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Duhok Polytechnic University

1st stage/ 2nd Semester

Fundamental Of Nursing

Medication administration
B. Subcutaneous(SC) 45o

Prepared By
Nursing Team
B. Subcutaneous(SC) 45o
(into the fat layer between the skin and muscle).

Subcutaneous injections : are administered into the adipose tissue

layer just below the epidermis and dermis. This tissue has few blood
vessels, so drugs administered here have a slow, sustained rate of
absorption into the capillaries.
• Prescribed medication
• Sterile syringe and needle.
• Antimicrobial swab
• Disposable gloves
• Small gauze square
• Sharp box
• PPE, as indicated
• Medication administration record.
Subcutaneous injection sites
Which medication injected subcutaneously?

• insulin
• heparin
• same vaccines

1. Gather equipment. Check the client for any known allergies.

2. Wash hands.
3. Follow the 7 rights.
4. Prepare the medication from an ampule or vial.
5. Identify the client by asking the name and explain the procedure
to the client
6. Place the client in a comfortable position; provide for privacy.

7. Don Clean gloves

8. Assess the client’s skin for bruises, redness, hard tissue, or broken
9. Cleanse the selected site with an alcohol swab; using a firm circular
motion; cleanse from inside to outside; allow alcohol to dry.
10. Remove any air bubbles from the syringe and remove the needle

11. With dominant hand,

hold the syringe like a

dart between your

thumb and forefingers.

12. With non dominant hand, Pinch (hold) the subcutaneous tissue
between the thumb and forefinger. Hold approximately 1 inch (2.5cm)
of fatty tissue.
13. Insert the needle quickly at a 45° if skin fold thickness is 1 inch.
And use a 90-degree angle if skin fold thickness is 2 inches or for
a larger or obese person.
14. Once needle inserted, release the subcutaneous tissue and
grasp the barrel of the syringe with non dominant hand.
2 inches: Use a 90°
1 inch: Use a 45°

15. Aspirate by pulling back on the plunger gently, do not aspirate an

anticoagulant injection like heparin. Heparin and its group should be
injected into abdomen.
16. If blood appears, remove needle , do not inject, and discard in a
sharps container.
17. If blood not appeared, inject the medication slowly (at a rate of
10 sec/mL).
18. Remove the needle quickly at the same angle of insertion and
lightly massage area with alcohol swab; do not massage the
injection site after the administration of an anticoagulant injection
like heparin.
19. Do not recap the needle; discard the needle immediately in a
sharps container..
20. Remove gloves and wash hands.
21. Document medication and site of injection.
22. Observe the client for effectiveness of the medication and any
side effects.

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