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Dogmatic /dɒɡˈmæt.ɪk/ - stubbornly sticking to opinions, claiming
(own) statements to be undoubtedly true.
- if you are dogmatic, you are certain that
Độc đoán.
you are right and that everyone else is
- (of a person or a group) strongly expressing
your beliefs as if they were facts.
Similar: opinion.
Opposite: harmless, innocuous.

Fastidious /fæsˈtɪd.i.əs/ - displaying meticulous attention to detail,

hard to please.
(about sth)
- giving too much attention to small details
(adj) Khó tính,
and wanting everything to be correct and
kén cá chọn canh.
- having a strong dislike of anything dirty or
Similar: meticulous, conscientious, careful.
Opposite: careless, sloppy, negligent.

Deleterious /ˌdel.ɪˈtɪə.ri.əs/ - harmful, damaging; detrimental, inimical,

Similar: damaging, detrimental, harmful, injurious,
Có hại, gây hại.
Opposite: harmless, innocuous.

Benevolent /bəˈnev.əl.ənt/ - kind, kindly generous, showing goodwill,

well-meaning; beneficent; charitable.
- giving money or help to people or
Nhân từ.
organizations that need it.
Similar: kind, charitable, generous.
Opposite: malevolent, malicious, wicked.
Ameliorate /əˈmiːl.jə.reɪt/ - to make better, improve (conditions,
situation etc.).
- to make a bad or unpleasant situation
Làm đỡ, làm giảm
nghiêm trọng.
Similar: improve, make better, better.
Opposite: worsen, make worse, deteriorate.

Ascetic /əˈset.ɪk/ - practicing severe self-denial, avoiding

physical pleasures, living simply,
Khổ hạnh.
- avoiding physical pleasures and living a
simple life, often for religious reasons.
Similar: austere, self-denying, abstemious.
Opposite: hedonistic, self-indulgent, intemperate.

Expedient /ɪkˈspiː.di.ənt/ - appropriate to a purpose, advantageous,

convenient although immoral.
- helpful or useful in the situation that now
Có lợi, thiết thực, láu cá.
exists, although perhaps not the right thing
to do morally or for the future.
Similar: advantageous, practical, sensible.
Opposite: impractical, unwise, foolish.

Disparage /dɪˈsper.ɪdʒ/ - speak of slightingly, without respect.

- speak of to lower in rank or reputation
Coi thường,
- to criticize someone or something in a way
làm mất uy tín.
that shows a lack of respect.
Similar: belittle, criticize, deprecate.
Opposite: praise, commend, laud.

Disparagement /dɪˈsper.ɪdʒ.mənt/ - criticism of, or unkind remarks about

someone or something that show you do
not respect them.
Sự miệt thị,
sự làm giảm thanh danh.

Disparaging /dɪˈspær.ɪ.dʒɪŋ/ - criticizing someone, in a way that shows

you do not respect or value them:
➔ Disparaging remarks.
Có tính coi thường hoặc
Similar: derogatory.
miệt thị.
Disparagingly /dɪˈsper.ɪ.dʒɪŋ.li/ - in a critical or unkind way that shows you
do not respect someone or something:
➔ She denied they had a relationship but she
Theo cách có tính coi
never spoke disparagingly of him.
thường hoặc miệt thị.
➔ She might get what some disparagingly call
"a little part-time job."

Assuage /əˈsweɪdʒ/ - make unpleasant feelings less strong;

soothe, alleviate, appease, mollify, mitigate,
palliate, allay.
Làm dịu bớt,
Similar: soothe, calm, alleviate.
làm khuây khỏa.
Opposite: aggravate, irritate, exacerbate.

Immutable /ɪˈmjuː.tə.bəl/ - unchangeable (over time), unalterable.

- not changing, or unable to be changed.
Similar: unchanging, unchangeable, fixed.
Bất biến.
Opposite: changeable, variable, mutable.

Acquiesce /ˌæk.wiˈes/ - comply with, assent to, passively accept.

- to accept or agree to something, often
Chấp thuận.
➔ Reluctantly, he acquiesced to/in the plans.
Similar: consent, agree, submit.
Opposite: resist, object, protest.

Acquiescence /ˌæk.wiˈes.əns/ - the act of accepting or agreeing to

something, often unwillingly:
➔ I was surprised by her acquiescence to/in
Sự chấp thuận.
the plan.
➔ She nodded her acquiescence.

Acquiescent /ˌæk.wiˈes.ənt/ - willing to do what other people want:

➔ She has a very acquiescent nature.
(adj) Dễ chấp thuận.

Paucity /ˈpɔː.sə.ti/ - scarcity, the smallness of number.

- the fact that there is too little of something:
➔ There is a paucity of information on the
Sự ít ỏi, sự thiếu hụt.
ingredients of many cosmetics.
Similar: dearth, lack of something, shortage.

Surreptitious /ˌsʌr.əpˈtɪʃ.əs/ - clandestine; stealthy, done secretly,

without anyone seeing or knowing.
Bí mật, thầm kín. Similar: secret, clandestine, stealthy.
Opposite: open, public, overt.

Prosaic /prəˈzeɪ.ɪk/ - unimaginative or commonplace.

- using the style or diction of prose.
- without interest, imagination, and
Nôm na, buồn tẻ,
tầm thường.
- ordinary and not especially interesting or
Similar: ordinary, commonplace, dull.
Opposite: poetic, imaginative, lyrical.

Contrite /kənˈtraɪt/ - feeling remorseful for a sin or shortcoming.

- feeling very sorry and guilty for something
bad that you have done.
Ăn năn, hối lỗi.
Similar: remorseful, rueful.
Opposite: unrepentant, uncaring, impenitent.
- feeling regret and guilt for something bad
that you have done.

Contrition /kənˈtrɪʃ.ən/ - a very sorry or guilty feeling about

something bad you have done, or the act of
showing that you feel like this.
Sự ăn năn, sự hối lỗi.
Similar: remorse, repentance, penitence.
Opposite: impenitence, unrepentance, lack of

Contrivance /kənˈtraɪ.vəns/ - the act of intentionally arranging for

something to happen by clever planning, or
something that is arranged in this way.
Sự sắp đặt.
- a clever device or object that has been
invented for a particular purpose.
Similar: device, invention, scheme.
Opposite: accident, coincidence, chance.

Flagrant /ˈfleɪ.ɡrənt/ - openly scandalous, egregious, glaring.

- (of a bad action, situation, person, etc.)
shocking because of being so obvious:
Rành rành, trắng trợn.
➔ A flagrant misuse of funds/privilege.
Similar: blatant, obvious, egregious.
Opposite: subtle, hidden, inconspicuous.
Adulation /ˌædʒ.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ - a show of excessive admiration or devotion.
- very great admiration or praise for
someone, especially when it is more than is
Sự ngưỡng mộ quá mức,
sự ca tụng quá mức;
Similar: flattery, praise.
sự tâng bốc.
Opposite: criticism, censure, disapproval.

Evanescent /ˌiː.vəˈnes.ənt/ - (esp. literary) fleeting, passing away from

memory, etc.
- (physics) of a field or wave with a
Chóng phai mờ
diminishing amplitude.
(trong kí ức).
- lasting for only a short time, then
disappearing quickly and being forgotten.
Similar: brief, ephemeral, fleeting, fugitive,
temporary, passing, momentary, short-lived,
transient, transitory.

Engender /ɪnˈdʒen.dər/ - produce, cause.

- to make people have a particular feeling or
make a situation start to exist.
Làm ra, tạo ra.
- to cause something to come into existence.

Complacent /kəmˈpleɪ.sənt/ - pleased or satisfied with oneself.

- feeling so satisfied with your own abilities
or situation that you feel you do not need
Tự mãn, thỏa mãn.
to try any harder; self-satisfied:
➔ A complacent smile/attitude.
➔ We can't afford to become complacent
about any of our products.
Similar: self-satisfied, smug, complacent.
Opposite: dissatisfied, critical, demanding.

Complacency /kəmˈpleɪ.sə - a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own

abilities or situation that prevents you from
trying harder:
Sự tự mãn,
➔ What annoys me about these girls is their
sự thỏa mãn.
complacency - they seem to have no desire
to expand their horizons.

Candor /ˈkæn.dɚ/ - the quality of frankness or outspokenness.

- the quality of being honest and telling the
truth, especially about a difficult or
Sự thẳng thắn, embarrassing subject.
sự trung thực. - the quality of being honest, sincere, and
kind in dealing with other people.
Similar: frankness, openness, honesty.
Opposite: deceit, dishonesty, insincerity.

Candid /ˈkæn.dɪd/ - honest and telling the truth, especially

about something difficult or painful:
➔ The two presidents have had candid talks
Thẳng thắn,
about the current crisis.
trung thực.
➔ To be candid with you, I think you're making
a dreadful mistake.
Similar: forthright, truthful, honest.

Capricious /kəˈprɪʃ.əs/ - to be erratic, led by whim (= sudden

thought), unpredictable or fickle.
- changing mood or behavior suddenly and
Thất thường.
- likely to change, or reacting to a sudden
desire or new idea:
➔ A capricious child.
➔ He was a cruel and capricious tyrant.
Similar: impulsive, whimsical.
Opposite: dependable, reliable, predictable.

Dubious /ˈdʒuː.bi.əs/ - doubtful; thought not to be completely true

or not able to be trusted; feeling doubt or
(adj) Đáng nghi ngờ,
dễ ngờ vực. not feeling certain.

Elucidate /iˈluː.sɪ.deɪt/ - throw light upon.

- to explain something or make something
Giải thích, làm rõ.
Similar: clarify, explain.
Opposite: obfuscate.

Extol /ɪkˈstəʊl/ - praise in the highest terms/highly; laud.

- to praise something or someone very
Tán dương, ca tụng.
➔ His book extolling the benefits of
vegetarianism sold thousands of copies.
➔ She is forever extolling the virtues of her
Similar: exalt, glorify, laud, praise.

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