96 ‫َاْلَباِقي‬ Al-Baaqi The Everlasting

97 ‫اْلَو اِر ُث‬ Al-Waarith The Inheritor, The Heir

98 ‫الَّر ِش يُد‬ Ar-Rasheed The Guide, Infallible Teacher

99 ‫الَّصُبوُر‬ As-Saboor The Forbearing, The Patient

Praising Allah
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told us that “the best words a slave can utter after the Qur’an are
the words of praise and glory (to Allah).” (Ahmad) ”It is the only worship that will be
performed by the inhabitants of Paradise; and will be the manner in which they
ask from Allah” (Tirmidhi).

‫ُسْبَح اَن ِهللا‬

How perfect Allah is
(Muslim 4: 2073)

‫اَل َح ْو َل َو اَل ُقَّو َة ِإاَّل ِباِهلل‬

Laa hawla wa laa quwwata 'illaa billaah
There is no might and no power except by Allah
(Bukhari 1:152)

‫َم ا َش اَء ُهَّللا اَل ُقَّو َة ِإاَّل ِباِهَّلل‬

Ma shaa Allahu la quwwata illabillahi
What Allah willed [has occurred], there is no power except in Allah
(Surah Al-Kahf 18:39)
‫ُسْبَح اَن ِهللا الَعِظ يِم وِبَح ْمِدِه‬
Subhaanallaahil-'Adheemi wa bihamdihi
Glorified is Allah the Most Great and praised is He
(Tirmidhi 3465)

‫ُسْبـَح اَن ِهللا َو ِبَحْمِدِه ُسْبـَح اَن ِهللا الَعِظ يِم‬

Subhaanal-laahi wa bihamdihi, Subhaanal-laahil-'Adheem
Glorified is Allah and praised is He. Glorified is Allah the most great
(Bukhari 7:168)

‫ َو َال ِإَلَه إَّال ُهللا وُهللا َأْك َبُر‬،‫ والَح ْم ُد ِهلل‬،‫ُسْبَح اَن ِهللا‬
Subhaanallaahi, walhamdu lillaahi, wa laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu, wallaahu 'Akbar
Glory is to Allah, and praise is to Allah, and there is none worthy of worship
but Allah, and Allah is the Most Great (Tirmidhi 3509)

‫َر َّبنـا َو َلَك الَحْم ـُد َح ْم ـدًا َك ثـيرًا َطِّيـبًا ُم ـباَر كًا فيه‬
Rabbanaa wa la kal hamd, hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubaarakan feeh
Our Lord, all praise is due only to You, praise which is abundant, excellent and
blessed (Bukhari 12:764)

‫ َو ُهَو َع َلى ُك ِّل َش ْى ٍء َقِد يٌر‬، ‫ َو َلُه اْلَح ْم ُد‬، ‫ َلُه اْلُم ْلُك‬،‫َال ِإَلَه ِإَّال ُهَّللا َو ْح َد ُه َال َش ِر يَك َلُه‬
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli
shay in qadeer
There is no god but Allah, the One, having no partner with Him. Sovereignty
belongs to Him and all the praise is due to Him, and He is Potent over everything
(Muslim 2691)

‫ٱُهَّلل ٓاَل ِإَلٰـَه ِإاَّل ُهَو ٱْلَح ُّى ٱْلَقُّيوُم ۚ اَل َتْأُخ ُذ ۥُه ِس َنٌۭة َو اَل َنْو ٌۭم ۚ َّل ۥُه َم ا ِفى ٱلَّس َم ٰـ َٰو ِت َو َم ا‬
ۖ ‫ِفى ٱَأْلْر ِضۗ َم ن َذ ا ٱَّلِذ ى َيْش َفُع ِع نَد ٓۥُه ِإاَّل ِبِإْذ ِنِهۦۚ َيْع َلُم َم ا َبْيَن َأْيِد يِهْم َو َم ا َخ ْلَفُهْم‬
ۖ ‫َو اَل ُيِح يُطوَن ِبَش ْى ٍۢء ِّم ْن ِع ْلِمِهٓۦ ِإاَّل ِبَم ا َش ٓاَء ۚ َو ِس َع ُك ْر ِس ُّيُه ٱلَّس َم ٰـ َٰو ِت َو ٱَأْلْر َض‬
‫َو اَل َئُـوُد ۥُه ِح ْفُظُهَم اۚ َو ُهَو ٱْلَعِلُّى ٱْلَعِظ يُم‬
Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom; laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm;
lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; man zallazee yashfa'u indahooo illaa be iznih;
ya'lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum; wa laa yuheetoona beshai 'immin 'ilmihee
illa be maa shaaaa; wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya'ooduho hifzuhumaa;
wa huwal aliyyul 'azeem
Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-
Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly
intercede with Him without His permission? He ˹fully˺ knows what is ahead of
them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge—
except what He wills ˹to reveal˺. His Seat1 encompasses the heavens and the
earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High,
the Greatest
(Surah Al-Baqarah 3:255/ Ayatul Kursi)

‫ُهَو ُهَّللا اَّلِذ ي اَل ِإَٰل َه ِإاَّل ُهَو ۖ َع اِلُم اْلَغْيِب َو الَّش َهاَد ِةۖ ُهَو الَّرْح َٰم ُن الَّر ِح يُم ُهَو ُهَّللا اَّلِذ ي‬
‫اَل ِإَٰل َه ِإاَّل ُهَو اْلَم ِلُك اْلُقُّد وُس الَّس اَل ُم اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُن اْلُمَهْيِم ُن اْلَع ِزيُز اْلَج َّباُر اْلُم َتَك ِّبُرۚ ُسْبَح اَن‬
‫ِهَّللا َع َّم ا ُيْش ِرُك وَن ُهَو ُهَّللا اْلَخ اِلُق اْلَباِرُئ اْلُمَص ِّو ُرۖ َلُه اَأْلْس َم اُء اْلُح ْسَنٰى ۚ ُيَس ِّبُح َلُه َم ا‬
‫ِفي الَّس َم اَو اِت َو اَأْلْر ِضۖ َو ُهَو اْلَع ِزيُز اْلَح ِكيم‬
Huwa Allahu allathee lailaha illa huwa AAalimu alghaybi washshahadatihuwa
arrahmanu arraheem. Huwa Allahu allathee lailaha illa huwa almaliku alquddoosu
assalamualmu/minu almuhayminu alAAazeezu aljabbaru almutakabbirusubhana Allahi
AAamma yushrikoon. Huwa Allahu alkhaliqu albari-oalmusawwiru lahu al-asmao
alhusnayusabbihu lahu ma fee assamawatiwal-ardi wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeem
He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, Knower of the unseen and the
witnessed. He is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. He is Allah ,
other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the
Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the
Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him. He is
Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names.
Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in
Might, the Wise. (Surah Al-Hashr 59:22-24)

‫ُقِل ٱلَّلُهَّم َم ٰـ ِلَك ٱْلُم ْلِك ُتْؤ ِتى ٱْلُم ْلَك َم ن َتَش ٓاُء َو َتنِزُع ٱْلُم ْلَك ِمَّم ن َتَش ٓاُء َو ُتِع ُّز َم ن َتَش ٓاُء‬
‫) ُتوِلُج ٱَّلْيَل ِفى ٱلَّنَهاِر‬٢٦( ‫َو ُتِذ ُّل َم ن َتَش ٓاُء ۖ ِبَيِد َك ٱْلَخ ْيُرۖ ِإَّنَك َع َلٰى ُك ِّل َش ْى ٍۢء َقِد يٌۭر‬
‫َو ُتوِلُج ٱلَّنَهاَر ِفى ٱَّلْيِل ۖ َو ُتْخ ِرُج ٱْلَح َّى ِم َن ٱْلَم ِّيِت َو ُتْخ ِرُج ٱْلَم ِّيَت ِم َن ٱْلَح ِّى ۖ َو َتْر ُز ُق‬
)٢٧( ‫َم ن َتَش ٓاُء ِبَغْيِر ِح َس اٍۢب‬
Quli allahumma malika almulki tutee almulka man tashao watanziAAu almulka
mimman tashao watuAAizzu man tashao watuthillu man tashao biyadika alkhayru
innaka AAala kulli shayin qadeerun. Toolijul allayla fee alnnahari watooliju alnnahara
fee allayli watukhriju alhayya mina almaiyyiti watukhriju almayyita mina alhayyi
watarzuqu man tashao bighayri hisabin
O Allah! Lord over all authorities! You give authority to whoever You please
and remove it from who You please; You honour whoever You please and
disgrace who You please—all good is in Your Hands. Surely You ˹alone˺ are
Most Capable of everything (26).You cause the night to pass into the day and
the day into the night. You bring forth the living from the dead and the dead
from the living. And You provide for whoever You will without limit (27).
(Surah Al-Imran - 3:26-27)
Dua’s for the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
Du’aa’ is detained between the heavens and the earth and no part of it is taken
up until you send blessings upon your Prophet (pbuh).” (Tirmidhi, 486)

‫َص َّلى ُهّٰللا َع َلٰى َس ِّیِد َنا ُمَحَّم ٍد‬

Ṣalla Llāhu ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad
May Allah send prayers upon Our Master Muhammad

‫الَّلُهَّم َص ِّل َع َلٰى َس ِّيِد َنا ُمَح َّم ٍد َو َع َلٰى آِلِه َو َص ْح ِبِه َو َس ِّلْم‬
Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim
O Allah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad and upon his Family and

‫ َو َع َلى آِل‬، ‫ َك َم ا َص َّلْيَت َع َلى ِإْبَر اِهيَم‬، ‫ َو َع َلى آِل ُمَح َّم ٍد‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم َص ِّل َع َلى ُمَح َّم ٍد‬
‫ ِإَّنَك َح ِم يٌد َم ِج يٌد‬، ‫ِإْبَر اِهيَم‬

‫ َو َع َلى آِل‬، ‫ َك َم ا َباَر ْك َت َع َلى ِإْبَر اِهيَم‬، ‫ َو َع َلى آِل ُمَح َّم ٍد‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم َباِرْك َع َلى ُمَحَّم ٍد‬
‫ ِإَّنَك َح ِم يٌد َم ِج يٌد‬، ‫ِإْبَر اِهيَم‬
Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala Aali Muhammad kama salayta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala
aali Ibraaheem innaka hameedun majeed,
Allahumma baarik ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala Aali Muhammad kama baarakta ‘ala Ibrahim wa
ála aali Ibraaheem innaka hameedun majeed.
O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as
You sent Your Mercy on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the
Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious.

O Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as

You sent your Blessings on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are
the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious.

Dua’s for Forgiveness

The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: “If anyone constantly seeks forgiveness from Allah,
Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every
anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.” (Abu
Dawood 20: 1873)

‫َأْسَتْغ ِفُر َهللا َو َأُتوُب ِإَلْيِه‬

Astaghfirullaaha wa 'atoobu 'ilayhi
I seek the forgiveness of Allah and repent to him
(Sahih Muslim 4:2075)

‫لَّلُهَّم ِإَّنَك َع ُفٌّو ُتِح ُّب اْلَع ْفَو َفاْعُف َع ِّني‬

Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu annee
O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me
(Sunan Ibn Majah 3850)

،‫ َو اْر ُز ْقِني‬،‫ َو َع اِفِني‬،‫ َو اْج ُبْر ِني‬،‫ َو اْهِدِني‬،‫ َو اْر َحْمِني‬،‫الَّلُهَّم اْغ ِفْر ِلي‬
‫َو اْر َفْع ِني‬
Allaahum-maghfir lee, warhamnee, wahdinee, wajburnee, wa 'aafinee, warzuqnee, warfa'nee
O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, support me, protect me, provide
for me and elevate me.
(At-Tirmidhi: 284)
‫ َو َأَّو َلُه َو آِخ َرُه َو َع اَل ِنَيَتُه َو ِس َّر ُه‬،‫ ِد َّقُه َو ِج َّلُه‬،‫الَّلُهَّم اْغ ِفْر ِلي َذْنِبي ُك َّلُه‬
Allaahum-maghfir lee thanbee kullahu, diqqahu wa jillahu, wa 'awwalahu wa 'aakhirahu wa
'alaaniyata hu wa sirrahu
O Allah, forgive me all my sins, great and small, the first and the last, those that
are apparent and those that are hidden
(Muslim 1:350)

‫ َأْن َتْغ ـِفَر ِلي‬،‫الّلُهـَّم ِإَّنـي َأْسـَأُلـَك ِبَر ْح َم ـِتَك اّلتي َو ِس ـَع ت ُك َّل شيء‬
Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka birahmatikal-latee wasi'at kulla shay'in 'an taghfira lee
O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy, which encompasses all things, that You forgive
(Ibn Majah: 1753)

‫َر َّبََنآ إَّنَنآ َء َامَّنا َفاْغ ِفْر َلَنا ُذ ُنوَبَنا َو ِقَنا َع َذ اَب الَّناِر‬
Rabbana innanā amanna, faghfir lana, dhunoobana wa-qinna 'adhāāban-naar
Our Lord! we have indeed believed: forgive us, then, our sins, and save us from
the agony of the Fire (Surah Ali' Imran 3:16)

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