Pronto Xi Help 750.2 - Project Maintenance function

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5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

You are here: Project > Menu functions > Project Maintenance Pronto Xi 750.2

Project Maintenance
Use this function to maintain all aspects of a project (for example, budget details, variations, sales orders, purchase orders,
and work orders).
When this function is accessed for the very first time, the first record in the table is displayed. Subsequently, this function
always recalls the last record that you viewed, if it is still available.
There are restrictions as to which information can be accessed depending on the status and type of project. For the
purposes of this help, the documentation is based on an In Progress project with a Normal type.

The fields on this screen are divided into the following screen areas. Click on a screen area name to see details of each field.

Include Sub-Projects
Project Details
Reporting Details
The following buttons are available in the menu on the right of the screen:

Button Description

Attached If the current project is the parent of one or more projects, use this option to display the Projects
attached to Project screen.

The Projects attached to Project screen lists the sub-projects of the parent project. Click Chart to
display a visual representation of the project hierarchy. Click Call Maint to access the Call
Maintenance (SERV M096) function for the call that has the project's code as its call number.

Grandparents This is applicable if the current project is a sub-project of one or more projects.

List the grandparent projects and optionally call up the details of one of those projects.

For more information, see About project hierarchies.

Notes Displays the notes stored against the current project.

For more information, see the description of the Notes mode below.

Claim Schedule Displays the Claim Schedule Options for Project menu, which provides options for setting up
and maintaining an invoicing schedule for the project. This option is only suitable for projects that
require periodic payments for agreed work done for the project customer.

For more information, see Claim Schedule Options for Project menu.

The project must be In Progress to set up an invoicing schedule. 1/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Button Description

Tasks Opens the Project Task Maintenance function which can be used to maintain the tasks associated
with a project and to schedule those tasks.

Variations Enter new variations or maintain existing variations attached to the current project. All invoicing
or cost budget variations for the project are displayed on this screen.

For more information, see Variations Maintenance.

Orders V all orders for the project. The orders are displayed in separate tabs for purchase orders, sales
orders and work orders.

For more information, see Orders for Project screen.

Forecast Costs View and maintain the estimated costs to complete the current project.

For more information, see Forecast Cost to Complete Project screen.

If the Amount,Hours,Qty,Margin option is selected for the Budget Detail Format major
function flag (located in the Project Procedures (SYS M055) function) the Labour/Qty option is
also available.

Subcontract Details Access other subcontracting related options.

For more information, see Subcontract Details.

Budget Summary Opens the Budget Summary screen for the current project.

For more information, see Budget Summary screen.

Chargeout Opens the Item Chargeout for Project screen.

For more information, see Item Chargeout for Project screen.

Raise Invoice Automate the process of project invoicing by periodically generating sales orders.

For more information, see Raise Progress Invoice.

Profit Takeup Perform periodic profit takeup or release.

For more information, see Profit Maintenance screen.

Extra Details Opens the Extra Project Details screen. 2/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Button Description

Issues Register Maintain the issue register details for the current project.

On the Issue Register Items for Project screen, enter the action date, status, action type,
description, customer reference, our reference, user the task is assigned to, and due date and time.

The Find, Entry, Correct and Remove modes are available on this screen. The following modes
are also available:


Enter the actions required for the current issue.


Maintain the status of the current issue.

The following statuses are available:



On Hold

Awaiting Customer

Awaiting Action Owner


My Issues

View the issues that are assigned to you.

Calendar View

View issues for all projects using the calendar view.

For more information, see Calendar 3/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Button Description

Audit View the audit log of changes that have been made to the current record.

The audit records are displayed only if your System Administrator has granted you viewing
permissions for the database tables to which these audit records relate. For more
information, see Viewing audit log records.

View the table (object) in which the change occurred, record (for example, account or project),
operation (update, insert or delete), audit date / time, field name, field title, login ID of the user
who made the change, program, parameters, composite key, old value and new value.

The Find mode is available in this screen. The following mode is also available:


Open an enquiry screen to display the source of the data in the selected row.

Cost Breakdown Maintain the cost breakdown structure for the current project.

For more information, see Cost Breakdown Structure screen.

The following options can also be displayed when Cost Breakdown is selected:

Variations CBS

Consolidated Parent CBS

Variations CBS
When CBS variations that have been Approved exist for the project, the Variations CBS menu
option is also displayed when this button is selected. This option allows you to view the original
CBS and all of the approved variations on the Cost Breakdown Structure Including Approved
Variations screen. The following modes are also available:


View the original CBS consolidated with the approved variations. This shows the total of
the CBS and the variations.

Click Unconsolidated to return to the default view of separate CBS and variation rows.


Maintain the tasks for the selected CBS sequence.

In the Attached Project Tasks for CBS sequence screen, click Attach to add tasks to the
CBS sequence, and the Detach mode to remove tasks from the CBS sequence.

For more information, see Tasks and Project Task Maintenance.


Maintain notes for the selected CBS row. 4/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Button Description
Consolidated Parent CBS
When linked parent and child projects both have cost breakdown structures defined, the
Consolidated Parent CBS menu option is also displayed when this button is selected. This option
allows you to view a consolidated view of the CBS of the parent and child projects on the
Consolidated Parent Cost Breakdown Structure Including Approved Variations screen.

To consolidate the parent and child based on sequence:

All projects that start with a 1.?? in the sequence need to have all child projects start with
the same sequence so the projects will consolidate and align.

If both the parent and child projects use exactly the same sequence number, the parent
sequence and detail will be used. It will consolidate based on sequence number, cost
category, cost and percentage markup.

Click Attached to view the CBS of each project that is linked to the parent project.

For more information, see About cost breakdown structure.

Timesheets View and approve timesheets for the current project.

For more information, see Timesheet Review screen.

The following tabs are available in the bottom section of the screen:

Tab Description

Combined View the full budget/forecast/actual data for the current project, or the current project and all
attached sub-projects if the Include Sub-Projects option is set to Yes.

For more information, see Project Maintenance - Combined tab.

Budgets View the detailed budget data for the current project, or the current project and all attached sub-
projects if the Include Sub-Projects option is set to Yes.

For more information, see Project Maintenance - Budgets tab.

Costs Select this tab to view the detailed cost data for the current project, or the current project and all
attached sub-projects if the Include Sub-Projects option is set to Yes.

This is the same data displayed in the Actual Values area of the Combined tab, except that
all four sets of data (MTD, YTD, PTD, PTG) are visible at the same time.

Costs Visibility - Depending on the usage of branch masking, some costs might not be seen on this
screen. For more information on masking, see User Access Control. 5/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Tab Description

User Defined The contents of this tab can be configured for your company's needs.

Contact your local Pronto Software Support Centre for assistance or to obtain the Software
Development Kit (SDK) for customising Pronto Xi.

If the project is set to a Lost status, the lower section of the screen changes to show the date lost, who the project
was awarded to, notes, reason and finished date if these detailed are entered.

The Profit field stores the value of the total profit posted. Posting to the project profit category, by either profit takeup or
journal updates this field. The Data Quality Management for Project check options can be run to ensure the actual profit
amount is equal to the total of transactions found in the profit categories. For more information, see Data Quality

The Correct mode is available on this screen. The following modes are also available:

Mode Description

Find Search for a project by project code or keyword.

Alternatively, press F2 to select from the available list of projects, or use the up and down arrow
keys to locate the required project.

For more information, see Create Project/Quotation (Project Entry) screen.

Entry Add a new project.

For more information, see Create Project/Quotation (Project Entry) screen.

Actual View the actual and budgeted costs for a project so the performance of the project can be reviewed
by cost category.

For more information, see Cost Category Actuals screen.

Budget View a Project Manager's estimate for a cost category.

For more information, see Cost Category Budgets screen (Project Maintenance function).

Transactions View all transactions associated with the project.

For more information, see Transactions for Parent screen.

Selective Locate a project by entering one or more search criteria. 6/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Mode Description

Notes View the notes stored against the current project.

The facility to enter a standard text code during entry of project notes is available for all project
notes. This is only available in Entry mode but can be used for all projects that are not completed
or cleared.

The Entry, Correct and Remove modes are available on this screen. The following modes are
also available:


Enter design notes against specifications. The Select mode displays a text editor window
for entering the notes.

The size of the window for entering design notes is determined by the number of
characters Enter the design specifications (in the Proforma Maintenance (PROJ
M045) function) and based on the following formula:

Size = length of the design specification record length (= 60) - length of project
design specification note (entered by Operator) - 3.

If the entered design specification was 34 characters, the window to enter design
notes would be only 23 characters in width (that is, 60-34-3). If the entered design
specification were 48 characters, the window to enter design notes would be only
nine characters in width (that is, 60-48-3).


Select a note type to enter from the following types:

General Notes


Invoice Notes

Lost Project Reasons


Other (User Defined) 7/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Mode Description

Raise Orders/Call Raise sales orders, purchase orders, work orders or service calls for items on the project that are
not already on order.

When the Service System Method major function flag is set to 2, and when the Type field in the
Cost Category screen is set to C (Service Call), service calls can be raised.

Enter Y or N for each of the prompts:

Purchase Orders

Work Orders

Material Requisitions

Service Call

The necessary screens to enter basic details are accessed to raise the specified orders.

For work orders you can specify the Order Status as Firm Planned or Committed. You can also
choose to create sub orders, assume zero stock, and to apply EOQs to the order.

Use the Start Action Date and End Action Date fields to raise orders based on the selected date

When purchase orders are automatically created by entering items on the project budget detail, the
required date on the purchase order will be the Action By date, if it is entered. If this date is not
entered then the required date will be the order date plus the lead time of the stock.

For service calls, if the Type field in the Project Details area of this screen has been set to C
(Contract), you can add the service call details in the Review Cost Category Sequence for Service
Call screen. For more information, see Review Cost Category Sequence for Service Call screen.

The Type field in the Cost Category screen must be set to C (Service Call) to raise a service call.
Then basic service call information can be recorded. With each C type record of call information
representing a service call, at project conclusion there is a prompt to either create all service calls
based on the various C type records of call information, or to mark the required records to raise the

The service calls raised have the following constant values:

Stock Code is TBA


Location code is ENTER LOCATION CODE

When a service call is raised from the Project module, a project code equal to the service call
number is also generated. 8/9
5/11/2019 Project Maintenance function

Mode Description

Summary Enquire on project transaction summaries.

You can select from:



Category Type

Periods Budget vs Actual

Current Year Periods

Toggle Toggle the display of the budget/forecast/actual data in the tabs in the bottom half of the screen
between current project only, and current project plus all attached sub-projects.

The current setting is indicated by the setting of the Include Sub-Projects option in the top right
of the screen.

Address View the site details.

Status Change the status of the project to Setup, In Progress, On Hold, Completed, or Lost (quotations

For more information, see Activities.

Tax Rules Maintain the tax rules for the project.

Extra See Project Maintenance: Extra mode.

In this section
Project Maintenance - Combined Tab
Project Maintenance - Budgets Tab
Project Maintenance - Costs Tab
Orders for Project screen
Cost Breakdown Structure screen
Timesheet Review screen
Cost Category Actuals screen
Cost Category Budgets screen
Transactions for Parent screen
Review Cost Category Sequence for Service Call screen
Project Maintenance: Extra mode 9/9

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