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I- Objective: Identify stars according to color, size and brightness.

Know the importance of stars

Draw a star showing the different characteristics of it.

II- Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Characteristics of the Stars
B. References: Science in Our World 4 pages 259 – 263, K-12 Curriculum Guide /
C. Materials: puzzle (star), picture, dye, cotton, instructional device
D. Value Focus: Appreciate the works of God

III- Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Prayer
Angel, Please lead the prayer. The pupils will pray. Good

2. Greetings
Good Morning Grade 5. Morning Ma’am!

3. Checking of Attendance
Class Monitor, who is absent from the
boys? How about from the girls? The class monitor will going to report.

4. Imposing of Rules
What are our rules? 1. Listen attentively.
2. Avoid talking to our seatmate.
3. Raise our one hand if we are going to

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Review

Class, what device is use to magnify and view

distance objects? Sir, we call it Telescope.

Can you give me examples of a telescope? The different types of telescope are:
1. Refracting telescope
2. Reflecting telescope
3. Spectroscope
4. Radio telescope

That’s right.

2. Motivation
Class, do you want to play a game? Yes Sir

Good, Now I will group you into 2. Each

group will select a leader and a secretary. Group 1- Betelgeuse
Group 2 - Sirius
(grouping the class)

Have you already selected you leader and Ye


Just a reminder, when were having a group s

activity, discuss with your group mate
Avoid disturbing other groups. Do you Sir

The leaders and the assistant will represent Ye

each group.

I have here a jigsaw puzzle, what your going s

to do is to arrange this puzzle to form a figure.

I will just give you fifteen seconds to Sir

assemble the puzzle.

The representatives, please come forward.

Your time starts now!

Wow, very good. Give our winning group a

firecracker clap.

(Selected students come forward)

(Selected students assemble the


a “Star”
Class, what figure is form in the puzzle?
A Star is a ball of fire that can be seen during
Do you know what a star is? at night.

Stars are huge ball of gas made of hydrogen

That’s right Aside from that? and helium.

Yes Sir
Exactly. Can we consider our sun as a star?
The sun is the nearest star in our planet.
Why do you think so?
The sun gives off light and energy to our
Any other answer? planet.

That’s correct.

3. Presentation A student comes forward to volunteer.

May I call a volunteer?
The student follows the instructions.
Can you arrange this jumbled letter to find
the magic word?
“The Stars and its Characteristics”
So what is the magic word?

That’s right. You may now go back to your

sit. The Stars and its Characteristics.

Group Capella and Polaris, please read.

The Star is a huge ball of gas made up of

hydrogen and helium. The stars main source
of energy is by itself. Helium provides the
fuel that produces the light energy of the star.

4. Discussion
There are three main characteristics of a star.
The first one is the Color. Yes Sir

Have you sometimes observe the sky and

watched the stars at night? I notice that the stars have different colors.
Some are blue, others are red and also there is
What have you observe? Do all stars have the yellow and white one.
same color?

Correct. Stars have different colors. Sir, I think it’s because of the temperature.
What do you think is the reason why the stars
have different colors?

Precisely. The color of the stars relates to its

temperature. The hottest star is bluish in
color. Next to its temperature is the white
one, followed by the yellow star. Our sun is a
star. The color of the surface is yellow. Next
to the yellow star is the red star. Mostly, what
we see in our sky during night time are red
stars and they are the coolest stars. When the
star dies because it has no more fuels to burn,
it becomes death star. That is black in color or
also known as the black hole. A black hole has a very huge gravitational
pull that it sucks all the near objects around it.
Do you know what a blackhole is?

Very Good.

Next characteristic of a star is the Brightness. No Sir.

Do all stars shine the same?

Yes Sir.
Have you seen lines of lamp post in your
baranggay or street?

Okay, let’s assume that the lamp posts in the They are much brighter and look bigger.
streets are the stars. What do you observe on
the lamp posts that are near you? The lamp posts that are far usually look less
bright because they look smaller afar.
How about the lamp post those are very
far? Are they brighter or looks dimmer

Precisely. There are two factors that

determine the brightness of a star.

a. Luminosity- measures how much the

energy it gives off per unit in time.

b. Distance- measures how far the star is

located from us.
No Sir, stars have different size. There are big
The third characteristic of stars is Size. stars, medium stars and dwarf stars.

Do all stars have the same size?

I think Sir it has shorter life. Big stars
Very Good. Stars have different sizes. consume their energy more because of their
What happened if the star is bigger? Does size.
it have shorter or longer life?

Precisely. There are different sizes in stars.

The size affects the brightness of the star. If
the star is too big, it will consume lots of
energy. The bigger the star is, the shorter the
life span is. Yes, because our sun is a star, so the stars that
is far away from us can be called distant suns.
Do stars can also be called distant stars?
Why? The reason is that the light of the sun
outshines the brightness or the light of the
That’s it. Another question, why do you think stars. That is why during daytime, we cannot
we cannot see the stars during day time? Do see stars when the sun is still up there in the
stars only show at night? sky.

Sir, this is because of our atmosphere.

Very Good. Why do you think the stars

Because the atmosphere is moving so the
What about our atmosphere? What’s the light refracts from it causing the stars to
relation of the atmosphere in the twinkling of twinkle.
the stars?

Exactly. Stars twinkle when we see them

from the Earth's surface because we are
viewing them through thick layers of
turbulent (moving) air in the Earth's
atmosphere. But the light of the stars reach
our planet in straight pattern. The twinkling
of stars is called Stellar Scintillation.

5. Generalization
Stars are huge ball of fire made up of
So, what can you say about stars? What is a hydrogen and helium. The stars are also
star? called distant sun because the sun is also a

What are the main characteristics of a star? These are Color, Brightness and Size.

What about the Color?

The color determines the temperature of the
Exactly. What are the different colors of the star.
stars, from hottest to coolest?
blue-white-yellow-red-black(black hole)
Excellent. How about the Brightness? What
are the factors that affect it? Luminosity and Distance.

What does luminosity measures?

Luminosity measures the energy that the stars
give off per unit in time.
What about Distance?
Distance measures how far the star is located
from us.
Very Good. What is the last characteristic of
the star? And what does it tell? The Size. It also affects the brightness and
the life of a star. The bigger the star is the
shorter life span it has.

Excellent. Why do stars twinkle?

Because the stars light is being refracted or
bent when it reach the earth’s atmosphere. So
Very Good. we can see the stars twinkle.

6. Application
Now I will group you into two. Each group
will select a leader. Probable answers:
The earth will die because of excessive heat
Have you already selected you leader? coming from more than two suns near us. or

Just a reminder, when we’re having a group The planet will explode or melt like an ice
activity, discuss with your group mate cream.
Avoid disturbing other groups. Do you

The leaders will assign a representative for

their group.

I have here a Carolina, pencils and crayons.

Each group will draw a stars showing the
characteristics of it. (Color, size and
brightness). Be creative.

1. Focus -------20%
2. Composition -------30%
3. Creativity -------30%
4. Craftmanship -------20%
TOTAL 100%

IV- Evaluation
Identify what is being described in the given items below.
1. Measures how far the star is located from us.
2. A gaseous ball of fire made up of helium and hydrogen.
3. The scientific name for twinkling of stars.
4. The color of the hottest star.
5. Measures the energy it gives off per unit in time.
6. It is also called “death star”.

Key To Correction:
1. Distance
2. Star
3. Stellar Scintillation.
4. Bluish or blue
5. Luminosity
6. Black hole

V- Assignment:
Observe the sky during night time. Answer the following on your notebook.
1. What color of the star has the majority in the sky?
2. Do the stars shine the same?
3. Why the stars called distant sun?

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