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https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-08693-w (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)


Design of artificial intelligence cultural creative industry based

on machine learning
Zhice Zhao1 • Lei Zhang2

Accepted: 29 May 2023

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

At present, social production and people’s lifestyle have been revolutionized and globally affected by the rapid devel-
opment of artificial intelligence technology. This technology has been reasonably applied in many fields, such as medical
treatment, economy, transportation and manufacturing, so it has been unanimously recognized and supported by the
market, society and the government. At the same time, artificial intelligence is more and more applied to the field of
cultural industry, which brings a new development model of cultural design creative industry and promotes its production
and management reform. Based on this point, this paper focuses on the practical problems in the process of small sample
single label classification of cultural and creative product images, comprehensively establishes the mainstream machine
learning model, and classifies DPM data with mechanical transfer learning algorithm. From the experimental data, the
prediction accuracy of the resnet50 model is 87%. Not only that, this paper also proposes a multifeature algorithm by
integrating machine learning and deep learning technology, in order to solve the problem of differences between large and
small types of cultural and creative products. The algorithm can combine convolution calculation and point combination
for learning, so as to further improve the accuracy. Finally, it can realize that the accuracy is 5% higher than DPM data set,
which is conducive to the development of cultural and creative industries. Through the in-depth analysis of artificial
intelligence, it is found that the technical level of artificial intelligence needs to be improved at this stage, and there are
limitations in its application; Artificial intelligence laws and regulations are imperfect and information protection is
misplaced; Artificial intelligence technology is easy to be overused, which affects the healthy development of cultural
industry and leads to public opinion. This paper applies machine learning and artificial skill technology to the field of
cultural and creative design, so as to promote the development of cultural and creative industry.

Keywords Machine learning  Artificial intelligence  Cultural and creative design  Industrial development

1 Introduction concept of ‘‘artificial intelligence’’ was put forward in

1956. Due to the low technical level at that time, it is still in
Artificial intelligence is making continuous progress and the state of exploration. In recent years, with the recent
has been applied to the cultural industry. Artificial intelli- technological breakthrough, artificial intelligence has
gence (AI for short) is a new technological science that returned to people’s attention. Its theory and technology are
combines the research and development of theories, more mature, and its scope of application is also expand-
methods, technologies and application systems that imitate ing, affecting the traditional mode of social operation (Lu
and extend human intelligence (Holzinger et al. 2019). The et al. 2018). Artificial intelligence has demonstrated its
unique capabilities in the fields of health care, transporta-
tion, intelligent housing, finance and manufacturing. At the
& Zhice Zhao same time, artificial intelligence is increasingly applied to
zhaozhice@163.com the cultural, creative and design industry, which plays a
subversive role in the production and operation of cultural
College of Art, Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang 050031, and creative industries (He et al. 2019). For example, the
handwriting robot introduced by the local news media can
Hebei OPEN University, Shijiazhuang 050080, China

Z. Zhao, L. Zhang

operate 24 h a day, and the whole process from writing to Artificial intelligence has not only changed the concept and
sending is automated, with amazing efficiency; Iqiyi creative behavior of artists, expanded and reorganized the
applies artificial intelligence by creating scenes, casting, group of artists, but also made the current way of artistic
advertising, online interaction and so on. Almost all pro- creation better reflect the trend. Artificial intelligence
duction and operation links are operated through artificial enhances the existing art forms and makes more and more
intelligence, so as to realize assembly line operation intelligent interactive digital art visible to the public. While
(Haenlein and Kaplan 2019). Artificial intelligence, with its creating new art forms, it also promotes the integration and
advantages of high efficiency and automation, promotes the development of existing art forms (Bai et al. 2016). The
reform of production and operation of cultural industry. literature introduces that the application mode of ‘‘artificial
There is no doubt that as a new thing, it will inevitably intelligence ? Internet’’ as the content of art communica-
bring some problems that we must deal with properly. For tion form can make art communication more accurate and
example, the current level of artificial intelligence tech- efficient, which is conducive to the opening of contempo-
nology needs to be improved, its use has limitations, rary art to the public, increase the public’s art participation
information protection is not in place and other problems knowledge and highlight the sense of existence (Gibson
(Ashraf et al. 2013). Therefore, this paper first introduces et al. 2010). The literature discusses the influence of arti-
artificial intelligence, analyzes the ecological structure of ficial intelligence on art concept, art production and con-
cultural and creative industry based on artificial intelli- sumption (Chowdhury and Sadek 2012). While
gence, describes the development of cultural and creative establishing the integration of man–machine into artistic
industry design, and puts forward some effective sugges- creation, artificial intelligence also affects the current mode
tions combined with the problems in the process of actual of artistic production. It will help to solve the problems of
industrial development. It can be seen from the relevant difficult originality, insufficient production capacity and
research results that the features of cultural and creative poor communication in the art market, and help the tradi-
images often show the characteristics of single object tional art industry get rid of difficulties with the advantages
(Kokina and Davenport 2017). Therefore, for the multi- of fast creativity, fast productivity and accurate commu-
label classification process of cultural and creative images, nication (Xu et al. 2021). From the perspective of artistic
we can combine the deep learning and machine learning conception, the literature analyzes and finds that the
technology to predict the multi-label classification from the changes of artists’ creative methods mainly come from the
perspective of label correlation and the iterative RNN changes of ideas, and the aesthetic concept under the
method. According to the analysis of the experimental background of artificial intelligence affects the ‘‘subjec-
results, the comprehensive RNN iterative prediction tivity, emotion and creativity’’ and other things in art,
method proposed in this paper is more sensitive for met prompting people to think about how to deal with the
data sets. After learning, the prediction results of the multi- artistic aesthetic concept under the background of the new
label classification algorithm are often better than the tra- thought era (Schwendicke et al. 2020). Artificial intelli-
ditional algorithm (Luo et al. 2017). gence has also shaken the dominant position of artists in
artistic creation and production, and promoted the popu-
larization and democratization of art. From the history of
2 Related work art development or the current development of science and
technology industry, the existence value of artificial intel-
The literature introduces the basic concept and process of ligence in the field of art is huge, and unreasonable ‘‘anti
the development of artificial intelligence, traces the origin technology’’ knowledge should be eliminated (Chassignol
of art, creates artificial intelligence, and defines the concept et al. 2018).
and theoretical construction of art ecology (Xu et al. 2021).
Develop artificial intelligence based on big data technology
and in-depth learning, and carry out the creation of artifi- 3 Theoretical basis
cial intelligence art by classifying, appreciating and
learning a large number of marked works. Since the birth 3.1 Artificial intelligence
of artificial intelligence, scientists have never stopped
exploring the field of art. With the continuous progress of Artificial intelligence is literally translated into English as
science and technology, artificial intelligence has had a ‘‘artistic intelligence,’’ abbreviated as AI. The specific
great impact on today’s artistic perspective. The literature meaning of ‘‘Dartmouth College’’ has been put forward in
discusses how the practice of artificial intelligence pro- the academic conference of the United States since 1956,
motes the reform of art creation system, art form system, and its specific meaning has been continuously updated.
art communication and acceptance system (Buiten 2019). ‘‘Artificial intelligence’’ can be literally understood as an

Design of artificial intelligence cultural creative industry based on machine learning

artificial agent. Scientists often mention the word ‘‘intelli- the first layer is a(l) = x, and the result of the last layer is
gence.’’ Since human beings are most familiar with human formula 2:
intelligence, artificial intelligence has long been compared  
with human beings, resulting in many different definitions: aðmÞ ¼ f ðxÞ ¼ r wðmÞ aðm1Þ þ bðmÞ ð2Þ
‘‘artificial intelligence is a machine whose behavior is the
Finally, MLP obtains the prediction results through for-
same as human beings.’’ This concept is subjective and
ward propagation, and then learns and continuously
illogical. Many pragmatists believe that a program that can
improves the weight W and deviation B through inverse
make decisions or actions, For example, people do not have
propagation algorithm. For N-size sample set, the purpose
to abide by certain rules, that is, artificial intelligence,
of MLP training is to reduce the difference between net-
which obviously ignores how to get results; ‘‘Artificial
work output and target output. Taking the mean square
intelligence is a human like computer program’’ with a
error as an example, the objective function to be optimized
certain ability of independent ‘‘thinking,’’ which is also a
is formula 3:
popular definition in the early stage of artificial intelli-
gence. Artificial intelligence seems to be able to ‘‘think’’ XN
J ðW; b; x; yÞ ¼ fw;b ðxi Þ  yi 2 ð3Þ
like the human brain, but its working principle is very 2
different from that of the brain, so the understanding is still
one-sided. The relevant understanding described above is MLP uses back propagation algorithm to train its
the general understanding of artificial intelligence, which is internal parameters by reducing the gradient. For layer L
not desirable in rigorous scientific research. In the fourth neural network, the input of layer L neuron is Zl, the
scientific and technological revolution, artificial intelli- activation function is F1, the activation output of layer L is
gence technology is often regarded as a landmark tech- al, and the weight matrix and bias matrix of layer l are
nology. At present, the more popular technologies such as Wl?1, l and Bl?1, l, respectively. According to forward
video recognition, image recognition, speech synthesis, propagation formula 4 and formula 5:
machine translation and emotion analysis belong to the
zlþ1 ¼ W lþ1;l  al þ blþ1;l ð4Þ
category of artificial intelligence technology. They can  
imitate, expand and extend human intelligence and play an alþ1 ¼ f zlþ1 ð5Þ
important role in medical and other industries.
Let the loss function of the neural network be J (W,
b) [ R1. According to the chain rule, there are formula 6
3.2 Artificial neural network technology
and formula 7:
Deep learning belongs to the category of machine learning oJðW; bÞ ozlþ1
rwlþ1;l JðW; bÞ ¼  lþ1;l ¼ dlþ1  al ð6Þ
artificial neural network (ANN). The concept correspond- ozlþ1 ow
ing to deep learning is shallow learning, which usually oJðW; bÞ ozlþ1
refers to machine learning models such as SVM without rblþ1;l JðW; bÞ ¼  lþ1;l ¼ dlþ1 ð7Þ
ozlþ1 ob
depth structure. The first neural network is called multi-
layer perceptron (MLP). Multilayer perceptron maps the Based on the chain derivation rule, we can obtain dl as
input data into forward propagation output data. Its struc- formula 8:
ture is usually composed of several interconnected nodes, oJ oJ ozlþ1 oal  lþ1;l lþ1  0  l 
which can be divided into input layer, hidden layer and dl ¼ ¼   ¼ w d f z ð8Þ
ozl ozlþ1 oa0 ozl
output layer. Each layer is fully connected with the pre-
vious layer. The output of each node is weighted first, and
then through a nonlinear activation function so that it can 3.3 Neural network technology
be used to identify linearly indivisible data. Since the
previous layer is layer 1 and the latter layer is layer l ? 1, CNN mainly has three operations: convolution, nonlinear
the a(l?1) activation output of layer l ? 1 is calculated conversion and pooling. Convolution layer and pooling
according to Formula 1: layer alternately obtain high-level semantic components,
  and then classify them into full connection layer. Each
aðlþ1Þ ¼ r xðlÞ aðlÞ þ bðlÞ ð1Þ layer corresponds to several feature maps, and each feature
map corresponds to one feature. In this way, the weight and
where w(l) and B(l) represent the weight and deviation of the deviation of each feature map for convolution operation are
first layer, r Represents a nonlinear activation function. shared, so that the convolution neural network can reduce
For the multilayer perceptron of layer m, the input layer of the parameters while learning many features. The mathe-
matical expression of convolution operation is formula 9:

Z. Zhao, L. Zhang

k X
ðl1Þ where Wf is the weight matrix of the forgetting gate,
yi;j ¼r wðlÞ
n;m  xiþn;jþm þb ðlÞ
n¼1 m¼1
[ht-1,xt] is the vector formed by connecting the hidden state
and the current output in series, and bf is the offset term of
where Wn;m represents K 9 K convolution kernel of layer l, the forgetting gate and the sigmoid function.
nþI;mþj represents the corresponding spatial region of the The calculation formula of input gate is formula 15:
corresponding characteristic graph of layer L - 1. The it ¼ rðW i  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bi Þ ð15Þ
convolution operation will traverse the input characteristic
maps of different convolution kernels, add a bias after the Calculate the cell state used to describe the current input
dot product operation, and then process it through the according to [ht-1,xt], as shown in formula 16:
nonlinear activation function to obtain a new characteristic cet ¼ tanhðW c  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bc Þ ð16Þ
map as the output layer.
The pooling layer can further simplify the convolution To sum up, the current updated cell status can be cal-
features by sampling, so as to further reduce the compu- culated, as shown in formula 17:
tational complexity of the training process. Given a pool ct ¼ f t  ct1 þ it  cet ð17Þ
layer q, the characteristic output Fq is obtained from
Then calculate the output gate to control the proportion
Eq. 10:
 of unit state output to the hidden output of the next layer, as
F qi;j ¼ max f q1 q1
1þpði1Þ;1þpðj1Þ ; . . .; f pi;1þpðj1Þ ; . . .;
shown in formula 18:
ð10Þ ot ¼ rðW o  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bo Þ ð18Þ
f q1
1þpði1Þ;pj ; . . .; f q1
pi;pj Þ
Finally, the hidden state of the next time can be
where pxp is the size of the local pooling region, m is the obtained, as shown in formula 19:
size of the input characteristic graph, and n is the size of the
convolution kernel. The operation of Max is simple. The ht ¼ ot  c t ð19Þ
information collected in the local region is extracted to
obtain the highest value, and the smoothness is obtained to
explain the invariance and sparsity of learning features. 4 Development status of cultural
Cyclic neural network was proposed by Elman et al. and creative industry design
With the deepening of researchers, new variants of network
structures such as lstm1 and gru1 have been proposed in 4.1 Analysis of cultural and creative ecological
recent years. Because it uses memory learning units, it can structure based on artificial intelligence
learn variable length sequence data. It is widely used in
many sequence learning tasks, such as machine translation, The influence of artificial intelligence on art is different.
word prefix recognition, point division and so on. This paper will analyze it from the perspective of internal
The output of St weight matrix and the calculation and external ecology of art. Since the middle of the
method of cyclic neural network are shown in formula 11 twentieth century, with the integration and progress of
and formula 12: science and Humanities and mutual reference, the concept
st ¼ f ðU  xt þ W  st1 Þ ð11Þ of ‘‘ecology’’ is not only applicable to the field of biology,
but has been absorbed and integrated into the fields of
ot ¼ gðV  st Þ ð12Þ
politics, economy, culture, philosophy, aesthetics and other
where g and f are the activation functions of output layer humanities. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, art
and hidden layer, respectively. Expand ot to obtain formula research began to apply the ecological perspective to the
13: field of art, paying attention to the specific changes of art
itself and its internal elements under the influence of the
ot ¼ gðV  st Þ
external environment. Just as the biosphere has its own
¼ V  f ðU  xt þ W  st1 Þ
¼ V  f ðU  xt þ W  f ðU  xt1 þ W  st2 ÞÞ survival law, the art circle also has a specific ecology, that
¼ V  f ðU  xt þ W  f ðU  xt1 þ W  f ðU  xt2 þ . . .ÞÞÞ is, art ecology. At present, there is no unified view on the
significance of art ecology in academic circles. However,
for the concept of ecology, art ecology is the sum of the
The calculation formula of forget gate is: interaction and interdependence between the elements of
  art and its social environment, living environment and
f t ¼ r W f  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bf ð14Þ
technical environment. Today, the emergence of artificial
intelligence has brought new changes to the developing art

Design of artificial intelligence cultural creative industry based on machine learning

ecology. Artificial intelligence not only greatly affects understand which indicators are of great significance to the
today’s artistic creation and acceptance, but also brings a annual creative development and play a more obvious role
series of changes in artistic ecology, such as artistic con- in the development of industrial zones. Firstly, the nor-
cept, production and consumption. Therefore, this paper mative matrix needs to be obtained, and all subsequent
will focus on the impact of the current emerging artificial calculation steps are carried out using the normative
intelligence technology on art ecology. In order to deeply matrix, so as to obtain the weight of each index from 2017
and comprehensively study the impact of artificial intelli- to 2021, as shown in Table 2.
gence on current art, the author tries to build an art eco- Conclusion: It is shown in Table 2 that the data changes
logical structure model (as shown in Fig. 1) for detailed from 2017 to 2021 are divided into five factors: the number
analysis, and briefly introduces the elements of art ecology. of employees in regional creative industries, regional
education investment, annual investment in the park,
4.2 Design of spatial indicators regional production, financial industry and regional post
for the development of cultural and creative and Telecommunications turnover. In 2017, the proportion
industries exceeded 0.1, but with the growth of the regional area of
creative industries, the proportion of this index decreased,
Based on the literature research and the quantitative rela- while the proportion of creative consumption of local
tionship between grounded theory and structural equation, people gradually increased. With the gradual advancement
this study measures the above indicators in more detail. of the concept of consumption modernization, the contri-
Among the 14 indicators of the five aspects involved in this bution of cultural and creative consumption to the indus-
study, the factors affecting the degree of spatial agglom- trial zone will gradually increase. These data are spatially
eration include regional development, park construction, aggregated according to the temporal and spatial evolution
related industries, market demand and government support. law of industrial development to produce diversity char-
In order to study the factors that may affect the field of acteristics. In addition, according to the weight table, the
urban design industry, this paper uses theoretical qualita- urbanization rate of the whole region, the average salary of
tive research and literature comprehensive research to employees in creative industries in the whole region, the
divide the factors into 5 aspects and 14 sub projects, as occupancy rate of the park and the bachelor’s degree or
shown in Table 1. above of employees in the park account for a low weight,
which can almost eliminate its impact. Other indicators
4.3 Development status of cultural and creative have a specific impact on the urban design industry region,
design but the correlation and influence need to be further studied.
There are two main considerations in using the fixed
By introducing TOPSIS method and explaining the calcu- panel data effect model in this paper: on the one hand,
lation steps, this model method is used to calculate the some researchers suggest using the fixed effect directly
weight of various indicators of creative industries in 23 instead of using the two-step method to estimate the index
cities in 9 regions of China from 2017 to 2021, so as to parameters; On the other hand, the hypothesis of random

Fig. 1 Illustration of art ecology

internal ecology

Teaching system

authoring system

Z. Zhao, L. Zhang

Table 1 Influencing factors and indicators of spatial agglomeration of Urban Creative Industry Zones Based on grounded theory
Factor Symbols Variable design

Regional development Urbanization Urbanization ratio in the area

People The total number of creative industries in the area
Salary The average salary of creative industry personnel in the region
Education Economic investment in education for education
Park construction Invest The annual investment amount of the park
Occupancy The park’s settlement rate
Company The number of companies in the park
Rent The average rent of the park
Background Among the local employment personnel, undergraduate academic qualifications
Related products Value The total output value of the financial industry in the area
Post E-commerce transaction volume in the area
Market demand Consume Residents in the area
Retail Wholesale retail output value
Traffic flow Traffic flow Traffic status of the creative industry

Table 2 Weights of influencing factors and variables Combined with the previous TOPSIS model, the regio-
Variable/year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
nal urbanization rate, the average salary of employees in
regional creative industries, the park occupancy rate and
Urbanization 0.0004 0.0006 0.0010 0.0010 0.0009 the proportion of employees with bachelor’s degree or
People 0.2223 0.2200 0.2310 0.2216 0.1890 above in the park only have low weights, so such factors
Salary 0.0003 0.0009 0.0020 0.0025 0.0017 have low influence. Therefore, this paper makes two
Education 0.1075 0.1068 0.1057 0.0939 0.0856 regression. In order to ensure the accuracy of the model
Invest 0.1337 0.1362 0.0996 0.1005 0.0835 estimation results, comparative analysis is carried out, and
Occupancy 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004 0.0002 the random effect (RE) method is used to estimate the
Company 0.0291 0.0304 0.0370 0.0408 0.0390 parameters. The results are shown in Table 4.
Rent 0.0101 0.0100 0.0069 0.0118 0.0079
Background 0.0004 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 4.4 Problems of related technologies
Value 0.2248 0.2232 0.2410 0.2309 0.2139 in the development of cultural and creative
Post 0.1450 0.1457 0.1520 0.1562 0.1415 industries
Consume 0.0471 0.0459 0.0467 0.0520 0.1580
Retail 0.0538 0.0540 0.0496 0.0498 0.0450 Computer vision technology is one of the leading tech-
Traffic flow 0.0350 0.0358 0.0372 0.0384 0.0337 nologies in the field of artificial intelligence. It allows
machines with this function to ‘‘see’’ and recognize planar
images or three-dimensional objects like humans. Com-
monly used in image processing and video processing.
However, machine recognition is based on data and algo-
effect is that the explanatory variables of individuals are
rithms. It is only a visual imitation, which is essentially
not related to the fixed effect, which is often difficult to
different from the recognition of objects by human eyes
realize in reality.
and brain, so it cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. For
Because the panel data show two-dimensional time and
example, the Google photo app, which provided manage-
cross-sectional information to ensure the stability of the
ment and backup for 500 million users in 2015, has been
series, the ‘‘pseudo regression’’ caused by the non-sta-
fiercely criticized by society for mistakenly identifying
tionary time series should be avoided before estimating the
African Americans as gorillas. In terms of image recog-
model. First, use stata14 0 software tests the stationarity of
nition, of course, the error is not only that Google photo
each variable. Because the unbalanced panel data are
album cannot recognize humans and gorillas, and the
selected in this paper, Fisher ADF is used to test the unit
accuracy of identifying objects with high similarity is rel-
root of the panel data. See Table 3 for specific test results.
atively low, but also that the incident involves racial

Design of artificial intelligence cultural creative industry based on machine learning

Table 3 Unit root test results

Variable p statistic z statistic L statistic Pm statistic Conclusion

D (hhi) 89.65891 (0.0000) - 3.4882 (0.0002) - 7.4170 (0.0000) 11.91315 (0.0000) Stable
D (urbanization) 176.5542 (0.0000) - 7.9869 (0.0000) - 15.8106 (0.0000) 26.39574 (0.0000) Stable
D (people) 79.04644 (0.0000) - 2.9468 (0.0167) - 5.6394 (0.0074) 9.480264 (0.0000) Stable
D (salaiy) 69.1946 (0.0000) - 4.4863 (0.0000) - 5.5973 (0.0000) 8.502483 (0.0000) Stable
D (education) 31.06134 (0.031007) - 1.0161 (0.1548) - 1.4092 (0.0826) 2.146856 (0.016968) Stable
D (invest) 35.542 (0.008989) - 2.4905 (0.0064) - 2.3826 (0.0106) 2.89365 (0.002121) Stable
D (occupancy) 133.4263 (0.0000) - 7.1735 (0.0000) - 11.9754 (0.0000) 19.20768 (0.0000) Stable
D (comp any) 119.2744 (0.0000) - 4.2800 (0.0000) - 9.5295 (0.0000) 16.84902 (0.0000) Stable
D (rent) 109.555 (0.0000) - 4.4479 (0.0000) - 9.1458 (0.0000) 15.22918 (0.0000) Stable
D (background) 123.315 (0.0000) - 5.7414 (0.0000) - 10.7197 (0.0000) 17.52249 (0.0000) Stable
D (value) 74.33206 (0.0000) - 3.9472 (0.0000) - 6.3782 (0.0000) 23.77399 (0.0000) Stable
D (post) 188.0081 (0.0000) - 7.1175 (0.0000) - 16.2353 (0.0000) 28.30464 (0.0000) Stable
D (consume) 30.54038 (0.035552) - 2.1264 (0.0167) - 1.9890 (0.0261) 2.060097 (0.020907) Stable
D (retail) 149.6453 (0.0000) - 6.3419 (0.0000) - 12.3674 (0.0000) 34.49645 (0.0000) Stable
D (traffic flow) 111.1944 (0.0000) - 5.7555 (0.0000) - 9.8792 (0.0000) 15.50239 (0.0000) Stable

Table 4 Comparison of parameters of different models At present, the global data accumulation has reached an
alarming level. In 2016, the total amount of global data was
Variable (1) (2)
10zb, which means that 10 billion 1 TB hard disks need to
Urbanization HHI (RE) HHI (RE) be used to store. Almost all human attitudes and behaviors
0.012524 (1.515) – can be expressed by data, and data has become the core
People - 0.023331 (- 0.8888) - 0.0062 (- 0.25) foundation of the virtual world. Similarly, data can also be
Salary 0.00101 (0.1111) – used to repeatedly describe the actual situation of users.
Education 0.061004 (3.4037) 0.0535 (3.05) China has promulgated a number of relevant laws and
Invest 0.069589 (4.3935) 0.0887 (7.02) regulations, but privacy and data security problems always
Occupancy 0.003434 (0.3939) – exist. It can be seen that the information protection of
Company 0.013231 (2.1917) 0.0090 (187) government departments and relevant business platforms is
Rent - 0.014544 (- 1.5049) - 0.0251 (- 4.09) not in place, the implementation of current laws and reg-
Background - 0.003838 (0.6666) – ulations is weak, the form is single, and there is a lack of
Value 0.084133 (1.7372) 0.0748 (1.57) more targeted and applicable measures. Multiple heads of
Post 0.008989 (0.2424) 0.0110 (031) legal supervision are in charge, the rights and responsi-
Consume 0.006767 (2.1513) 0.0063 (2.04) bilities are not clear, and the applicable punishment is
Retail 0.06161 (2.6361) 0.0847 (4.73) improper.
Traffic flow 0.042521 (2.0301) 0.0613 (4.10) No matter under what background, high-quality content
Cons 0.039592 (15.9479) 0.0392 (15.42) has been sought after by cultural consumers and is the basis
for the healthy growth of the cultural industry. It is of great
help to improve production efficiency and quantity. How-
ever, intelligent creation cannot meet the needs of the
cultural market for high-quality content, and the lack of
discrimination, which has aroused social discontent and
high-quality content is more prominent. Intelligent creation
caused an uproar. Based on this point, we can know that
cannot create high-quality original content in line with
imperfect technology will have side effects. Based on the
human emotion, and it itself does not have high aesthetic
computer vision technology developed by different com-
value. The process of creating art works such as music,
panies, the accuracy of identifying different types of ima-
painting and poetry through artificial intelligence can be
ges varies, usually between 80 and 97%. However, to put
understood as the intervention of machines on various
the technology into practice, it will involve billions of
elements of input data, and the connection and re expres-
users, even if only one percent of the error rate will affect
sion of scattered elements. The process follows the rules of
the performance of the application.

Z. Zhao, L. Zhang

data mining. Due to the lack of self experience and thought, The entire image must first be normalized. This process
the works cut and pieced together are difficult to show effectively reduces the local difference of shadow and
meaning and attitude. The will and emotion behind the brightness in the image.
works cannot be established, so the person who appreciates Calculate the image gradient. The pixel gradient (x, y) of
the works cannot feel the strong vitality of the machine. the image is Eq. 21:
Gx ðx; yÞ ¼ Hðx þ 1; yÞ  Hðx  1; yÞ
Gy ðx; yÞ ¼ Hðx; y þ 1Þ  Hðx; y  1Þ
5 Application of related technologies
in the design of cultural and creative where Gx(x, y) Gy(x, y) H(x, y), respectively, represents the
industries horizontal gradient, vertical gradient and pixel value at the
input pixel point (x, y). According to the above, the gra-
5.1 Image feature extraction dient amplitude and gradient direction at the pixel point (x,
y) are, respectively, formula 22:
Traditional image features usually include color, shape and qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
texture. This paper selects the quantized HSV histogram as Gðx; yÞ ¼ Gx ðx; yÞ2 þ Gy ðx; yÞ2
the color feature, the hog gradient histogram as the shape 1 Gy ðx; yÞ
aðx; yÞ ¼ tan
feature, and the local binary pattern LBP descriptor as the Gx ðx; yÞ
texture feature, which provides the basis for the subsequent
multi feature fusion experiment.
5.2 Image classification and result analysis
Color feature is one of the most intuitive visual features,
which is usually obtained by calculating the histogram
Multi-feature fusion is divided into low-level fusion and
distribution of pixel values in the image. At present, there
high-level fusion. Low level fusion is the merging of fea-
are several color spaces, among which HSV is a way to
ture layers, which usually directly combines the features to
represent the points in RGB color space by inverted cone,
form a unified feature. High-level fusion, that is, hierar-
and HSV combines hue, saturation and lightness. For 3-
chical fusion, is to fuse the scores of each category
channel color images, HSV must be quantified before color
obtained by each classifier into a new feature.
histogram can be obtained. For the three HSV channels in
In this paper, the score layer of all features corre-
the opencv toolkit used in this paper, the value ranges are
sponding to the classifier is soft Max score. Since the soft
0–180, 0–250 and 0–250, respectively. The quantitative
Max score of the I classifier of the j-th class is recorded as
strategy HSV is as shown in formula 20:
8 Pij, its calculation formula is shown in Eq. 23:
> 0 H 2 ½316; 20  
!  exp ! s i ½j
> 1 H 2 ½21; 40 pij ¼ softmax s i ½j ¼ PK !  ð23Þ
> 8 k¼1 exp s i ½k
> 2 H 2 ½41; 75
< 3 H 2 ½76; 155 < 0 S 2 ½0; 0:2
> The final prediction result of stacking ensemble learning
H0 ¼ S0 ¼ 1 S 2 ½0:2; 0:7 is formula 24:
> 4 H 2 ½156; 190 >
> 2 S 2 ½0:7; 1
> 5 H 2 ½191; 270 X
> f stacking ðxÞ ¼ ai f i ðxÞ ð24Þ
> 6 H 2 ½271; 295 i¼1
7 H 2 ½296; 315 RESNET: the main idea of RESNET network model is
< 0 V 2 ½0; 0:2
> to use identity mapping to automatically learn the depth of
V0 ¼ 1 V 2 ½0:2; 0:7 the network. The network identifies the residual connection
: structure and the general residual connection. The output of
2 V 2 ½0:7; 1
the previous layer is directly added to the next layer, and
ð20Þ the rest is injected to alleviate the loss of information when
Hog feature (histogram of oriented gradient) is widely the network deepens. An example of the local structure of
used in pedestrian detection. Its main idea is to use the the residual connection is shown in Fig. 2.
directional distribution of image gradient to describe the By comparing the different models in Fig. 3, it can be
local features of image side. The specific steps are as seen that the accuracy of the final test set of resnet50
follows: network model is the highest, while the training time of
inception V3 is the shortest. For the next stage of classifi-
cation experiment, this paper also takes the output

Design of artificial intelligence cultural creative industry based on machine learning

Accuracy is used to measure the average accuracy, as

shown in formula 26:
1 X j Y i hð x i Þ j
AccuracyðhÞ ¼ ð26Þ
p i¼1 jY i [ hðxi Þj
F-score is used to measure the comprehensive results of
accuracy rate and recall rate, as shown in formula 27:
1 X jYi \ hðxi Þj

Residual connection
PrecisionðhÞ ¼
p i¼1 jhðxi Þj
1 X jYi \ hðxi Þj
RecallðhÞ ¼ ð27Þ
p i¼1 j Yi j

1 þ b  PrecisionðhÞ  RecallðhÞ
layer F b ð hÞ ¼
b2  PrecisionðhÞ þ RecallðhÞ
The multi-label classification results of met dataset
based on iterative prediction and cost sensitive learning are
shown in Fig. 4:
In order to compare the impact of the multi-label clas-
sification algorithm combined with iterative prediction and
cost sensitive learning proposed above, this paper also
Fig. 2 Partial of residual net network implements and compares three multi-label classification
algorithms such as BR, CC and rake. As mentioned above,
dimension of the last convolution layer in different models the above three algorithms use MLP as the basic classifier.
for consideration. Among them, Br and CC trained 10 epochs for each basic
All multi-label classification experiments in this paper classifier, and rake trained 5 epochs for each basic classi-
adopt the following four example based evaluation fier. All optimization functions use the rmsprop function.
indexes: The initial learning rate is set to 5 9 10–5 and the decay is
Hamming loss calculates the average Hamming distance set to 1 9 10–5. Finally, the experimental results of the
between the predicted tag set and the real tag set, as shown above three algorithms and the algorithm proposed in this
in formula 25: paper are shown in Fig. 5:
hlossðhÞ ¼ jhðxi ÞDY i j ð25Þ
p i¼1

Fig. 3 experimental results of TL time(min) FT time(min) TLacc(%) FT acc(%)

deep migration learning of DPM
dataset 450
VGG16 VGG19 Inception V3 Xception ResNet50

Z. Zhao, L. Zhang

Fig. 4 Multi-label classification RNN_O RNN_1 RNN 2

results of met dataset based on
iterative prediction and cost 0.6
sensitive learning
F score Accuracy Hamming loss

Fig. 5 Comparison of results of Hamming loss Accuracy F score

different multi-label
classification algorithms in met

0 1 2
Cost sensiti sensiti
Cost Cost


sensiti ve

RNN 0 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

5.3 Development strategy of cultural the pace of technology development has slowed down, and
and creative industries based on Artificial many technologies are facing obstacles. The main reason is
intelligence that international exchanges are not active in artificial
intelligence technology, which is also the reason for the
Strengthening international trade and cooperation in AI uneven technical level of various countries.
technology is an important way for rapid technological Strengthening the exchange and cooperation of tech-
progress. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer nology industry is the key way to promote the application
science. With its continuous development and growth, it is of artificial intelligence. The amendment to the copyright
known as the world’s three cutting-edge technologies law encourages the research and development of artificial
together with energy technology and space technology. intelligence and promotes the healthy development of the
With the rapid development of various artificial intelli- cultural industry. In case of data leakage and privacy
gence technologies, the application of artificial intelligence infringement, the degree of its negative impact and harm is
in various fields is gradually increasing, but in recent years, unimaginable, so we must pay enough attention to it.

Design of artificial intelligence cultural creative industry based on machine learning

If the cultural industry wants to be healthy and pros- technology with complex love hate psychology. If people
perous, it must adhere to the principle that content is king, want to look to the future and continue to promote and
and cannot give up the persistence of high-quality content develop technology, they must also address the risks that
for the sake of efficiency and quantity, otherwise it will technology may bring. It is undeniable that the application
lead to vicious competition in the market and disrupt the of artificial intelligence in the process of cultural creation
order of the industry. Only by adhering to originality and and cultural industry has a positive impact on cultural
ensuring quality can we provide high-quality content for ecology, but it also has a negative impact. Therefore, it will
the cultural market. Therefore, in order to form a good bring new crises and risks to its development and new
creative atmosphere, we need to encourage originality in challenges to the cultural industry. Based on the artificial
the whole society and provide a continuous driving force intelligence design cultural industry, this paper studies the
for the development of the cultural industry. First, we current situation and problems of cultural and creative
should strengthen the copyright protection of works and industry and puts forward solutions, and then introduces
create an environment for protecting and respecting origi- the current single label classification and multi-image label
nality. The government must protect the legitimate rights classification. Based on the mainstream algorithms of
and interests of creators according to law, which is the machine learning and deep learning, this paper finally puts
cornerstone of the healthy development of the cultural forward the development strategy of cultural and creative
industry. Especially in the context of the Internet, network industry based on artificial intelligence, hoping to help the
communication has brought challenges to the copyright cultural and creative industry.
protection of works. It is necessary to increase the strength
and scope of copyright protection of works, so that more
Funding The authors have not disclosed any funding.
content producers can actively contribute to the society and
contribute spiritual food. At the same time, the state should Data Availability Data will be made available on request.
also do a good job in publicity, improve the public’s
awareness of copyright protection, and create a good
atmosphere of protecting and respecting originality in the Declarations
whole society. Second, the platform needs to implement
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
comprehensive reward and punishment measures to open a interests.
green channel for high-quality original content. The con-
tent creation threshold of we media platform is low, which Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
is most prone to infringement. We need to provide all- participants performed by any of the authors.
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