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arigruraipan ng Kalibum Ottice ofthe Deeretarp

JUL 17 2017


a. Republic Act No. 9165, otherwiso known as the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002" and ts Implementing Rules and Regulatlons.

b.Executive Order No. 292 (The Rovised Adminiatrative Code of 1987 on the
Cvil Serice Commlsskbn).

c. Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the CviI Service (RRACCS)

d. Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Regulatton No. 2, dated 14 February 2017,

entitled: Adopting the Clvil Service Commission Sanction of Dismissal at First
Offense for Employees or Officials in the Publlc Sector who are Tested and found
Positive for lHlegal Drugs in the Amendment of Sanctlons under Section 2 of Board
Regulation No. 2, Series of 2004.

e. Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Regulation No. 2, dated 26 March 2004.

entited: Guidelines for the Fomulation and Implementation of a Drug-Free
Workplace Program and the Conduct of. Authortzed Drug Testing by All Offices,
Bureaus and Agencies of the National and Local Govemments, Govemment-Owned
and Controlled Corporations and other Institutes of Leaming Including the State
Colleges and Universities.

f. Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 13, dated

06 July 2010 subjact: "Guidelines for a Drug-Free Workplace in the Bureaucracy.
g. C i Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 13 dated
19 April 2017 subject: Guidelines In the Mandatony Random Drug Test for Public
Officials and Employees and For Other Purposes.

This Circular shall provlde for the insttutlonallzation of the drug-free workplace
policy, the edoptlon of the uniform guldelines on drug taeting program and the
procedures in the dispositlon of personnel found administratively llable of using illegal
drugs andlor commlting any prohiblted acts under RA 9165.
RA 9165.
DABS Ercutaris tn compllance with the requlremente of
DND Cor Valuea: Petrodam, rolassionailsm, Good Govemence

The Department of National Defense is committed to protect the safety,

health, and well-being of its personnel and promote a drug-free workplace. o
maintain this standard, the Department is committed to weed out erring personnel,
particulaly those Involved in the use and traficking of dangerous drugs.

The Department treats dangerous drug use, drug addiction and dependency
as a serious misconduct and any personnel tested and found positive for usin9
dangerous drugs shall be relieved of all duties with the penalty of dismissal at first
As part of the Department's social responsibility, upon dismissal of concemed
shall an effective mechanism or
personnel service, the Department
from the
measures directed towards their physlcal. emotional and psychological change, t
live free from dangerous drugs, enjoy life compatible with their capabilities and
potentials, and to become law-abiding and productive menmbers of the community.

The Department shall Implement an effective anti-llegal drug policy for a

unifom guidelines in the conduct
drug-free workplace to include among others, the
and lts bureaus and the
of authorized drug testing program in the DND offices
procedures in the disposition of personnel in violation thereof.

and its attached
This circular shall apply to all personnel of the Department
and outsourced service
bureaus, regardless of status or position including applicants


a. Workplace A place where work is usually perfomed.

D. Authorized Drug Test The testing done by any government
laboratory or by any of the drug toeting laboratories accredited and monitored by the
the quality of test results. It shall employ.
Department of Health (DOH) to safeguard
others, two (2) testing methods, the screening and confimatory tests. The
examination of a person's urine specimen to determine the presence of dangerous
of the drug
drugs shall be done by any govemment forensic laboratory or by any
the DOH.
testng laboratories accredited and monitored by
c. Center -Any treatmert and rehabilitation center which undertakes
It includes
treatment, aftercare and follow-up treatment of drug dependents.
institutions, agencies and the like whose purposes are: the development of skills,
soclal and moral
arts and technical know-how, counselling and/or Inculcating civic,
values to drugs and keeping them drug-free, adapted to their families and peers and
readjusted Into the community as law ablding and productive citizens.

d. Rehabilitatlon-dynamic procass including aftercare and follow-up

treatment directed towards the physical, emotlonal/psychological, vocational, social
and spiritual change of a drug dependent to enable him/her to live without dangerous

drugs, onjoy the fullest lite compatible with his capablities and potentials and render
him/her able to become a law abiding and productive member of the community.

. Treatment Medical service rendered to a patient for the effective

management of physical and mental condtons arising from his/her drug use.

f. Screening Drug Test A rapkd drug test performed to establish polentlal

or presumptive positive result. It refers to the immunoassay test to eliminate a
negative" specimen, i.e. one without the presence of dangerous drugs, from further
consideration and to identify the presumptively positive specimen that requlres
confirmatony test.
g. Confimatory Drug Test - An analytical test using a device, tool or
equipment with a dhfferent chemical or physical principle that is more specific which
will validate and confim the result of the screening test. It refers to the second or
further analytical procedure to more accurately determine the presence of dangerous
drugs in a specimen, which shall likewise be done by any govemment laboratory or
by privately owned and operated drug testlng laboratorles accredited and monitored
by the DOH having confirmatory test capablittes.

h. Dangerous Drugs - Include those listed in the Schedules annexed to the

1991 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the 1972 Protocol and in
the Schedules annexed to the 1971 Single Convention on Psychotropic Substances
as enumerated in the attached annex which is an integral part of RA 9165.

i. Drug Test Certificate-A declaratlon/statement of the result of the drugtest

issued by accredted drug testing centers. It shall be valid for a one-year period from
the date of issue and which may be used for other purposes, as referred to In Section
36, Article ll of the Act.

."For Cause" or "Probable Cause" Drug Test Drug testing required

when there is a "probable cause" or "reasonable grou d" to believe that a person is
using or is under the influence of dangerous drugs.

k. Mandatory Drug Test Compulsory submission of an employee for drug

testing as required by RA 9165 and by the agency's internal rules and regulations.

Random Drug Test - Subjection of personnel for drug testing as selected

following no speciflc pattem and without prior notice/information.

m. Challenge Test- Refers to drug test conducted as a rasult of a challenge

filed by a publie ofical or employee who tasted pasitive for drug use in a confimatory

n. Experimenter - A person whose drug use began through exploration with

limited exposure and no development of regular use or any related harm.

o. Occaslonal User - A person who indulges in drug use to create or

enhance experience in any social setting.
p. Chronlc User Drug Dependent
- A person ldentified for using
in an amount
drugs/other substances (mind-altering or not) without medical need, life or health and
arge enough or over a period long enough to threaten the quality of
safety of the user or others.

q. Dlsclplining authorities- Refer to the person

or body duly authorized to
impose the penalty provided for by law or rules.
penalized under Art. Il of
Unlawful Acts Refer to any of the unlawful acts

RA 9165.

RA 9165- Refers to the Comprehenstve Dangerous

Drugs Act of 2002.

laws as defined under

t. Personnel persons subject to military
Act 408, as amended.
Articles of War Number 2 of Commonwealth
the defense
Personnel Those civlian personnel serving under
u. Civilian on a pemanent, temporary,
non-career service, or
instBution whether in the career or or any other pertinent
to the Civil Service Law
casual, or contractual, who are subject

personnel and personnel

v. Personnel- Includes civilian personnel, military
hired through Managed Service
Personnel Hired personnel from Managed
w. Outsourced Servlce

Providers to do specific services for the department.

covered by a contract
refers to employment
x. Contract of Servlce services such as janitorial, security, or consultancy
sum works or
pertaining to lump relationship exists; pieca
work or intermittent
services where no employer-employee all of which are not
months on a daily basis;
duration not exceeding six
job for short covered by COA rules; and
rules and regulations, but
covered by Cvll Service Law, benefits received by
and employees involved do not enjoy the
the public officials economic relief
including but not limited to personal
govemment employees, and travel allowance.
allowancs, cost of Ilving
allowance, and representatlon


sustalnable anti-drug program and activities, drug
a. Adopta continuing and educate personnel about:
and control programs to
abuse awareness, prevention
of dangerous drugs on the
The adverse effeots of abuse and/or mleuse
person,workplace, femlly and the community.
adminlstrative sanctions in violation thereof.
2) The consoquences and
the Drug-Free Workplace Pollcy.
3) The strict implementation of

b. Conduct advocacy, education and
training program activities:
1) Dissemination/Distribution of the
officials and employeos of the Department and itsDrug-Free Workplace
attached bureaus.
Policy to all

2) Display of Infomation,
drugs materials through all channels. Education
and Communication (lEC) anti-illegal

3) Conduct of capability enhancement training to medical, investigating

and legal officers.

4) Conduct of edvocacy campaign for the department's anti-illegal drug

policy and all implementing programs and activities.
G. Capacitate personnel to promote safe, healthy and drug-frae lifestyle while
at work and athome, such as
1) Conduct of lifestyle assessment program on health nutrition. weight
management, stress management, alcohol abuse, smoking cesaation, and other
indicators of risk diseases;

2) Conduct of physical fitness activity by engaging in sports and

recreational activities;

3) Conduct of health wellness screenings (e.g., blood pressure and heart

rate, cholesterol test, etc.);

4) Conduct counselling and mentoring to personnel.

d. Create OND Drug-Free Workplaca Assessment Committee (DND-DWAC)

1) The DND Drug-Free Workplaco Assessment Committee shall be

composed of the folowing:

Undersecretary for Defense Policy -Chairman

Assistant Secretary for Human Resource -Vice Chairman
Heads of Personnel Department, DND Bureaus Members
Director. VMMC- -Member
Commander, DISG --Member
Secretariat- --OUSDP Parsonnel
2) The Committee shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities:
a) To oversee the implementation of this Circular.

b) Intiate trainlng programs and continuing educatlon on drug abuse

awaroncss, prevention and tunlrol programs.

c) Inltlate and adopt value fomation, family enhancement and such

other related and relevant programs.

The Department and its
bureaus shall ensure that all
agreement executed with outsourced service providers shall stipulate the contracts
for mandatory and random
drug testing prior and during employment requirement
at the latter s
own expense.

f. The Department and its bureaus shall ensure that all suppliers, dealers,
proponents of defense equipment, materiel and supplies shall submit a clearance
from duly accredited drug testing centers by the DOH as part of thelr accreditation

9 The Department shall submit annual accomplishment report to the

Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) relative to the implementation of the department's
anti-dangerous drugs programs and activitles.


a. Personnel are prohibited from using, distributing and possessing

dangerous drugs and/or other prohibited substance. In addition, they must not directly
or indirectly be involved in the seling, giving, providing or administering any
dangerous drugs and/or other prohibited substance to co-employees or others
and/or in the commission of or abetting/aiding in the commission of any unlawful acts
under RA 9165.

b. Personnel are required to faithfully abide by the provisions of thls Circular

as a condition for continued employment.

c. All personnel shall submit themselves to annual mandatory drug testing as

a requirement for a drug-free workplace.

d. As a condition for continued employment, promotion, schooling

(localintemational) and designation to key positions, personnel are required to
present a certification that they have undergone a mandatory drug test indicated
therein that they are free from the use of dangerous drugs.


a. As part of the requirement for employment, all applicants at hls/her own

expense, are requlred to submit themselves to mandatory drug testing conducted by
a govemment drug testng laboratory or by any drug testing laboratory accredited by
the DOH and are required to present a certification that they have undergone a
mandatory drug test indicating thereon that they are free from the use of dangerous
b. The same rule shall apply to outeourced servlce personnel hired by the
department as a conditon in the contract between DND and the service provider.


All personnel regardless of status are required to undergo annua

for retention in the govemment service
mandatory drug testing as a requirement not to
conducted periodically in an interval
Subsequent random drug testlng shall be created tor
exceed two years or as determined by the
DWAC and similar committee
this purpose.
of tho roquiremernts
in the initial
b. Mandatory drug testing shall form part test results of
service. Conflmed positive
entry of applicants in the govemment disqualification.
applications for entry shall be a ground for
Drug Testing Laboratory
C. The authorized drug test shall be done by any of test
to safeguard the quality
accredited and monitored by the (DOH) nationwide
methods used: the screening
shall be two (2) drug testing the
d. There result as well as the type of drug
used and
which will determine the positive
confim a positive screening test.
confimatory test which wil
conducted in any of the following
e. Mandatory drug test shall be
instance8, to wit:

1) Pre-employment;
include among
in high-risk/decision-making positions to
2) Persons
others, the following
Secretary of National Defense
Assistant Secretaries
and assistants
Heads of Bureaus Including their deputies
All Generals/Flag Officers of the AFP
Milltary Commanders and their Deputies and
Department Chiefs of Offices, Services and Directors
Department Division Chiefs

3) Involvement in vehicular accidents;

of drugs/drugs paraphermalia in their

4) Discovery dangerous
possessions or workstation8;

5) Detention by police/fling of charge for drug-related cases; and

6) As a requirement for promotion, schooling and designations to kay

. Random drug test shall be
conditions conducted subjact to the following

Without prior notice or infomation

drug test on selected of the date and venue of the
created for that purpose. chosen by the DND-DWAC and slmilar committees

2) Conduct of random drug test shall be treated with utmost

3) Under random selectlon with
pattem procoss or procedure no specific

4) Regardless of whether the personnel had just undergone random

drug test, the same shall be conducted "for cause" or "probable cause" when there is
a reasonable ground to belleve that random
a drug tast is necessary, that is:

a) Aftendance frequent unauthorfzed absences and repealed


b) Personal Appearance drastic change in appearance,

slumed speech, bloodshot eyes, etc.

c)Mental factor - increased diffculty In handling assignments

hot-headedness, imitability, etc.
d) General Performance - poor individual perfomance rating.

9. Positive resultdangerous
the person tested has used
after confimstory
test is "prima facie" evidence that

h. The drug test result shall fom part of the 201 file of the personnel and
shall be refected in the Summary of Information (S0l) of military personnel.

i. All drug test results and records are strictly confidential as provided for
under the pertinent provision of R.A 9165.

iAny personnel who intentionally or unintentionally breach the

cofidentiality of any drug test result shall be charged in accordancs with Section 72
of RA 9165.



1) Pre-Collection Procedures
a) On the day of the actual conduct of random drug test, the DWAC or
similar committees created for this purpose will inform the head of office/bureau of
the conduct of dug test to randomly selected personnel of his office/bureau to be
tested through urinalysls on the date, time and venue determined by the Committee.
The selected personnel shall be notifled by the Committee and the head of
office/bureau, who In turn, wll immedlately accompany them to the holding area to
brief thepersonnel to be
ofyiekding a positive drugtested about the
test result, andpurpose procedures and the
Random Drug Testing). service of notice. consequences
(Annex A Notice or
b) At the holding area, if
receipt of the Notice
without any valid selected personnel refuse to acknowledge
affidavit attesting to the fact of
reason, the server of notice shall
personnel may be dealt with such refusal. (Annex B- Affldavit of execute an
ground investigation on account of
for administratively
for Service)
violation of lawful order and The
Sec 32 of RA 9165. misconduct in the be
office without prejudice to

c) At tho holding area, the

purpose DWAC or similar committees created for
together with the head of office/bureau this
selected personnel to the shall accompany the randomiy
designated testing area.
2) Collection Procedures
a) The
Custody Form lssued randomly selected personnel shall fill up and
to them (Annex C- sign the Chain of
attendance sheet. Chaln of Custody Fom) as well as the

b) The urlne specimen bottes shall be Issued and

labeled to contain the must be propertyy
specimen number (similar to the one written in the Chain of
Custody Form), name, ID number, position, date and the time when
taken. urine sample waas

3) Post-Collection Procedures
a) Screening Test
The taking of
specimen samples for screening test must be done by
an authorized analyst in an area where
manipulation (e.g. adding of water) is not
possible. This must be witnessed by a personnel
committees created for this purpose other than thedesignated by the DWAC or similar
avoid application of cortaminants to the urine authorized specimen collector to
the DWAC shall sample. In case of female
designate a witness of the same gender.
(1) If non-reactive (Negative)
1.a The personnel shall be infomed of the negative result and
shall be issued a Drug Test Certificate which is good for
used for other purposes.
one (1) year and could be

The personnel shall then be allowed to
upon the pemlssion of the DWAC or similar committees created for this back to work
(2) If Reactive (Postive)

2.a The urine specimen which tested

test must be property labeled and kept pos/ttve after the screening
negative for saparately from the samples that tested
dangerous drugs. The specdmen bottle containing the same urine
will be sealed with proper markings and
preserved on lco bucket/container andsample
In the

presence of personnel designated by the DWAC
this purpose. or similar committees created ftor

2.b The personnel found

such as Urine positive shall i1-up and sign the waiver
Test Consent Formn
(Annex D), specimen Custody and
Report Fon (Annex F) and this wll be testifiedContro
Fom (Annex E) and Drug Test
specimen collector and analyst respectively. by the

2.c All urine samples which tested

confimatory testing positive shall be submitted for
within the same day using same urine sample to a Drug
Testing Laboratory of choica by the DWAC or similar committees created for this
2.d On the other hand, AFP
placed in the designated holding centers as detemined positlveorshall
the DWAC
committees created for this purpose. While civilian personnel shall be placed in the
responsiblity of their respective chlefs of office or heads of bureaus who shall
execute an affidavit of undertaking (ANNEX G Affidavit of Undertaking) pending the
result of the confimatory test.

2.e The Defense Intelligence and Security Group (DISG) shall

serve as the holding center for AFP personnel assigned DND proper.

4) Procedures in Handling Drug Test Resuit After Cofirmatory Test

a) lf non-reactive (negative)

(1) The Chaiman of the DWAC or similar committees created for

this purpose shall inform the head of Ofice/Bureau the resutt of the confirmatory test.
(2) The personnel shall then be released from the designated
hoding ceter and allowed to retum back to work upon the pemission of the DWAC
or elmllar committees created for this
b) If reactive (positive)
(1) The Chaiman of the DWAC or similar committees created for
this purpose shall inform the head of Office/Bureau on the result of the confimatory
test, who shali then notfy the concemed personnel found positive.

(2) Said personnel shall have 15 days from receipt of notice to

challenge the result of confimatory test. The challenge test shall be conducted using
the same urine specimen by a DOH accredited Drug Testing Laboratory.
(3) A positive drug test from the challenge test is deemed final. The
DWAC Or similar committees created for this purpose will then andorse the result to
appropriate investlgating body for the conduct of administrative proceadings with a
peñalty of dismissal from the service at first offense.

(4) AFP personnel shall be turned over to the AFP detention contor
or simlar custodial centers pending investigation and until final resolution of the case.
(6) In the case of civlian personnel, they shall remain under the
responsiblty of their respective chief of office or head of bureau while on preventive
suspension status pending Investigation and until finat resolution of the case.

1) The DWAC or similar committees creatod
schedule the conduct of annual for this purpose shall
mandatory drug testing
office/bureau on the date, time and venue it may deemed to all personnel under his
Offlce or Bureau shall then be notified appropriate. The Head of
by the DWAC or similar committees created for
this purpose, who in turn, will Infom his
test. personnel on the conduct of mandatory drug
2) In case of personnel suspected of using illegal
Office/Bureau will infom the DWAC or similar committees drugs, the Head of
the suspected personnel. Thereafter, the DWAC or
created for this purpose of
similar committees created for
this purpose wll Initlale tthe immediate recall of the
porsonnel for the conduct of
Screening test.
3) Collection Procedure (same with procedure of RDT)
4) Post-Collection Procedures. (same with the procedures of RDT)

a. Any personnel who refuses, to submit themselves for random/mandatory

drug test. as the case maybe, shall be required to explain in writing wlthin 24 hours
by the DWAC or similar committee created for this purpose. The refusal or faiture to
explain within 24 hours shalt be charged with the administrative offense of gross
insubordination punishable by dismissal from the service.

b. Any persannel found positive for use of dangerous drugs shall be subjected
to disclplinary/administrative proceedings with the following imposable penalties;

1) In case of clvlian employee, dismissal or termination from the

govemment service pursuant to Section 46 (19) of Book V Executive Order No 292
and Section 36 (d) RA 9166.

2) In case of Enlisted Personnel (EP), discharge from the military service:

3) In case of an Officer, separation from the service.

C. Any personnel found positive for use and/or found in possesslon of
dangerous drugs and/or committed any unlawful acts under RA9165. shall be
administratively liable with the imposable penalty of dismissal from the service without
prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal charges under RA 9165 and other
pertinent laws. The requirement to undergo treatment and rehabilltation program of
the pOH ls not applicable in this case.
d. Any personnel found to have tampered the resut of a drug test or
interference In the conduct of the drug tast or in the release of drug test results shall
be charged with the administrative offense of grave misconduot punishable by
dismissal from the service.

e. Any member of the DWAC or similar committee personnel who

shall prematurely dleclose the date, venue, the drug testing center/laboratory and the

name of the personnel to be subjected for random drug testing shall be dealt with in
accordance with CSC Rules and Regulations and RA 9165.

f.Voluntary surrender of a drug dependent for confinement, treatment and

rehabilitation exempts him/her from criminal liability subject to the conditions set forth
under Section 55 of RA 9165. However, this-does not preclude the imposition of
administrative sanctions.
a. Personnel who were dismissed by the approving authority shall be required
to undergo treatment and rehabilitation program of the DOH.

b. Prior refeal, the personnel concemed shall undergo complete Drug

Dependency Examination conducted by the DOH or by any medical practitioner
accredited by the DOH immediately after confirmatory test, to determine his/her level
of dependency and the appropriata intervention as may be suitable, as follows:

1) Experimenter -Outpatlent, guidance counselling for six (6) months.

2) Occasional User - Outpatient. guidance counselling and regular

monthly drug test for six months which shall be at the personal expense of the
personnel concemed.

3) Chronic User/Drug Dependent - Mandatory continuous treatment and

rehabilitation for a minimum period of six (6 months In a govemment rehabilitaton
center, a DOH accredited private rehabilitation center, or through a community
rehabilitation program sanctioned under the rules of the Dangerous Drugs Board.
c. After detemining the level of dependency of the concemed personnel, the
DWAC or similer committee created for this purpose shall officially endorse/refer the
concemed personnel for treatment or rehabllitation to the appropriate Treatment and
Rehabilitation Center (TRC) in accordance with the provision of Sec 54 of RA 9165
and existing rules of the Dangerous Drugs Board. The concerned personnel shali
shoulder the expenses for his treatment.

d. The personnel concemed shall secure a certificate of completion and

clearance from his/har attending physician as proof that he/she completed the
treament or rehabilitation program.
e. The personnel concerned shall then present the said certificate and
clearance to the discipining authority who recommended for their diamissal from the
service. The said certificate/clearance shall be attached to the records of the case of
the concerned personnel to be submitted to the Human Resource Office for records
purposes and ralntegration.



The Intial cost for the conduct of screening and conflrmatory drug test of
personnel shall be funded In the current budget of the Department, or the
concemed offlce/attached bureaus. In the absence thereof, this will be charged on

succeeding fundingbudget for health and
proposal for health andrequirement shall be included
of the current year. The
wellness. in their annual budgetary
However, drug test conducted as a
result from
confimatory test shall at theresut
a of a
challenge to
of the concernedpositive drug test
14. MONITORING personnel.
Bureaus/oflices shall submit to the DWAC or
this purpose similar committee created for
quarterly compliance report on the
ant-dangerous drugs programs implementation of their
personnel who have undergone and activities. The data would include the respective
tested positive for drug
using dangerous drugstesting, dates and number of numberof
and their
disposition. personnel who

Head of Bureaus shall

within their respectlve bureaus.ensure the implementation directives of this Circular
All policies, directives, rules and
circular are modified regulations which are inconsistent with this

A- Notice of Random DNL-174489
B- Afmdavit of Sevice
Drug Testing
C-Chain of Custody Form
D-Urine Drug Test Consent Form
E-Custody and Control Form
F- Drug Test Consent Form


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