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Legal Issues:

Mark might try to legally enforce Edward's promise by using the legal theories of promissory estoppel or
breach of contract.

Promissory estoppel is a legal doctrine that is used to enforce a promise that has been made without a
formal contract. To prove promissory estoppel, Mark would have to show that Edward made a clear and
definite promise to him, that Mark relied on the promise to his detriment, and that it would be unjust not
to enforce the promise. In this case, Edward promised Mark a promotion with a 50% raise and a
guaranteed two-year contract if he stayed with Turnip Plaza. Mark relied on this promise and turned down
the offer from Stacey. Edward's promise was clear and definite, and it would be unjust to not enforce the
promise. Therefore, Mark might be able to use the legal theory of promissory estoppel to enforce
Edward's promise.
Alternatively, Mark might try to sue Turnip Plaza for breach of contract. To prove breach of contract,
Mark would have to show that there was an enforceable contract between him and Turnip Plaza, that
Turnip Plaza breached the contract, and that he suffered damages as a result of the breach. In this case,
Mark might argue that he had an enforceable contract with Turnip Plaza based on Edward's promise of a
promotion with a 50% raise and a guaranteed two-year contract. If Mark can prove these elements, he
might be able to sue Turnip Plaza for breach of contract.

If Mark were to file a lawsuit and win, he might be entitled to damages such as lost wages, lost benefits,
and emotional distress damages caused by the breach of contract or promissory estoppel.
Ethical Issues:
From an ethical perspective, Turnip Plaza has an obligation to fulfill the promise made by Edward to
Mark. Promises made to employees should be honored, and it is unethical to make promises and then not
follow through on them. Additionally, it is not right to lay off Mark under these circumstances, as he
relied on Edward's promise and turned down another job offer. This is a breach of trust, and it is not
ethical to treat employees in this manner.
Using ethical theory and principles, one could argue that Turnip Plaza has a duty to act in a way that
promotes the well-being of its employees. This would include fulfilling promises made to employees and
not laying off employees under false pretenses. Additionally, Turnip Plaza has a duty to act with honesty
and integrity, and breaching a promise made to an employee violates this duty.
To resolve this situation from an ethical perspective, Turnip Plaza should fulfill Edward's promise to
Mark, even though he has been laid off. This would demonstrate that Turnip Plaza values honesty and
integrity and is committed to treating its employees fairly. Additionally, Turnip Plaza should review its
policies and procedures to ensure that promises made to employees are honored and that employees are
not laid off under false pretenses in the future.

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