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Lesson Plan

Name of Subject & Grade

Elsa C. Coros Grade 2
Faculty Level
Term Term 2 School Year 2023-2024

I. Learning Objectives
● Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
● Quiz #3: Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison of

Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
● Identify the degrees of comparison of adjectives used
in a sentence
● Use the appropriate degree of comparison of
adjectives to describe nouns or pronouns
● Change positive adjective to comparative or
superlative degree

Inclusive dates: February 19-23, 2024

Materials & ● R. Cordero, M. R., & F. Bayocboc, Ma. D. (2020). English

References for Global Communication (New Edition). Salesiana
Books by Don Bosco Press INC.

II. Lesson Development

Coverage Week 10 Meeting 1
Meeting Objective/s:
● LO1: Identify the degrees of comparison of adjectives used in a sentence
● LO2: Use the appropriate degree of comparison of adjectives to describe
nouns or pronouns
● LO3: Change positive adjective to comparative or superlative degree
Daily Routines Prayer
Checking of attendance
Mindfulness activity
Meeting 1: Tongue Twister
Meeting 2: Idiom of the day
Meeting 3: Riddle of the day
Meeting 4: Word of the day
Meeting 5: Spelling

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Lesson Plan

Let’s Warm Up! (10 minutes)

Ask the student about the difference in the following picture

of the rock.

Let’s Explore! (20 minutes) (LO1, LO2 LO3)

Introduce the lesson.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjective.

1. Positive Degree - no comparison

2. Comparative Degree - comparing 2 different
things/people. Adding -er or moret makes a regular adjective
to a comparative degree
3. Superlative Degree – comparing 1 person/thing to a group.
Adding -est or most makes a regular adjective to a
superlative degree.

Irregular form of Adjective:

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Lesson Plan

Let’s Bring It On! (15 minutes) (LO1, LO2 LO3)

Complete the box below.

Let’s Dig Deeper! (5 minutes)

Think of any word that describes your favorite place. Give the
different degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Coverage Week 10 Meeting 2

Meeting Objective/s:
● LO1: Identify the degrees of comparison of adjectives used in a sentence
● LO2: Use the appropriate degree of comparison of adjectives to describe
nouns or pronouns
● LO3: Change positive adjective to comparative or superlative degree

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Lesson Plan

Let’s Review! (5 minutes)

What are the different degrees of comparison?

Let’s Bring It on! (40 minutes) (LO1, LO2, LO3)

Answer pages 296-297

Activity 1 and 2
Write the correct degree of comparison of adjectives to
complete the sentences.

Let’s Dig Deeper! (5 minutes)

What is your favorite degree of comparison? Why?

Coverage Week 10 Meeting 3

Meeting Objective/s:
● LO1: Identify the degrees of comparison of adjectives used in a sentence
● LO2: Use the appropriate degree of comparison of adjectives to describe
nouns or pronouns
● LO3: Change positive adjective to comparative or superlative degree
Let’s Warm-Up! (10 minutes)

The student will play hot potato.

The students need to think of an adjective and the teacher
will spin the wheel of degrees of comparison and the student
will give the correct degree.

Student A: big
Wheel Result: comparative
Expected Answer: bigger

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Lesson Plan

Let’s Bring It On! (20 minutes) (LO1 LO2)

Group Activity:

Let’s Dig Deeper! (5 minutes)

Read the

Coverage Week 10 Meeting 4

Meeting Objective/s:
● Quiz #3:
● Identify the kind of adjective that used in sentences EN2G-IIf-j-5

● Recognize description of people, objects, things and places (color, shape, size,
height, weight, length, distance, etc.) EN2G-IIf-j-5.1
● Form sentences using descriptive adjectives
● Describe a noun or a pronoun using cardinal and ordinal adjectives

● Identify the degrees of comparison of adjective used in a sentence

● Use the appropriate degree of comparison of adjectives to describe nouns or

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Lesson Plan

● Change positive adjective to comparative or superlative degree

Let’s Review! (15 minutes)

What is an adjective?
What are the different degrees of comparison?

Let’s Bring It On! (30 minutes) (LO1)

QUIZ 3: Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives -

Google Docs

A. Encircle the adjectives in each sentence. The number in

the parenthesis indicates the number of adjectives in the
sentence. (1 point each)

1. The fluffy pillows covered his bed. (1)

2. She tied her long black hair in a ponytail. (2)
3. Mark rode his new green bicycle to the park. (2)
4. His yellow pajamas were so long that they dragged on the
floor. (2)
5. The nervous cat jumps when the loud children enter the old
room. (3)

B. Read the following sentences. Identify what kind of

adjective is the underlined word. Write DA if the underlined
word is DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVE, write CA if the underlined
word is CARDINAL ADJECTIVE, and write OA if the underlined

_____ 6. I ate three slices of cake for breakfast.

_____ 7. Mara won 2nd place in the Math quiz bee.
_____ 8. Can you please give me the sweetest candy in your
_____ 9. Mario and James like to play with big Legos.
_____ 10. Olaf is a cute cat with black fur.

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of the adjective

given in the parentheses.

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Lesson Plan

11. Anna is __________ (tall) than her Olaf.

12. The Alps are the __________ (high) mountain ranges in
13. The test was very __________ (easy)
14. This cake is __________ (sweet) cake ever.
15. She is __________ (old) than him.
16. Who is the __________ (short) man in the world?

D. Think of any adjective and use them in a sentence. Make

sure to underline the adjective used in the sentence.


Criteria Score

The sentence written is free from errors in 2 points

grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The
adjective was also underlined.

The sentence written has minor errors in 1 Point

grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The
adjective used is not being underlined.

None was written. 0 Point

Let’s Dig Deeper! (5 minutes)

How was the quiz?

Coverage Week 10 Meeting 5

Meeting Objective/s:
● Completion of Activity

III. Reflection
Appreciation Critique / Recommendations
● ●

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