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Stories Of Robin Hood

Chapter 6 – 7

Samuel Juan, Dermian, Gabriel, And Michael

Chapter VI :

Robin Hood and Maid Marian

Chapter VII :

Robin Hood and The Silver Arrow

Analysis Table : Orientation, Complication, Climax, Resolution, And Coda

Chapter VI :

Orientation :
In chapter VI, the character Robin was introduced. Long before he lived in Sherwood Forest,
Robin often went there to hunt wild animals, and then Robin witnessed a beautiful woman
shooting named Marian. Soon, he found out that she was the daughter of the noble Earl of

After this, Marian and Robin met each other very often and began to love each other so
much. Then Robin asked Marian to marry him.

Complication :
Marian, on the other hand, agreed to marry Robin and that decision made him the happiest
person in the world. However, just before their wedding ceremony, all of Robin's land and
money was robbed. He decided that Marian shouldn't have to live such a rough life with him,
and he wrote her a sorrowful letter, saying his goodbye. Marian cried all day in the misery of
losing who would be her life-partner. Being unable to ignore it, she disguised herself as a
knight and went to look for Robin in Sherwood Forest.

Climax :
One day, Robin disguised himself as a Norman knight, he ventured into the forest for an
adventure. Then he came across Marian which he misinterpreted as an evil knight. They drew
swords and fought for an hour, which resulted in both of them both wounded. Eventually,
Robin accidentally spoke in his own voice, causing Marian to drop her sword. “Robin,
Robin,” she cried.

Resolution :
They were so happy to be together again after spending so much time apart that they laughed,
cried, and kissed each other. They went to a nearby brook where they both found joy and
happiness in each other’s presence. Robin and Marian encountered Little John on their way to
the Trysting-Tree. When Robin revealed that Marian was the knight, Little John bent down to
kiss Marian's hand and promised to be their obedient queen. After that, they had a feast where
everyone was celebrating together. Then Robin and Marian lived together for a long time,
and were very happy together.

Coda :
From this story, we learn about the power of love and how we should sacrifice anything for
our loved ones. Robin showed selflessness and chose to let go of Marian so she wouldn't live
a miserable life with him. Marian's will to find Robin, despite the danger and consequences
that she could face, really showed us what the power of true love is.

Chapter VII :

Orientation :
In this chapter, there was a Sherrif of Nottingham who always tries to catch Robin Hood. But,
Over and over again the sheriff always failed to catch Robin Hood, Each time he failed he
grew more angry till wicked anger filled all his heart, and he could think of nothing else.In
the end, the Sheriff of Nottingham decided to go to the king and ask if the king could give
him many great soldiers so that he could fight and kill Robin Hood and his men. King
Richard has returned from the Holy Land, and on a fine day, the Sheriff of Nottingham is
getting ready to meet the King in London. It took many days to reach London, there were still
no trains and people had to drive themselves. The sheriff of Nottingham City brought many
servants and soldiers as well to guard in case of robbery.

Complication :
After reaching the city of London, the sheriff of Nottingham rested for one night, the next day
he put on his neatest clothes and luxurious accessories. He looked very indeed, there he told
him all about Robin Hood, and the king scolded him, the king asked if there were no rules
there to be followed, the king said that he was not a good sheriff and asked him to go back to
Nottingham and when the king came to the city of Notingham and find out that the sheriff
have not kept good order, and acted justly. Then the king must take away the sheriff office
and give it to a better man.

Climax :
All the long way home he kept thinking and thinking how he might get Robin into his power.
At last he fell upon a plan. The sheriff of Nottingham will hold an archery competition to trap
Robin and as the winner will get a beautiful silver arrow made with a golden head. After
arrived at home, the Sherrif sent for a man who made arrows and he sent messengers into the
towns and villages around to tell all the archers about it. Everything was arranged and the day
fixed. Among Robin’s man there was a brave young man called David of Doncaster. He had
not been very long with robin, and had a sister who lived in Nottingham, who was a servant
in the Sheriff’s house. One day her sister told to David about the Shooting match on next
Tuesday. David go back to warn Robin, but Robin still want to go to the Shooting match.
Little John give Robin some advice to dressed without their lincoln green but dressed
differently as possible, and no one would notice about them.

The day has come and the sheriff keep looking and looking for Robin and his men from the
window. About Eight hundred man have come to try the prize, the Sheriff is still waiting for
Robin but the people grow impatient, the sheriff and his wife took a seats of honour prepared
for them, then the match began. Robin hood and his men shot splendidly, he always shot his
arrow right in the middle of the white parts. at last the shooting match came to an end, of
course Robin hood had won the prize. The Sheriff’s wife, who presented him with the arrow.

Resolution :
Robin hood and his men were all meet again under the Green wood tree and they had a merry
time. Little John then give Robin some advice again to write a letter for the sheriff and tell
him that Robin and his men were all there, and then the letter was shot with an arrow right
into the sheriff’s house. After the sheriff read the letter, he scratched his head and raved like
one thats mad.

Coda :
From this story, we had our lesson that we shouldn’t be a greedy man like The Sheriff and be
a good person like Robin who always helps people and not be a bad person like the sheriff,
we should spend our money for the benefit of the people, not to kill good people

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