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M a y 1 0, 2 02 3

Soupa rn a Pa ul
has successfully completed

Responsive Website D evelopment and D esign


an online non-credit course authorized by University of London and Goldsmiths,

University of London and offered through Coursera

Dr Matthew Yee-King Dr J Ohene-Djan

Computing Department,
Goldsmiths, University of London

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/JA L62LZA U VE T
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
J a n 2 , 2 02 4

Soupa rn a Pa ul
has successfully completed with honors

Machine Learning w ith Python

an online non-credit course authorized by IBM and offered through Coursera

Saeed Aghabozorgi Joseph Santarcangelo

Sr. Data Scientist Senior Data Scientist

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/ZNPM PZT C 967B
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 1 0, 2 02 2

Soupa rn a Pa ul
has successfully completed

Obj ect- Oriented D ata Stru ctu res in C++

an online non-credit course authorized by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and

offered through Coursera

Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider
Teaching Assistant Professor
Computer Science

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/59G 6NU C LD 6U 7
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
J a n 1 5 , 2 02 2

Soupa rn a Pa ul
has successfully completed

Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders

an online non-credit course authorized by Rice University and offered through Coursera

Gayle Moran Beata Krupa

Lecturer in Professional and Engineering Communication Lecturer in Professional and Engineering Communication
Rice Center for Engineering Leadership Rice Center for Engineering Leadership

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/G N77M XPPE Y Y E
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
Feb 2 5 , 2 02 4

Soupa rn a Pa ul
has successfully completed

Introdu ction to Cybersecu rity Tools & Cyberattacks

an online non-credit course authorized by IBM and offered through Coursera

Rav Ahuja Dee Dee Collette

Global Program Director
IBM Skills Network

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/5ZL3L94KNH QC
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .

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