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Amba r Sofía Oñ a te Ma c ía s
completó con éxito

English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and


un curso en línea sin crédito autorizado por University of Pennsylvania y ofrecido a

través de Coursera

Jack Sullivan Alyssa Swanson

Director of Programs Intensive Program Manager
English Language Programs English Language Programs
University of Pennsylvania

Veri f y a t :
coursera .org /veri f y/B PRPQS G JJVS 2
Cour se r a conf ir m ó la ide nt ida d de e st a pe r sona y su
pa r t icipa ción e n e l cur so.
The online course named in this certi cate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but it is not equivalent to an on-campus course. Participation in this online course does not constitute enrollment at the
University of Pennsylvania. This certi cate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the identity of the learner.

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