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Duhok Polytechnic University

1st stage/2nd Semester

Fundamental Of Nursing

Nasogastric Tube (NG)

Prepared By
Nursing Team
Nasogastric Tube (NG Tube)
• A tube that is passed
through the nose & down
through the nasopharynx
and esophagus into the
Uses of NG Tube:

• Gastric Lavage : refers • Gastric Gavage : refers

to remove the contents to put substances
of the stomach such as directly into the
(air, or to remove small stomach when a patient
solid objects & fluid cannot take food or
from the stomach in drink by mouth.
condition of poison.
Gastric Lavage VS Gastric Gavage
Purposes Of NG tube
1. Administration of Feedings and medications to patients
who are unable to eat by mouth or swallow.
2. Suctioning of stomach contents to prevent gastric
distention, nausea, and vomiting.
3. Remove stomach contents for laboratory analysis.
4. lavage (wash) the stomach in case of poisoning or
overdose of medications.
Size of NG tube
Equipment Needed
1. Nasogastric tube (appropriate size)
2. Adhesive tape (2.5 cm wide)
3. Water-soluble lubricant.
4. Syringe with catheter tip , 20-50 ml
5. Glass of tap water with straw
6. Towel or tissue
7. emesis basin
8. Stethoscope
9. Disposable gloves
10. Suction apparatus (if required)
11. plastic specimen bag.
1. Wash hands.
2. Gather equipment.
3. Explain procedure to patient/family.
4. Place patient to high Fowler’s position.
5. Drape chest with towel. Put
emesis basin and tissues near to the
6. Don clean gloves.
7. Measure the distance to
insert tube by placing tip
of tube at patient’s nostril
and extending to tip
of earlobe and then to tip
of xiphoid process.
Mark this point with a marker or tape.
8. Determine patency of nose before choosing an acceptable
nostril using flashlight.
9. Lubricate tip of tube 5-10 cm .
10. Ask the client to hyperextend the neck.
11. Gently insert the tube into the nostril toward the
12. When NG tube is reaching to the pharynx , instruct
patient to touch chin to chest. Encourage patient to sip
water through a straw or swallow (this will close the air
channel and open the esophagus by Epiglottis) .

Advance tube in downward and backward direction when

patient swallows.
13. Stop advancing the tube when patient start gagging and
coughing , and check placement of tube with Tongue pressed
and flashlight . If tube is bent, straighten the tube and
attempt to advance again.

14. Keep advancing tube until the taped mark is reached. Do

not use force. Rotate tube if resistance felt.

15. Discontinue procedure and remove tube if there are signs

of distress, such as gasping, coughing, cyanosis, and inability
to speak.
16. After insertion, secure the tube by making a 2 cut of tape.
17. Check the placement of the tube:
A. Inject 20 to 30 mL of air into the stomach and listen with
the stethoscope for the “whoosh” of air into the stomach.

B. Aspirate gastric content.

C. Prepare the client for x-ray
check-up, if prescribed.
18. Connect the tube to draining bag or to the suction source
or feeding apparatus as ordered, or clamp the end of the
19. Position client comfortably usually in supine position.
20. Remove gloves and wash hands.
21.Document all relevant information such as :

1)Type of tube inserted.

2)Date and time of tube insertion.
3)Type of suction used.
4)Color and amount of gastric contents.

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