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B O O K 1

Cass Suwinski

Lead Writer
Dillon Olney

Character Writer
Cameron DeFord
On the Cover
Editors Bram Willemot illustrates the heroes chasing a
Sarah Olney and Caitlin Smith young owlbear through the streets of Havdhir
before he gets away.
Art Director
Graphic Design & Layout Copyright
Chris Knowles @2023 Tomb Guardians, Inc.

Artists This material is protected under copyright law. Tomb Guardians

Inc., the Tomb Guardians Inc. monogram, and all other
Beto Lima, Danilo Esteban Valdez Jr., Eri Welli, Flavio identifying marks herein are trademarks or service marks of
Garcia, Eamonn McCormick, Bram Willemot, German Tomb Guardians Inc. Any reproduction or unauthorized use
Varona, Matsya Das, Julie Bolinho of the material or artwork contained herein without the prior
express written consent of Tomb Guardians Inc. (“permission”)
is prohibited. This product is a work of fiction.
Cover Artist
This work includes material taken from the System Reference
Bram Willemot Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and
available at
Renowned Sculptors reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at
Christine Van Patten, Jason Weibe, Chris Lewis, Glenn
Harris, Bobby Jackson, Joshua Black

Lead Voiceover Actor Product Identity

Ciaron Davies The following items are hereby identified as Product
Identity, as defined in the OGL, Section 1(e), and are
Music Composer not Open Game Content: All trademarks, registered
trademarks, service marks, proper names (characters,
Ian Fisher
place names, new deities, new spells, etc.), dialogue,
plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork,
Video Graphics Designer graphics, sidebars, and trade dress. Product Identity
Jason Goebel belongs to its creator(s) and/or assignee(s) and may
not be used without their permission.
Lead Cartography
Lez Johnson Open Game Content
The Open Game Content includes all material from
Brand and Marketing the SRD included in this work and the user-created
Brandon Popovich content, if any, that is clearly defined as Open Game
Content in this work. No other portion of this work
may be reproduced in any form without permission.

2 Credits
Table of Contents
About This Campaign....................................................5 Side Quest: Appropriate Attire...........................54
Introduction.....................................................................5 The Sunken Dream Tavern......................................56
The Books.........................................................................5 Side Quest: Kraken Contest................................58
How to Use this Book.....................................................5 Morvin’s Sorrow Pit...................................................58
Read-Aloud Text..............................................................5
Civic Buildings......................................................62
Havdhir Notary and Exchange................................62
Skill and Ability Checks.................................................5
Major Quest: Vrehnor Isle
Adventure Path................................................................5
(see separate section)............................................62
Hall of the Triumvirate.............................................63
History of Shjekhel......................................................... 7
Temple of the Manifold Gods..................................67
Major Quest: Stolen Scrolls
Prologue: Tavernsbane Freighter (see separate section)............................................69
Lorton Bank................................................................70
Introduction....................................................................11 Side Quest: Robbery of the Century................. 71
Interacting with People Aboard..................................11 Azkhell’s Tower..........................................................76
The Ship......................................................................... 12 Major Quest: Azkhell’s Agoraphobia
Main Deck................................................................... 13 (see separate section)............................................76
Side Quest: Catching Rainbow Snappers.......... 14 Market District....................................................76
Captain’s Quarters..................................................... 16 Haggling...................................................................... 77
Crew’s Quarters.......................................................... 17 Navigating the Crowd............................................... 77
Cabin Quarters........................................................... 17
Side Quest: Missing Charter................................ 17 Market District Shops..........................................78
Cargo Hold.................................................................. 19 Brong’s Bashy Things................................................78
Side Quest: Rats in the Hold................................ 19 Side Quest: Deeds for a Discount...................... 80
Aquatic Nihidium-Spawned Abomination Attack... 21 Wolf’s Last Rest......................................................... 80
Passing the Curse......................................................22 Side Quest: Deeds for a Discount...................... 81
Level Advancement......................................................23 Histell’s Alchemical Mysteries................................82
What’s Next?..................................................................23 Side Quest: Scents and Perfumability..............84
Ardhos’s Bounty.........................................................85
Side Quest: Scents and Perfumability................86
Port City of Havdhir Verin’s Second-Hand Goods....................................87
The Menagerie...........................................................88
Introduction...................................................................29 Side Quest: The One That Got Away.................89
Level Advancement in Havdhir..................................29
Map of Havdhir..............................................................30 Additional Shops......................................................92
Important NPCs............................................................32 Percival’s Appraisal...................................................92
Reputation......................................................................34 Side Quest: Appraising a Mimic.........................93
About the City................................................................34 Freya’s Fantastical Items..........................................94
Factions...........................................................................35 Major Quest: Paying the Grifter’s Guild… a Visit
Crime and Punishment in Havdhir............................36 (see separate section)...............................................97
Exploring Havdhir.........................................................38 Havdhir Stables..........................................................98
Exiting the City..............................................................38 Side Quest: Owlbear Antics...............................100
Mourner’s Respite....................................................102
Residential Areas............................................... 40
Barnacle Barrows...................................................... 40 Military/Guard Outposts.............................104
Stonecentre.................................................................43 Goldtower.....................................................................104
Side Quest: Burning Bugbears...........................106
Coastal Locations...............................................44 Blacktower................................................................ 110
Greyport......................................................................44 Side Quest: A Night in Blacktower................... 110
Side Quest: Ships and Shipments.......................45
Havdhir Barracks...................................................113
Training Area.............................................................113
Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment........... 50 1st Floor: Legal Issues..............................................113
The Guzzling Goblin................................................ 50 Major Quest: Vrehnor Isle
The Crystal Lounge...................................................52 (see separate section)...........................................114

Table of Contents 3
2nd Floor: Mess Hall................................................114 West Balcony.............................................................161
Side Quest: Helping with Svelvhar’s Soup.......112 Hibernaculum........................................................... 162
3rd Floor: Armory.....................................................115 East Balcony.............................................................162
4th Floor: Sleeping Chambers...................................116 Upper Stairwell........................................................ 162
Still-Echo Prison................................................117 3rd Floor....................................................................164
Major Quest: Innocent in Still-Echo Chamber of Song.....................................................164
(see supplemental book)......................................117 Chamber of Slime....................................................164
Room of Shifting Doors..........................................164
Derelict Room........................................................... 165
Major Quests Room of Dire Fortunes........................................... 165
Upper East Balcony.................................................166
Vrehnor Isle..........................................................120 Upper West Balcony............................................... 167
The Wrecked Keelhaul Marauder...........................120 Stairwell of Slipperiness.........................................168
Island Traps................................................................121
4th Floor....................................................................170
Quicksand Trap.....................................................121
Living Tales Library................................................ 170
Fearful Visage Trap............................................. 123
Ezmeralda and the Tale of the Talking Toad............. 170
Snake Pit................................................................ 124
Rhet Tikha’s Curse.......................................................171
Pirate Cave................................................................ 124
The Wandering Armor............................................... 173
What’s Next?.............................................................126
Weather of the Darklands of Vlaskhell...................... 174
Continuing the Adventure..................................... 126
The Siege of Havdhir.................................................. 175
Stolen Scrolls..................................................... 129 5th Floor.................................................................... 178
Horn’s Head Cave....................................................130 Banquet Hall............................................................. 178
Littered Tunnel..........................................................131
Bugbear Living Chamber........................................131 6th Floor.....................................................................181
Torch-Lit Tunnel....................................................... 132 Room of Pocket Dimensions..................................181
Gluck-glubruhk’s Lair.............................................. 132 Dwarven Portal.........................................................181
Sunken Tunnel.......................................................... 134 Thorny Portal............................................................ 183
Orphos’s Lair............................................................. 135 Ghostly Portal...........................................................184
What’s Next?............................................................. 136 Forest Portal.............................................................. 185
Continuing the Adventure..................................... 137 Abyssal Portal........................................................... 187
Ancient Portal..........................................................188
Paying the Grifter’s Guild… a Visit........140 Basilisk Portal...........................................................190
Drain’s End.................................................................141
Grifter’s Market........................................................ 142 7th Floor.................................................................... 193
Interrogation Room................................................. 143 Giant Gelatinous Cube Room............................... 193
Drain’s End Prison................................................... 144 8th Floor.................................................................... 195
Sewer Ogre Maze.................................................... 145 Library of Rare Texts.............................................. 195
Drain Rat Nest.......................................................... 147
9th Floor....................................................................198
Sewer Ogre Hoard Room....................................... 148
Azkhell’s Private Study...........................................198
What’s Next?............................................................. 149
Continuing the Adventure.....................................150 Tower Top.................................................................. 202
What’s Next?............................................................... 202
Azkhell’s Agoraphobia................................... 153 Continuing the Adventure........................................ 202
Azkhell’s Tower - Exterior......................................... 153
Azkhell’s Tower - Interior.......................................... 156
Appendix: Stat Blocks 204
1st Floor..................................................................... 156
Foyer........................................................................... 156
Right Side of the Chamber.................................... 156
Appendix: Items 266
Basement................................................................... 157
Left Side of the Chamber....................................... 157 Appendix: Spells 275

2nd Floor................................................................... 159 Appendix: Diseases & Curses 277

Puzzle Room............................................................. 159
Servant’s Quarters................................................... 159
Appendix: Feats 279
Riddle Room.............................................................160
Appendix: Ancient Dwarvish Alphabet 281

4 Table of Contents
About this Campaign more immersive experience and not as a hard rule
to follow. Players often chart a path that no Game
Master can anticipate, and the read-aloud text or
sections of the adventure might need to be altered to
Introduction fit the world the players create. That is okay! Don’t
stress if the campaign isn’t following a certain path.
The Curse of the Usurper is a three-part campaign This is a game of relationships, changes, challenges,
that grows characters from level 1 to level 15 and and choice; so fear not if the read-aloud text becomes
traverses unique locations including the following: irrelevant or if the characters completely disrupt a
portion of the campaign. There are plenty of tools
• Havdhir: an ancient, dwarven, port city where
and springboards for creativity provided in the Curse
low-level characters can experience a sandbox-
of the Usurper campaign to aid you in bringing your
style adventure of compartmentalized quests that
own story to life.
easily fit into other campaigns.

• The Darklands of Vlaskhell: an icy land of undead Icons 123

that is bathed in constant light half of the year You will note certain icons throughout these books.
and is plunged into darkness the other half, When you see one, it denotes a new stat block,
allowing the wretched vampires within to emerge item, spell, etc. unique to the Curse of the Usurper
from their frozen keep. campaign and not found in other products. The icon
• Ardhos: a warm, southern land of green fields is followed by brief text specifying which appendix
and twisted swamps filled with happy halfling contains the relevant information.
farmers, wretched hags, and undead beasts.
For example, the text might read “Erwin (1 Stat
• The Lost Mines of Shjekhel: an ancient, haunted Block) the doppelganger.”
mine controlled by a dark creature that inhabits
the very stone itself. In this case you should refer to the Stat Blocks
appendix of Book 1.
The Books 1 Book 1 - Trouble in Havdhir
This book is part of the Curse of the Usurper
campaign which spans three books: Trouble in 2 Book 2 - Darklands of Vlaskhell
Havdhir, Darklands of Vlaskhell, and Lost Mines of
3 Book 3 - Mines of Shjekhel
Shjekhel. In addition to these is the supplementary
book, Innocent in Still-Echo.
Skill and Ability Checks
How to Use This Book Some skill and ability checks allow for passive
checks (such as when a character might spot a
Primarily, these books serve as a series that creates
hidden door without using an action to roll to look
an overarching campaign, and the books are
for one). Some Game Masters might enjoy this
intended to be played through and used together.
mechanic while others might find it annoying or out
However, you could instead pull segments from
of place in their games. You are free to use them all
the books, or use the material (lore, side quests,
or ignore them completely as you see fit.
locations, characters, monsters, items, and more!)
in your own campaign setting.
The Adventure Path
Read-Aloud Text The primary focus of the Curse of the Usurper
campaign centers around an ancient, dwarven
Read-aloud text is included in all three of the
curse that is passed on to the characters—a curse
Curse of the Usurper campaign books. This text is
which they must strive to lift before they are slain
accompanied by QR codes which, when scanned, will
and the Usurper emerges from his stony and
read the text aloud for you and your group. Of course,
unhallowed halls. The campaign centers around
you as the Game Master might read the text aloud
this curse and presumes that at least one of the
yourself, paraphrase it, or alter it entirely. Read-aloud
characters is accursed for the entirety of the
text often assumes that the characters have followed
campaign. You can learn more about the curse
along a certain path, and the text occasionally will
in the Trouble in Havdhir book, particularly in the
provide options for likely alternatives. However, read-
History of Shjekhel section on pages 7-9.
aloud text is to be used as a tool to give a fuller and

A b o u t t h i s Ca m pa i g n 5
There are some unique challenges that may come
about for this campaign should the whole of the
party be slain. Since the adventure presumes
the adventurers are seeking to lift the curse, if
all of them die, the curse (and the Usurper) have
essentially “won.” A few suggestions are provided
here for Game Masters who are seeking to continue
the campaign with a whole new party or just a few
new characters. These options might contradict
some of the lore of the campaign, but they are
simply intended to give Game Masters options for
reintroducing the main conflict of the adventure to
allow it to continue:

• The cursed characters (or the last character

surviving with the curse) are favored by a
dwarven deity that does not wish for the
Usurper to emerge from his mines. Each time
the characters die, instead of their souls being
transported to Shjekhel the characters are
resurrected as if via the true resurrection spell, but
lose one level. In this variant, if the characters are
finally reduced to level 0, the campaign is lost.

• A new character or party of characters is

cursed by another dwarf of the Shjelborn clan
unbeknownst to the main quest giver, Vrormir.
In this variant, Vrormir is not the last surviving
dwarf of his clan as he supposed, and the new
character or characters now carry the curse.

• Vrormir’s soul escapes imprisonment and

is able to take physical form for a brief
time, passing the curse to a new
character or party of characters.

6 A b o u t t h i s Ca m pa i g n
History of the summoning and raising of the dead, enhanced
magical prowess, and so much more. Its extraction
from the earth earned the Shjelborn clan and
Shjekhel Music
its fellow family miners much wealth and fame,
and their small mine soon grew into a dwarven
kingdom. The ruler of the kingdom at the time
In times of old, in ages so long past that with which we are concerned was King Kassimer,
none now know what truly occurred a kindly dwarf lord who cared a great deal for his
(though a few elderly dwarves and people and ensured they prospered for many years.
elves claim to know the events’
rough dates and origins), there existed the mines But such grand things were not to last.
of Shjekhel.
The rare nihidium stone had a mind of its own:
These mines were dug deep into the earth by an old mind, one formed from the collective
the Shjelborn clan, a family of dwarves once consciousness of those buried beneath the earth,
resplendent in wealth, power, and progeny. These clawing in the dark; one that cared little for the
dwarves dug deep mines, mines connected to lives of dwarves, humans, elves, or their like. The
hallowed halls filled with elaborate stone carvings stone crept subtly into the dreams and minds of the
dedicated to their ancestry. Shjelborn clan… infecting them, possessing minds,
and slowly, ever so slowly, interposing itself onto
The mines poured forth an abundance of wealth: the foundation of the mines of Shjekhel.
jewels, gold, and platinum ore that would provide
financial and economic security for thousands One day, a child was born to the Shjelborn clan, one
of generations. But most precious of all was the of many heirs to the throne. This boy was strange.
rare stone found deep within the earth. It was He was a quiet, stony child who rarely made a sound.
called “nihidium.” This stone possessed incredible Some believed he was a gift from the very stones
magical properties—properties that allowed for themselves. But others knew the truth: this child WAS

History of Shjekhel 7
the stone. The nihidium had taken on a physical form King Kassimer knew in his heart the only way to stop
through which it could release all its malice. this strange curse was to kill his son, the Usurper,
who had become a conduit for the stone. But try as
Over the years, the child grew—ever silent, ever he might, he could not bring himself to do it.
watching—staring with cold eyes, black and
unyielding as nihidium. Eventually, Kassimer was running out of options—
the failure of the dwarven kingdom pressing hard
Eventually, the child did speak, in a voice cold on his conscience. Desperate to stop the evil
and distant, as if stretched through miles of loose spreading from his home, he set out to make a deal.
earth. This son of King Kassimer was no dwarf but a
usurper. A manifestation of the ancient stone fueled King Kassimer bound his lineage to a pact, one not
by the buried dead. with a demon nor a devil but with the wicked force
that dwelled within nihidium stone itself. A force that
The child spoke, and his speech was old and dark. was hard, cold, and old as the stone…if not older.
He spoke with words that reverberated with many
of the clan who had dug so deeply into the ground, Without the consent of any of his subjects, the king
for it was the voice of stone, of cold, of uncaring offered himself and the entirety of his lineage as
inevitability, of spirits buried beneath the earth, of prisoners to the nihidium. He asked that the dark
souls trapped in dark, of sunless places in the tunnels being that dwelled within it and within his son seal
of the deep. When the child spoke, the dead of off the gate of Shjekhel so that no one could ever
Shjekhel walked once more as spirits wandering the partake of its dark powers again; trapping most of the
halls, rising from their long rests. Some thought him Shjelborn clan, King Kassimer, and the Usurper inside.
a miracle worker while others thought him a demon.
The stone agreed in the form of a curse—one last
Over the years, the city grew dark. The earth punishment for the dwarves who delved too deeply
refused to yield its riches to the dwarven clan, and into the earth… ITS earth. The curse halved the
many fled the place…many, but not the clan of lifespans of all members of the Shjelborn clan and
Shjelborn. their descendents and bound their souls to return
after death to wander the sunless halls for all eternity.
As the mine declined, the power of the dwarven
prince grew, and many began to whisper a name in King Kassimer split the key of Shjekhel into three
the dark, a new name for this prince that betrayed pieces, sending his two remaining sons and one
his intentions for the mine: “the Usurper.” daughter out into the world in hopes of sealing
Shjekhel forevermore.
King Kassimer saw the evil within his son and
tried to stamp it out. For he knew, despite what Years passed. Centuries passed. Many who once
the miners who examined the earth said, that this walked the halls returned as spirits or Undead;
strange boy’s presence was responsible for the restless beings unable to escape. For centuries,
withering of the mine and for the dead that now descendents of the original Shjelborn have been
walked many of its halls. desperately seeking a cure for their curse, passing
it on to their own offspring in hopes of one day
He sought the aid of sages, diviners, and clerics; freeing themselves and their ancestors’ souls from
frantically looking for a way to root out the dark the haunting of Shjekhel, that once-proud city
force that had crept into his home. which is now a ruin filled with wrathful spirits and
the specters of the dead.
But it was all for naught.
Worst of all, the Usurper remains.
The Usurper, possessing a following of dwarves and
creatures of the dark reaches beneath the earth, led A manifestation of the hate and cold and dark of
a revolt against his father that attempted to reclaim nihidium stone—the stone which should have never
the mines for the cold stone they “truly” belonged been mined or pulled from the earth—the Usurper
to. lurks within the halls of Shjekhel, locked inside. And
though he made the bargain, he sits in the dark, and
The king commanded that the mines be closed, the he plots…
walls shut, and the holes sealed. But each day, they
would find the mines opened again. No spell or wall
could hold back what had been unleashed in the dark.

8 History of Shjekhel
Curse of the Usurper
The surviving members of the Shjelborn clan suffer
from the ancient curse that was the result of the
pact made by King Kassimer of Shjekhel.

Any descendent of the Shjelborn clan that dies

has its soul transported to the ancient mines of
Shjekhel, where it is reincorporated as a nihidium-
spawned ghost.
If any of the characters die (of any cause) while
This curse can be passed on by a Shjelborn
cursed, the character’s soul is transported to the
descendent by transferring ownership of a specially
mines of Shjekhel, where it becomes a nihidium-
crafted nihidium stone to a successor or group of
spawned ghost. Since the soul isn’t free, neither
successors. Doing so risks damning more innocents
the resurrection spell nor the true resurrection spell
to an eternity in Shjekhel but may yet save fallen
will normally work; the revivify spell will function
ancestors or offspring.
normally, since it works before the soul has a
chance to be transported.
As a very old dwarf and the last living member of
the Shjelborn clan, Vrormir is desperate to remove
the curse or pass it on. The curse can be broken in only
two ways:
Anyone afflicted by the curse of the Usurper bears
an identifying mark upon the wrist. In addition 1. The Usurper can be destroyed and the evil
to this, a creature afflicted with this curse may be sentience of nihidium bound to him destroyed
plagued by dreams of the mines of Shjekhel, of along with it. Accessing the mines requires having
the key characters in the fall of the ancient city, of the three pieces of the nihidium-stone key.
ominous portents, of the locations of Shjekhel keys,
or of the nihidium itself. 2. The descendents (and those to whom the curse
Anyone afflicted by this curse ages considerably of the Usurper has been passed) can all be slain,
faster than usual—the average racial lifespan removing the barriers around the mines, freeing
is halved. the Usurper and the Undead that reside there.

Curse of the Usurper 9

10 Tavernsbane Freighte r
Prologue: giving you promissory notes that can be exchanged
at a notary in town in order to receive your gold. You

Tavernsbane Music
have been traveling for several weeks aboard the ship
the Tavernsbane Freighter, and Vrormir has become

Freighter increasingly agitated (or so it seems... the dwarf never

leaves his room aboard the ship). He spends his time
muttering about a curse and about “someone coming
after him.” His health seems to be declining rapidly
Introduction to the Quest based on the ever-increasing coughing fits coming from
his room. You and your companions stand upon the prow
The Curse of the Usurper campaign begins with the
of the ship, listening to the sound of splashing waves and
“Tavernsbane Freighter” quest. This quest introduces
the players to the campaign setting. It is also a great the calls of the sailors as you near port, mere miles from
starting point for new Game Masters to get a feel for your destination.
how to run the adventure as a whole.
Starting a new campaign is easiest when the
The “Tavernsbane Freighter” quest is a prelude to players get to know each other’s characters and
the rest of the campaign, with the events of this motivations, especially if they are new to the game.
quest spurring the rest of the adventure onward.
Take this time to allow the players to introduce
The Quest themselves to each other if they haven’t already
done so. Encourage roleplay and have them
The adventure begins with the players sailing as introduce themselves in character if the players are
passengers aboard the Tavernsbane Freighter. They comfortable with this.
are accompanying Vrormir Shjelborn (the last heir
of the Shjelborn dwarven clan) on his return from Ask the players what they think about their patron
searching for his ancestors’ mines. and (potentially) each other. Allow them to draw
their own conclusions as to why they are venturing
As the last of his line, Vrormir is running out of with Vrormir or why each member of the crew is
time to remove the curse from the Shjelborn clan taking the journey. Perhaps it is simply for a payout,
that is causing him to grow increasingly ill. maybe Vrormir is an old family friend, or possibly
Servants of the Usurper are seeking to end his someone owes a life debt to Vrormir. Use this time
life and any chance the Shjelborn clan has of to develop a connection to the story and to one
lifting the family curse. another, springboarding off of the players’ ideas.

Vrormir has hired the characters to accompany It is often best to give the players the read-aloud
him on his voyage to Havdhir (also known as the synopsis ahead of time and answer any questions that
Cauldron) in hopes of speaking with Azkhell, a will not give away too much of the main plot. This can
mage residing in the city. Finding this mage is a be done to help players get a foothold on the world
last-ditch effort to lift the family curse. and their part in it prior to sitting down to play.

Introducing the characters to the setting, read the

following aloud:
Interacting with
People Aboard
You have traveled near and far, seeking The players can interact with the people onboard
treasure, opportunity, and adventure during their voyage—learning additional
in the port city of Havdhir, an ancient information about fellow voyagers, lore of the
dwarven settlement. On your journeys surrounding area, and details about the port of
toward the city, you each happened upon Vrormir Havdhir. If the players are new to the game, have a
Shjelborn—a dwarf of supposedly noble heritage who few of the NPCs introduce themselves and strike up
was seeking escorts to help him safely arrive in Havdhir. conversations with the players.
Vrormir has promised a sum of five gold pieces for each
of you for assisting him in reaching Havdhir, Some of the NPCs have side quests available. None
of the side quests are mandatory, but they do allow

Tavernsbane Freighte r 11
players to learn more about the ship and the • No one on board has seen Vrormir come out of
people aboard; and about the setting and the his room since his voyage began.
game in general.
• Vrormir had been adventuring south, beyond the
region of Ardhos, but decided to travel to Havdhir
Rumors and Information for a reason he did not disclose to the crew or
Any of the people on board can reveal information anyone else on board (apart from the characters,
about the ship and/or Havdhir, and they may also if they ask). His agitated mutterings, though, have
have opinions about Vrormir: allowed some of the crew to put together the pieces.

The Ship Shjekhel and the Shjelborn Clan

• The ship is called the Tavernsbane Freighter. It was • The Mines of Shjekhel, also called simply
so named due to being a floating tavern with Shjekhel, is an ancient dwarven city that fell prey
ridiculously cheap booze. Locals and sailors alike to a horrible curse and swarms of Undead. The
would come to the ship just for food and drink, city has been lost to time, but many have been
putting many of Havdhir’s other taverns out of searching for the entrance to the mines and for
business. While the freighter no longer sells the the lost gate key, which is rumored to have been
cheap booze it now ferries (having moved wholly shattered into three pieces.
into the transport business of both persons and
parcels), the name stuck. • The Shjelborn clan were the founders and rulers
of Shjekhel. However, legend has it that when
• Captain Marrow operates the freighter, taking the city fell, most of the clan was killed, and
passengers from far beyond Havdhir or simply to those that survived were cursed. They and their
other ports along the coastline. He has done so offspring are doomed to return to the halls of
since he “retired” from a life of piracy. Shjekhel as ghosts upon their deaths.
• Usually, the ship is filled with crew members
and travelers, but rumor has it that Vrormir paid Overview of Captain Marrow’s
an exorbitant amount of money to the captain Crew Members
in order to keep the number of travelers to a Each crew member has rumors or information they
minimum and the sailors operating on a can share as part of your roleplay. If you are new to
Skeleton crew. being a Game Master, use this opportunity to start
honing your skills and practicing playing as multiple
Havdhir NPCs. There are some examples provided below of
• Havdhir is an ancient port city that was information that the crew members might share:
constructed by dwarves several thousand years
ago. It has since become populated with all • I’ve heard that Vrormir is descended from one of
kinds of creatures, and its architecture has been those cursed dwarves from the Lost Mines of Shjekhel.
influenced by the many cultures and races that Supposedly the last of his line...
have settled there over time from across the sea.
• Finally headed back to Havdhir! Greatest city in the
Havdhir is commonly referred to by the locals
as the Cauldron since it is a mix of multiple realm in my view! Formed by the ancient dwarves and
languages, customs, religions, and races. built upon for ages. You want drink? Supplies? To take
on a bounty or two? You can do it all in Havdhir!
• Havdhir is a thriving city with a population of
nearly five thousand. • I’ve spent most of my life on the water—hate going
into port—but that damned dwarf needs to reach some
• Havdhir has little to offer in the way of produce or wizard in Havdhir, and he’s paying handsomely for it, so
manufactured goods and acts primarily as a trade
what is one to do?
city to far off lands. Many have made fortunes
by simply trading their goods from this port to • Are you friends of Vrormir? I heard a rumor that he
people from far off places. is looking for the mage Azkhell to remove the curse
on himself and his family. Word of advice though, I
Vrormir wouldn’t trust that mage as far as I could throw him…
• Some aboard the vessel believe Vrormir is the had him put a hex on my ex-wife two years ago, and all
last descendent of the Shjelborn clan, a group of I got in return was a bad case of gout.
dwarves that were cursed in times of old.

12 Tavernsbane Freighte r
When the characters first interact with Captain
Marrow, read the following aloud:

A weary-looking man dressed in a

rumpled blue captain’s uniform and
sporting a ragged cap smokes his pipe
and rests a weathered hand on the
sun-bleached helm of the ship. He pays you little mind,
chewing on the end of his pipe and staring toward port.

Roleplaying Captain Marrow

Captain Marrow has a habit of chewing on the pipe
that he smokes almost constantly, and he speaks
with an accent picked up from his days as a
“not-so-respectable collector of other peoples
goods…” (a pirate). “Aye, that be a fine cutlass ya
have there, laddie!” (etc.).

Captain Marrow is suspicious of Vrormir, who paid

him a princely sum for the use of the majority of
the ship and banning other passengers from coming
aboard by buying up most of the beds and rooms
usually used for travelers. But coin is coin, and
Marrow is willing to look the other way if Vrormir
is willing to pay.
• You ever seen a weapon made of nihidium? Sharpest
blades there are; and when carved with the proper Captain Marrow (1Stat Block) is a neutral human.
runes, I hear they come alight with magic! Supposedly
that dwarf’s descended from the clan that once mined it, The captain may disclose his concerns about
but their mines were lost long ago. several of the other members aboard the ship,
including the following:
• You’re lucky we aren’t sailing anywhere near the
Darklands of Vlaskhell… damned vampires and their • I’m concerned about that cabin boy, Danny… keeps
treaties with Havdhir. sneaking food and such down into the bowels of the
ship. Someone should keep an eye on that kid.
The Main Deck • That old lady, Coraline, sure has been a pain in my
side… lost her charter and gods know what else. She is
going to have to talk with the notary upon our arrival if
The main deck of the ship is slippery. Water
she doesn’t find it soon.
and years of accumulated sea life cling to
the decks. A man in a rumpled captain’s • Scur has been acting up of late…constantly complaining
uniform smokes a pipe while steering the about his wages…ungrateful sod.
ship. Meanwhile, a scruffy-looking sailor launches a spear
• That Vrormir fellow concerns me… paid more than I
tied to a rope over the side, lazily staring into the depths.
ought to say for use of most of the ship, and I don’t trust
’im… not in the least.

Captain Marrow can be found on the Main Deck.

While the captain has no direct side quests

associated with him, interacting with him is a
great way for new players to experience roleplay
(potentially without rolling any dice), and it can
assist in building the story and the environment.

Tavernsbane Freighte r 13
Side Quest: Roleplaying First Mate Scur Bellos
Catching Rainbow Snappers Scur scratches a patchy goatee regularly and
squints suspiciously at anyone that questions
him. He speaks in a gravelly voice and frequently
First Mate Scur Bellos can be found standing on mutters under his breath.
the Main Deck.
Scur is frustrated by his low wages and long hours
When the characters first interact with Scur, read the aboard the ship. He has even considered venturing
following aloud: out on his own several times but has never had the
coin to do so. Scur resents his captain and has been
seeking more lucrative means of making a living.
A disheveled half-elf rocks back and One such venture is spearing rainbow snappers off
forth on the ship, staring blankly into the side of the ship as it nears port (whether or not
the water and leaning part-way over the spearing endangered rainbow snappers is strictly
side—one hand on the rigging and the “legal” is a matter of debate for Scur).
other gripping a spear with a thick line of rope tied to it.
He glances at you for a moment, turning back to the sea Scur is looking for additional hands to help him reel
before doing a double take. “Oy! Want to earn a bit of
in some rainbow snappers and is willing to offer 5
silver pieces (only one quarter the price he will fetch
coin?” the half-elf calls to you.
for them in port) for each rainbow snapper caught.

14 Tavernsbane Freighte r
Rainbow snappers (1Stat Block) can be caught
by spearing them with a successful ranged attack
using a spear or other weapon affixed to a rope
(or with a net). If the characters do not have rope,
Scur offers 100 feet of hemp rope affixed to a spear
to help them fish but requests that these items be
returned afterwards.

The distance to the water is 20 feet, and the

snappers swim roughly 5 feet below the surface.
Thus, attacks made with a thrown spear have

If a rainbow snapper is hit by an attack but the

damage is not enough to kill it, a creature holding
the rope or net can attempt to reel the snapper
aboard by using an action to make a Strength check
opposed by the rainbow snapper’s Strength check.
The creature on board the ship has advantage on this
check. If the rainbow snapper succeeds on the first
opposed check, it remains in the water. If it succeeds
on a second check, it escapes.

A rainbow snapper killed by a spear attack does not

make an opposed check and can be reeled aboard
as an action.

A total of 10 rainbow snappers can be found

swimming alongside the ship and remain for 2d4
rounds after the first attempt to catch one is made.

During the attempts to catch the rainbow snappers,

if a character rolls a 1 or fails an opposed Strength
check against a rainbow snapper by 5 or more, a
swarm of flying squid bursts from the water in an
attempt to devour the snappers, attacking anyone
nearby. If this occurs, read the following aloud:
Characters can discern Scur is cheating them by
making a Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by
Scur’s Charisma (Deception) check. A strange, conical head bursts from
the water, sailing through the air on
Characters might also know the value of rainbow outstretched tentacles with a thin
snappers with a successful DC 15 Intelligence membrane of flesh between them. This is
check. This also reveals the fact that the rainbow
followed by another, and another. These creatures are
snapper is a protected species.
erupting from the water and gliding through the air, their
tentacles reaching toward you and toward the rainbow
First Mate Scur (1Stat Block) is a chaotic neutral half-elf.
snappers in a swarm of flailing limbs.

Catching Rainbow Snappers

This side quest serves as a great way to introduce
your players to skill checks and how attack rolls work Loot
without the pressures of being attacked (as long as the
characters do not incite an attack from the swarm of Up to 10 rainbow snappers (5 sp each from First Mate
flying squid (1Stat Block) trailing the snappers). Scur or 20 sp each if sold in port).

Tavernsbane Freighte r 15
Captain’s Quarters Loot
The captain’s quarters are locked, but a creature Inside the desk
using thieves’ tools can pick the lock with a 5 sp
successful DC 10 Dexterity check. The crew and Cartographer’s tools (15 gp)
captain are busy about the ship, and unless they Filthy spyglass, almost useless (2 gp)
are alerted to something amiss, Dexterity (Stealth) Soul-freeing tome (This tome can be read aloud to
checks are not required to sneak up to the door free the souls of the skeletons on Vrehnor Isle. See the
(though they would be required once inside if “Vrehnor Isle” quest.)
within earshot of a crew member).
Inside the chest
Within this chest is a small, rolled-up piece
Alternatively, if the characters can come up with of vellum. Unfurling it, you discover it is
a good reason why they should be entering the some form of treasure map with a large X
captain’s cabin, Marrow will unlock the door for on an island just off the coast of the port
them. This would require a Charisma (Deception or city of Havdhir. The island is labeled “Vrehnor Isle.”
Persuasion) check opposed by Captain Marrow’s
Wisdom (Insight) check.

The characters could also bash the door down, but Exploring the Captain’s Quarters
this would make quite a racket and likely alert the With a successful DC 14 Intelligence
crew that mischief is afoot. The door has AC 15 (Investigation) check, characters exploring the
and 10 hp. captain’s quarters can discover scuff marks on the
floor that lead directly to a small shelf stacked with
books and charts.
If the characters are caught attempting to steal
from the captain, Captain Marrow informs the If the characters move the shelf aside, read the
characters that he will be making a note of their following aloud:
attempted theft to the Havdhir notary who will
likely impose a fine on any future travels the
A narrow opening beneath the shelf can
characters might take. Captain Marrow will then
be squeezed through and leads down a
keep a wary eye on the characters for the rest of
set of rickety wooden steps into a secret
the voyage.
chamber. Crates, barrels, chests, and rows
If the characters enter the captain’s quarters, read the of bottles line the shelves.
following aloud:

This room is filled with fine pieces of Loot

furniture: a hardwood writing desk sits at
the center of the room, a beautiful bed 10x Bottle of Havdhirian whiskey (1 sp each)
rests near the large window at the back, a 6x Bottle of Havdhirian rum (1 gp each)
heavy wooden trunk sits in front of the writing desk, and 10x Nautical chart (1 sp each)
the walls are decorated with a myriad of paintings.
Chest 1
Key shaped like a skull (this key opens the treasure chest
The paintings have all been done by Captain in the “Vrehnor Isle” quest)
Marrow himself (who fancies himself a bit of an
Chest 2
artist). A DC 10 Intelligence (History) check
Captain’s outfit, complete with hat and trimmed in
reveals that these paintings are not of great value faux gold and silver filigree. The outfit bears a skull and
seeing as there is no recognizable style or markers scimitar, a classic pirate insignia. (50 gp)
of a master in them.

The chest and drawers of the desk are both

unlocked, due to the captain relying on his
door lock to keep his valuables safe.

16 Tavernsbane Freighte r
Crew’s Quarters at you over the top of a pair of spectacles and croons,
“Is that you, Captain? No? Oh dear. No, it’s not him, eh?
The crew’s quarters are open, but the crew
members keep their valuables on them at all I do so hope someone can talk to that wretched captain.
times, not being too trusting of one another with He says my chartered forms are missing and that I owe
their belongings. If the characters enter the Crew’s him for the whole of the journey. Well, dearies, I can’t
Quarters, read the following aloud: pay that much, not at all. And I just KNOW he has them
stashed away somewhere. Would you be willing to help?
I’ve some old brews my husband gave me before
You enter a dimly lit room. A few dozen
he passed. He was quite an adventurer in his day,
hammocks are strung up on the wall,
bless his soul.”
and some filthy clothes are piled about.
The smell of body odor assails you.
What is a charter?
A charter is like a combination ticket and passport,
Each character in the area must succeed on a DC 10
and can be acquired at the Havdhir Notary and
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for
Exchange or its branches in other lands. You cannot
1 minute by the overwhelming stench.
legally sail on a Havdhirian ship without one.

Loot Old Lady Coraline has misplaced her charter

earning her passage to Havdhir. Normally, showing
There is nothing of value in this area. a charter to a captain when boarding would be
enough, but Captain Marrow is a stickler for rules
Cabin Quarters after giving up his life of piracy. He demands that
the papers all be in order upon arrival or that
Searching one of the four empty rooms could
Coraline purchase new papers when they arrive to
reveal additional loot. Roll 1d4 to determine what is
show she paid for her voyage.
discovered. Note that some of the options require a
successful Intelligence (Investigation) check. On a
The characters cannot give Coraline one of their
failure, nothing is discovered.
charters because each charter is unique to the
person who bought it.
1. DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check:
Fine agate jewelry (10 gp) left beneath a cot
2. DC 8 Intelligence (Investigation) check:
Polished stone brooch (2 gp)
3. Carved bone statuette of a dwarf (5 gp)
4. Copper flask depicting a dragon (3 gp)

Side Quest:
Missing Charter
This side quest introduces roleplay and conversation
/non-combat-oriented skill checks to the players.

Old Lady Coraline can be found in her cabin.

When the characters first interact with Coraline, read

the following aloud:

An elderly tiefling woman rocks back and

forth with the pitching of the ship, nearly
losing her footing before leaning heavily
on a crooked wooden cane. She squints

Tavernsbane Freighte r 17
Roleplaying Old Lady Coraline his appearance, as though the signs of age have been
plastered over the face of a much younger man. As you
Old Lady Coraline speaks in a soft, crooning voice,
often with upward inflections at the end as if she enter the room, he looks up from his writing. A small
were asking a question. Her hands shake subtly journal is laid upon his lap as he sits in bed. He greets you
with age, and she leans heavily on her cane. with a shaking wave of his hand, its wrist covered by a
heavy, metal band cinched tightly.
Old Lady Coraline (1Stat Block) is a neutral good tiefling.

This side quest can be resolved in a number of ways:

1. Coraline’s charter is crumpled up in an old bodice of

hers within her chambers. It can be discovered with a
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
2. Captain Marrow could be persuaded to let slide this
loss of charter. The characters must succeed on a DC
12 Charisma (Persuasion) check or DC 14 Charisma
(Deception or Intimidation) check to convince the
captain to forge the paperwork for Coraline.
3. A character with proficiency with a forgery kit
could forge a charter for Coraline. When Captain
Marrow first looked at the forgery, he would make an
Intelligence (Investigation) check opposed by the
Charisma (Deception) check of the character who
created the document.

If the characters are successful in discovering or

forging the charter, Old Lady Coraline gives them a
dusty bottle. Within it is a potion of healing.


Potion of healing (common)

Vrormir is the catalyst for the major events of the Roleplaying Vrormir Shjelborn
adventure, sending the characters reeling into a plot
Vrormir is nearing the end of his life. The curse
filled with curses and monsters. afflicting his family has shortened his lifespan
considerably. He has spent the majority of his life
Vrormir can be found in his cabin. The door to searching for the Shjekhel keys that will open the
his room is shut, but if the characters knock and mines of his ancestral home in hopes of lifting the
announce who they are, Vrormir will invite them curse on his family.
inside. The door is not locked, but no one has
entered because everyone is suspicious of the Recently, Vrormir has realized that he is far too
old dwarf. “old” and weak to continue his quest and has
asked the characters to accompany him. He plans
When the characters enter Vrormir’s room, (somewhat selfishly) to pass the curse to them if
read the following aloud: he is too weak to reach the mage Azkhell, who he
hopes can lift the curse.
A sickly-looking dwarf sits on a small cot
Vrormir wears a band of illusion specially designed
in his room. His beard is flecked with gray, to hide his cursed marking.
and the corners of his eyes are creased
with age. Something seems off about Vrormir (1Stat Block) is a chaotic good dwarf.

18 Tavernsbane Freighte r
Side Quest: Rats in the Hold
When the characters first interact with Danny, read
the following aloud:

A worried-looking halfling is pacing back

and forth, nearly stumbling into the walls
of the cabin quarter halls. Spotting you,
his eyes grow wide, and he rushes over
while whispering quietly, “Oh, please, please won’t you
help me? The captain will throw me overboard if he finds
out I let them on board! Oh, by the divines, please say
you’ll help!”

Roleplaying Cabin Boy Danny

Danny speaks in a
frantic, high-pitched
voice. He rushes
from one
subject to
the next
and has
a habit of
going off-

Danny made
the mistake of
buying two baby
“mice” from
a traveling
salesman at
the last port
he visited, only
If the characters search Vrormir’s room (if he to discover these
is dead or allows them to rummage through his “mice” were an
things), they can discover the following: entirely different type
of rodent… they quickly
Journal. Anyone that speaks Dwarvish can make grew into giant rats.
a DC 15 Intelligence check to read the messy Danny has been harboring the creatures aboard the
handwriting and decipher the vague phrases about ship, but they have grown too large to be hidden
“passing the curse,” “a final voyage,” and “holding and are beginning to devour large stores of food on
the key to the mines of my forefathers, Shjekhel.” the ship (not to mention gnaw on Danny’s shoes).
Danny does not wish for any harm to come to the
Cargo Hold rats but needs them controlled or at minimum
The smell of old spices, aged liquors, and knocked unconscious so that he can remove
quite a bit of rat excrement affronts your them quietly from the ship when it docks. If the
nostrils as you enter this storage area at the characters agree to help him, he offers to let them
bottom of the ship. keep one of the rats as a pet, stating, “It’s too much
trouble trying to control them both.”
Cabin Boy Danny can be found in the Cargo Hold.
2 giant rats are hiding in the Cargo Hold. Cabin Boy Danny (1Stat Block) is a chaotic good halfling.

Tavernsbane Freighte r 19
Dealing with the Rats When the rats are spotted or attack,
read the following aloud:
This side quest is a great way to introduce new
players to combat and skill checks as well as the
possibility of using non-lethal or skill options to Two massive rats skitter between crates
solve various problems. upon the ship. Rushing toward you, they
appear emaciated, like they haven’t eaten
The rats are located in the Cargo Hold and are in some time.
currently hiding and gnawing on scraps of food.

The rats can be spotted with a successful DC The rats can be knocked out, or they can be
12 Wisdom (Perception) check or a passive convinced to back down and respond to commands
Perception of 12 or higher. with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Animal
Handling) check (Danny has spent several weeks
If they are not spotted when the characters enter trying to domesticate them). The DC reduces to 8 if
the Cargo Hold, the rats immediately attack, and the rats are offered food.
the characters are surprised.

20 Tavernsbane Freighte r
If the rats are killed, Danny is distraught and runs To each creature who spots the abomination, convey
away crying. the following:

Investigating the cargo hold reveals additional loot.

The sea froths off to the side of the ship, and you can just
Note that some of the items require a successful
Intelligence (Investigation) check to discover. barely catch a glimpse of a dark shadow moving swiftly
beneath the water.

3x Barrel of Mornhaven ale (84 sp each) When the aquatic nihidium-spawned abomination
Abacus (2 gp) attacks, read the following aloud:
Crowbar (2 gp)
Grappling hook (2 gp) A creature of stone crashes up from
Fish tackle (1 gp) beneath the waves. The rushing water
pushes the ship away from it. The creature
DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check
resembles a mass of stone carved into
10 gp tucked inside a small crawl space
sharp edges that appear as though they could cut through
1 lb. of cheese hidden in a hole in the wall (1 sp) air, water, and flesh with ease. The jagged stones are
carved with wicked, glowing runes. Tendrils of magical
energy extend from the creature like glowing tentacles
Aquatic Nihidium-Spawned which reach menacingly toward the ship. The crew cries
Abomination Attack out as they rush to their stations in a desperate attempt to
steer the vessel away from this strange abomination.
At a point of your choosing, or after the characters
have interacted with all of the NPCs on board, an
aquatic nihidium-spawned abomination (1Stat The aquatic nihidium-spawned abomination is
Block) attacks the ship, seeking Vrormir. seeking Vrormir, attempting to kill him before he
can pass his curse on to a successor. The creature
will try to climb the 20 feet up to the deck of
the ship. The creature focuses on attacking any
creatures that appear to be putting up a fight,
though it may also focus on killing sailors to slow
the progress of the ship.

Characters can use the sides of the ship to provide

themselves with cover if they wish to hide or
protect themselves from the attacks of this creature
while it is in the water. This is a great opportunity
to introduce environmental effects to new players.

The crew is too busy struggling to steer the ship out

The aquatic abomination ignores the ship itself and of harm’s way and into port to retaliate (though you
focuses on killing anyone on board. may use some of the crew to assist the characters in
dire straits), and the ship has no ballistic weapons
Note that if any of the characters have expended aboard, being a freighter and not a fighting ship.
a decent amount of spells, class abilities, or have
lost hit points, they should be allowed some time to At a time of the Game Master’s choosing during the
rest before the attack. Otherwise, some of Captain fight, read the following aloud:
Marrow’s crew members (1Stat Block) might need to
assist them, lest the encounter prove deadly.
Vrormir bursts onto the main deck, calling
A DC 9 Wisdom (Perception) check or a passive out, “It’s after me! Oh, by the gods!”
Perception of 9 or higher lets a creature spot Vrormir coughs, and a great burst of
the location of the aquatic nihidium-spawned blood splatters from his mouth onto the
abomination just before the attack. Otherwise, the
creature is surprised when the abomination attacks.

Tavernsbane Freighte r 21
The mark appearing on the characters’ skins is
deck. His face is pale, and thin, black veins reminiscent of
the cursed mark of Shjekhel, borne by any of the
runes crisscross his exposed skin. He rushes toward the
Shjelborn bloodline or those to whom they choose
creature, lifting a heavy club. to pass the curse.

As soon as Vrormir appears, the abomination attacks This curse has several effects which are revealed
him. When he has been hit once, but before the throughout the adventure and can be beneficial or
damage from the hit is resolved, read the following detrimental in the characters’ interactions.
aloud (Note that this is a crucial plot point for the start
of the adventure!): If all the characters are knocked unconscious or are
dying, have them awaken on the shore, with Vrormir
and themselves as the only survivors of a shipwreck.
Vrormir turns toward you, bloodied and
sickly-looking. He appears exhausted, and If the characters wash ashore after combat with the
a haunted look fills his bloodshot eyes. aquatic nihidium-spawned abomination, read the
“I’m sorry, but my family… my ancestors, following aloud:
the fate of so many… it relies on this curse being lifted… I
am sorry, but… you must bear this now. My time is done…
You awaken on a cold beach, coughing
forgive me.” Vrormir coughs, more blood splattering on
seawater from your lungs. Nearby,
the deck as he extends his hands toward you, holding
Vrormir coughs, and a great burst of
forth a broken piece of stone carved with ancient runes.
blood splatters from his mouth onto the
“This is yours now,” he coughs. You feel a strange,
sand. His face is pale; and thin, black veins reminiscent
sickening sensation wash over you. As you watch, the
of runes crisscross his exposed skin. “I’m sorry, but my
black veins vanish from Vrormir’s skin, and a single,
family… my ancestors, the fate of so many… it relies on
grotesque rune appears on your own wrist with a searing
this curse being lifted… I am sorry, but… you must bear
sensation. “Forgive me… seek the pieces of the gate key
this now. My time is done… forgive me.” Vrormir coughs,
of Shjekhel. Seek…Azkh… Azkhe… the mage Azkhell..
more blood splattering on the sand. He extends his
He.. should… be ... able to help… oh… oh no… I go to
hands toward you, holding forth a broken piece of stone
the halls of Shjekhel… or far… free me, my
carved with ancient runes. “This is yours now,” he sighs.
friends,” and with those final words, the dwarf collapses,
You feel a strange, sickening sensation wash over you.
writhing for a moment before lying still. His cold, stony
As you watch, the black veins vanish from Vrormir’s skin,
eyes stare sadly into the sky.
and a single, grotesque rune appears on your own wrist
with a searing sensation. “Forgive me… seek the pieces
Vrormir passes his curse along with the earth key of of the gate key of Shjekhel. Seek…Azkh… Azkhe… the
Shjekhel to the characters. mage Azkhell. He… should… be ... able to help… oh… oh
no… I go to the halls of Shjekhel… or far…
free me, my friends,” and with those final words, the
dwarf collapses, writhing for a moment before lying still.
His cold, stony eyes stare sadly into the sky

Passing the Curse

When the nihidium-spawned abomination attacks
the freighter, Vrormir realizes that his time is
up—he’s too weak to continue his journey and too
harried by assailants. He must pass his curse on
to someone else in order to save the souls of his

The Cursed
With the presentation of the earth key of Shjekhel,
Vrormir passes to the characters the curse of the
Usurper, which halves their normal lifespans and

22 Tavernsbane Freighte r
results in a tattooed rune upon their wrists. With
this curse being a pivotal part of the adventure, it
What’s Next?
is recommended that neither the remove curse spell Now that the characters have arrived on shore
nor the greater restoration spell have any effect on they can venture through the city of Havdhir to
the curse of the Usurper—that nothing but the determine the origin of the strange key they have
completion of the main quest be able to end it. been given as well as the curse now laid upon them.
Alternatively, characters may wish to venture about
If any of the characters die while cursed, that the town to earn some coin or learn more about the
character’s soul is transported to the mines of local area.
Shjekhel, where it becomes a nihidium-spawned ghost.
If any of the crew or passengers on the Tavernsbane
The aging effect of the curse will not be readily Freighter remain alive, the characters may ask
apparent (unless any of the characters is playing them about the key or the curse upon them, but all
an elderly creature), but do attempt to convey respond with hushed exclamations of fear, displays
feelings of weariness to the players and potentially of superstitious ritual, or otherwise refuse to talk
relay strange dreams (per the curse) when they to the characters other than to exclaim they should
sleep. In addition, most residents of Havdhir and “take their curse elsewhere.”
the surrounding regions will recognize the cursed
symbol on the characters’ wrists, and most will be
wary of (or completely avoid) the characters if the
Seeing the Notary
symbol is visible. Each character possesses a promissory note for
5 gold pieces that can be exchanged by speaking
with a notary of Havdhir. Vrormir need not be alive
Loot for the promissory note to be exchanged, due to
the note stating only that the characters assist in
Earth key of Shjekhel (one of a kind) (1Item) getting him to Havdhir, regardless of his condition.

Vrormir They might also attempt to forge documents

Band of illusion (common) (1Item) using Vrormir’s promissory note stamp, but upon
Promissory note stamp (1 gp) attempting to use the stamp in the Lorton Bank or
in the Havdhir Notary and Exchange, the characters
discover Vrormir has spent most of his finances
searching for the lost city of Shjekhel, and (after
Level Advancement their initial 5 gold pieces each have been removed
Advance the characters to level 2 upon completion from Vrormir’s account) it has a paltry 20 gold
of this quest. pieces remaining.

Tavernsbane Freighte r 23
Main Deck

1 Crew Member
2 Captain Marrow
3 First Mate Scur Bellos
4 Captain’s Quarters
A Aquatic Nihidium-
Spawned Abomination
S Secret Door

1 Square = 5ft.

24 Tavernsbane Freighte r
Crew & Passenger

1 Crew Member
5 Lady Coraline
6 Vrormir

1 Square = 5ft.

Tavernsbane Freighte r 25
Cargo Hold

1 Crew Member
2 Cabin Boy Danny
R Rats

1 Square = 5ft.

26 Tavernsbane Freighte r
Captain Marrow's
Secret Room

C1 Chest 1
C2 Chest 2

1 Square = 5ft.


Tavernsbane Freighte r 27
28 Port City of H avdhir
Port City of Major Quests
Azkhell’s Agoraphobia

Havdhir Innocent in Still-Echo (supplemental book)

Paying the Grifter’s Guild… a Visit
Stolen Scrolls
Vrehnor Isle
The Curse of the Usurper overarching adventure
Side Quests
begins in Havdhir after the characters have been
cursed. In this adventure the characters must earn a Appraising a Mimic
reputation in Havdhir by completing various quests Appropriate Attire
in order to gain access to Azkhell’s tower and speak Burning Bugbears
with the mad mage about the curse and what can Deeds for a Discount
be done to remove it. At the end of the adventure Helping with Svelvhar’s Soup
the characters will leave the city behind, venturing Kraken Contest
through the Darklands of Vlaskhell in search of A Night in Blacktower
the second piece of the key to the Lost Mines of The One That Got Away
Shjekhel. The city of Havdhir is meant to serve as Owlbear Antics
a sandbox for lower-level characters as well as a Robbery of the Century
hub for purchasing supplies, resting, and starting to Scents and Perfumability
experience side quests. Some side quests are deadly Ships and Shipments
at lower levels, so be sure to gauge the characters’
level against a side quest’s difficulty before reading
aloud the text introducing it. Random Encounter Locations
Barnacle Barrows
The Port City of Havdhir adventure is designed for The Guzzling Goblin
characters level 2-6. The Market District
Morvin’s Sorrow Pit
Level Advancement
in Havdhir
Rather than using experience points, characters
in this book advance in level when they have
successfully completed enough quests. To advance
one character level in Trouble in Havdhir, the group
of characters must earn eight quest points.

Points Quests
1 Side quests are worth one point each.
3 “Vrehnor Isle,” “Stolen Scrolls,” and “Paying
the Grifter’s Guild… a Visit” are major quests,
worth three points each.
4 “Innocent in Still-Echo” (supplemental book) is
worth four points.
8 “Azkhell’s Agoraphobia” is worth eight points.

Characters will likely reach level 5 or 6 before they

leave Havdhir to continue their journey to solve the
curse of the Usurper.

Port City of H avdhir 29

Fa n g ' s Pe a k M o u n ta i n s




4 8

Civic Buildings 10

17 S t o necent re 23

Ba r n a c le
Ba r r o ws
20 7

Fa n g ' s Pe a k M ou n ta i n s

13 11

Ma r k e t Di str i c t G r e y po r t




30 Port City of H avdhir


1 Cemetery
2 Guzzling Goblin
3 Crystal Lounge
4 Crystal Lounge Distillery
5 Sunken Dream Tavern
6 Morvin’s Sorrow Pit
7 Havdhir Notary & Exchange
8 Hall of the Triumvirate
9 Temple of the Manifold Gods
10 Lorton Bank
11 Brong’s Bashy Things
12 Wolf’s Last Rest
13 Histell’s Alchemical Mysteries
14 Ardhos’s Bounty
15 Verin’s Second-Hand Goods

Soul S
16 The Menagerie

o s t ea
17 Percival’s Appraisal

18 Freya’s Fantastical Items
19 Havdhir Stables
20 Mourner’s Respite
21 Goldtower
22 Blacktower
23 Havdhir Barracks
24 Still Echo Prison
25 Azkhell’s Tower
26 Fang’s Peak Mountains
27 Redwater Tide
30 28 Bugbear Grove
B ar na c l e 29 Horn’s Head Cave
B ar r ows 30 Entrance to Drain's End

Port City of H avdhir 31

Important NPCs

Name Description Prominent Quest Random

Location Associations Encounter
Arbus Quensel • Overworked soldier who watches the Goldtower Burning Bugbears
territories around Havdhir through a
magical pool
• Prone to sounding the alarm without good
Brong • Ogre blacksmith and salesman in desperate Brong’s Bashy Deeds for a
need of a new leather apron Things (Market Discount
Captain Silford • Scheming captain with a deep hatred Blacktower A Night In
Viddle for vampires; is in charge of a crumbling Blacktower
outpost near the mountains
• Believes the ends justify the means

Charlotte • Halfling baker operating a small shop Ardhos’s Bounty Scents and
(Market District) Perfumability
The Dragon • Bugbear leader attempting to raid Bugbear Grove Burning Bugbears
settlements in Ardhos
Drelzigok • Bouncer for the Crystal Lounge The Crystal Appropriate
• Despises his gaudy uniform Lounge Attire

Erwin • Doppelganger that murdered the original Cemetery

owner of the cemetery and is now acting in
his stead
Ferelix Gorelia • Stable master; fond of all creatures that Havdhir Stables Owlbear Antics
crawl, fly, swim, or squirm
Freya • A disguised arcane witness running a magic Freya’s Paying the
item shop Fantastical Items Grifter’s Guild…
• Sells a wide variety of magical goods a Visit

Garren Dirth • Corrupt guard who commonly steals from Havdhir Barracks Deeds for a
the people of Havdhir Discount
Gholbin Hearth • Cleric serving in the Temple of the Manifold Temple of the Stolen Scrolls
Gods Manifold Gods
Gronth • Operator of pit fights in Morvin’s Sorrow Pit Morvin’s Sorrow Pit fighting
Pit matches
Histell • Lizardfolk alchemist madly in love with a Histell’s Scents and
halfling across the street Alchemical Perfumability
(Market District)
Isha Grey • Master shipbuilder Greyport Ships and
Ivan Hearthstone • Notary at the Havdhir Notary and Exchange, Havdhir Notary Vrehnor Isle
primarily deals with charters and ships and Exchange
Ivar Lorton • Head of the Iron-Lenders Association Hall of the Azkhell’s
• Operates Lorton Bank Triumvirate Agoraphobia
• Serves on the Triumvirate
Izak Pilf • Owner of the Sunken Dream Tavern Sunken Dream Kraken Contest
• Organizes “arm wrestling” contests with an Tavern
animated tentacle in his bar

32 Port City of H avdhir

Name Description Prominent Quest Random
Location Associations Encounter
John Mason • Young man who discovered a map to the Havdhir Notary Vrehnor Isle
treasures of Vrehnor Isle and Exchange
Linrin Softstep • Best friend of Yornil Grimdelver and Lorton Bank Robbery of the
suspicious of others, attempting to rob Century
Lorton Bank with Yornil
Percival Bingsley • A stuffy, high-society appraiser Percival’s Appraising a
• Has a problem with mimics imitating his Appraisal Mimic
merchandise (Stonecentre)

Phillius • Representative for the Triumvirate and Hall of the

Pennyworth coordinator of meetings with the ruling Triumvirate
Rufus Welfore • Foolhardy former sailor in outrageous debt Freya’s Paying the
to the Grifter’s Guild Fantastical Items Grifter’s Guild…
a Visit
Selene Glintyal • Owner of the Crystal Lounge The Crystal Appropriate
• Eccentric and forward-thinking, always Lounge Attire
pushing the edge
• Member of high society
Sir Archibold • Head of the Shipbuilder’s Guild Hall of the Azkhell’s
Scath • Former sailor and captain Triumvirate Agoraphobia
• Serves on the Triumvirate
Snick the • Proprietor of the Guzzling Goblin The Guzzling Bounty boards
Guzzling • Possesses underworld contacts Goblin posted in the bar

Svelvhar • Demoted guard in charge of making soup Havdhir Barracks Helping with
for guards in the main barracks…. and he is Svelvhar’s Soup
terrible at it
Terra • Fletcher and tanner with a deep hatred for Wolf’s Last Rest Deeds for a
ogres and mistrust of the town guard (Market District) Discount
Verillin Sylva • Head of the Golden Trade Company Hall of the Azkhell's
• Has ties to the vampires of Mornhaven Triumvirate Agoraphobia
• Serves on the Triumvirate
Verin • Charlatan and purveyor of used and stolen Verin’s Second-
goods Hand Goods
(Market District)
Viekiir • Purveyor of exotic animals and barding The Menagerie The One That Got
• Desperately desires a shark to attract new (Market District) Away
Vlaskor • Guard captain primarily working to train Havdhir Barracks Vrehnor Isle
troops in Havdhir and maintain its main
• Currently dealing with the disappearance
of the Marigold, a ship formerly docked in
Yornil Grimdelver • Dwarf cat burglar working for the Grifter’s Lorton Bank Robbery of the
Guild and seeking to establish himself as the Century
greatest thief in the realms

Port City of H avdhir 33

Reputation into obscurity after making deal after deal with
neighboring businesses and governments to keep
Completing quests in Havdhir helps the characters their failing nation afloat. Over time, the remnants
earn a reputation as their level increases. Word of the Iron-Sails clan handed over the majority
travels fast in Havdhir, and while the characters of their power to nearby factions, and Havdhir
might not have near the same fame or renown in became largely a market city, providing shipping
other areas, in Havdhir they may quickly become services and hubs for the sale of goods.
well-known. At 1st-2nd level the characters
are considered average citizens, or perhaps A Mix of Cultures
mercenaries or untrained adventurers at best. By Havdhir is often referred to as “the Cauldron,” since
3rd level the characters may have a nickname given it is a melting pot of various cultures, races, and
to them by the common folk, and are known for nationalities from near and far. Many of the buildings
helping others or being a force to be reckoned with. of the port city still bear the classic identifiers of
By 4th level rumors both true and false circulate dwarven construction and iconography, but over
about the characters, and most on the street would time, many of these ancient stone buildings have
recognize them; the average citizen is more likely had additions built on in the styles of other races or
to seek their aid. By 5th-8th level the characters are cultures. It is not uncommon to find a stone building
considered respected (or formidable) forces within built in the squat and strong style of the dwarves with
the city and may be granted favors above the an elegant addition crafted in elvish style expanding
average citizen or called to help in a time of need. the property. Most of the municipal buildings remain
They have some political power and are viewed as heavily dwarven in architectural influence, but the
valuable assets by those in positions of power. By nearer one gets to the sea, the more diverse the
9th-14th level the characters have more political architectural styles become. The city has expanded
and social sway in Havdhir, and have advantage on and been added on to for thousands of years, with
Charisma-related checks when dealing with any of layers upon layers of history and culture.
its citizens; they are viewed as minor celebrities.
At 15th level and above the characters are thought Economy
of as heroes of legend—people to call to save the
city from a dragon’s fire, or stop the approach of Havdhir has developed into a thriving port city
an oncoming army. They have significant political over the years. Its main sources of wealth are the
and social power within the city, and are frequently following industries:
asked for by people in power. They are often invited • Market sales, import and export of goods both
into homes, given gifts, or sought after, and many mundane and magical
songs are sung and fables told about them.
• Shipbuilding
About the City • Chartering of ships and ferrying to distant lands

• Trade deals with neighboring nations

Dwarven Origins
Havdhir was founded roughly 5,000 years ago by Government
the Iron-Sails dwarf clan. These dwarves built the
The rule of Havdhir has been messy. While it was
city of Havdhir on top of an immense store of iron
once ruled by the king of the Iron-Sails clan, various
ore, building their city in the protective shadow of
deals over the years after the dissolution of the iron
the Fang’s Peak Mountains, a mountain range that
mines led to the partial rule of foreign kings and
hugs the shoreline and runs along the Darklands
queens, local merchants, and various dignitaries that
of Vlaskhell. The dwarves became expert sailors
complicated the governmental systems of Havdhir for
and shipbuilders over the years, and they built
several hundred years. This complication eventually
immense stone structures that are still used by the
led to infighting, stalemate, diplomatic breakdown,
various residents of Havdhir. Over time the veins
and a great decline for the port city. It was at
of iron beneath the city ran out, and the dwarves
this time that the vampire queen of Mornhaven
took to the seas, venturing out in small family
Stronghold stepped in, offering a resolution for the
troops to seek new fortunes on their ships and
various groups that were vying for control of the city.
abandoning the city for the most part. Only a few
The armies of Mornhaven could have easily wiped
of the Iron-Sails dwarves remain in the city today,
out the squabbling rulers of Havdhir, but instead, she
and they exist as a small segment with little control
made a deal with some of them.
over the city or governance of it, fading mostly

34 Port City of H avdhir

The vampires of Mornhaven reside in the Darklands various gods (even some of the more heinous ones)
of Vlaskhell, a region lit by sun only half the year accepted within the city. Many of the inhabitants of
and steeped in darkness the other half. Because of Havdhir hold to an ideology called “the Manifold,”
this odd astronomical phenomenon, the vampires which teaches that all gods are aspects of one
are able to venture about half of the year, but they singular god, and all are deserving of worship in their
hide in their halls the other half. Herds of “feeding various forms. “The Temple of the Manifold Gods”
stock” tend to run short in the summer months, is a hub of religious practice dedicated to hundreds
and the vampire queen of Mornhaven offered the of different gods, with regular services dedicated to
few merchants with majority claims to the rule one, many, or all gods at the same time.
of Havdhir a dark deal. She wiped out the partial
rulers of Havdhir and allowed the merchants to rule
the city as a party of three merchant factions: The
Golden Trade Company, the Shipbuilder’s Guild,
and the Iron-Lenders Association. In exchange, the Merchant Guilds
new rulers of Havdhir vowed to send prisoners to
Mornhaven every summer, providing food for the Golden Trade Company
vampires. This deal was known as the “Crimson
The Golden Trade Company regulates mercantile
Concordat.” Many in Havdhir protest the concordat,
business within the city of Havdhir: setting fair
but the vampires have left Havdhir alone for the
pricing for merchants to follow, organizing trade
most part and occasionally provided troops to
deals for the city of Havdhir as a whole, and acting
protect the city when in need. In light of this (and
as a guild for merchants. Most merchants pay a fee
due to the fact that those offered up as sacrifices to
to the Golden Trade Company in exchange for the
the vampires of Mornhaven are criminals doomed
ability to vote on appropriate values for products
to languish in Still-Echo Prison), the practices
produced in Havdhir or shipped in from outside of
established in the concordat have been upheld
the city, with the result of the votes conveyed to
the Triumvirate by the leader of the Golden Trade
Company. The company also reviews grievances
Nearly 500 years after the deal was struck, the
and requests for building permits and stall locations
city is still ruled by the three factions established
in the Market District. Currently, the company is
in the concordat, each faction with an appointed
headed by Verillin Sylva, a well-to-do elf who has
representative that votes on any and all diplomatic
run the company since its inception. She was one
or governmental actions in the city. These three are
of the merchants to strike a deal with the vampires
known collectively as “the Triumvirate.”
of the north in the Crimson Concordat; as such, she
has close ties to the vampires of Mornhaven.
Neighboring Relations
Havdhir is tied to the vampires of Mornhaven, Shipbuilder’s Guild
offering prisoners each summer, and there is a
The Shipbuilder’s Guild is responsible for the
tentative alliance between the two cities. Some
maintenance of the Havdhir naval ships and makes
in Havdhir wish to end the hundreds of years old
a great deal of money rebuilding, repairing, and
agreement with the vampires, but many fear a
leasing vessels. The Shipbuilder’s Guild is composed
retaliation from their armies, leaving the merchant
of skilled craftsmen, and over time has expanded to
governors of the city often arguing over how to best
include not just ship builders, but privateer sailors,
deal with the “neighbors of the north.” Havdhir’s
fisherman, and dock workers. Any person working
relations with most other nations are friendly, with
near the docks of Havdhir is highly likely to be a
Havdhir functioning as a port city and shipping stop
member of the Shipbuilder’s Guild, or pay dues to
for many travelers and for the wealth of various
the guild for prime fishing spots, docking locations,
settlements and nations. Havdhir gets the majority
or the first pick of lumber brought in for building
of its food from the region of Ardhos; the small
ships. The Shipbuilder’s Guild has close ties with
hamlets provide livestock, grains, and vegetables
the Iron-Lenders Association, often requiring large
for a far lower price than what can be transported
sums of money for prolonged building projects,
to the city by sea.
which the association provides. The Shipbuilder’s
Guild is currently led by Sir Archibold Scath, a
Religion privateer who made his fortunes on the high seas.
Havdhir, the Cauldron, is as varied in religious This guild is the most democratic of the three
practices as it is in architectural style, customs, merchant guilds, with the leader of the guild elected
and inhabitants, with dozens of small churches to each year by popular vote.

Port City of H avdhir 35

Iron-Lenders Association ward off assassins or thieves that might attempt
to steal their positions within the guild. To display
The Iron-Lenders Association acts as the primary
membership in the guild, members often carry
bank for all of Havdhir. Merchants taking out loans
symbols which are easily destroyed or abandoned
to build new storefronts, farmers or sailors looking
if they are arrested. Often the symbol comes in the
to store their coin in a safe place, or people looking
shape of a roughly hewn, red, porous stone in the
to invest in new ventures are all likely to seek out
shape of a hand, which crumbles when exposed to
the aid of the Iron-Lenders. The association was
saliva. Some higher-ranking guild members infuse
formed around the time of the Iron-Sails clan’s
these symbols with a horrid poison which kills them
decline, the name coming from the organization’s
if they ingest the stone.
propensity to lend iron to the clan at a steep
interest rate. The Iron-Sails clan desperately needed
iron to fulfill its trade deals and the Iron-Lenders The Triumvirate
took advantage of this need, purchasing or trading The Triumvirate is composed of the three leaders
for vast sections of the city in its age of decline. of the merchant guilds of Havdhir. The organization
The Iron-Lenders Association primarily operates votes on everything: the amendment of laws of
out of the Havdhir Notary and Exchange, as well Havdhir, appropriate taxation, requests for pardons,
as Lorton Bank, the most well-protected location and anything else the people of Havdhir may
in all of Havdhir for storing precious items. The need a ruling on. The Triumvirate relays a great
association is currently controlled by Ivar Lorton, number of requests directly to the Havdhir guard
a dwarf whose grandfather, Isac Lorton, was one whenever possible. With the trio operating their
of the merchants to make a deal with the vampires own organizations as well as running the city, it can
of Mornhaven some 500 years prior. Power in take weeks or months for a request to reach the
the Iron-Lenders is passed directly from one Triumvirate floor.
predecessor to a successor, thus… the guild has
always been run by a Lorton. Mourner’s Respite
Mourner’s Respite is an organization of alchemists
Other Organizations and healers dedicated to assisting the people
of Havdhir when they are injured or fall ill. The
organization continues to operate due to donations
The Grifter’s Guild and volunteer work, though it does charge for more
The Grifter’s Guild is an underground organization advanced healing. The organization can be found
with ties to many of the shops, taverns, and political all throughout Havdhir, but it is most prominent in
leaders in the city of Havdhir. The guild is led by the Barnacle Barrows and Market District, where
Velless the Red Hand, a woman with a propensity the diseased and injured of Havdhir can be found in
for violence and a knack for blackmail. The guild throngs.
has existed in Havdhir ever since the power of the
Iron-Sails clan declined, passed from one guild
master to the next and influencing a great deal of Crime and Punishment
commerce and politics within the city of Havdhir. in Havdhir
The Grifter’s Guild has many bases of operation
around Havdhir and a few outside the city limits. Havdhir has a strict legal system of governance.
Many members of the Grifter’s Guild reside in the Criminals are usually dealt with directly by the
waterways beneath the city, in (mostly) dry rooms city guard, but in extreme cases (or if they seek an
referred to as the Undercity, safe from the prying appeal), they are brought before the Triumvirate of
eyes of the Havdhir guard. There is almost nothing the city to determine their fates.
the guild does not sell, and almost nothing they
won’t do, considering murder a part of the cost Each crime has an associated punishment as well
of doing business. The guild is held together in a as a fine that can be paid to avoid all or part of the
strict hierarchy that promotes members based on usual punishment associated with the crime.
their thieving prowess, and theft from—or murder
of—other guild members is accepted as a way While murder is the only crime to officially carry
of moving up in the ranks. High-ranking guild the sentence of being shipped off to serve as food
members are always on their toes, watching their for the vampires of Mornhaven Stronghold, more
backs for knives in the dark. Most high-ranking than one criminal has been shipped off for lesser
guild members surround their homes or lairs with crimes, usually when diplomatic relations with the
traps, and often carry powerful magical items to vampires to the north are deteriorating.

36 Port City of H avdhir

Armed Robbery Fraud
• Punishment. Removal of a hand. The criminal • Punishment. Varies based on the damages
can no longer hold anything with two hands and caused by the fraud. Most often, it includes a
can hold only a single object at a time. hefty fee and prison time.

• Fine. Five times the value of anything that was • Fine. No fines can be paid to avoid fees or prison
stolen or attempted to be stolen. If the second time incurred because of fraud.
offense, the sentence also carries with it the same
punishments and fines associated with assault. If Illegal Use of Magic
it’s the third offense, the sentence carries with it
(charming a shopkeep, blinding a guard, etc.)
the same punishment and fines of murder.
• Punishment. Most often, removal of the tongue
or removal of the eyes. A creature whose tongue
Arson has been removed cannot speak to cast spells
• Punishment. Facial brand. The criminal is burned with verbal components. A creature that has its
with a symbol showing them to be an arsonist. eyes removed is considered blinded.
This symbol is easily recognizable and imposes
disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion and • Fine. Mutilation can be avoided by paying a fine
Deception) checks made in Havdhir. of 500 gold pieces. The fine increases by 500
gold pieces for each offense after the first. The
• Fine. The fine varies depending on the extent of city guard is responsible for determining the
destruction caused by the arson, and punishment severity of the previous crimes and if a fine will
may also include charges associated with assault be permitted.
or murder if anyone was harmed as a result of the
fire. Most often, the fine is roughly one-fifth the
total value of all destroyed property. A criminal
that commits more than one count of arson is • Punishment. Public execution: The criminal
usually imprisoned for 3 months for subsequent is tied to a stone and hurled into the sea.
counts or charged double, triple, or more of the Alternatively, a criminal may be sentenced to be
usual fine to avoid prison time. taken as food for the vampires of the Darklands
of Vlaskhell in Mornhaven Stronghold.

Assault • Fine. For a first or second offense, execution can

be avoided by paying a steep fine and serving
• Punishment. Public beating, after which the
time in prison.
criminal is sentenced to 6 months of prison time.
On a third offense, the prison time is extended to The fine is established by the family of the
1 year. deceased (or by the city guard if no living family
can be found), and is usually in the realm of 5,000
• Fine. For a first offense, public beating and prison
gold pieces. The fine is tripled for the second
time can be avoided by paying a fine of 500 gold
pieces. On a second offense, only the prison time
can be avoided by paying the fine. On a third The prison time is often related to the expected
offense, neither beating nor prison time can be racial longevity of the criminal, with 25% of life
avoided. expectancy being the most common sentence
for a first offense. On a second offense, the
punishment is twenty-five years to life.
Disturbing the Peace
(often associated with drunkenness) For a third offense, execution cannot be avoided.

• Punishment. Punishment varies depending on

the degree of disruption. Usually, the sentence is 1
month of prison time or two weeks working as an • Punishment. Removal of a finger, resulting in a
indentured servant on a cargo ship. -2 to Dexterity- or Strength-related skill or ability
checks using one’s hands.
• Fine. Prison time or work orders can be avoided
by paying a fine of 50 gold pieces. • Fine. Three times the value of whatever item was
stolen. If not the first offense, the fine doubles for
each count of theft after the first.

Port City of H avdhir 37

Vandalism/Destruction Items for magic items or to the Market District
for more mundane ones.
of Property
• Punishment. Varies based on the degree of • Look for a place to earn some coin. Residents
vandalism or value of property destroyed. Most will direct the characters to the Guzzling Goblin’s
often, a fee of equal value to the vandalized or bounty boards, the pit fights of Morvin’s Sorrow
destroyed property and prison time ranging from Pit, or the kraken contests of the Sunken Dream
a few weeks to several months. Tavern.

• Fine. Varies, but paying twice the fee associated

with the crime usually avoids prison time.
Exiting the City
As long as it is daylight, anyone can exit or enter
the city gates without much trouble. Anyone who
Exploring Havdhir appears suspicious or who is transporting a large
amount of goods may be stopped and questioned
The characters may also wish to ask around about by the guards, but usually, people may come and go
local businesses or about Havdhir in general. Most as they please.
residents are willing to give helpful information
regarding the various establishments, factions, and At night, the city gates are shut and patrolled by
key players of Havdhir. contingents of guards and knights.
Many characters may have different ideas about
what they wish to do first in the city of Havdhir.
The following can serve as a guide to help the
Game Master direct them to places they may
wish to visit depending on their desires:

• Seek out information on the curse that’s now

upon them or on the symbols appearing on
their arms. Most residents of Havdhir and the
surrounding regions will recognize the cursed
symbol on the characters’ wrists, and most will
be wary of (or avoid) the characters if the symbol
is visible. Some helpful city dwellers may suggest
the characters seek out the aid of a cleric in the
Temple of the Manifold Gods.

• Search for the treasures of Vrehnor Isle. If the

characters ask around the city about how to
arrange passage to the isle, they’ll be directed to
visit the Havdhir Notary and Exchange.

• Ask about Azkhell. The people of Havdhir speak

in hushed tones of Azkhell, who is said to have
gone quite mad. He is no longer seeing anyone
apart from those with a very good reputation
in the city and has heavily reinforced his tower
against incursion. Since the characters are
newcomers, most city folk will not offer them
much information on the location of Azkhell’s
tower (since he is not seeing anyone apart from
those of high renown), but some might suggest
seeking out bounties or chasing rumors of other
adventures throughout Havdhir to help improve
the characters’ standing in the city and, therefore,
be allowed into Azkhell’s tower.

• Look for a place to buy equipment. City dwellers

will direct the characters to Freya’s Fantastical

38 Port City of H avdhir


4 4

10 10

6 1


2 1 Havdhir
2 Bugbear Grove
3 Vrehnor Isle
4 Whispering Wall
8 5 Willowbrook River
9 6 Shirebrook
7 Amberdale
8 Evergreen Hollow
9 Ravensfield
10 Fang Peak
11 Ardhos
12 Darklands
5 of Vlaskhell


Port City of H avdhir 39

Havdhir Locations

Residential Areas confused web of crooked structures. A heavy, choking fog

hangs in the air, and the constant sounds of hammering,
calls of folk at work, and wretched coughing fill the air.

Barnacle Barrows Barnacle Barrows offers the lowest-income housing

in Havdhir, running primarily along the coast just in
Small shacks and hovels built on stilts from Greyport and the cemetery. The Barrows are
atop inlets of sea water and muck spread named for the huge masses of air-feeding barnacles
out before you. Rickety, barnacle-covered that cling to the buildings. Most of the port and
walkways of wood connect the houses in a its docks are well maintained by the Shipbuilder’s

40 Residential Areas
Guild, and the properties not included in the The Barrows are covered in a heavy fog that blows
Barrows are largely kept up by business owners and in from the sea. A slew of industrial expulsions,
guilds. However, the less-than-affluent people living airborne pathogens, and cold mixes with the
in the Barrows have hardly enough time to scrape naturally-occurring fog; creating a thick, metallic
by, let alone scrape barnacles off their wooden cloud that burns the eyes and mouth. Any creature
hovels. This has led to many of the homes in the spending 24 hours in the area or taking a long rest
Barrows being encased in encroaching sea life. there must make a Constitution saving throw to
Many of the houses built on stilts above small inlets resist contracting sea lung disease (1 Disease).
of sea water now appear as if they’ve almost been
reclaimed by the ocean.

Residential Areas 41
Buying a House in Barnacle arrive at home to find 2 veterans smashing their
house’s stilts with hammers.
The characters can purchase a house in the Barrows
if they so desire; the available buildings are little Trouble in the Barrows
more than slums, with a few cots and a small Living in the Barrows means the characters are
fireplace, so houses are fairly cheap. Spending time likely to hear about calls for aid or underhanded
in the Barrows may cause the characters to contract deeds taking place in Havdhir and could join in
sea lung disease. some of the activities or thwart them.

The characters can find a house for sale for as little Barrows residents will not discuss these potential
as 350 gold pieces. jobs unless the characters own a home in the
Barrows or show obvious signs of being afflicted
Crime in the Barrows with sea lung (showing they aren’t just passing
A house in the Barrows does not necessarily mean
that one’s possessions are safely stored there. While • A local cleric says she might have a cure for
in the Barrows, there is a chance the characters sea lung, but it means stealing something from
might fall victim to some of the crime in the area. Histell’s alchemy shop. (Histell is unwilling to sell
Some encounters that could befall those owning a the item; if told about the cleric, he thinks she
home in the Barrows are included here: must be a fraud.) The cleric is willing to pay 20
gold pieces for the item.
• A thug attempts to break into the characters’
home (whether they are there or not) to steal • A member of the Grifter’s Guild is looking for
the most valuable items in sight. The characters muscle to help rob a caravan coming into the
might be able to stop the thief, or hunt her down city tomorrow, ambushing it about 5 miles out of
if she escapes. town. The guild has promised any of the muscle a
25% cut of the goods taken from the caravan.
• A small band of drunkards begin vandalizing the
walkways and houses near the one the characters • A Havdhir guard (1 Stat Block) has been
own, starting fires and spreading mayhem. The harassing the residents of Barnacle Barrows,
fire is quickly approaching the house… taking enormous “taxes” for their supposed
“protection.” The Triumvirate has done nothing
• An upstart gang calling themselves “the Red
about it, and now the residents need to take
Tongues” breaks into the characters’ home and
matters into their own hands. The community has
demands they pay tribute. The 3 gang members
taken up a collection of 10 gold pieces for anyone
use the statistics of bandits.
that can stop the guard… by any means necessary.
• A local drug dealer sets up shop outside of the
• A vigilante has been operating in the Barrows,
characters’ house with product stolen from
taking out criminals one by one, but he has left a
the Grifter’s Guild. The Grifter’s Guild sends
path of destruction in his wake, and the residents
a representative to the house (thinking the
want someone to put a stop to his activities. The
characters are responsible) to deal with them. The
vigilante uses the statistics of an assassin.
representative uses the statistics of a veteran.
• A black dragon wyrmling has been damaging
• A strange man appears at the door of the
some of the properties in the Barrows. Some of
characters’ house at night asking for permission
the owners of rental properties have put out a
to come in. The man is a vampire spawn outcast
bounty on the creature, willing to pay 30 gold
from Mornhaven, hoping to gain the characters’
pieces for its head.
trust and to drain them of blood, taking their
home as his own. Note: this would be a deadly • An anonymous business owner has requested
encounter for lower-level characters. a member of the Iron-Lenders Association be
murdered and his body laid out on the steps
• A group of landlords has seen property prices
of Lorton Bank. If the task is completed, the
falling in the Barrows and has set out to raise the
anonymous patron is willing to pay with a
price of their own properties by destroying some
bloodstone worth 50 gold pieces.
of the established buildings, smashing the stilts
on which the buildings are built and plunging
them into the sea. The characters awaken or

42 Residential Areas
Stonecentre Stonecentre is a safe place for characters to store
their belongings without fear of anyone attempting
Stretching away on either side of you are to steal from them, damage their property, or attack
massive, clean streets constructed of white them.
stone, and towering stone buildings made of
marble. The area appears to be encircled by Living in Stonecentre
a low, iron gate, and the buildings are accented with gold- Stonecentre’s buildings are rarely for sale, and, most
painted eaves, small balcony gardens, and picturesque often, anyone wanting to live in the area must rent
stepping stones that lead up to polished oak doorways. an apartment or a building from the Golden Trade
Stonecentre is where the most affluent live in
Havdhir. The streets are heavily patrolled by the Houses are built in a classic dwarven style with
city’s guards, and crime is minimal (if it occurs supplementary accents added by the Golden Trade
at all). Most residents of Stonecentre are nobles, Company over the years. Most houses sport a heavy
wealthy merchants, or high-ranking guild members. oak door, multiple rooms (including a basement,
kitchen, living area, storage room, bathing chamber,
Stonecentre is comprised of some of the oldest attic, terrace, and 3 to 5 additional rooms for living,
buildings in the city, crafted by the Iron-Sails clan lusting, and general leisure). Apartments are more
during the city’s founding years. modest, usually entered through a communal
staircase and sporting a kitchen, bathing room,
Stonecentre has a strict curfew, and the gates to bedroom, and one storage room. Most apartments
this section of the city are closed at sundown every and houses are purchased or rented unfurnished.
night and then patrolled. Anyone walking outside in
the district after hours must be wearing a Stonecentre Renting an Apartment 5 gp per day
resident’s cloak (1 Item) which glows in the dark
(30 day minimum)
with a dim golden light. These cloaks are given out
by the Golden Trade Company to the residents of Renting a House 10 gp per day
Stonecentre. Anyone not wearing one of these cloaks (30 day minimum)
is immediately accosted by the guard and questioned
Purchasing an Apartment 1,000 gp
about the after-hours activities.
Purchasing a House 5,000 gp
The Golden Trade Company owns the majority
of the houses in the area and rents them to the
wealthiest citizens of Havdhir.

Residential Areas 43
Renting an Apartment checks when dealing with people in Havdhir who
are not in the Barnacle Barrows or members of the
You have a +1 to Charisma-based skill checks when
Grifter’s Guild.
dealing with people in Havdhir who are not in the
Barnacle Barrows or members of the Grifter’s Guild.
Owning a House
Renting a House You have advantage on Charisma-based skill
checks when dealing with people in Havdhir who
You have a +2 on Charisma-based skill checks when
are not in the Barnacle Barrows or members of
dealing with people in Havdhir who are not in the
the Grifter’s Guild. Once per day, you can use your
Barnacle Barrows or members of the Grifter’s Guild.
action to cast the charm person spell on a resident of
Havdhir. The target can resist being charmed with a
Owning an Apartment successful DC 11 Wisdom saving throw.
You have advantage on Charisma-based skill

Coastal Locations perhaps to sail far away from Havdhir, explore

the coast, or even as a place to stay… floating just
offshore if they have invoked the ire of a noble or
local crime lord. These ships also serve as a way of
Greyport transitioning characters to a new land or to a new
campaign should you want to introduce your own
A port comprised of gray stone and pale wood elements or additional settings to this campaign.
spreads before you; the cold, black waters of
the sea slapping against the dreary-colored To book passage or hire a boat, characters must
structures. A handful of ships of all sizes bob buy charters—combination ticket-passports—from
in the water, anchored to the docks or in small inlets. the Havdhir Notary and Exchange (see page 62).
Characters wanting to avoid the legalities might be
Ships in Greyport able to find a ship willing to take them on the sly,
Characters may wish use of a ship in Greyport; but can expect to pay dearly for the privilege.

44 Coastal Lo cations
Building a Ship
Characters might also wish to construct a ship
of their own, using it as a base of operations or a
means of traveling to new parts of the world. If
the characters are looking to have a ship built, the
price is exorbitant, but it is possible that they could
afford one after a great deal of adventuring.

Ships take a very long time to construct and are

often made to order over a period of weeks or
months. The prices and time to build a ship are
provided here:

Galley 30,000 gp 12 months

Longship 10,000 gp 6 months
Sailing Ship 10,000 gp 3 weeks
Keelboat 3,000 gp 2 months
Rowboat 50 gp 1 week

If the characters are looking for a shipbuilder, they

are directed to Isha Grey: a gnome craftsman and
veteran member of the Shipbuilder’s Guild.

Roleplaying Isha Grey

Isha is a middle-aged gnome who is almost always
covered in pitch, wood shavings, or other evidence
of his hard work of crafting ships. Isha is a master
shipbuilder and could spend most of his time simply
drafting schematics, but he prefers to get his hands
dirty and personally oversee the construction of the
ships that he and his workers produce.

Isha Grey (1 Stat Block) is a neutral good gnome.

Side Quest:
Ships and Shipments A new shipment of supplies just arrived today with
everything from pitch to nails, wood, rigging, and more.
Isha has recently been having trouble with Isha is worried that this latest shipment will also be
shipments of supplies—namely, that a stolen. Isha asks the characters to spend the night on his
great amount of supplies intended for ship dock in Greyport to see if they can catch the perpetrator.
building are vanishing each night right off
the docks. Isha has attempted to have the guards look into Isha gives the characters a small torch that glows with a
the thefts, but the Havdhir guard is currently stretched blue light, explaining it is a signal to the town guard that
thin. They have only made a few attempts to check in on they are working for him and not to attack them as they
the supplies at night. The gates to Isha’s docks are closed patrol the docks in the evening.
in the evenings, so it’s likely that whoever is taking them
is coming by sea. Strangely, no raiding ships have been If the characters agree to help him, Isha will offer to
spotted, and seashells and bits of sea glass are always left speed up the progress on a ship-building endeavor
in place of the stolen supplies. By all accounts, the robbery for the characters, cutting the time to construct the
makes little sense. The guards haven’t seen anything out ship in half. If the characters are not interested in
of the ordinary, and Isha believes the guard showing up in building a ship, he instead offers a special compass
force will likely scare off whoever is stealing his supplies. as payment.

Coastal Lo cations 45
Reward If a character spots the merfolk, read the
following aloud:
1/2 duration to build a ship
You spy two Humanoids swimming toward
Special compass (common) (1 Item)
the docks just under the dark surface of
Blue-light torch. This torch functions like a regular torch
the water, their forms illuminated by the
but lets off a blue light. (2 cp)
moon above. Each of these creatures
has a long tail and piscine features. As you watch, one
Waiting on Isha’s Dock of them nears the dock, grabbing a sack from amongst
in Greyport Isha’s supplies and dragging it slowly into the water,
creating little more than a ripple.
If the characters wait on Isha’s dock after dark,
read the following aloud: The merfolk are a couple with two small children
residing in their aquatic home. They believe the
As the light fades, dockworkers and seashells and sea glass to be a fair trade for the
supplies they have taken, and are fearful of the
craftsmen clamber away from their work.
fishermen and workers patrolling the docks by day.
Many half-finished ships sit near the
The characters may be able to convince the merfolk
shoreline or bob in the waves. Isha’s building
to stop stealing from the docks or propose some
project spans a large dock area with crates, barrels, and other form of trade that would be fair for Isha and
waterproofed wood lying on the docks. A guard nods at the merfolk.
you as he moves to close the gate to this section of the
docks for the evening. (People not displaying blue-light The characters could also slaughter the merfolk,
torches are immediately accosted by the guard and resolving the situation with violence rather than
questioned about their after-hours activities.) The guard diplomacy.
points up to a small tower built into the city wall and says,
“Be up there if you need any help. I’ve the eyes of a hawk Loot
and haven’t spotted anyone sneaking onto the dock or
sailing here to steal supplies. Odd, huh?” Characters may decide to try and steal some of the
supplies lying about the dock. The following items are
available for them or the merfolk to steal:
2 merfolk have been stealing supplies off the docks,
using the waterproofed wood and other supplies to 10x Rope, hempen (50 ft) (1 gp each)
construct a small aquatic home for themselves near 10x Nails (bag of 1,000) (1 sp each)
the dock. 20x 6-foot plank of waterproofed wood (1 sp each)
20x Quart of pitch (5 cp each)
The merfolk are difficult to spot as they swim up
to the docks, grabbing supplies before quickly
disappearing beneath the surface again.

When the merfolk approach the dock, have them

roll Dexterity (Stealth) checks with advantage
opposed by the characters’ Wisdom (Perception)
checks, or, if the characters are not actively
observing the water, against the characters’
passive Perceptions.

If the characters do not spot the merfolk as they

approach the dock, the merfolk begin stealing
items off the dock. Each time they steal an item,
have the merfolk make new Dexterity (Stealth)
checks with advantage opposed by the characters’
Wisdom (Perception) checks, or, if the characters
are not actively observing the water, against the
characters’ passive Perceptions.

46 Coastal Lo cations
Cemetery Erwin operates the cemetery and offers two
services: burial at sea or burial in stone. The
Walking along the steep cliffs of Havdhir, stone edifice behind him is one of the Fang’s Peak
you spy a small congregation surrounding Mountains and is carved with thousands of tombs,
the corpse of a Humanoid wrapped in linens. filled with the corpses of the people of Havdhir.
“And with our best wishes for your soul to The sea below is littered with the corpses of those
reach the halls of your mothers and fathers, we commit too poor to afford a burial in the stone face of the
you to the sea,” calls a man dressed in white robes. At mountain. Bodies thrown into the sea are affixed
the same time, a pair of dwarves lift the wrapped figure to large bobbers, about 12 inches around, and
and hurl it into the crashing waves below. Peering over, their feet tied to heavy stones, which keep the
you can see a sort of bobber floating where the corpse fell corpses near the shoreline and provide floating
in, and there are dozens of similar bobbers in the wake. “headstones” that bob above the water.
The crowd murmurs, and some weep as they wander
away from the spot, moving past a cliff face carved Characters may wish to lay a fallen party member
with thousands of stone doors. A grimy-looking man to rest in the cemetery, dispose of a body there, or
leaning on a shovel and wearing fingerless gloves and an commit a lovable NPC to the afterlife.
askew top hat waves at the mourners then looks at you
quizzically. “Here to request a burial at sea or in stone?”
he calls, “Erwin’s the name, master of burials and disposer
of bodies… or whatever you like.”

Coastal Lo cations 47
Erwin charges the following rates for services in the

Burial at sea 5 gp
Burial in stone 100 gp
Disposal of an “undocumented” corpse 250 gp

Roleplaying Erwin
Erwin is a doppelganger that killed the original
operator of the cemetery, hiding his body in a
nearby tomb.

Erwin fancies himself a bit of a musician and

frequently plays songs on a small flute that he keeps
on his person. Most of the songs he plays sound like
dirges or are completely out of tune.

Erwin often talks about the “late proprietor of

the cemetery,” and characters can make a DC 15
Wisdom (Insight) check to notice that all is not as
it seems with Erwin. Alternatively, Erwin may just
talk too much, letting slip information that could
reveal he is not who he says he is.
The body of the real Erwin lies in one of the stone
tombs. If the false Erwin is discovered, he attempts
to flee the city.

Erwin (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic neutral


Searching the Tombs

Each stone door can be moved with a successful
DC 18 Strength check. Most of the tombs are filled
with almost-mummified corpses, but some may
house fresher, rotting corpses.

Each creature entering the tomb of a rotting corpse

must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success. Within each
of the tombs are one or more Humanoid corpses,
often with some of their more precious belongings.
Tombs may also have dangerous monsters.

Each time the characters open a tomb, roll on the

Tomb Encounters table to determine what they
encounter. Roll 1d20 to determine the Hazards and
1d10 to determine the Treasure.

48 Coastal Lo cations
Tomb Encounters
1d20 Hazards 1d10 Treasure
1 1d4 specters float about this family tomb. 1 There is nothing but dust in this pauper grave
2 1d4 ghasts are devouring the corpses of the bodies within 2 Velvet pouch filled with playing cards (9 sp)
this tomb.
3 1d3 wights are plotting within this tomb. 3 Fine clothes, moth-eaten (5 gp)
4 A banshee has taken up residence here, weeping and 4 Fur cloak (5 gp)
screaming incessantly.
5 A ghost haunts this tomb, attempting to scare off anyone 5 Iron-Sails clan signet ring (5 gp)
that opens it; the ghost has dealt with several grave robbers
in the past.
6 1d3 skeletons under the control of a ghast lurk within this 6 Calligraphy kit (5 sp)
tomb, preparing to help their master dig up dead flesh to
feast upon.
7 A single zombie stumbles around this tomb (which doesn’t 7 Brass brooch in the shape of an exotic bird
contain another body). The zombie is dressed in funeral (3 sp)
8 A shadow resides within this tomb. 8 Bouquet of dried flowers (1 cp)
9 A vampire spawn is resting within this tomb; the vampire was 9 Scroll depicting a family tree (worthless)
once a noble citizen of Havdhir.
10-20 Nothing resides in this tomb but the unmoving dead. 10 Body of the real Erwin (if already discovered,
roll again)

Coastal Lo cations 49
Inns, Taverns, “The Guzzling Goblin.” Within, you can see patrons milling
about, a few laughing riotously, as a frowning goblin stands
on a stool wiping an incredibly grimy rag on a filthy glass.
and Entertainment The Guzzling Goblin is owned and operated by Snick the
Guzzling. Snick is a goblin that has resided in Havdhir for
nearly a decade, eking out a small living in his cobbled-
The Guzzling Goblin together tavern. While there are many taverns located
throughout Havdhir, the Guzzling Goblin is known for its
A grungy-looking building cobbled together loose rules regarding fighting, bringing weapons into the
from ramshackle bits of wood and nails is establishment, and clientele in general; making it a hub
squeezed between two massive rock faces for underhanded deals and riotous events.
of the Fang’s Peak Mountains. The door to
the establishment is open, and the light of a blazing hearth Bandits and thieves regularly come to the Guzzling
glows within. A placard hangs over the door, with a crude Goblin to drink, and Snick pays the Grifter’s Guild to
painting of a goblin tilting a massive glass of mead into protect his establishment from those who might try to rob
its open mouth. Carved below the placard are the words him or his patrons.

50 Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

The patrons are lowlifes of Havdhir, and most
wouldn’t hesitate to pick a pocket or slit a throat if
there was coin to be made.

The tavern has the following items available for sale
in quantities determined by the Game Master. The
Guzzling Goblin may have additional items in stock
as determined by the Game Master.

• Gallon of ale (4 sp)

• Guzzling Goblin Gurgler (50 gp) (1 Item)

• Lodging (per day) (14 cp)

• Meals (per day) (6 cp)

• Mug of ale (8 cp)

Bounty Board
Snick has a bounty board on his wall, with its
targets paid for by the Grifter’s Guild, by nobles
out for revenge, or sometimes even legitimate
bounties established and paid for by the Havdhir
Roleplaying Snick the Guzzling
guard. Snick facilitates the payment of bounties
Snick speaks in a scratchy, guttural voice and for his clients, affording many of the collectors an
spends most of his time suspiciously eyeing his invaluable sense of anonymity. The bounties can
customers and grumbling under his breath. be used as potential spin-offs for side quests or
random encounters.
Snick (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil goblin.
• A half-orc named Borg eloped with a noble’s
Snick is greedy by nature and charges two times daughter. The noble wants the half-orc “dealt
the normal cost for drinks and food in his tavern or with” and his daughter returned to him, offering 5
accommodations. gold pieces as a reward.

Snick has one rule: Do NOT break anything. •A dwarf named Boris stole a gemstone from one
Breaking anything at all in the Guzzling Goblin of the governors of Havdhir. The governor wants
results in Snick demanding the permanent removal the gemstone back in his own possession and is
of the individual that did the breaking—a rule willing to pay 15 gold pieces for its safe return.
enforced by the patrons of the tavern who do not
• A fisher near the docks has had her stock stolen
wish to lose their own drinking privileges.
each night. She believes merrow have been
swimming up to the dock and stealing her fish
In the event that a bar fight breaks out or the characters and asks for their eradication, paying 1 gold piece
do anything to harm Snick, the characters are attacked per merrow head.
by 5 thugs.
• A man named “Constantine” is wanted dead, 30
gold pieces (no other details are given).

• A benefactor is suspicious that Erwin the

Roleplaying the Patrons undertaker of the cemetery is not who he says
The patrons are a mix of bandits, spies, and thugs. he is. The benefactor is asking for investigators
The number of patrons is at the discretion of the to interrogate Erwin and explore the cemetery
Game Master, but 1d8 bandits, 1d6 spies, and 1d10 to uncover if he is an impostor, offering 50 gold
thugs is suggested. pieces for proof that he is not who he says he is.

All of these patrons have chaotic alignments, with • If the characters are 3rd level or higher: Mimics
most being chaotic neutral. have infested a shipment of artifacts in Percival’s

Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment 51

Appraisal, and the owner is willing to pay 40 gold
pieces for their removal. This leads to the side
quest “Appraising a Mimic.”


Characters might attempt to steal items from the

Guzzling Goblin; in which case, the items available for
theft and on display are at the Game Master’s discretion.
Anyone caught stealing from the Guzzling Goblin is
kicked out for the day (forcibly ejected by the patrons).
Anyone caught stealing from a patron will be attacked
by that patron, but no one else will care.

The Crystal Lounge

The Crystal Lounge is an upscale bar located inside
Stonecentre. It’s a marvelous place for the affluent
citizens of Havdhir to enjoy lively entertainment,
to sample some of the best spirits available, to
occasionally make deals, and to entertain clients.
Drelzigok thinks his armor is a bit ridiculous and
has asked the owner several times if he can wear
Exterior something more practical and less gaudy. However,
This building is spectacular to behold, built of black stone his requests are always denied.
with veins of silver and set with dozens of oval windows,
each surrounded by small bits of glowing crystal. The If asked about his armor (or at a time of the Game
building itself boasts a large glass door, in front of which a Master’s choosing), read the following aloud:
massive dragonborn clad in gold armor (set with the same
glowing crystals) folds his arms, pushing a ragged-looking
woman away from the door and flaring his nostrils angrily. The dragonborn lets out a great sigh,
“I wish I could convince Selene to let me
Drelzigok acts as a bouncer in front of the Crystal wear something less gaudy and more
Lounge. Residents of Stonecentre presenting the befitting of a bouncer, but she never
cloaks associated with their residence can enter the listens to me. If you could convince her to let me wear
bar, but anyone else has to pay a 10 gp cover fee something less embarrassing, you can have this old
to enter. Those not wearing “proper attire” (hyper- armor. I hate it!”
fashionable, regal, clean, or expensive-looking
clothing) are turned away regardless.
The side quest “Appropriate Attire” continues on
Weapons are not allowed within the establishment. page 54.
If the characters brought weapons with them,
Drelzigok will request the weapons be left with him. Interior
Entering the building, you are astounded to
Roleplaying Drelzigok find thousands of glowing crystals glittering
Drelzigok is a blue dragonborn. He wears polished on the ceiling. The crystals are all manner of
armor that is gilded with fake gold and speckled colors that shift hue in waves of light. One
with the same glowing crystals that give the lounge section of the ceiling on the far side of the buildings spells
its name. out “The Crystal Lounge” in glowing red crystal. There are
a myriad of red-cushioned marble seats set all about the
Drelzigok takes his job very seriously, and anyone dimly lit bar. A long, semicircular bar rests at the other end
attempting to enter the bar by intimidating, bribing, of the building with crystal lights gleaming beneath dozens
or tricking him has disadvantage on the skill checks of vintages on the wall. A tiefling woman wearing an
to do so. elegant red dress is chatting across the bar with a patron.
Around the room you can see various people who all appear
Drelzigok (1 Stat Block) is a lawful neutral dragonborn. to be dressed in finery, sipping expensive-looking drinks and
chatting with one another.

52 Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment 53
The Crystal Lounge sells only top-tier alcohol. The
lounge has the following items available for sale in
quantities determined by the Game Master. Selene
may have additional items as determined by the
Game Master.

• 500-year-old aged
elven wine (10 gp)
• Crystal elixir (75 gp)
• Dwarven ale flecked
with gold (5 gp)
• Harpy’s song (25 gp)
(garnished with harpy’s
song feather (1 Item))

At the Game Master’s discretion, each of the patrons
may carry valuables worth 1-100 gold pieces. The Game
Master may determine the amount that each of the
patrons is carrying or may roll a d100 to determine how
much a particular patron has.

Characters might attempt to steal items from the Crystal

Selene Glintyal is a tiefling heiress who runs the Lounge; in which case, the items available for theft and
on display are at the Game Master’s discretion. Anyone
Crystal Lounge. She has a few workers, all of them caught stealing from the lounge or its patrons receives a
always dressed to their best, but she enjoys tending one month ban from the establishment, and the Havdhir
the bar herself, learning new things about the guard is quickly summoned (they heavily patrol the
clients who frequent her establishment. Stonecentre district) to dispense justice in accordance
with Havdhir’s legal system.
Roleplaying Selene Glintyal
Selene built the Crystal Lounge using money Side Quest:
inherited from her late mother. She is an eccentric,
fond of gaudy and bright things, and is always
Appropriate Attire
looking for excitement. Recently, Selene was experimenting with a new
drink, harvesting some of the poison from the
Selene has a habit of making other people feel at stinger tail of imps to give a special kick to this
ease when she wants to, or incredibly uncomfortable curious cocktail. The drink is called “Devil’s
when she doesn’t. She enjoys playing games with Draught.” Unfortunately, the imps recently got
people and especially delights in tormenting the loose in the Crystal Lounge Distillery.
stoic bouncer of the bar, Drelzigok.
If the characters ask about Drelzigok’s attire,
Selene Glintyal (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic neutral tiefling. she responds:

“Ah, yes, he is always going on about

Roleplaying the Patrons not wanting to wear his outfit, but it
The patrons are a mix of nobles, Havdhir guards attracts attention! And attention means
(1 Stat Block), and knights. The number of patrons customers!”
is at the discretion of the Game Master, but 2d10
nobles, 2d6 guards, and 1d6 knights is suggested.
The patrons have a mix of all forms of alignment, Selene is willing to allow Drelzigok to wear whatever
apart from chaotic evil. he wants if the characters can handle the imps flapping
around the distillery. If the characters capture the imps
The patrons are refined, genteel, and often instead of killing them, she will throw in free drinks at
the Crystal Lounge for 1 week (but the drinks cannot be
snobbish, looking down their noses at others. taken out of the establishment).

54 Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

Crystal Lounge Distillery
You descend stone steps lit by glowing crystals
embedded in the walls. The sounds of frivolity
above fade and are replaced by the bubbling
and churning of great vats brewing various
alcohols beneath the lounge. You enter a
chamber with several of these massive vats; stacks of barrels
filled with aging wines and liquors line the walls—many of
these containers cracked open and leaking on the floor. A
few alchemical tables are set up, each with buckled leather
straps designed to hold small creatures in place. Crates filled
with supplies for creating mixed drinks are stacked high, and,
fluttering around these crates, you spy a small, winged devil.

Selene set up the restraints on the alchemical tables

to imprison the imps while she drained their poisons
to make her new, “chique” drink, but failed to realize
the imps could shapechange into other forms, easily
escaping their bonds when she left the distillery.

Ever since their escape, the imps have been causing

havoc: drinking the liquor, trashing the distillery,
and having a small soirée of their own.

If the flying imp spots the characters, read the

following aloud:

The devil lets out a high-pitched cackle.

“Oh, look! New playthings! Your mistress
pulled some of the poison from our tails
but we will be sure the rest is stuck right
in your veins!” the creature shouts before vanishing from
view. Its call is answered by echoing laughter around the
chamber and the sound of flapping wings…

3 imps fly around the distillery. When they spot the

characters entering, they either turn invisible or
turn into animals to befuddle the characters. The
imps are likely to be hostile toward the characters
and move to attack them, but at the Game Master’s
discretion they may instead attempt to confuse and
distract the characters with various antics.


2x Devil’s Draught (common) (1 Item)

10x Barrel of fine dwarven ale (80
gp each). Note that the barrels are
exceedingly heavy and difficult to
remove from the distillery.
5x Bottle of aged elven wine
(10 gp each)
10x Crate of ingredients (1 gp each)

Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment 55

Returning to Selene The tavern is best-known for its animated tentacle of
If the characters kill the imps: Selene is exceedingly a kraken that resides near the sunken portion of the
grateful and tells the characters to inform Drelzigok establishment leading out to the open sea. There is the
that he can wear whatever he likes. opportunity to win gold from the tavern owner via a
“Kraken Contest.”
If the characters capture the imps: Selene is
ecstatic and immediately pours whatever drinks the Weapons are allowed in the tavern, since few
characters want, making good on her promise of would venture around the Barnacle Barrows
free drinks for a week (but mentioning they cannot district unarmed.
leave the Crystal Lounge with their beverages).
She also tells the characters to inform Drelzigok
that he can wear whatever he likes (as soon as they
are done with their drinks of course). In addition,
The Sunken Dream Tavern
the lounge adds Devil’s Draught to its inventory of
beverages, selling the drink for 50 gp per bottle. Interior
The inside of the tavern smells strongly of
Returning to Drelzigok seawater and fish. Rough-looking sailors
If the characters have been successful in their sit at tables covered in barnacles and algae.
mission, they can inform Drelzigok of the good news: A surly dwarf sits behind a ramshackle bar
He no longer has to wear his “ridiculous” uniform. that’s seemingly formed from the prow of a wrecked ship.
His feet are resting firmly upon the counter. The far end of
As soon as Drelzigok hears the good news, read the the tavern has sunk into the ocean, and the tavern itself is
following aloud: pitched at an angle leading down into the water, causing
drinks to occasionally slide along the tables. As you watch,
a man reaches down into the murky water, and a tentacle
Drelzigok lets out a great bellow of joy, lashes out, grasping the man’s arm! He struggles with the
immediately doffing his armor and hurling tentacle to the cheers of many of the tavern-goers. “Kraken
it to the ground with glee. “If you want it, Contest!” shouts one of the patrons, and the patrons flock
you can have it!” he says, gesturing at the around the man, watching as he struggles with the grasping
armor and beginning to don a suit of spiked, black chain appendage. Eventually, he pulls a severed tentacle forth
mail that he apparently has been dragging to the lounge from the water and then releases it. The tentacle crawls
in a sack for just such an occasion. back into the depths like some form of horrific inchworm.
“Two gold pieces for Barty!” shouts one of the patrons, and
the dwarf behind the counter reluctantly tosses a small
Reward satchel the man’s way.

Crystal Lounge decorative armor (common) (1 Item) Izak Pilf, a former dwarf sailor, owns the Sunken
Dream Tavern.

Roleplaying Izak Pilf

The Sunken Dream Tavern Izak has only one good eye: The other is clouded
over with what he describes as “sea mist.” He lets
Exterior out an almost constant cough and stumbles around
This tavern is quite literally half-sunk the bar bent over and hacking.
into the ocean on the coast of Havdhir.
Windows made of melted green bottles cast Izak Pilf (1 Stat Block) is a neutral dwarf.
an eerie light from the tavern interior, and
a twanging sailor song can be heard issuing from within. Izak is extremely proud of his bar, which he pieced
together from the remnants of ships; one of which was
The structure appears to have been formed from a derelict
named the Floating Dream—hence the name of the
ship with various rickety additions tacked on.
half-sunken bar. Izak takes great offense to anyone
bad-mouthing his establishment and has a deep
The Sunken Dream Tavern is formed from the hulls and resentment for the Crystal Lounge and its proprietor,
pieces of wrecked ships and is partially sunk into the ocean. Selene; referring to the establishment as “prissy.”
The tavern is located in the Barnacle Barrows district.
This tavern is frequented by the poor and lowly of Izak is the owner of an animated tentacle that is
Havdhir and sells the cheapest swill imaginable. used for “Kraken Contests.” He won the animated

56 Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

Roleplaying the Patrons
The patrons are a mix of commoners, bandits, and
thugs. The number of patrons is at the discretion of
the Game Master, but 1d12 commoners, 1d6 bandits,
and 1d6 thugs is suggested.

All of these patrons have chaotic or neutral

alignments, with most being chaotic neutral.

The patrons are rough around the edges, most of

them long-time residents of the Barnacle Barrows
district. Many are sailors, petty criminals, or
fishermen trying to eke out a living in Havdhir.

The Sunken Dream sells the foulest alcohols in all
of Havdhir and at the lowest price. The tavern has
tentacle from a necromancer that visited his tavern the following items available for sale in quantities
several years prior, and (while he is normally determined by the Game Master. The Sunken
incredibly taciturn and gruff) treats the tentacle Dream may have additional items in stock as
as a beloved pet, often crooning to it and petting determined by the Game Master.
it when he thinks no one is watching. The tentacle
responds to Izak’s commands, but he never • Bottom shelf wine (pitcher) (1 cp) It appears
commands it to stop a contest once it has begun. to have “gone off” and has floating bits of
gods-know-what in it.
Izak knows the animated kraken tentacle in
his bar brings in a great deal of customers and • Mermaid’s piss ale (gallon) (1 cp) (1 Item)
entertainment. Any attempt to harm the tentacle
• Micalmork’s gin (3-pound container) (1 sp)
is treated as a bannable offense, as is harassing
(1 Item) Izak sells this drink only to patrons that
any of the regular patrons in the tavern. Most of
the customers present are regulars that have been have won a contest against his animated kraken
drinking in the Sunken Dream for decades. tentacle, since he has very few bottles of this
“fine vintage” in stock.

Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment 57

Loot Morvin’s Sorrow Pit
Characters might attempt to steal items from the Sunken A rickety elevator of ancient wood and
Dream; in which case, the items available for theft and metal creaks as it is lowered down on a
on display are at the Game Master’s discretion. Anyone frayed rope, descending into the darkness
caught stealing from the Sunken Dream or its patrons beneath Havdhir. As the elevator screeches
is attacked by Izak and all the patrons of the bar, who
to a halt, the light above is swallowed up, replaced by the
administer their own system of justice by attempting to
drown the thief in the sunken portion of the tavern.
soft red glow of magical lanterns hanging in the chamber
beyond. You can hear shouting. Looking across the way,
you can see a crowd of rowdy people cheering in front of
Side Quest: Kraken Contest a massive cage made of rusted iron bars that reach from
the floor to ceiling. The bloody light casts shadows of red
Tavern-goers can challenge the animated tentacle and black across the scene, and you can see a scrambling
(1 Stat Block) to “arm-wrestling” matches by dwarf trapped within the pit screaming as a massive troll
sticking their hands in the water. Winners are paid 2 lifts him easily into its mouth, biting his head off with a
gold pieces when they are able to tug the animated sickening crunch… to the cheers of the onlookers. “Oy!” a
tentacle from the depths. However, the tentacle has half-orc calls to you, lumbering over to the elevator, “You
been known to drag sailors and patrons of the tavern wanna watch a match, you gotta pay 1 silver piece each to
into the water, pulling them out to sea, and drowning
view for the day.”
them; which, of course, is what makes the contest
fun for the onlookers. Usually, no one drowns, but
the risk is what draws tavern-goers to the contest Morvin’s Sorrow Pit originally served as the last
over and over… not to mention 2 gold pieces is well mining attempt made in Havdhir. Morvin, a wealthy
worth the risk of death for many of the destitute dwarf merchant, believed a vast vein of precious
residents of the Barnacle Barrows district. ore still ran beneath the city. He invested all his
wealth into the formation of this final mine, only
When a creature places an appendage in the water, to find that the stone was as dry and devoid of
the tentacle lashes out, and the contest begins. The ore as the rest of mines dug by the Iron-Sails clan
creature initiating the contest makes a Strength thousands of years prior.
(Athletics) check opposed by the animated
tentacle’s Strength (Athletics) check. Each round, Morvin died penniless and heartbroken, leaving
a new check is made until one of the parties wins behind nothing but an empty mine with his
three of the contests. name inscribed upon it and a carving detailing
If the creature succeeds, the tentacle is grappled and his sorrows. Years later, seeing an opportunity
pulled from the water, and the creature wins the match. to make a bit of coin, a half-orc named Gronth
established an arena in the mines, using the already
If the tentacle succeeds, the creature is grappled dug out areas as fighting pits and cannibalizing
(escape DC 16) and dragged 15 feet through the the old structures to form cages to host the fights.
water into the open ocean, as the tentacle attempts Normally, he is not one for sentimentality, but
to drown the grappled creature before returning to Gronth recognized the self-starter dream of the
the tavern. mines’ creator and named his new arena in his
honor: “Morvin’s Sorrow Pit.”
Gronth pays off the local authorities, burying reports
A character who defeats the tentacle is given 2 gold of his activities and ensuring that the city guard
pieces by Izak. A creature can only challenge the turns a blind eye to his operations that fall very
tentacle once per day. If the tentacle is killed, Izak spits much in a gray area in terms of Havdhirian law.
angrily and demands the perpetrator leave.
Gronth personally greets everyone entering the
pit—firstly, he wants to know exactly who is coming
into his establishment, and secondly, he doesn’t
trust anyone else to handle his money.

Gronth does not let just anyone participate in the

arena fights. He wants to put on a show, and a
slaughter (while occasionally entertaining for his
patrons) gets old after a while. If the characters

58 Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

wish to participate in a match, Gronth demands Gronth is battle scarred and talks in a guttural
some display of their abilities—this could be in the voice. He never minces words and prefers silence
form of a contested Strength check, the casting as an intimidation tactic during conversation. The
of a spell more powerful than a cantrip, sprinting half-orc is massive and muscular. He wears simple,
through the crowd while dodging the other patrons dark garb that’s dyed blood-red, which allows him
with a successful DC 13 Dexterity check, or other to more easily blend into the shadows if he ever
displays of ability. needs to.

Gronth (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil half-orc.

Roleplaying the Patrons

The patrons are a mix of commoners, bandits,
and thugs.

All of these patrons have chaotic or neutral

alignments, with most being chaotic neutral.

Some of the patrons have had a good bit to drink.

Others are betting on the matches, and some are
making underhanded deals with one another.

Entering the Contests

To enter a contest the characters must first
convince Gronth that they are worth a show.
Combatants are entered in either “death matches”
or “knockout matches.”
Knockout matches pay less than death matches, but
the characters may wish to enter a knockout match
to confront a foe that could otherwise prove deadly.
Some contestants may not allow for knockout fights
Roleplaying Gronth and will only fight in death matches.
Gronth owns and operates Morvin’s Sorrow Pit.
He is a shrewd businessman and has many ties to
criminal organizations within the city.

Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment 59

Potential Combatants
The Game Master could create an endless
Skagg the Biter
Opponent 1 Troll
selection of opponents to fight in the pits, but some
Description Skagg the Biter is the current champion of the
suggested combatants and their motivations are
pit, lording over it as a fan favorite for years. Skagg is known
given here:
for biting the heads off of his opponents. While fighting, he is

Cuddles bolstered by the cheering crowd, granting him a d6 which he

can add to any one roll he makes during the fight.
Opponent 1 Brown Bear Matches knockout or death match (If the characters have
Description Cuddles is an extremely violent bear that’s kept beaten Skagg in a knockout fight, he will only accept a death
in one of the pits near the main arena. Cuddles is periodically match, his “honor” having been tarnished.)
starved before matches and sees anything within the arena Difficulty Deadly
as a source of food. A creature offering Cuddles meat has Knockout Reward 50 gp
advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks related to Death Fight Reward 100 gp. If Skagg is defeated in a death
Cuddles. fight, the characters are crowned champions of the arena.
Matches death match After this, it is very likely that other contestants will only
Difficulty Easy challenge them to death matches, hoping to claim the title
Reward 16 sp for themselves. The characters also gain the respect of
Gronth, who offers them a place to stay in a small shack he

The Ashformers owns near the pits. He does this so that they can fight in the
matches more often. The one-room hovel consists of little
Opponents 5 Goblins more than a fireplace and bed.
Description This vicious group of goblins is formed entirely
of pyromaniacs who delight in setting their enemies on fire.
Each of these goblins carries a torch it uses to set alight
anything flammable.
Matches knockout or death match
Difficulty Easy-Medium
Knockout Reward 5 gp
Death Fight Reward 10 gp

Infernal Eviscerators
Opponents 2 Imps
Description The Infernal Eviscerators are a band of imps
hoping to start a new cult and gain souls in Havdhir, but to do
so they need a bit of coin. Hence, the pit fights.
Matches knockout or death match
Difficulty Medium-Hard
Knockout Reward 10 gp
Death Fight Reward 20 gp

The Bearded Brigands

Opponents 3 Thugs
Description The Bearded Brigands are three dwarf brothers
who were formerly bandits. Seeing a way to avoid the
constant harrying of the law, they adopted new identities in
the arena and now make their coin by “legally” murdering
people. The Bearded Brigands are known for never showing
mercy to a combatant. Usually, two of the brothers use their
maces to hold enemies at bay while the third fires into the
fray with his heavy crossbow. The trio are never far apart,
utilizing Pack Tactics to the best of their abilities.
Matches death match
Difficulty Medium-Hard
Reward 20 gp

60 Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

Civic Buildings 61
Civic Buildings Major Quest: Vrehnor Isle
(deadly at 1st level)
Havdhir Notary At a time of the Game Master’s choosing, while the
and Exchange characters are in the Havdhir Notary and Exchange,
read the following aloud:
A polished, white marble building of
dwarven design stands near the port. Gold “I am telling you, it is a GENUINE treasure
lettering carved in a multitude of languages map! Everyone says that island has
above its edifice reads “Havdhir Notary and treasure on it, and THIS is an official map!”
Exchange.” Within the building, dozens of stone desks,
a young boy shouts at a disgruntled-
stacked high with papers and ledgers, are attended by
looking dwarf who sits hunched over one of the
dwarves, humans, and half-a-dozen other creatures—all
counters. “I am sorry, lad, but I can’t verify it. I can’t give
rifling through the papers.
you a charter to go to that island if it’s a fake—too many
The Havdhir Notary and Exchange serves as a hub people much older than yerself have gone missing over
for converting currencies from far-off lands, drafting there… They say the isle is haunted.”
business contracts, reviewing legal papers, providing
documentation for the purchase of ships or property, John Mason, a young
as well as offering underwriting services. boy native to Havdhir,
discovered what
The characters can collect the reward they earned he believes to be a
from Vrormir by visiting the Havdhir Notary and legitimate map to the
Exchange and handing over his promissory notes. hidden pirate’s treasure
Each promissory note is worth 5 gold pieces. on Vrehnor Isle. He
found the map in the
They might also attempt to forge documents using possession of a dead
Vrormir’s promissory note stamp, but using the sailor lying in an alley.
stamp in Lorton Bank or the Havdhir Notary and
Exchange will only reveal that Vrormir has spent
most of his finances searching for the lost city of
Shjekhel. After their initial 5 gold pieces each have
been removed Vrormir’s account, it has a paltry 20
gold pieces remaining.
The notary,
The Havdhir Notary and Exchange is also the place a dwarf
to arrange travel by sea, as you cannot travel on named Ivan
a Havdhirian ship without a charter like the ones Hearthstone,
purchased here. Hiring-charters for ships and their cannot feasibly
crews have the following rates. approve a charter
for the young boy
Galley (300 gp per day, without at least
+160 gp per day for crew expenses) confirming the map he
has found is legitimate.
(30 gp per day, The Notary and Exchange works closely with
+6 gp per day for crew expenses) the Shipbuilder’s Guild in Greyport, ensuring
Longship (100 gp per day, appropriate charters are filed for ships making
voyages in or out of Havdhir. Anyone caught
+80 gp per day for crew expenses)
traveling without a charter is subject to questioning
Rowboat (1 sp per day) by the navy patrolling the waters around the city as
Sailing Ship (100 gp per day, well as receiving potential fines.
+60 gp per day for crew expenses)
Roleplaying John Mason
John shows his map to anyone that will listen,
insisting that it is a legitimate treasure map.

62 Civic Buildings
He refuses to part with the map or allow anyone to
copy it unless they offer to take him along to Vrehnor
Hall of the Triumvirate
Isle and split whatever treasures they find with him.
John talks excitedly and vehemently about his map, A large, stone building sits in the center of a
rambling on and on, and he waves it around in the massive garden surrounded by a cobblestone
air regularly. square. Various fountains, statues, and well-
maintained plants dominate the garden,
John Mason (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic good human. which has paths lined with large stone braziers that run
all the way up to the entrance of the building. The building
Roleplaying Ivan Hearthstone itself has a domed roof that’s plated with metal and has
a massive, ornamented archway leading to the interior
Ivan is a disgruntled notary who is tired of his job. of the building. In front of the entryway stand several
He WANTS John to be correct (a genuine treasure rows of guards as well as a few armored mages, who
map would at least add a bit of excitement to seem to be scanning the passing crowds. A man dressed in
his dull days of paper pushing). A character has resplendent robes stands behind a stone pulpit, reviews a
advantage on attempts to convince Ivan to grant a piece of parchment handed to him by a woman, then shoos
charter to Vrehnor Isle. her away.
Ivan speaks in an exasperated tone and often lets The Triumvirate leaders regularly meet in this building,
out great “huffs” of air while he speaks. which is sometimes jokingly referred to as “the Ladle,”
due to its domed metal roof and location at the center of
Ivan Hearthstone (1 Stat Block) is a lawful neutral Havdhir, the Cauldron.
Most often, the members of the Triumvirate are
A hiring-charter for a small vessel to take to attempting to set up new deals with one another, work out
Vrehnor Isle is free, so long as the characters can trades or partnerships with some of the lesser members of
prove they have access to a legitimate map to their guilds, or conduct other matters of business relevant
the treasure. (Ivan is so pleased at the idea that to the city.
he’s willing to write off the cost.) If the characters
have in their possession the treasure map found The Triumvirate is also in charge of passing laws,
in the Captain’s Quarters during the prologue, maintaining public spaces, paying the Havdhir
“Tavernsbane Freighter,” the maps can both be guard and military, and running the city as a whole.
confirmed as legitimate.
Many consider a government run by the three
The characters can also obtain the free charter if largest companies in Havdhir to be deeply corrupt,
they have spoken with Vlaskor and present the and they would be entirely correct. The Triumvirate
official documentation for a charter granted by the does very little that does not aid their business
Havdhir guard to find the ship the Marigold, which ventures or help gain the favor of the common folk
was last spotted headed toward Vrehnor Isle. as a publicity stunt.
Otherwise, the characters will be allowed to The Hall of the Triumvirate is an “open” chamber,
purchase charters for themselves at standard rates. and anyone is allowed inside once they have
been examined by the guards outside. Usually,
The quest “Vrehnor Isle” continues on page 120. supplicants have to request an appointment or wait
for several weeks or months after bringing their
plea to a representative of the Triumvirate who
stands just outside the entrance behind a large
stone pulpit.

2 Havdhir mages (1 Stat Block) and 10 Havdhir

guards (1 Stat Block) protect the entrance to the
Hall of the Triumvirate.

Phillius Pennyworth acts as the representative for

the Triumvirate, dealing with requests to see them.

Civic Buildings 63
Phillius speaks in a condescending tone and often
turns his nose up at those not dressed in noble
attire, as though he smells something foul.

Phillius Pennyworth (1 Stat Block) is a neutral human.

As the characters approach the building, Phillius calls

out from his pedestal:

“Do you have an appointment to see the

Triumvirate or a supplication to see them?
All supplicants must speak with myself,
Phillius, representative of the Triumvirate.”

If the characters have reached level 4, they are well-

known and respected in the city; and when their
request is made, Phillius responds:

Roleplaying Phillius “Oh! I know you fine folk! You’ve been

Phillius is a middle-aged man with graying hair, quite a boon to Havdhir of late. Of course
extravagant robes befitting his station, and a fine I can move some things around… just a
cane, which he often raps on his pedestal when few minutes… the guard will search you,
making declarations. and then I will present you to the Triumvirate myself!”

64 Civic Buildings
If the characters are below level 4, they are not well
marble. A set of shallow steps leads up to a circular
known enough, and Phillius treats them as common
stone platform upon which three stone thrones sit in a
riffraff, responding:
semicircle. In one of the chairs sits a bored-looking man
in a massive, wide-brimmed hat. In the second, an elvish
“Hmm… I see…. Well, the Triumvirate woman glares at you. In the third chair, a portly dwarf
does not have any appointments open chewing on an entire wheel of cheese turns to you for
at this time. If you wish to wait a few a moment before returning to his meal. “Who are you,
hours, I suppose we could squeeze you in and what brings you here?” calls the elf, folding her arms
between the tax reform request and the claim regarding across her waist.
unsafe working conditions at the wharf. You are lucky,
you know—it usually takes weeks or months to speak
Ivar Lorton, Sir Archibold Scath, and Verillin Sylva
with the Triumvirate. Wait here a few hours, allow
sit in the Hall of the Triumvirate, waiting for the
yourselves to be searched by the guards, and I can try characters to introduce themselves.
and fit you in.”
Roleplaying Ivar Lorton
With the host of guards at his disposal, Phillius Ivar is robust, with a beard that’s often filled with
cannot be intimidated, but he could be deceived or crumbs of bread, cheese, or meat; he is known for
persuaded to allow the characters to enter the Hall being a glutton. Ivar speaks with a guttural huff,
of the Triumvirate immediately with a successful and his appearance and voice have earned him the
DC 15 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. nickname “the Bulldog.”
Characters can also bribe him, lowering the DC by
1 for each 10 gold pieces they offer.

Anyone entering the Hall of the Triumvirate is

thoroughly searched by the guards, with the mages
casting the detect magic spell to determine if anyone
is attempting to sneak something suspicious into
the Hall. Weapons, armor, magic items, potions,
and poisons are all confiscated with the promise
that they will be returned once the characters
leave the hall.

A character may be able to hide an item on the

character’s person with a successful Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) check opposed by the guards’
and mages’ Wisdom (Perception) checks to spot
the item being hidden.

Hall of the Triumvirate -

When the characters are allowed to enter the Hall of
the Triumvirate, read the following aloud:

Phillius motions the guards aside, walking Ivar is a middle-aged dwarf and leader of the
up to two massive wooden doors serving
Iron-Lenders Association. He has sat in his seat on
the Triumvirate for nearly a century and always
as the entrance to the hall. Phillius throws
casts votes in the interest of the Iron-Lenders
the doors open, sweeping his hands
Association… ALWAYS.
forward as he presents you. “Your latest appointments,
good sirs and madam,” he says, closing the door behind Ivar wears gold-trimmed fur robes with a large belt
you as you enter. The hall is massive and ancient, carved strapped under his bulging belly.
with dwarven statues which hold up the vaulted ceiling.
Various paintings line the walls, and the floor is polished Ivar Lorton (1 Stat Block) is a lawful neutral dwarf.

Civic Buildings 65
Roleplaying Sir Archibold Scath
Sir Archibold wears a captain’s outfit with an
exceptionally large, wide-brimmed hat that he is
very fond of. He has a smartly-trimmed goatee
and a well-maintained mustache. He speaks in a Roleplaying Verillin Sylva
cavalier tone, almost as if he were onstage. Verillin is always dressed in slimming black robes
and wears blood-red jewels gifted to her from the
Sir Archibold Scath is not a true noble, having vampires of Mornhaven.
supposedly “won” his title from a lord in a card
game. Still, he has made more than enough money Verillin speaks in a quiet, cold tone. Her voice always
as the leader of the Shipbuilder’s Guild to earn his carries weight, and few would dare interrupt her.
place in the upper echelons of Havdhir society…
even if the other members of the Triumvirate Verillin is out for her own best interests first and
secretly look down on him for his foremost, and she has seen other Triumvirate leaders
“lowborn” beginnings. come and go time and again. She thinks herself
superior to the rest of the Triumvirate and would
Sir Archibold began life as a lowly cabin boy but take power over all of Havdhir if given the chance.
rose to the rank of captain as a privateer, and he
eventually made enough coin to purchase a fleet of Verillin sailed to Havdhir hundreds of years
ships used for transporting goods. Since then, he ago and was one of the merchants to sign the
has risen to a prominent position as leader of the Crimson Concordat.
Shipbuilder’s Guild.
Verillin Sylva (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil elf.
Sir Archibold thought that being a member of the
Triumvirate would be exciting, but he has instead
found the constant political intrigue and legal
Requesting Entrance to
banter to be extremely boring. Azkhell’s Tower
If the characters have reached level 4, having
Sir Archibold Scath (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic established names for themselves in the city,
good human. read the following aloud:

66 Civic Buildings
members of the Triumvirate, each of its members
“Ah, yes; you have earned quite a name will vote, with the majority ruling on the issue.
for yourselves of late,” Verillin croons,
eyeing you over a goblet of wine that she The DCs for the requests made by the characters
lifts to her lips. “Indeed…well done.” are at the discretion of the Game Master, but some
samples for determining the DCs of the requests
“The people of Havdhir speak highly of you,” Ivar calls are provided here:
between mouthfuls of bread and the occasional gulp of
ale. Sir Archibold frowns, “We haven’t allowed anyone DC 5 Very Easy: An additional guard should be placed
to visit Azkhell in some time—the mage is dangerous outside a shop in the Market District.
and quite mad. He refuses to leave his tower.” His DC 10 Easy: The city gates should be open for an extra 1
countenance smoothing, he adds, “Though I suppose hour after sundown.
we can allow you to enter. Azkhell gave us an arcane
DC 15 Moderate: Something should be done about the
phrase to disable the wards around the tower in cases
sea lung disease permeating Barnacle Barrows.
of emergency. This hardly constitutes as such, but with
everything you have done for the city, I suppose you DC 20 Hard: A character should be pardoned for a
have earned it. We will have Phillius fetch the scroll for crime the character committed.
you that the arcane phrase is written on.” DC 25 Very Hard: The Triumvirate should reduce taxes
by 20%.
If the characters have not yet reached level 4 and are
DC 30 Nearly Impossible: The Triumvirate should
not considered to have a reputation in the city, read
disband and form a true democratic system.
the following aloud:

Verillin lets out a small, sarcastic laugh, Temple of the Manifold Gods
“You think we are going to allow some
unknown vagabonds to enter the tower Exterior
of the city wizard? I think not.” A temple sits at the center of a busy square
with city folk rushing about before it. The
“I do suppose if you could help out around the city a bit, temple is an open concept, and each of its
see what might need doing, we could see what we could many pillars have the symbols, depictions,
do,” comments Ivar through mouthfuls of cheese. Sir
or sculpted statues of dozens of gods. You can see the
religious iconography of hundreds of gods and religions
Archibold strokes his goatee and murmurs, “Yes, I have
represented on the temple’s exterior.
been hearing lots of tales around the city of people in
need of assistance, and we can’t take care of all their
problems, can we?” Temple of the Manifold Gods

The Triumvirate will direct the characters to the

locations of quests they have not yet completed Around the temple are various statues, all
in Havdhir. When the characters have completed of them seeming to depict different deities.
enough of them to reach level 4, they can return Small plinths with holy texts and scrolls
and request access to the tower. are set about the area. A large tile mosaic
depicting the Nine Hells, the Abyss, the heavens, and
realms beyond, all filled with gods circling one another,
Requesting Other Forms of Aid is displayed upon the floor. Various worshipers stand at
or City Reform the plinths, reading sacred texts or genuflecting in prayer
Characters might also request changes in the before statues—some of which are beautiful while others
city, amendments to laws, or pardons for fellow are grotesque.
characters or NPCs.
A number of commoners pray or mill about
If the characters are well-known and respected in the temple. The number of worshipers is at the
the city, they have advantage on Charisma-related discretion of the Game Master, but 4d6 commoners
checks to convince a member of the Triumvirate to is suggested.
agree to their request. After speaking with all three

Civic Buildings 67
At a time of the Game Master’s choosing, read the If asked about the temple, Gholbin will convey
following aloud: the beliefs of the Manifold Gods: that all gods are
aspects of one god, all deserving of worship.
A dwarf dressed in robes stitched together
Gholbin Hearth (1 Stat Block) is a neutral dwarf.
from hundreds of different fabrics, all
cut in fantastic shapes, slowly lumbers
throughout the temple. Around his neck
are hundreds of necklaces, each bearing the symbol of a
different god, and he carries with him half a dozen tomes.

The dwarf is Gholbin Hearth, a priest dedicated to

the upkeep of the temple and the organizer of the
various religious ceremonies to the gods that are
performed here.

Roleplaying Gholbin Hearth

Gholbin is well versed in the religious practices
of thousands of religions and, in the past, has
(unsuccessfully) attempted to treat several people
afflicted by the curse of the Usurper.

68 Civic Buildings
Major Quest: • A small waif of a child sits before the statue of
a halfling goddess, rocking back and forth in
Stolen Scrolls deep prayer. The child is rail thin—obviously not
having eaten in days. The child’s parents were
(deadly at 3rd level or below) slaughtered by pirates, and the child has been
orphaned. The characters can assist in finding a
Gholbin conveys the following if asked about the local noble or other person to adopt the child or
markings on the characters’ wrists: can adopt the orphan themselves.

• A woman stands in front of the temple shouting

“Aye, I’ve seen this afore. And it’s not at the top of her lungs, “Throw down these false
good, not a’tall. I’m afraid to say you idols! Forsake this religion of the Manifold Gods!
haven’t more than half yer normal
It is false! Join me in tearing down this temple
of lies!” This woman is a devout believer in one
lifespan to live now, and ye best avoid
god (of the Game Master’s choice) and wishes the
dyin’, for I hear tell the curse upon you transports yer
Temple of the Manifold Gods to be destroyed. If
soul someplace terrible. I know little about it, sad to say, confronted or removed from the temple, she or
though I have tried to save several folk cursed as ye now another person dressed in similar attire appears
be. Funny you should come here now; I was meant to the next day, shouting the same message.
receive a shipment of scrolls on curses and their histories
not a week ago, but the shipment was lost. Last I heard, Loot
the cargo ship transporting it was sunk near Horn’s Head
Cave. I can’t prove anything though… ’twas but the word 5x Religious tome of a good-, neutral-, or evil-aligned
of a sailor what claimed he survived the sinkin’, and he god (15 gp each). If you spend 8 hours reading the book,
were filled with drink.” you gain a +1 bonus on Intelligence (Religion) checks
pertaining to that god and its followers. You cannot gain
more than a +1 bonus by reading multiple tomes related
to a particular god in this way.
Gholbin does not know the intricacies of the 5x Religious scroll of a good-, neutral-, or evil-aligned
curse but has seen enough of its effects and heard god (1 gp each). These scrolls contain religious texts
enough rumors to know it results in the halving of and rituals which can be performed to gain favor with
the recipient’s lifespan and being transported to followers of the associated god. Reading one of these
somewhere awful in the afterlife. texts aloud while within earshot of that god’s followers
grants you a +2 bonus on Charisma-related checks when
Gholbin gladly points the characters in the dealing with practitioners following the god to which
direction of Horn’s Head Cave, which is a small, the scroll is dedicated. You cannot gain more than a +2
bonus by reading multiple scrolls related to a particular
often-flooded cave system along the cliff faces near
god in this way. The scrolls may be freely read in place, but
the city. The caves lead down to the sea.
removing them from the temple is stealing.
(If stolen from the temple, their number is determined
The quest “Stolen Scrolls” continues on page 129.
by the Game Master)
Religious idol of a good-, neutral-, or evil-aligned god
Exploring the Temple (5 gp each)
Shrines to every god or goddess imaginable can be
found in this temple. The characters may encounter
priests, cultists, or supplicants that could serve as
starting points for potential spin offs for side quests
or random encounters. Here are a few examples:

• A man whispering in hushed tones and weeping

openly slowly opens his veins before the shrine
of a god resembling a reaper dressed in white,
covering the statue in his blood. If the characters
intervene, he screams, “The White One comes
for you all! He must be appeased!” The man is a
cultist dedicated to death, and his cult is hidden
throughout all of Havdhir, preparing to poison its
water supply.

Civic Buildings 69
Lorton Bank Lorton Bank
Exterior Interior
A squat building with narrow windows Lorton Bank holds the wealth of most of
crouches amongst the other buildings. The Havdhir, though many nobles have their
structure is almost completely circular, own private caches of wealth. Even the
resembling a great round stone lodged Grifter’s Guild has found ways to store
between the structures around it. A set of metal doors are funds in the most well-respected and protected bank in all
inserted in its center, and a pair of heavily armed guards of Havdhir.
stands before the entrance.

70 Civic Buildings
When the characters enter the bank, read the
following aloud:
Side Quest:
Robbery of the Century
Dozens of tellers sit behind large, marble
desks. Stacks of gold, weighing scales,
(deadly at any level)
and piles of papers are set before them. A
When the characters reach a high enough
massive, metal door with a large keyhole
reputation within the city (when they reach level
stands imposingly at the far end of the bank with four
15) they are approached by members of the Grifter’s
heavily-armored knights standing on either side of it.
Guild who believe they can help the characters
break into Lorton Bank and pull off the greatest
robbery Havdhir has ever known. At the Game
Opening an Account Master’s discretion, they might be approached
much sooner and at a lower level, but are more
Anyone may open an account with Lorton Bank,
than likely to die during the heist, or obtain game-
free of charge, and citizens may come and go as
breaking loot if they somehow succeed.
they please within the public areas of the bank.
The establishment is manned 24-hours-a-day,
At a time of the Game Master’s choosing, read the
because business in Havdhir never sleeps…
following aloud:
and neither does its primary bank, run by the
Iron-Lenders Association.
As you walk down the street, an
Characters can safely store coin and items in the impeccably dressed dwarf whistles at you,
bank without fear that the items may be stolen. stepping out of an alley and letting out a
hushed exclamation as he approaches. He
Characters can also request loans from the bank is accompanied by a halfling whose eyes shift about the
which the bank might approve, depending on the
area nervously. “It’s you… it’s really you! You’re famous,
characters’ reputations.
you’re…. well… you’re exactly what we need. I bet you’ve
The bank requires payment each month on all loans pulled off some rather dangerous feats, no? You’ve
and regularly sends out representatives to collect. heard of Lorton Bank? Well… we have a plan to take out
These representatives are usually veterans, mages a rather large ‘loan’ and I think you might be just the
(in the case of particularly troubling debtors), or folks to help us.”
more experienced enforcers who venture to the far
corners of the world to retrieve the bank’s dues. The The characters are approached by Yornil
bank has also been known to hire sentient monsters Grimdelver and his companion Linrin Softstep,
or other powerful entities to obtain payment of a members of the Grifter’s Guild with a plan to rob
debt or bring a debtor back to Havdhir. Lorton Bank. Yornil was recently able to copy
the key to the Lorton Bank Exterior chamber. He
Debtors who cannot pay the bank are usually and Linrin plan to attempt to break into the vault,
thrown into Still-Echo Prison for a number of days believing they possess the only key required to
equal to the gold pieces they owe. open it. Characters might be able to learn more
about Lorton Bank (as well as the various traps
Character Level Loan Amount Interest per Month that are laid within) by using a magical telescope
1-2 10 gp 10% located in Azkhell’s tower. Otherwise they, too,
might believe they hold the only key required to
3-4 40 gp 10% enter the vault.
5-6 300 gp 10%
7-8 860 gp 15% Yornil and Linrin have noticed that magical items
have started to work within the bank from time to
9-10 1,700 gp 15%
time, and plan on holding up the tellers and knights
11-12 3,000 gp 15% of the bank by threatening them with a sphere
13-14 5,700 gp 20% of annihilation and a talisman of the sphere… items
of great power they have obtained through the
15-16 10,300 gp 20%
Grifter’s Guild. While the duo hold up the tellers the
17-18 21,400 gp 20% characters can enter the vault. As far as an escape
19-20 55,200 gp 25% plan, the pair believe that with the characters’

Civic Buildings 71
reputation, the characters might have an idea on
how to get everyone out.

The duo’s plan is almost sure to dissolve into chaos

the minute they put it into action, since the pair are
incredibly under-prepared for such a daring robbery.

Yornil and Linrin are working for the Grifter’s Guild,

which demands a 30% cut of the treasures taken
from the vault. In addition, they promise if they are
arrested, the guild will ensure they never see the
bottom of Still-Echo Prison. (It is at the Game Master’s
discretion whether the pair are lying about this).

Characters can convince Yornil and to reduce the

duo’s percentage of the loot by making a Charisma
(Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check
opposed by the duo’s group Wisdom (Insight)
check. For every 5 the characters’ check exceeds
the duo’s check, they reduce their cut by 5 percent,
to a minimum of 10 percent. For every 5 the duo’s
check exceeds the character’s check, they increase Roleplaying Linrin
the percent by 5 percent. Linrin is a suspicious halfling raised on the streets
of Havdhir. He usually wears an oversized cloak and
Some characters might not wish to commit robbery. rarely speaks, letting his best friend Yornil do the
In this case it is suggested that Yornil and Linrin talking for him. He trusts no one apart from Yornil,
could be attempting to steal back an item that was and assumes everyone else is either out to get him
stolen by Ivar Lorton, an item which he refuses to or out for themselves.
return to them.
Linrin Softstep (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic
neutral halfling.

Robbing the Bank

Some characters may wish to attempt to rob the
bank on their own. The people of Havdhir have
all heard rumors of the deadly defenses of the
bank and are likely to pass on these rumors to any
character who asks.

Robbing the bank is no easy feat even for high-level

characters and should be treated as a grindhouse
encounter with little to no chance of survival.

Only incredibly experienced, lucky, or creative

Roleplaying Yornil characters would be able to rob Lorton Bank.
Yornil is a young dwarf with big plans. He dresses
incredibly well and maintains an appearance of The riches held within the bank have the potential
gentility and grace, smooth talking his way out of to break a game’s economy—especially if riches
most trouble. He has risen through the ranks of the are somehow stolen at lower levels. If you decide
Grifter’s Guild extremely quickly, and stolen some to allow for a robbery, use the treasures within the
of the most valuable items in all of Havdhir. He bank carefully.
believes stealing from Lorton Bank will establish
him as one of the greatest thieves in history. If the characters decide to rob the bank on their
own, they begin the “Robbery of the Century”
Yornil Grimdelver (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic side quest but do not have to give the Grifter’s
neutral dwarf. Guild a cut.

72 Civic Buildings
Wards Vault Entry Chamber
The bank is heavily warded against theft, with a
permanent magical suppression system emanating Exterior
through its inner chambers that’s projected from Lock 1: This chamber can be entered by using the
a device that was created by the Iron-Lenders corresponding key. The key is in the possession of
centuries ago. It is meant to keep teleporting mages one of the bank tellers, and the person carrying the
or magic-using thieves from infiltrating the bank. key changes daily. Yornil and Linrin’s copy of the
The device has not been updated in some time, and key will also work for this first lock.
has begun malfunctioning. Within the bank, spells
cast in the bank or effects created by spells cast A creature using thieves’ tools can pick the lock
outside of the bank have a 50% chance of failing with a successful DC 18 Dexterity check. The door
or ceasing to function, and magic items have a is guarded at all times by 4 knights.
50% chance of not functioning. Roll the percentage
for spells when they are cast within the bank or Vault Entry Chamber
when the spell’s effect enters the bank. For magic
items, roll the percentage when the items enter
the bank. Mind-affecting spells and effects such
as those produced by the charm person or dominate The chamber itself is empty, apart from a
monster spells end upon entering one of the vault complex lock at the far end and vents built
rooms, and all vault rooms are enchanted with into the walls.
permanent zone of truth spells (Charisma save DC
20) that affect any creature other than guardians of The vents can be clogged with cloth or other items
the vault. The vault to the bank is protected by a which would stop the flow of air.
murderous lock system and a contingent of guards
Lock 2: Each week, a teller is randomly selected
who are not affected by the magic suppression.
and given the combination to the lock. This teller is
different from the one carrying the key to the entry
Doors and Locks chamber. The lock opens the door to the Coin-on-
A series of trapped rooms—each protected by a Hand Chamber.
more difficult lock than the last—leads to the vault.
A creature using thieves’ tools can pick the lock
with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check.
Each of the doors in Lorton Bank is made of
adamantine and has AC 23, 27 hit points, immunity
Trap: On a failure, the entry door swings shut and
to poison and psychic damage, and a damage locks from the outside, the chamber fills with a
threshold of 10. Breaking down a door activates noxious gas, and a magical alarm sounds that alerts
the trap in the room the characters are currently in all creatures within the bank. Each creature in the
as well as the trap in the room beyond. The walls chamber must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
of the bank are solid stone, 10 feet thick, and each saving throw at the start of each of its turns or fall
1-foot section of the walls has AC 20, 20 hit points, unconscious for 1 hour.
immunity to poison and psychic damage, and a
damage threshold of 5. This chamber is not meant to be deadly, just in case
a teller forgets the combination to the safe, but it is
Bank tellers that know the combinations to meant to knock out potential thieves.
the bank’s secrets have their memory of the
combination magically modified by a ward that was Coin-on-Hand Chamber
created by the wizard Azkhell to protect the bank’s
secrets. This ward casts the modify memory spell This room is lined with carefully-labeled
on the bank representatives when they leave the shelves. Stacks of gold, jewels, and other
bank. Not even the owner, Ivar Lorton, knows the precious items are meticulously organized
combination to the vault when he is outside of the upon them.
bank, his memory only returning when he reenters
the establishment. This room is a holding chamber for daily coin and
the riches brought into the vault.

Valuables and coin are carefully categorized and

sorted to be sure that all coin is transferred to the
appropriate party.

Civic Buildings 73
Loot instant, the floor of the chamber drops out, opening
into a pit of lava. The shelves on the walls filled with
90 pp valuables close, mechanisms sealing the shelves to
1,200 gp create a perfectly smooth surface, and no handholds
7,000 sp are available save for a tiny ledge on the edges of the
400 cp chamber. A creature can attempt a DC 18 Dexterity
Spell scroll (alarm) (common) saving throw to keep itself from plummeting into
Black velvet mask with gold thread (25 gp) the lava, clinging to one of the ledges. When a
Agate figurine of a cat (25 gp) creature starts its turn in the lava it takes 55 (10d10)
Silk handkerchief with small jewels (25 gp) fire damage. The trap resets itself 1 minute after
activation, the pit closing and shelves reopening.
Lock 3: The lock magically changes its combination
each week, and only Ivar and a trusted Monthly Coin Chamber
representative know the combination. Ivar’s
representative will not betray his secrets under any This chamber is dominated by several large
circumstances, fearing the wrath of the Iron-Lenders desks, each of them with piles of treasure
more than any threatening, thieving criminals. The and various items carefully organized. Many
lock opens the door to the Monthly Coin Chamber. of the items are tagged with the names of
persons or companies. Two large, snake-like creatures
The lock can be opened with a series of checks by a with human-like faces slither along the other side of the
creature using thieves’ tools. Failure on any one of chamber, and you note dozens of holes in the walls and
the checks causes the trap to activate. ceiling, each roughly 6 inches in diameter.

DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. The third chamber is used to store weekly wealth
You can hear the complex tumblers working brought into the vault, the items transferred by a
within the mechanism, and you think you personal representative of Ivar Lorton at the end of
know the right combination…if you can be each week.
nimble enough.
2 guardian nagas protect the chamber, the ancient
DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. wealth, and the potentially dangerous magical
You seem to have successfully deactivated power held within the bank.
some form of magical ward set on this lock
Lock 4: This lock opens the vault. Ivar Lorton is the
by aligning runes in the proper order.
only person alive who knows the code to the vault,
though he has paid a handsome sum to have the
knowledge magically passed
DC 25 Dexterity check.
to whoever takes control
With a resounding click, the lock
of the Iron-Lenders
swings open.
Association in the
event of his death. Ivar
ventures to the bank
once per month to
If the trap is activated, read the following aloud: transfer riches from the
Monthly Coin Chamber
The lock flares with a burst of black into the main vault. The
energy, and you hear an ominous clicking bank is Ivar’s legacy, and he
sound. Suddenly the floor beneath you
will not betray its secrets,
even under threat of death.
folds inward, opening up to a chamber
filled with boiling lava! The heat washes over you as the
The lock can be
small alcoves holding treasure are covered by sliding opened with a series
doors, leaving a polished, flat surface on the walls. of checks by a
creature using
The lock casts the power word kill spell on the thieves’ tools.
creature attempting to open the lock (if the character Failure on
succeeded on its Intelligence (Arcana) check on the any one of
lock, the power word kill spell is not cast). In the same the checks

74 Civic Buildings
causes the trap to activate. In addition, if the
guardian nagas sense intruders, they activate the
The Vault
trap by purposefully entering a wrong combination. A golden glow issues from within the room,
The nagas do not fear drowning in the chamber as and torches along the walls spring to life
they will rejuvenate a few days later. as you enter. Piles of gold and jewels are
stacked as high as the eye can see, and the
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. walls are lined with brass shelves, each carefully labeled
You can hear the tumblers within the lock with business or personal names. Two massive, iron
settling gently, and if you can move your creatures stand within the chamber, each with an orb
tools quickly enough, you should be able of black, swirling energy hovering before it. A strange
to open the lock. machine made of whirring gears and inlaid with arcane
runes and crystals sits at the far end of the chamber.
DC 30 Dexterity check.
With a satisfying click, the lock The malfunctioning device meant to suppress
springs open. magical intrusion is located in the vault. The
device can be destroyed, which negates its magical
suppression effects. The device has AC 17, 27 hp,
and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
If the trap is activated, read the following aloud:

The door behind you swings shut, locking

with an ominous, resounding thud. A
hissing sound can be heard. Suddenly, the
holes in the wall and ceiling spray forth a
sticky green substance which lets off an alarming yellow
steam. This disgusting liquid is quickly filling the chamber!

If the trap is activated, the door to the Coin-on-Hand

chamber swings shut and locks from the other side. The
holes in the walls and ceiling spray forth a sticky green
liquid. When a creature starts its turn in the liquid it
takes 55 (10d10) poison damage. The liquid covers
the entire floor of the room when the trap activates.
Roll initiative. On initiative count 20, the liquid in
the chamber rises by 5 feet. It takes 5 rounds for the
liquid to reach the ceiling, at which point creatures in
the room must hold their breath or begin to suffocate
unless they can open one of the doors to escape the
chamber. The chamber resets 5 hours after activation,
small slots opening in the floor to drain the poison.

69,000 gp
Potion of giant strength (fire giant) (rare)
2x Black opal (1,000 gp each)
Emerald (1,000 gp) 2 iron golems guard the chamber, protecting it
2x Fire opal (1,000 gp each) against the intrusion of anyone apart from Ivar
3x Star ruby (1,000 gp each) Lorton or people who can prove they are associates
Star sapphire (1,000 gp) of his. Each of the golems possesses the ability to
Yellow sapphire (1,000 gp) speak, and uses the zone of truth spell affecting
2x Brass mug with carnelian inlay (250 gp each) the vault rooms to question intruders. The golems
2x Amethyst goblet (250 gp each) each control a sphere of annihilation and will attempt
Large tapestry depicting a battle (250 gp) to slay any unauthorized creature that enters the
Silver necklace with a carved amber pendant (250 gp) chamber.

Civic Buildings 75

This chamber is filled with riches beyond measure. While

Market District
A bustling market opens up before you; the
it is up to the Game Master what exactly is stored in the narrow streets you have been traversing
bank, suggested loot is provided here: seem to fold away as you walk into the busy
square. Creatures of all shapes and sizes
408,000 gp press through the throng, visiting the stands and small
Ring of djinni summoning (legendary) shops lining the street. The aroma of freshly baked bread,
Potion of invisibility (very rare) the tang of heated metal, and the earthy scent of leather
permeate the air.
+3 Wand of the war mage (very rare)
+3 Weapon (any) (rare)
The market has dozens of shops and market stands.
Cloak of the bat (rare) Characters simply stopping in to quickly grab
Gold game board with jade playing pieces resembling equipment or sell loot can do so with little trouble,
dwarves and elves (8,500 gp) but if you want to add a bit of life to the market
2x Gold crown with emeralds (7,500 gp each) rather than making it a simple exchange, have
Enameled, gold animal’s sarcophagus (7,500 gp) the characters venture to the different shops and
2x Small gold statuette set with diamonds (7,500 gp each) interact with the vendors to obtain items or sell off
loot. Many of the shopkeeps also have side quests
Carved ivory drinking horn with gold inlay (6,500 gp)
the characters can become involved in, helping
Ruby (5,000 gp)
them earn a reputation for themselves in Havdhir.
Intricate music box (2,500 gp)
Miniature replica of Havdhir made of solid gold (2,500 gp) Selling in the Market District
Illuminated manuscript (2,500 gp)
Arms, Armor, and Other Equipment. Most vendors
Black opal (1,000 gp) in the Market District will buy treasures and
Blue sapphire (1,000 gp) trinkets at half price.
5x Amber (100 gp each)
5x Spinel (100 gp each) Magic Items. No one in the Market District
10x Zircon (50 gp each) purchases magic items, and only a few have any for
sale. If the characters attempt to sell magic items in
the Market District, they will be directed to Freya’s
Fantastical Items.
Azkhell’s Tower
Gems, Jewelry, and Art Objects. Vendors in the
In the final part of Trouble in Havdhir, the characters Market District will trade full value and even pay
gain entrance to Azkhell’s tower. Azkhell’s tower with gems or other valuable items as currency, so
was built by the Iron-Sails dwarven clan during long as the item’s value is no more than 100 gold
the height of Havdhirian power. The tower itself pieces. If the item is worth more than 100 gold
is enchanted with lost magic which allows certain pieces, most vendors refuse to accept the item,
spells and effects within it to behave in unusual fearing such an item may be easily stolen or faked.
ways… making them exceedingly powerful, Characters attempting to sell an item of higher
permanent, or special. Azkhell has used the tower value will be directed to Percival’s Appraisal.
for decades as a domain for his studies; and, in
his madness, he has used many of the tower’s Theft in the Market District
special properties to set bizarre traps and areas of Theft is common in the Market District. The
“entertainment.” Grifter’s Guild utilizes street urchins and low-
ranking pickpockets within the organization to
The quest “Azkhell’s Agoraphobia” continues on swipe valuables. The Havdhir guard attempts to
page 153. put a stop to these thefts, but there is little they can
do when for every thief whose hands you remove,
another sticky-fingered rogue steps in.

Each time the characters enter the Market District,

roll a d6 to determine if the characters are targeted
by a pickpocket. If the characters’ reputation

76 Market District
precedes them, either because of their mighty Items priced at 100 gold pieces or less: DC 15 Charisma
deeds or confrontations with the Grifter’s Guild, (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check to
pickpockets are more likely to leave the characters reduce item cost or increase sale price by 10%. If the
check exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the percentage
increases to 20%. If the check fails by 5 or more, the
1. No pickpockets target the characters.
item cost increases and sale price decreases by 5%.
2. A pair of thugs working for the Grifter’s Guild
Items priced at 1,000 gold pieces or less: DC 20
approach the characters as they walk away from
Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion)
the crowd. Pulling their heavy cloaks aside to reveal
check to reduce item cost or increase sale price by 10%.
their weapons, they demand that the characters pay
If the check exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the percentage
tribute to the Grifter’s Guild, asking each to hand
increases to 20%. If the check fails by 5 or more, the item
over 5 gold pieces or “face the consequences.”
cost increases and sale price decreases by 5%.
3. An urchin begs the characters for loose coin. If they
Items priced at 10,000 gold pieces or less: DC 25
stop to speak with the boy, the child’s companion
Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion)
attempts to lift a small item worth no more than 5
check to reduce item cost or increase sale price by 10%.
gold pieces off one of the characters. Each urchin
If the check exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the percentage
uses the statistics of a spy.
increases to 20%. If the check fails by 5 or more, the item
4. A veteran thief working for the Grifter’s Guild cost increases and sale price decreases by 5%.
targets the characters and attempts to remove
Items priced at 10,001 gold pieces or more: DC 30
one of their most valuable possessions, waiting
Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion)
for the opportune moment to strike. The thief has
check to reduce item cost or increase sale price by 10%.
advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
If the check exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the percentage
The thief uses the statistics of a spy.
increases to 20%. If the check fails by 5 or more, the item
5. A magically enhanced pickpocket attempts to cost increases and sale price decreases by 5%.
steal an item at random from each character.
The pickpocket uses the statistics of a bandit
Navigating the Crowd
captain mage (1 Stat Block).
The hustle and bustle of Havdhir’s Market
6.  A group of pickpockets have paid off the guard in District can make reaching a particular stall or
the Market District and are pick-pocketing anyone shop difficult. Occasionally, a vendor of Havdhir
they deem a worthy target. The pickpockets set may put on a sale, generating a mob of shoppers
their sights on the characters and attempt to steal rushing to be the first to take advantage of the deal.
Alternatively, there may be an altercation between
as much as they can from them, the guard doing
a criminal and a guard that results in a crowd
nothing to help. The group consists of three bandits. running for cover.

Haggling Any of the following events could occur while the

Characters may wish to haggle over the cost of an characters are shopping:
item or the pay for an item they are selling. Some
optional rules are provided below for haggling A vendor announces an “everything must go sale,”
in the Market District. It is recommended that offering 20% off the usual prices. A crowd flocks to the
the haggling is roleplayed to help add life to the stand. To reach the stand and the deals, a character must
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. In order to simply
Items priced at 10 gold pieces or less: DC 10 Charisma
avoid being trampled by the crowd, a character must
(Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check to
succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or a
reduce item cost or increase sale price by 10%. If the
DC 8 Strength (Athletics) check. If a character fails on
check exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the percentage
the check to reach the stand or to avoid being trampled,
increases to 20%. If the check fails by 5 or more, the
the character is knocked prone and takes 16 (3d10)
item cost increases and sale price decreases by 5%.
bludgeoning damage from rushing shoppers.

Market District 77
A fight breaks out in the Market District. Arculf burnt leather apron steps from beneath it, nearly hitting his
Proudbelly, Bandit Captain Extraordinaire (1 Stat head on the swinging sign as he does so. “What you want?
Block), threatens to cast the fireball spell on himself and Bash? Smash? Gash? Or stop from get mashed?” the ogre
bellows, pointing toward a rack of weapons and armor.
everyone around him if the guards do not let him escape
with some stolen goods. Shoppers duck for cover, and
Brong is the owner of “Brong’s Bashy Things.” He
the characters can attempt to either find cover or was born a runt and abandoned by his parents in
intervene. a small cave just outside of Havdhir. Luckily for
The crowd is particularly thick today. To get other Brong, a wandering metalsmith looking for rare ore
stumbled upon him and took pity on the abandoned
shoppers to stand aside, the characters must succeed
ogre, raising Brong as his own.
on a DC 10 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or
Persuasion) check to advance 30 feet through the
Roleplaying Brong
crowd. On a failure, 1d4 commoners turn on the
Brong speaks in a bellow most of the time, is mostly
characters and attempt to knock them prone, potentially unaware of his surroundings, knocks his goods over,
inciting a riot. frequently burns his apron by walking too close to
10 boars break free from their pens just before slaughter, the forge, and talks primarily in the third person
with a bit of a “dull” streak.
rampaging through the market district. The boars smash
stalls and run over shoppers. Each character must succeed
Brong (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic good ogre.
on a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw in order
to avoid being struck by a fleeing shopper, taking 2 (1d4) Shopping
damage on a failed save. If the save fails by 5 or more, the
Brong sells any form of nonmagical weapon or
character is struck by one of the rampaging boars using its piece of armor (so long as the weapon or armor is
Charge and Tusk attack. primarily made of metal).
A vendor selling alchemical ingredients spills a few
Brong has the following items available for sale in
together by accident, creating a horrific cloud of noxious
quantities determined by the Game Master. Brong
gas. Each creature within 30 feet of the stall must make may have additional supplies as determined by the
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the Game Master.
creature takes 7 (2d6) poison damage and is poisoned
for 1 hour. A creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success. If the initial saving throw is successful, the
creature takes half as much damage and is not poisoned.

Market District
Brong’s Bashy Things
A large, open structure with a roof that’s
supported by two weathered wooden
poles and a back and side wall made of
mortared stones juts out into the market.
A massive anvil rests before an even larger stone forge
with whetstones on wheels, racks of weapons, and
various workbenches piled with tools that mark this as
a blacksmith’s shop. A crooked sign painted in crude
lettering hangs over the smithy reading “Brong’s Bashy
Things.” As you approach, a hulking ogre dressed in a

78 Market District Shops

Armor Handaxe (5 gp) Chain (10 feet) (5 gp)
Lance (10 gp) Crowbar (2 gp)
Breastplate (400 gp)
Light hammer (2 gp) Hammer (1 gp)
Chain mail (75 gp)
Longsword (15 gp) Hammer, sledge (2 gp)
Chain shirt (50 gp)
Mace (5 gp) Lamp (5 sp)
Half plate (750 gp)
Maul (10 gp) Lantern, bullseye (10 gp)
Plate (1,500 gp)
Morningstar (15 gp) Lantern, hooded (5 gp)
Ring mail (30 gp)
Pike (5 gp) Lock (10 gp)
Scale mail (50 gp)
Rapier (25 gp) Manacles (2 gp)
Shield (10 gp)
Scimitar (25 gp) Pick, miner’s (2 gp)
Splint armor (200 gp)
Shortsword (10 gp) Pot, iron (2 gp)
Sickle (1 gp) Shovel (2 gp)
Weapons Trident (5 gp) Spikes, iron (10) (1 gp)
Battleaxe (10 gp) War pick (5 gp) Whetstone (1 cp)
Dagger (2 gp) Warhammer (15 gp)
Flail (10 gp) Tools
Glaive (20 gp) Adventuring Gear Smith’s tools (20 gp)
Greataxe (30 gp)
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) (1 gp) Tinker’s tools (50 gp)
Greatsword (50 gp)
Caltrops (bag of 20) (1 gp)
Halberd (20 gp)

Market District Shops 79

Loot Terra is the half-orc proprietor of “Wolf’s Last
Rest,” a shop she named as a tongue-in-cheek bit of
Characters might attempt to steal items from Brong’s irony owing to the number of wolf pelts she sells.
shop; in which case, the items available for theft and on
display are at the Game Master’s discretion. Brong does Roleplaying Terra
NOT respond well to theft, and, if he catches a thief, he
immediately calls the guards and bans the perpetrator
Terra speaks in a rasping tone and has a large scar
from ever shopping from him again. across her neck (one she received from an ogre
attempting to eat her). Terra often stands with her
hands on her hips and a sober expression on her
Side Quest: face, only lightening up when a sale is imminent.
Deeds for a Discount Terra (1 Stat Block) is a neutral half-orc.
His prices are fair, but if asked, Brong is willing to
give each of the characters a 25% discount in his Shopping
shop if they can do something for him. Terra has leather goods, non-metallic armor and
weapons, bows, arrows, and other fletching supplies
for sale. Terra has the following items available for
“Terra—she have leather and fletcher
sale in quantities determined by the Game Master.
shop. She not like Brong…won’t sell Brong
Terra may have additional supplies as determined
leather apron, and Brong’s apron full of by the Game Master.
burn holes. You get Terra sell Brong apron,
Brong give you discount.”

Brong is in desperate need of a new blacksmithing

apron to protect himself from the heat in his forge,
but an apron for a creature of his size is a custom
order and one Terra has refused to make for him.
Terra owns a tannery and fletching stand in the
Market District called “Wolf’s Last Rest,” and
on the past few occasions Brong has sheepishly
ventured to her stand to ask for a new apron he has
had quivers of arrows and tanning supplies hurled
at him along with Terra’s many insults.


25% off all items in Brong’s store

Wolf’s Last Rest

A long tent is set along the side of the
market. Various posts are tied with string
and set out front. The hides of creatures are
strung amongst them. The smell of leather
permeates the air near this tent, and within, you spy a
half-orc woman smiling as she hands a roll of leather, a
quiver, and a few dozen arrows over to a young man who
hurries out of the shop. Small tables are stacked with
animal furs, bows, and leather armor. “Welcome to Wolf’s
Last Rest,” the half-orc calls out, “Terra’s the name. What
can I get you to take with you today?”

80 Market District Shops

Armor Hunting Trap (5 gp)
Quiver (1 gp)
Hide (10 gp)
Sling bullets (20) (4 cp)
Leather (10 gp)
Padded (5 gp)
Studded (45 gp)
Leatherworker’s tools (5 gp)
Blowgun (10 gp)
Club (1 sp) Characters might attempt to steal items from Terra’s
Crossbow, hand (75 gp) shop; in which case, the items available for theft and on
Crossbow, heavy (50 gp) display are at the Game Master’s discretion. If Terra spots
Crossbow, light (25 gp) a thief, she picks up the nearest weapon and attacks,
not trusting the guards. Many of the locals are fond of
Dart (5 cp) Terra, and commoners are likely to flock to the scene to
Greatclub (2 sp) aid her.
Javelin (5 sp)
Longbow (50 gp)
Side Quest:
Net (1 gp)
Quarterstaff (2 sp) Deeds for a Discount
Shortbow (25 gp)
If the characters speak with Terra before they meet
Sling (1 sp) Brong, read the following aloud:
Spear (1 gp)
Whip (2 gp) As you peruse her wares, Terra strikes
up a conversation. “Can you believe that
Adventuring Gear damned ogre, Brong, is still selling his
wares in Havdhir? The monster should
Arrows (20) (1 gp)
be strung up just for being born. Can you believe he had
Blowgun needles (50) (1 gp)
the gall to come in here and ask me to make him a new
Case, crossbow bolt (1 gp)
blacksmith’s apron?”
Crossbow bolts (20) (1 gp)

Market District Shops 81

Terra despises Brong, the owner of “Brong’s Bashy room, you see a lizardfolk creature wearing a pair of small
Things,” and hates ogres in general. Her husband spectacles and dressed in an ornate robe laboring over a
and daughter were eaten by ogres while traveling bubbling alchemical set. The room is lined with alchemical
to Havdhir several years ago, and in Terra’s eyes, ingredients, shelves of books, and rolls of paper. As you
Brong is little more than a monster. enter, the lizardfolk looks up from his work. “Ah! Customers!
I’m having a bit of trouble with my latest concoction here—
Brong has been asking Terra to make him a new you must excuse me. What can I do for you?”
apron for months, his own getting more and more
disheveled and burnt, but Terra has repeatedly Roleplaying Histell
refused the “disgusting brute.”
Histell is a lizardfolk who frequently makes strange
hissing and clicking noises under his breath, often
There is one thing that would convince Terra to craft
pulling a small roll of parchment out of his robe and
an apron for Brong: A month ago, she got a bit rowdy
scribbling down notes. He has a habit of squinting,
at the Guzzling Goblin… so rowdy, in fact, that she
and it’s obvious that his glasses do little to improve
was removed from the premises and arrested. One of
his poor eyesight.
the guards, a man by the name of Garren Dirth, stole
the small locket she wore with a painting of her late
Histell is the owner of Histell’s Alchemical
husband and daughter inside of it. Terra knows this
Mysteries: a supply store for alchemists, scribes,
corrupt guard sleeps in the Havdhir Barracks and
and spellcasters.
likely has stored her locket in the sleeping chambers
there. If the characters can retrieve it, she will craft
Histell (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic good lizardfolk.
an apron for Brong as a favor.

Reward Shopping
Histell has the following items available for sale in
Large blacksmith’s apron (20 gp) quantities determined by the Game Master. Histell
may have additional supplies as determined by the
If the characters decide they don’t particularly want to
help Brong: Game Master.
Terra instead offers a 25% discount on her wares if they
bring her the locket she wants.

Histell’s Alchemical
A small shop with a chimney spewing
green smoke lies before you. A wooden
door, with a stained-glass window depicting
a lizard stirring a cauldron, is closed on
this cozy-looking shop. A clockwork device is hung over
the door, a metal book whose pages turn with a clicking
sound. The flipping pages quickly spell out “Histell’s
Alchemical Mysteries.”

Histell’s Alchemical
Entering the shop, you are accosted by a
blast of purple smoke, which clears almost
instantly. “Curses!” you hear a voice cry as
the smoke dissipates, “Charlotte will hate
this one too. Why won’t it smell right?!” Peering across the

82 Market District Shops

Adventuring Gear Pouch (5 sp)
Rod (arcane focus) (10 gp)
Acid (vial) (25 gp)
Spellbook (50 gp)
Alchemist’s fire (flask) (50 gp)
Sprig of mistletoe (druidic focus) (1 gp)
Antitoxin (vial) (50 gp)
Staff (arcane focus) (5 gp)
Book (25 gp)
Totem (druidic focus) (1 gp)
Bottle, glass (2 gp)
Vial (1 gp)
Candle (1 cp)
Wand (arcane focus) (10 gp)
Case, map or scroll (1 gp)
Wooden staff (druidic focus) (5 gp)
Component pouch (25 gp)
Yew wand (druidic focus) (10 gp)
Crystal (arcane focus) (10 gp)
Healer’s kit (5 gp)
Ink (1 ounce bottle) (10 gp)
Ink pen (2 cp) Alchemist’s supplies (50 gp)
Magnifying glass (100 gp) Brewer’s supplies (20 gp)
Oil (flask) (1 sp) Herbalism kit (5 gp)
Orb (arcane focus) (20 gp) Poisoner’s kit (50 gp)
Paper (one sheet) (2 sp)
Parchment (one sheet) (1 sp) Magic Items
Poison, basic (vial) (100 gp)
Scrolls, common (75 gp)
Potion of healing (50 gp)

Market District Shops 83

Loot alchemist’s tools, making a separate Intelligence
(Investigation) check or Wisdom (Survival) check
Characters might attempt to steal items from Histell’s regarding each of the ingredients.
shop; in which case, the items available for theft and on
display are at the Game Master’s discretion. If Histell A character proficient with the “alchemist’s
spots a thief, Histell uses the suggestion spell and supplies” artisan tools can add the character’s
requests the thief replace the item. If this fails, he utilizes proficiency bonus when making these checks.
the greater invisibility spell to flee to safety, summoning
guards to the scene as he does so and returning to aid in Nightshade usability check result
thwarting the brigands robbing his shop.
10 or less: This seems usable. The flower is
a lovely purple—surely it will smell nice!
Side Quest:
Scents and Perfumability 11 or more: This is just as likely to cause the
wearer of the perfume to pass out as it is to
Histell has a condition common amongst lizardfolk
cause those smelling it to feel a bit nauseous.
of his lineage that results in him releasing a
powerful odor when he is anxious. Unfortunately,
Impact on the perfume if used: Negative
Histell gets anxious every time he is around
Charlotte, the halfling grocer across the street
Owlbear claw usability check result
who he has a romantic infatuation with. Histell is
ashamed of his stench, which would attract other 10 or less: No way this is going to smell
lizardfolk but has the opposite effect on Charlotte. good. There’s still blood stuck on it.

Histell is attempting to brew a perfume that

will help hide his stench from Charlotte, but he 11 or more: Hmm, a bit gamey, but it seems
never seems to get the ingredients right. If the like this could work.
characters assist him in crafting a perfume of
adequate olfactory splendor, he will create a
replica of the perfume, gift the group 1 vial of the Impact on the perfume if used: Positive
perfume, and allow each of them to select from his
shop an item (or items) totaling 10 gold pieces in Ogre’s toenail usability check result
value. Characters can also pool their “discount” 10 or less: Seriously? No. This fungus-
by selecting an item of up to 40 gold pieces (for 4 covered toenail is for sure not going to help.
characters) instead.

Crafting the Perfume 11 or more: Surprisingly, the fungus

growing on this toenail is letting off a
Histell has a set of alchemist’s supplies readily
rather nice scent that might compliment
available for the characters to use if they wish to
the other ingredients.
assist him in creating the perfume.
Impact on the perfume if used: Positive
If the characters agree to help, Histell brings the
Exotic mushroom usability check result
following items out of storage in the hopes that
they can use them to craft a perfume: 10 or less: Looks delicious. Probably safe
to add into the perfume.
Crushed dragon’s teeth (5 gp)
Exotic mushroom (1 cp)
Frog legs (1 cp) 11 or more: This mushroom is deadly.
Lilies (1 cp)
Probably shouldn’t touch it.
Nightshade (1 sp)
Ogre’s toenail (1 cp) Impact on the perfume if used: Negative
Owlbear claw (1 gp)

In order to craft the perfume, the characters can

mix any or all of the ingredients together using

84 Market District Shops

Lilies usability check result On a success, a perfume is created with varying
10 or less: These seem a bit wilted. Probably properties based on the ingredients used. The
not the best choice. perfume’s statistics are in the item appendix.

On a failure, read the following aloud:

11 or more: While a bit wilted, the sweet
smell of the flowers’ decay could be modified Histell gags when inhaling the concoction
in a professionally made perfume. you have created and gasps, “I would
kindly ask that you never try your hand at
Impact on the perfume if used: Positive
potion making or perfuming ever again.
Frog legs usability check result By the gods, I’m amazed you didn’t blow up my shop.
Please, for the love of all that is beautiful and pleasant
10 or less: These seem like a great choice.
in this world, remove this horrid thing.” Histell coughs,
They look mummified, so they’re likely filled
with spices. holding the perfume at arm’s length.

11 or more: These mummified frog legs let

off a musty odor that would make Histell Reward
smell like a powder-coated grandmother.
If the characters succeed in crafting a
Impact on the perfume if used: Negative satisfactory perfume:
Lover’s perfume (uncommon)
Crushed dragon’s teeth usability check result
10 gp-worth of items per character from Histell’s shop
10 or less: No way. These powdery bits of
bone give off no scent at all.

Ardhos’s Bounty
11 or more: This fine white powder
gives off a slight magical glow; looks like A quaint little shop built in halfling style,
maybe it could be used to enhance a all rounded doors and windows and earth
potion or perfume. tones, rests just off the market street. The
Impact on the perfume if used: Positive door is painted in elegant calligraphy,
reading “Ardhos’s Bounty.” The smell of cooking meats,
The Intelligence check DC for crafting a usable freshly baked bread, and sugary confections wafts
perfume depends on the ingredients used. tantalizingly from the shop. The door is open, and you
can see a halfling woman busily rushing about within,
If the character uses more positive ingredients than wrapping cakes and merrily humming to herself.
negative ones, the DC to craft the perfume is 13.

If the character uses all positive ingredients, Charlotte runs this small grocer; baking bread,
the DC is 5. cooking meats, and preparing other delicious foods
for sale—all in the iconic cooking style found
If the character uses more negative than positive almost exclusively in the region of Ardhos.
ingredients, the DC is 18.

If the character uses all negative ingredients, the

Roleplaying Charlotte
perfume lets off a terrible odor regardless of the Charlotte is a sweetheart who always believes the
check result to craft it. best of everyone, has a kind word for any who walk
through her door, and sports a pleasant demeanor.
On a success, read the following aloud: She wears a flour-coated apron, an array of hand-
stitched clothes, and homemade jewelry—much of
it gifts from the small children in Havdhir to whom
“Histell’s eyes light up as he inhales she regularly gives free sweets.
deeply from the perfume you have
created. “Incredible!” he shouts, “Oh, Several years ago, Charlotte ventured from a small
hamlet in Ardhos to Havdhir, taking the culinary
Charlotte will LOVE this! Thank you!
techniques of the region with her to Havdhir.
Thank you so much!”
Her shop has been a major success!

Market District Shops 85

Characters might attempt to steal items from
Charlotte’s shop; in which case, the items available for
theft and on display are at the Game Master’s discretion.
If Charlotte witnesses a theft, she kindly requests the
item be returned. If it is not, she immediately alerts the
Havdhir guard.

Side Quest:
Scents and Perfumability
Charlotte is very fond of Histell, the alchemist
across the street. However, she gets the feeling he
has been avoiding her, and this saddens Charlotte.
Charlotte (1 Stat Block) is a neutral good halfling. At a time of the Game Master’s choosing, Charlotte
may reveal the following to the characters:
Charlotte offers ordinary food and drink as well as I do so enjoy spending time with Histell.
the following items exclusive to her shop:
Have you met him? The lizardfolk-
Ale of Ardhos (50 gp) alchemist across the street? He is such a
kind man. Although, I get the feeling he
Ardhosian short ribs (7 gp)
has been avoiding me lately. No idea what that’s about,
Charlotte’s famous bread loaf (2 gp)
but if you happen to find out, I’d greatly appreciate it. He’s
Root vegetable casserole (50 gp)
a dear friend, and I’d hate to lose his companionship.
Sugared baked dough (50 gp)

86 Market District Shops

Verin’s Second-Hand Goods Verin is willing to purchase obviously stolen or
sullied goods at ¼ their market cost. Normally,
A scruffy-looking man with one black leather word of theft of a valuable item in Havdhir travels
quickly; so if the characters stole an item of value
glove and one fingerless cotton one tips an
from someone in the city, it is likely most vendors
oversized hat embellished with an obnoxiously
in Havdhir know to avoid the stolen goods. Verin,
vibrant feather in your direction, smiling with
however, is willing to act as a fence, purchasing
a mouth of crooked teeth, most of which are gold or silver. He contraband items at a discounted rate.
shuffles from behind piles of what look like junk, leaning over
to the front of his market stand. “Welcome, noble sirs, fine Verin’s “Suspicious” Goods
ladies, and exalted others to Verin’s Second-Hand Goods! If I Bloodstained Havdhir guard’s uniform (1 Item) (25 gp)
don’t sell it, it doesn’t exist! What can I interest you in today?” Book: Filthy Rags (1 Item) (25 gp)
the man croaks, his distended belly pressing up against the Bottle of salve, labeled “Verin’s Very
counter top, and his patched clothing ruffling uncomfortably. Voluminous Hair Paste” (1 Item) (1 gp)
Child’s kite (1 gp)
Roleplaying Verin Chipped tea set (1 sp)
Verin operates Verin’s Second-Hand Goods and Giant’s jawbone (5 gp)
has ties to the Grifter’s Guild, who often sell him Mummified hamster (1 Item) (2 gp)
wares. He might provide information on the guild Prosthetic limb (1 Item) (250 gp)
if pressed by the characters but is unlikely to do Stocking cap with hidden compartment (1 Item) (100 gp)
so unless presented with an immense bribe or Stolen signet ring (1 Item) (10 gp)
imminent threat of death. Tiny gelatinous cube inside a terrarium (1 Item) (50 gp)
Unsettling jester’s mask (1 Item) (100 gp)
Verin (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil half-elf. Vampire’s fang (1 Item) (15 gp)
Very convincing fake beard (1 Item) (50 gp)
Verin has some incredibly odd items that have been
stolen or “conveniently lifted” from the residents of Loot
Havdhir. Characters might attempt to steal items from Verin’s
shop; in which case, the items available for theft and
At the Game Master’s discretion, Verin also sells any on display are at the Game Master’s discretion. If Verin
non-magical adventuring equipment, tool, or trinket. spots a thief, he takes no immediate action and pretends
like the theft never occurred. Verin later reports the
Verin’s goods are mostly used, stolen, sold from theft to the Grifter’s Guild, and the characters can
expect to be hounded day and night by thugs,
caches of loot, or dug up from graves. However, he
bandits, pickpockets, and the occasional hired
does have a fair amount of items that are in new or mercenary until they resolve the situation to
good condition and sold to him by credible sources. Verin’s satisfaction.

Market District Shops 87

The Menagerie questions about a particular monster,
Viekiir is likely to know the answers and is
A stand covered in small cages that are willing to “sell secrets” regarding creature
filled with squawking birds, chittering weaknesses or strengths.
monkeys, and crawling insects generates
enough noise to attract the attention of Viekiir (1 Stat Block) is a neutral elf.
several passersby. Massive cages and stalls are spread out
behind this stand, filled with animals of all kinds. A large
tank, big enough to hold several large creatures, is filled
with murky water and sits directly behind. A dark elf,
dressed in a vibrant costume of red with gold trim, stands
behind the counter. “Beasts and creatures of all kinds for
sale! Step right up! Get yourself a poisonous snake from
the far isles! Or a polar bear friend from the Darklands
of Vlaskhell! I’ve got the finest steeds from Ardhos and so
much more!” calls the dark elf.

Viekiir operates a stand that he calls “the

Menagerie,” selling exotic and mundane animals,
barding, and equipment.

Roleplaying Viekiir
Viekiir is a showman and is fond of the resplendent
outfit he wears to attract customer attention. He
fusses over his appearance a great deal and is
constantly talking in a verbose voice, accented by
grand gesticulations.

Viekiir has been in the animal trade business for

years and is an expert in all things animal, Beast,
and magical-creature-related. If the characters have

88 Market District Shops

Sold Secrets Horse, riding (75 gp)

Viekiir sells information regarding creatures. He will Lizard (5 gp)

sell at most one piece of information per creature Mastiff (25 gp)
type. The price is determined based on the creature Owl (5 gp)
CR. For the price given in the table, Viekiir does Panther (50 gp)
not reveal specifics of “individual monsters”: For Poisonous snake (25 gp)
instance, he may be able to tell the characters that Polar bear (800 gp)
trolls have regenerative abilities but not that “Skagg
Pony (30 gp)
the Biter” is fond of biting off heads and resides
in Morvin’s Sorrow Pit. However, Viekiir is willing Rat (2 cp)
to offer up secrets regarding individual creatures Raven (5 gp)
at twice his usual rate; it takes him several days to Scorpion (5 gp)
gather information about the individual. Spider (5 gp)
Vulture (5 gp)
Viekiir is able to immediately relay information on
Warhorse (400 gp)
creatures CR 0-16, but to deliver information on
creatures of CR 17 and above, he requires several Weasel (5 gp)
days or weeks of gathering information from Winter wolf (900 gp)
contacts and referencing documents. Wolf (60 gp)

CR 0-1 1 gp Loot
CR 2-4 10 gp
Characters might attempt to steal animals from Viekiir;
CR 5-8 25 gp in which case, the items and animals available for theft
CR 9-12 50 gp and on display are at the Game Master’s discretion. It
would be very difficult to sneak away any of the animals
CR 13-16 100 gp in large cages or pens, and Viekiir keeps the key to
CR 17-18 250 gp the cages on his person at all times. If the character
manages to free or steal an animal, Viekiir is likely to
CR 19-20 500 gp incite a panic, screaming about “a dangerous animal
CR 21+ 1,000 gp being on the loose,” and a stampede of shoppers and an
influx of guards are very likely.

Viekiir has any number of animals and equipment Side Quest:
for animal care for sale. He may have additional The One That Got Away
items for sale as determined by the Game Master.
If asked about the empty tank, if he has any aquatic
Tack and Harness creatures for sale, or in passing conversation, Viekiir
mentions the following:
Barding, leather (40 gp)
Barding, padded (20 gp)
“I do wish I had a shark to go in that tank
Barding, scale mail (200 gp)
back there. Would be great for bringing in
Bit and bridle (2 gp)
customers! I even bought several potions
Feed (per day) (5 cp)
of air breathing in Histell’s alchemy shop
Saddle, exotic (60 gp)
and converted them into darts in order to transport such
Saddle, military (20 gp)
a Beast here, but I have no time to venture out hunting
Saddle, pack (5 gp) for sharks. Everyone I ask to do it just laughs and mocks
Stabling (per day) (5 sp) me, saying, ‘What would you feed it? How would you
get it back here through the city? How would you catch
Animals one?’ How in the Nine Hells am I supposed to know?!
What I DO know is that it would be good for business if
Donkey or mule (8 gp)
anyone would take the time to procure one.”
Hawk (5 gp)
Horse, draft (50 gp)

Market District Shops 89

Viekiir has a love of exotic “pets” and has Rolling a 5: Business is going great! The shark attraction
occasionally kept an octopus or quipper in has brought in all sorts of new buyers, and Viekiir has
the empty tank behind his stand, but what he made 500 gold pieces this week after expenses.
desperately wants is a shark to attract
onlookers. “Imagine seeing a shark in the Rolling a 6: Business is booming! Viekiir raked in 1,000
middle of the market!” gold pieces this week after expenses.

Viekiir offers the characters a map showing a point off

the coast, called “Redwater Tide” by the locals, where
Redwater Tide
a vast number of sharks have been seen recently. He
Redwater Tide is located 2 miles off the coast of
gives them 10 darts of air breathing (1 Item) to use on
Havdhir and roughly 5 miles from the bobbing
a shark and directs them to the Havdhir Notary and
corpses of those buried at sea in the cemetery.
Exchange to try and obtain a ship.
Characters could reach the area by swimming,
hiring a ship, purchasing a ship of their own, flying
(if this is available to them) or any other means they
might imagine.

When the characters reach Redwater Tide, read the

following aloud:

A swath of water lies before you. The

water is tinged a deep shade of red. You
can see dark shapes moving about under
the water, and an occasional fin breaks
the crimson surface.

Viekiir offers 10% of his profits for one month if the A creature succeeding on a DC 12 Intelligence
characters bring him back a living shark. (Nature) check or a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival)
check can determine that the red water is actually
caused by an algae bloom (the red algae thrives in
Roll 1d6 to determine Viekiir’s total profits each the high light conditions of the area). It is likely that
week of the month: fish are attracted to the algae for food and those
fish attract the sharks.
Rolling a 1: Business is terrible—the shark escaped
and flopped all over the Market District, causing 4 hunter sharks swim about the area, feasting on
irreparable damage to various businesses. Viekiir is in the plentiful fish that enjoy the red algae floating
the hole several thousand gold pieces and can’t give the in the water. Diving into the water would almost
surely result in the death of the characters, so
characters anything this week or next.
some means of retrieving one of the sharks without
Rolling a 2: Business was going well, until one of Viekiir’s having to fight the others is advisable.
sellers upped the price on the fish that he needs in
Characters can attempt any method they see fit
order to feed his new shark. Now, Viekiir’s expenses
to try and capture a shark: hitting it with a dart of
have increased, and he has only made a measly 100 gold air breathing and waiting for it to fall unconscious
pieces this week after expenses. after suffocating underwater, netting the shark and
hauling it away, etc.
Rolling a 3: Business is manageable, but competition
from a new vendor has Viekiir worried. He had to sink Bringing the shark back to Viekiir is another matter
a lot of gold into increasing the shark’s tank size and entirely. A hunter shark weighs roughly 40 pounds
adding some signs around town. He made 200 gold and will need to be protected from environmental
pieces this week after expenses.
dangers such as drying out or being dragged
along the cobblestones. The shark will have to be
Rolling a 4: Business is going well. Viekiir brought in an transported in water or be hit with a dart of air
owlbear which sold for a hefty sum, and he has made breathing for slightly less-difficult transport. Getting
300 gold pieces this week after expenses.
the shark to Viekiir is no easy feat without careful
planning or the use of magic.

90 Market District Shops

Market District Shops 91
Additional Shops Roleplaying Percival Bingsley
Percival talks in a superior tone, and looks down
(or up) his nose at anyone not of noble birth or not
displaying knowledge of antiquities or valuables.
Percival’s Appraisal
Percival is able to identify the price and history of
Exterior just about any item for a fee, charging 5% of the
A brick shop with massive windows item’s market price in exchange for the information.
displays an array of jewelry, art, and
artifacts within. Near the heavy oak door, Percival can also identify magical items and can
a brass sign with finely etched markings cast the identify spell at will. He charges 150 gold
reads “Percival’s Appraisal.” pieces for such a service.

Often, characters may find art objects or other Percival Bingsley (1 Stat Block) is a lawful neutral dwarf.
items of value or of historical significance that they
could not reasonably know the value of. In such Shopping
a case, they may seek out Percival’s Appraisal, a Percival’s Appraisal is filled with art items, precious
dwarf-owned shop near Stonecentre. gems, and historical artifacts of great value.
Characters may wish to exchange large, clunky
Percival’s Appraisal items or sacks of gold or other treasure for the far
smaller, more valuable, and transportable items
Interior Percival has for sale. Percival’s goods change from
one day to the next; the Game Master can roll a d6
A stuffy-looking dwarf looks up from
to determine what selection of items is available
behind a desk. He is dressed in finery, has
on any given day. At the Game Master’s discretion,
a ridiculous monocle, sports a frilly collar,
Percival may also have any number of other
and has grown a long, gray-speckled beard
gemstones, art objects, or trinkets for sale.
that is draped over the counter like a small waterfall. The
dwarf is bent over a blue gemstone, holding a magnifying Rolling a 1
glass and a small brush to the item. “With you in a
Azurite (10 gp)
minute,” the dwarf calls, bending back over his work and
ignoring you other than to occasionally (if somewhat Blue quartz (10 gp)
suspiciously) look in your direction. Carved ship made of exotic wood,
banded with gold (250 gp)
The dwarf is Percival Bingsley, the proprietor Clockwork bird (50 gp)
of the shop and most renowned art and jewel Silvered mirror (50 gp)
appraiser in Havdhir. Rolling a 2
Antique locket inscribed with dwarven runes (50 gp)
Bejeweled coat (5,000 gp)
Bloodstone (50 gp)
Carved scrimshaw statue of a whale (25 gp)
Gold circlet set with shards of inert nihidium (750 gp)
Rolling a 3
Amber (100 gp)
Antique music box (100 gp)
Masterpiece painting (2,500 gp)
Rolling a 4
Alexandrite (500 gp)
Painted gold mask (750 gp)
Signet ring (5 gp)
Silver ewer (25 gp)

92 Additional Shops
Rolling a 5 If the characters agree and enter the basement,
Black opal (1,000 gp) read the following aloud:
Clockwork talking doll (20 gp)
Gold ring set with inert runes (250 gp) You step down into the basement. The
Rolling a 6 door closes behind you, accompanied by
Black sapphire (5,000 gp) the resounding thud of a heavy bolt being
Clockwork toy dwarf made of gold (1,000 gp) slid into place from the other side. The
Silver chalice (25 gp) basement is small and dimly lit by a small lantern at the
top of the stairs, which springs to life as the door closes.
Loot Most of the chamber is dark, but the flickering light casts
shadows upon a crate. Art objects have spilled out of it
Characters might attempt to steal items from Percival’s as though something had been rummaging in or through
shop; in which case, the items available for theft and on the pile of precious goods.
display are at the Game Master’s discretion. Percival is
incredibly careful to protect the objects in his shop—all
2 mimics are hiding amongst the art items.
of the windows and doors are enchanted with glyphs that
sound a loud, magical alarm if an item for sale is removed
from the shop unpaid for, and the creature possessing the The characters will have to attempt to find a
item must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw way to root out the mimics, which use their
or glow with a fierce orange light for 24 hours. The light False Appearance to hide amongst the items. If
shines even if the creature is invisible. If a thief exits the a character gets within 5 feet of a mimic without
shop, 4 Havdhir guards (1 Stat Block) arrive on the scene noticing it, the mimic attacks, and the characters
1d3 rounds later, responding to the alarm and searching are surprised during the first round of combat.
for the perpetrator.
When the characters go to leave the basement
Side Quest: (either to escape the mimics or to inform Percival of
their removal), read the following aloud:
Appraising a Mimic
“Are they dead? You get them all??”
(deadly at 2nd level or below) Percival’s muffled voice sounds through
the door.
Percival’s latest shipment of precious items
was infested by mimics which have disguised
themselves as artifacts.
If he is not convinced that the mimics are dead,
Percival discovered one of the mimics before Percival refuses to open the door, leaving the
bringing the entire shipment into his shop (the characters to their fate.
creature nearly took his hand off) and he has left
the crate that it came in locked in his basement
for fear the mimics might spread and overtake his Reward
Percival pays 40 gold pieces total for the removal of
If the characters come answering the bounty board the mimics.
in the Guzzling Goblin or if they express interest
As long as he is friendly toward the characters,
in getting a discount on goods or services, Percival
he also offers to appraise one item for each of them,
relays his harrowing tale to them and offers to lock free of charge.
them in the basement until the mimics are disposed
of (he can’t risk the mimics getting out). He will
pay the 40 gold piece reward posted on the bounty
board in the Guzzling Goblin.

Additional Shops 93
Freya’s Fantastical Items
The exterior of this shop is painted with
bright colors, and a latticed window
reveals shelves upon shelves of every item
imaginable. Many strange and wondrous
pieces of equipment glow with spectacular runes or move
about of their own accord in glass cases. A sign hangs
over the door, made to move with a bit of magic which
creates an animating effect: Lines of glowing light form
into a wizard’s hat and a hand, which pulls a large
flaming sword from the hat. The flames dissipate and spell
the words “Freya’s Fantastical Items” in glowing letters
before fading away, the illusion beginning again. Stepping
through the door, you are greeted by an elderly woman
who shuffles to welcome you from behind a counter laden
with items.
Roleplaying Freya
Freya’s Fantastical Items is a magical item shop Freya regularly receives shipments of stolen
(the only one of its kind in Havdhir) run by Freya, magical goods from the Grifter’s Guild at an
an arcane witness utilizing her Illusory Appearance extremely discounted rate. If ever asked about her
trait to look like a harmless old crone. potential connections to the guild or where her
items come from she responds, “I often don’t know
Freya’s shop is located on the outskirts of the how my sources come about these items, and frankly…
Barnacle Barrows district. I don’t want to know.”

94 Additional Shops
Freya’s shop has magical items available for will pick up a dangerous magical item and attempt
characters to purchase, but she is careful to only to use it to rob her, and it also prevents magical
sell these items to persons that she feels are able trickery. Freya will gladly demonstrate the abilities
to handle their power. (Allowing a noble’s son of magical items within her shop.
to buy wings of flying landed her in a great deal
of trouble after the child plummeted to a messy Shopping
death). Freya is now very careful about who she
Freya has items of the following rarity available
sells her items. Someone might have enough coin
depending on the characters’ levels. The selection
to afford something, but if clients are inexperienced
of items is determined by the Game Master.
and likely to harm themselves, others, or (more
importantly) her reputation; Freya refuses to sell. Levels 1-3 Common magic items
Levels 4-5 Uncommon magic items
Freya (1 Stat Block) is a lawful neutral arcane witness.
Levels 6-8 Rare magic items
Levels 9-16 Very rare magic items
Freya’s Shop
Levels 17 or higher Legendary magic items
Freya’s shop is under the constant effect of a
selective antimagic field, which prevents creatures
other than Freya from casting magic or using Alternatively, the Game Master can roll a d4
magical items in her shop. This allows Freya to to determine what selection of magic items is
display her merchandise without fear that someone available on any given day.

Rolling a 1 Potion of superior healing 1-Common

Robe of eyes Potion of climbing
Staff of healing Potion of healing
Luck blade
Sun blade Spell scroll (cantrip-1st level)
Ring of three wishes
Sword of wounding
Sovereign glue
Wand of binding Rolling a 2
Staff of the magi
1-Very Rare Defender
Bag of holding
Helm of brilliance Ring of djinni summoning
Cloak of elvenkind
Potion of supreme healing Ring of invisibility
Deck of illusions
Ring of shooting stars Scarab of protection
Dust of sneezing and choking
Rod of security Spell scroll (9th level)
Eyes of minute seeing
Spellguard shield
Gauntlets of ogre power
Staff of fire 2-Very rare
Hat of disguise
Wand of polymorph Animated shield
Headband of intellect
Arrow of slaying
Javelin of lightning
1-Rare Dragon scale mail
Mithral armor
Amulet of health Dwarven plate
Pearl of power
Boots of speed Efreeti bottle
Pipes of the sewers
Cloak of displacement Frost brand
Potion of greater healing
Cloak of the bat Marvelous pigments
Potion of poison
Elven chain Ring of regeneration
Ring of jumping
Flame tongue Rod of alertness
Spell scroll (2nd-3rd level)
Gem of seeing Spell scroll (6th-8th level)
Wand of secrets
Instant fortress Staff of frost
Wand of web
Mace of smiting Tome of clear thought
Wind fan
Oil of etherealness
Winged boots
Potion of mind reading

Additional Shops 95
2-Rare 3-Rare Oathbow
Boots of levitation Armor of resistance Ring of telekinesis
Bracers of defense Armor of vulnerability Shield +3
Brazier of commanding fire Cube of force Spell scroll (6th-8th level)
elementals Portable hole
Dagger of venom Ring of x-ray vision 4-Rare
Necklace of prayer beads Spell scroll (4th-5th level) Ammunition +2
Potion of clairvoyance Wand of enemy detection Armor +1
Potion of diminution Wand of paralysis Cape of the mountebank
Ring of free action Wand of wonder Feather token
Ring of spell storing Handy haversack
Shield of missile attraction 3-Uncommon Mace of terror
Wand of fireballs Broom of flying Ring of animal influence
Circlet of blasting Ring of evasion
2-Uncommon Cloak of protection Ring of feather falling
Adamantine armor Gloves of missile snaring Rod of rulership
Bracers of archery Gloves of swimming and climbing Shield +2
Brooch of shielding Medallion of thoughts Spell scroll (4th-5th level)
Decanter of endless water Oil of slipperiness Staff of charming
Dust of disappearance Periapt of wound closure Staff of swarming insects
Necklace of adaptation Philter of love Staff of withering
Pipes of haunting Potion of giant strength Vicious weapon
Potion of growth (hill giant) Wand of fear
Potion of water breathing Ring of swimming Wand of lightning bolts
Wand of magic missiles Ring of warmth Wings of flying
Ring of water walking
2-Common Robe of useful items 4-Uncommon
Potion of healing Rope of climbing Ammunition +1
Spell scroll (cantrip-1st level) Spell scroll (2nd-3rd level) Eyes of the eagle
Staff of the python Goggles of night
2-Varies in Rarity Trident of fish command Helm of telepathy
Figurine of wondrous power Immovable rod
3-Common Lantern of revealing
Rolling a 3 Potion of healing Shield +1
Spell scroll (cantrip-1st level) Slippers of spider climbing
3-Legendary Spell scroll (2nd-3rd level)
Holy avenger Rolling a 4 Wand of magic detection
Plate armor of etherealness 4-Legendary Wand of the war mage +1
Ring of spell turning Armor +3
Spell scroll (9th level) 4-Common
3-Very rare Universal solvent Spell scroll (cantrip-1st level)
Cloak of arachnida Vorpal sword
Demon armor
Dwarven thrower 4-Very rare
Oil of sharpness Ammunition +3
Potion of flying Amulet of the planes
Robe of stars Armor +2
Rod of absorption Manual of golems
Nine lives stealer

96 Additional Shops
Pricing for magic items may vary, but some
suggestions are given below:
Major Quest: Paying the
Grifter’s Guild… a Visit
Common items 50 - 100 gp
Uncommon items 101 - 500 gp (deadly at 2nd level or below)
Rare items 501 - 5,000 gp
Very rare items 5,001 - 50,000 gp At a time of the Game Master’s choosing, when the
Legendary items 50,001+ gp characters have left Freya’s Fantastical Items, read the
following aloud:
A haggard-looking man stumbles toward
Characters might attempt to steal items from Freya’s you. His clothes are filthy, and he reeks of
shop; in which case, the items available for theft and on cheap booze. “Please tell me you didn’t
display are at the Game Master’s discretion. Freya’s items just buy something from HER?!” the man
are all magically warded. Any item stolen from her shop
asks, gesturing toward Freya’s shop. “Don’t you know
vanishes and magically teleports back to the shop 8 hours
after it has been stolen; or it teleports back if it is taken who she works with?”
more than 500 feet from her shop, whichever happens
first. At the time the item teleports back to her shop, The players are approached by Rufus Welfore,
Freya can touch the item and magically learn the identity
a former sailor with a gambling problem.
and whereabouts of the creature that stole from her.

Additional Shops 97
Havdhir Stables
The earthy smell of horse manure mixes
with the sweet smell of fresh straw. Rows
of stables lie before you. A small, well-kept
fence surrounds an enclosed livery stable
and provides an area for the horses to get a bit of exercise.
You notice a golden-scaled dragonborn woman holding
a bucket of grains up to the snout of a chestnut-brown
draft horse, patting its head fondly as it munches on the
contents of the bucket. She holds her hand up to you in
greeting as you approach. “Looking for a place to board
a horse or other creature? I’ve got plenty of room for
creatures of all shapes and sizes. Although, pay mind…
the exotic creatures will cost a bit more to board,
especially after the latest… incident.”
Roleplaying Rufus Welfore The stable is located on the outskirts of the city,
Rufus speaks in a hurried tone, occasionally slurring
near the city gate and Goldtower.
his words together. He is nearly always intoxicated,
consuming great amounts of mead from wherever
Ferelix Gorelia is a gold dragonborn stable master
he can get it.
operating the largest stable in Havdhir.
Rufus lost a great deal of money and borrowed
nearly 5,000 gold pieces from the Grifter’s Guild. Roleplaying Ferelix Gorelia
When Rufus was unable to pay; he came home to Ferelix has a kind heart and a soft spot for
find his wife missing, a note pinned to his door with all animals.
a knife, and instructions to meet in the Undercity
beneath Havdhir to make his payment… “or else.”

In his infrequent dealings with the Grifter’s Guild,

Rufus learned that Freya often buys magic items
from the guild at an extremely discounted rate.
With no money to pay his debt, he has given up
on ever seeing his wife again and has directed his
sorrow and animosity toward Freya (whom he sees
as an accomplice to the guild’s underhanded deeds);
drinking cheap mead while he nurses his anger.

While Rufus cannot go to the authorities for help

(as he is wanted for defaulting on several loans),
he asks the characters if they will venture to the
waterways beneath the city in hopes of saving
his wife. He has nothing to offer besides a token
he won in a contest at the Guzzling Goblin that
affords him free drinks. He will offer the token to She speaks in a gentle tone of voice and is usually
the characters in exchange for the safe return of his more preoccupied with speaking to or petting the
wife. animals accompanying visitors than conversing
with their owners.
Rufus believes that his wife is being held in a small
waterway entrance to the Undercity, known as Ferelix feels more at home in the stables than just
“Drain’s End.” about anywhere else in Havdhir and wears modest
clothing associated with a simple stable hand
Rufus Welfore (1 Stat Block) is a neutral human. though she manages the stables.

The quest “Paying the Grifter’s Guild… a Visit” Ferelix Gorelia (1 Stat Block) is a neutral
continues on page 140. good dragonborn.

98 Additional Shops
Boarding Costs Barding, padded (20 gp)
Barding, scale mail (200 gp)
Stabling for mundane creatures such as horses, mules,
Bit and bridle (2 gp)
or ponies (per day) (5 sp)
Carriage (100 gp)
Stabling for exotic creatures such as polar bears, Cart (15 gp)
crocodiles, owlbears, etc. (per day) (5 gp) Chariot (250 gp)
Saddle, Exotic (60 gp)
Shopping Saddle, Military (20 gp)
Ferelix also sells mounts and barding, and she rents Saddle, Pack (5 gp)
out horses.
Saddle, Riding (10 gp)
Mounts ( To Buy) Saddlebags (4 gp)
Sled (20 gp)
Camel (50 gp)
Wagon (35 gp)
Donkey or mule (8 gp)
Horse, draft (50 gp)
Horse, riding (75 gp)
Mastiff (25 gp) Characters might attempt to steal items from Ferelix’s
Pony (30 gp) stables. If they do, the items and creatures available for
Warhorse (400 gp) theft and on display are at the Game Master’s discretion. If
Ferelix catches a creature stealing some of her items, she
might take pity on them—offering them aid in the form
Mounts ( To Rent) of food and drink but requesting the equipment back
1/10 the creature’s cost to buy in gp, per week rented (repeated offenses cause Ferelix to summon the guards).
If a creature attempts to steal one of her mounts, Ferelix
becomes enraged, summoning the guards and requesting
Barding/Equipment the harshest punishment for the thief.
Animal Feed (per day) (5 cp)
Barding, leather (40 gp)

Additional Shops 99
Side Quest: Owlbear Antics She explains the situation as follows:

The “incident” Ferelix alluded to is the time a “A few days ago, a sweet little baby
baby owlbear went completely feral in the stables, owlbear I was boarding went quite mad—
destroying a great deal of her property and injuring tearing up its pen and injuring several of
a few of the horses before escaping from the
the horses. The little fellow escaped, and
stables. Ferelix had to pay a large sum of gold at
I am afraid it might hurt itself or someone else, running
Histell’s Alchemical Mysteries for potions, salves,
and herbs to heal the injured horses; and she had to about Havdhir all alone. The infant owlbear’s owner
pay out an even more exorbitant amount of gold to hasn’t returned since I informed them of the damages
the owners of the prized breeding horses that had and their responsibility to pay for them. If you can find
been maimed. the little dearie and ensure it is safe, you are welcome
to keep it. I just want to be sure it goes to a good home,
Ever since the incident, Ferelix has been charging and I am happy to offer you a discount: half-off boarding
a great deal more to board exotic (and potentially fees if you find the wee darling. It’ll be terrible for
dangerous) creatures. business if the poor dear hurts anyone.”

While she finds the situation in general very

frustrating, Ferelix feels even more sorry for the
infant owlbear.

100 Additional Shops

If the characters enter the owlbear’s former stable Speaking with Viekiir
room, read the following aloud: The characters may seek out Viekiir, proprietor of “the
Menagerie.” If they ask about the owlbear, read the
The straw in this room is tossed about as if following aloud:
in a fury of rage. Splatters of blood dot the
walls, although it is clear that someone has “Ah, yes, I tried to capture the little runt
done their best to clean them up as much as it rushed through the streets. It would
as possible. The door to the stable is intact, but the back fetch a bit of coin in my menagerie. I think
of the stable has a large hole clawed through it, wood I heard someone saying they thought they
splintered and torn in a frenzy in all directions. saw it vanish in the middle of the street somewhere over
there,” Viekiir says, gesturing vaguely to a segment of
The baby owlbear has left the stable room in ruins, the Market District.
and the characters can follow clues as to where the
“little dearie” might have gone.
Speaking with Brong
Tracks The characters may seek out Brong of “Brong’s Bashy
The baby owlbear has left a set of tracks leading Things.” If they ask about the owlbear, read the
away from the stables. Following the tracks requires following aloud:
a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check. On
a failed check, the characters are led to the wrong
section of Havdhir, or they lose the trail and have to “Me see little fluff ball running through
start over. street. Try to smash with fist! It fast. Lost
it someplace around grate to waterway
Market District over there,” Brong says, pointing in the
direction of what looks like a damaged runoff grate.
The tracks lead directly into the market district,
where they are no longer present due to the pacing
of hundreds of creatures and the cobblestone The owlbear is trapped in a clogged waterway
walkways. Characters can ask around to see if access point, having crawled into one of the grates
anyone in the Market District has seen the baby in utter terror.
owlbear, receiving the following information:
A pitiful crooning sound can be heard coming from
Intelligence (Investigation) check result the grate, and its source can be zeroed in on with a
5 or lower: “An owlbear in the Market successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check.
District? Nope, I haven’t seen one.”
If the characters spoke with Viekiir, the DC
decreases to 8.

6-10: “A baby owlbear? Yeah, I saw it… If the characters spoke with Brong, they can locate
nearly clawed my arm off! I called Viekiir the grate without having to make a Wisdom
over to try and trap it, but it was too slippery. (Perception) check.
Viekiir might be able to help you out.”
If the characters can’t locate the owlbear, a street
11-15: “Hmm. I did see a strange looking urchin offers information in exchange for coin. In this
feathery creature running around… caused case, read the following aloud:
quite a stir! I believe Brong was trying to
smash it… he might know more.”
A filthy child dressed in rags holds out
16 or higher: “Yes! I saw one! It ran a battered hat in your direction and
through the market and upset a few stalls. whispers, “I heard ya were lookin’ fer an
I think it ducked into one of the waterway owlbear—I can tell ya where it went…
gutters along the street.” but it’ll cost ya 5 silver pieces, which is fairer than fair,
if’n ya asks me.”

Additional Shops 101

The street urchin demands 5 silver pieces for the Reward
location of the owlbear but can be convinced to
give up the information for free with a successful If the characters successfully calm the owlbear or knock
DC 10 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or it unconscious and return it to Ferelix, she thanks them
Persuasion) check. for finding the creature, allows them to keep it, and
offers a 50% discount on boarding in her stables.
When the urchin gives up the location, read the
following aloud: If the characters do not wish to keep the owlbear, they
could sell it to Viekiir in the Menagerie. Viekiir offers 25 gold
pieces in exchange for the baby owlbear.
The urchin points toward a small grate in
the city street. Some of the bars are bent
out of place. “It jumpded down ther’, Mourner’s Respite
into the waterways; but that grate’s
been clogged fer ages. If it’s down ther’, it’s likely Mourner’s Respite is a mobile organization
already drownded.” of healers and doctors that set up tents
throughout Havdhir. The majority of the
tents are set up in the Barnacle Barrows
district and Market District, but they can be found
Waterway Gutter anywhere in the city where disease has spread, where
When the characters approach the gutter, read the large-scale magical mishaps have occurred, or where other
following aloud: “accidents” are prevalent.

When the characters come upon a Mourner’s Respite

A pitiful crooning comes from the location, read the following aloud:
waterway gutter. Peering down into the
dark, you can make out a filthy owlbear,
You spy a small tent. Inside are men
splashing listlessly in a pool of dirty water.
and women dressed in simple clothes
The creature looks up at you, calling out with a pained cry.
and covered by aprons. The aprons are
emblazoned with a deep blue hand
The grate to the waterway can be lifted with a
reaching out to a red hand. The men and women
successful DC 5 Strength check. The opening
are fiddling with various alchemical ingredients and
is easily accessed by Small creatures but would
preparing a few cots.
require a Medium creature to squeeze through.

The surface of the water in the grate is 30 feet down, You may use Mourner’s Respite tents to assist
so reaching the baby owlbear (1 Stat Block) requires characters traveling through Havdhir who have
jumping or climbing down. The water is 15 feet deep. suffered grievous wounds or terrible diseases.

Climbing out of the grate without a rope requires a The healers of each Mourner’s Respite location can
successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. heal wounds, disease, and lift some curses for a price.
The organization also provides rudimentary healing
When a creature attempts to enter the area, the free of charge.
baby owlbear becomes violent. The creature is
terrified and lashes out unless it is calmed via a If the characters show a healer the symbol of the curse
successful DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) of the Usurper or the earth key of Shjekhel, read the
check. Until the owlbear is calmed, it attempts to following aloud:
attack any creature it perceives as a threat within
the grate. If the creature is removed from the grate,
The healer gives a sad sigh. “That’s
it immediately calms down and no longer attacks
everything in sight. nothing a simple remove curse spell will
fix—it’s been tried before. If I were you I’d
make sure my affairs were in order, maybe
visit the temple.”

102 Additional Shops

Rudimentary healing +1 hp
(no cost, limited to once per day)
Cure wounds (25 gp)
Lesser restoration (50 gp)
Remove curse (150 gp)
Modified resurrection (special) In the event that a
character dies, the character can be resurrected by the
organization. However, Mourner’s Respite has only one
associate capable of casting a modified resurrection
spell, and they are only able to cast it once per year
(though they could cast it more often at the Game
Master’s discretion). The casting of the spell requires a
diamond worth at least 1,000 gold pieces, which the spell
consumes. The organization does not bestow this gift
upon just anyone, and only characters who have attained
a reputation for themselves by completing one major
quest or three side quests in Havdhir would have access to
this casting. In addition, they would still have to pay for the
material costs of the spell. The modified resurrection spell
can resurrect a creature even if its soul is not free (such as
if it is trapped in the Mines of Shjekhel).

Additional Shops 103

Military/Guard above the wall of the city. As such, the tower is
well-maintained, serving as a symbol of Havdhir’s
strength and wealth.
Outposts Goldtower Entrance
With Havdhir’s ports protected by its navy and
privateers, and the city backed up to the mountains, This robust tower has a heavy stone door
the primary gate in and out of Havdhir leads to the set in the front of it with two guards, one
realm of Ardhos: a mostly-tamed region of plains standing on either side.
and farmland. The swamps and tangled wilds of the
south are a good distance from the city. Rules about who’s allowed entrance to the tower
are strictly enforced since Goldtower serves as the
Still, the city requires fortification against roaming primary lookout for danger from the south. The
bandits, gnolls, orcs, or other creatures that might entrance is protected by 2 veterans. Characters
attempt to cross Ardhos and attack Havdhir. The may be able to convince the Triumvirate to let them
primary concern is two-fold: One, if the Crimson enter the tower, or they might be able to convince
Concordat with the vampires of Mornhaven were the guards outside to let them in with a successful
to be nullified, the vampires might send thralls DC 18 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation or
through Ardhos to attack the city or crawl over the Persuasion) check. Characters have disadvantage
Fang’s Peak Mountains themselves. And two, wild on checks made to convince the guards.
lands beyond the region of Ardhos house foreign
kingdoms (many of them ruled by orc warlords) The door to the tower is made of solid stone and
which may wish to lay claim to Havdhir. has no lock. It is opened when the guard on the
outside performs a series of knocks for the guard
Havdhir sports several barracks, where the Havdhir inside to open the door, activating a system of
guards train, store weaponry, and often sleep. pulleys that allows the heavy doors to be moved.
The largest of these (creatively called “Havdhir
Barracks”) is located near the center of the city, Goldtower - Interior
where it can easily deploy guards to any location Goldtower has a wide set of stone stairs
throughout all of Havdhir. that traverses up its square structure, with
landings at each corner interval. Guards
Havdhir also has two major tower lookouts in patrol the stairs regularly.
addition to regular towers built along the wall.
Goldtower (which protects against assault from the Goldtower Top
south) and Blacktower (which guards the mountains
in the north). Reaching the top of the tower, you stare out
over the city and beyond. From here you can
see for miles to the plains of Ardhos, across
Goldtower the whole of Havdhir to the ports, and out
to sea. The sight is awe-inspiring. Several guards keep a
Goldtower - Exterior silent vigil on all sides of the tower, and a small pool rests
A large white tower is built into the city at the center of the tower with a raised wall about as high
wall. The structure is utilitarian, with as your waist encircling it.
angular features and classic dwarven
iconography. The building is obviously The Pool
ancient but has been well maintained. It is topped by The pool is specially enchanted. A creature
a tower painted gold that glints in the daylight. The spending an hour to become attuned to it can use
structure is built right next to the city gate, and you can the pool to cast the arcane eye spell with a range of
see scores of guards standing watch about the tower or 15 miles once per day. The creature’s attunement
moving from it onto the city walls and vice versa. ends when it leaves the tower.

Goldtower was constructed as a military base to

overlook the gate out of Havdhir as well as keep
watch for trouble brewing to the south. Goldtower
is built into the walls of Havdhir beside the main
city gate. For travelers to Havdhir that come by
land, they will see Goldtower first, extending

104 Military/Guard Outp o sts

Military/Guard Outp o sts 105
Side Quest: charge of observing events in the enchanted pool.
Arbus Quensel (1 Stat Block) is a lawful good elf.
Burning Bugbears
If the characters express any interest in the activity
(deadly at 3rd level or below) outside of the wall, Arbus asks the characters to
venture outside the city gate into the plains of
At a time of the Game Master’s choosing, read the Ardhos and deal with the bugbears he saw camping
following aloud: out in a small grove.

If the characters agree, Arbus offers to use the

A tired-looking elf dressed in a high- capabilities of the pool to spy on a creature or see a
ranking captain’s uniform is hunched location of the characters’ choice for a limited time.
over the pool. “Not now! I’m tracking the
course of those bugbears coming in from Bugbear Grove
the south… They are getting dangerously close to trade The grove of the bugbears’ encampment is roughly
routes that feed into the city… but the Triumvirate won’t 12 miles from the main city gate. It would take the
believe me… not after last time…” characters 3 hours to reach the grove at a fast pace,
4 hours at a normal pace, or 6 hours at a slow pace.
Arbus Quensel, an elf captain, is in charge of using
the enchanted pool to watch the lands of Ardhos just As the characters approach the grove, read the
outside of Havdhir, spotting trouble before it occurs. following aloud:

You spy smoke in the distance—a great

plume of black that rises into the air. The
grove Arbus described has come into
view, and great fires appear to be raging
within it. Hairy Humanoids are fleeing from the flames.
One wears a suit of dark black armor emblazoned
with a flame, is shouting at the other bugbears, and is
frantically gesturing for them to return. Most of the
creatures are fleeing across the open fields around the
grove, but a handful remain with this figure.

The bugbears have been massing in large numbers

within the grove, preparing to attack some of
the settlements of Ardhos in the south. They
have traveled from all over to join in the ranks of
their leader, “the Dragon”: a bugbear capable of
breathing forth great bursts of fire, supposedly
due to a draconic father. The Dragon was also in
possession of a powerful item: a wand of fireballs,
which he commonly used to show off his incredible
abilities. Bolstered by the cheers of his swelling
ranks, the Dragon accidentally expended the last
use of the wand, causing it to crumble into ashes.
Roleplaying Arbus Quensel With his followers growing in number, the Dragon
Arbus has been seeing more and more frequent had to think fast about how to show off his might
bugbear activity outside of Havdhir, but staring after the failed demonstration with the wand
into the enchanted pool for so long and looking for of fireballs. He began recklessly breathing forth
trouble has made him paranoid. So much so, that flames, setting fire to great swaths of the grove,
he has reported more than one false claim of roving accidentally destroying the bugbear campsites in
bands moving toward Havdhir. In fact, his position his careless pride. The bugbears residing in the
is in jeopardy, with the Triumvirate voting in the grove are now fleeing in all directions, attempting
coming weeks on whether or not he should remain in to escape the burning grove.

106 Military/Guard Outp o sts

2 bugbears and the Dragon attempt to slay
the characters.

An additional 3 bugbears are fleeing the scene.

As an action, a character can convince one of
the fleeing bugbears to join the fight on the
characters’ side with a successful DC 18 Charisma
(Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check.
As an action, the Dragon can convince one of the
fleeing bugbears to join the fight on the Dragon’s
side with a successful DC 14 Charisma (Deception,
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check.


14 sp
Map of small hamlets in Ardhos with scribbled notes on
defenses and weaknesses (worthless)

The Dragon
Manifesto: A crumbled book filled with insane scribbling
and rudimentary illustrations, the book tells the story of
the Dragon from his perspective, which foretells him to
be the eventual ruler of all bugbears. (worthless)
Crumbled ashes that flicker with arcane energy.
A DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals these to
be the ashes of a wand of some kind, likely related to
evocation magic. (worthless)

Roleplaying “the Dragon” Returning to Arbus

The Dragon is a massive bugbear with dark black If the characters confirm that Arbus was correct
fur and a penchant for extreme displays of violence in his estimations regarding the bugbears, he
and power. is ecstatic: It just might help to show that he is
mentally stable enough to keep his position. He
He will see the arrival of the characters as a way immediately begins formulating a draft of various
to potentially bolster his troops. He will move in to other sightings of “suspicious” activities to take to
attack them with his posse in an attempt to assert the Triumvirate and present at the hearing.
dominance and instill courage in the bugbears
fleeing the fire he has created.
The Dragon (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic evil bugbear.
Arbus agrees to cast arcane eye using the pool on behalf
Bugbear Attack of the characters.
If the Dragon spots the characters, read the following

The massive bugbear points in your

direction. His form is silhouetted by the
flames behind him which are quickly
extending beyond the grove. He calls out
in a guttural voice to his troops, and his posse spring into
action, gripping their morningstars and roaring as they
charge toward you.

Military/Guard Outp o sts 107

Bugbear Grove
D Dragon E 
Party Entrance anywhere in the
B Bugbear Warrior dark area



1 Square = 5ft.

108 Military/Guard Outp o sts

Military/Guard Outp o sts 109
Blacktower Roleplaying Captain Silford Viddle
Captain Viddle has a habit of staring past people
A skinny tower constructed of dark stone when he is talking to them, or looking about as if
reaches toward the sky. The tower is built scanning for something suspicious. He is paranoid
into the side of the mountain with a low after losing a brother to a vampire attack in the
wall connecting to it and running along Barnacle Barrows district when he was a child.
a few outcroppings of stone, creating a mostly natural
barrier. The tower is topped by a wooden lookout area and Captain Viddle is tired of being treated like a second-
is covered in black shingles that are rotted with age. A rate captain by the rest of the guard, and he feels his
rickety, wooden ladder extends from the ground to a small duty is an important one… even if no one else does.
lookout point—a pitiful defensive structure to be sure. A
gnome clad in a Havdhir guard captain’s uniform stares Captain Silford Viddle (1 Stat Block) is a neutral
tirelessly from the tower directly at the stony mountains. evil gnome.
A large blow horn is affixed to the lookout area, obviously
meant as a signal in case of a threat.
Side Quest:
Blacktower was built to guard against an unlikely A Night in Blacktower
vampire assault from the mountains to the north.
Blacktower is built partially into the mountains on (deadly at 1st level)
the northernmost stretches of Havdhir.
Lately, Captain Viddle hatched a plan to earn the
The Crimson Concordat with the vampires of
respect of the rest of the Havdhir guard. He has set
Mornhaven has lasted several centuries, and there
up a contraption that will release a large kite from
is no reason to believe the vampires would attack
within the mountains that has been made to look
Havdhir. Therefore, Blacktower has fallen into a
like a Humanoid with bat-like wings, which will rise
state of disrepair and is afforded with few soldiers
up and then be lowered back into a hiding place.
to guard what most view as a mountain range far
He has been waiting to hire some hapless saps in
too treacherous to cross.
the hopes that they will sound the alarm. Once they
do so, Captain Viddle plots to kill them before the
The tower is patrolled by Captain Silford Viddle,
rest of the guard arrives and blame their deaths
a lone gnome commander. Because the primary
on a vampire (with Captain Viddle being the only
concern coming over the mountains is vampires
survivor of the “attack”).
and their ilk, Captain Viddle usually sleeps during
the day and keeps watch at night. He has requested
If the characters interact with Captain Silford Viddle,
additional troops to guard the mountains several
read the following aloud:
times, but all his efforts have been in vain.

The gnome sighs, “No one thinks

Blacktower is worth the resources to
keep it going, but I know we protect
against the evils present in and across
those mountains…mark my words! Say, I had one of my
guards fall sick with sea lung: Would you be able to take
on guard duty tonight? I’ll pay you 5 gold pieces each;
10 gold pieces each if you spot anything. Just be sure
to sound the alarm if you see anything. Two blows for a
vampiric-looking creature, three for anything else.”

Characters may attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check

opposed by Captain Viddle’s Charisma (Deception)
check to determine that he is lying. He does not
have any other troops under his command. If
the characters succeed on their check by 5 or
more, they can tell that Captain Viddle is a VERY
suspicious character.

110 Military/Guard Outp o sts

If Captain Viddle is caught in a lie, he will ask Arrival of the Guard
the characters to make a plea on his behalf to the
Havdhir guards (1 Stat Block) arrive 5 minutes
Triumvirate requesting more troops, promising
after the horn is sounded (if applicable). The
them 10 gold pieces each if they succeed. If they
number of guards is up to the discretion of the
do, Captain Viddle does not move forward with
Game Master.
his devious plan, and the side quest is considered
completed, so long as the characters are able to
If the characters are fighting Captain Viddle, he will
convince the Triumvirate to send more troops
claim they are under the influence of a vampire’s
to Blacktower.
charms, and the characters may be hard-pressed to
convince the guards otherwise.
Spending the Night in the Tower
You stand atop Blacktower, the structure If Captain Viddle is dead and the characters are still
seeming to sway in the breeze. Hours go by in the area, they may need to attempt to explain
without anything interesting occurring… his death to the guard or hide the body lest they be
until, suddenly, you spy a dark figure rising suspected of murder.
up out of the mountains, silhouetted by the moon. The
creature has a Humanoid shape but bat-like wings. Wrapping Up Loose Ends
If Captain Viddle is taken alive, he can be brought
If the characters sound the alarm, read the
to the Havdhir guard or the Triumvirate for
following aloud:
questioning and dispensation of justice.

After a few moments you hear a huff of The characters may be able to persuade the guard
breath as Captain Viddle clambers up or the Triumvirate to give them a reward for
onto the platform. “Thanks for sounding uncovering Captain Viddle’s plot or for bringing
the alarm!” he calls, catching his breath
him to justice. If asked for a reward, either party
will pay each character 10 gold pieces.
before slowly drawing his sword, glaring at you with a
cold glint in his eye. “You’ve served your purpose,” he
The characters may search the area in the
says, swinging the sword viciously at you, the blade mountains that the “vampire” came from.
flashing in the cold moonlight.
A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, reveals the following:
the characters are surprised during the first
round of combat.
You spy a large kite, affixed with intricate
ropes and gears. The kite is fashioned
If the characters do not sound the alarm, read the
in the shape of a Humanoid with bat-
following aloud:
like wings, and it appears to have a
mechanized system that releases the kite and then pulls
After a few moments, you hear a huff it back in automatically.
of breath as Captain Viddle clambers
up onto the platform. “Any problems?
Watching the mountains?” he asks, glaring
at you meaningfully.
Captain Viddle
Captain Viddle will attempt to convince the Small diary in which Captain Viddle has recorded his
characters to sound the alarm, or he will sound it plot (worthless)
himself before attempting to kill the characters. In
either of these cases, it is very likely the characters DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check in
know something is off. the mountains
Faux vampire kite (10 gp) (1 Item)

Military/Guard Outp o sts 111

Black Tower
SV Captain Silford Viddle 2 Dwarven Horn
1 Rickety Ladder 3 Party Start


1 Square = 5ft.

112 Military/Guard Outp o sts

Havdhir Barracks
Near to the center of the city, a large stone
building inset with metal filigree stands
tall, casting a long shadow over the smaller
buildings surrounding it. The edifice is built
in a strong, angular fashion. Humanoids dressed in blue
uniforms that are trimmed with gold march about, and
many uniformed guards are training in a small yard in
front of the building, which must be a barracks of some kind.

Havdhir guards (1 Stat Block) train, sleep, and eat

in the Havdhir Barracks, which is located near the
center of the city.

Characters wishing to pay a fine imposed for

breaking the law, clear their names, report a crime,
or otherwise engage with the guard of Havdhir are
directed to the barracks.

The barracks is composed of 4 levels with an

exterior training area.

Training Area
Various training dummies are set about
an open cobblestone area with sacks of
grain positioned for the guards to practice
jumping, dodging attacks, and launching
attacks of their own.
Vlaskor is a guard captain serving the people of
The training area is primarily used by the guard, but Havdhir, primarily from behind his desk.
civilians are also permitted to test their skills and to
train using the facilities. Roleplaying Vlaskor
Vlaskor deals with many of the legal disputes,
Characters wishing to hone their skills may spend sentencing of criminals, and general keeping of
some time practicing with the dummies. Training law and order in Havdhir for matters not deemed
for at least 1 hour grants advantage for the next worthy of the Triumvirate’s attention.
24 hours on all Strength (Athletics) checks and
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. Vlaskor speaks in an exasperated tone and is
prone to breathlessness and shouting. He has
1st Floor: Legal Issues a habit of twisting his beard and mustache in
If the characters enter the Havdhir Barracks, frustration, and, because of this, often looks
read the following aloud: haggard in appearance… even though his clothes
are meticulously kept.

A dwarf dressed in a meticulously Vlaskor (1 Stat Block) is a lawful good dwarf.

maintained guard’s uniform sits behind a
desk that’s piled high with papers. Behind Loot
him is a single open door that leads up a
set of stairs that goes deeper into the barracks. The man Apart from legal papers, unsigned charters, and the
looks up from his papers, frowning at you as you walk occasional wanted poster; there is nothing of value in
in. “Unless you are here to tell me where this damned this room. But a clever character could potentially steal
some legal papers to forge—such as papers for the
Marigold ship went, I do NOT want to hear it,” the man
release of a prisoner or amnesty for a particular crime.
grumbles, flapping a piece of paper depicting a ship with Creating a passable forgery requires a successful DC 15
“Missing” stamped on it in large, black lettering. Intelligence check.

H avdhir Barracks 113

Major Quest:
Vrehnor Isle
(deadly at 1st level)
Recently, Vlaskor received a report of a missing
frigate, the Marigold, sailing off toward Vrehnor
Isle. With resources tight in preparation for an
upcoming transport of prisoners to Mornhaven,
Vlaskor does not have the manpower to deal with
the situation himself. If the characters offer to help,
Vlaskor asks them to seek out the ship, offering to
do them a favor if they manage to find it. He grants
the characters a hiring-charter for a small vessel to
sail to Vrehnor Isle. Vlaskor directs the characters
to the Havdhir Notary to officiate the charter and
commission their vessel.

If the characters have already determined the

fate of the Marigold prior to meeting Vlaskor,
he asks for some form of proof or a detailed Roleplaying Svelvhar
description of the ship in order to confirm the Svelvhar is a gnome guard who has had one too
veracity of the information. many accidents while on the job and has been
relegated to cooking duties for the mess hall.
Svelvhar talks in a jovial voice, though his recent
A favor from Vlaskor, determined by the Game failures have dampened his usually optimistic spirit.
Master. This favor could be sending a guard to help He wears a large chef’s hat and a stained apron
the characters investigate something, forgive a minor over top of his guard’s uniform. He frequently uses
criminal offense, or another appropriate reward. a small stepping stool to work over his concoctions
simmering on the stove.
2nd Floor: Mess Hall
Svelvhar (1 Stat Block) is a neutral good gnome.
You ascend the stone steps, entering a chamber
lined with tables that are absolutely laden with
food. A small, open side chamber serves as a Side Quest: Helping with
kitchen, where you notice a large pot sitting
atop a small wood-burning stove. A few guards mill about
Svelvhar’s Soup
the hall, some chatting and eating, a few ladling soup out of Svelvhar has actually been enjoying his new job,
the pot over which an anxious-looking gnome dressed in a even if it is a demotion. He desperately wishes that
chef’s apron labors. You can see the guards grimace as they he were a better cook. If the characters address
take a bite of the soup, and the gnome turns away, red-faced. him regarding his soup, or at a time of the Game
A single door leads out and up, farther into the barracks. Master’s choosing, he asks for their assistance in
fixing it (to be sure, it is palatable for the other
5 Havdhir guards (1 Stat Block) are eating in the guards; Svelvhar insists that this particular group
mess hall while Svelvhar the gnome cook prepares are picky eaters).
a not-so-delicious meal.
Characters who wish to help Svelvhar with his
Roleplaying the Guards soup can assist by making an Intelligence (Nature)
If the characters interact with the guards, they check to determine the appropriate seasoning
respond either by commenting about the poor available in the mess hall or in the characters’
quality of the soup and how they “wish Svelvhar possession and determine any other additions
would get some help cooking” or by asking what the needed to make the soup more tasty.
characters are doing in the guards’ mess hall: “We
don’t do hand-outs here. We work hard enough keeping The result of the check determines how tasty the
vagrants off the streets without having to feed them, too.” soup becomes as well as the reward from Svelvhar.

114 H avdhir Barracks

Alternatively, characters could make the soup so 3rd Floor: Armory
utterly disgusting that it causes everyone who eats it
2 Havdhir guards (1 Stat Block) stand on either
to become sick, gaining the poisoned condition and
side of the door, ensuring no one but a Havdhir
having their speeds halved as they gag and retch all
guard or someone accompanied by a guard
over the floor. This could be done by accidentally
enters the armory.
rolling incredibly low or by purposefully filling the
soup with disgusting ingredients such as dead rats,
The door to the armory is locked, and only guards
bits of ghoul, flasks of urine, etc.
have the key to this room (though a key could
be stolen off of a guard with a successful DC 12
Intelligence (Nature) checks to concoct a tasty soup.
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the characters
could be allowed into the room by Svelvhar as a
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 5 or lower: The reward for creating a very good soup).
soup is terrible and causes everyone who eats it to
become sick. Svelvhar is distraught and does not offer A creature using thieves’ tools can pick the lock
any form of reward. with a successful DC 18 Dexterity check.
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 6-10: The soup The door has AC 17 and 15 hp. Breaking down the
is barely passable and has not really improved in flavor. door almost assuredly creates enough noise to draw
Svelvhar is disappointed, but thanks the characters for at the attention of several guards.
least trying and offers them a small sack of spices (4 cp).
Anyone caught tampering with the door or stealing
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 11-15: The soup is
items from the armory is prosecuted to the full
decent. No one grimaces when they eat it. Svelvhar is extent of Havdhirian law.
satisfied and offers the characters a copper pot in
thanks (4 gp). If the characters enter the armory, read the
following aloud:
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 16-19: The soup
is very good. Everyone who tastes it compliments the
complex flavors. Svelvhar is happy with the results and The chamber is dimly lit by a smoldering
offers to allow the characters to select a single item torch that casts flickering shadows along
rows and rows of weapons and uniforms.
from the armory as payment for their services (this offer
A plaque with a massive hammer made
does not include the Hammer of Havdhir).
of blue metal and decorated with gold hangs on the
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 20 or higher: The far wall, just over a doorway leading farther into the
soup is superb. So good, in fact, that word of it quickly barracks. The inscription beneath the hammer reads,
travels around the city, and the characters may be asked “Be ye friend of Havdhir pass below; if not, ye shall feel
to cook when they enter taverns or homes. Svelvhar is the hammer’s blow.”
ecstatic and offers the characters free meals whenever
they want them, offers to cover one of their fines (totaling The poem is in reference to punishment for those
no more than 50 gold pieces) if the characters ever “get who enter the chamber beyond unlawfully, with the
in trouble with the law,” or offers to allow them to borrow Hammer of Havdhir animating and alerting guards to
the Hammer of Havdhir (located in the armory). the presence of interlopers.

The hammer was a gift from Svelvhar’s grandfather,

Loot given to him when he joined the city guard to help
protect him and his fellow guardsmen. Since he
7x Bowl of soup (1 cp each) is the owner of the hammer, Svelvhar can allow
Pot filled with soup, which can serve up to 10 bowls. The characters to borrow the hammer or can gift it to
value of each bowl depends on the checks made by the them indefinitely.
characters to enhance the soup.
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 5 or lower: (worthless) If a creature other than Svelvhar touches the
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 6-10: (1 cp each) Hammer of Havdhir while the hammer is on the
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 11-15: (5 cp each) plaque, the creature must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 16-19: (5 sp each)
1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
Intelligence (Nature) check result of 20 or higher: (1 gp each)

H avdhir Barracks 115

at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect If the characters have entered without alerting any
on itself on a success. In addition, the hammer guards, 2 Havdhir guards (1 Stat Block) and Garren
generates an ear-splitting alarm that can be heard Dirth are sleeping in the chamber. Otherwise, all
by all guards that are in the barracks or who are three are awake and are likely prepared to face
training outside. some form of foe.

If a creature enters the armory unlawfully and There are 10 cots in the room, each with a simple
attempts to walk beneath the hammer into the trunk at its foot. Guards usually spend time in the
guards’ sleeping chambers, the Hammer of barracks to rest between long shifts—most own or
Havdhir (1 Stat Block) animates and attacks. rent their own homes elsewhere in the city. A few
While animated, the hammer generates a constant, less affluent guards use the barracks as their home,
ear-splitting alarm. but these are usually newly-initiated guards who
have not accumulated enough wealth to purchase
homes or apartments of their own.

Each of the 10 trunks in the room holds the

belongings of an on-duty guard—primarily
foodstuffs and personal items that they’ve
accumulated during their shifts.


Hammer of Havdhir (uncommon) (1 Item)

5x Crossbow bolts (20) (1 gp each)
3x Havdhir guard’s uniform (50 gp each) (1 Item) Roleplaying Garren Dirth
2x Light crossbow (25 gp each) Garren is middle-aged and has black hair speckled
with gray. He has green, searching eyes and usually
5x Shield (10 gp each)
sports a coy smile.
5x Warhammer (15 gp each)
Garren is a corrupt guard that commonly steals
from convicts, engages in blackmailing, and enjoys
4th Floor: Sleeping Chambers the odd bit of racketeering.
If the characters enter the Sleeping Chambers, read
the following aloud: He has close ties to the Grifter’s Guild and could be
pressed for information about the guild.

This chamber is filled with rows of cots, He is the guard that stole Terra’s locket. He has
each with a simple trunk at the foot of stored it in one of the trunks in this room.
the bed.
Garren Dirth (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil human.

116 H avdhir Barracks

Loot poison and psychic damage. Inside is a tarnished locket
with a painting of a half-orc man and child with the
None of the trunks are locked (except for Garren’s) inscription “Terra’s Lovelies.” (5 sp)
since the guards have faith in the safeguards of the
barracks and the trustworthiness of the other guards
to protect their belongings. Searching the trunks This locket can be given to Terra in the Market
reveals the following: District to convince her to craft a blacksmith’s
apron for Brong. (See the side quest “Deeds for
Trunk #1:
a Discount” on pages 80-82.)
Cheese hunk (1 sp)
Bread loaf (2 cp)
Common bottle of wine (1 sp)
Still-Echo Prison
Trunk #2: Still-Echo Prison serves as the primary destination
Dagger (2 gp) for criminals caught by the guard in Havdhir
and is located on the north side of the city, near
Trunk #3: the mountains. The prison itself is a pit with
Small journal of poetry (worthless, but if read aloud in interconnecting tunnels in which gangs of criminals
the barracks, results in one particular guard turning a have built their own society beneath Havdhir. For
deep shade of red and storming off, embarrassed) detailed information about Still-Echo Prison see the
Innocent in Still-Echo supplemental book.
Trunk #4:
Report revealing pit fighting activity taking place in
Morvin’s Sorrow fighting pits. Most of the report has
been blacked out. (worthless)

Trunk #5:
Records from several of Erwin the Undertaker’s friends,
stating that Erwin is “not the same man” and “something
fishy has been going on with him at the cemetery.”

Trunk #6:
Common clothes (5 sp)

Trunk #7:
3 gp
Crumpled note reading, “For your help with our little
problem - The Grifter’s Guild.”

Trunk #8:
Cartographer’s tools (15 gp)
Tear-stained note reading, “For your studies. I hope you
can soon become a true cartographer and escape the
dangerous life as a guard that pays for your education.”

Trunk #9:
Prayer beads (none of them magical) (5 sp)

Garren’s Trunk:
A creature using thieves’ tools can open the lock with
a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. The trunk can also
be smashed open. It has AC 15, 3 hp, and immunity to

H avdhir Barracks 117

Major Quests

118 Major Quests

Major Quests 119
Vrehnor Isle The Wrecked Keelhaul Marauder
The kobolds of the Keelhaul Marauder are a small
band of self-proclaimed pirates who are determined
In “Vrehnor Isle,” the characters can seek out a to prove themselves as terrors of the sea.
pirate’s buried treasure, braving the dangers of the
island to find this fabled gold. Upon landing on the After many failed attempts at piracy, the kobolds
island, the characters encounter Captain Bharros did finally manage to steal a frigate and sail it away
the Brave and his crew of kobolds which recently from Havdhir only to wreck the ship a few days
crashed on the island. The characters can side with later on the rocky shores of Vrehnor Isle.
Bharros and his crew, or decide to seek out the
treasure on their own. The island is filled with traps When the characters approach the ruined ship, read
meant to protect the treasure and the treasure itself the following aloud:
is guarded by skeletons within a cave on the island.
If the characters can survive the trials of the island,
The ruins of this ship are scattered about
they might just come away rich!
the stony beach. The ship itself is a mess
of splintered wood and torn canvas.
This quest is designed for characters of 2nd or
3rd level. It would be deadly for characters of Upon closer investigation, the reptilian
1st level. creatures rushing about appear to be kobolds dressed
in oversized naval gear, and they seem to be attempting
How the Characters Become Involved to repair the doomed vessel, dragging bits of wood
Characters might become involved in the events and scraps of the ship back toward the mostly flooded
surrounding the “Vrehnor Isle” quest in a number frigate. On the back of the ship, you can make out a
of ways; a few options are provided here: name embossed in gold: Marigold.

• The characters find Captain Marrow’s map to the

treasure and seek it out. However, the name has mostly been scratched away,
and another name has been painted over it with gaudy
• The characters interact with John Mason and
red paint: Keelhaul Marauder. A kobold dressed in a
follow his copy of the treasure map.
ridiculously oversized captain’s hat is standing atop the
• The characters interact with Vlaskor and seek out ruined ship, shouting orders to the creatures below:
his missing ship, the Marigold. “Hoist the sail ports! Swab the mizzen masts! Plank the
stern!” The kobolds rushing about seem to respond to
Few venture to Vrehnor Isle. Rumors of Undead these nonsense orders in kind, running around in circles
pirates that roam the area fend off most would-be and accomplishing next to nothing.
travelers, but a few do come to the island every
now and then, seeking buried treasure. Few return,
and none return with treasure in tow, which has led
to fewer and fewer people making the trip to the
Roleplaying Captain Bharros
small island. and His Crew
The kobolds are apprehensive of anyone
Vrehnor Isle approaching their ship (having heard all manner
of rumors about Undead and ghosts of pirates
You near the island in your vessel as the roaming the island). They may be willing to listen
waves lap lazily at the sides of your ship. The to the characters if they approach nonviolently or
air is cold and wet, and a heavy mist hangs offer to assist in repairing the ship.
over the island. As you approach, you spy
a wrecked ship close to the shoreline with small reptilian The kobolds are led by “Captain” Bharros the Brave,
creatures running about it. who discovered a guide through the traps of a
pirate’s treasure on Vrehnor Isle, and (having always
had a deep love of the sea and adventure) set out
to recruit like-minded kobolds to join his “crew.”

120 Vr e h n o r I s l e
Captain Bharros has no naval experience to speak
of, but he tries his best to pretend like he does,
shouting, “Raise the anchor sail!” and, “Starboard to
backward, ye scurvy blink dogs!”

Captain Bharros is willing to offer assistance on the

island, acting as a guide through the treasure’s traps
in exchange for a share of the treasure. He and his
crew are willing to join forces against the Undead
on the island for a cut of the loot.

Captain Bharros wears a massive captain’s hat,

adorned with many medals and random shiny
objects that he’s found. He speaks with a heavy
accent that he believes sounds “pirate-y” and
wears an eyepatch he does not need, scratching
underneath it occasionally.

Captain Bharros the Brave (1 Stat Block) and

Captain Bharros’s crew members (1 Stat Block) are
chaotic neutral kobolds. Island Traps
The island is littered with traps left by Captain
Loot Marrow during his years operating outside the law
(and without the trap guide to prompt his memory,
Captain Bharros Marrow no longer remembers the locations of the
Enchanted wand of magic missiles (uncommon). The traps). All of the traps are located en route to the
wand is currently enchanted so that no one besides treasure.
Captain Bharros can use it, but a character succeeding
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check and spending 3 If the characters do not have a map, they are
hours chanting the appropriate arcane phrase over the unlikely to find the treasure, but they will almost
wand removes the enchantment, causing the wand to certainly stumble into one or more of the traps on
become an ordinary wand of magic missiles. the island.
Captain’s hat and outfit (15 gp)
If the characters have Captain Bharros’s trap guide,
Pipe that blows bubbles (2 gp) they will find that each trap has a clue to how
Vrehnor Isle trap guide (5 sp) to avoid it. Characters can attempt to decipher
Eyepatch (1 cp) these riddles to avoid Captain Marrow’s traps.
Alternatively, you may decide that the clues give
the characters advantage on spotting or avoiding
Kobold Crew (The crew has the following items split
the traps.
amongst the 5 kobolds.)
10 sp
Quicksand Trap
Pair of gloves stained with blood (1 sp)
When the characters near the quicksand trap, read the
Set of dice (1 sp) following aloud:
Empty flask (2 cp)
Small tin cup (2 cp) You spy an open swath of sand on the
Hardtack (1 cp) island with foliage creeping around it. The
Turnip (1 cp) path before you is clear, leading across the
Whetstone (1 cp) sand deeper into the isle.
Dead mouse (worthless)
A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check or a
passive Perception of 10 or higher lets a creature
spot the quicksand trap.

Vr e h n o r I s l e 121
122 Vr e h n o r I s l e
If a character spots the trap, read the Loot
following aloud:
There is nothing of value in this area.
As you watch, a small lizard scrambles
onto the open sand, sinking almost
immediately below the surface. It is clear Fearful Visage Trap
that this swath of sand before you is, in Captain Marrow has rigged up his former first mate
fact, quicksand. by paying a mage that was on board to cover the
body with fearful runes so that it might frighten
The quicksand pit has a diameter of 30 feet and is away any that would venture on the path to his
15 feet deep. treasure.

The trap can easily be avoided by walking around A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check or
it, flying or jumping over it, or any other method a passive Perception of 15 or higher lets a creature
that would avoid placing weight onto the sand. spot the rigging holding the skeletal sailor in a
nearby tree. After that, it’s easy to cut the sailor
The quicksand is considered difficult terrain. down or avoid the nearby tripwire.

A creature that walks into the quicksand must If the characters are unable to spot or avoid this trap,
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or read the following aloud:
become restrained by the quicksand and sink 1d6
feet at the end of its turn. It sinks an additional 1d3 The rotted body of a sailor swings from
feet at the end of each of its turns after that, until it the branches of a nearby tree. A cackling
either escapes the quicksand or hits the bottom of sound issues from its decaying corpse.
the quicksand pit, 15 feet below ground level.
Burning orbs of light shine from the
sailor’s eyes—which stare deeply into yours—and
A creature whose head has sunk more than 1 foot
arcane runes are carved onto its old, dry bones. It is clear
under the quicksand is unable to breathe and must
hold its breath. A creature can hold its breath for this corpse lacks consciousness, but something in its
a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution eyes causes a chill to run down your spine.
modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). When a creature
runs out of breath, it can survive for a number of Each creature that beholds this horrid visage must
rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be
of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 frightened until it leaves the island or some other
hit points, is dying, and can’t regain hit points or be spell or effect removes the frightened condition.
stabilized until it can breathe again. A creature frightened in this way is considered
frightened of Undead and thus cannot willingly
A creature can escape from the quicksand by using move closer to Undead. Each time the creature
its action to make a successful Strength check. that’s been frightened by this trap sees a new type
The DC is equal to 5 plus the number of feet the of Undead creature (such as a skeleton or zombie),
creature has sunk. Alternatively, another creature it can repeat its saving throw, ending the effect on
who can reach the stuck creature, or who provides itself on a success.
a rope or other item for it to grab, can pull it out
by using its action to make a successful Strength Captain Bharros’s trap guide clue:
check. The DC is equal to 5 plus the number of feet
the creature has sunk.
“40 paces to the north be where I rigged
Captain Bharros’s trap guide clue: up my first mate,
Carved his bones with runes to warn
others of his fate.
“Trust not the earth beneath your feet—
Step lively or you’ll stumble upon the hidden cord,
It’s ever-shifting sand.
And my first mate will tumble, like a cackling, horrid ward.”
And when you find the swath near trees,
Don’t tread upon that land.”

Vr e h n o r I s l e 123
Loot If a creature falls in the pit, read the following aloud:

There is nothing of value in this area. You plummet into a dark, dank pit, tangled
in cloth and debris. The pit is roughly 15
feet across by 20 feet deep.
Snake Pit
When the characters near this trap, read the following
aloud: The pit walls are fairly rough but slippery. A
creature can climb toward the pit’s mouth with a
successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.
A large cave mouth yawns, open and
ominous, roughly 15 feet ahead of you. Loot
A steady trickle of water drips from
stalactites like salivating fangs in an open There is nothing of value in this area.
mouth. A frayed rope hangs from a nearby tree branch
within arm’s reach.
Pirate Cave
A simple pit in front of the cave holds a macabre The yawning mouth of this cave lies open,
secret. Captain Marrow purchased many exotic though not inviting, and darkness stretches
creatures on his journeys, including a horde of before you.
poisonous snakes that he placed in a pit to guard
the path to his treasure. The snakes feed on small
animals that fall within the pit and occasionally Characters with a light source or darkvision can see
climb to the surface when food is scarce. the following:

The hole of this pit is covered by a large cloth that’s The cave is shallow, opening into a
anchored on the pit’s corners and camouflaged small chamber dripping with water. Six
with dirt and debris. A successful DC 10 Wisdom skeletons dressed in pirate regalia sit
(Perception) check or a passive Perception of 10 against the walls around the cave, and
or higher lets a creature spot the pit. The pit lies there are dried stains on the wall where blood dripped
directly in front of the entrance to the Pirate Cave down to where the skeletons now rest, indicating that
but can be crossed by jumping or swinging over it. they met an untimely demise. Some of the skeletons
have shuffling marks in the earth before them, as if
A creature with a Strength ability score of 15 or
they have dragged themselves from their resting places
higher that moves at least 10 feet before making a
several times. At the center of the room, there is a patch
long jump can clear the pit with ease.
of sand and earth in the middle of the stone area where
a lone shovel, rusted with age, has been cast aside.
The frayed rope hanging near the pit can be used
to swing over it and into the cave. A successful DC
13 Strength (Athletics) check allows a creature to Characters who don’t have a light source and
swing over the pit and into the cave mouth. Once cannot see in the dark are unable to see what lies
the rope is used to swing over, it swings back in this chamber, but when the dead awake, they are
toward the other side of the pit and may be caught able to hear the menacing rattle of bones and spy
with a successful DC 8 Dexterity check. If the rope the glowing eyes of the skeletons within the cave.
is not caught, it dangles over the center of the pit.
When a character enters the room or attacks one of
A creature that fails a check to swing over the pit the skeletons, convey the following to characters who
falls in. can see:

A creature stepping or falling onto the cloth falls The skeletal sailors turn their heads
through and pulls the cloth down into the pit, taking toward you, their bones creaking with
2d6 bludgeoning damage from the fall. The pit has age. Dust and spider webs fall from jaws
a diameter of 15 feet, a depth of 20 feet, and has 5 that open in silent screams as each one
poisonous snakes slithering at the bottom. stands. They hold rusted swords that swing idly in their
bony hands as they shamble toward you.

124 Vr e h n o r I s l e
These are the skeletons of the sailors that Captain The Treasure
Marrow killed to hide the location of his treasure
The treasure is buried roughly 10 feet down.
after they buried it for him. The spirits of these
A creature with a shovel, burrowing ability, or
sailors rose from the dead, their souls bound to
appropriate magic can reach the chest.
their bodies by their refusal to abandon the treasure
that they worked so hard for. These skeletons are
When a character uncovers the chest, read the
able to form short phrases and remember bits and
following aloud:
pieces of the betrayal of their captain.

Roleplaying the Skeletons You brush the dirt and small stones aside,
unearthing a small chest made of polished
Characters may be able to convince the skeletons
not to attack them, but checks made to attempt redwood. A heavy padlock in the shape of
to convince the skeletons to give up or let the a skull is affixed to this chest.
characters take the treasure are made with
disadvantage. If anyone touches the treasure The key to the chest can be found in the secret
without first gaining the skeletons’ permission, the chamber of the Captain’s Quarters in the
skeletons immediately attack. “Tavernsbane Freighter” adventure.

As a ritual, the characters can read the soul-freeing A creature using thieves’ tools can pick the lock
tome (found in the Captain’s Quarters in the with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.
prologue, “Tavernsbane Freighter”) to free the souls
of the skeletons, which causes them to no longer The chest has AC 15, 10 hp, and immunity to poison
be animated. It takes 5 minutes to complete the and psychic damage.
reading of the ritual, and the skeletons must be able
to hear the ritual being read. The chest is trapped. If the check to open the lock
fails, the trap is triggered. If the chest is broken
6 skeletons occupy the cave. open, the trap is triggered.

Vr e h n o r I s l e 125
Captain Marrow’s Trap The characters may wish to return to Havdhir
to seek out a fence for the gemstones they have
Captain Marrow has laid a clever trap on his hidden
acquired, or they may wish to return to the port
chest, ensuring protection against robbers.
to spend their treasures or spread news of their
If the trap is triggered by a failed attempt to pick
the lock, the trap spews forth acid at the creature
The characters may wish to return to Vlaskor and
attempting to open it. The creature must make a
inform him of the fate of his ship or turn in Captain
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) acid
Bharros and his crew.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.

If the trap is triggered by the chest being broken Continuing the Adventure
open, canisters filled with gas are lit by a small Some Game Masters may wish to continue the
sparking device within the chest, exploding in a story created by this quest. The ideas below are not
30-foot-radius sphere. Each creature in that area a part of the main adventure but are suggestions
must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking about how to expand upon the events of this quest:
16 (3d10) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. This eruption • If Captain Bharros is alive, he requests the
cracks, melts, or warps all items inside the chest, characters’ aid in stealing another ship from
rendering the magic items inside entirely useless; Havdhir’s port, promising to split the plunder and
the non magical items lose half their usual value the ownership of the ship with them 50/50.
and the coins inside are scattered around the area.
• The eye agate is cursed, causing anyone who
Characters can easily recover half the coins, but
touches the stone to be slowly driven insane. The
finding the other half requires a successful DC 15
characters must seek out a renowned cleric to
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
remove the curse.

Loot • Nearby pirates hear that the characters

uncovered the lost treasures of Vrehnor Isle, and
The treasure chest contains the following loot. Note that these scallywags set out to take the treasure from
all of it is stolen, and selling the gemstones may require the characters by force.
the characters to seek out a fence or another seedy
individual to unload these ill-gotten goods.
20 gp
300 sp
1000 cp
Spell scroll (divine favor) (common)
Potion of healing (common)
Azurite (10 gp)
Malachite (10 gp)
Eye agate (10 gp)
Tiger eye (10 gp)
Turquoise (10 gp)

What’s Next?
If Captain Bharros is alive and he aided the
characters in their journey to obtain the treasure,
Captain Bharros demands half of the discovered
treasure as part of his cut. He could be talked down
to one quarter or less with successful Charisma
(Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) checks.
Failure to give Captain Bharros what he considers
to be his due will most likely result in him and his
crew attacking the characters.

126 Vr e h n o r I s l e
Captain Marrow’s Treasure Map
1 The Wrecked Keelhaul Marauder
2 Quicksand Trap
3 Fearful Visage Trap
4 Snake Pit Trap
5 Pirate Cave Entrance

Leaden Jungle
Hills Volcano
Black Coast
3 Ashen Man’s Lake
Forlorn Swamp
Jungle 2

Vrehnor 1 Ship
Mountains Quipper
Cove Tipped

Vr e h n o r I s l e 127
Vrehnor Isle Pirate Cave
1 Cave Entrance
2 Cave-in Dead End
S Skeletons
B Buried Treasure

B 2

1 Square = 5ft.

128 Vr e h n o r I s l e
Stolen Scrolls How the Characters Become Involved
Characters might become involved in the events
surrounding the “Stolen Scrolls” quest in a number
In “Stolen Scrolls,” the characters might be seeking
of ways; a few options are provided here:
out the missing texts taken from the wreckage
of the Liber and searching Horn’s Head Cave for • The characters meet with Gholbin Hearth in the
evidence of the scrolls. On the other hand, they Temple of the Manifold Gods. He informs the
might simply stumble upon the wreckage and characters that a shipment of curse scrolls and
decide to investigate the caves. Upon entering history scrolls was recently lost or sunk near
these caverns, the characters will encounter a band Horn’s Head Cave. The characters head to the
of bugbears that have taken up residence there (and caves to investigate.
who also have raided the Liber). While exploring
• The characters discover Horn’s Head Cave while
the caverns, the characters might also encounter sailing in the waters around Havdhir, potentially
Gluck-glubruhk, a sea hag frustrated by the as part of the “One that Got Away” side quest.
bugbears’ presence. The texts of the Liber are in the
clutches of Orphos, a bugbear curse-caster that has • The characters hear of Horn’s Head Cave from
been studying the texts that his bugbear minions locals in Havdhir, and decide to investigate the
uncovered from the Liber in an attempt to add more rumors of sunken ships in the area.
curses and hexes to his repertoire.
Horn’s Head Cave is a natural coastal cave located
This quest is designed for characters of 4th or 5th along the cliff faces of Havdhir. The cave is roughly
level. It would be deadly for characters of 3rd level 2 miles from the city and can be reached by either
climbing down the cliff face or by sailing into the
or below.
partially sunken caves.

Stolen Scrolls 129

Characters may charter a boat from the Havdhir reduces to 5. A creature that falls while climbing
Notary and Exchange, sailing to the entrance of must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On
Horn’s Head Cave instead of risking a climb down a failure, the creature slams into the water below,
the cliffs. taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 20 feet fallen.
On a success, the creature turns the fall into a dive
The Problem and takes no damage.
Recently, the Liber was sailing through a thick
fog that was rolling off of the sea and sailed too Sailing to the Caves
close to the caves, tearing great holes in the hull Sailing to the caves without crashing into the
on the jagged rocks that are hidden just beneath wreckage requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom
the water’s surface. The ship was quickly raided (Survival) check from the captain of the vessel.
by a contingent of bugbears living within the cave, On a failure, the vessel slams into some of the
slaying any survivors of the wreck and dragging to wreckage or into the rocks beneath the surface of
shore whatever contents of the ship they could get the water, and each creature on the deck of the ship
their hands on, leaving the vessel to sink beneath must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw
the waters. or be hurled overboard. If the Wisdom (Survival)
check to steer the ship fails by 5 or more, the DC
These bugbears had initially ventured toward for the Dexterity saving throw increases to 17.
Havdhir in an attempt to join “the Dragon” (see
the side quest “Burning Bugbears” beginning on Water Surrounding the Caves
page 106), but after discovering Horn’s Head Cave,
The water in front of the mouth of the cave is
they decided to set up their own base of operations
littered with the wreckage of the Liber, a vessel
within the safety of the caves.
meant to transport scrolls, tax information, books,
and other various legal and business papers
The bugbears moved into the cave several months
between Havdhir and far off kingdoms. The vessel
ago, taking advantage of the plentiful fishing and
has been completely destroyed and ransacked, and
the protection the cave offered and preying upon
the water around it is infested with hungry sharks
the occasional small fishing vessel that came too
that are picking at the slain sailors’ corpses.
close to their lair. This small tribe of goblinoids
could not believe their luck when a ship wrecked
3 reef sharks swim about the wreckage. Anyone
itself on the jagged stones surrounding the cave
entering the water around the cave is attacked by
entrance, allowing them to easily slay the remaining
the sharks, who are constantly on the hunt for their
sailors and board and loot what was left of the
next meal.
sinking vessel.

To the bugbears’ chagrin, the “riches” aboard the Loot

ship were books, scrolls, tax forms, and other items
considered wholly useless by most of the brutes. There is nothing of value in this area.
However, the leader of the bugbears, a cunning
mage named Orphos, recognized the power and
knowledge held within some of the scrolls, and he
has been studying them religiously for days. Orphos
Horn’s Head Cave
has begun to gain knowledge of various magical The wreckage of a ship litters the water in
traps and curses from the stolen tomes and has set front of this partially-submerged cave. It
up a few curses outside his chambers as “practice.” seems that the tide might soon flood the
cave’s entrance. The wreckage of this ship
Climbing Down to the Caves appears to have been burnt in some places, and arrows are
Unless a creature can fly, getting down to the caves stuck into some of the pieces of wreckage. A small, rocky
requires scaling the cliff faces above the caves by “beach” rolls forth from the cave mouth, covered in sea life
using natural handholds, a rope, or some other and algae.
equipment. The cave mouth is roughly 100 feet
down from the edge of the cliff faces off the coast Investigating the wreckage reveals nothing of
of Havdhir. Each time a creature attempts to climb worth, and exploring the ship would almost surely
down the cliff on its turn, it must make a Strength mean entering the water which is patrolled by reef
(Athletics) check. The DC is 10 to climb without sharks. The majority of the wrecked ship lies 100
a rope. With a rope or other climbing aid, the DC feet under the surface. Nothing of value can be

130 Stolen Scrolls

found within it, but several corpses torn apart by
reef sharks are visible.
Bugbear Living Chamber
Hulking bugbears squat before fires in this
The entrance to the cave floods once every 12 chamber, turning what looks like a massive
hours, with low tide 6 hours between each high tide. swordfish over a roaring fire. It smells
The flooding of the cave may cause the characters delicious. Various books and papers are
to become trapped within the cave, forcing them piled high near the fire, and one of the bugbears reaches
to swim through the Horn’s Head Cave Entrance out and grabs a fistful of the papers, hurling them into the
Chamber and then swim about 20 feet up from the flames which crackle, searing the cooking fish in a burst of
cave mouth in order to reach air. heat. Several small “nests” are set up around the chamber,
each consisting of a mix of blankets, torn sails, and bits of
Horn’s Head Cave moss and other soft-looking foliage. “I say we join up with
the Dragon! He’s got fire in him, fire like THIS fire, not
Entrance Chamber stupid books and half-baked spells like Orphos!” one of
the bugbears shouts, tossing a book into the flames.
Stepping into the mouth of the cave, your
feet crunch on small bits of black stone,
4 bugbears reside in this chamber where they store
barnacles, and mussels clinging to the
loot they gather from fishermen or that they haul up
small shoreline.
in nets during fishing expeditions in front of the cave.
The bugbears rarely get visitors to the cave, but the
Many of the tax documents and non-magical or
occasional merrow or the odd wandering pirate has
historical papers confiscated from the Liber are
made them cautious. With their leader engrossed in
being used as fuel for the bugbears’ fires.
their latest find, the bugbears have taken steps to
defend their lair, setting up a trap at the entrance
for would-be intruders. Roleplaying the Bugbears
The bugbears have been waiting several days for
The entrance to the chamber is littered with simple Orphos to emerge from his chambers. They have
tripwire traps: Four spring-loaded poison spikes been spending their time rifling through the meager
traps are set in the hall. possessions taken from the Liber and growing quite
contentious. Most of the bugbears are in agreement
Loot they should abandon Horn’s Head Cave and the small
treasures they have been able to obtain. They feel that
There is nothing of value in this area. serving the bugbear leader (“the Dragon”) in the south
would bring them much more lucrative adventures.

Characters might be able to convince the bugbears

Littered Tunnel to abandon their post or to turn against their
leader, Orphos. The DC may change based on the
The tunnel is littered with scraps of cloth, situation, but some sample DCs are provided here:
torn and waterlogged parchment, and bits
A DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check may trick the
of wood. Echoing can be heard up ahead,
bugbears into betraying their leader or abandoning
and it’s clear that several creatures are all
their post.
congregated in the chamber beyond. The creatures are
calling out to one another in bellowing voices that echo A DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check may
through the tunnels, distorting the sound and making convince the bugbears that the characters are
it unintelligible. no threat or that there are better opportunities
Loot A DC 20 Charisma (Intimidation) check may scare
off the bugbears. If the characters have also already
There is nothing of value in this area. slain the Dragon, the DC decreases to 15.
A DC 20 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or
Persuasion) check might convince the bugbears to
turn against Orphos and to help the characters kill
him. After Orphos is dead, there is no guarantee
that they will remain friendly toward the characters.

Stolen Scrolls 131

If the characters have already slain or otherwise
dealt with the Dragon, they have advantage on
Gluck-glubruhk’s Lair
Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) This chamber is dank and dark. Sounds of
checks when dealing with the bugbears. drip…drip…dripping come from somewhere
within. Looking in, you can see a drop of water
Loot falling from the cavern’s ceiling. When it makes
contact with the water below, just for an instant a small burst
Roasted swordfish (100 gp). This swordfish, which is of bioluminescence illuminates the chamber. Another slow
mostly cooked, weighs 400 lbs. and provides enough
drop falls into the deep pool, which glows with a blue light for
food for 100 days as long as it is preserved in some way.
a moment before the chamber darkens again.
Carved bone statuette (25 gp)
Gold cloth vestments (25 gp) The water in the chamber is filled with microscopic
Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread (5 gp) organisms that float on the surface and glow when
10x Scroll case (1 gp each) anything touches the water, shedding bright light in
10x Waterlogged book (1 cp each) a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20
feet. Drops from the ceiling stir up the organisms
to illuminate the chamber for 6 seconds every
Tunnels 1 minute. A creature moving through the water,
using an action to touch the water, or hurl an object
into the water also causes the brief illumination.
The cave tunnels split into two paths
Otherwise, the lair is in complete darkness.
leading away from this chamber. One of the
tunnels curves around a bend and is lit with
The pool in this chamber is 60 feet deep. A small,
flickering torches. The other quickly leads
underwater channel leads out to the open sea.
down into a pool of water.

Torch-Lit Tunnel Gluck-glubruhk lurks beneath the water in this

natural chamber. Beneath the surface, she is
The tunnel extends upwards through the hoarding small trinkets and trophies that she’s
rock. Torches line the pathway for a few collected from past victims.
yards before the path plunges into a damp
darkness. A pile of stones has been amassed
in the chamber, and it is clear that this tunnel has been
sealed off, though not very well.

The rocks can be removed by a creature spending 1

minute to remove them or by a creature succeeding
on a DC 15 Strength check to knock the piles of
rock over.

The torch-lit tunnel leads to a small chamber that

the bugbears unsuccessfully attempted to convert
into a living area. A sea hag named Gluck-glubruhk
stores her possessions in the small cavern and
did not take kindly to the intrusion of a band of
bugbears. The hag has an aquatic tunnel leading
straight down and out of the chamber into the open
sea, and she can easily come and go as she pleases.
When the bugbears first moved in, they attempted
to root the hag out, only to suffer extensive losses
of life from the horrifying abilities of the hag. Many Roleplaying Gluck-glubruhk
fled in terror. The bugbears have built up a small
wall, hoping to hold her back. Gluck-glubruhk, with Gluck-glubruhk (like all sea hags) despises anything
no need for the rest of the caves, has been content beautiful. If the characters are in possession of
to leave the bugbears alone… for now. anything considered “beautiful” that she can see or
one of the characters is particularly good-looking,
Loot she flies into a fit of rage. She drops any disguise
and attempts to destroy or deface the source of the
There is nothing of value in this area. beauty at all costs.

132 Stolen Scrolls

If she spots the characters before they spot her, If Gluck-glubruhk is spotted or her illusion is pierced,
Gluck-glubruhk will use her Illusory Appearance read the following aloud:
to assume the form of a human woman, attempting
to lure the characters into a false sense of security.
She may wish to convince them to kill the bugbears The creature splashing about in the water
within the tunnel, promising them a reward if they resembles a drowned woman. Its skin is
do so, or she might attempt to lure them into the a dark blue-green. Its hair is lanky and
water where she will drop her disguise and use her resembles seaweed as it dangles limply
Horrific Appearance and Death Glare to drag a from the creature’s head.
character beneath the surface.

While disguised, Gluck-glubruhk speaks in a soft, If a character swims to the bottom of the pool, read
wistful tone and acts as though she is terrified of the following aloud:
the bugbears. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check
opposed by her Charisma (Deception) check would
reveal that she is toying with the characters. The The bottom of this pool is littered with
hag has advantage on this check. bones. A small alcove beneath the surface
is filled with half-eaten bits of fish and
If asked about how she entered the chamber, Gluck- other creatures, and a waterlogged chest
glubruhk is likely to suggest that the bugbears sits in the corner of the wretched chamber.
trapped her in here and are waiting for her to starve.

While in her true form, Gluck-glubruhk speaks in a

gurgling croak and calls insults at her enemies. Loot
Gluck-glubruhk (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic evil sea hag.
Gluck-glubruhk’s treasures are held in a small chest
within her alcove at the bottom of the pool.
Gluck-glubruhk uses her Illusory Appearance and
8 gp
addresses the characters, read the following aloud:
6x Fishing hook (1 sp each)
Fisherman’s charm necklace (1 cp)
A woman splashes about, her form
shrouded by the strange glow permeating
the water. Her head surfaces, and she calls
out to you in alarm, “Are you here to save
me from those horrible monsters!?”

Stolen Scrolls 133

Sunken Tunnel with a modified entangle spell. When a creature
other than a bugbear swims over the glyph, the spell
Diving down into the tunnel, you can see activates, and grasping seaweed sprouts in a 20-foot
little. The murkiness of the water makes it cube centered on where the glyph was triggered. A
nearly impossible to tell if you are nearing creature in that area when the spell is activated must
anything resembling an exit. succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be
restrained by the entangling plants for ten minutes.
The tunnel extends underwater for 300 feet and is A creature restrained by the plants can repeat
difficult terrain. A creature without a swim speed and the saving throw at the end of every minute. On a
with a walking speed of 30 feet can swim through success, it frees itself.
the entire tunnel in 2 minutes, a short enough time
for bugbears to hold their breath and swim through Loot
the chamber with ease. Orphos has used the scrolls
to set, 150 feet into the tunnel, a glyph of warding There is nothing of value in this area.

134 Stolen Scrolls

Orphos’s Lair Entrance Orphos’s Lair
A door of dark wood rests before you. This chamber is lit by a great, blazing
Beautiful arcane glyphs have been carved brazier at its center. Piles of driftwood and
into it. There’s also a carved depiction of bits of a ruined ship are drying nearby.
a bugbear with its mouth open. As you Several large, watertight cases have been
approach, a voice issues from the portal, “This passes as opened and are sitting in disarray, tossed against the wall.
ore through stone and crawls along through flesh and Makeshift shelves from scraps of wood groan under the
bone. It is the color of petals, and has the smell of metal. weight of the piles of scrolls and books.
Some flee the sight of it in utter terror. Feed it to me in
order to enter.” If the characters have not alerted Orphos or Groggle
to their presence, read the following aloud:
Using the scrolls stolen from the Liber, Orphos
has experimentally created this magically trapped
A bugbear wearing a heavy black cloak
door. The door opens only when the solution to the
spoken riddle is completed. (The solution is pouring is bent over a desk at the far end of the
blood into the carved bugbear’s open mouth.) chamber. Its form is slightly obscured by
the massive fire roaring in the makeshift
A character can deal damage to itself or to fireplace that is situated between you and the bugbear.
another creature, placing its blood into the mouth “The Dragon, hah… Who needs that fool when we could
in the door. A minimum of 5 hit points-worth of control the ports of Havdhir with the knowledge hidden
spilled blood must be fed to the door. A creature in these scrolls… though… nothing much has come of my
succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine or studies yet… but I am SURE it is only a matter of time…”
Survival) check can extract the blood of a dead mumbles the bugbear in a rasping voice. The bugbear
creature for use with the door. leans farther over the desk, its face almost pressed to
the scroll it has spread before it. Another bugbear sits
Any time the door is fed blood that does not equate
sleeping in a chair that’s set against the far wall, obviously
to a total of 5 hit points, the mouth opens wider,
and the door slides open slightly. placed there to watch the door to the chamber.

When the door has been sated with 5 hit points If the characters have alerted Orphos or Groggle to
worth of blood, the mouth on the door lets out a their presence, read the following aloud:
satisfied sigh and the door slides open.
A bugbear wearing a heavy black cloak
The door can also be reverted to a normal door
with a remove curse spell or similar magic. The door stands at the center of the room. Its
easily slides open after the spell is cast. form is slightly obscured by the massive
fire roaring in a makeshift fireplace
Otherwise, the door can be broken down, but note that’s situated between you and the bugbear. “Who
that it has been magically reinforced. The door in the name of all the abyssal curses are you?!” calls
has AC 19, 27 hp, and a damage threshold of 5. An the bugbear, its hands crackling with black lightning.
attack made on the door alerts Orphos and Groggle, Another bugbear lets out a low growl, glaring at you
who are currently in Orphos’s Lair. In addition, each from a few feet away and blocking your path to the
time the door is attacked the mouth uses a reaction cloaked bugbear.
to bite or spit a small gout of flame at the attacker.
The door has +5 to hit with its bite attack and deals
6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage on a hit. The door has In his lair, Orphos is studying the scrolls and texts
+5 to hit with its flame attack, which has a range of taken from the Liber and is being protected by his
120 feet and deals 6 (1d6 + 3) fire damage on a hit. right-hand man, Groggle.
The door can take 5 reactions per turn but has no
actions. Unless the characters make a decent amount of
noise entering Orphos’s lair (such as by attacking
Loot the door, by shouting in the tunnel beyond, or by
tripping into the room in heavy armor), Orphos
and Groggle are surprised during the first round
There is nothing of value in this area.
of combat.

Stolen Scrolls 135

Roleplaying Orphos Roleplaying Groggle
Orphos is an elderly bugbear well past his prime, Groggle is Orphos’s most trusted companion and
keeping himself alive and in control of other bodyguard, serving Orphos unquestioningly.
bugbears through the use of magic and the
occasional bit of subterfuge. Groggle is easily confused, communicates mostly
in growls or grunts, and is overly fond of violence…
Orphos has graying fur, wears a tattered black cloak even for a bugbear.
made from the sail of a sunken ship, and speaks in a
croaking voice. Groggle (1 Stat Block) is a lawful evil bugbear.

Orphos is susceptible to flattery, and he is (for the Loot

most part) a yellow-bellied curse-caster. He has
only recently come into what he thinks could be In his chamber, Orphos is hoarding the various pilfered
“real power” through the scrolls and tomes that he scrolls and books that he considers are worth studying.
and his minions raided from the wrecked Liber. Spell scroll (bane) (common)
Spell scroll (bestow curse) (uncommon)
Orphos is particularly interested in the study of
Spell scroll (blindness/deafness) (uncommon)
curses. If the characters show him the marks of
their curse, they have advantage on Charisma Spell scroll (inflict wounds) (common)
(Deception or Persuasion) checks to get Orphos Book: Curses and Their Practitioners (20 gp)
to speak with them. He may even be willing to Book: Necromancers of the Darklands (10 gp)
share some information regarding the curse with Book: Recipients of the Curse of the Usurper (5 gp)
them. Characters that engage in conversation with Book: Tales of the Usurper. (5 gp)
Orphos might be able to strike a deal with him.
Missive to the Triumvirate (1 sp)
Orphos will offer to impart his knowledge of the
curse in exchange for the removal of the sea hag Note from the Dragon (1 sp)
Gluck-glubruhk. He may also ask the characters Poem: “Cursèd Shjekhel” (1 sp)
to win back the respect and fear of his bugbear Sealed scroll, the wax seal impressed with the image of a
comrades who are holed up in the Bugbear Living fanged skull (worthless)
What’s Next?
Orphos knows very little about the curse other
than that he read something about three keys of While the characters may not find much of use in the
some sort that are involved in breaking the curse. shipment of scrolls and tomes, a few of the books
If he is friendly toward them, he might also point and scrolls do offer detailed information and some
the characters to a few of the texts he has that are rumors regarding the curse that’s afflicting them.
related to the subject: namely, Tales of the Usurper,
Recipients of the Curse of the Usurper, and “Cursèd The characters may return to Gholbin Hearth.
Shjekhel.” Gholbin will be saddened to hear of the fate of
the Liber and the loss of the knowledge being
Orphos (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil bugbear. transported aboard the ship. If presented with the

136 Stolen Scrolls

books that the characters discovered, he is happy • A renowned scholar hears of the characters’
to pay for them and will study them to the best of success in reclaiming the texts of the Liber. The
his ability. In his studies, Gholbin will be unable scholar has heard rumors of a fabled tome hidden
to discern much from the texts available to him in the subterranean lair of a bugbear tribe to the
other than that the curse afflicting the characters south and asks the characters to obtain the book.
seems to be passed along through members of
• Gholbin finds something suspicious in one of the
the Shjelborn clan bloodline either to their direct
books that the characters retrieved—a hidden
descendents or to some third party. Unfortunately,
missive written in the book by one of the sailors
anyone not directly descended from the Shjelborn of the Liber. The missive indicates that the sailor
clan is not able to pass the curse on to anyone else. saw an island village overrun by Undead but
that the captain ordered the crew to secrecy. The
Azkhell requires the “Cursèd Shjekhel” poem and crew member was suspicious of the captain and
the Recipients of the Curse of the Usurper document in his potential involvement in the activities of this
order to confirm his research after the characters island and provided a map to it hidden within the
complete the “Azkhell’s Agoraphobia” quest. book. Gholbin, being a religious man, asks the
characters to investigate.
Continuing the Adventure • If Gluck-glubruhk is slain, a merrow chief (who
Some Game Masters may wish to continue the happens to be the leader of a tribe that used to
story created by this quest. The ideas below are not trade with the sea hag) learns of her demise and
a part of the main adventure but are suggestions sets out to kill the characters as revenge. The
about how to expand upon the events of this quest: characters will not be safe in open water until
this merrow and its tribe are slain.

Stolen Scrolls 137

Stolen Scrolls A
1 Reefs 5 Books & Scrolls B Bugbears
2 Sunken Ship (Liber) 6 Swordfish G Gluck-glubruhk
3 Rocky Beach 7 Water Pool T Spring-Loaded Spike Traps
4 Cliffs 8 Pile of Stones


6 5


4 4



1 Square = 5ft.

138 Stolen Scrolls

Stolen Scrolls B
1 300ft. Tunnel 5 Driftwood GN Groggle (Not Alerted)
2 Glyph of Warding 6 Desk ON Orphos (Not Alerted)
3 Shore 7 Bookshelves GA Groggle (Alerted)
4 Large Wooden Door 8 Chests OA Orphos (Alerted)

7 4




8 OA

1 Square = 5ft.

Stolen Scrolls 139

Paying the Grifter’s • The characters are confronted by Rufus Welfore,
who asks them to safely return his wife from the
clutches of the Grifter’s Guild. To begin this quest,
Guild… a Visit Rufus directs them to an entrance to Drain’s
End: a small area serving as a connection to the
In “Paying the Grifter’s Guild… a Visit,” the greater Undercity.
characters may be attempting to save Anna, the wife
of Rufus Welfore, from the Grifter’s Guild. In order • The characters follow various leads around
to do this, the characters must clamber into Drain’s Havdhir on how to locate, join, or combat the
End, a Grifter’s Guild outpost built within the sewers Grifter’s Guild, gathering intel that directs them to
beneath Havdhir. Confronting the Grifter’s Guild, Drain’s End.
the characters have two options: In exchange for
Anna’s freedom, they can assist the Grifter’s Guild in Drain’s End is a small and secluded entrance to
removing the threat of several sewer ogres that have the Undercity, serving as one of many bases of
moved into the nearby tunnels… or the characters operation for the Grifter’s Guild. Drain’s End is
can take on the Grifter’s Guild head on. not the most glamorous of the guild’s entrances; it
serves as a dead drop, a place to fence goods, and
This quest is designed for characters of 3rd or 4th as a holding location for prisoners for ransom.
level. It would be deadly for characters of 2nd level
or below. The Problem
Rufus Welfore’s wife, Anna, has been kidnapped by
How the Characters Become Involved the Grifter’s Guild. She is being held for a ransom
Characters might become involved in the events of 5,000 gold pieces—the same amount that Rufus
surrounding the “Paying the Grifter’s Guild… A borrowed from the Guild. Rufus’s wife has been
Visit” quest in a number of ways; a few options taken to the Drain’s End waterway where she has
are provided here: been imprisoned by several Grifter’s Guild enforcers.

140 Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t

While things look grim for Anna, the enforcers have Roleplaying Jacob Ishmael
problems of their own: A group of sewer ogres has Jacob wears a large straw hat and baggy clothes that
moved into one of the connecting passages and is hide most of his scrawny frame. His eyes shift during
creating a nest of tangled trash that’s now infested conversation, as if he’s always looking for an escape.
with drain rats. The guild fears that the sewer ogres
will soon make a move to take over the rest of Jacob is an orphan and waif of a child working for
Drain’s End and are annoyed by the ogres adding the guild, earning himself a paltry few copper coins
to its already putrid stench. The enforcers might each week. He has dreams of one day becoming a
be willing to forgive Rufus’s debt if someone would full-fledged member of the guild, rising to the rank
take care of their “ogre problem.” of enforcer… or even higher!

Drain’s End Entrance The characters might be able to convince Jacob

to betray the guild or to be adopted, if offering
You near a small canal; a massive sewer him sufficient safety or gold. Jacob would need
pipe (roughly 15 feet tall) is partially to be paid 1 gold piece per day (a fortune in his
submerged in the canal several yards eyes) to betray the guild and temporarily join the
away from you. The front of the entrance is characters. Convincing him he should abandon his
covered by a large, metal grate, but a sizable amount of current life requires a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion)
the grate has rusted away. A small rowboat sits in front check. The check is made with advantage if the
of the entrance, and a ragged-looking child is sitting in characters are offering him safety or compensation,
the boat holding a fishing pole, the line dragging in the and the DC can be lowered by offering him
murky water. A putrid stench emanates from the water additional gold pieces.
and sewer pipe.
Jacob Ishmael (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic
The boy, Jacob Ishmael, keeps an eye out for neutral human.
trouble on the guild’s behalf. When he spots
someone new attempting to enter Drain’s End, he Loot
abandons the boat and clambers into a hidden pipe
(different from the massive one) that leads into the There is nothing of value in this area.
waterway, crawling through it to warn the enforcers
therein. A successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception)
check or a passive Perception of 18 or higher lets a Entering Drain’s End
creature spot the pipe. A creature of Small size or
smaller can fit through the pipe by squeezing. The drain grate has an open space that a Medium
creature can pass through by squeezing (a smaller
creature can pass through the opening without
having to squeeze).

A creature squeezing through the grate must

succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity check or be
scratched by the rusted metal, potentially
contracting tetanus.

Grifter’s Guild members have keys that can open

the lock, so they do not have to squeeze through
and risk contracting tetanus.

A creature using thieves’ tools can pick the grate’s

lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.

The grate has AC 18, 27 hit points, immunity

to poison and psychic damage, and a damage
threshold of 5.

A successful DC 25 Strength check smashes the

grate open.

Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t 141

Drain’s End Trapped Tunnel Sally Carthus is attempting to sell her stolen wares
to Jericho Srew.
A tunnel of metal and stone stretches before
you and is partially submerged in murky Jericho is FAR underpaying for the items being
water. Small pipes jut out and empty into presented, offering a measly 1 silver piece for a set
this much larger tunnel, some spewing foul- of goods worth 35 gold pieces. A character can
smelling water. appraise the goods and deduce as much with a
successful DC 10 Intelligence check.
The tunnel is trapped with pressure plates along
it that are set by the Grifter’s Guild. Members of Jericho is well aware he is underpaying and is
the guild and those invited to the Undercity or usually rather talented at getting what he wants.
Drain’s End are given instructions on how to avoid
the traps, which deal with both snooping Havdhir If the characters intervene on Sally’s behalf, she
guards and vagrants alike, protecting the Grifter’s becomes friendly toward them, while Jericho treats
Guild from outsiders. them with contempt.

There are 5 pressure plates along the hall. Both Sally and Jericho know about Anna
Welfore’s capture.
Enforcers regularly patrol the tunnel. They are
very practiced at incapacitating, knocking out, and If asked about Anna, Sally responds:
dragging away any and all interlopers, taking them
to the Interrogation Room for questioning as to “Yeah, I saw the enforcers drag some
their intentions. Any Havdhir guards or enemies of woman into the pit the other day. You
the guild that are caught trying to enter the tunnel could talk with them about freeing her.”
are often struck by darts from the hands of sneaky
enforcers and then dropped into the canal where
they drown.
If asked about Anna, Jericho responds:
If the characters are all knocked unconscious, they
are picked up a few minutes later by Grifter’s Guild “Aye. I can tell ya where they took that
enforcers and dragged into the interrogation room
wretch, but it’ll cost ya.”
where they awaken tied to chairs. A creature can
escape its bonds with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
(Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand) check or tear its
bonds with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
If he is paid 5 gold pieces or if the characters
Loot succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Deception,
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check to convince him
There is nothing of value in this area. to reveal her location, Jericho will convey that Anna
has been taken to Drain’s End Prison.

Grifter’s Market
This underground chamber resembles a
large cistern. There are small holes in the
ceiling that shed dim light across the room.
Water runs, diverted, around a central
platform of stone. The putrid liquid courses away in
several directions. At the center platform, standing before
a stone dais, is a scrawny girl who is holding a handful of
items up to a portly man who frowns down at her. “Not
worth a gold piece on your life, you runt!” shouts the man
from the dais, “I’ll give you a silver piece for this lot, and
then you can very well scramble back to the market and
try to lift something more useful.”

142 Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t

Roleplaying Sally Carthus Loot
Sally is outspoken, confident, and a clever con artist.
Sally Carthus
Sally is a young elf girl of 10 who regularly sells Small gold bracelet (25 gp)
stolen goods to the Grifter’s Guild, picking pockets Silver cup (10 gp)
in the Market District to make her living.
Jericho Srew
Sally is orphaned but does well enough for herself Key to Drain’s End Entrance (1 gp if sold to someone
and even owns a small shack in the Barnacle seeking the guild)
Barrows district.
Interrogation Room
Sally Carthus (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic neutral elf.
Before you are two men and a woman,
each with wicked-looking maces and heavy
crossbows strapped to their belts. All of them
are burly and are clothed in simple leather
armor. The three of them stand behind a large wooden
table, upon which are various instruments: a hammer,
a pair of tongs, several nails, and a torch… Many of the
objects are covered in blood, and you notice the odd tooth
and bit of flesh lying on the table.

If the characters have been captured by the Grifter’s

Guild, also read the following aloud:

Stirring groggily, you look down to see

your hands and feet tied to a wooden

If the guards can see the characters, also read the

following aloud:

The woman glowers at you, slamming her

fist on the table in front of her. “Who in the
Nine Hells are you, and what in the name of
the Red Hand are you doing down here?
Roleplaying Jericho Srew
Jericho is a burly man who is fond of entertainment, 3 Grifter’s Guild enforcers (1 Stat Block) serve as
drink, and sleep. He reeks of body odor and cares interrogators within this room, dragging in and
little for his own appearance or hygiene. He mostly questioning anyone that enters Drain’s End without
speaks by barking commanding phrases. the permission of the guild. They also deal with
“questioning” some of the unfortunate souls who are
past due on paying the money they owe the guild.
Jericho regularly purchases items from various
“freelancers,” trading coin for stolen goods which If the characters have been knocked unconscious
are then passed to associates within the guild for or captured by the guild, they are tied to chairs in
further distribution. front of the enforcers. Their equipment has been
taken and stored in a trunk inside this room.
Jericho is also in charge of greeting anyone “new” in
If the characters are not compliant the enforcers
Drain’s End. may attempt to “loosen their tongues” utilizing
the items at their disposal; the enforcers are very
Jericho Srew (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil human. skilled with said items.

Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t 143

to use a bit of stone, a shard of bone, or some other
improvised item to pick the lock, but the creature
would have disadvantage on its Dexterity check.

The gate has AC 18, 27 hit points, immunity to

poison and psychic damage, and a damage
threshold of 5.

A DC 25 Strength check smashes the gate open.

Roleplaying the Grifter’s Attacking or destroying the door alerts and

Guild Enforcers summons the 3 enforcers from the Interrogation
Room or alerts and summons enforcers from the
The Grifter’s Guild enforcers have been dealing with
Grifter’s Market (if the ones in the Interrogation
the major problems of the incursions of the drain
Room are dead or unconscious).
rats and threat posed by the sewer ogres. If the
characters ask for clemency or about Anna Welfore,
the enforcers might agree to release the characters Drain's End Prison
(and Anna, if they ask about her) in exchange for
the characters evicting and ejecting the monsters Interior
that have made their home in Drain’s End. Before you is a deep, stone pit half-filled
with water. Chains have been affixed to the
If the characters refuse to aid the enforcers and stone a few feet above the waterline, and you
cannot be “broken” by them, the enforcers drop can see a woman desperately clinging to one
them into Drain’s End Prison. of the dangling chains, hopelessly treading water.

Loot Drain’s End Prison has two defensive measures.

Firstly, there’s a metal gate that, when opened,
Bloodstained tongs (2 gp) leads into the chamber. Secondly, prisoners are
Bloodstained hammer (1 gp) dropped into a deep pit of water that is extremely
Nails (bag of 1,000) (1 sp) difficult to climb out of. Chains attached to the
Torch (1 cp) pit’s walls can be wrapped around prisoners or the
prisoners may hang upon them to keep from having
Bloody human tooth (1 cp if sold to an alchemist or
to swim for hours a day.

When a prisoner is to be removed from the pit,

Each Grifter’s Guild Enforcer a rope or chain is dropped down for them to
Key to Drain’s End Entrance (1 gp if sold to someone climb up. If other prisoners are present, they
seeking the guild) are usually threatened with sleeping darts by the
Guild stone (1 sp) (1 Item) guild enforcers.

Trunk The characters may be dropped into the prison if they

Characters’ equipment (if applicable)
are captured and refuse to comply with the enforcers.
If this occurs, also read the following aloud:

Drain’s End Prison “Maybe a few weeks in the pit will make
you more agreeable!” shouts an enforcer
Exterior as he kicks you into the deep pit.
A heavy iron gate is set into the wall,
leading away into darkness beyond.
Each hour, a creature in the pit not holding onto
one of the chains on the wall must succeed on a
Strength (Athletics) check to keep its head above
A creature using thieves’ tools can pick the gate’s water. A bound creature has disadvantage on this
lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. A check. The DC is 10 (+ 1 for each hour spent within
creature locked inside of the prison could attempt the pit). A creature can hang on to one of the

144 Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t

chains while it is awake to avoid having to make Anna is dressed in tattered rags, and her skin is
a check. pruney from days of swimming about in the filthy
water. She is desperately hanging on one of the
The pit is 40 feet deep, and the bottom 20 feet are dangling chains in the pit, rarely (if ever) releasing it
filled with water. The chains are set into the walls from her grasp.
5 feet above the water line and run an additional 5
feet under the water. Anna Welfore (1 Stat Block) is a neutral good human.

A few baubles lie at the bottom of the pit and can Loot
be spotted through the murky water with a DC 12
Intelligence (Investigation) check. DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
Signet ring (5 gp)
A successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check
Silver fork (1 sp)
allows a creature to climb out of the pit. A bound
creature has both disadvantage and a -2 penalty on
this check.
Sewer Ogre Maze
Small channels formed in the floor of the other
chambers in Drain’s End direct trickling water into A tangle of drenched wood, scraps of cloth,
this pit. The water slowly flows out to sea from here, muck, bits of warped metal, and other
but the water level rarely varies more than 1 or 2 junk are piled high along the walls of
feet. this chamber, woven together in a sort of
disgusting tunnel that branches in multiple directions. A
Anna Welfore is currently the sole prisoner being terrible stench permeates the whole of this maze, which
held in Drain’s End Prison. appears to be held together by waste and garbage.

Sewer ogres are known for constructing elaborate

mazes of filth that serve as their lairs. The sewer
ogres crashed into Drain’s End from some disused
sewers and waterways beneath Havdhir. The filthy
creatures quickly began claiming sections of this
newfound territory for themselves, constructing
their mazes from the disgusting refuse that’s been
flushed down the drains of Havdhir.

The presence of the ogres has also attracted drain

rats, who make their homes in the pre-made nests
provided by the weaving ogres.

The maze is easily traversed by the sewer ogres

living within, but any other creature attempting to
navigate its way toward the center of the maze or
find its way back out again must succeed on a DC
Roleplaying Anna Welfore 12 Wisdom (Survival) check to determine the right
direction to go.
Anna is terrified and has no idea why the guild
has brought her here. If she is told that her
imprisonment is the result of her husband’s When a creature enters the maze and at the end of
gambling and inability to pay his debts, she flies each 30 minutes it spends within, it must succeed
into a terrible rage, swearing to “make that drain rat on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become
of a man pay!” poisoned for the next 5 minutes, the horrible smell
overwhelming its senses.
Anna is happy to go along with any plan that might
get her out of the prison, and characters have The entirety of the maze is considered difficult
advantage on Charisma-related skill checks when terrain for creatures other than the drain rats and
dealing with Anna. sewer ogres residing there.

Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t 145

The first few feet of the maze are illuminated by the free of the trap, its movement is limited by the length
light filtering in from the rest of Drain’s End, but of the chain attached to it (typically 3 feet long). A
10 feet in, the maze is considered to be an area of creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength
check, freeing itself or another creature within its
reach on a success. On a failure, the trapped creature
Each time the characters take a turn within the
maze, roll a d8 determining what they encounter takes 1 piercing damage.
based on the result. 3 The chamber is filled with rags and torn coin purses. A
successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check
1 Nothing of interest resides in this hall apart from the reveals 2 gold pieces in this chamber.
ever-present filth and woven garbage.
4 1 sewer ogre is sleeping in this section of the maze. A
2 A gleaming, albeit cracked, gemstone (worth 5 gold creature using its action to examine the room must
pieces) is set at the far side of this chamber. Resting succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
right beneath the gemstone is a hunting trap. The check to realize the sewer ogre is here; otherwise,
hunting trap can be spotted with a successful DC 15 characters are unable to distinguish the ogre from
Wisdom (Perception) check or by a creature with a the walls of the maze due to the sewer ogre’s False
passive Perception of 15 or higher. A creature that Appearance trait. Characters might awaken the ogre
steps on the trap must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity by making noise while passing through the chamber,
saving throw or take 2 (1d4) piercing damage and by stumbling over its sleeping form, or by any other
stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks riotous or loud activities.

146 Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t

5 This segment of the maze is filled with spikes of metal
sticking out of the woven garbage at odd angles.
Crossing through the area requires a DC 16 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. On a failure, a creature is able to
cross but takes 10 (3d6) slashing damage. On a success,
the creature is able to cross without taking damage.
6 A section of the maze falls away, splashing into a tunnel
of running water. Each creature standing on that section
falls into the water and must succeed on a DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check or be swept away, splashing
out of the water in a random section of the maze.
7 2d4 drain rats burst from the walls of the maze and
attack the characters.
8 Suddenly, the tunnel drops at a steep angle. A
creature attempting to traverse the area must
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
or tumble down the tunnel 30 feet, taking 7 (2d6)
bludgeoning damage.

Drain Rat Nest

Entering this chamber, you note a
particularly large amount of human hair
and small animal bones matted into
grotesque-looking nests that line the walls.
Small rivulets of water run through the chamber and, in
a few areas, form shallow pools a couple feet deep. As you
watch, the woven walls seem to shudder… as if something If the drain rats attack, read the following aloud:
were moving beneath them.

6 drain rats (1 Stat Block) scurry within the walls of The woven walls of refuse burst open
this chamber, making their nests amongst the filth. in a disgusting spray of rot and liquid.
Horrid, screeching rats the size of a grown
While within the walls, the drain rats have ¾ cover. man burst from the walls, their mouths
In order to determine the location of a drain rat dripping with yellow saliva. Many of the creatures are
in the wall, a creature must succeed on a DC 14 covered in boils and tumors or are sporting extra eyes or
Wisdom (Perception) check. limbs—they are clearly diseased.

It is possible to sneak through the chamber without

the drain rats realizing anything has entered their A creature within 5 feet of where a drain rat
nest, passing through without the rats emerging emerges from the wall is splashed with putrid
from the walls. Doing so requires a successful DC water and bits of refuse and must succeed on a
10 Dexterity (Stealth) check. DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract
sewer plague.
When a creature attacks a drain rat in the wall or
when the drain rats have surrounded the other Loot
creatures in the chamber to the best of their ability,
they emerge from the wall, jumping toward their DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check
prey. Small cache of “shiny” objects
Broken pearl (5 gp)
Single earring (1 gp)
Dented brass ring (1 sp)

Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t 147

Sewer Ogre Hoard Room If a creature discerns that the two piles are, in fact,
sewer ogres before the ogres notice them, read the
This large chamber has many tunnels leading following aloud:
away from it. At the center of the chamber is
an immense pile of garbage roughly 30 feet The smaller piles of refuse are moving
tall and 25 feet wide. Every manner of junk, about, and upon looking closer, you
refuse, and trinket—covered in filth—is stuck into the pile. determine that they are not piles of
Two smaller piles of refuse rest on the floor of the chamber,
garbage at all but two ogres. They are so
each roughly 10 feet wide by 15 feet tall.
covered in filth, and junk strapped to their bodies in such
The large pile of refuse at the center of the chamber large piles, that they resemble little more than shambling
is the trash hoard of the sewer ogres. mounds of refuse. The ogres let out low, barking growls,
calling to each other. “You smell something?” asks one
The two smaller piles are sewer ogres (1 Stat of the ogres. “Yeah, sweet, sweet smell of feces and
Block). If the ogres are moving, a creature can spot muck,” responds the other, picking up what looks like a rat
them for what they are with a successful DC 10 skeleton and tossing it onto the large pile at the center of
Wisdom (Perception) check or a passive Perception the room, “Nice addition to the hoard!”
of 10 or higher. If the ogres are not moving, a
creature must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence
(Investigation) check to discern that the ogres
aren’t piles of refuse.

148 Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t

If the sewer ogres spot the characters before the delves into the pile of refuse must succeed on
characters recognize them for what they are, read the a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract
following aloud: sewer plague.

Creatures can climb up the pile, treating it as

The smaller piles of refuse suddenly move
difficult terrain.
toward you, and gleaming nocturnal eyes
glow from within. You quickly realize that The pile can also be burrowed through. A creature
these are not piles of trash but ogres moving through the pile in this way moves at ¼
covered in filth with junk strapped to their bodies in such speed and is considered blinded and deafened
large piles that they resemble little more than shambling while it is in the pile. The burrowing creature also
mounds of refuse. These disgusting creatures open their has total cover against anything outside of the pile
mouths in great, bellowing cries, each lowering a pike in and must hold its breath or begin suffocating.
your direction.

Roleplaying the Sewer Ogres “Desirable” Items
The sewer ogres entered Drain’s End through
Collection of spoons (5 sp)
a large, rusted-out pipe that pours incoming
Glass eye (1 sp)
sewage into one of the chambers. The ogres
have lived beneath Havdhir for decades, creating Human skull (1 cp)
interconnecting mazes and storing up hoards of Moth-eaten teddy bear (1 cp)
what they consider to be “treasure.” With the Rat skeleton (1 cp)
discovery of Drain’s End, the ogres are preparing to Rusted longsword (1 cp)
claim the outpost, seeing it as a wonderful location Shattered shield (1 cp)
for acquiring and storing their beloved detritus.
10x Bottle of filthy water (worthless)
The sewer ogres have not yet begun their invasion Broken flute (worthless)
of Drain’s End and could be convinced to strike up Candle with no wick (worthless)
some form of deal or treaty with the Grifter’s Guild. “The Defiler’s Conquests,” a list of mostly female names
The deal could be leaving Drain’s End completely, on tattered paper (worthless)
or they might consider siding with the guild and Moldy cheese (worthless)
using their expert navigation of the sewers and Soggy paper (worthless)
waterways beneath Havdhir to aid the guild.
“Undesirable” Items
A creature offering the sewer ogres a worthless
item has advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) 2x Cloth-of-silver vestment (25 gp each)
checks to convince the ogres not to kill the 2x Silk shirt with blackwork embroidery (25 gp each)
characters and to parlay with them instead. The 2x Gold locket with enameled animals (25 gp each)
ogres will gladly accept a deal in which they are Small bracelet made of gold chains (25 gp)
gifted a great trove of useless or disgusting items Velvet mask set with labradorite (25 gp)
(the more worthless, damaged, or disgusting; Bag filled with 2,250 cp
the better). The ogres might even be willing to
trade some of the “less desirable” items in their
possession, essentially trading their items with What’s Next?
higher monetary value for the characters’ items of If the characters killed the guild enforcers but not
lower monetary value. the ogres, Drain’s End becomes a base of operations
for sewer ogres in Havdhir. If the characters killed
A sample deal that may result in the ogres leaving the sewer ogres but not the enforcers, Drain’s End
Drain’s End alone is an offering of 10 cubic feet of returns to its usual activities.
useless items or 500 pounds of junk.
Characters who have saved Anna Welfore can
Finding anything within the hoard requires a return her to her husband, gathering from him
creature to dig through the pile, which is filled with a token affording them with free drinks at the
all manner of filth and feces. Each creature that Guzzling Goblin.

Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t 149

Continuing the Adventure actions in Drain’s End (whether for good or
ill). If the characters didn’t kill any of the guild
Some Game Masters may wish to continue the
members, the guild reaches out to them with a
story created by this quest. The ideas below are not
proposition to work with the guild, stealing some
a part of the main adventure but are suggestions
jewelry from a corrupt noble in the city. If the
about how to expand upon the events of this quest:
characters killed some of the guild members, the
• If the characters killed the guild enforcers but not the Grifter’s Guild retaliates: sending pickpockets, cat
ogres, and if the ogres have taken over Drain’s End; it burglars, thieves, and bandits after the characters.
is only a matter of time before the guards of Havdhir If the characters kill one of these vagabonds, they
discover that something is amiss. The characters are find bounty notice papers on the body and can
sent back to Drain’s End by a local guard captain track down the guild member that ordered the hit.
who asks them to remove the problem of the now • If the characters did manage to form a truce between
rampant sewer ogres flowing out from this area. the ogres and the Grifter’s Guild, the treaty may
eventually decay. The characters may be called once
• The Grifter’s Guild might hear of the characters’
more to form a newer treaty or to choose a side.

Grifter's Guild A
1 Grifter’s Market JI Jacob Ishmael A Anna Welfore
2 Interrogation Room T Sleeper Dart Trap J Jericho Srew
3 Drain’s End Prison G Guard S Sally Carthus
4 Map Part B FG Female Guard


G 1



1 Square = 5ft.

150 Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t

Grifter's Guild B
1 Entrance to the Maze R Random Encounters (D8) 5 Metal Spikes
2 Drain Rat Nest 1 Nothing of Interest 6 Flushed Away
3 Sewer Ogre Hoard Room 2 Gemstone Trap 7 Drain Rats
3 Rags and Purses 8 Tunnel Drop
4 Sleeping Sewer Ogre









1 Square = 5ft.

Pay i n g t h e G r i f t e r ' s G u i l d … a Vi s i t 151

152 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Azkhell’s Azkhell’s Tower

Agoraphobia Music
When the characters approach Azkhell’s tower, read
the following aloud:
In “Azkhell’s Agoraphobia” the characters must
travel through the dangerous tower of the mad A gigantic tower rests at the end of a
mage Azkhell, in hopes of meeting with him to long courtyard, and the whole of the
determine what he knows about their curse. The property is surrounded by high stone
tower is heavily guarded against intrusion, with a walls. An impressive and imposing iron
myriad of traps, riddles, and puzzles the characters gate provides limited entry to the courtyard; but the
will have to solve and survive to reach the top of gate is locked shut and rusted, as though it has not been
the tower where Azkhell resides. The characters opened in a very long time. Two guards stand on either
must also tangle with several monsters acting as side of the gate, and you can see additional guards
guardians in Azkhell’s tower, including an edifice patrolling along the exterior of the walls. Blue, glowing
mimic and a scroll golem. runes float in the air above the wall, flowing up into a
sort of dome that covers the whole of the property.
This quest is designed for characters of 4th or 5th
You can see strange skulls flying around the tower with
level. It would be deadly for characters of 3rd level
or below. trails of ghostly smoke flowing behind them. The skulls
chatter through the sky, circling the tower and rushing
How the Characters Become Involved to the street around it each time a person other than a
Characters might become involved in the events guard approaches. You can see several young children
surrounding the “Azkhell’s Agoraphobia” quest in a pressuring each other, drawing close to the gates before
number of ways; a few options are provided here: running from these chattering skulls, fleeing from the
tower in terror.
• By following the information gathered from
Vrormir’s letter or from locals in Havdhir, the
Azkhell formerly served as the proverbial court
characters discover that Azkhell may be able to wizard of Havdhir, assisting the city’s merchant
help remove their curse. leaders by determining the weather patterns,
scrying on enemies of the city, teleporting
• The characters learn of Azkhell’s madness and
important diplomats, and providing a vast array of
attempt to assist him. other magical services to the nobles of Havdhir.

The Problem Azkhell was often hard-pressed to fulfill the dozens

Azkhell has been driven completely mad, and he’s or hundreds of requests that would come at the same
holed himself up within his tower owing to a sudden time and was fiercely devoted to his own studies
onset of agoraphobia. Azkhell guards his tower with and experiments, which led to a great deal of stress
devious traps and wards intended to keep anyone for the wizard. Eventually, the pressure proved
too much—Azkhell suffered a psychotic break
from disturbing him, throwing himself into more
due to a combination of stress, lack of sleep, and a
recreational studies after the pressures of his job as
particularly nasty experimental spell that backfired.
the Triumvirate’s head mage (and the backlash from
an experimental spell) drove him to utter insanity. Seeing that the local wizard had devolved into a
If the characters wish to talk with Azkhell, they will madman (but being unable to directly deal with the
need to survive the various protective measures he problem due to the unpredictability and immense
has placed around his tower and somehow cure the power of the wizard), the council of Havdhir placed
mad wizard… or work with him despite his insanity. him under house arrest, forbidding any from
entering the tower without their permission.
The tower is under constant watch by guards,
who wearily look behind them as strange
explosions and terrifying sounds issue from the
tower from time to time.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 153
Azkhell is thrilled to have been placed under house When the characters enter the courtyard, read the
arrest. His madness spurred him into a state of following aloud:
agoraphobia. He is able to magically conjure meals
using the powers of his enchanted tower and has
The tower looms before you. The occasional
no desire at all to leave its safety. In fact, Azkhell
has set up magical wards to prevent anyone from rumbling or muffled explosion indicates
entering his grounds, ensuring that he will not be the wizard within is conducting rather
bothered and can use his precious time to focus on dangerous experiments. Walking down the
his studies. stone path toward the tower, you note the lovely topiaries
that line the walk, each shaped into a fantastic animal.
The entirety of Azkhell’s courtyard is protected As you approach the door, a large creature composed of
by a permanent, spherical, magical barrier that shields steps out from an alcove near the entrance, holding
keeps interlopers from invading his sanctum. up its hand in a stop-there gesture.
It is not possible to fly, dig, walk, or otherwise
enter Azkhell’s property without magical means.
The barrier can only be disabled by muttering
a particular arcane phrase (which Azkhell Roleplaying the Shield Guardian
begrudgingly wrote on a scroll and gave to the Azkhell’s shield guardian has been given increased
Triumvirate in case of a “dire emergency”) or by intelligence and the ability to speak by Azkhell and
using the antimagic field spell or similar magic. serves as groundskeeper and butler for its master.

Spectral Skulls Azkhell’s shield guardian (1 Stat Block) is an

Anyone other than a guard who approaches the unaligned Construct.
tower will have to deal with the spectral skulls
summoned by Azkhell to scare off the “riffraff.” A When the characters engage with the shield guardian,
creature that comes within 20 feet of the walls and read the following aloud:
is not a guard of Havdhir is set upon by a chattering
skull that chases it until it is at least 100 feet away The creature tilts its head at you
from the wall. questioningly, and a voice issues from it
(though it has no mouth with which to
A creature set upon by a spectral skull must
generate noise). “The master is not well. He
succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be
needs to rest. Is this so pressing that you must see him?”
frightened of the skulls surrounding the tower for
the next 24 hours.
If the characters reveal that they are here with the
Even if the characters have earned the favor of permission of the Triumvirate, the shield guardian
the Triumvirate, the skulls might chase them allows them to enter the tower.
off or force them to drag one of their frightened
party members, kicking and screaming, into the If the characters give any other reason for entry,
courtyard. the shield guardian initially refuses to let them in
but might be convinced if the characters continue
Once a creature has entered the courtyard, the pressing it.
skulls no longer pursue that creature.
The Door
Entering Azkhell’s Tower The door to the tower is enchanted and can only
be opened if the shield guardian opens it, or with a
Characters are not permitted to enter the successful DC 30 Strength check, or with the use of
tower until they have garnered the favor of the the dispel magic spell.
Triumvirate and obtained the scroll with the
passphrase to disable the tower’s barrier. If the The door is immune to all forms of damage.
characters ask the guards for entry or attempt
to enter in sight of the guards without using the Loot
passphrase, the guards recommend they talk to the
Triumvirate if they want to see Azkhell. There is nothing of value in this area.

154 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 155
Azkhell’s Tower Alluring Angler before attacking. Being far too slow
to pursue prey, it relies on the prey getting close
before striking.
If the edifice mimic attacks, read the following aloud:
1st Floor The far wall splits open, the stone parting
Foyer to reveal a gaping maw filled with rows of
fangs. Multiple black eyes spring to life along
The door to the tower swings open, revealing the wall as reaching, fleshy tendrils covered
a long foyer with half a dozen suits of armor in a dripping substance launch across the room toward you,
standing at attention. Four pillars inlaid slashing through the air with incredible speed.
with intricate carvings are positioned within
the room. There is gold painted on the floor, and two doors
lead to side chambers. At the base of the far wall, a ruby
the size of a grapefruit rests on the floor. Right Side of the Chamber
An edifice mimic (1 Stat Block) comprises the far
wall of the foyer. The mimic is utilizing its False
Appearance and is indistinguishable from the wall This tiny room is vacant apart from a set of
of the tower. It has set out its Alluring Angler in the stairs leading downwards. A small note is
form of a false ruby. pierced by a nail affixing it to the wall and
has scrawling lettering that reads:
Azkhell himself bred and raised the mimic during “Up is down, and down is up.
the time he spent cooped up within his tower, Forth is back, and back is forth.
setting it as a preliminary (and deadly) guardian.
Forward is back, and inside is out.
His shield guardian is under strict orders not to tell
anyone (not even the Triumvirate) about the mimic Back up the stairs you go.”
(...or most of the other activities going on inside the
tower, for that matter). The stairs leading downwards are enchanted and
form a limitless staircase if they are walked down
Characters may be able to sneak past the mimic, in a forward-facing manner. Characters walking
but due to the mimic’s tremorsense it is unlikely downstairs facing backwards will soon find
that they will succeed. themselves at the bottom of the staircase, which is
a mere 30 feet down.
To discern that the ruby is false, a creature can use
its action to inspect it and must succeed on a DC 15
Walking down the stairs backwards without falling
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
requires successful checks. At the beginning of
each 10 feet the creature moves, it must make a
If a character identifies the ruby as false, read the
following aloud: DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a failure,
a creature tumbles the rest of the way down the
stairs, taking 1d3 damage for every 10 feet tumbled.
This is no ruby at all but some form If the creature rolls a critical failure or tumbles
of flesh transformed to resemble the the entire distance down, it suffers a concussion
precious stone. An almost imperceptible as it hits the floor at the bottom of the stairs. The
tether runs from the ruby to the far wall. creature’s Intelligence score is reduced by 2 until it
takes a long rest, is healed with a DC 18 Wisdom
(Medicine) check, or is the target of a lesser
A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check restoration spell or similar magic.
then reveals this could be a form of mimic creature
or some kind of magical trap set for any creature A character that walks downstairs facing forward
who approaches the ruby. could continue walking down them forever, and
turning around to retrace one's steps simply results
Roleplaying the Edifice Mimic in going up an infinite set of stairs. The moment a
The mimic waits for a creature to come within creature begins walking backwards, however, the
the long reach of its pseudopods or to touch its staircase reveals its true depth.

156 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
A dispel magic (DC 19) or antimagic field spell
removes the enchantment on the stairs.


There is nothing of value in this area.

You step into a chamber filled with dust-
covered crates and moldering chests.
Everything in the room is coated in grime
and dust apart from a bright-white wand
hung up on the far wall.


Wand of reversal (rare) (1 Item)

Left Side of the Chamber

This chamber has two sets of stairs, both
leading farther up and into the tower.

One set of stairs leads to the second-floor Riddle

Room. The other set leads to the second-floor
Puzzle Room.


There is nothing of value in this area.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 157
1st Floor
R Ruby Stairs Up
D Door Stairs Down
E Edifice Mimic


1 Square = 5ft.

158 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
2nd Floor Loot

There is nothing of value in this area.

Puzzle Room
Entering this room, you see two doorways— Servant’s Quarters
each with a shimmering, transparent wall
blocking the path ahead. There are three Entering this room, you see a small goblin
painted bricks in the wall: sitting on a bed and pulling a sock onto its
• Red brick, with “1, 3” on it. gnarled foot. “What?! Who?... What are you
• Green brick, with “3, 2” on it. doing here?! Azkhell doesn’t like visitors...
• Blue brick, with “2, 1” on it. and this is MY room! How RUDE!!”

When a character touches any of the bricks, read the Eg-delp, Azkhell’s lone Humanoid servant, is
following aloud: preparing to do some chores around the tower.

The brick presses into the wall with an

audible click, before pushing back into its
former position.

The room serves as a simple puzzle.

• The red brick must be pressed first, three times.

• The blue brick must be pressed second, one time.

• The green brick must be pressed third, two times.

At the Game Master’s discretion, the bricks may

provide audible cues as to if a mistake has been
made: grating loudly if pressed in the wrong
order or number of times, or clicking softly when
appropriately pressed.

The doors out of this room are blocked by magical

walls of force. Nothing can pass through the walls.
Any spell cast at one of these walls is reflected back
at the caster, turning the caster into the target. Roleplaying Eg-delp
The walls extend into the Ethereal Plane. Once the
Eg-delp speaks in a raspy voice and coughs
bricks are pressed in the appropriate order and
frequently. His clothes are extremely worn, and his
number of times, the shimmering walls of force
fingers are wrapped in a multitude of bandages
dissipate, allowing passage. The walls spring back
to help heal and protect his hands from heavy
into being 1 minute after dissipating.
If the characters cannot decipher this puzzle, they
Eg-delp is extremely meticulous in his cleaning
can use the other set of stairs to reach the Riddle
and neurotic about filth of any kind. If he sees
Room and try to decipher the riddle; a suggestion is
even a slight stain, drop of blood, speck of dust, or
provided for if they are unable to solve the riddle.
similar uncleanliness; Eg-delp is compelled to clean
it immediately, often scrubbing until his hands
One of the doors leads into the Hallway. The other
become raw and bleed.
leads into the Servant’s Quarters.
Eg-delp (1 Stat Block) is a neutral goblin.
Eg-delp is under the effects of a geas spell that
prevents him from revealing the secrets of the tower:
solutions to puzzles, answers to riddles, and methods

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 159
of foiling the traps within. If Eg-delp reveals any
information that would allow safe passage through
the tower, the damage from the geas spell will kill
him. A remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell
removes the geas on Eg-delp; but he is too loyal
to his master to reveal much without a great deal
of intimidation. If the geas is removed, a DC 18
Charisma (Intimidation) check convinces Eg-delp
to share one piece of information regarding a single
puzzle, trap, riddle, or other hazard of the tower.

If questioned about the tower or asked for help in

exploring it, Eg-delp reveals the following:

“I can’t help you folk, sorry to say. Azkhell

has me under a geas spell, ya see. If I
speak a word that might help you pass
through his tower, it’ll likely kill me, see.
Riddle Room
I TOLD you he doesn't want any visitors. Even I have to
Walking up the stairs, you find yourself in
stay out of the way… never allowed in the same room a small room, standing on an ornate rug.
as my dear master Azkhell anymore. The wizard likes his A shimmering, nearly transparent wall
privacy, ya see; and the poor man must need a lot of it… appears to be blocking the only other exit
scared to go outside anymore or meet anyone at all… out of the room. There appear to be mad scribblings on
even his most devoted servant, Eg-delp.” the walls, as if someone had been trying to come up with a
crazy poem of some kind. All of the scribblings have been
scratched out apart from one, which is written in bright
Eg-delp can reveal information about his master’s
red paint:
current location (Azkhell’s private study) and
“Don’t forget, Azkhell:
details concerning Azkhell’s behavior of late.
The password is found in a game of chess, a few across the row.
The password is a place from which you will never go.
Eg-delp is extremely protective of his life’s savings
The password holds maidens fair from knights far below.
that he’s hidden in a wall. If anyone attempts to
Speak the password once aloud, and through the door you’ll go.”
search his room, he will likely become violent.
The door out of this room is blocked by a magical
There is little of value in this room apart from Eg-
wall of force. Nothing can pass through the wall.
delp’s personal effects (which include a mop of the
Any spell cast at it is reflected back at the caster,
perfectionist). If the characters convince Eg-delp to
turning the caster into the target. The wall extends
leave the room, or the characters force him out, or
into the Ethereal Plane.
if he is restrained, then the characters can discover
the hidden compartment with Eg-delp’s meager
The answer to the riddle is “tower” or a derivative
riches: all that he has saved from his time working
thereof. If the answer is spoken aloud, the
for Azkhell. There is a loose brick in the wall that
shimmering wall of force dissipates, allowing
can be spotted with a successful DC 16 Intelligence
passage. The wall springs back to life 1 minute after
(Investigation) check or a passive Intelligence
it dissipates.
(Investigation) of 16 or higher. Behind this loose
brick are Eg-delp’s savings.
At the Game Master’s discretion: If the characters
cannot decipher the riddle, the rug on the floor can
Loot be flipped over, and written on the bottom of the
rug is the phrase “Say the word TOWER, Azkhell,
Mop of the perfectionist (common) (1 Item) you dolt! How many times have you forgotten your
own passwords?!”
DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check or a passive
Intelligence (Investigation) of 16 or higher Loot
Eg-delp’s savings (5,000 cp)
Note from Eg-delp (worthless) (1 Item) There is nothing of value in this area.

160 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Hallway West Balcony
You’re in a long hallway with six doors. Two A small mechanical bird sits on the balcony
doors appear to lead to the stairwell, two that overlooks the western side of Azkhell’s
doors are closed, and two doors appear to property. From here, you can see a great
have each been covered with a heavy cloth. deal of Havdhir stretching out along the
coast. As you approach, the bird flits into the air, chirping
The closed doors lead to the Closet and to the Upper happily. Looking more closely, you can see the mechanical
Stairwell. The cloth-covered doors lead to the East bird has a large gemstone held in its beak.
Balcony and to the West Balcony. The walls of force
blocking the Puzzle Room and Riddle Room do not Azkhell created this bird as a companion. While
block egress back through the portals from this side, he never ventures to the balconies himself, the
but they do block ingress once passed through. mechanical bird that he calls “Chirpee” often likes
to fly around his properties and beyond. Chirpee
Loot frequently brings back found, shiny things for Azkhell.

There is nothing of value in this area.

This appears to be a broom closet. Strangely,
there is a ridiculous number of brooms
inside: Dozens upon dozens are piled on
top of one another. They appear to all be
of different makes, with beautifully stained wood and
vibrantly dyed bristles.

Azkhell has a great many eccentricities, one of

which is collecting brooms from exotic places as
keepsakes. He stores the brooms here in this small
closet. Included amongst the brooms is a broom of
flying, which can be discovered with a successful
DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

Loot Roleplaying Chirpee

The bird chirps and chitters happily. Each time a
10x Fancy broom (5 gp each) character attempts to reach toward it or touch it,
50x Common broom (1 cp each) the bird playfully hops or flies just out of reach.
If one of the characters can fly or has the broom
DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check of flying from inside the Closet, the character can
Broom of flying (uncommon) catch Chirpee with a successful DC 11 Dexterity
check. Otherwise, a character would have to
jump off the balcony (perhaps on a rope) to reach
Chirpee, requiring a successful DC 14 Dexterity
check to catch the mechanical bird.

If a character catches Chirpee, the bird relinquishes

the gemstone without complaint and sits happily
on that character’s shoulder until the group reaches
Azkhell, at which time Chirpee joins its master. At
the Game Master’s discretion, Chirpee may instead
accompany the characters indefinitely.

Chirpee (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic good Construct.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 161
Loot A character can slip through the curtain on the
other side of the Hibernaculum without opening
Chirpee it with a successful DC 10 Dexterity check. On a
Garnet (500 gp) failure during daytime, enough light comes through
to rouse the bats and cause them to attack.

There is nothing of value in this area.
Opening the door to this room, you are
confronted with a completely dark chamber.
By the shaft of light from the hallway, you
can see a heavy, black curtain with weights East Balcony
affixed to the bottom on the other side of the room.
Stepping out onto the balcony, you can see
If a character has darkvision, also read the following across much of Havdhir. A rickety rope
aloud: ladder hangs from another balcony above this
one. The ladder is easily within your reach.

Hanging in the rafters of the ceiling are The ladder leads to the 3rd Floor Upper East
dozens of bats, all sleeping peacefully. Balcony, potentially allowing characters to avoid
some of the hazards associated with venturing up
the Upper Stairwell and the 3rd floor.

8 swarms of bats are nesting in this room, hanging Loot

from the ceiling. The bats are able to fly out of
the room at night through the curtain that hangs There is nothing of value in this area.
in front of the doorway leading out to the East
Balcony. The bats have moved into the room as
it has been largely unused by Azkhell, and the
weighted curtain he hung (initially for Chirpee Upper Stairwell
to fly in and out of the second floor) provides the
bats suitable ingress, egress, and protection from Two sets of stairs lead up from here. You
daylight. can hear strange echoes coming from above,
reverberating through the tower.
If the curtain to the East Balcony is opened during
the daylight hours, it causes the bats to awaken,
screeching and attacking all non-bat creatures in The two staircases are each protected by a glyph of
the room. If the door is still open, the bats may warding spell with fireball cast as the spell glyph. If
also spread into the Hallway to avoid the sunlight, any creature other than Azkhell, Chirpee, or Eg-delp
attacking any creatures there. steps on a glyph; the spell is triggered, and the fireball
spell is cast. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
If the bats are roused, read the following aloud: centered on the glyph must make a DC 19 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The rafters above erupt with short, angry
screeches and with the flapping of tiny A glyph can be spotted with a successful DC 19
wings. Looking up, you see a horde of Intelligence (Investigation) check. Each glyph
bats sweeping around the rafters, blasting requires a separate check.
toward you.
One of the stairways leads up to the Chamber of
Song. The other leads to the Chamber of Slime.
A character can attempt a DC 11 Dexterity
(Stealth) check to sneak through the chamber,
awakening the bats and stirring them into a frenzy
on a failure.
There is nothing of value in this area.

162 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
2nd Floor
S Secret Door B Brooms Stairs Up
D Door BC Black Curtain Stairs Down
C Chirpee E Eg-delp



1 Square = 5ft.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 163
3rd Floor Chamber of Slime
This entire chamber is seemingly coated in
Chamber of Song a thick, viscous, green slime. You can see a
leapfrog-like path with raised stones spread a
few feet apart. Each stone appears to be in the
Upon entering this room, you are
shape of a foot, sized for a halfling or other small creature.
overwhelmed by singing that seemingly
comes from the walls themselves. The song
A Small creature can safely pass through this
is so loud that it’s nearly impossible to hear
chamber by walking on the stones. A creature
one another talk. A solid oak door stands before you with
that is not Small must make a DC 14 Dexterity
a curious flute welded to metal bars that are, in turn,
(Acrobatics) check to traverse the path, falling into
welded to the door. The song is one of many voices singing
the slime on a failed check.
different tunes, but, for a moment, it culminates into a
single song:
A creature that falls into the slime takes 22 (4d10)
acid damage and is restrained by the slime.
“Eg-delp, if that’s you, I told you, fool,
Not to enter without bringing a bardic tool.
If a creature falls into the slime, roll initiative. At the
Through the slime you were supposed to go,
start of its turn, a creature that has fallen into the
but now, I suppose, you’ll pay the toll!”
slime takes 22 (4d10) acid damage. As an action, a
creature can make a DC 14 Strength check, freeing
After this the singing devolves into utter gibberish,
itself or another restrained creature within reach on
hummings, groanings, and off-key notes that sound like
a success. If a creature is attempting to pull another
the worst choir you can imagine.
creature from the slime and rolls a 1 on the d20 for
its Strength check, it is pulled into the slime.
The oak door is enchanted and immune to all
Azkhell does not use this room at all but demands
that Eg-delp use it so that Azkhell does not bump
Azkhell passes through this room and often uses
into him when traversing the floors… and also
it to practice one of his many hobbies, composing
because he finds the idea of the slightly neurotic
songs. If anyone sings within the room or speaks
goblin walking through a room filled with filthy
aloud, their song or phrase is instantly added to the
slime a bit funny.
cacophony reverberating against the walls, sung
The only way to open the oak door is to play the
flute on the doorway. Succeeding on a DC 18 There is nothing of value in this area.
Charisma (Performance) check causes the door
to swing open. Failure causes the singing to burst
through the chamber at an alarming volume. Each
creature within the room must then make a DC 15
Room of Shifting Doors
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature
Entering this room, you can see four doors in
takes 33 (6d10) sonic damage and is deafened for 8
addition to the one you just stepped through.
hours. On a success, a creature takes half as much
All of the doors are now shut. The moment
damage and is not deafened.
the last of your party members steps into the
room, the door you came through slams shut and the room
If the characters lack the skill or knowledge to open
begins spinning; there’s a scraping sound of stone moving
the door, they can venture back down the stairs and
as the floor rotates one direction and the walls another,
attempt to reach the 3rd floor through the Chamber
spinning you around and around before slowing to a halt.
of Slime.
If a creature attempts to open one of the doors
Loot before the entire party is in the room, the other
four doors cannot be opened by any means and
There is nothing of value in this area. are immune to all damage. If the whole party is
unwilling to enter the room at the same time,
the trap may be activated at a time of the Game

164 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Master's choosing with slight amendments to the
read-aloud text.
Derelict Room
This room is characterized by a great deal
Each creature in the room when it spins must of broken brick and mortar that sits in
make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, crumbling piles all around. You can feel a
a creature is knocked prone and takes 10 (3d6) slight breeze through the room, almost as if
bludgeoning damage. On a success, a creature takes wind is blowing straight through the unbroken brick wall
half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone. The on the opposite side of the room.
room is magically enchanted, causing the walls and
floor to spin when people other than Azkhell or one The far wall currently visible in this room is a
of his minions enter the room. permanent illusion installed by Azkhell. A section
of this wall recently collapsed, and, terrified of
Only one of the doors can be opened at a time. The seeing the outside, Azkhell constructed the illusory
other doors are magically enchanted to remain shut wall so that he would not be able to see out, figuring
until the open door is closed, at which time any one he would repair the room later.
door may be opened.
A creature that uses its action to examine the image
A creature must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence can determine that it is an illusion with a successful
check to determine which of the doors it passed DC 19 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A
through. Otherwise, at the Game Master’s creature can also discover the wall to be an illusion
discretion, any door the creature chooses will by physically interacting with the wall, since things
randomly open to the Chamber of Slime, the can pass through it.
Derelict Room, the Chamber of Song, the Room of
Dire Fortunes, or the Stairwell of Slipperiness. A character can walk through the wall directly onto
the Upper East Balcony.
Roll a d10 to determine where the opened door
will lead:
1-2 Derelict Room
There is nothing of value in this area.
3-4 Chamber of Slime
5-6 Chamber of Song
7-8 Room of Dire Fortunes Room of Dire Fortunes
9-10 Stairwell of Slipperiness
Stepping into this darkened, warm room, you
can see a small table, at the center of which
Characters can also mark the doors using a variety lies a cylindrical object under an ornate
of methods: chalk, paint, scraping away some of the cloth. Whatever lies beneath the beautifully
wood, etc. Other than allowing for slight marring, embroidered cloth is softly glowing. Shifting colors shine
the doors are immune to all types of damage. through the fabric cover even though it is luxuriously thick.

When a door is shut, the chamber spins again. All

creatures within must repeat the DC 16 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failure, a creature is knocked
prone and takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. On a
success, a creature takes half as much damage and
isn’t knocked prone.


There is nothing of value in this area.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 165
A fortune of the pessimist cylinder rests beneath
the cloth. Azkhell has used this item extensively,
Upper East Balcony
furthering his agoraphobia, paranoia, and madness. This entire balcony is covered in potted plants
of many varieties. Most of the plants sprawl
If one of the characters removes the cloth or across the balcony, incredibly overgrown.
otherwise sees the fortune of the pessimist cylinder, A large topiary rests at the center of the
read the following aloud: balcony, but it has been so neglected that it now resembles
little more than a clump of leaves and vines.
A strange cylinder formed of glass rests
beneath the cloth. It is glowing with a soft The Upper East Balcony can be accessed by
light, and you can see the misty figure
climbing up the ladder from the East Balcony or
by passing through the illusory wall in the Derelict
of a man reflected inside the glass. It
Room (see Derelict Room on page 165 for additional
seems that this man is walking out of a tower, only to be
details on the wall).
crushed into the earth by a falling tree. The dust from
the felled tree swirls about within the glass, and the This is Azkhell’s garden, where he grows exotic
colors shift. This time, the man emerges from a room plants and strange herbs for his studies. Because
into the open air of a balcony, only to be snatched up by of his agoraphobia, he has not visited the garden in
a giant vulture and torn to pieces. The blood and viscera some time, and it has become completely overgrown.
obscure the image once more and become smoky. This
time, the man takes one step out of his tower and is Several rare plants can be harvested from this
swallowed by a sinkhole. neglected garden. A character can determine which
plants in the garden are worth harvesting with
As you continue to look into the glass, the subject
a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check.
Otherwise, all the flora here appears to be mundane
matter shifts, and you begin to see images that might be
plants and weeds.
you and your party. You can’t be sure who the figures are
without examining the cylinder more closely.
If a character touches the cylinder, the character is DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check
instantly attuned to it (as long as the character is Strangle vine (100 gp) (1 Item)
not already attuned to three other magic items) and
2x Quick creeper (50 gp each) (1 Item)
is shown a potential pessimistic future.
3x Blood root (25 gp each) (1 Item)
There is a secret door in this room, a magically 2x Eyebright flower (25 gp each) (1 Item)
disguised door that leads out to the Upper West
Balcony. The door can be spotted with a DC 17
Intelligence (Investigation) check or with a passive
Intelligence (Investigation) of 17 or higher.

If a character spots the door, read the following aloud:

You see a slight shimmering along the

brick of the wall—a slight glimmer in the
shape of a door.

By pushing the door open and stepping through,

the characters find themselves on the Upper
West Balcony.


Fortune of the pessimist cylinder (common) (1 Item)

166 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Upper West Balcony of various creatures all throughout Havdhir. A
successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check is
Dozens of spyglasses are welded onto a required to accurately decipher what color of aura
metal gate that surrounds the balcony. The is associated with what alignment. Otherwise,
spyglasses point in all different directions: characters will have to deduce the alignment
some out to sea, some toward the Fang’s of creatures by pointing the spyglass at various
Peak Mountains, but most point directly at Havdhir. NPCs that they have already met, using their prior
knowledge to help them figure out the alignments
The Upper West Balcony can only be accessed by for themselves.
spotting and moving through the secret door in the
Room of Dire Fortunes.
Pointed at Freya’s
Azkhell formerly used this balcony to spy on many Fantastical Items
of the establishments and people living in Havdhir
This spyglass is pointed near the back of
and beyond. The wizard never quite trusted anyone.
Freya’s Fantastical Items. As you look
through the spyglass, a magical list of items
Looking through appears, scrolling across your view.
the Spyglasses This spyglass reveals what items Freya’s shop has
in stock that day. When Azkhell was still able to
venture into town, he would use this spyglass to
Pointed at Lorton Bank determine if there was anything worth buying.
This spyglass is pointed directly at Lorton
Bank. You can see the front entrance to the If pointed at another establishment, the spyglass
building, and the comings and goings of all reveals what valuable items lie within.
who visit. The spyglass has some arcane
writing on the side in an ancient dwarven dialect.
Pointed at the Fang’s Peak
The runes are Ancient Dwarvish (see the index on
page 281) and can only be read if the players have Mountains
a way to decipher them. (The runes were created This spyglass is pointed at the Fang’s Peak
with ancient dwarven magic, and so cannot be Mountains. Looking through it, you realize
translated using the comprehend languages spell. the light isn’t behaving the way you’d expect.
Knowing Dwarvish doesn’t allow you to read Ancient
Dwarvish.) The runes on the spyglass read, Reveal If viewing at night: The mountains’ details should be
within “Reveal within.” When this phrase is spoken obscured in blackness, but through the spyglass you can
aloud in any language, the spyglass can peer through see everything as brightly as if it were day.
the walls of the Lorton Bank, potentially providing If viewing during the day: A brief glimpse of the
the characters with incredibly valuable information mountain quickly fades away into darkness.
should they desire to… relieve the establishment of
its valuables. The spyglass can also be pointed at Looking through the spyglass during the day makes
other buildings, peering through walls with ease. everything appear as though it were night. Looking
through the spyglass at night makes everything
appear as though it were day. Characters could
Pointed at the Hall of the use this spyglass to survey active vampire activity
along the mountains or to look across Havdhir with
Triumvirate ease, spying the nocturnal goings-on of the town.
This spyglass is pointed at the Hall of the
Triumvirate. Peering into it more closely, Pointed at the Sea
you see that everyone going in and out of the
This spyglass is pointed out at the open
hall glows with some sort of aura, varying
sea. Looking through it, you can see several
color from person to person.
creatures (resembling the one that attacked
the Tavernsbane Freighter) splashing
A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check
through the waves. You also spy several massive creatures
reveals that the spyglass shows the alignment of
slowly moving about beneath the surface, some of them
creatures. The spyglass can reveal the alignment

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 167
larger than galleys. As you look, the spyglass’s focus magical effect reappears at the end of this duration.
changes, sweeping out across the water farther and farther
until it reaches land at a point that must be hundreds, if The magical slipperiness can also be suppressed for
not thousands, of miles away. 1 hour by using the mop of the perfectionist located in
the Servant’s Quarters (see page 158).
Azkhell used this spyglass to watch the ships,
sailors, cargo, and travelers that came into port, A creature that uses its action to make a successful
gaining important intel about arrivals before most DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check or has a
anyone else in Havdhir. Azkhell also watched the passive Intelligence (Investigation) of 15 or higher
sea-routes of the vessels that sailed the waters notes a strange sheen on the stairs.
around Havdhir and beyond. The spyglass is
capable of peering across any expanse of water, If a character spots this sheen, read the following aloud:
which allowed Azkhell to track ships with ease from
a far distance as long as his spyglass was angled
You notice something strange on the
stairs, a sort of oily or shiny substance. It
looks like it might be slippery.
Pointed at Havdhir
(all other spyglasses)
The plethora of other spyglasses are pointed If a creature attempts to ascend the stairs, it must
at various locations around Havdhir, but make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure,
these remaining spyglasses do not appear to the creature tumbles to the bottom of the stairs,
have any magical properties. taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage and landing
The spyglasses are welded to the balcony railing
and magically enhanced, making the removal of any On a success, the creature climbs the stairs without
of the spyglasses impossible without the use of a trouble.
wish spell or similar magic.
Characters might be able to fly over the slippery
At the Game Master’s discretion, a DC 30 Strength steps, climb along the wall using the crevices in the
check could allow a character to remove one of the brickwork as finger holds, or leap from the floor to
spyglasses; but the ability to peer through walls, the top of the stairs.
detect valuable items inside of buildings, determine
the alignment of creatures, see night as day and Climbing along the wall requires a successful DC 19
day as night, and peer across vast expanses of Strength (Athletics) check.
water are powers that should not be granted to an
adventuring party lightly. Leaping to the top of the stairs requires a successful
DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
There is nothing of value in this area.
There is nothing of value in this area.

Stairwell of Slipperiness
In this room, the set of stairs before you
winds further up into the tower. You can just
make out a faint glow coming from the next
level of the building.

These stairs are trapped with magical slipperiness

similar to a grease spell. The stairs are difficult

The magical slippery effect can be suppressed for

1 hour by casting dispel magic on the stairs, but the

168 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
3rd Floor
S Secret Door T Topiary 3 Spyglass 3
D Door Stairs Up 4 Spyglass 4
C Cylinder Stairs Down 5 Spyglass 5
I Illusory Wall 1 Spyglass 1 6 Spyglass 6
R Rope Ladder 2 Spyglass 2

2 3 4 5




1 Square = 5ft.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 169
4th Floor the “friends” within the books, a small magical light
materializes. Multiple lights slowly lock together
to form a staircase of light and a glowing trapdoor
at the top of the chamber. The lights are just that,
Living Tales Library magical lights with no physical form until all of
the tasks are completed. When all of the “friends”
Bookshelves line the walls of this room. are helped, the staircase becomes solid and the
There is a ladder on a rolling track that trapdoor becomes real.
would allow someone who climbs it to reach
shelves that are nearly 20 feet high. There is The books are enchanted against destruction and
no discernible door leading out of the room, and you can impervious to damage; they have AC 5, but any
see that several ornate books are set around the room in a damage that would be dealt to a book is instead
circle, each on a different reading pedestal. At the center of dealt to its attacker. The books cannot be moved.
the chamber, glowing writing is carved into the floor:

“If you wish to enter further, then Examining Ezmeralda and

Assist my friends held here within. the Tale of the Talking Toad
From pages they spring like flesh and bone,
Friends with me here, in my lonely home. The cover of this book depicts a young girl
Prove that you are a friend of mine reading an elaborately decorated tome to a
And pay attention to how they pine. massive toad that is peering curiously over
Aiding them opens a door, her shoulder.
Otherwise, you’ll stay on this floor.
If you should fail a single task,
Never fear, failure will not last,
Simply open up their door again,
And try to aid my fantastic friends.”

There are five enchanted books in the library:

Ezmeralda and the Tale of the Talking Toad
Rhet Tikha’s Curse
The Wandering Armor
Weather of the Darklands of Vlaskhell
The Siege of Havdhir

Opening any of the enchanted books causes some

of the fantastic creatures within to magically
manifest from the stories within the room. Opening Opening the Book
more than one enchanted book at a time could When the characters open this book, read the
result in utter chaos with the creatures from the following aloud:
books interacting not just with the characters
but with one another. If one of the creatures
manifesting from the books is killed, it can be A small girl, identical to the one on the
revived by closing and opening the book again. cover of the book, appears within the
library, reading a book of her own. A
None of the creatures manifested from the books massive toad also appears, crouching
have any memory of their experiences outside of behind her and looking down at what she is reading.
their own stories, and all can be interacted with As the two appear in the room, the girl looks around
afresh by closing the books and reopening them. curiously. She exclaims, “What a magnificent library, Mr.
For instance, if the characters were to attack Toad! I don’t think I have ever seen the like!” The toad
Ezmeralda from Ezmeralda and the Tale of the Talking
nods and lets out a muffled sound that COULD be a word
Toad after she manifests from her book, and then
but sounds more like a strangled croak. “I do hope we
they were to close the book and reopen it, when
can find a way to fix that, Mr. Toad,” says the girl.
she materialized again Ezmeralda would have no
memory of what had occurred.
Ezmeralda and Mr. Toad have just materialized in
Each time the characters successfully aid one of the room.

170 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Roleplaying Ezmeralda When the characters have removed the stone, read
Ezmeralda talks in a matter-of-fact tone and seems the following aloud:
to possess intelligence beyond her years.
The toad lets out a great cough, shaking
Ezmeralda is around 8 years old and is fond of
his body and gulping a few times before
games. She is very attached to Mr. Toad, and any
standing on his hind legs and offering you
harm that befalls him makes her incredibly angry.
a deep bow. “Thank you kindly! I thought
Ezmeralda (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic good human. that stone would NEVER be removed, and it has been
such a bother to be unable to speak! I am eternally
grateful to you kind folk.” As he is finishing his sentence,
Roleplaying Mr. Toad
both he and Ezmeralda fade away, and a soft purple glow
Mr. Toad has a rather large stone lodged in his
emanates from the book.
throat which is making it impossible for him to talk.

Usually, Mr. Toad speaks in a very posh and

sophisticated tone. Examining Rhet
Mr. Toad (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic good Beast. Tikha’s Curse
Characters can read the short Ezmeralda and the The cover of this book depicts a screaming
Talking Toad, taking about 10 minutes to do so. The man, his flesh being flayed from his bones as
story goes into detail about their many adventures he partially opens a sarcophagus from which
that include mostly taking picnics, fishing, and a horrible light emanates.
causing small amounts of mischief. One section
of the book notes that Mr. Toad swallowed a large
stone and was unable to speak after. A character
rifling through the book quickly and succeeding
on a DC 12 Intelligence check discerns the same

Helping Mr. Toad

Mr. Toad’s malady can be investigated and the
stone removed by a creature spending an hour
examining him and succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom
(Medicine) check. On a failure, the stone is lodged
deeper, and Mr. Toad begins suffocating. If Mr.
Toad is killed, the characters must succeed on a
DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be treated as
if they were under the effect of a silence spell for Opening the Book
10 minutes due to a curse from Ezmeralda and the When the characters open this book, read the
Talking Toad. A creature can also remove the stone following aloud:
by allowing Mr. Toad to swallow the creature and
then carefully dislodging the stone from within
A swirling vortex of sand blasts out of
with a successful DC 6 Wisdom (Medicine) check
or by forcing the stone out with a successful DC the book accompanied by a wretched
5 Strength check. However, the creature will have screaming. The sand swirls around the
to find a way out again without harming Mr. Toad. room, clumping together and solidifying
Roll initiative when a creature is swallowed by Mr. to make an open sarcophagus. In front of it, a shuffling
Toad. It takes damage from his Swallow attack on corpse wrapped in cloth with glowing green eyes is
initiative count 20 (instead of the usual start of shambling toward a man who appears horribly wounded,
each of Mr. Toad’s turns). A creature trapped within much of the flesh removed from his bones. “Help!
Mr. Toad can make a DC 18 Dexterity (Acrobatics) Please! HELP! PUT IT BAAACK!” screams the man.
check to leap out of the toad's mouth. Mr. Toad can
also force himself to regurgitate the creature with a
successful DC 18 Constitution check. Rhet Tikha (the mummy) and Sir Ferdinand
Baldwin have materialized in the room.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 171
When the book is opened, the entire room is
covered in a sandstorm that persists until the book
is closed or Sir Ferdinand thanks the characters for
their help. Roll initiative. When a creature other
than Rhet Tikha or Sir Ferdinand starts its turn in
the sandstorm, it must make a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 7
(2d6) slashing damage and is blinded until the start
of its next turn. On a success, the creature takes
half as much damage and is not blinded.

Roleplaying Sir Ferdinand

Sir Ferdinand Baldwin is a fabled adventurer and
an eccentric who is obsessed with uncovering
ancient tombs and priceless artifacts. He speaks
with a great deal of bravado and has a magnificent
handlebar mustache. However, his facial hair has
been slightly destroyed by the flaying effects of the
Roleplaying Rhet Tikha cursed sarcophagus that he has opened.
Rhet Tikha is animated due to having his
sarcophagus opened. In life, Rhet Tikha was an Ferdinand recently opened the tomb of Rhet Tikha
evil spellcaster who was sentenced to death when and was foolish enough to open the mummy’s
evidence of his horrid practices was uncovered. As sarcophagus.
punishment for his crimes, Rhet Tikha was cursed,
forcing him to walk the earth in eternal agony as a Sir Baldwin is terrified of the mummy and will
mummy if he were ever exhumed. cower in the most out-of-the-way place he can
find in the room or flee from the room completely,
Rhet Tikha is aware that the curse which created vanishing if he goes through the door frame
him also binds him to the sarcophagus and is (transported back into the book). If the characters
also aware that if he is placed within it, he is shut Rhet Tikha into his sarcophagus and Sir
trapped inside—as a conscious Undead—forever, Baldwin has vanished back into the book for any
unless someone should release him again. A reason, Sir Baldwin reappears to congratulate
creature taking its action to quickly scan the them on their success. Characters might be able
Rhet Tikha’s Curse book can, with a successful to convince Sir Baldwin to join the fray with a
DC 16 Intelligence check, determine the general successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
information about the curse. Hoping to avoid
being trapped, Rhet Tikha moves away from the At the Game Master’s discretion, Sir Ferdinand
sarcophagus to the best of his ability. Unless all of might know about the curse or he might simply be
the characters are dead or unconscious, Rhet Tikha trying to get Rhet Tikha back into his sarcophagus
focuses his attacks on the characters and ignores as a way of locking him away.
Sir Baldwin.
Sir Ferdinand Baldwin (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic
Rhet Tikha (1 Stat Block) is a lawful evil Undead. neutral human.

172 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Helping Sir Ferdinand Baldwin Opening the Book
Rhet Tikha is under a horrid curse that raises When the characters open this book, read the
him from the dead again and again. Even if he is following aloud:
dropped to 0 hit points, he regains consciousness
1d4 rounds later with all of his hit points restored. A great clanging sound reverberates
The only way to stop Rhet Tikha is by closing him around the room as pieces of armor
inside his sarcophagus. Characters may do this by
suddenly appear near the ceiling,
grappling him over to it and shoving him inside; or
collapsing to the floor in a heap. After a
they may knock him unconscious (most likely by
reducing him to 0 hit points) and drag his body to moment, the pieces of armor begin to move, floating
the sarcophagus, hopefully getting him inside with into the air and assembling into a full set of armor devoid
the lid shut before he regains consciousness. of a wearer. A crude frown has been painted on the
front of the helmet, and the helmet tilts toward you
When Rhet Tikha is closed back within his sarcophagus, questioningly, the armor lifting its hand to scratch at its
read the following aloud: helmet, generating a soft clanking sound.

The mummified creature lets out a The wandering armor has materialized in the room.
horrible scream that is cut off as the lid to
the sarcophagus slams shut. The injured
man lets out a great sigh of relief, saying,
“Thank the gods you have done it, you have done what
not even a man such as I could do and locked that cretin
away!” The sand billowing about the room seems to
sweep him and the sarcophagus away, vanishing into the
yellow glow that emanates from the book's pages.

Once Sir Ferdinand has thanked the characters, the

sandstorm in the room dissipates.

Examining The
Wandering Armor
The cover of this book depicts an entire
set of armor (apparently without anyone
inside) walking along a desolate landscape.
A rudimentary painting of a frowning face
adorns the helmet of the armor.

Roleplaying the Wandering Armor

The wandering armor is cursed with sentience and
desperately wants to serve as actual armor. Its one
desire is for a noble warrior to wear it, but every
time it has sought a wearer the person has fled from
it in fear or attempted to destroy it.

The wandering armor cannot speak but does its best

to mime its intentions. The characters can provide
the wandering armor with writing materials to
communicate, or make Wisdom (Insight) checks to
attempt to understand what the armor is trying to say.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 173
The DC to determine what the wandering armor
is trying to communicate varies based on the
Examining Weather of the
information being conveyed, but some sample Darklands of Vlaskhell
DCs are provided here:
The cover of this book depicts a traveler
DC 5 “Wear.” shivering in a vast, snowy landscape.

DC 10 “Wear me.”
DC 15 “I am friendly.”
DC 20 “I am a friendly set of animated armor.”
DC 25 “I am a friendly set of animated armor looking for
someone to wear me.”
DC 30 “I am a friendly set of animated armor cursed
with sentience, searching for someone to wear
me. I have been searching for years and painted
this frown on myself to convey my sadness.”

If the wandering armor is attacked, it responds

in kind but it might attempt to break off combat
and mime its intentions once again. If the armor
is destroyed it is not aided and no light flies to the
ceiling nor does its book glow to denote a victory.

The wandering armor (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic

good Construct.

Helping the Wandering Armor

If a character dons the wandering armor, the
Construct’s life’s goal is fulfilled. Putting on the
wandering armor takes 10 minutes.

When someone puts on the wandering armor, read the Opening the Book
following aloud: When the characters open this book, read the
following aloud:

The armor shudders with what can only

be described as pure joy, the book it came A blast of cold air rushes out of the book,
from giving off a soft blue glow. You and the entire room is suddenly covered
notice that while the solidity of the armor in ice and snow. The temperature is
vanishes, a ghostly outline remains where it was, still worn. absolutely freezing, and you see a man
lying in the newly-formed snow curled up in a ball,
shivering in the cold, with no winter gear whatsoever.
The spectral armor provides the AC of plate armor.
The creature wearing it is considered proficient
with the armor. In addition, the armor does not John Black has materialized in the room.
have a strength requirement, weighs nothing,
and does not impose disadvantage on Dexterity When the book is opened, the entire room drops in
(Stealth) checks. When the creature wearing the temperature to an environment of supernatural cold.
spectral armor leaves the Living Tales Library, the This cold persists until the book is closed or John
spectral armor vanishes and no longer provides any thanks the characters for their help. Roll initiative.
benefits. On initiative count 20 of each round, each creature
in the room that is not within 5 feet of an open flame,
or resistant to cold damage, or wearing cold weather
gear must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

174 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Examining The Siege
of Havdhir
The cover of this book depicts a knight
swinging her sword at a horde of orcs that
has surrounded her.

Roleplaying John Black

John Black was a cartographer who charted much
of the Darklands of Vlaskhell 500 years earlier. John
wrote many books on his travels and included an
entire treatise on the weather in Vlaskhell, indicating
it was dark one half of the year and light the other, and
characterized by extreme cold the majority of the time.
A character taking its action to quickly rifle through
the book can, with a successful DC 12 Intelligence
check, find a section regarding John’s initial visit to the
Darklands in which he almost died; the section notes
he was saved from the cold by burning the many blank
charts he had brought with him.

John is freezing and can only shiveringly get out the

words “So… cold” over and over.

John Black (1 Stat Block) is a neutral elf.

Helping John Black

It is supernaturally cold in this room. Each action
taken to warm John—such as covering him with
one blanket, starting a fire, or feeding a few of Opening the Book
his charts to the flames—counts as one point of When the characters open this book, read the
progress toward warming him, and a total of three following aloud:
points will succeed. Each time the characters do
something to warm him, the Weather of the Darklands
of Vlaskhell book glows brighter and brighter. John An eruption of sound bursts into the
has a tinderbox as well as dozens of rolled-up charts room, dust and smoke billowing about.
stuffed in a backpack. The sound of screaming, the stench of
blood, and the unmistakable screech of
Once John Black has been sufficiently warmed, read
battle blasts through the chamber. Shadowy figures
the following aloud:
fight amidst the billowing dust and you can see a woman
clad in Havdhirian armor swinging her sword in a wide
The shivering man’s shaking subsides and arc, holding a horde of orcs at bay. “Havdhir is lost! Fall
he smiles up at you, standing in the snow back!” she calls, brandishing her sword in a half-hearted
and rubbing his chest as he lets out a attempt to hold the orcs back. It is clear she is filled with
quivering “Thank… you.” A moment later, despair and is soon to be overrun.
the snow whips around the room, vanishing back into
the book and taking the chill, and the man, along with it.
The billowing dust makes the room an area that
The book emits a warm, golden glow. is lightly obscured, with patches that are heavily
Once John has thanked the characters, the cold
effects in the room end. Lady Sarah Olden is combating a pack of 10 orcs.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 175
Once the last of the orcs are defeated, read the
following aloud:

The last of the orcs falls to the ground,

the knight brandishing her sword high
with a mighty cry of “Huzzah! Victory
for Havdhir!” The dust begins to swirl
about the chamber, flowing back into the book, the
orcs vanishing along with it. The knight holds her sword
toward you: “Hold fast to the bravery and honor of true
defenders of Havdhir!” she calls, as she too vanishes, the
open book glowing with a soft pink light.

Each character is granted a Defender of Havdhir

boon. Once in the next 24 hours a character can
expend the boon when making an attack roll, saving
throw, or ability check. Spending the boon grants
the character advantage on that roll. If a character
commits any form of evil act, the boon is lost, and
if the character attempts to use the boon to commit
an evil act, the boon has no effect.

Roleplaying Lady Sarah Olden Completing the Challenge

Sarah is a knight of Havdhir at the end of her rope:
almost all of her comrades have been slain and the When all of the “friends” have been helped, read the
walls of Havdhir are nearly overrun by orcs. She following aloud:
fights alone against seemingly insurmountable
odds. The lights have been materializing in the
form of a staircase and a trapdoor. They
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
glow fiercely, brightly, and are suddenly
(History) check recalls that this knight is known
transformed into solid stone and wood.
as Lady Sarah, who was horribly outnumbered,
The trapdoor springs open, leading up and into a
wounded, and nearly lost this particular battle for
the walls of Havdhir, but is known for finding her chamber beyond.
courage and rallying the troops of the city in a
counter-attack against the invading orcs, driving The characters can now venture through the
them back. It is said that rallying cries from her few trapdoor in the ceiling and enter into the Banquet
remaining soldiers are what stirred her from her Hall. No items or characters from the books can be
hopelessness. taken out of the room—they vanish if the attempt
is made.
Lady Sarah Olden (1 Stat Block) is a lawful good elf.
Helping Lady Sarah Olden
A character that calls an encouraging word to Sarah 100x Nonmagical book (10 gp each). Note that taking,
with a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) storing, and transporting a huge number of books would
check rouses her to battle, granting her advantage be incredibly difficult without the use of magic.
on melee attacks for 1 minute and allowing her to
use her Leadership action.

The characters must aid Sarah in defeating the

orcs, completing this chapter of the tale in The Siege
of Havdhir. If Lady Sarah dies before the orcs are
defeated the characters fail in their task, and will
have to open the book again to reattempt it.

176 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
4th Floor
Ezmeralda and the Tale of the 4 
Weather of the Darklands of Stairs Up
Talking Toad Vlaskhell Stairs Down
2 Rhet Tikha's Curse 5 The Siege of Havdhir
3 The Wandering Armor

4 2

5 1

1 Square = 5ft.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 177
5th Floor
Banquet Hall
As you swing open the trapdoor and enter
the chamber, torches spring to life and fill the
room with a warm, comforting glow. A long
table is set before you with dozens of place
settings that are laid the entire length of the ornately carved
table. There is no discernible door leading out of the chamber
other than the trapdoor from which you entered. A massive
portrait of a skinny man hangs on the wall at the far end of
the room, so thin that he appears to be nothing more than a
skeletal figure dressed in mage’s robes. You can see a small,
empty easel, with a painter's brush and palette set beneath
it, seemingly abandoned. “Oh, ho ho! What have we here?
Guests, eh!? Please, PLEASE take a seat!” the voice calls from
the portrait. To your astonishment, you see the painted man
moving around his canvas, leaning forward in the large chair
he is painted as sitting in, his emaciated hands quivering
on the arms of the chair. “I do so desire to be as fortunate as
you, always able to eat such grand feasts!” the man in the
portrait calls. He mutters, quietly and steadily yet excitedly,
under his breath. He claps his hands, and suddenly, masses
of food appear in the air just below the ceiling and soon
come plummeting down with a grand clatter. A few of the
summoned portions miss the table, falling about the chamber,
splattering on the floor. Some of the food drops directly
toward you! “So sorry about that!” the odd figure calls while
giggling, “I don’t know my own strength! Hee hee!”

Each creature entering the Banquet Hall must make

a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6)
bludgeoning damage from falling food on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The Portrait
The portrait is painted in Azkhell’s likeness. Azkhell
himself created it to summon forth food within the
tower at his command.

The portrait refers to itself as “Starvzkhell” for the

most part, but will occasionally don the moniker of
“Skinny Azkhell” or “Starved Azkhell.”

If the characters threaten or attack Starvzkhell, roll

initiative with Starvzkhell acting on initiative count
20 (losing initiative ties). On his turn, food rains down
within the chamber and each creature within must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6)
bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. A creature that has total
cover from the ceiling (being, for instance, under the
table) takes no damage. A creature with partial cover
from the ceiling (being, for instance, under a large

178 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
shield, a chair, or a companion) takes half the damage.
A dispel magic (DC 19) or antimagic field spell
Leaving the Chamber
removes the enchantment on the portrait, Characters can leave the chamber in two ways:
effectively destroying Starvzkhell.
1 They may destroy the portrait of Starvzkhell, revealing
If any of the characters eat the food that has been
summoned, read the following aloud: a staircase behind the portrait that leads further into
the tower.

“More, oh yes, you MUST eat more!” 2 They may feed Starvzkhell. Starvzkhell can be fed
the skinny man in the portrait demands, only by painting some form of food into his portrait.
clapping his hands and licking his lips, an Painting an edible bit of food requires picking up the
almost predatory hunger in his eyes. paints, reaching the portrait, and then succeeding on
a DC 10 Charisma (Performance) check to paint the
Starvzkhell summons more food, and some of it food in. Starvzkhell immediately gobbles it up.
does not land where it was meant to. Each creature
in the Banquet Hall must make a DC 15 Dexterity If Starvzkhell is fed, read the following aloud:
saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage
from falling food on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. A creature that is Painting the food into the portrait, you
seated at the table has disadvantage on the saving watch as the man’s hollow eyes grow
throw. A creature that has total cover from the wide. He shakily reaches out and grabs
ceiling (being, for instance, under the table) takes the food. He holds it in front of his face
no damage. A creature with partial cover from the in disbelief for just a moment before stuffing it into his
ceiling (being, for instance, under a large shield, a mouth. “Oh, tank ew, tank ew!” the man says between
chair, or a companion) takes half the damage. messy mouthfuls. Happy tears of wet paint roll down
his pitiful face. The portrait swings aside, revealing a
At the Game Master’s discretion, even if the staircase beyond, and a magical light envelops you.
characters do not eat any of the food Starvzkhell
may rain more food down, continuing to demand
the characters eat it so he can eat vicariously The boon of Starvzkhell is bestowed on the
through them. characters, granting each of them inspiration.

Roleplaying Starvzkhell Loot

Starvzkhell leers at anyone eating, an incredibly
Painter’s supplies (10 gp)
hungry look in his eyes.
He does not remember his creation, only that “a Feast leftovers. Each “food rain” summoned by
man that looked very similar to me was here, painting… Starvzkhell equals 15 rations (5 sp each)
that’s the first thing I recall.”

Starvzkhell constantly complains about being

hungry; he desperately desires food of some kind.
If the characters present him with physical food,
he reaches toward them hungrily but the food
cannot pass through the canvas to Starvzkhell nor
Starvzkhell reach beyond the canvas.

Starvzkhell (1 Stat Block) is a lawful neutral Construct.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 179
5th Floor
Banquet Table P 
Portrait of Starvzkhell Stairs Up
E Easel S Secret Door
T Trapdoor



1 Square = 5ft.

180 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
6th Floor “A key is more than a thing to hold: A key is freedom for
dead young, now old” refers to:
• the ghostly child in the Ghostly Portal pocket
Room of Pocket Dimensions dimension
• who is the key to leaving the chamber
Ascending the revealed staircase, you find
yourself in a room with seven mirrors set
Completing the unfinished business of Thomas,
around it. The glass of each of the mirrors is
the ghost of the Ghostly Portal pocket dimension,
an inky black, reflecting almost nothing of
is the only way to journey higher into the tower. If
the room. As you enter, glowing words are scrawled in the
Thomas believes his unfinished business has been
air within the center of the room, reading:
completed, he vanishes, and a magical staircase
that leads up to the Giant Gelatinous Cube Room
“Seven portals here there be.
Exterior (see page 191) appears in his place.
Within one, there is a key.
You must bargain carefully,
Touching or walking through any of the portals
For fear the wrong one may get free.
transports a creature to the pocket dimension
associated with the portal. Once inside the pocket
Ghost and demon here within,
dimension, characters can see into the central
Gazing creature full of sin.
room through the portal and are able to return the
Lizard, yew, and a man to see;
same way they entered. Each denizen of a pocket
A man who may not really be.
dimension is unable to leave the pocket dimension
in which it is trapped unless the prerequisite is met
Dwarven miner full of greed,
for that denizen’s release.
Poison in a red yew seed.
Key is more than a thing to hold:
A key is freedom for dead young, now old.” Loot

This complex warning refers to the occupants of the There is nothing of value in this area.
pocket dimensions held within the mirrors. It also
provides a clue as to the true “key” to leave the room.
Dwarven Portal
“Ghost and demon here within” refers to:
• the ghost in the Ghostly Portal pocket dimension
• Illya, the succubus in the Abyssal Portal pocket dimension
“Gazing creature full of sin” refers to:
• Gargoth, the basilisk in the Basilisk Portal pocket
“Lizard, yew, and a man to see; a man who may not
really be” refers to:
• the lizardfolk in the Thorny Portal pocket dimension
• the awakened yew tree in the Forest Portal pocket
• Illuskhell (the illusory Azkhell) in the Ancient Portal
pocket dimension
“Dwarven miner full of greed” refers to:
• the dwarf trapped in the Dwarven Portal pocket
“Poison in a red yew seed” refers to:
• the poison of the awakened yew tree

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 181
Exterior Roleplaying Pike Stoneshoulder
This mirror is carved in classic dwarven Pike wears tattered rags as well as a belt with several
style. As you approach, the black face of keys he thinks are “promising.” One of these keys fits
the mirror fades for a moment, revealing a the cage in the Abyssal Portal pocket dimension.
chamber beyond. Within it, you can see a His chamber is filled with keys that have been
dwarf chained and dressed in rags, working rough stone magically embedded in the stone. Pike’s punishment
with a pickaxe. is a lifetime of torment within the pocket dimension,
with the false hope of freedom constantly dangled in
Interior front of him: The idea that if he can find the key to
The chamber echos with the clang of a his manacles hidden within the pocket dimension, he
pickaxe. A dwarf within the chamber may go free... but none of the keys within this pocket
dimension match the lock of his manacles.
tirelessly works the stone, singing a song to
himself: If Pike is asked about his imprisonment (or at a
time of the Game Master’s choosing), read the
“Damned wizard says, ‘Find the key. following aloud:
Despite your deeds, ye will be set free.’
Lorton bank: I spit on thee,
And the damned Triumvirate three.” “I’ve been trapped here for decades
by those damned Triumvirate fools for
Now that you are inside of what appears to be a pocket slightly attempted theft! Corrupt—the
dimension within the mirror, you see that thousands of lot of them! Using their pet wizard to
small keys are scattered about the chamber. The dwarf punish me. And that damned wizard, Azkhell... he left me
hacks away at a stone that seems to have a small key well enough alone in here for ages! But recently, he has
handle embedded in it. With a crack, the stone falls away. been up to something… giving me hints to torment me:
The dwarf grabs the now exposed key, places it into the ‘The key lies just out of reach, beyond the glass; and…’
lock of the manacle attached to his leg, and tries the key something or other I can’t recall. And, ‘Look into the
for a moment before letting out a great sigh and tossing it earth beyond this one, and you just might see the key.’
aside. He picks up the pickaxe once more. Damned befuddlespeak. If you can help me get out of
here, I will give you these keys on my belt, here. Not sure
Pike Stoneshoulder has been imprisoned in this what they go to, but I have a good feeling about them!”
pocket dimension by order of the Triumvirate as
punishment for attempting to rob Lorton bank, killing In his insanity, Azkhell has placed the key to Pike’s
several innocent people in his attempted heist. manacles in the Thorny Portal pocket dimension
for the sheer fun of peeking in on the dwarf that’s
constantly digging for something that is so close
but forever out of his reach.

If the characters manage to free Pike, he gladly gifts

them the keys on his belt.

Pike Stoneshoulder (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic

neutral dwarf.


Pike Stoneshoulder
Skeleton key (common) (1 Item)
Key to the cage in the Abyssal Portal (worthless)

182 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Thorny Portal

Roleplaying Restigi
Restigi is suspicious of anyone who is not a
lizardfolk, partly because he is from a primarily
lizardfolk-dominated community, and partly
Exterior because he’s been imprisoned by Azkhell, kept as a
This mirror has a mass of thorny vines specimen for study. Restigi refers to himself in the
curled around it. As you approach, the third person, and his coloration changes depending
mirror face fades, revealing a thick on his emotions: growing vibrant when he is angry,
jungle within. happy, or experiencing other strong emotions and
fading to duller tones when he is sad, bored, or
Interior otherwise reserved.
Entering this tropical chamber, you are
blasted with the humid heat. A huge Restigi is a chaotic good lizardfolk.
waterfall seems to circle the entirety of
the area, forming a wall of crashing water Restigi is in possession of the key to Pike
around the clearing. “Who goes there?” a voice echoes Stoneshoulder’s manacles and uses it as a
from the dense foliage. “Restigi not like wizards! Restigi toothpick. Restigi is very fond of the key, regularly
not know you.” using it to remove seeds from his pointy teeth. He is
unwilling to part with it unless the characters agree
Restigi is a lizardfolk who was captured by Azkhell to free him from his prison.
during one of his forays into the jungle regions
that lie far from the lands of Havdhir. Restigi Restigi can be freed by solving a riddle that was left
was of great interest to Azkhell on account of by mad Azkhell, who decided to use his “specimen”
his particular subspecies of lizardfolk’s ability to as part of the traps and trials set up within his
camouflage, to change coloring to be incredibly tower to make it more difficult to reach him.
vibrant or to seamlessly blend into the verdant
swaths of the jungle. Restigi has been trapped in Restigi offers the key in his possession in exchange
this pocket dimension ever since his capture. for his freedom, reciting the riddle Azkhell has
presented to him recently.
A character can spot Restigi if the character’s
Wisdom (Perception) check is higher than Restigi’s The characters could simply kill Restigi or take the
Dexterity (Stealth) check. Restigi makes this check key from him via theft, slipping it from his grasp with
with advantage. a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 183
When Restigi talks about the riddle, read the wall. As you approach, the lights coalesce, flying toward
following aloud: the coffin. Suddenly, a ghostly child bursts from the coffin,
looking at you with a petulant eye. “Who are you? Have
you come to… help… me… get… REVENGE!?” the ghost-boy
“The wizard said:
wails, his voice rising to a high-pitched scream.
‘Free, the lizard wants to be.
He must walk through the blood of a tree.
Venture deep into the roar,

Emerge upon another shore.

But lo! For him to safely pass,
He must not be touched
By that which shines as glass.’

What is Restigi to make of this riddle, hmmm?”

In order to be freed, Restigi must walk into the

waterfalls surrounding the clearing, but none of
the water may touch him as he does so. This can
be accomplished by forming some sort of umbrella
for him, by casting a spell which prevents the water
from touching him, or by any other creative method
that keeps the water from touching Restigi. If he
moves at least 10 feet into the falls without the
water touching him, he is instantly teleported to the
Chamber of Pocket Dimensions, where he leaves
the key with the characters before attempting to
flee. At the Game Master’s discretion, Restigi may
join the characters in hopes of making it out of
this tower of puzzles alive. If he walks into the falls
and is touched by the water, he is immediately
teleported to the center of the jungle clearing.


Key to Pike’s manacles (worthless)

Thomas Damier is the ghost of a young boy

who was killed when he ate a berry from a yew
Ghostly Portal tree (the very tree located in the Forest Portal
pocket dimension).

Exterior Thomas is trapped within the chamber by a

This mirror is surrounded by curling tendrils complicated spell created by Azkhell which
of light that glow with a soft blue hue. prevents the ghost from entering the Ethereal
Approaching, you can see motes of blue light Plane or otherwise leaving the pocket dimension.
floating in the mirror, and the interior of a
stone crypt is visible through the glass. Leaving the Chamber of
Pocket Dimensions
Interior Thomas’s spirit is tied to the tower. If Thomas
Stepping through the mirror, you find yourself believes his unfinished business has been
in a dark room lit only by tiny motes of blue completed, he vanishes, and a magical staircase
light that swirl around a single coffin made that leads up to the Giant Gelatinous Cube Room
of rotting wood that rests against the far Exterior (see page 191) appears in his place.

184 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Forest Portal

Roleplaying Thomas
Damier’s Ghost Exterior
Thomas speaks in a high-pitched voice and is prone This mirror has been crafted in an elaborate
to fits of screaming and rage. elvish style with organic shapes surrounding
curved glass. As you near the mirror, you
Thomas is a vengeful child who blames his death can see a tangle of trees, and a large yew tree
on the yew tree located in the Forest Portal pocket that stands at the center of a small clearing.
dimension. Thomas is aware that the tree is located
within a pocket dimension inside the tower,
because Azkhell has revealed this information to
him in one of the wizard's visits. Walking into the area, you find yourself in
a grove. The trees have grown together so
Thomas wants the tree destroyed, and his soul tightly that they form a solid wall. There is
can only be at peace when he believes this has an open meadow covered in fallen leaves
occurred. with a large yew tree at the center. The yew tree’s branches
interlock above you, creating a dome of wood and vines.
Thomas demands proof of the tree’s destruction A glowing orb resembling a miniature sun hovers at the
in the form of burnt limbs or some other piece of zenith of this dome. As you enter, the yew tree shakes itself,
evidence. and a voice issues from it, “I am Yew, and who are you?”

If Thomas is destroyed, he reappears within the Yew is an awakened yew tree. The tree has no
pocket dimension 1 minute later with all of his hit intention of leaving the area: It magically rains each
points. day; there are few if any visitors to harass it; and
it can simply rest, drink in water, and bathe in the
Thomas Damier (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil ghost. magical light from the sun-orb.

Loot Thomas Damier, the ghost in the Ghostly Portal

pocket dimension, was formed when he ate one of
the berries from the yew tree, dying from the tree’s
There is nothing of value in this area.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 185
Azkhell was summoned many years ago to doorway to obtain them. Yew will offer some of its
deal with the ghost of a child haunting Ardhos. branches as payment for a few of the statues.
Azkhell managed to trap the spirit within a pocket
dimension. Azkhell also placed the tree that Characters might be able to convince Yew to
poisoned the child within a pocket dimension for offer up its berries or to even break off some of its
additional study. In his madness, Azkhell decided to branches or roots for them if the tree understands the
awaken the tree for a bit of fun. situation regarding Thomas Damier and his desire
for revenge. The DC for this check may vary based
The miniature sun exists by means of a permanent on the characters’ interactions with Yew; but DC 13
daylight spell altered to produce sunlight. If the spell Charisma (Persuasion), DC 15 Charisma (Deception),
is negated, such as by a darkness or dispel magic spell or DC 17 Charisma (Intimidation) is suggested.
or similar magic, the yew tree becomes incredibly
distraught and may behave violently toward Characters may be able to convince Thomas
whatever created the darkness. Damier that Yew has been killed by presenting
burnt branches from the tree or other evidence of
Roleplaying the Yew Tree its destruction.
The yew tree calls itself “Yew,” which can be
Killing or harming Yew should present a moral
incredibly confusing in a conversation.
dilemma for the characters. In order to advance
deeper into the tower, they will need to appease
Yew has no recollection of its life before becoming
Thomas; but doing so may result in harming the
awakened, and thus, it believes it has always lived
innocent yew tree.
within this pocket dimension that it considers
a paradise.
The tree can see outside of the pocket dimension
into the other portals. It has seen and desperately 3x Yew berries (25 gp each)
desires the small animal statues in the Basilisk Portal Broken yew branches (worthless)
pocket dimension, but Yew cannot fit through the

186 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Abyssal Portal On a success, a creature takes half the damage and
does not gain the level of exhaustion. Creatures
wearing medium or heavy armor or who are clad
in heavy clothing have disadvantage on the saving
throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire
damage automatically succeed on the saving throw,
as do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates.

Illya Lillir, a succubus, has been trapped by Azkhell

in this pocket dimension. The Fiend was summoned
and bound by the powerful spellcaster. Illya is
furious about her imprisonment and desperately
wishes to kill Azkhell.

Illya is only able to exit the chamber if her cage is

opened or destroyed.

This mirror is adorned with a set of stone,
bat-like wings. As you approach, the face
of the mirror fades, revealing a flaming
landscape beyond. Within, you see a being in Roleplaying Illya Lillir
a cage made of crude, black metal. The being is screaming. Illya is desperate to escape and has changed
into the form of a fair maiden dressed in white
Interior garments. The cage within her chamber keeps
Stepping into the chamber, you are her from exiting or entering the Ethereal Plane.
overwhelmed by the heat as flames lick at If the cage is opened, Illya can leave the
your heels. The ground itself lets up great pocket dimension.
bursts of steam and ash with each step that
you take. Within the wrought-iron cage that sits on a Illya attempts to gain the trust of anyone who
black rock, a beautiful woman with tear tracks on her ash- enters the pocket dimension, trying to get the
smudged face screams, “Please, oh by the gods, PLEASE person to free her. If she is unsuccessful, she
help me!” will attempt to charm someone into freeing her,
targeting whichever character she perceives to
The pocket dimension is considered an area of be the most valuable for achieving her aims.
supernatural heat. When the characters enter the
area, roll initiative. On initiative count 20 of each Once, she managed to charm Azkhell, and he
round (losing initiative ties), each creature exposed divulged to her that the true “key” to escaping the
to the heat must make a DC 16 Constitution saving room is the release of Thomas’s spirit. Illya guards
throw. On a failure, the creature takes 10 (3d6) fire this knowledge jealously. If her attempts to trick
damage and gains one level of exhaustion. the characters into freeing her fail or if her charms

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 187
fail, she offers this valuable piece of knowledge as
a bargaining chip. If the characters free her, she
Ancient Portal
has no reason to hoard this information and might
reveal it to the characters.

If freed and allowed to leave, Illya will depart for

one of the taverns of Havdhir, plotting her revenge
for her entrapment with aims to kill Azkhell. At the
Game Master’s discretion, Illya may appear later
in the adventure in Havdhir, either as a threat that
must be dealt with or as an ally.

If her fiendish heritage is revealed, Illya will likely

attempt to kill the characters when she is released.

Illya Lillir (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil succubus.

Examining the Cage

The cage is inscribed with glowing red runes.
A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check
The runes seem to indicate some form of warding spell
that traps creatures within, preventing planar travel.

A creature casting the detect magic spell determines

that the cage is enchanted with magic from the
abjuration school.

There are several ways to free Illya:

The cage can be opened with the key in Pike

Stoneshoulder’s possession in the Dwarven Portal Exterior
pocket dimension. This mirror is covered in decaying vines.
The cage can be broken. It has AC 18; 27 hit points; Coming close to the mirror, you can see an
immunity to fire, poison, and psychic damage; and
elderly man with a long beard, who closely
resembles the man in the portrait of the
damage resistance 5.
banquet hall, pacing in a dilapidated ruin.
The lock can be picked. A creature using thieves' tools can
open the cage lock with a successful DC 18 Dexterity check. Interior
The door can be forced. A creature can force the cage Pressing through the mirror, you find yourself
open with a successful DC 25 Strength check. in a crumbling ruin. The room resembles a
duplicate of the one you just left; but the stone
The wards can be disabled. A creature can disable the
is worn and cracked, and the mirrors around
wards on the cage by succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence the chamber are mere piles of rubble. A man dressed in
(Arcana) check to recite an arcane phrase. When the wizard’s robes and sporting a long beard paces the room.
magical wards are disabled, the cage falls apart. He resembles the man in the painting that you saw in the
banquet hall, but this man is much, much older; so old that
The wards can be destroyed by casting an antimagic field or
his skin is terribly wrinkled, and his robes are tattered and
wish spell. (The dispel magic spell is insufficiently powerful.) worn as can only be achieved by a great passing of time.
As you enter, he stops pacing and stares at you quizzically
before uttering, “Have you come searching for the way
Loot further in? I alone know how to pass into the chambers
beyond! I, Illuskhell, can show you how!”
There is nothing of value in this area.
Illuskhell is pacing this chamber.

188 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Consequences of Touching
the Stone
If a creature touches the stone, that creature
becomes trapped in another pocket dimension, and
an illusory double of it appears in the center area
of the Room of Pocket Dimensions, just beyond the
Ancient Portal.

The illusory double looks, smells, and acts like a

real creature. Physical interaction with the illusion
reveals it to be an illusion because things can pass
through it. If the illusion attacks another creature,
the attack appears as though it misses, no matter
how high the attack roll.

The Game Master is encouraged to pass a note

to the player of an illusory character, explaining
the following: The character is now trapped
within a different pocket dimension, having been
Roleplaying Illuskhell replaced by an illusory double that shares the
character’s memories but does not want under any
Illuskhell is an illusory double of the real Azkhell
that’s made to look several decades older than the circumstances to be found to be fake. If the illusion
real wizard is. The illusory double was created by willingly reveals itself for what it is, it ceases to exist,
Azkhell purely out of boredom and to test what the and the original version dies.
double could achieve with a stone of entrapment.
A creature that uses its action to examine the
Illuskhell (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic neutral Construct. illusion can determine that it is an illusion with
a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation)
Illuskhell attempts to trick anyone who enters his check, made with advantage. If a creature discerns
pocket dimension into touching a small gemstone the illusion for what it is, the illusion vanishes and
held within the chamber. He may suggest, “The only the creature trapped by the stone of entrapment
way to pass through into the next chamber is by touching
can exit a portal into the center area of the Room of
THIS: the key! Each of you must touch it in order to pass
Pocket Dimensions.
into the next chamber.”

Physical interaction with Illuskhell reveals him to The illusory Azkhell serves as a trap for anyone
be an illusion, because things can pass through who might try to advance further into the tower.
him. A creature that uses its action to examine It is possible that one or more of the characters
Illuskhell can determine that he is an illusion with may become trapped in the chamber while the rest
a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) journey further into the tower or into other pocket
check. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it dimensions. At the Game Master's discretion, if all
is, Illuskhell vanishes; and any creature trapped by of the characters are trapped, Azkhell might take
the stone of entrapment is freed. pity on them, magically releasing them from their
entrapment 1d10 days after they are incarcerated.
Examining the Stone In this case, Azkhell cackles maniacally before
A creature casting the detect magic spell determines teleporting to his private study.
that the gemstone is magical and the schools of
magic are conjuration and illusion. The magic of the stone of entrapment is tied to
this area of the tower; it becomes an ordinary
stone if taken through the portal, at which point
any creature trapped by the stone of entrapment is
freed and its illusion vanishes.


There is nothing of value in this area.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 189
Basilisk Portal Examining the Statues
The statues appear to be of birds, lizards,
insects, and small rodents—all creatures one
could expect to find within a tower building.
The statues are arranged into intricate
displays, stacked on rocks or on top of one another in some
form of artistic arrangement.

A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)

check reveals: Many of the statues are in action-
oriented poses, running as if to escape something, with
heads turned back to peer behind them.

Gargoth is a unique, sentient basilisk who was

created by Azkhell. He prowls this chamber, hiding
behind some rocky outcroppings as the characters
enter. Gargoth has total cover from creatures that
are between him and the portal exit. If a creature
moves to the side of the rocky outcropping
or behind Gargoth, he can be spotted with a
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check or a
passive Perception of 14 or higher.

Roleplaying Gargoth
Gargoth is incredibly bored. He spends his time
ambushing the small creatures unfortunate enough
to fly or crawl through the mirror into his domain,
turning them to stone. He then spends countless
hours arranging and rearranging his “collection”
of creatures.

Gargoth subsists largely on the mushrooms

growing in this pocket dimension (and occasionally
munches on his collection).

Gargoth is trapped within the pocket dimension

by Azkhell’s magic and can only be released if a
Humanoid creature looks into his eyes and is petrified.

If Gargoth petrifies a Humanoid, he then attempts

Exterior to leave the pocket dimension and flee the tower,
Two carved snakes curl around the stone or fight for his life if necessary.
frame of the mirror. Each snake has a bit
of writing carved into it that reads, A petrified Humanoid that remains in the pocket
“To leave, one must take the place of dimension for 10 days is magically polymorphed
another; eye for an eye, flesh for stone.” Peering into the into a sentient basilisk, emerging from the stone as
cold glass, you see a subterranean chamber filled with a monster. The transformed creature’s alignment
statues of small animals. becomes neutral evil; it retains its Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma scores; and it retains any languages it
Interior knows. Its statistics are otherwise replaced by those
Stepping through the mirror, you find of the new form. The transformed creature can leave
yourself in a dimly-lit, subterranean the pocket dimension only if it petrifies a Humanoid
chamber. The whole of the area is littered creature or if it is freed with the wish spell.
with statues and is lit only by the soft light
of bioluminescent mushrooms. Gargoth (1 Stat Block) is a neutral evil basilisk.

190 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Once the characters enter the chamber, read the Loot
following aloud:
10x Statuette of a stone animal (1 gp each)
A voice echoes within the chamber, “At 20x Bioluminescent mushroom (1 sp each)
long last, someone has come into my
prison. I beg of you, let me look upon the
face of my rescuers. Be not afraid of my
appearance, for I am a victim of a horrid curse.”

A character can determine that the voice’s owner

means them ill with a successful Wisdom (Insight)
check opposed by Gargoth’s Charisma (Deception)
check. Gargoth makes this check with advantage.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 191
6th Floor
1 Dwarven Portal 5 Abyssal Portal Stairs Down
2 Thorny Portal 6 Ancient Portal
3 Ghostly Portal 7 Basilisk Portal
4 Forest Portal


5 3

1 Square = 5ft.

192 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
7th Floor In his madness, Azkhell has created a creature he
believes will stop any foolhardy adventurer from
reaching him within his home (he himself having
been an adventurer once, he knows how annoying
Giant Gelatinous they can be).
Cube Room
The cube can be spotted with a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check.

If a character spots the gelatinous cube, read the

following aloud:

You realize this room is not filled with

magic at all but with a massive gelatinous
cube that fills the entirety of the room!

The cube is trapped within the confines of the room

and takes up the entirety of the space.

Characters can attempt to swim through the

gelatinous cube to reach the far steps that lead up a
staircase and into the Library of Rare Texts. While
swimming through the cube, the characters are
exposed to the gelatinous cube’s Engulf attack.

The sword suspended inside the giant gelatinous

cube is a sword of the cube. A creature casting the
detect magic spell determines that the sword is
Exterior magical and the schools of magic are evocation
and conjuration.
Ascending the stairs, you come to a large
iron gate with glass set between the bars,
and a key in the lock. The room beyond Loot
appears to be empty, but you can see a
sword and a bit of bone floating within the chamber as if Sword of the cube (uncommon) (1 Item)
suspended by some invisible magic.

The door can easily be opened.

The entire room is filled with a giant

gelatinous cube (1 Stat Block).

The stairwell beyond the Giant Gelatinous Cube

Room leads up to the Library of Rare Texts. The
easiest way through the chamber is by slaying the
gelatinous cube from afar—launching spells or
ranged attacks at it from outside the room.

However, Azkhell uses a secret trapdoor to the

right of the gate that allows him to bypass the cube
if he wants to move up or down the tower. The
secret door can be spotted with a successful DC 18
Intelligence (Investigation) check. The door opens
up to a small side stairway that leads up into the
Library of Rare Texts.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 193
7th Floor
G Iron Gate, Trapdoor Stairs Up
S Floating Sword


1 Square = 5ft.

194 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
8th Floor for Azkhell. Azkhell has several other backup
spellbooks in reserve, which he can utilize to
prepare and cast spells even if his scroll golem is
Library of Rare Texts
The scroll golem is the last defender of Azkhell and
Entering this chamber, you find yourselves serves as a lieutenant, or the adventure “boss,”
once more in a library. The books on the before reaching Azkhell.
shelves appear to be significantly more
ancient than any you have ever seen before, The staircase leading out of the chamber is
and many are inlaid with gold filigree or semi-precious enchanted, allowing the scroll golem to forbid or
stones. A creature seemingly formed of rolls of paper allow access via its magic.
wrapped together, all with writing upon them, sits at
the center of the chamber at a large desk. It seems to be
writing something on one of the scrolls that comprises its
Roleplaying the Scroll Golem
form. An incredibly ornate door can be seen at the top of a The scroll golem has instructions not to let anyone
spiral staircase leading out of the room. The door is carved pass into Azkhell’s private study. Initially, Azkhell
in intricate patterns and depicts the man you saw in the directed the golem to merely prevent those who
banquet hall but looking much more healthy. A missive somehow entered the tower without his permission
is carved into the door, marring its face with its almost from venturing further. However, as his paranoia
childish lettering: “Stay out if you know what is good for intensified, his instructions changed. Azkhell now
you. None can enter Azkhell’s private study!” commands the golem to “blot out” anyone that
enters this level beneath his private chambers
Azkhell has a great number of tomes and scrolls at located at the top of the tower.
his disposal. His rarest and most expensive texts
are held in this room, protected by a scroll golem Characters may be able to sneak past the golem
(1 Stat Block) that serves as a living spellbook entirely with a group DC 20 Dexterity (Stealth) check.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 195
If the characters attempt to reason with the golem, Dwarvish runes. The book can be read only if the
it communicates through writing, usually spelling players have a way to decipher the runes. (They
out threats or warnings to leave before it attacks. were created with ancient dwarven magic, and so
cannot be translated using the comprehend languages
While in the room, the golem can use a reaction to spell. Knowing Dwarvish doesn’t allow you to read
activate the magic of the staircase. Once the magic Ancient Dwarvish.) If translated, the runes reveal
is activated, unless the golem gives its permission the following spells:
for a character to ascend the stairs or unless the
golem is slain, any creature that reaches the top of Conjure scroll golem (1 Spell)
the stairs is instantly teleported back to the bottom. Painted self (1 Spell)
Speed read (1 Spell)
If the scroll golem attacks, read the following aloud: Water to rum (1 Spell)

The books and scrolls within the room

rustle, letting out a strange sound like the
Spell scroll (alarm) (common)
falling of leaves as the creature lumbers
Spell scroll (detect magic) (common)
toward you. Its green eyes hover over
a face made entirely of paper. The creature makes no Spell scroll (illusory script) (common)
sound, but its eyes glow with a malevolence that betrays Spell scroll (mage armor) (common)
a murderous intent. Spell scroll (glyph of warding) (uncommon)
Spellbook containing the spells animate objects, charm
person, and detect thoughts (450 gp)
The library holds many magical tomes and scrolls.
DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check or a passive
A DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check or
Intelligence (Investigation) of 11 or higher
a passive Intelligence (Investigation) of 11 or
higher reveals a secret compartment in one of the Spellbook written in Ancient Dwarvish (550 gp)
bookshelves holding a book filled with Ancient

196 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
8th Floor
Portal Stairs Up
S Scroll Golem


1 Square = 5ft.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 197
9th Floor in his private study, Azkhell works on all manner of
new and unusual spells among other creations.

Azkhell’s Private Study

Ascending the final staircase, you come
face to face with the gorgeous, ornate door
that leads to Azkhell’s private study. The
wizard’s face is carved into the wood and
glares at you. The phrases “Stay out if you know what is
good for you. None can enter Azkhell’s private study!” mar
the beautiful craftsmanship, vandalizing it with child-like

Certain letters of this missive are underlined for

a reason: The letters spell out “knock.” Show the
players the depiction of the door, and allow them to
study it; or describe some of the letters having deep
scratches underneath them, and wait for a player to
ask for further information on the door.

The door is warded by a glyph of warding spell with Roleplaying Azkhell

explosive runes as the spell glyph. If someone knocks
Azkhell speaks in a crooning voice that cracks
on the door, it opens freely. If someone attacks
from time to time, and he is prone to fits of
the door or opens the door without knocking, the
excitement. Azkhell is completely terrified of the
explosive runes activate. If the runes activate, each
outside and speaks of its dangers frequently. He
creature within a 10-foot cube directly in front
also suffers from extreme paranoia and an insanity
of the door must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving
that causes him to behave incredibly erratically,
throw, taking 22 (5d8) lightning damage on a failed
following his whims and drastically changing his
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
demeanor without warning. He might cower in a
corner, scream incoherently, cackle, attempt to
Interior make friends with the characters, try to summon a
Pressing open the door to this chamber, you weather cloud that rains herring, or anything of the
behold a man seated at a large writing desk. sort during conversation.
He looks identical to the man depicted on
the doorway, albeit his hair is standing out The Game Master should lean into Azkhell’s
at odd angles. His crimson red robes are adorned with agoraphobia, hinting that should he ever be convinced
gold accents… and are completely filthy. He smells as if to go outside he might be cured of his madness.
he hasn’t washed in weeks, and his long, gray-speckled
beard looks like it might be housing a nest of mice or While Azkhell usually acts rather insane, he does have
birds. He appears to be muttering to himself, finishing the moments of clarity, especially when a topic piques
last phrases of some form of incantation. As he does so, his interest; he may be lucid long enough to give the
several items in the room seem to spring to life: a chair characters the information they need. Alternatively,
walks around, a book flaps through the air on paper at the Game Master’s discretion, Azkhell might
wings. The man cackles to himself, “Ah, what fun! What behave entirely erratically and give the characters
fun! Oh, Azkhell, you’ve done it again! First Chirpee the no information whatsoever about the curse until his
mechanical bird, now these fine friends! So good to be able madness is cured (by using a greater restoration spell or
to perform my studies… undisturbed…” more powerful magic to convince him to face his fears
and journey outside, which cures his agoraphobia
Azkhell has just finished casting a new spell of his entirely) or until he is calmed by the use of a calm
own devising. The spell works like the animate objects emotions spell, which would suppress the effects of his
spell except that its effects are permanent due to madness long enough for him to reveal information
Azkhell tapping into the powers of his tower. Here about the curse of the Usurper.

198 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Azkhell (1 Stat Block) is a chaotic neutral human. (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check
(the DC could vary based on character interaction).
When Azkhell sees the characters, read the following It is recommended this interaction be roleplayed,
aloud: and that in the event of a failure the characters be
able to repeat the check as long as they continue
roleplaying their attempts to convince Azkhell.
The wizard looks at you in a state of utter
shock. “Who are you? How did you get Azkhell knows a great deal about the curse of the
all the way up here!? I need my privacy! Usurper and can convey the following information to
It’s not safe outside! And you… you are the players:
from the outside. Who knows what you might have
tracked in!?” The wizard’s voice is rising in volume as
he speaks, bordering on a shrill scream. It is clear that
he is incredibly upset, and magic crackles between his “This curse is old… in fact... do you
fingertips. happen to know the tale of the Usurper,
the dwarven prince of old? And of the
Azkhell is enraged and fearfully concerned that nihidium stone? And the Shjelborn clan?
someone has entered his private sanctum. The The keys!? …No?... Oh, where to begin… Long ago,
characters have little hope of defeating Azkhell in there was a mine, one filled with a precious stone called
combat and will likely have to try reasoning with nihidium. It is said that, unbeknownst to the dwarves,
the mage to get him to settle down and help them. this stone had a mind of its own, a dark sentience that
A DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) allied itself with the son of the king, known now only
check might calm him down (the DC may vary as the Usurper. This dwarf and others corrupted by
based on character interactions). this dark stone sought to take the mines of Shjekhel
for themselves, but the king made a deal with the dark
Some Game Masters may wish to have Azkhell
creature, one that bound it within the mines but cursed
engage in combat with the characters due to
him and his lineage for all time. It is said that those of
his madness; in this case, the animated objects
in the room spring to his aid. It is unlikely that the Shjelborn clan, the royal clan of Shjekhel, return as
the characters can survive an all-out brawl with Undead or as spirits to the mines after they die and that
Azkhell, so if this occurs, Game Masters are they can pass the curse on to others. Some of the clan
encouraged to stop combat part-way through, with hold out hope that the Usurper can be defeated, and
Azkhell suddenly having a moment of clarity and thus, the curse removed… which is likely why this curse
apologizing for attacking the party. was passed to you. The last I heard, Vrormir was the last
of the Shjelborn clan. If he had died without passing on
At the Game Master’s discretion, if Azkhell sees this curse, the doors of Shjekhel would be reopened and
the cursed mark on one of the characters’ wrists, he the Usurper set loose upon the world. It is also said that
becomes fascinated by it. He will break off combat
the king split up the key to Shjekhel into three pieces
(if it has begun) to observe the mark.
and sent them out from the mines, all in the hopes that
the city could never be reopened and the darkness
If this occurs and if a character mentions the curse to
Azkhell, or at a time of the Game Master’s choosing, dwelling inside never released.”
read the following aloud:
Removing the Curse
Azkhell lets out a hushed gasp,
“Ah, something truly worth time and “My readings would suggest two things:
study! You, my friend, have been that the curse laid upon you will likely
cursed by a most wicked form of magic! cause you to die at a rather young age and
How extraordinary!” that the only way to remove it is to kill the
Usurper. But to do so, you will have to obtain the three
Even if the characters have not cast the greater keys of the ancient mines. I recall that one key is in the
restoration spell on Azkhell, once he has seen possession of the queen of the Darklands of Vlaskhell.
the mark, he’s interested enough in what the If you wish to lift your curse, you will have to speak with
characters have to say that he can be convinced to Queen Vessa. If that is what you seek, you should head
exit his tower with a successful DC 18 Charisma cont...

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 199
to the city gates. The road will take you to the path to Do not use the read-aloud text below until the
the Darklands and to the Whispering Wall. Once through, characters are able to translate the dwarven text in
there you can enter the vampire city of Mornhaven and full. The Ancient Dwarvish scroll reads as follows:
talk with the queen. As for the other keys, I know not,
but… Oh, you should take this.” Azkhell pulls a tattered This is the account of Jorhin the
scroll from one of his many shelves, “It’s a partial Unquenchable.
translation from Ancient Dwarvish. I haven’t made much
sense of it myself, but if Shjekhel is your final destination, Before the mining expedition, I packed
you may need to know how to read Ancient Dwarvish.” my box with five dozen liquor jugs, just in case I got a bit
The partial translation Azkhell gives the characters
can be used to decipher some of the runes of On the third day of mining I had nearly lost my wits, for I
Ancient Dwarvish, but the characters will need had already drunk all that I had brought.
to find more texts in order to translate more of
them. The runes of this ancient dwarven dialect By the ninth day we were pulling nihidium stone from
are exceedingly special and somewhat magical;
the earth. I never liked the stuff myself—and sober,
a creature that translates them understands the
something about the stone felt evil to me.
writing as if it were written in a language
it understands.
By the thirteenth day I took my pay and returned to
the tavern where I spent most of my earnings on more
This is the account of Jorhin liquor; I’d been sober far too long. I doubt I will return to
i i o o o i
mining. I think working as a bouncer at the tavern might
the Unquenchable.
q be a more interesting and profitable line of work.

Before the mining expedition, I packed my

o i i i io i Azkhell may be able to reveal more information on
iq o
jugs, just in the history of the curse and the Mines of Shjekhel.
Refer to the History of Shjekhel section for more
case I got a bit thirsty. information.
i o i i
On the third
day oof mining
i i
Ii had nearly lost
By examining the characters, Azkhell can also reveal
all the effects of the curse currently afflicting them.
my wits, for I had already drunk all that I
i o i i
had brought. Azkhell believes that he can unlock some of the
o hidden powers of the curse if he has access to
more materials. In order to do so, Azkhell requires
By the ninth day we were pulling nihidium the “Cursèd Shjekhel” poem and the Recipients
i i i i i
stone from the earth. I never liked the of the Curse of the Usurper document to further
o o i i his research (these items can be found in Orphos’s
stuff myself-and sober, something about the Lair—see the “Stolen Scrolls” quest beginning on
o o i o
page 127). If the characters bring these documents
stone felt evil too me. to Azkhell, he can unlock one of the latent powers
o i
of their curse, granting them the Stone Casting (1
By the thirteenth day I took my pay and Feat) feat.
i i oo
returned too the tavern where I spent most
i o If convinced to leave his tower, Azkhell asks the
of my earnings on more liquor; I'd been characters to accompany him and clambers up to
o i o o iq o i the roof of the tower.
sober far too long. I doubt I will return
o oo o i o i i
to mining. I think working as a bouncer at Loot
o i i i i o i o
the tavern might be a more interesting and Gift from Azkhell
i o i i
profitable line of work. Ancient Dwarvish partial translation (250 gp) (1 Item)
o i i o o

200 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
9th Floor
Azkhell Stairs Up
Stairs Down

1 Square = 5ft.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 201
Tower Top What’s Next?
Now that the characters know a great deal more
The top of the tower is exposed to the about the mysterious curse afflicting them, they will
elements. From here you can see all of have to journey to the Darklands of Vlaskhell and
Havdhir, several miles across the sea, and all deal with Queen Vessa in order to obtain her piece
the way to the Fang’s Peak Mountains. The of the key to Shjekhel. The characters may wish
sounds of the bustling city below are drowned out by the to pass through the mountains, but this would be
howling of the wind atop this spire. incredibly difficult. Otherwise, they can follow the
well-laid paths to the Whispering Wall and into the
If Azkhell can be convinced to face his fears, he Darklands. When the characters decide to move
clambers out onto the tower top. If this occurs, read on from Havdhir and seek out the vampire queen,
the following aloud: move on to the second book, Darklands of Vlaskhell.
Characters can revisit Havdhir at any time, and
there may still be plenty of adventuring for them to
Azkhell lets out a great gasp as he looks
do in the sprawling city.
over the city. He cowers for a moment
and turns to flee back into his chambers
before relaxing just a bit, curiously peering
Continuing the Adventure
out over the city. “I had… I had forgotten how beautiful it Some Game Masters may wish to continue the
story created by this quest. The ideas below are not
all is,” Azkhell says with tears running down his cheeks as
a part of the main adventure but are suggestions
he takes in the splendor of Havdhir. “I can’t believe what a
about how to expand upon the events of this quest:
fool I have been for locking myself away in my tower like
this. I thought… well… never mind what I thought; I was • After the characters leave Azkhell’s tower, at
completely mad! I fear I may have set up several traps to a time of the Game Master’s choosing, the
keep intruders from disturbing me. My humblest apologies characters receive word that the mage has slipped
for that. For all you have done for me—you have no idea further (or once again) into madness. This time he
how much this means to me, being freed of my torment— is wreaking havoc on the city, slaying commoners
please… is there anything I can do to repay you?”
and using his magic to destroy buildings. The
characters are summoned by the Triumvirate to
put a stop to Azkhell’s spree.
Azkhell is cured of his agoraphobia.
• Azkhell sends word to the characters of a
Azkhell grants the characters rewards befitting his devious plot against him: nobles conspiring to
station. Some options are provided here: kill him! His claims might be paranoid… but they
might just be true. It is up to the characters to
• Any common or uncommon magical item. investigate.
• A title within Havdhir, such as “Mage Aider” or • If Eg-delp is alive, he finds himself unable to
“Friend of the Triumvirate.” deal with the mess of the characters’ visit to the
tower, and requests a vacation. Azkhell grants
• A mechanical pet bird for each of the characters
his request to travel to a remote island, and asks
(use Chirpee’s statistics for these Constructs).
the characters to accompany him. The island
• Gold, jewels, or art objects, totaling 500 gp in in question has been overrun by a band of ogre
value for each character. pirates, much to Eg-delp’s distress.

• Azkhell’s Boon. The mage enchants each character

with an enspelled tattoo in the shape of a tower.
Once per day, a character can use the magic of the
tattoo to gain advantage on a single attack roll,
saving throw, or ability check.


There is nothing of value in this area.

202 A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a
Tower Top
Stairs Down

1 Square = 5ft.

A z k h e l l ’s A g o r a p h o b i a 203
Stat Blocks

204 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks


Captain Marrow
Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 15 (studded leather)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)

Cabin Boy Danny Speed 30 ft.

Small Humanoid (Halfling), Chaotic Good STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 3 (1d6) Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +5, Wis +3
Speed 25 ft. Skills Athletics +5, Deception +4
Senses passive Perception 11
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Languages Common, Dwarvish
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Halfling Actions
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Multiattack. Captain Marrow makes three melee attacks:
Proficiency Bonus +2 two with his scimitar and one with his dagger. Or he makes
two ranged attacks with his daggers.
Brave. Danny has advantage on saving throws against being
frightened. Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Halfling Nimbleness. Danny can move through the space of a
Medium or larger creature. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Lucky. When Danny rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Reactions
Parry. Captain Marrow adds 2 to his AC against one melee
Actions attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. and be wielding a melee weapon.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Captain Marrow
Cabin Boy Danny Captain Marrow is a former pirate that has “gone straight.”
Cabin Boy Danny is a young halfling aboard the Tavernsbane He captains the Tavernsbane Freighter, a ship that
Freighter. He enjoys keeping pets despite the warnings of transports cheap booze and passengers to and from the
his captain, who is completely against bringing these animals port city of Havdhir. Captain Marrow has little patience for
onboard. Danny seeks to one day become a captain himself, insubordination and runs a tight ship. Despite his recent life
but his distracted nature and tendency to leave things changes, he is still most interested in coin over anything else
unfinished means this will likely never occur. but has developed some sense of honor and duty.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 205

Captain Marrow’s Crew
Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Lawful Neutral (50%) or
Chaotic Neutral (50%)

Armor Class 12 (leather armor)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.


11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Loyal. If the crew member has the lawful neutral alignment

and is within 30 feet of Captain Marrow, the crew member
has advantage on saving throws.

Actions First Mate Scur Bellos

Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf), Chaotic Neutral
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80 Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. Speed 30 ft.


Sticky Fingers. If the crew member has the chaotic neutral 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
alignment, it attempts to steal an item from a creature within
5 feet of it. The crew member makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Skills Acrobatics +3, Athletics +2
Hand) check opposed by the target’s Wisdom (Perception) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
check. If the crew member succeeds, it steals one item Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish
currently in the target’s hand. This cannot be a weapon, or Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
armor being worn. Proficiency Bonus +2

Captain Marrow’s Crew Member Fey Ancestry. Scur has advantage on saving throws against
Captain Marrow operates the Tavernsbane Freighter, and his being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
crew members ensure that the ship functions properly. These
crew members come from all walks of life, and (despite being Actions
intensely interviewed by both the captain and first mate of Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
the ship) the occasional pirate or ne’er-do-well has made it target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
into their number, normally due to the support of the first
mate, Scur Bellos. Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80
ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

First Mate Scur Bellos

Scur is an unknown plague upon the ship he sails on,
the Tavernsbane Freighter. Scur resents his captain and
commonly undermines his authority or engages in less-than-
legal activities to make some extra coin. Scur believes that as
long as something benefits him, it’s the right thing to do.

206 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Nihidium-Spawned Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage, and the target
Abomination (Aquatic) is grappled (escape DC 13) if it is a Huge or smaller creature.
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the
Large Construct, Typically Lawful Evil
abomination can’t use the same tentacle on another target.
The abomination has four tentacles.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) Throw Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, range 20/40
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft., swim 30 ft. ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d8 - 1) bludgeoning damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Nihidium-Spawned Abomination

12 (+1) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) The ancient stone of the mines of Shjekhel has been carved
into many things: weapons, armor, statues, and Constructs.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Nihidium-spawned abominations are creatures carved from
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned nihidium stones whose permeating souls have been partially
Senses darkvision 30 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., awakened, granting the abominations some semblance of
passive Perception 10 consciousness.
Languages understands Aquan, Dwarvish, and Terran but
can’t speak Servants of the Usurper. Nihidium-spawned abominations are
Challenge 1 (200 XP) formed by fusing the soul of a living creature with the latent
Proficiency Bonus +2 souls present in nihidium stone. Almost all such abominations
are sick mockeries of the ancient elemental creatures created by
Curse-Seeker. The abomination can pinpoint the location of any the Shjelborn clan of dwarves. Nihidium-spawned abominations
creature afflicted by the curse of the Usurper within 100 miles. serve the Usurper in his quest to destroy the remainder of the
Shjelborn clan and thereby free himself from the kingdom that is
Unusual Nature. The abomination doesn’t require air, food, now his prison.
drink, or sleep.
Aquatic Abomination. Aquatic nihidium-spawned abominations
Actions are designed specifically for seafaring. These creatures are
tasked by the Usurper to seek out those afflicted with his curse
Multiattack. The abomination makes two Throw Stone attacks. on the seas in order to slay sailors, sink ships, and prowl lakes and
rivers to hunt down the remaining dwarves of the Shjelborn clan
and those to whom they have passed their curse.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 207

Rainbow Snapper
Tiny Beast, Unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Old Lady Coraline Hit Points 24 (7d8 - 7)
Speed 0 ft., swim 40 ft.
Medium Humanoid (Tiefling), Neutral Good


Armor Class 10 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 1 (-5) 8 (-1) 2 (-4)
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 20 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages –
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 0 (10 XP)
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) Proficiency Bonus +2

Damage Resistances fire Water Breathing. The snapper can breathe only underwater.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Infernal Actions
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Rainbow Burst (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. The snapper splashes about, creating a mesmerizing light.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. Each creature that can see the snapper must succeed on a DC
6 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the snapper until the
Spellcasting. Old Lady Coraline casts the following spell, end of the snapper’s next turn.
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability:
At will: thaumaturgy Rainbow Snapper
Rainbow snappers are dazzling fish native to the coastal region
Old Lady Coraline around Havdhir. These fish resemble koi, but have far more
Old Lady Coraline is a senile tiefling in her twilight years. She vibrant colors in every spectrum imaginable. Some say they
commonly forgets where she placed things, where she is, are beautiful enough to delight the hardest heart, and a few
or what she is doing there. Coraline is genteel and friendly, old wives’ tales tell of fishermen so charmed by the loveliness
but her senility often causes her to become suspicious of of the fish that they toss them safely back into the water.
others. She has a hard time accepting that she has misplaced The hunting of rainbow snappers was outlawed by the local
or forgotten something, instead believing that the item has authorities after several coalitions of druids petitioned for the
been stolen or someone else is responsible for her confusion. species’ protection after a recent, rapid population decline.

208 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Swarm of Flying Squid around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for
1 minute, or until a significant current disperses it. After
Medium Swarm of Tiny Beasts, Unaligned releasing the ink, the swarm can use the Dash action as a
bonus action.
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7) If the swarm uses its Ink Burst while not underwater, ink
Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 40 ft. sprays in a 10-foot radius around the swarm, and each
creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
4 (-3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature can also
end the effect on itself by using its action to wipe the ink
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
from its face.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned Swarm of Flying Squid
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages – Swarms of flying squid can often be found near port cities,
Challenge 1 (200 XP) along coastal regions, or in coral reefs or other areas where
Proficiency Bonus +2 crustaceans and smaller fish are readily available. While they
are not bloodthirsty, swarms of flying squid quickly decimate
the populations of smaller sea-life in most areas where they
Hold Breath. While out of water, the swarm can hold its
venture. Swarms of flying squid have even been known to
breath for 30 minutes.
fly and hunt smaller prey on land. When food is scarce, the
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and swarms can become a real problem for sea-faring travelers
vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening and sailors, stealing fish from nets at best or flying aboard
large enough for a Tiny creature. The swarm can’t regain hit and attacking crew members at worst. The favored food of
points or gain temporary hit points. flying squid is rainbow snappers, which they corral and snatch
greedily into their maws.
Water Breathing. The swarm can breathe only underwater.
Invasive Species. Swarms of flying squid are native to the cold
Actions waters near the Darklands of Vlaskhell; although their ability to
fly, swim, and cross narrow straits of land has resulted in them
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
populating many seas all across the realm. Some druids fear
target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning
that this species will quickly invade and overpopulate various
damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is
ocean regions if something is not done to stop its spread.
grappled (escape DC 9). Until this grapple ends, the target is
restrained, and the swarm can’t grapple another target. Unknown Origin. The creatures’ strange anatomy leads
many scholars and researchers to believe flying squid come
Spines. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 15/30 ft.,
from a place far beyond the Material Plane, though some
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
assert they are more likely the result of the experimentation
Ink Burst (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the of a mad druid or mage rather than an invasive species from
swarm uses its Ink Burst while underwater, a 10-foot-radius beyond the stars. Still… something about the creatures is
cloud of ink extends all around the swarm. The cloud spreads visually unsettling.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 209

Certain magic effects could reduce Vrormir’s exhaustion
level, as could finishing a long rest or being raised from the

An effect that removes exhaustion reduces his exhaustion

level as specified in the effect’s description, with all
exhaustion effects ending if Vrormir’s exhaustion level is
reduced below 1.

Stonecunning. Whenever Vrormir makes an Intelligence

(History) check related to the origin of stonework, he is
considered proficient in the History skill and adds double
his proficiency bonus to the check instead of his normal
proficiency bonus.

Vrormir Shjelborn Tool Proficiency. Vrormir is proficient with mason’s tools.

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Chaotic Good Actions

Armor Class 8 Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points current: 2, max: 5 (1d8 + 1) Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Speed current: 10 ft., max: 25 ft. Mending. Vrormir has in his possession the earth key of
Shjekhel. While holding this stone key, he can cast the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA mending spell at will.
12 (+1) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
Bonus Actions
Skills Deception +3, Persuasion +3
Band of Illusion. While Vrormir is wearing his band of illusion,
Damage Resistances poison
he disguises a single tattoo, marking, or blemish on his body.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
He may instead cause a form of disfigurement to appear; such
Languages Common, Dwarvish
as a missing eye, withered hand, or other malady confined to a
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
single part of the body. The effect lasts until Vrormir uses this
Proficiency Bonus +2
bonus action again or until the band is removed from his body.

Cursed. Vrormir is under the curse of the Usurper, and Vrormir Shjelborn
he carries the earth key of Shjekhel. If the stone key is
Vrormir is the last descendent of the fabled Shjelborn clan,
removed from his possession, it reappears the next day in his
which was cursed in ages past because of the clan’s deal with
possession again. Vrormir can pass ownership of the stone
the Usurper. Vrormir carries one of the three keys needed to
key on to a successor or successors, also passing the curse
reopen the mines of Shjekhel. He has sought the other keys
of the Usurper to them. Neither the remove curse spell nor
with the hope of reopening the mines and finding a cure for
the greater restoration spell have any effect on the curse
the curse that afflicts his family.
of the Usurper—nothing but the completion of the main
quest is able to end it. If he is killed, Vrormir’s soul is magically Near Death. The curse Vrormir carries has aged him
transported to the Lost Mines of Shjekhel where it becomes considerably. His old age has made him feeble, though he
Vrormir’s nihidium-spawned ghost. retains a fighting spirit in the face of danger. Vrormir is resigned
to the fact that if he draws any closer to death’s door, someone
Dwarven Resilience. Vrormir has advantage on saving throws
else must take on the curse of the Usurper so that he and his
against poison.
ancestors might still have a chance to finally know peace.
Exhausted. Vrormir begins with four levels of exhaustion.

Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed is 10 ft. instead of 25 ft.
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
4 Hit point maximum is 2 instead of 5
Vrormir suffers the effect of his current level of exhaustion as
well as all lower levels.

210 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Port City of

Arbus Quensel
Medium Humanoid (Elf), Lawful Good

Armor Class 18 (plate)

Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.
Animated Tentacle
Small Monstrosity, Unaligned STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 52 (8d6 + 24) Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2
Skills Perception +2
Speed 10 ft., swim 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 3 (700 XP)
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) Proficiency Bonus +2

Skills Athletics +6, Perception -1 Brave. Arbus has advantage on saving throws against being
Senses blindsight 10 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive frightened.
Perception 9
Languages – Fey Ancestry. Arbus has advantage on saving throws against
Challenge 0 (10 XP) being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Actions Multiattack. Arbus makes two melee attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a Medium or smaller creature.
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
animated tentacle can’t use its Slam attack on another target. 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.

Animated Tentacle Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For

1 minute, Arbus can utter a special command or warning
Animated tentacles are the severed tentacles of krakens
whenever a nonhostile creature that he can see within 30 feet
which are animated by strange necromantic magic, sometimes
of him makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can
serving as living traps or bizarre pets. The most famous of
add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand Arbus.
these tentacles can be found in the Sunken Dream Tavern.
A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time.
This effect ends if Arbus is incapacitated.

Parry. Arbus adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that
would hit him. To do so, Arbus must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.

Arbus Quensel
Arbus is an elf captain working in Havdhir’s Goldtower,
primarily watching through a magical scrying pool for potential
foes approaching the city. Arbus is exceedingly overworked,
paranoid, and frequently sounds the alarm needlessly.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 211

Arculf Proudbelly, Bandit
Captain Extraordinaire
Small Humanoid (Halfling), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15 (studded leather)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 25 ft.


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Bandit Captain Mage
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2 Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Any Non-Lawful Alignment
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4
Senses passive Perception 10
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Languages Common, Halfling
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Speed 30 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +2


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Multiattack. Arculf makes three melee attacks: two with his
scimitar and one with his dagger. Or Arculf makes two ranged
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2
attacks with his daggers.
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Senses passive Perception 10
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing Languages any two languages
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Proficiency Bonus +2
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Spellcasting (1/Day). Arculf casts fireball, requiring no
material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting Multiattack. The bandit makes three melee attacks: two with
ability (spell save DC 12). its scimitar and one with its dagger. Or the bandit makes two
ranged attacks with its daggers.
Parry. Arculf adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
would hit him. To do so, Arculf must see the attacker and be 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
wielding a melee weapon. damage.

Arculf Proudbelly, Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Bandit Captain Extraordinaire target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Arculf is a bandit captain with the rather dangerous ability to Spellcasting. The bandit casts greater invisibility, requiring no
cast the fireball spell. He frequently uses this ability as a way material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting
to deter the law from taking him in and to keep anyone from
“playing the hero” during his robberies.
Parry. The bandit adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, the bandit must see the attacker
and be wielding a melee weapon.

Bandit Captain Mage

Some individuals are born with magical abilities that allow
them to turn invisible. Those who turn to banditry are often
exceedingly effective at ambushing unwary travelers and at
putting their skills to good use as the leaders of roving bands.

212 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Baby Owlbear
Small Monstrosity, Unaligned

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 17 (5d6)
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.


13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Skills Perception +3 Brong

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Large Giant (Ogre), Chaotic Good
Languages –
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Armor Class 11 (leather apron)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 40 ft.
Keen Sight and Smell. The baby owlbear has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) 7 (-2)
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Proficiency Bonus +2
target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.
Baby Owlbear
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Baby owlbears are adorable little creatures that often grow target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
into feral monstrosities. A baby owlbear may look cute, but
it is just as likely to bite off a finger as it is to cuddle into an Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
outstretched hand. ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing
Rapid Growth. A baby owlbear requires 30 pounds of feed per
day. The owlbears native to the regions around Havdhir mature Brong
extremely quickly, reaching adulthood in a matter of months.
Brong is a friendly ogre operating a blacksmith’s shop in the
Unruly with Age. While many baby owlbears can be trained market district of Havdhir. Having been abandoned as a child
with enough time and effort, they almost always become and raised by a kindly craftsman, Brong does not have the
uncontrollable as they reach maturity—flying into rages or violent tendencies of a normal ogre. However, he is prone to
completely disobeying their masters’ commands when they fits of anger when a piece of metal isn’t shaping correctly or
reach adulthood. if anyone attempts to steal from him.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 213

Captain Silford Viddle Spellcasting. Captain Silford casts one of the following spells,
using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):
Small Humanoid (Gnome), Neutral Evil
At will: minor illusion
1/day: charm person
Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 66 (12d6 + 24) Bonus Actions
Speed 25 ft.
City Sprint. Captain Silford knows the fastest routes
throughout the city. While in Havdhir (but not while inside
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a building), Captain Silford can take the Dash action as a
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) bonus action.

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +2 Reactions

Skills Deception +5
Parry. Captain Silford adds 2 to his AC against one melee
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
attack that would hit him. To do so, Captain Silford must see
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish
the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Captain Silford Viddle
Captain Silford is a down-on-his-luck captain, relegated to
Gnome Cunning. Captain Silford has advantage on
the lowliest of positions in Blacktower. Captain Silford has
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against
a deep hatred for all vampires—his brother was slain by
one when they were children. Silford has been trying to get
Actions the Triumvirate and the other guards to take a threat from
Mornhaven seriously, but no one will listen to him.
Multiattack. Captain Silford makes four Shortsword attacks.
Amateur Illusionist. In his spare time, Silford practices
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one trickery and manipulation. By mastering these arcane arts,
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. he hopes to “convince” others that the threat of vampires
from the North is very real… even if he is using illusions to
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
prove his point.
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.

214 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Small Humanoid (Halfling), Neutral Good
Dragon, The
Armor Class 10 Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Chaotic Evil
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Speed 25 ft. Armor Class 18 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Senses passive Perception 10 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Languages Common, Halfling
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Saving Throws Str +5, Con +3
Proficiency Bonus +2 Skills Insight +3, Intimidation +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Damage Resistances fire
Brave. Charlotte has advantage on saving throws against Senses passive Perception 11
being frightened. Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Halfling Nimbleness. Charlotte can move through the space
Proficiency Bonus +2
of a Medium or larger creature.

Lucky. When Charlotte rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage
saving throw, she can reroll the die and must use the new roll. when the Dragon hits with it (included in the attack).

Actions Surprise Attack. If the Dragon surprises a creature and hits

it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target
Chef’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.
one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Charlotte is a halfling grocer working out of her shop, one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Ardhos’s Bounty, in the Havdhir market district. Charlotte is
well-known for her signature baked goods and is well-liked Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
by most all who step into her shop. This small halfling is reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
overflowing with joy and exuberance, and she always has a piercing damage.
kind word for those who enter her store. cont…

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 215

Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). The Dragon exhales fire in a
30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC
12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1

minute, the Dragon can utter a special command or warning
whenever a nonhostile creature that he can see within
30 feet of him makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The
creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and
understand the Dragon. A creature can benefit from only
one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the Dragon
is incapacitated. Drelzigok
The Dragon Medium Humanoid (Dragonborn), Lawful Neutral

The Dragon is an arrogant bugbear with his eyes set on

Armor Class 17 (splint)
claiming portions of Ardhos as his own. The Dragon has
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
always possessed the innate ability to breathe fire, claiming
Speed 30 ft.
he was the offspring of a great red dragon father and a
powerful bugbear mother. His claims, however, are rather
far from the truth: The bugbear was imbued with abilities as
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
a child by a small coven of hags who simply wanted to have
a bit of fun, giving a bugbear the power to breathe fire and
leaving a wand of fireballs for him to find for the thrill of it. Skills Athletics +7, Perception +3
Damage Resistances lightning
Arrogant. The Dragon is incredibly prideful and any affront Senses passive Perception 12
to what he considers to be his “honor” is met with flaming Languages Common, Draconic
breath and flailing morningstar. The Dragon is quick to anger, Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
flying into a rage at the slightest insult, and controls his Proficiency Bonus +3
subjects through brute force, fear, and the occasional bit of
awe. The Dragon wholly believes his claims, thinking himself Actions
destined to rule over Ardhos and over all bugbears on the Multiattack. Drelzigok makes two longsword attacks. If he has
continent some day. He also thinks of himself as a sort of a shortsword drawn, he can also make a shortsword attack.
“god king” among bugbears, his arrogance only growing with
his amassing of troops. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4)
Far-Reaching. Rumors of the Dragon have reached the slashing damage if used with two hands.
remotest corners of the continent and bugbears from all over
are venturing toward Ardhos to see if the claims are true. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
While the Dragon only controls the small handful of bugbears one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
he’s led for years as their chieftain, his name is finally
becoming recognized throughout the region. The Dragon’s Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
goals seem to be just within his grasp… if only he could stop 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
accidentally setting his subjects and the campsites on fire…
Lightning Breath (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
Drelzigok exhales lightning in a 30-­foot line that is 5 feet
wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) lightning damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Drelzigok is a well-paid bouncer working at the Crystal Lounge
in Havdhir’s Stonecentre district. Drelzigok is a former soldier,
having fought in many battles to the west of Havdhir against
the orcish kingdoms and clans of that region. He is a soldier at
heart and despises the more “gaudy” aspects of his job, such as
wearing a colorful and eccentric uniform.

216 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Erwin is a doppelganger that causes all manner of mischief
and delights in stealing the identities of others, sometimes
for their positions or wealth. Recently, Erwin killed the true
proprietor of the Havdhir Cemetery, taking over the job
himself. Erwin considers himself rather musical and is quite
full of himself, believing tales of “Erwin the Shifter” are being
told all throughout the realm. He delights in his subterfuge
and takes great joy in roleplaying others.
Medium Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Doppelganger),
Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 14
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.


11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Skills Deception +6, Insight +3

Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Ferelix Gorelia
Medium Humanoid (Dragonborn), Neutral Good
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Armor Class 10
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Shapechanger. Erwin can use his action to polymorph into
a Small or Medium Humanoid he has seen, or back into his
true form. His statistics, other than his size, are the same STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn't 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
transformed. He reverts to his true form if he dies.
Damage Resistances fire
Ambusher. Erwin has advantage on attack rolls against any Senses passive Perception 10
creature he has surprised. Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Surprise Attack. If Erwin surprises a creature and hits it with
Proficiency Bonus +2
an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes
an extra 10 (3d6) damage from the attack. Actions
Actions Pitchfork. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
Multiattack. Erwin makes two melee attacks.
Fire Breath (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Ferelix
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
Read Thoughts. Erwin magically reads the surface thoughts fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
of one creature within 60 feet of him. The effect can successful one.
penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone,
2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While the
Ferelix Gorelia
target is in range, Erwin can continue reading its thoughts, as Ferelix Gorelia is a gold dragonborn stable master operating
long as Erwin's concentration isn't broken (as if concentrating the largest stable in Havdhir. Ferelix is a kind soul who cares
on a spell). While reading the target's mind, Erwin has deeply for the animals in her care. She spends most of her
advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception, time cleaning the stables, feeding and grooming the horses,
Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against the target. and meticulously maintaining her place of business.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 217

Freya Magic Resistance. Freya has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Large Aberration (Arcane Witness), Lawful Neutral
Magic Sense. Freya can magically sense when a spell has
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) been cast within 1 mile of her, and if there are any magical
Hit Points 255 (30d10 + 90) items, locations, or other effects in that range. This sense is
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) vague and does not allow her to pinpoint the location of the
magic, just that it is somewhere within a mile of her.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 18 (+4)
Multiattack. Freya makes six Eye Ray attacks, and she can
Saving Throws Int +11, Wis +10, Cha +9 use Spellcasting.
Skills Arcana +11, Deception +9, History +11, Insight +10,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Perception +10, Persuasion +9, Sleight of Hand +8
Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception Eye Ray. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.
20 or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) force damage.
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish,
Infernal Illusory Appearance. Freya magically disguises herself
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) as a Medium creature she has seen, or resumes her true
Proficiency Bonus +5 appearance. When she disguises herself, any equipment
she is wearing or carrying takes on an appearance of her
Arcane Sight. At all times, Freya can detect magical auras choosing. She resumes her true appearance if she dies.
within 100 feet of her. She can see a faint aura around any
The changes wrought by Illusory Appearance fail to hold up
creature or object within range that is magical or under the
to physical inspection. For example, if Freya uses this action
effects of magic and knows the school of magic, if any.
to add a hat to her outfit, objects pass through the hat, and
Cursed Item Handler. Freya ignores the negative effects of anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel her
cursed items. eyestalks. Since she uses this trait to appear smaller than she
is, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch her will
Extra Attuning. Freya can be attuned to up to five magical bump into her while it’s seemingly still in midair.
items at a time.
To discern that Freya is disguised, a creature can use its
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Freya fails a saving throw, action to inspect her appearance and must succeed on a DC
she can choose to succeed instead. 19 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

218 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Spellcasting. Freya casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Intelligence as
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 19):

At will: glyph of warding, hold person, identify, locate

creature, tongues, zone of truth

3/day each: animate objects, scrying

Take Control. Freya attempts to take control of one magical

item within 30 feet of her, whether or not it is being worn or
carried. A creature wearing or carrying an item must make
a DC 19 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, Freya takes
control of the magic item. While Freya has control of the
item, she can use it as if she were wearing or carrying it. A
creature wearing or carrying an item controlled by Freya
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on all items it is wearing and carrying on
a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts until the object is on
another plane of existence or Freya dies. Garren Dirth
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Evil
Ward Item. Freya wards an item she touches against theft,
setting a return location she can see within 120 feet of her Armor Class 17 (chain shirt, shield)
for the item in case it is stolen. If the item is taken without Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)
Freya’s approval and moved more than 500 feet from Speed 30 ft.
the return location, it is magically teleported back to that
location 8 hours later. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
Bonus Actions
Activate Magic Item. Freya activates one magic item she is Skills Perception +4
wearing or carrying, or one she currently controls as a result Senses passive Perception 14
of having used Take Control. Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Appraise. Freya learns the value of an item in gold pieces, as Proficiency Bonus +2
well as any nonmagical properties it possesses.
Locate Thief. At the time a warded item teleports back to its
return location, Freya can touch the item to magically learn Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the identity and current whereabouts of the creature that one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
took the item.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Attune. When Freya takes control of an item using Take Bonus Actions
Control or when she touches a magic item that isn’t being City Sprint. Garren knows the fastest routes throughout the
worn or carried, she can attune to the item. city. While in Havdhir (but not while inside a building), he can
take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Freya is an arcane witness who is disguised as an elderly Garren Dirth
woman; she operates Freya’s Fantastical Items, the only Garren is a corrupt guard running rackets and threatening
magic item shop in all of Havdhir. Freya is obsessed with the good people of Havdhir. Garren has close ties with the
collecting, selling, and curating magical items. For her, there Grifter’s Guild, which allows him to very effectively skirt the
is no greater joy than the discovery of a new “piece” to sell or law that he is meant to uphold. Between these underworld
collect. She is a shrewd but fair business owner, though she ties, his ability to blackmail, to steal from convicts, and to
does deal with some unscrupulous sellers from time to time otherwise subvert the law of Havdhir; Garren is the worst
to get her hands on the most hard-to-find magical items. kind of corrupted civic servant.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 219

Gholbin Hearth Guiding Bolt (1/Day). Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range
120 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) radiant damage, and the
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Neutral next attack roll made against this target before the end of
Gholbin’s next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt) light glittering on the target until then.
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 25 ft. Spellcasting. Gholbin casts one of the following spells, using
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA At will: light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
3/day each: cure wounds, sanctuary

Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +5 2/day each: lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 1/day each: dispel magic, spirit guardians
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Bonus Actions
Proficiency Bonus +2
Divine Eminence. Gholbin expends the use of a spell he can
cast three times per day to cause his melee weapon attacks
Dwarven Resilience. Gholbin has advantage on saving
to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target
throws against poison.
on a hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the turn.
Stonecunning. Whenever Gholbin makes an Intelligence
If Gholbin expends the use of a spell he can cast only twice
(History) check related to the origin of stonework, he is
per day, the extra damage increases to 14 (4d6) instead. If
considered proficient in the History skill and adds double
Gholbin expends the use of a spell he can cast only once per
his proficiency bonus to the check instead of his normal
day, the extra damage increases to 17 (5d6) instead.
proficiency bonus.

Tool Proficiency. Gholbin is proficient with brewer’s tools. Gholbin Hearth

Gholbin is a cleric caretaker for the Temple of the Manifold
Actions Gods, ensuring that all are welcome to practice their various
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one religions within the massive city of Havdhir. Gholbin believes
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. in all gods and serves no one religion, fitting bits and pieces
from all the religions together into his one ever-changing
faith. Gholbin is a healer and philosopher of some renown.

220 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Gronth Actions
Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc), Neutral Evil Multiattack. Gronth makes three melee attacks: two with
his scimitar and one with his dagger. Or Gronth makes two
ranged attacks with his daggers.
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Speed 30 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +5, Wis +2 Parry. Gronth adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that
Skills Athletics +5, Deception +4, Intimidation +4 would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker and be
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 wielding a melee weapon.
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Gronth
Proficiency Bonus +2 Gronth is the half-orc owner of Morvin’s Sorrow Pit, a fighting
arena. He is an intimidating figure, though he secretly thinks
Relentless Endurance (Recharges after a Long Rest). When of himself as an entertainer, putting together only the best
Gronth is reduced to 0 hit points, he drops to 1 hit point instead. “shows’’ for his patrons. Gronth has connections that allow
him to run his fights, which fall very much in a gray area in
Savage Attacks. When Gronth scores a critical hit with terms of Havdhirian law.
a melee weapon attack, he can roll one of the weapon’s
damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra
damage of the critical hit.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 221

Havdhir Guard
Medium Humanoid (Any), Typically Lawful Good

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)

Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range

80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions
City Sprint. The Havdhir guard knows the fastest routes
throughout the city. While in Havdhir (but not while inside
a building), the guard can take the Dash action as a bonus

Hammer of Havdhir Havdhir Guard

Small Construct, Lawful Good Havdhir guards, regular and mage, are the pride of the city.
They have undergone intensive training and been schooled
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) in advanced fighting and team tactics far beyond the
Hit Points 24 (7d6) capabilities of the common guards of other cities. Havdhir
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) guards are usually fiercely loyal to the city of Havdhir, to the
Triumvirate, and to the people they have sworn to protect.
However, the occasional bad apple does slip through the
ranks, and the Grifter’s Guild is skilled at grooming less-well-
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
off guards to act as corrupt informants and accomplices.

Skills Perception +0 Observant. Havdhir guards are more perceptive than most,
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive trained to spot thieves, charlatans, and other members of the
Perception 10 Grifter’s Guild in an attempt to put a stop to the rampant theft
Languages – and criminal activities within the less affluent districts of Havdhir.
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Signature Look. All Havdhir guards wear some variation of the
classic Havdhirian uniform: a blue uniform trimmed in gold,
Actions often with a symbol identifying the wearer’s rank emblazoned
in gold on the front. Lower-ranking guards often have a ship
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., stitched on the front of their uniforms, middling guards often
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. have a warhammer, and the highest-ranking guards usually
have a mountain carefully sewn into their uniforms as a symbol
Hammer of Havdhir of their authority. All Havdhir guards that aren’t mages carry
The Hammer of Havdhir is a magical weapon that is animated the signature weapons associated with the Havdhirian military:
by any unlawful entrance into the Havdhir Barracks Armory. a warhammer and a light crossbow.

222 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Havdhir Mage
Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Any Alignment

Armor Class 18 (plate)

Hit Points 40 (9d8)
Speed 30 ft.


9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4

Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Histell
Senses passive Perception 11 Medium Humanoid (Lizardfolk), Chaotic Good
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Halfling
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Hit Points 40 (9d8)
Actions Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Firebolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft., one Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4
target. Hit: 11 (2d10) fire damage, and the target ignites if it is Skills Arcana +6, History +6 , Perception +4, Stealth +5,
a flammable object that isn’t being worn or carried. Survival +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Spellcasting. The mage casts one of the following spells, using Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14): Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
At will: light, mage hand, prestidigitation Proficiency Bonus +3
2/day each: greater invisibility, ice storm, misty step, suggestion
Hold Breath. Histell can hold his breath for 15 minutes.
1/day each: cone of cold, counterspell, detect magic, fireball,
fly, mage armor, magic missile, shield Actions
Havdhir Mage Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Havdhir guards, regular and mage, are the pride of the city. Hit: 2 (1d6 - 1) piercing damage.
They have undergone intensive training and been schooled in Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
advanced fighting and team tactics far beyond the capabilities or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
of the common guards of other cities—Havdhir mages have
even drilled until they are proficient with heavy armor! Havdhir Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft., one
guards are usually fiercely loyal to the city of Havdhir, to the target. Hit: 11 (2d10) fire damage, and the target ignites if it is a
Triumvirate, and to the people they have sworn to protect. flammable object that isn’t being worn or carried.
However, the occasional bad apple does slip through the ranks, Spellcasting. Histell casts one of the following spells, using
and the Grifter’s Guild is skilled at grooming less-well-off Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
guards to act as corrupt informants and accomplices.
At will: light, mage hand, prestidigitation
Observant. Havdhir guards are more perceptive than most,
trained to spot thieves, charlatans, and other members of the 2/day each: greater invisibility, ice storm, misty step, suggestion
Grifter’s Guild in an attempt to put a stop to the rampant theft 1/day each: cone of cold, counterspell, detect magic, fireball,
and criminal activities within the less affluent districts of Havdhir. fly, magic missile, shield
Signature Look. All Havdhir guards wear some variation
of the classic Havdhirian uniform: a blue uniform trimmed
in gold, often with a symbol identifying the wearer’s rank Histell is a lizardfolk mage and apothecary who works from his
emblazoned in gold on the front. Lower-ranking guards often small shop in the Havdhir Market District. From his shop, Histell
have a ship stitched on the front of their uniforms, middling sells alchemical ingredients, scrolls, and magic-related items.
guards often have a warhammer, and the highest-ranking Histell is secretly attracted to Charlotte of Ardhos’s Bounty,
guards usually have a mountain carefully sewn into their but he is incredibly shy and has not professed his feelings to
uniforms as a symbol of their authority. the halfling grocer.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 223

Ivan Hearthstone
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 5 (1d8 + 1)
Speed 25 ft.


Isha Grey 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Small Humanoid (Gnome), Neutral Good Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Armor Class 10 Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Hit Points 3 (1d6) Proficiency Bonus +2
Speed 25 ft.
Dwarven Resilience. Ivan has advantage on saving throws
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA against poison.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Stonecunning. Whenever Ivan makes an Intelligence
(History) check related to the origin of stonework, he is
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
considered proficient in the History skill and adds double
Languages Common, Gnomish
his proficiency bonus to the check instead of his normal
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
proficiency bonus.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Tool Proficiency. Ivan is proficient with smith’s tools.
Gnome Cunning. Isha has advantage on Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic. Actions
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. Ivan Hearthstone
Ivan is a bored notary working out of the Havdhir Notary and
Isha Grey
Exchange. He spends his days pushing paperwork and has
Isha is a gnome shipbuilder plying his trade on the Havdhir generally lost most of his zest for life. Ivan desperately hopes
docks. The gnome has been working as a shipbuilder in one that adventure will enter his life or that he might be privy
capacity or another for decades; and he knows just about to the adventures of another. Despite this, his unwavering
everything there is to know about ships, the Havdhir docks, attention to detail and tendency to be a stickler for the rules
and the waters surrounding the port city. mean that his hopes are likely never to be fulfilled.

224 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Ivar Lorton
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 25 ft.


11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Izak Pilf
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Neutral
Dwarven Resilience. Ivar has advantage on saving throws
against poison. Armor Class 10
Stonecunning. Whenever Ivar makes an Intelligence (History) Hit Points 5 (1d8 + 1)
check related to the origin of stonework, he is considered Speed 25 ft.
proficient in the History skill and adds double his proficiency
bonus to the check instead of his normal proficiency bonus. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Tool Proficiency. Ivar is proficient with mason’s tools. 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Actions Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Languages Common
Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Parry. Ivar adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that Dwarven Resilience. Izak has advantage on saving throws
would hit him. To do so, Ivar must see the attacker and be against poison.
wielding a melee weapon.
Stonecunning. Whenever Izak makes an Intelligence (History)
Ivar Lorton check related to the origin of stonework, he is considered
Ivar is a portly dwarf who serves as one of the three members proficient in the History skill and adds double his proficiency
of the Triumvirate, representing the interests of the Iron- bonus to the check instead of his normal proficiency bonus.
Lender’s Association and of Lorton Bank, his family business.
Tool Proficiency. Izak is proficient with brewer’s tools.
Glutton. Ivar is almost never seen without breadcrumbs on his
beard, a wine stain on his lips, or a bit of chicken or other meat Actions
hanging from his mouth. The dwarf is almost always stuffing
his face and eats a minimum of five meals a day, all of them Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
multi-course meals. Ivar enjoys nothing more than food, drink, Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
coin, and fine objects… company be damned!
Izak Pilf
Hoarder. Ivar has accumulated vast wealth due to his position
and greatly enjoys purchasing lovely things to add to his Izak is the owner of the Sunken Dream Tavern: a partially
various collections. submerged ship turned bar. Izak is a gruff proprietor, and
Skinflint. Despite his vast wealth and position of power, Ivar his patrons are usually the lowlifes and poor of the city. The
has little interest in helping the less fortunate in Havdhir, dwarf is extremely proud of his bar and very protective of the
fearing that his lavish lifestyle might suffer from sharing even a animated tentacle that is regularly used for contests there,
single coin with a beggar on the street. treating the tentacle like a beloved pet.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 225

Linrin Softstep
Small Humanoid (Halfling), Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 16 (leather armor)

Hit Points 99 (18d6 + 36)
Speed 25 ft.


16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Sleight of Hand +11,

John Mason Stealth +11
Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Halfling
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Armor Class 10
Proficiency Bonus +3
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Attunement Mastery. Linrin can attune to a magical item by
using an action instead of the usual time required to attune to
a magic item.
11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
Brave. Linrin has advantage on saving throws against
Senses passive Perception 10 being frightened.
Languages Common, Halfling
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Halfling Nimbleness. Linrin can move through the space of a
Proficiency Bonus +2 Medium or larger creature.

Actions Improvised Weapon Mastery. Linrin is proficient with all

improvised weapons.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage. Lock Picking. Linrin is proficient with thieves’ tools. When
using them, he adds twice his proficiency bonus to Dexterity
John Mason checks made to open locks.
John Mason is a young commoner native to Havdhir with a Lucky. When Linrin rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or
desperate longing for adventure. John lives a normal life, saving throw, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
usually working in his father’s cobbler shop, but he dreams of
one day sailing far from Havdhir. Recently, John has discovered Spider Climb. Linrin can climb difficult surfaces, including
what he believes to be a pirate’s treasure map, leading to the upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
famous hidden pirate treasure on Vrehnor Isle. ability check. cont…

226 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Multiattack. Linrin makes three attacks.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.

or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range

30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage, and
the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or fall unconscious for 1 minute. The target wakes up if it takes
damage or if another creature uses an action to shake it awake.
Percival Bingsley
Swift Attunement. Linrin attunes to an item. Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful Neutral

Bonus Actions
Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, Linrin takes Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
the Hide action. Speed 25 ft.

Sticky Fingers. Linrin attempts to steal one item from a

creature within 5 feet of him. Linrin makes a Dexterity (Sleight
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
of Hand) check opposed by the target’s Wisdom (Perception)
check. If Linrin succeeds, he steals the item; even if the target
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
was wearing or carrying the item and even if the item was
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
being wielded as a weapon or was worn as armor.
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Linrin Softstep Proficiency Bonus +2
Linrin is a suspicious halfling who steals precious items for the
Grifter’s Guild, to which he belongs. Linrin trusts no one apart Dwarven Resilience. Percival has advantage on saving
from his best friend, Yornil, and commonly wears oversized throws against poison.
clothes that conceal part or all of his features. Linrin and Stonecunning. Whenever Percival makes an Intelligence
Yornil have big plans to rob the Lorton Bank. Linrin is a fairly (History) check related to the origin of stonework, he is
accomplished burglar and has pulled off many heists in the considered proficient in the History skill and adds double
city of Havdhir: robbing wagons, nobles’ houses, and even a his proficiency bonus to the check instead of his normal
few businesses. proficiency bonus.
Tool Proficiency. Percival is proficient with smith’s tools.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. Percival casts the following spell, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability:
At will: identify

Parry. Percival adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that
would hit him. To do so, Percival must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.

Percival Bingsley
Percival Bingsley is the owner and operator of Percival’s
Appraisal: a well-to-do jewelry, antiquities, and precious items
shop in Havdhir. Percival is very snobbish and will occasionally
bar shoppers from entering his establishment if they are
“underdressed.” The dwarf thinks of himself as a critic of beauty,
putting his skills to use by sorting the trash from the treasure.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 227

Phillius Pennyworth
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral

Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft. Rufus Welfore
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) Armor Class 10
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5 Speed 30 ft.
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Actions Languages Common, Dwarvish
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Challenge 0 (10 XP)
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. Proficiency Bonus +2

Reactions Actions
Parry. Phillius adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.
would hit him. To do so, Phillius must see the attacker and be or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
wielding a melee weapon.
Rufus Welfore
Phillius Pennyworth Rufus is an out-of-work sailor with heavy drinking and
Phillius is a well-dressed representative of the Triumvirate. gambling problems. Rufus has defaulted on several loans
He determines who will see the three leaders of Havdhir and and is in deep debt to the Grifter’s Guild, owing them a hefty
schedules entreaties and visits. While the Triumvirate itself sum. Rufus’s wife, Anna, has been kidnapped by the guild as a
rules all of Havdhir, Phillius has perhaps one of the most result of Rufus defaulting on his loans. Rufus is not a bad man,
overlooked and powerful positions in the city: determining simply one at the end of his rope, chewed up and spat out by
who gets to speak to its leaders. the city and his own vices.

228 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Sir Archibold Scath
Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)
Selene Glintyal
Medium Humanoid (Tiefling), Chaotic Neutral Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc
Armor Class 11
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

Skills Deception +6, Insight +4, Persuasion +6 Reactions

Damage Resistances fire
Parry. Archibold adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
that would hit him. To do so, Archibold must see the attacker
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Infernal
and be wielding a melee weapon.
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Sir Archibold Scath
Actions Sir Archibold Scath is the leader of the Shipbuilder’s Guild
in Havdhir. While not of noble blood, Sir Archibold has risen
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
through the ranks, working his way up from lowly jobs aboard
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
ships to his current, lofty position. As the leader of the guild, he
Spellcasting. Selene casts the following spell, using Charisma serves as one of the three members of the Triumvirate.
as the spellcasting ability:
Bored. Sir Archibold is bored by the various meetings, politics,
At will: thaumaturgy and duties of serving as a member of the Triumvirate. He is
the most likely to disagree with policy or to change his vote in
Reactions meetings… simply to cause drama (or, as he likes to call it, “a bit
of fun”). Sir Archibold’s favorite part of being a member of the
Parry. Selene adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack that Triumvirate is the various galas, pageants, and other events he
would hit her. To do so, Selene must see the attacker and be gets to attend owing to his station.
wielding a melee weapon.
Rags to Riches. Sir Archibold is very aware of his lowly
Selene Glintyal beginnings. He has not forgotten the poor and lowly of Havdhir
and usually votes in their favor, trying to aid those in Havdhir
Selene is the eccentric owner of the gaudy Crystal Lounge in that might simply need the chance to pull themselves up by
the Stonecentre district of Havdhir; she enjoys tending to the their bootstraps as he did so long ago.
bar herself. The Crystal Lounge sports some of the highest-
end alcohol in Havdhir, much of it created in the distillery Illegitimate Title. While he demands to be referred to as “Sir”
beneath her establishment. Selene can often be found Archibold Scath, the origins of Archibold’s title are dubious at
experimenting with new and unusual concoctions, creating best. Supposedly, he won the title from a noble in a card game;
interesting drinks for her affluent patrons. Havdhirian lawyers argue vehemently over whether that’s legal.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 229

Small Humanoid (Gnome), Neutral Good

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)

Snick the Guzzling Hit Points 11 (2d6 + 4)
Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Neutral Evil Speed 25 ft.

Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 7 (2d6) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Perception +4
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) Languages Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Skills Stealth +6 Proficiency Bonus +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Goblin Gnome Cunning. Svelvhar has advantage on Intelligence,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Nimble Escape. Snick can take the Disengage or Hide action Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
as a bonus action on each of his turns. one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Actions Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range

80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. Bonus Actions
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 City Sprint. Svelvhar knows the fastest routes throughout
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. the city. While in Havdhir (but not while inside a building),
Svelvhar can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Snick the Guzzling
Snick the Guzzling is the greedy owner of the Guzzling Goblin
bar. Snick keeps his ear well trained, listening to the various Svelvhar is a gnome guard working as a cook for the rest of
rumors circulating around Havdhir and putting up a bounty the soldiers in the Havdhir Barracks. Svelvhar comes from
board with various jobs for anyone who might be interested. a long line of guardsmen but isn’t well-suited for the role;
The goblin is filled with avarice, charging exorbitant prices for he was relegated to cooking duty after having too many
the privilege of drinking in a bar with very few rules. accidents on the job.

230 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Verillin Sylva
Terra Medium Humanoid (Elf), Neutral Evil

Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc), Neutral Armor Class 16 (breastplate)

Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Armor Class 17 (splint) Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft. 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Perception +4, Persuasion +5
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +2, Perception +2 Proficiency Bonus +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Orc Fey Ancestry. Verillin has advantage on saving throws against
Challenge 3 (700 XP) being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Trance. When Verillin meditates deeply for 4 hours, she gains
the benefits of a long rest.
Relentless Endurance (Recharges after a Long Rest).
When Terra is reduced to 0 hit points, she drops to 1 hit Actions
point instead.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Savage Attacks. When Terra scores a critical hit with a melee target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
weapon attack, she can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice Reactions
one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
critical hit. Parry. Verillin adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack that
would hit her. To do so, Verillin must see the attacker and be
Actions wielding a melee weapon.

Multiattack. Terra makes two longsword attacks. If she has a Verillin Sylva
shortsword drawn, she can also make a shortsword attack. Verillin Sylva is the head of the Golden Trade Company, arguably
one of the most powerful members of the Triumvirate, and
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., possibly the most powerful person in all of Havdhir.
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3)
slashing damage if used with two hands. Long Term. Verillin created the Golden Trade Company, was
one of the merchants to sign the Crimson Concordant, and is
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one currently the longest-serving member of the Triumvirate. The
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage. history of Havdhir has been molded by her hand more than
perhaps any other person in history.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
Self-Absorbed. Verillin cares little for the citizens of Havdhir.
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
Instead, she ensures that policies are put in place that will
best serve herself and her business. She is exceedingly
Terra cunning: backstabbing other politicians or rivals, bribing,
Terra is a fletcher and shopkeep operating Wolf’s Last Rest, blackmailing, or otherwise bending others to her will.
a shop that sells pelts as well as hunting supplies. Terra is Vampire Ties. Verillin’s position is bolstered by her ties to
a scarred and traumatized half-orc whose husband and the vampires of Mornhaven in the north. She is able to call in
daughter were both eaten by ogres. The shopkeep has favors from the vampires, set up favorable terms for removal
developed a callous attitude, determined that nothing will of “unwanted citizens,” and otherwise conducts business
ever again hurt her so deeply as the loss of her family. She has that serves to strengthen her own company through her
few friends and spends most of her free time drinking at the connections with the powerful vampire houses and their own
Guzzling Goblin and hunting in the wilds outside of Havdhir. business ventures far north of Havdhir.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 231

Medium Humanoid (Elf), Neutral

Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)

Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +4

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Verin Languages Common, Elvish, Undercommon
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf), Neutral Evil Proficiency Bonus +2

Armor Class 10 Fey Ancestry. Viekiir has advantage on saving throws against
Hit Points 4 (1d8) being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
Speed 30 ft. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Viekiir has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
Skills Deception +3, Insight +2 Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Challenge 0 (10 XP) 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and
Proficiency Bonus +2 the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by
Fey Ancestry. Verin has advantage on saving throws against 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in
this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another
being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
creature takes an action to shake it awake.
Actions Spellcasting. Viekiir casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 11):
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
At will: dancing lights
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
1/day each: darkness, faerie fire
Verin is a shady businessman selling both legal and not-so-legal
Viekiir is a somewhat shady businessman who owns the
wares in the Market District of Havdhir. Verin is unscrupulous in Menagerie, an exotic animals shop in Havdhir. Viekiir is an
the extreme, with close ties to the Grifter’s Guild and no qualms expert in all things animal and knows a great deal about the
at all about stealing from his customers. Verin is exceedingly various traits and abilities of creatures far and wide. The elf is
seedy in appearance and mannerism, but he acts as a valuable a showman, exceedingly extravagant and overexaggerated in
fence for many of the degenerates of Havdhir. all that he does.

232 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Vlaskor Actions
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful Good Multiattack. Vlaskor makes two melee attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Armor Class 18 (plate) target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)
Speed 25 ft. Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
minute, Vlaskor can utter a special command or warning
whenever a nonhostile creature that he can see within 30 feet
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2
of him makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand Vlaskor.
Languages Common
A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
This effect ends if Vlaskor is incapacitated.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Brave. Vlaskor has advantage on saving throws against being
frightened. Parry. Vlaskor adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that
would hit him. To do so, Vlaskor must see the attacker and be
Dwarven Resilience. Vlaskor has advantage on saving throws wielding a melee weapon.
against poison.
Stonecunning. Whenever Vlaskor makes an Intelligence
Vlaskor is a guard captain serving the good people of Havdhir
(History) check related to the origin of stonework, he is
mostly by “riding a desk.” After years of working the streets,
considered proficient in the History skill and adds double
Vlaskor was elevated to the rank of captain… only to find that
his proficiency bonus to the check instead of his normal
the vast majority of his time would be spent dealing with legal
proficiency bonus.
disputes, filing paperwork, and otherwise managing the laws
Tool Proficiency. Vlaskor is proficient with smith’s tools. of Havdhir in matters not worthy of the Triumvirate’s attention
(which are most of them).

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 233

Yornil Grimdelver Tool Proficiency. Yornil is proficient with mason’s tools.

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Chaotic Neutral Actions

Multiattack. Yornil makes three attacks.
Armor Class 16 (leather armor)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Speed 25 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage, and
the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or fall unconscious for 1 minute. The target wakes up if it takes
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Sleight of Hand +11,
damage or if another creature uses an action to shake it awake.
Stealth +11
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Swift Attunement. Yornil attunes to an item.
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Bonus Actions
Proficiency Bonus +3
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, Yornil takes the
Hide action.
Attunement Mastery. Yornil can attune to a magical item by
using an action instead of the usual time required to attune to a Sticky Fingers. Yornil attempts to steal one item from a creature
magic item. within 5 feet of him. Yornil makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check opposed by the target’s Wisdom (Perception) check.
Dwarven Resilience. Yornil has advantage on saving throws
If Yornil succeeds, he steals the item; even if the target was
against poison.
wearing or carrying the item and even if the item was being
Improvised Weapon Mastery. Yornil is proficient with all wielded as a weapon or worn as armor.
improvised weapons.
Yornil Grimdelver
Lock Picking. Yornil is proficient with thieves’ tools. When using Yornil is a thief with big dreams, hoping to pull off the greatest
them, he adds twice his proficiency bonus to Dexterity checks heist of all time by stealing from the vaults of Lorton Bank. With
made to open locks. this heist, Yornil plans to go down in the history books as the
greatest thief of all time. He is a member of the Grifter’s Guild
Spider Climb. Yornil can climb difficult surfaces, including upside
and is an accomplished cat burglar, working with his close friend
down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Linrin Softstep. Of the pair, Yornil is the leader, usually doing the
Stonecunning. Whenever Yornil makes an Intelligence (History) talking for the duo and formulating their plans.
check related to the origin of stonework, he is considered
proficient in the History skill and adds double his proficiency
bonus to the check instead of his normal proficiency bonus.

234 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Vrehnor Isle

Captain Bharros the Brave Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Small Humanoid (Kobold), Chaotic Neutral
Wand of Magic Missiles (7 total charges). While holding his
Armor Class 13 wand of magic missiles, Captain Bharros expends 1 or more
Hit Points 77 (22d6) of its 7 charges to cast the magic missile spell from it. He can
Speed 30 ft., swim 10 ft. expend 1 charge to cast the 1st-level version of the spell; he
can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional
charge he expends.
7 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1
minute, Captain Bharros can utter a special command or
Skills Acrobatics +5, Deception +4, Insight +2, Survival +2 warning whenever a nonhostile creature that he can see
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 8 within 30 feet of him makes an attack roll or a saving throw.
Languages Common, Draconic The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear
Challenge 1 (200 XP) and understand Captain Bharros, whose commands come
Proficiency Bonus +2 in nonsense naval phrases that usually only his crew can
understand. A creature that is not a member of Captain
Dragon-Blooded. Because of his draconic ancestry, Captain Bharros’s crew must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight)
Bharros counts as a sorcerer for the purpose of attuning to check to understand the command or warning. A creature
magic items. can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This
effect ends if Captain Bharros is incapacitated.
Pack Tactics. Captain Bharros has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 feet of Captain Bharros the Brave
the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Captain Bharros is an ambitious kobold who desperately
Sunlight Adept. Captain Bharros has spent a great deal of time wants to prove himself as a terrifying brigand of the sea.
alternating his eyepatch and adjusting his vision to the harsh Captain Bharros has absolutely no naval experience but
light of the sun and back to the darkness below deck. He does makes up for this with his charismatic personality and
not have the usual Sunlight Sensitivity trait of kobolds, and he overwhelming confidence.
can see twice as far in the dark as an ordinary kobold.
Treasure Seeker. Captain Bharros is obsessed with treasure
Actions and would sacrifice just about anything for a share of some.
He recently won a guide to take him safely through a set of
Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one traps on Vrehnor Isle. He believes discovering the treasure on
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. this isle will make him a well-respected pirate.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 235

Captain Bharros’s Crew Stolen Scrolls
Small Humanoid (Kobold), Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 5 (2d6 - 2)
Speed 30 ft.


7 (-2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8

Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Pack Tactics. The crew member has advantage on an attack

roll against a creature if at least one of the crew member’s
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the crew member

has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Medium Fey, Chaotic Evil
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21)
Captain Bharros’s Crew Member Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

Members of Captain Bharros’s crew are rough and tumble

brigands, pirates who sail the seas in search of treasure and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
make port to ransack small settlements. These crewmen may 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
follow Bharros out of fear, respect, admiration, the promise
of gold, or a combination of all the above. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Aquan, Common, Giant
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Amphibious. Gluck-glubruhk can breathe air and water.

Horrific Appearance. Any Humanoid that starts its turn

within 30 feet of Gluck-glubruhk and can see her true form
must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
the creature is frightened for 1 minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with
disadvantage if Gluck-glubruhk is within line of sight, ending
the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Gluck-glubruhk’s Horrific Appearance for the next 24 hours.

236 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Lawful Evil
Unless the target is surprised or the revelation of Gluck-
glubruhk’s true form is sudden, the target can avert its eyes Armor Class 16 (hide armor, shield)
and avoid making the initial saving throw. Until the start of its Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
next turn, a creature that averts its eyes has disadvantage on Speed 30 ft.
attack rolls against Gluck-glubruhk.
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. Skills Stealth +6, Survival +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Death Glare. Gluck-glubruhk targets one frightened
Languages Common, Goblin
creature she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
see Gluck-glubruhk, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom
Proficiency Bonus +2
saving throw against this magic or drop to 0 hit points.

Illusory Appearance. Gluck-glubruhk covers herself and Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage
anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that when Groggle hits with it (included in the attack).
makes her look like an ugly creature of her general size and
Humanoid shape. The effect ends if Gluck-glubruhk takes a Surprise Attack. If Groggle surprises a creature and hits it
bonus action to end it or if she dies. with an attack during the first round of combat, the target
takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.
The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to
physical inspection. For example, Gluck-glubruhk could Actions
appear to have no claws, but someone touching her hand Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
might feel the claws. Otherwise, a creature must take an one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage.
action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC
16 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that Gluck- Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
glubruhk is disguised. ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing
damage in melee or 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage at range.
Gluck-glubruhk is a wicked sea hag who resides in a water-
filled chamber in Horn’s Head Cave. Like all sea hags, she Groggle is a bugbear serving as a bodyguard and
despises anything beautiful and wishes for the destruction unquestioning lackey to his boss, Orphos. Groggle is
of pure and lovely things. Gluck-glubruhk commonly uses dim-witted and overly fond of violence, even for a bugbear.
illusion to portray herself as a human woman in need, Groggle has no particular skills that make him any more
dragging those who attempt to help her to the depths to be effective at his job than the average bugbear, save for his
drowned and devoured. almost religious dedication to his boss.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 237

Orphos Spellcasting. Orphos casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Charisma as the
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Neutral Evil spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):

Armor Class 13 At will: mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation

Hit Points 126 (23d8 + 23) 3/day each: bane, false life
Speed 30 ft.
2/day: blindness/deafness
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1/day each: bestow curse, major image
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 18 (+4)
Legendary Actions
Skills Arcana +4, Deception +7, Religion +4, Stealth +6, Orphos can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Survival +4 options below. Only one legendary option can be used at a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Orpheus
Languages Common, Goblin regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3 Quick Spell. Orphos makes a Ray of Frost attack.

Evil Eye (Costs 2 Actions). Orphos fixes his gaze on one

Surprise Attack. If Orphos surprises a creature and hits it
creature he can see within 10 feet of him. The creature must
with an attack during the first round of combat, the target
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw against this magic
takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.
or become frightened of Orphos for 1 minute. The frightened
Surprise Spellcasting. During the first round of combat, if creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Orphos casts a spell requiring a saving throw, the DC for the turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the creature’s
saving throw increases by 2 for creatures affected by the saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
spell who have not yet had a turn. is immune to Orphos’s Evil Eye for the next 24 hours.

Actions Curse (Costs 3 Actions). Orphos chooses up to three

creatures within 30 feet of him that he can see. Each target
Cursed Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or gain
5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 3
disadvantage on attacks against Orphos for 1 minute. A
(1d4 + 1) necrotic damage or 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage
plus 3 (1d4 + 1) necrotic damage if wielded with two hands. creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Inflict Wounds (1/Day). Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) necrotic damage. Orphos
Curse Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 30 ft., Orphos is a bugbear curse-caster, a goblinoid of evil who
one creature. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) necrotic damage plus 2 (1d4) is dedicated to uncovering the secrets of dark magic. Like
force damage. all curse-casters, Orphos spends a great deal of his time
studying ancient texts and searching for hidden repositories
Ray of Frost. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 60 ft., one
of knowledge to expand his understanding of curses, jinxes,
creature. Hit: 4 (1d8) cold damage, and the target’s speed is
and other foul magic.
reduced by 10 feet until the start of Orphos’s next turn.

238 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Paying the Grifter's
Guild… a Visit

Anna Welfore Anna suffers the effect of her current level of exhaustion as
well as all lower levels.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Good
Certain magic effects could reduce Anna’s exhaustion level,
Armor Class 10 as could finishing a long rest or being raised from the dead.
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
An effect that removes exhaustion reduces her exhaustion
Speed current: 15 ft., max: 30 ft.
level as specified in the effect’s description, with all exhaustion
effects ending if Anna’s exhaustion level is reduced below 1.
11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) Actions
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Senses passive Perception 10
Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Anna Welfore
Proficiency Bonus +2
Anna Welfore is a peasant woman living in the port city of
Exhausted. Anna begins with three levels of exhaustion. Havdhir. A kind-hearted soul, she has fallen on hard times
after her husband got into trouble with the Grifter’s Guild
Level Effect over gambling debts that he could not afford to pay.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed is 15 ft. instead of 30 ft.
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 239

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 2 (1d4) poison damage.

Diseased Bile. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range

30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) poison damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or
contract sewer plague.

Explosive Pus. In response to taking damage, the rat releases
a burst of pus, targeting a creature within 5 feet of it. That
creature must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw
or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success.

Drain Rat
Drain Rat Drain rats are massive rats that are normally found in sewers
Medium Beast, Unaligned or waterways of urban areas. These rats subsist on refuse and
are usually covered in disgusting boils filled with putrid pus;
Armor Class 13 they also sport extra legs, eyes, and other mutations caused
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) by generations of pollution, inbreeding, and disease.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Disease Harbingers. Drain rats carry a multitude of diseases
culminating in sewer plague, and they have a horrible odor
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA that accompanies them. Normally, an infestation of drain rats
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) is first discovered due to the fetid stench exuding from areas
in which they nest or due to an unusual number of cases of
Skills Perception +2 sewer plague. The rats are extremely deadly in areas where
Condition Immunities poisoned access to clean food and water is not readily available and
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 can quickly lead to the decimation of poorer communities.
Languages – Invasive Pests. Drain rats are able to squeeze through
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) incredibly small spaces and have been known to chew
Proficiency Bonus +2 through wood, stone, and even metal to enter residences
or areas where food is plentiful. Usually, civilized areas have
Amphibious. The rat can breathe air and water. designated rat-catchers (paid by the local authorities per
drain rat killed) to keep the rat populations from running
Infiltrator. The rat can fit through spaces as narrow as 6 rampant through the streets. Because of the rats’ size, great
inches without squeezing. bravery is required, and many an adventurer has started on
the path to glory as little more than a rat-catcher.
Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on smell. Orcish Origins. Drain rats were initially bred as weapons of
war by orcish kingdoms west of Havdhir and were used in
Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack roll against several sieges against settlements in Ardhos and the city of
a creature if at least one of the rat’s allies is within 5 feet of Havdhir centuries ago. While the orcish armies were pushed
the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. back, the rats remained—infesting Havdhir, hitching rides on
ships, swimming along rivers, or crawling their way far and
Stench. When any creature that isn’t a drain rat starts its turn wide. Now, drain rats can be found in almost any major city.
within 5 feet of the rat, that creature must succeed on a DC
11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start Indiscriminate Eaters. Drain rats will eat just about anything:
of the creature’s next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is bone, feces, putrid flesh, unattended children, and even
successful, the creature is immune to the Stench of all drain other drain rats. The rats are voracious, needing to consume
rats for 1 hour. five times their body weight each day; most of them populate
urban areas due to the variety and availability of food. Their
Voracious. A drain rat must consume 500 pounds of material ability to swim and breathe underwater makes sewers and
each day to sustain itself. canals perfect nesting grounds for the hungry rats.

240 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Grifter’s Guild Enforcer (Sleight of Hand) check opposed by the target’s Wisdom
(Perception) check. If the enforcer succeeds, it steals one
Medium Humanoid, Typically Any Non-Lawful Alignment item currently in the target’s hand. This cannot be a weapon,
or armor being worn.
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9) Reactions
Speed 30 ft.
Parry. The enforcer adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, the enforcer must see the attacker
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and be wielding a melee weapon.
14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Grifter’s Guild Enforcer
Skills Intimidation +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Grifter’s Guild enforcers act as the muscle for the Grifter’s
Senses passive Perception 11
Guild, collecting payments from establishments they
Languages any one language (usually Common)
“protect,” interrogating or exacting punishment on those
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
that fail to support the guild, intimidating nobles, and serving
Proficiency Bonus +2
as henchmen for higher-ranking guild officers. Enforcers
are usually burly but with an uncanny dexterity, acquired by
Improvised Weapon Mastery. The enforcer is proficient with years of picking pockets on the streets, which allows them to
all improvised weapons. quickly lift items from unsuspecting targets.

Actions Intimidators. While enforcers are skilled in combat, they

prefer to intimidate their enemies, to seek bribes, or to find
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
other methods of resolving situations without violence.
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
When violence is called for, the enforcers make good on the
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range threats they commonly make while attempting to intimidate
30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, a foe, usually to bone-crushing effect.
and the target must succeed on a DC 8 Constitution saving
Talented Combatants. Serving as the primary fighting force
throw or fall unconscious for 1 minute. The target wakes up if
of the Grifter’s Guild, enforcers are trained in methods for
it takes damage or if another creature uses an action to shake
street brawling and fighting in close combat. Many even
it awake.
utilize training usually reserved for guards or knights, picking
Bonus Actions up skills from various contacts around Havdhir. Because
of the versatility of their training, enforcers are deadly
Sticky Fingers. The enforcer attempts to steal an item from opponents in just about any situation.
a creature within 5 feet of it. The enforcer makes a Dexterity

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 241

Jericho Srew
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 14 (leather armor)

Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)

Skills Intimidation +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7

Jacob Ishmael Senses passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Dwarvish
Small Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Neutral Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 3 (1d6) Improvised Weapon Mastery. Jericho is proficient with all
Speed 25 ft. improvised weapons.


11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) Multiattack. Jericho makes two attacks with his Mace, or one
attack with his Mace and one with his Hand Crossbow.
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Elvish Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Challenge 0 (10 XP) target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Proficiency Bonus +2 Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and
the target must succeed on a DC 8 Constitution saving throw
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. or fall unconscious for 1 minute. The target wakes up if it takes
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. damage or if another creature uses an action to shake it awake.

Jacob Ishmael Bonus Actions

Jacob Ishmael is a child informant working for the Grifter’s Sticky Fingers. Jericho attempts to steal an item from a
Guild. Jacob is most often found just outside Drain’s End, creature within 5 feet of him. Jericho makes a Dexterity
where he conveys information to the guild about those who (Sleight of Hand) check opposed by the target’s Wisdom
seek to enter the area. Jacob has high hopes of rising through (Perception) check. If Jericho succeeds, he steals one item
the ranks, elevating himself from a petty thief and informant currently in the target’s hand. This cannot be a weapon, or
to a full-fledged member of the infamous guild. armor that’s being worn. cont…

242 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Parry. Jericho adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that
would hit him. To do so, Jericho must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.

Jericho Srew
Jericho is a member of the Grifter’s Guild who operates
a small shop out of Drain’s End. Jericho is a shrewd and
unscrupulous dealer; he’s willing to fence goods and is also
very fond of swindling those who trade with him. He has the
protection of the Grifter’s Guild and has contacts that aid him
in moving product throughout the city of Havdhir.

Sally Carthus
Small Humanoid (Elf), Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Speed 25 ft.


10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Fey Ancestry. Sally has advantage on saving throws against

being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.

Trance. When Sally meditates deeply for 4 hours, she gains

the benefits of a long rest.

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Sally Carthus
Sally is an orphaned elf girl who regularly sells stolen goods
to the Grifter’s Guild, picking pockets in the Market District to
Page Title
make her living. While some might pity this waif of a child, she
has done rather well for herself and even owns a small shack
in the Barnacle Barrows district of Havdhir.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 243

244 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks
Sewer Ogre Sewer Fog (Costs 2 Actions). The ogre secretes a murky,
green fog in a 20-foot radius centered on itself. The fog
Large Giant, Typically Chaotic Evil spreads around corners and its area is lightly obscured to
creatures other than sewer ogres. The fog lasts until the start
Armor Class 12 (hide armor) of the ogre’s next turn or until a wind of moderate or greater
Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40) speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.
Wisp Light (Costs 3 Actions). The ogre summons forth a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA floating globe of glowing light which sheds dim light in a
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 9 (-1) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) 5-foot radius for a brief moment before flickering out. Each
creature that is not a sewer ogre and that can see the light
Skills Athletics +7 must succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned
Damage Immunities poison until the start of the ogre’s next turn.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Sewer Ogre
Languages Common, Giant
Sewer ogres are a massive subspecies of ogre most commonly
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
found in areas of industrial runoff, swamps, and of course,
Proficiency Bonus +2
sewers. The creatures are drawn to horrid smells and putrid
pools of water and naturally blend into these disgusting
Camouflage. The ogre has advantage on Dexterity
surroundings, since they’re covered in growths and stringy,
(Stealth) checks made to hide in subterranean or aquatic
moss-like hair which provides them with camouflage.
environments, such as sewers or swamps.
At Home in Filth. Sewer ogres are accustomed to filth and
Disease Immunity. The ogre is immune to all diseases.
refuse, making their lairs out of woven-together junk. These
False Appearance. If the ogre is motionless at the start of lairs often resemble sprawling tunnels of garbage in complex
combat, it has advantage on its initiative roll. Moreover, if a mazes which only the sewer ogres know the path through.
creature hasn’t observed the ogre move or act, that creature Sewer ogres delight in splashing about in muck and refuse, and
must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to frequently coat themselves in waste. These disgusting ogres are
discern that the ogre isn’t a pile of refuse. attracted to horrible smells, finding them sweet and fragrant.

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the ogre can Junk Collectors. Sewer ogres are extremely fond of junk, often
take the Hide action as a bonus action. accumulating massive hoards of seemingly useless items.
They despise most items of value, such as gold, enchanted
Actions weapons, or other obviously valuable items. Their clothes are
usually formed from stitched-together garbage, and they
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
sport a massive amount of strapped-on junk. Sewer ogres
creature. Hit: 12 (3d4 + 5) slashing damage. Instead of dealing
judge each other’s status based on the amount of garbage
damage, the ogre can grapple the target (escape DC 17).
carried, with titles like “Pack-Rat” for those who have very little
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, refuse accumulated, “Hoarder” for those with a moderate
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) amount, and “Trash Baron” for those with an excessive amount
piercing damage. of garbage strapped to themselves or stored within a lair. It is
not uncommon for a sewer ogre to be so covered in junk that it
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one resembles little more than a walking pile of refuse.
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Tactical Predators. Sewer ogres are more intelligent than
Legendary Actions their brutish cousins and are capable of enacting plans
to hunt and trap prey, often first utilizing a combination
The ogre can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
of stealth and trickery, then switching to brute strength
options below. Only one legendary option can be used at a
when their victims are at the greatest disadvantage. Sewer
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The ogre
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. ogres rarely leave their lairs—they are most deadly when
encountered in their home terrain.
Water Jet. The ogre breathes forth a jet of putrid water at a
target it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make
a DC 14 Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target takes
2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage and, if it is Huge or smaller,
is knocked prone. On a success, the target takes half the
bludgeoning damage, but is not knocked prone.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 245


Azkhell If Azkhell is cured of his madness, he loses his Agoraphobic trait.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Neutral Insane. During combat, at the start of his turn, Azkhell rolls
a d8 to determine what he does during his turn. On a 1, he
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) does nothing but cackle incoherently (or maybe cowers,
Hit Points 253 (39d8 + 78) whimpering), or he attempts to stop combat. On a 2-8, he
Speed 30 ft. behaves normally.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Azkhell fails a saving throw,

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA he can choose to succeed instead.
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Magic Resistance. Azkhell has advantage on saving throws
Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +11, Cha +8 against spells and other magical effects.
Skills Arcana +11, History +11, Religion +11
Damage Resistances damage from spells
Senses passive Perception 11 Multiattack. Azkhell makes two Arcane Burst attacks.
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish,
Arcane Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, reach
Goblin, Infernal
5 ft. or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) force
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +5
Spellcasting. Azkhell casts one of the following spells, using
Agoraphobic. At the start of Azkhell’s turn, if he can see Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 19):
the outside, or believes he can, he must succeed on a DC 20
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the start of At will: dancing lights, detect magic, identify, invisibility,
his next turn. mage armor, mending, minor illusion, painted self (1 Spell),
prestidigitation, speed read (1 Spell), true strike, water
While frightened, Azkhell must spend his turn trying to flee to rum (1 Spell)
into the nearest enclosed space by the most direct route. He
can’t take reactions, and for his action, he can use only the 3/day each: animate objects, dispel magic, glyph of warding
Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents 2/day each: arcane eye, arcane lock, confusion, fireball
him from moving. He doesn't avoid opportunity attacks,
but before moving into damaging terrain (such as lava or a 1/day each: counterspell, geas, globe of invulnerability, maze,
pit) and whenever he takes damage, Azkhell can repeat the mirror image, reverse gravity, teleport, true polymorph
saving throw. cont…

246 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Legendary Actions tower, the permanency effect is suppressed until that item or
creature is returned to the tower.
Azkhell can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be Scholar’s Whirlwind. Books and scrolls in Azkhell’s lair whip into
used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. a whirlwind of bludgeoning tomes and scroll casings in a 10-foot
Azkhell regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. radius centered on a point within 110 feet of Azkhell. Each
creature in the area of the whirlwind when it forms or that ends
Cast Spell. Azkhell casts a spell that he can cast at will.
its turn in the whirlwind must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving
Protection from the Outside (Costs 2 Actions). Azkhell throw, taking 13 (2d12) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or
creates a dome of solid stone around himself. Azkhell has total half as much damage on a successful one. The whirlwind lasts
cover against creatures outside of the dome and is restrained until Azkhell uses this lair action again, is incapacitated or slain,
and blinded until he uses this legendary action again to dispel or dismisses the whirlwind (no action required).
the dome or until the dome is destroyed. The dome has AC 15,
Scholar’s Mind. Azkhell targets one creature in his lair within
30 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
120 feet of him that he can see. The target must make a DC
Hurl Elements (Costs 3 Actions). Azkhell sends forth a 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s
burst of energy at each creature within 30 feet of him. Roll Intelligence score increases by 5 to a maximum of 20 for 1
a d4. On a 1, Azkhell accidentally also targets himself. Each minute, and its Strength score decreases by 5 to a minimum
target must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 of 10 for 1 minute. On a successful save, the creature's ability
(4d4) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a scores are unaffected. The target can repeat the saving
successful one. To determine the damage type, roll a d10 and throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
consult the table below. itself on a success.

d10 Damage Type Azkhell

1 Acid Azkhell is a mage who suffers from insanity tied to severe
2 Cold agoraphobia. This madness has reached a peak: He has been
3 Fire constructing elaborate traps and wards to keep others out of
4 Force his tower, engaging in strange and dangerous experiments,
5 Lightning and otherwise causing all manner of problems for anyone
that wishes to contact him.
6 Necrotic
7 Poison Eccentric. Azkhell has a tendency to follow his own path
8 Psychic and whims, a tendency exacerbated by a long time spent
9 Radiant away from the wider world, alone in his tower. Azkhell is
a revolutionary thinker, though he frequently becomes
10 Thunder
obsessed with odd projects (such as turning jelly into stone or
Azkhell’s Lair creating talking dinner plates).
Azkhell resides in an ancient tower in Havdhir that was
Former Mage of the Triumvirate. Azkhell formerly worked
originally constructed by the Iron-Sails dwarven clan. His tower
for the Triumvirate as the most powerful mage in the city,
is locked tight against intrusion and is magically enchanted to
helping the government of Havdhir with whatever they might
enhance and manipulate magical spells and powers.
need. Unfortunately, a combination of being overworked,
some innate paranoia, and the backlash from a rather nasty
Lair Actions
experimental spell led to Azkhell’s reclusion. He shut himself
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Azkhell can take off from the world, and has little interest in his former
one of the following lair actions; he can’t take the same lair position of power, preferring to engage in obsessive studies
action two rounds in a row: of his own devising within his tower.

Permanency. Azkhell causes the effects of a spell cast within Studious. Like all great wizards, Azkhell has made a habit of
his lair to become permanent. To be affected, the spell must studying arcane lore, ancient histories, strange phenomena,
have a duration longer than instantaneous and must not yet curses, and all similar subject matter. He was formerly
have ended. considered one of the most well-learned and respected
scholars in all the realms.
The spell’s effects can be suppressed for 1 hour by the dispel
magic spell or similar magic.

If the item or creature that the spell is affecting leaves the

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 247

Azkhell’s Shield Guardian
Large Construct, Unaligned

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Bound. The shield guardian is magically bound to an amulet.

As long as the guardian and its amulet are on the same plane
of existence, the amulet's wearer can telepathically call the
guardian to travel to it, and the guardian knows the distance
and direction to the amulet. If the guardian is within 60 feet
of the amulet's wearer, half of any damage the wearer takes
(rounded up) is transferred to the guardian.

Regeneration. The shield guardian regains 10 hit points at

the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.

Spell Storing. A spellcaster who wears the shield guardian's

amulet can cause the guardian to store one spell of 4th level or
lower. To do so, the wearer must cast the spell on the guardian.
The spell has no effect but is stored within the guardian. When
commanded to do so by the wearer or when a situation arises
that was predefined by the spellcaster, the guardian casts the
stored spell with any parameters set by the original caster,
requiring no components. When the spell is cast or a new spell
is stored, any previously stored spell is lost.

Multiattack. The guardian makes two Fist attacks.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Shield. When a creature makes an attack against the wearer
of the guardian's amulet, the guardian grants a +2 bonus to
the wearer's AC if the guardian is within 5 feet of the wearer.

248 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Tiny Construct, Chaotic Good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points 20 (8d4)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.


4 (-3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) 3 (-4) 5 (-3)

Skills Investigation -1, Performance +1, Sleight of Hand +6

Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 6
Languages understands Common but can’t speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Antimagic Susceptibility. Chirpee is incapacitated while in

the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic,
Chirpee must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against
the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.

Unusual Nature. Chirpee does not require air, food, drink,

or sleep.

Peck. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions
Chirp (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute,
Chirpee can offer inspiring, magical music whenever a
nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes
an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. The creature can
add a d6 to its roll, provided it can hear Chirpee. This effect
ends if Chirpee is incapacitated.

Locate. Chirpee makes an Intelligence (Investigation) check

with advantage.

Chirpee is an animated, mechanical bird created by the
mage Azkhell to keep him company in his lonely tower.
Chirpee has a bit of a personality, and especially enjoys
playing and singing happy songs (which have a slightly
metallic twang when Chirpee performs them). The magic
that gives Chirpee life also grants the bird some inspiring
power in its musical song.

Unwitting Thief. Chirpee loves all things shiny: coins,

necklaces, gemstones, bits of rubbish, etc. The bird does
not understand ownership, often swiping items of great
value from shops, pockets, and homes. Chirpee usually
likes to keep these objects somewhere tucked away from
prying eyes.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 249

Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 40 ft.,
Edifice Mimic one target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the
Gargantuan Monstrosity (Shapechanger), Typically Neutral target is subjected to the mimic’s Adhesive trait if the mimic
is in wall, floor, or ceiling form.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Bonus Actions
Hit Points 145 (10d20 + 40)
Speed 5 ft. Change Shape. The mimic polymorphs into a wall, floor, or
ceiling with an area of nine 5-foot-square panels, each of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA which must be contiguous with at least one other panel. Or
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) the mimic polymorphs back into its true, amorphous form.
Other than its size, its statistics are the same in each form.
Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed.
Damage Immunities acid
The mimic reverts to its true form if it dies.
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 120 ft., passive Drag. The mimic initiates a Strength contest with a creature
Perception 12 grappled by it. The mimic has advantage on its roll, and the
Languages – grappled creature has disadvantage on its roll. If the mimic wins
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) the contest, the target is pulled up to 15 feet toward the mimic.
Proficiency Bonus +3
Edifice Mimic
Adhesive (Wall, Floor, or Ceiling Form Only). The mimic
Edifice mimics are massive creatures able to transform
adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature
themselves to look like walls, floors, and ceilings. The mimics
adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 15).
are incredibly slow and usually lure their prey towards
Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage. them via their Alluring Angler trait or reel them in after
striking them with pseudopods. Edifice mimics are at their
Alluring Angler (Wall, Floor, or Ceiling Form Only). One of
most dangerous at close range, where they can use their
the mimic’s pseudopods is invisible except for its end, which
devastating Bite attacks.
resembles a diamond, chunk of gold, or other precious item.
To discern that the item is false, a creature can use its action Agoraphobic. Most edifice mimics fear open air and travel
to inspect the item and must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence only to places that are enclosed. While these mimics are
(Investigation) check. capable of changing shape to resemble floors made of grass
or natural tunnel ceilings, they are most often found within
Ambusher. In the first round of combat, the mimic has constructed structures and rarely leave the confines of their
advantage on attacks against any creature it surprised. enclosed territories.
False Appearance (Wall, Floor, or Ceiling Form Only). If the Ambush Predator. Because they are so slow-moving, edifice
mimic is motionless at the start of combat, it has advantage mimics rely on luring prey towards them or waiting for it
on its initiative roll. Moreover, if a creature hasn’t observed to get close before striking and dragging it into their open
the mimic move or act, that creature must succeed on a mouths with long-reaching pseudopods.
DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the
mimic isn’t an ordinary part of the architecture. Mage-Crafted. These mimics are slow and fond of fabricated
buildings for a simple reason: They were initially created
Grappler. The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against via magical experimentation upon regular mimics in an
any creature grappled by it. attempt to breed guardians for spellcasters’ lairs. The natural
aversion to the outside world and reduced speed make
Meld. The mimic’s edges are tapered while in wall, floor, them perfect guardians for wizards or other mages that
or ceiling form, allowing it to blend seamlessly into require hidden protectors that cannot quickly spread from
existing structures. their residences.

Multiattack. The mimic makes two Pseudopod attacks.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) acid damage.
If the target is grappled by the mimic, it takes an additional 9
(2d8) piercing damage.

250 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Medium Monstrosity, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 20 ft.


16 (+3) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9

Ezmeralda Languages Common

Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Small Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good Proficiency Bonus +2

Armor Class 10 Petrifying Gaze. If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of
Hit Points 3 (1d6) Gargoth and the two of them can see each other, Gargoth
Speed 25 ft. can force the creature to make a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw if he isn't incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA magically begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must
11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a
success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified
until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Gnomish A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the
Challenge 0 (10 XP) saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see
Proficiency Bonus +2 Gargoth until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its
eyes again. If it looks at Gargoth in the meantime, it must
Born of a Book. Ezmeralda is a magical manifestation of immediately make the save.
a character from the book Ezmeralda and the Tale of the
If Gargoth sees his reflection within 30 feet of him in bright light,
Talking Toad. If the enchanted book is opened, Ezmeralda
he mistakes himself for a rival and targets himself with his gaze.
appears within 300 feet of it. If it is closed again (or if she
dies), she will disappear. If the book is reopened, she will Actions
reappear with full hit points and no memory of anything that
happened the last time the book was open. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage. Gargoth is a basilisk trapped within a pocket dimension in
Azkhell’s tower. Unlike most basilisks, Gargoth is sentient and
Ezmeralda capable of forming complex plans and communicating with
other creatures. The basilisk is incredibly fond of creating
Ezmeralda is a fictional character from a children’s book collections of small creatures he has petrified, hoarding these
given form and apparent life by the magic in Azkhell’s library. adorable (and macabre) little figurines in a “gallery” of his own
Ezmeralda is known for going on quaint adventures with design. A curse prevents Gargoth from leaving the pocket
her companion, Mr. Toad. She is a polite young girl who is dimension that he is trapped in unless he petrifies a Humanoid
exceedingly curious and adventurous. creature, something the basilisk desperately hopes to do.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 251

Transparent. Even when the cube is in plain sight, it takes a
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a cube
that has neither moved nor attacked. A creature that tries to
enter the cube's space while unaware of the cube is surprised
by the cube.

Unusual Nature. The cube doesn’t require sleep.

Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 21 (6d6) acid damage.

Engulf. The cube moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can
enter Gargantuan or smaller creatures’ spaces. Whenever the
cube enters a creature's space, the creature must make a DC
16 Dexterity saving throw.

On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5

feet back or to the side of the cube. A creature that chooses not

Giant Gelatinous Cube to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.

On a failed save, the cube enters the creature's space, and

Gargantuan Ooze, Unaligned
the creature takes 21 (6d6) acid damage and is engulfed. The
engulfed creature can't breathe, is restrained, and takes 42
Armor Class 5
Hit Points 277 (15d20 + 120) (12d6) acid damage at the start of each of the cube's turns.
Speed 10 ft. When the cube moves, the engulfed creature moves with it.

An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to make a DC 16 Strength check. On a success, the creature
20 (+5) 1 (-5) 27 (+8) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5) escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of
the cube.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, prone Giant Gelatinous Cube
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 8 Gelatinous cubes can devour immense amounts of food in
Languages – a single sitting or can live for excessive stretches of time
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) feeding off refuse and creatures. A gelatinous cube is
Proficiency Bonus +3 considered a giant gelatinous cube when it reaches at least
15 cubic feet. The cubes venture through dark passages,
Ooze Shape. The cube takes up its entire space. Other growing in size and slowly developing into massive gelatinous
creatures can enter the space, but a creature that does so is cubes that occupy entire rooms, caverns, or open areas.
subjected to the cube's Engulf and has disadvantage on the Some witnesses claim to have seen a gelatinous cube so
saving throw. large that it could engulf entire cities, slowly trudging across
landscapes as an immense, jiggling mass of doom.
Creatures inside the cube can be seen but have total cover.
Molded. Gelatinous cubes of this size are free moving if they
A creature within 5 feet of the cube can take an action to pull are kept in an environment that they do not entirely occupy.
another creature or object out of the cube. Doing so requires However, if a gelatinous cube is fed consistently (or in one
a successful DC 16 Strength check, and the creature making immense sitting) within a room too small to hold it once it
the attempt takes 21 (6d6) acid damage. reaches its truly immense form, it will become trapped in the
The cube can hold only one Gargantuan creature, or up to area, molded to the walls or structures that contain it. In this
two Huge creatures, or up to four Large creatures, or up to state, it is no longer truly a cube and takes on the dimensions
eight Medium or smaller creatures inside it at a time. If the of the room that it is held within, reverting to a cube-like
cube cannot hold a creature inside of it and that creature form when it is freed. Clever creatures will sometimes
attempts to move into its space, the creature is instead use these massive gelatinous cubes as living traps, with
repelled, ending its movement within 5 feet of the cube. unsuspecting victims walking right in.

252 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Illuskhell Contingent Existence. If any creature realizes Illuskhell is an
illusion, Illuskhell disappears, essentially slain.
Medium Construct, Chaotic Neutral
Illusion. While Illuskhell can hold his stone of entrapment,
Armor Class — move, and speak, he cannot otherwise interact with the
Hit Points — world. A creature that uses an action to make a successful DC
Speed 30 ft. 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check will realize Illuskhell is an
— — — 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Illuskhell is the illusory double of his creator, Azkhell. Illuskhell
Senses passive Perception 11 serves as a living trap within Azkhell’s Tower, potentially
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, imprisoning victims in a pocket dimension.
Goblin, Infernal
Created of Ennui. Illuskhell was created by Azkhell purely out
Challenge 0 (0 XP)
of boredom and is tied closely to the stone of entrapment
Proficiency Bonus +2
within Azkhell’s Tower. Illuskhell himself is rather bored
and attempts to lure creatures into touching the stone of
Can’t Touch This. Although Illuskhell looks, smells, and acts entrapment purely out of sport… or perhaps out of a desire
like a real person, things other than the stone of entrapment to create more illusory doubles like himself.
pass through him.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 253

Skills Deception +9, Insight +5, Perception +5, Persuasion
+9, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, poison;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Telepathic Bond. Illya ignores the range restriction on her

telepathy when communicating with a creature she has
charmed. The two don't even need to be on the same plane
of existence.

Claw (Fiend Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Change Shape. Illya transforms into a Small or Medium

Humanoid or back into her true form. Without wings, she
loses her flying speed. Other than her size and speed, her
statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is
wearing or carrying isn't transformed. She reverts to her true
form if she dies.

Charm. One Humanoid Illya can see within 30 feet of

her must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys
Illya’s verbal or telepathic commands. If the target suffers
any harm or receives a suicidal command, it can repeat the
saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the
target successfully saves against the effect, or if the effect
on it ends, the target is immune to Illya's Charm for the next
24 hours.

Illya can have only one target charmed at a time. If she

charms another, the effect on the previous target ends.

Draining Kiss. Illya kisses a creature charmed by her, or a

willing creature. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw against this magic, taking 32 (5d10 + 5) psychic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by
an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts
until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Illya Lillir Etherealness. Illya magically enters the Ethereal Plane from
the Material Plane or vice versa. She cannot use this action
Medium Fiend (Shapechanger), Neutral Evil while trapped in Azkhell’s magical cage (see page 185).

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Illya Lillir

Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Illya is a succubus who is trapped by Azkhell in a pocket
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. dimension within the wizard’s tower. Like most succubi, Illya
is a slippery temptress who uses her wiles to corrupt and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA seduce all those around her.
8 (-1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)

254 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

John Black
Medium Humanoid (Elf), Neutral

Armor Class 12 (leather armor)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Born of a Book. John Black is a magical manifestation of a

character from the book Weather of the Darklands of Vlaskhell.
If the enchanted book is opened, John appears within 300 feet of
it. If it is closed again (or if he dies), he will disappear. If the book is
reopened, he will reappear with full hit points and no memory of
anything that happened the last time the book was open.

Fey Ancestry. John has advantage on saving throws against being

charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.

Trance. When John meditates deeply for 4 hours, he gains the

benefits of a long rest.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80

ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

John Black
John Black was a long-ago cartographer who charted the
Darklands of Vlaskhell and wrote about his travels there. Due to
his uncovering of several secret vampire outposts, he came to
an untimely end once his work started becoming known, but a
copy of his Weather of the Darklands of Vlaskhell was acquired
by Azkhell, who enchanted it to bring John to apparent life.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 255

Lady Sarah Olden Actions
Medium Humanoid (Elf), Lawful Good Multiattack. Lady Sarah makes two Greatsword attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Armor Class 18 (plate) target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft. Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Contingent Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) Rest). For 1 minute, Lady Sarah can utter a special command
or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that she can see
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2 within 30 feet of her makes an attack roll or a saving throw.
Skills Perception +2 The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 understand Lady Sarah. A creature can benefit from only
Languages Common, Elvish one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if Lady Sarah is
Challenge 3 (700 XP) incapacitated.
Proficiency Bonus +2 Unless a creature has succeeded on a DC 14 Charisma
(Persuasion) check to rouse Lady Sarah to battle, she cannot
Born of a Book. Lady Sarah is a magical manifestation use this action.
of a character from the book The Siege of Havdhir. If the
enchanted book is opened, Lady Sarah appears within 300 Reactions
feet of it. If it is closed again (or if she dies), she will disappear. Parry. Lady Sarah adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack
If the book is reopened, she will reappear with full hit points that would hit her. To do so, she must see the attacker and be
and with no memory of anything that happened the last time wielding a melee weapon.
the book was open.
Lady Sarah Olden
Brave. Lady Sarah has advantage on saving throws against
Lady Sarah Olden is a historical figure of great renown, and
being frightened.
her deeds are recorded in the greatest detail within the book
Fey Ancestry. Lady Sarah has advantage on saving throws The Siege of Havdhir. She can be given form and apparent
life by a magical book within Azkhell’s tower, reenacting the
against being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
titular battle for the city of Havdhir against orcish hordes
Trance. When Lady Sarah meditates deeply for 4 hours, she from the west. The version of Lady Sarah that is summoned
gains the benefits of a long rest. from the magical tome within Azkhell’s library is despondent
and losing the battle against the orcish hordes; it represents
this fabled knight at her lowest point.

256 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Mr. Toad (escape DC 13) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until this
grapple ends, the target is restrained, and Mr. Toad can't use
Large Beast, Chaotic Good his Bite attack on another target.

Armor Class 12 Bonus Actions

Hit Points 187 (25d10 + 50)
Swallow. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Medium or smaller target grappled by Mr. Toad. Hit: 12 (3d6 +
2) piercing damage. The creature is also swallowed, and the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded and restrained,
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) has total cover against attacks and other effects outside Mr.
Toad, and it takes 10 (4d4) acid damage at the start of each of
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 Mr. Toad’s turns.
Languages Common
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Mr. Toad can have only one target swallowed at a time. If
Proficiency Bonus +3 Mr. Toad takes 10 damage or more from a creature inside
him, he must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw
or regurgitate the creature. If Mr. Toad dies, a swallowed
Amphibious. Mr. Toad can breathe air and water.
creature is no longer restrained by him, Mr. Toad vanishes,
Born of a Book. Mr. Toad is a magical manifestation of a and the creature lies prone in the space Mr. Toad previously
character from the book Ezmeralda and the Tale of the occupied.
Talking Toad. If the enchanted book is opened, Mr. Toad
appears within 300 feet of it. If it is closed again (or if he dies), Mr. Toad
he will disappear. If the book is reopened, he will reappear Mr. Toad is an imaginary character brought to life by an
with full hit points and no memory of anything that happened enchanted book. Mr. Toad serves as a loyal companion to
the last time the book was open. another of the book’s characters, Ezmeralda. In his story, he is
often a comedic character, one that can talk and speaks in a
Standing Leap. Mr. Toad’s long jump is up to 25 feet and his
very sophisticated, posh tone. Mr. Toad frequently harrumphs
high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.
at what he considers a lack of gentility, though he puts up
Actions with the childish antics of his favorite person in the world:
Ezmeralda, with whom he has had many adventures.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is grappled

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 257

Medium Humanoid (Lizardfolk), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 15 (natural armor, shield)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Pike Stoneshoulder Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Chaotic Neutral

15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +5
Speed 25 ft.
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2 Hold Breath. Restigi can hold his breath for 15 minutes.
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Jungle Camouflage. Restigi has advantage on Dexterity
Languages Common, Dwarvish (Stealth) checks made in jungle environments.
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Actions
Multiattack. Restigi makes two melee attacks, each one with
Dwarven Resilience. Pike has advantage on saving throws a different weapon.
against poison.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Stonecunning. Whenever Pike makes an Intelligence Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
(History) check related to the origin of stonework, he is
considered proficient in the History skill and adds double Heavy Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
his proficiency bonus to the check instead of his normal target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
proficiency bonus.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
Tool Proficiency. Pike is proficient with mason's tools. 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Actions Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
one target. Hit: 3 (1 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Pike Stoneshoulder Restigi is a lizardfolk who was captured by Azkhell during one
Pike Stoneshoulder is a dwarf of criminal disposition. He of the mage’s forays into the jungle regions that lie far from
has been imprisoned in a pocket dimension by order of the the lands of Havdhir.
Triumvirate as punishment for attempting to rob Lorton Bank,
killing several innocent people in his attempted heist. While Restigi comes from a unique lineage of lizardfolk: a reclusive
not an inherently bad man, Pike does what he feels he must tribe that is suspicious of anyone and everything foreign. Due
to get by; and, occasionally, people are hurt in the process. to their fear of the unknown, they have developed the ability
to camouflage themselves. In Restigi’s case, this suspicion
Pike has spent the past several decades attempting to find a was well placed, as the first foreigner that he met kidnapped
key that will free him from his prison. him and trapped him within a tower for study.

258 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Rhet Tikha Actions
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil Multiattack. Rhet Tikha can use his Dreadful Glare and
makes one Rotting Fist attack.
Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Rotting Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 10
Speed 20 ft. (3d6) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points,
16 (+3) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24
hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point
Saving Throws Wis +2 maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The
Damage Vulnerabilities fire curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing magic.
from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Dreadful Glare. Rhet Tikha targets one creature he can see
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, within 60 feet of him. If the target can see Rhet Tikha, it
paralyzed, poisoned must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 magic or become frightened until the end of Rhet Tikha's
Languages Common next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is
Challenge 3 (700 XP) also paralyzed for the same duration. A target that succeeds
Proficiency Bonus +2 on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all
mummies (but not mummy lords) for the next 24 hours.
Born of a Book. Rhet Tikha is a magical manifestation of a
Rhet Tikha
character from the book Rhet Tikha’s Curse. If the enchanted
book is opened, Rhet Tikha appears within 300 feet of it. If it The historical Rhet Tikha was an evil spellcaster who was
is closed again, he will disappear. If the book is reopened, he sentenced to death when evidence of his horrid practices
will reappear with full hit points and no memory of anything was uncovered. As punishment for his crimes, Rhet Tikha
that happened the last time the book was open. was cursed, forcing him to walk the earth in eternal agony
as a mummy if he were ever exhumed—and if he were then
Immortal. Rhet Tikha cannot be killed. If he is reduced to 0 forced back into the sarcophagus he would stay a conscious
hit points, he regains consciousness 1d4 rounds later with all Undead, trapped forever unless someone should release
of his hit points restored. him again. Rhet Tikha’s history (including his discovery by Sir
Ferdinand Baldwin) is detailed in one of the books in Azkhell’s
Sarcophagus-Bound. If Rhet Tikha is returned to his
library. A copy of the mummy is given form within the wizard’s
sarcophagus, he cannot escape it until a creature outside
tower by means of the tower’s magic.
opens the lid.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 259

Scroll Golem Legendary Actions
Huge Construct, Unaligned The golem can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The golem
Hit Points 127 (17d12 + 17) regains the spent legendary action at the start of its turn.
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
Inky Spray. The golem makes an Inky Spray attack.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Inscribe Spell. The golem inscribes a new spell on its body,
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) regaining one use of one of its used spells.

Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +7 Copy Magic. The scroll golem touches a creature within 5
Skills Arcana +10, History +10, Perception +5, Religion +7 feet of it. If the creature is able to cast spells, it must make
Damage Vulnerabilities fire a DC 15 saving throw based on its spellcasting ability. On a
Damage Immunities acid, necrotic, poison, psychic; failed save, the golem expends one of the creature's spell
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
slots and inscribes on itself a spell the creature knows of that
that aren't adamantine
level. This gives the golem the ability to cast the spell once
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned per day as an action. A willing creature may choose to fail its
Senses blindsight 20 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 saving throw.
Languages understands the languages of its creator but
can’t speak A Scroll Golem’s Lair
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) A scroll golem is usually kept as a servant or living spellbook
Proficiency Bonus +3
within the lair of another creature; however, the golem’s
magic creates a sort of lair of its own. This lair-within-a-lair
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect
might be an extensive library, a room filled with books and
that would alter its form.
scrolls, or even something as small as a closet—as long as it is
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving brimming with magical texts.
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Lair Actions
Magic Sense. The golem can sense the presence of spell
scrolls and spellbooks within 120 feet of it, and it magically On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the golem can
knows what spells are inscribed on these scrolls or books. The take one of the following lair actions; it can’t take the same
golem also magically knows what spells a creature can cast if lair action two rounds in a row:
it can see it.
Absorb Scroll. The golem attempts to absorb the magic of a
Unusual Nature. The golem does not require air, food, drink, scroll by targeting a creature that it can see within 120 feet
or sleep. of it in possession of a scroll. The target must make a DC 15
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the scroll becomes
mundane and useless, and the scroll golem can cast the
Inky Spray. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, absorbed spell once as a bonus action.
reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Rebuild Form. The golem draws papers, scrolls, and books
Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A within its lair into its form, rebuilding itself. The golem regains
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its 10 (4d4) hit points.
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Scroll Storm. The golem causes papers, scrolls, and books
Spellcasting. The golem casts one of the following spells,
within its lair to fly about in a blinding whirlwind centered on
requiring no material components and using Intelligence as
a point the golem can see within 60 feet of it. The whirlwind
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
of papers is a 20-foot-tall cylinder that is 20 feet in diameter.
At will: dispel magic, fog cloud, hideous laughter, mage That area is difficult terrain and is heavily obscured. The
armor, thunderwave cylinder lasts until the golem dies, is on another plane
3/day: lightning bolt of existence, uses this lair action again, or dismisses the
whirlwind (no action required).
1/day each: bestow curse, fear, polymorph, protection from
energy cont...

260 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Scroll Golem speak, they often will communicate through text, scrawling
messages on their own forms.
Scroll golems are products of endless hours of study,
preparation, writing, and sacrifice by wizards wishing to Prolonged Purpose. Because of their intelligence, scroll
create living repositories of spells. The golems learn an golems do not normally behave erratically or repetitively
endless number of spells over time either from willing after the deaths of their masters. Most scroll golems will
subjects or by forcibly copying the spells of others. This begin writing novels, recording magical findings, or diving
makes scroll golems both incredibly versatile combatants into ancient histories. Scroll golems will record all of their
and servants capable of casting situationally powerful spells studies into massive treatises (longer than any mortal
a mage may not want to have prepared every day or may not creature could ever hope to write). Part of their forms, the
even normally have access to. scrolls accumulate and drag along the floor as the golems
record centuries upon centuries of knowledge. For a typical
Fiercely Intelligent. Scroll golems are among the most scroll golem, the death of a master is not the beginning of a
intelligent of all golems (and are more intelligent than perpetual life of following a final order but an opportunity for
the common person, for that matter). While they cannot the golem to determine its own fate.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 261

Medium Construct, Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 121 (27d8)
Speed 0 ft.


— — — 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities grappled, prone, restrained
Sir Ferdinand Baldwin Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish,
Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Neutral
Goblin, Infernal
Challenge 0 (0 XP)
Armor Class 15 (breastplate) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hit Points current: 5, max: 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft. Magic-Dependent. A dispel magic (DC 19) or antimagic field
spell removes the enchantment on the portrait, destroying
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)
Starvzkhell’s Lair
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5 Starvzkhell hangs on the wall of a massive banquet hall,
Senses passive Perception 12 staring out at the various tables spread about. Starvzkhell’s
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish magical abilities allow him to summon food into this hall,
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) which he does with great abandon, living vicariously through
Proficiency Bonus +2 anything that enters the hall and eats.

Lair Actions
Born of a Book. Sir Ferdinand is a magical manifestation of a
character from the book Rhet Tikha’s Curse. If the enchanted On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Starvzkhell can
book is opened, Sir Ferdinand appears within 300 feet of it. If take the following lair action:
it is closed again (or if he dies), he will disappear. If the book is Food Summoning. Starvzkhell causes food to rain down
reopened, he will reappear with 5 hit points and no memory within the chamber in which he is hanging. Each creature
of anything that happened the last time the book was open. other than Starvzkhell within the chamber must make a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) bludgeoning
Actions damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. A creature that has total cover from the
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
ceiling (e.g. is under the table) takes no damage. A creature
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
with partial cover from the ceiling (e.g. is under a large shield,
a chair, or a companion) takes half as much damage.
Parry. Sir Ferdinand adds 2 to his AC against one melee Starvzkhell
attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker Starvzkhell is a sentient figure in a portrait hanging within the
and be wielding a melee weapon. tower of his creator, Azkhell.

Sir Ferdinand Baldwin Failed Experiment. Azkhell was attempting to create a version
of himself that would eat for him so he would have more time
The historical Sir Ferdinand Baldwin was a fabled adventurer
to study, but the mage lost interest in the project partway
and eccentric obsessed with uncovering ancient tombs and
through, abandoning the sentient painting to its own devices.
priceless artifacts. He is especially famous for his exploration
of the western badlands and some of the ancient burial sites Painted Sustenance. Starvzkhell cannot die from lack of food,
that can be found in the vast deserts there. Sir Ferdinand’s but he also cannot eat anything other than items painted into
journeys and discoveries are recorded in several tomes. One his portrait. Anything painted into the portrait of Starvzkhell
of them resides in Azkhell’s library and, through the wizard’s becomes real and usable to him, though he cannot do anything
magic, gives apparent life to the long-dead adventurer. with it outside of the space of the painting.

262 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 263
Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Ethereal
Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.

Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through other

creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes
5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic damage.

Horrifying Visage. Each non-Undead creature within 60 feet

of the ghost that can see it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. If the save fails by
5 or more, the target also ages 1d4 × 10 years. A frightened
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a success.
If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
it, the target is immune to this ghost's Horrifying Visage for
the next 24 hours. The aging effect can be reversed with
a greater restoration spell, but only within 24 hours of it

Possession (Recharge 6). One Humanoid that the ghost can

see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma
saving throw or be possessed by the ghost. The ghost then
disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses control
of its body. The ghost now controls the body but doesn't
deprive the target of awareness. The ghost can't be targeted
by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn
Undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom,
Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened. It
otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't
gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or
Thomas Damier proficiencies.

Small Undead, Neutral Evil The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points,
until the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or until the ghost
Armor Class 11 is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and
Hit Points 35 (10d6) good spell. When the possession ends, the ghost reappears
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target
is immune to this ghost's Possession for 24 hours after
succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
Thomas Damier
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Thomas Damier is the ghost of a boy who died as a result
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison of eating poisonous yew tree berries. Thomas is a vengeful,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petulant boy, with little interest in anything but getting
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained “justice for his death”… despite the fact that he essentially
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 accidentally killed himself. Thomas believes the yew tree
Languages Common in one of Azkhell’s pocket dimensions is responsible for his
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) “murder” and is determined to see the tree destroyed.
Proficiency Bonus +2

264 A ppendix: Stat Blo cks

Wandering Armor, The
Medium Construct, Chaotic Good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 25 ft.


14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 10 Yew
Languages understands Common but can’t speak Huge Plant, Unaligned
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d12 + 14)
Antimagic Susceptibility. The armor is incapacitated while in
Speed 20 ft.
the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the
armor must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against
the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
19 (+4) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Born of a Book. The armor is a magical manifestation of
a character from the book The Wandering Armor. If the
enchanted book is opened, the armor appears within 300 Damage Vulnerabilities fire
feet of it. If it is closed again (or if the armor dies), the Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
armor will disappear. If the book is reopened, the armor will Senses passive Perception 10
reappear with full hit points and no memory of anything that Languages Common
happened the last time the book was open. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
False Appearance. While the armor remains motionless, it is
indistinguishable from a normal suit of armor.
False Appearance. While the tree remains motionless, it is
indistinguishable from a normal tree.
Multiattack. The armor makes two Slam attacks. Actions
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

The Wandering Armor Yew

The Wandering Armor is a character out of a magical book in Yew is an awakened tree residing in a pocket dimension of
Azkhell’s tower given form and apparent life by the magic of the tower of Azkhell, the mad mage. The tree has looked out
one of Azkhell’s libraries. The armor is animated armor; but of its pocket dimension and desperately desires to possess
unlike ordinary armor of this kind, it has sentience, goals, and statues in one of the other pocket dimensions of the tower.
dreams: Namely, the Wandering Armor desperately wishes
to be donned by a noble warrior. However, in the story, the While not evil, Yew (like all yew trees) is highly poisonous and
armor consistently fails in this quest since most who see a set is responsible for the death of a child, Thomas Damier, who
of armor without a wearer running toward them often flee. ate one of the tree’s berries.

A ppendix: Stat Blo cks 265


266 Appendix: Items

Tavernsbane Freighter Curse. The curse cannot be removed until the Usurper is
removed from Shjekhel. If the key is removed from the
possession of the last living creature it was given ownership
to by a member of the Shjelborn clan, it reappears the next
dawn in the creature’s possession again.

Any creature descended from the Shjelborn clan can pass

ownership of the key to a successor or successors, passing
the ancestral curse on to them.

Port City of Havdhir

Ale of Ardhos
Band of Illusion Adventuring gear (50 gp)
Wondrous item, common
This ale has a warm, honey-yellow color. Holding it, you feel
This metal band is inscribed with runes that encircle small, comforted, as if wrapped in a warm blanket. You can use your
embossed eyes. While wearing this band, you can use a bonus action to drink this ale, becoming immune to the frightened
action to speak the command word and magically disguise a condition for 1 minute.
single tattoo, marking, or blemish on your body. You may also
cause a form of disfigurement to appear, such as a missing
eye, withered hand, or other malady confined to a single part Ardhosian Short Ribs
of the body. The effect lasts until you speak the command Adventuring gear (7 gp)
word again or the band is removed from your body. These ribs are coated in a delicious-smelling, red sauce and
christened with sprigs of rosemary. You can use your action
to eat these ribs and restore 2 hit points. The short ribs also
provide enough nourishment for 1/3 day.

Bloodstained Havdhir Guard’s

Armor (25 gp)

This bloody uniform functions like a chain shirt. While you

are wearing it, you have advantage on checks to convince
civilians you are a guard of Havdhir but disadvantage on
checks to convince guards you are a guard of Havdhir.

Earth Key of Shjekhel

Wondrous item, one of a kind Book: Filthy Rags
Writing (25 gp)
This shard of stone is carved with runes in a lost dwarven
dialect, and pictograms upon the stone appear to be This book details life in a city and how to best navigate and
carvings of dwarven figures working the earth. If this stone survive such an environment. If you spend 1 minute reading
is combined with the fire key of Shjekhel and the metal key the book, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks
of Shjekhel, the stones form a puzzle key that can be used to made in an urban environment for the next 1 hour.
open the gate to the ancient mines of Shjekhel.
Charlotte’s Famous Bread Loaf
Stonecunning. If you are holding the key when you make Adventuring gear (2 gp)
an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of
stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill This bread loaf is crisped to perfection and has a beautiful
and add double your proficiency bonus to the check instead brown glaze. You can use your action to eat this bread, which
of your normal proficiency bonus. staves off the effects of extreme cold for 1 hour. The bread
also provides enough nourishment for 1/3 day.
Spellcasting. While you are holding the key, you can cast the
mending spell at will.

Appendix: Items 267

Crystal Elixir
Potion (75 gp)

This glowing drink is held in an intricate crystal glass, and

a small chunk of shimmering crystal slowly dissolves in the
liquid. When you drink the contents, you gain darkvision 500
feet, and you grow small crystals on your skin that you can
cause to glow by using a bonus action to activate them. The
crystals shed bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light for
an additional 20 feet. You can use a bonus action to cause
the crystals to stop glowing. In addition, you can innately cast
dancing lights and light from the crystals at will. The next
time you take a long rest, the darkvision goes away and the
crystals are absorbed back into your body, becoming useless.

Devil’s Draught
Potion, common

This small bottle is filled with red liquor that swirls with an
immiscible black liquid. When you drink this potion, you must
Crystal Lounge Decorative Armor make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you are
Armor (scale mail), common (requires attunement) poisoned for 1d4 turns. On a success, you gain resistance to
This armor is painted with gold and studded with glowing fire damage for 1 hour.
crystals. It is gaudy but likely great for attracting attention
or embellishing performances. This armor grants you Faux Vampire Kite
proficiency with the Charisma (Performance) skill. If you Adventuring gear (10 gp)
already have proficiency with the Performance skill, it instead
grants you a +2 bonus on Charisma (Performance) checks. This 6-foot-long kite resembles a vampiric figure: a humanoid
with bat wings that flap in the breeze. As an action, you can
set up this kite to automatically release, with the time of the
release set by you in increments of 1 minute up to 1 hour (you
can also cause the kite to release without a delay). The kite
is then released into the air. If there is a wind of 4 miles per
hour or more, the kite takes flight. As an action, the kite can
also be set to automatically reel itself back in, with time for
retraction set in increments of 1 minute up to 1 hour from the
time of release.

Guzzling Goblin Gurgler

Potion (50 gp)

Dart of Air Breathing This half gallon of spirits is held in a ceramic mug with a metal
Weapon (dart), common cap that resembles a goblin’s head. When you drink the
contents of this mug, you gain a +1 to your Strength score
This small dart looks like a syringe with a cloudy fluid inside (maximum 20) and a -4 to your Intelligence score (minimum
filled with bubbles. A creature hit by this dart must make a DC 1) for one hour. At the end of this hour, you must succeed on
18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for
can breathe air (but not water) for 1 hour. the next hour.

268 Appendix: Items

Lover’s Perfume
Potion, uncommon

As an action, you can spray the contents of the perfume onto

a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the perfume bottle
up to 20 feet, shattering it upon impact. In either case (unless
the target is willing), make a ranged attack against a creature
or object, treating the perfume as an improvised weapon. On
a hit, the target is affected by the perfume, with the effects
determined by its ingredients.

Nightshade. The wearer of the perfume falls unconscious

until the start of its next turn. Each creature within 5 feet
of the wearer must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
Hammer of Havdhir throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat its
Weapon (warhammer), uncommon (requires attunement) saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. Owlbear claw. The wearer of the perfume feels emboldened
and is immune to fear effects for 1 minute.
Curse. This weapon is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until
Ogre’s toenail. The wearer of the perfume has advantage on
you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic.
grapple checks for 1 minute.
As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with
the weapon, keeping it within reach at all times. Exotic mushroom. The wearer of the perfume must succeed
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison
If your alignment is not lawful good, you have disadvantage damage.
on attacks made with the Hammer of Havdhir.
Lilies. The Charisma score of the wearer of the perfume
increases by 1, to a maximum of 20, for 1 hour.

Frog legs. The speed of the wearer of the perfume is reduced

by 5 feet.

Crushed dragon’s teeth. The wearer of the perfume gains

the ability to innately cast the dancing lights spell once.

Mermaid’s Piss Ale

Potion (1 cp)

A disgusting green ale with an incredibly high alcohol content.

When you drink this ale, you must succeed on a DC 14
Constitution saving throw or have bright green skin for 1 hour.

Micalmork’s Gin
Potion (1 sp)
Harpy’s Song Feather
Wondrous item (20 gp) A horrid swill created by half-orcs who ferment ingredients in
seawater and lime. This is a favorite drink for sailors hoping to
This magical feather was used as a garnish for an expensive avoid sea lung and scurvy. For 3 days after drinking this swill,
drink. It hums a soft tune. you have advantage on checks to avoid contracting sea lung
disease or on checks to recover from the disease.

Havdhir Guard’s Uniform

Armor (50 gp) Mummified Hamster
Adventuring gear (2 gp)
This uniform functions like a chain shirt. While you are
wearing it, you have advantage on checks to convince people This hamster can serve as an arcane focus for a necromancer
you are a guard of Havdhir. or creature casting necromancy spells.

Appendix: Items 269

Prosthetic Limb Stonecentre Resident’s Cloak
Adventuring gear (250 gp) Wondrous item, common

This can be used to replace a limb if it is missing or removed. This cloak sheds a dim golden light in a 10-foot radius. Each
The limb functions as a regular limb but imposes a -2 on any cloak has an insignia denoting whether the wearer is an
skill check or saving throw that relies on it. owner or renter of an apartment or house in Stonecentre,
with corresponding bonuses (see page 44). If the wearer
owns multiple properties, the bonuses do not stack, and
Root Vegetable Casserole
Adventuring gear (50 gp) each dawn you select which insignia is displayed—the cloak
magically changes insignias based on your preference.
This casserole is filled with carrots, turnips, beats, and other
vegetables. You can use your action to feed this casserole
to a willing herbivorous beast. Once you do so, you have Sugared Baked Dough
Adventuring gear (50 gp)
advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made to
influence the beast’s behavior for the next 1 minute. The This baked dough is covered in colorful sugar. You can use your
casserole can also be eaten by a humanoid or other creature, action to eat this dough, and your movement speed increases
providing enough nourishment for a humanoid for 1/3 day
by 5 feet for 1 minute. The bread also provides enough
but no additional benefits.
nourishment for 1/3 day. You can eat up to six of
these confections before you vomit them up, negating
Special Compass the nourishing and hastening effects. Thus, the maximum
Wondrous item, common your speed can be increased by eating these confections
is 30 feet.
This magical compass always points towards Havdhir and
grants advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to keep
from becoming lost while venturing towards the city. Tiny Gelatinous Cube Inside a
Adventuring gear (50 gp)
Stocking Cap with Hidden
Compartment This terrarium holds a minuscule gelatinous cube inside. As an
Adventuring gear (100 gp) action, you can open the terrarium to release the cube. The
cube is too small and young to do any real damage to most
This hat can be used to hide various items. The hidden
living creatures but can be used to clean up or slowly dissolve
compartment in the hat can hold 1/4 cubic foot of gear
dead organic material. When released from its terrarium, the
weighing up to 8 pounds. If a creature is investigating you to
cube moves 5 feet each hour, cleaning the area of organic
attempt to find an item or detect a hidden object and that
matter that is not a creature. The cube can be placed back in
item is held in the secret compartment of the stocking cap,
the terrarium as an action. The cube has 1 hit point, AC 10, Str
the creature has disadvantage on its Wisdom (Perception)
1, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 1, Wis 10, and Cha 2. The cube must eat
check to uncover the item. It takes an action to put an item
organic matter once per day, or it perishes.
into or to take an item out of the stocking cap.

Unsettling Jester’s Mask

Adventuring gear (100 gp)

This mask is painted in gaudy reds, blacks, and whites and

depicts a grinning jester with fangs. While wearing this mask,
you can use your Charisma (Performance) check in place of a
Charisma (Intimidation) check.

Vampire’s Fang
Stolen Signet Ring Adventuring gear (15 gp)
Adventuring gear (10 gp)
This fang can be added as a material component to any
This ring looks suspiciously like one from one of the noble necromancy spell that deals damage; the fang is consumed
families in Havdhir. While you are wearing it, you have in the casting. If the spell deals damage to a creature, the
advantage on Charisma checks made to pass as a noble in creature takes 1d6 necrotic damage in addition to the regular
Havdhir, but the original owners of the ring are looking for spell damage dealt, and you regain a number of hit points
the person who stole it. equal to the damage dealt.

270 Appendix: Items

Verin’s Very Voluminous Hair Paste Missive to the Triumvirate
Adventuring gear (1 gp) Writing (1 sp)

This paste causes hair to clump and stick together in an almost A sealed missive directed to the Triumvirate. The seal has
cement-like finish. In addition, the paste gives off a terrible been broken, and the missive has been partially removed.
odor that can be smelled up to 50 feet away. After application,
the stench and solidity of the hair remains for 8 hours. “It came to my attention that Barnacle Barrows is under the
near-constant effect of ‘sea lung disease.’ While some believe
this ailment to be a natural one, I believe it is the result of an
Very Convincing Fake Beard ancient curse that’s afflicting that portion of Havdhir. I have
Adventuring gear (50 gp)
spent years formulating a way to protect the poor folk of
While you are wearing this beard, you have a +1 bonus to the Barrows from this disease. My studies have revealed that
Charisma (Deception) checks made to disguise your identity. the mist enveloping the Barrows is infused with some form
of dark magic, and I believe the following remedy will aid in
alleviating the curse:

Stolen Scrolls Spread 1 jar of honey above the door of your home at night,
speaking the following phrase while doing so: ‘Ich ghal,
shebock, depthnah gil-tuk.’ Inscribe the following symbol
Book: Curses and Their Practitioners onto the door frame in honey, and spray a coating of lemon
Writing (20 gp) juice onto the symbol. After each night this is done, it should
guard those within the dwelling for a day or so. I have had
A book detailing various curses, their rumored remedies, and no luck in determining the origins of this curse nor how to
notable historical practitioners of dark magic. permanently remove it, but perhaps this knowledge will spare
some poor creatures from its effects.”
—Corvhus Gweth
Book: Necromancers of the
Darklands Following the instructions in the missive requires a successful
Writing (10 gp)
DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check to inscribe the symbol and
A handwritten diary with detailed information regarding to recite the appropriate phrase. Materials needed are a jar of
necromantic practices of the vampires of Mornhaven and the honey (costing 1 sp) and a lemon (costing 1 cp). On a success,
surrounding areas; the book is stained with a copious amount those who complete a short or long rest within the home
of blood. within the next 9 hours are immune to sea lung disease for
the 24 hours following the completion of that rest.

Book: Recipients of the Curse of

Note from the Dragon
the Usurper Writing (1 sp)
Writing (5 gp)
A scrap of vellum with incredibly crude writing on it, written
A detailed recording of known cases of those afflicted with
in Goblin. A character who can read Goblin is able to translate
the curse of the Usurper that easily traces the curse along
the missive.
the Shjelborn clan bloodline. Every time the line breaks to
someone not related to the clan, no following recipient
“You come. We crush small farm in Ardhos. We smash next farm.
is listed. The lines appear to break and converge with one
We gain foothold in south. Army grows. Need curse-caster to aid
remaining name at the bottom of the list: Vrormir Shjelborn.
me. You come soon. So says the Dragon.”

Book: Tales of the Usurper The missive includes a crude map with an X on it, seeming
Writing (5 gp) to indicate a location to the south of Havdhir. A successful
DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check is enough to easily discern
A book with most of the pages torn out or burned, it contains the location.
information regarding someone called “the Usurper”: a
supposed despot ruling the ancient city of Shjekhel. This map leads to Bugbear Grove; see the “Burning Bugbears”
side quest on page 106.

Appendix: Items 271

Poem: “Cursèd Shjekhel” A target that is hit takes 5 (1d10) piercing damage and must
Writing (1 sp) make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the
creature takes 11 (2d10) poison damage and is poisoned
“A curse for all descendents of those who mined the stone; for 1 hour. On a success, the creature takes half as much
A curse bringing souls back to a dark and pillaged home. damage and is not poisoned. A poisoned creature can repeat
Think not on gold or riches, or long life left to live; the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
The stone does not forget; the stone does not forgive. poisoned condition on itself on a success.
The curse of ancient kings, passed from son and daughter;
A curse that only one bloodline can pass on to another.
Three keys were forged, the gates were locked, and all must
stay away. Paying the Grifter's Guild…
Seek not to lift the curse, lest to ancient gods you pray, a Visit
For those to whom it’s passed inherit the doom of old,
And none should ever seek the dread usurper's throne.”
—Pike Shjelborn, scholar of Shjekhel
Guild Stone
Adventuring gear (1 sp)
Sealed Scroll, the Wax Seal
This small, red, porous stone is carved in the shape of a hand.
Impressed with the Image of a A DC 15 Intelligence (History) check reveals this to be the
Fanged Skull symbol of the Grifter’s Guild. Presenting the stone grants
Writing (worthless)
you advantage on Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
“Lady Sylva, I am troubled to hear of Azkhell’s malady, fearing checks when dealing with members of the Grifter’s Guild.
it may indeed be the result of some curse or magical malady It also grants you advantage on Charisma (Deception or
created by the mage himself. You have stated that he does Intimidation) checks if you present yourself as a member
not wish to leave his tower and flies into fits of rage or terror of the guild to the residents of Havdhir (apart from the city
at the mere mention of going outside. I fear to say so, but guard).
with his powers and the damage he could cause to Havdhir in
his current state, perhaps it is best that the mage be confined Sleeper’s Dart Trap
to his quarters… though I doubt this will do much to improve Mechanical trap
his condition. I have included a book concerning curses and
practitioners within a small shipment of books and scrolls When a creature steps on a hidden pressure plate, poison-
headed for Havdhir in the hopes that it might aid you. If the tipped darts shoot from spring-loaded tubes embedded in
wizard’s condition does not improve, please send word to the ceiling and walls. An area might include multiple pressure
Mornhaven. I will do all I can to try and assist you.” plates, each one rigged to its own set of darts.
—Lucien Charos
The tiny tubes look almost identical to the small, water-
bearing pipes in the tunnel that leads into the chamber. The
Spring-Loaded Poison Spikes DC to spot them is 15. With a successful DC 15 Intelligence
Mechanical trap
(Investigation) check, a character can deduce the presence
This trap uses a tripwire to release a spring-propelled pole of of the pressure plate from variations in the metal, stone,
wood that’s been embedded with spikes. or wood used to create it (as compared to the surrounding
floor). Wedging an iron spike or other object under the
The tripwire is 3 inches off the ground and stretches between pressure plate prevents the trap from activating. Stuffing the
two rock structures or pieces of rubble. The spring-propelled tubes with cloth, wax, or the like stops the darts contained
board is hidden beneath foliage or loose earth. A successful therein from launching.
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check spots the tripwire and
board. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ The trap activates when more than 20 pounds of weight is
tools breaks the tripwire harmlessly. A creature without placed on the pressure plate, releasing 4 darts. Each dart
thieves’ tools can attempt this check with disadvantage makes a ranged attack with a +8 bonus against a random
using any edged weapon or edged tool. On a failed check, target within 10 feet of the pressure plate (vision is irrelevant
the trap triggers. to this attack roll). (If there are no targets in the area, the
darts don’t hit anything.) A target that is hit takes 2 (1d4)
When the trap is triggered, the board is released, striking piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
at the creature that activated the trap. The board makes saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 hour.
a melee attack with a +8 bonus against the creature that
activated the tripwire (vision is irrelevant to this attack roll).

272 Appendix: Items

Azkhell’s Agoraphobia wait behind the door to immolate you. The fortunes revealed
are up to the discretion of the Game Master, and the Game
Master rolls a d100 to determine the cylinder's accuracy.

Bioluminescent Mushroom Curse. This cylinder is cursed. By touching it, you become
Adventuring gear (1 sp) instantly attuned to the cylinder (if you are not already
attuned to three other items), and the curse extends to you.
This mushroom gives off a soft light, providing dim light Until you are the target of the remove curse spell or similar
in a 5-foot radius for 1 hour after it is picked. If it is eaten, magic, you suffer from agoraphobia and do not wish to enter
open spaces; refusing to leave buildings, caverns, or other
it causes the consumer to give off a soft glow for 4 hours,
enclosed areas for areas in the open air. You do not believe
shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. While glowing in this
that you are cursed, and you do not want to be cured.
way, the creature has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made to hide.
Mop of the Perfectionist
Wondrous item, common

This mop’s handle is covered in mold, grime, and filth;

however, the mop’s head appears so clean that it
almost glows with a pure, white light. As an action
while you are holding this broom, you can use it to
clean a 5-foot square within reach. All bloodstains,
mold, dirt, dust, and other detritus determined by
the Game Master magically vanish, leaving a
pristine surface. The mop also
Blood Root clears away writing made with
Adventuring gear (25 gp) paint or with other substances,
even if the writing has dried.
Blood root gets its name from the red liquid that drips from it
when broken, crushed, cut, or otherwise damaged. The root of
this plant has healing properties when eaten. You can eat this Note from Eg-delp
root as a bonus action, regaining 2 hit points when you do. Writing (worthless)

It reads, “All 40 years of your savings, safe behind the wall.

Eyebright Flower Never fear, Eg-delp, no one will find it all!”
Adventuring gear (25 gp)

Normally found in swamps, eyebright is a rare flower that Partial Ancient Dwarvish
can be used to cure the disease known as sight rot. Given Translation
an hour, a character who has proficiency with an herbalism Writing (250 gp)
kit can turn the flower into one dose of ointment. Applied
to the eyes before a long rest, one dose of it prevents the This discolored sheet of parchment is covered with writing in the
disease from worsening after that rest. After three doses, the magical script known as Ancient Dwarvish. Some of the runes
ointment cures the disease entirely.
have modern letters added beneath them (see page 198).

Fortune of the Pessimist Cylinder

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)

This cylinder is able to present possible futures of the

creature looking into its depths; however, all of the foreseen
possibilities are negative and sometimes are on the verge of
being impossibly pessimistic. As an action, you can gaze into
the cylinder and reveal a potential future, asking the cylinder
what might occur if you take a specific action. For example,
a creature might ask, “If I go through this door, what will Quick Creeper
happen?”, “If I open this lock, what will happen?”, “If I free this Adventuring gear (50 gp)
goblin, what will happen?”. The cylinder has a 25% chance
of revealing a potentially accurate fortune. For instance, Quick creeper is an incredibly fast growing plant that can
if the door ahead of you is trapped, there is a 25% chance easily be converted into a weapon. The plant reproduces by
the cylinder will reveal an image of you activating the trap. expelling fertilized pollen that travels on the wind to a new
Otherwise, the cylinder shows some incredibly pessimistic location, bursting into a mass of vines and roots upon impact
and inaccurate potential future, such as a red dragon lying in with any object or creature. When you ball the plant up, you

Appendix: Items 273

can use an action to throw it up to 25 feet. Make a ranged
weapon attack, treating the plant as an improvised weapon.
If you target a space, the space has AC 5; on a hit, that
space becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute. If you target a
creature, on a hit, the target is restrained for 1 minute. The
target can use its action to free itself by making a successful
DC 13 Strength check to tear the vines away. On a miss, the Sword of the Cube
Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)
quick creeper is destroyed without affecting anything else.
This magical sword’s blade is coated in a thin sheet of glowing
green acid. On a hit, the blade deals an extra 1d4 acid damage.

Summon Cube. While attuned to the sword, you can use your
action to summon a Small gelatinous cube in any space you
can see within 20 feet of you. The cube has a speed of 0 and
cannot take any actions other than Engulf. The cube has 68
hit points, and its Engulf action deals 1d6 acid damage when
the cube enters a creature’s space and 2d6 acid damage
at the start of each of the cube’s turns. Its statistics are
Skeleton Key otherwise the same as an ordinary gelatinous cube. The cube
Wondrous item, common remains until its hit points are reduced to 0, dissolving when
it is destroyed. The cube does not obey any commands. Once
This intricate key’s teeth swirl around the bow (handle),
you have used this sword to summon a gelatinous cube, you
constantly forming new patterns. While holding the key, you
cannot do so again for one week.
can cast the knock spell from it once; after which, the key
becomes a nonmagical, mundane key that matches the lock
which was opened by the knock spell.

Wand of Reversal
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This white wand is surrounded by particles of dust that seem

to levitate upwards away from the wand before descending
back down toward it in a constant loop. This wand has 1
charge. While holding it, you can use a reaction to expend its
charge to reverse the last turn of a creature. For example:
if a creature moved, struck another creature, and dealt it
damage; you could reverse the attack (causing it never to
have happened) and move the creature back to where it
began its turn. Or you could reverse the failed death save of
Strangle Vine another creature, saving it from death.
Adventuring gear (100 gp) When you expend a charge, roll a d4. On a 1-3, the wand
grows branches and turns into a small sapling tree,
Strangle vine is a plant that often works in concert with other
completely mundane and useless. On a 4, it retains its
plants that cause creatures to fall unconscious, draping
magical abilities and regains its expended charge at the next
vines over these creatures and suffocating them to serve
as fertilizer for the vine. This vine is coated in hairy fibers
and wriggles unsettlingly. If placed around the neck of an
incapacitated creature, the vine begins strangling that Yew berries
creature, eventually killing it. A creature being strangled by Poison (ingested) (25 gp)
the vine dies at the end of its third turn after the vine has
been placed around its neck. A creature subjected to this poison takes 7 (2d6) poison damage.

274 Appendix: Items


Appendix: Spells 275

Azkhell’s Agoraphobia Painted Self
2nd-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 hour

Conjure Scroll Golem Range: Touch
6th-level conjuration Components: S, M (painting materials, and a canvas
worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes)
Casting Time: 1 minute Duration: 7 days
Range: 100 feet Classes: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You create and imbue a painting of yourself with magical
Classes: Cleric, Wizard life and sentience. The painting has the same memories,
personality, alignment, Intelligence score, Charisma score,
You summon a scroll golem that appears in an unoccupied and Wisdom score as you do at the time of its creation. The
space within 10 feet of a scroll, book, paper, or other written painting has no Strength score, Dexterity score, or Constitution
material you choose within range. The scroll golem dissolves score. Anything you paint into the painting can be interacted
into shreds of paper and ash when it drops to 0 hit points or with by the painted version of yourself, which treats these
when the spell ends. painted-in items as real. Your painted double can see and
hear the world outside the painting, and it can communicate
The golem is friendly to you and your companions for the audibly. A creature that has not seen your painted double
duration. Roll initiative for the golem, which has its own turns. move within the painting must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence
It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action (Investigation) check to determine that the painting is alive.
required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the
golem, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise When the spell’s duration ends, or if the painting is the
takes no actions. target of a dispel magic spell or comes within the field of an
antimagic field, the painted version of yourself permanently
If your concentration is broken, the golem doesn’t disappear. disappears.
Instead, you lose control of the golem, it becomes hostile
toward you and your companions, and it might attack.
An uncontrolled golem can’t be dismissed by you, and it Speed Read
disappears 1 hour after you summoned it. Enchantment cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action

The Game Master has the golem’s statistics. Unlike a normal
Range: Touch
scroll golem, your golem does not have lair actions.
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Earthen Fist Classes: Wizard
2nd-level evocation
You imbue a creature you touch with the ability to read and
Casting Time: 1 bonus action write at incredible speeds. For the duration, the creature can
Range: Self read in a mere 6 seconds any book, scroll, or other writing it
Components: V, S, M (a pebble) can see whose language it can understand. The target can
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes also write incredibly quickly, inscribing up to 10,000 words or
Classes: All 25 pages per 6 seconds.

Your fist is coated in rock and earth. For the duration, you
have advantage on Strength checks. Water to Rum
1st-level transmutation
On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your
Casting Time: 1 action
action to make a melee spell attack with your fist against
Range: 10 feet
a target you can reach. On a hit, the target takes 3d6
Components: V, S, M (1 silver piece and a drop of pure
bludgeoning damage.
Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Classes: Bard, Wizard
of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for every
two slot levels above 2nd.
Within a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can
see within range, all nonmagical drink transforms into an
alcohol of your choice.

276 Appendix: Spells

Diseases & Curses

A p p e n d i x : D i s e a s e sP a&g e
C uTri ts le es 277
Port City of Havdhir Paying the Grifter's Guild…
a Visit
Sea Lung
Sea Lung is a respiratory disease caused by the heavy fog
hanging over the Barnacle Barrows district.
This disease causes muscle cramps and seizures.

When a humanoid creature that needs to breathe spends 24

A creature that is injured by a rusty object must succeed on a
hours in the Barrows, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or contract the disease. One
saving throw or become afflicted.
day after infection, the creature’s muscles begin to cramp.
The creature takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls, to skill checks
It takes 1d4 days for sea lung’s symptoms to manifest in an
related to Strength or Dexterity, and to saving throws.
afflicted creature. Symptoms include coughing and a terrible
itching sensation. The afflicted creature gains 1 sea lung
At the end of each long rest after the symptoms appear,
point and can only hold its breath for half the usual amount
the penalty worsens by 1. When the penalty reaches −4,
of time.
the victim suffers a seizure, falling unconscious and entering
a coma. It does not awaken until it is restored by the lesser
At the end of each long rest, after symptoms manifest, an
restoration spell or similar magic. A creature in a coma
infected creature must make a DC 12 Constitution saving
cannot eat or drink.
throw. On a failed save, the character gains one sea lung
point. On a successful save, the character’s sea lung points
decrease by 1. If a successful saving throw reduces the
infected creature’s sea lung points below 1, the creature
recovers from the disease. A creature that has recovered
from sea lung is immune to the disease.

Sea lung points

Creatures that accumulate sea lung points suffer the
following effects:
1. The creature can only hold its breath for 1/2 the
usual time.
2. The creature feels fatigued, regains only half the
normal number of hit points from spending Hit Dice,
and regains no hit points from finishing a long rest.
3. The creature is distracted by the itching sensation
covering its body and has disadvantage on
ability checks.
4. The creature’s speed is reduced to 0.
5. The creature cannot hold its breath.
6. The creature begins suffocating and can't breathe
unless the disease is cured.

278 Appendix: Diseases & Curses


Appendix: Feats 279

Azkhell’s Agoraphobia Using a mundane stone, you may cast a spell of 1st through
3rd level into the stone. The spell has no effect, other than
to be stored in the stone. While you have a spell stored in the
stone, the stone is linked to you: no one else can cast with
Stone Casting the stone, and you cannot use this feat on another stone until
You can cast the earthen fist spell (1 Spell) with this feat the spell is expended from this stone. A stone can hold only
without requiring a material component. You can cast this one spell at a time.
spell with this feat a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, and regain all expended uses after you finish a long rest. While holding the stone, you can cast the spell stored in
You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have of the it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack
appropriate level. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original casting, but is
spell when you cast it with this feat. otherwise treated as if you are casting the spell right now.
The spell cast from the stone is no longer stored in it and the
You can also channel the dark energy of the curse of the stone is no longer linked to you.
Usurper to cast a spell into a stone for later use.

280 Appendix: Feats


Each rune corresponds to an English letter, forming

words in English. This means that to translate DAY
you look up each of these runes in the chart below A B C D E
to come up with the word "day."
The in-game reason that the translated symbols
form English words and sentences is that it's a
property of the magically created script that the
symbols, once translated, form words in a language
known by the creature reading them. The script's
magical origin is also the reason the comprehend
languages spell won't translate the symbols. Texts L M N O P
written in the script are not themselves magical,
so casting the dispel magic spell on them will not Q R S T U
render them understandable.
Knowing Dwarvish does not allow one to read
Ancient Dwarvish. V W X Y Z
Throughout the Curse of the Usurper campaign,
player characters will be given an increasing
number of symbol-to-letter translations, which will
1 2 3 4 5
eventually allow them to read any text in Ancient
Dwarvish. Players good with codes may be able to
1 2 3 4 5
translate such texts even before being given the last
of the symbol-to-letter translations.
6 7 8 9 0
6 7 8 9 0

A ppendix: A ncient D warvish A lphabet 281

282 Appendix: Feats

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