FE-UNIT-2 session-2 Ability to work independently-converted (1)

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Vincent Pallotti School

Class –X




Session-1: Stress Management Techniques


Q.1) Multiple Choice Questions:

1) Which of these does not help you to manage stress?

a) Yoga b) Breathing Exercises c) Nature Walks d) Meditation

2) Which of these is not a source of stress?

a) Sleep b) Worries c) Tension d) Danger

3) Which of these is not a quality that is required by an independently working


a) Self-motivation b) Distress c) Self-regulation d) Self-awareness

4) What types of hormones are related by the body when we exercise?

a) Endorphins b) Pheromones c) Bile d) Morphemes

5) A feeling of Self-awareness generally enhances our ____________

a) Oratory skills b) Work skills c) Stress levels d) Self-confidence

II) Short Answer Questions:

Q.1) What is the meaning of stress in our day-to-day life?

• Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse

• Stress can help us accomplish task more efficiently.
Q.2) Why is self awareness important in our life?

o Self awareness refers to your knowledge and understanding of

o It allows you to understand how other people perceive you , your
attitude and your responses to them in the current situation or the
o Self awareness is the first step to mastering your life and getting
what you want .Having self awareness allows you to see where
your thoughts and emotions are taking you.
o It also allows you to take control of your emotions and behavior so
that you can control them.

Q.3) What is the exact meaning of self regulation?

Ans: Self-regulation means self control or the ability to manage your emotions,
desires and behavior in order to accomplish is given task. Self regulation is
extremely important for independent working.

Q.4) Describe some ways of managing stress?

Ans: Following are the ways to mange stress:

1) Yoga and Breathing Exercises:Yoga and various type of breathing exercise

derived from yoga are a proven way of reducing stress level.

2) Thinking and Meditation: Meditation is a practice where we use a technique

such as mindfulness or focusing our mind on a particular object, thought or
activity .This is done to train attention and awareness and and achieve a mentally
clear and relaxed state.

3) Physical exercise: Exercise and other physical activities produce endorphins

which are chemicals in the brain that act as a natural Painkiller. They also
improve our ability to sleep , which in turn relaxes us and reduces our stress.

4) Vocationing and Holidays with Friends and Family.

5) Taking Nature Walks.

Q.5) What are different types of Stress?

Ans : There are different types of stress they are Survival Stress, Internal Stress,
Environmental Stress, Fatigue and Overwork.

Q.6) How many origins can have stress causal?

Ans: Mental, Physical, Social and Financial

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