WH40k 9th Ed Cheat Sheet copy

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Command Phase Farsight Enclaves

+1 CP Targets within 12” count as having a

markerlight token
Start Markerlight Action
Re-Roll 1 Wound Roll
Tactical acumen select Crisis
within 9” ignore any and all hit
modifiers. Also fall back,
shoot ,and charge Rules we forget
Aggressive tactics: crisis within Phase Rule
9” auto advance 8”
All Montka- turn 1-3 move or advance counts as stationary
Target sighted: core within 9”
reroll 1s All Montka – turn 1-3 target closest unit +1 AP and reroll wound roll
of . within 18” turn 1, 12” turn 2, 9” turn 3
Exemplar of montka select core
within 9” 12” if montka unit can All Kauyon- turn 3-5 fall back and shoot at -1. Target closest unit within
reroll all wounds 12” exploding 6s turn 3, turn 4 exploding 5s, turn 5 exploding 4s

Homing beacon actions start

Movement Phase STATS

Homing beacon completes at ATSKNF Ignore modifiers to Combat Attrition Tests
RF Weapons x2 Att if ½ Range/Stationary or
Bolter Discipline
Start other actions Term/Biker

Shock Assault When Charging, charged or HI, +1 Attack

Psychic Phase
Combat Doctrines T1 - Devastator. Hvy/Gren -1 AP
T2 - Tactical. RF/Ass AP-1
Shooting Phase
Markerlight action complete T3+ - Assault - Pistol/Melee AP-1

Charge Phase

Fight Phase

Morale Phase
D6 + # of Models Lost

Result <= Ld = Passed

Result > Ld Fail. Remove one

model and roll for remaining
models. Roll of 1 removes
model. (-1 if at half strength)

Coherency Check - remove

models out of coherecny

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