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Automatic Isochore Map Creation From Well Tops

Valid for Petrel 2014
Problem Statement

There are many Intouch articles about Automatic Isochore map creation workflow using Well tops; such as: 4864736

But each of them works well if all the markers/well tops have been picked up correctly in all the wells, which is
ideal. In practical, it is not always the case and the above workflows cannot be used in those cases.

This workflow will re-create the automatic Isochore maps creation so that the Isochore maps created manually by
creating Isochore points and then Make/edit surface and the ones generated from the workflow are same.
Problem Understanding
2. If we RMB on well top(Dallas) while
other(Caracas) is in active state and select
Convert to isochore points, without any
filtering. It creates Isochore points only for well A
1. Three Wells (Say A, B, C) have well tops. A & C & C and it ignores Well B. The generated
have both Caracas & Dallas while B has only Isochore surfaces using Make/edit surface look
Caracas. reasonably good.

Well A
Well B

Well C Well A
Well B

Well C

Problem Understanding

3. However all the methods given in Intouch articles mentioned previously use the well top from Well B as well
(interpolated well top, in this case for Dallas well top which is not exist in Well B).This leads to different results in
manual and automatic isochore maps creation.
3.1 Using TVT/TST calculated on Well tops: For each well this method takes the depth difference of the top marker

with the next marker and assign it as TVT of top surface.
So, if there was a third well top, Paris below Dallas in previous example in all the wells (A,B & C); Calculation of TVT for
Caracas marker would be as follows:
Well A = Caracas – Dallas
Well B = Caracas – Paris Value for Well B is not correct
Well C = Caracas – Dallas
3.2 Converting Well top markers to surfaces and then subtracting values: This would produce errors due to
interpolation algorithm involved in the surface creation.
1. Open the Well tops spreadsheet and make sure 2. If they are empty, open the settings from Wells
TVT/TST is calculated. folder -> Thickness Tab -> Select the correct
Well top

1 3

3. Select Assume that undefined dip and azimuth are zero &
Run. TVT/TST values will be updated in the spreadsheet now.

4. Open Isochores_Auto_FromWellTops workflow. First 12 rows are the input rows which creates
references to the different parameters from well tops. Please input the necessary data as shown in the
red box.


5. Workflow explained:

Row 17-29: Create a copy of the

well top and delete all the
surfaces inside it except the ones

for which Isochore needs to be
calculated; i.e top and base

Row 32-53: ($J=1) Go through

Wells filter folder and check for
number of defined points. If
number of defined points are 2;
keep the well else delete it.

$J=2: Checks if there are any

wells lefts in the Wells filter folder
i.e Data exists or not.
Row54-76: Display the edited well top in a 3D window (Variable U) and
create a surface using TVT zone. Rename the new surface and move it
into a previously created folder. Delete the copied Well top (Row 72) and
move to the next set of markers for Isochore creation.

• Double click on the Make Edit Surface in Row 63.
• The settings should be as above with “Isochore
Interpolation” as algorithm.
• Select Use visible points only checkbox
• Drop a boundary if required. Click Ok.

6. Run the workflow

The isochore maps created from both manual process and automatic workflow is consistent as one can
see in the below images.

Isochore maps from Workflow Manual Isochore map Creation
Results: Isochore map interpolation

The generated isochore maps will only extend where the isochore points exist. If further extrapolation is needed, a
boundary can be provided in Make/Edit surface process at row 63 in the workflow.

The thickness values are the
same in this example

Isochore points exists for all the wells Isochore points exists only for few wells.

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